"When I was growing up, I wasn't allowed to play with dolls. My parents believed that dolls forced the motherhood paradigm on little girls, so they weren't allowed. I played with lots of other toys though. I had a dump truck once. I dressed it up and named her Barbie so my parents took her away from me. Poor ant-farm Ken had to go to the prom alone..."
Best. Ovular. Ever. No but seriously. it's so nice to finally encounter a feminist who genuinely wants the best for EVERYBODY. Not just diplomatic immunity for women.
+mikeandkimarecool how would you define feminism? I define feminism as a person having a good sense of self worth and a sense of humour and capable of letting others know what to her or him is acceptable and not acceptable. someone who likes to be appreciated for her or his worth and who does passionately believe that all people, no matter what their ethnicity or sex or sexual orientation, are equal yet not the same as each other. Someone who can totally appreciate diversity but who does not like being put down or putting others down. Feminists come in all kinds of shapes and forms and attitudes. One feminist can be totally different in outlook compared to another feminist. Just like scientists can argue about how to interpret measurements and observations, and economists can argue about the different approaches on what is the best economic plan for a country, just like governement officials can radically differ in approach and ideas, so feminists can radically differ. Some heterosexual men and even gay men are feminists, in that they do believe in equality (not sameness) of men and women.
+microsf121 I believe there are rules and there are exceptions and we need to be tolerant and generally nice to both. The exception doesn't get to ser the rules, but everyone gains from the majority being inclusive and nice to said exception. So hooray for trans people who are also overall decent human beings. But most of us are in a binary variation of genders and will tend to remain on either side of that spectrum. Sorry, but no social constructs there, gendered pronouns will remain.
+microsf121 "Gender" seems more of a "construct" by the matriarchs, who keep adding genders: the latest is LBGTQIASNSPG ...queers, intersex, asexuals, sapiosexuals, and don't ask me what the rest are. These are "problematic" categorizations. :-) All I know is that for SEX NOT GENDER: a penis or a vagina aren't "constructed" by humans. (Notwithstanding the plastic surgeons who make men become women, or vice-versa, but as a biomed engineer, I've seen the quality of their work, and I'm not impressed. Apparently, nor are the recipients, as their suicide rate actually INCREASES after sex-reassignment surgeries.
1:17:10 - Does it bother him to accept that he will never be essentially necessary to his own family ? He didn’t need a father, so why should he presume to become a father when, by his own admission, fathers are (at best) fundamentally dispensable?
Great stuff Christina. Particularly well done with the guy at the end who asked the stupid question about single parenthood. You said exactly what needed to be said.
Christina, you are now an outlier in a virulent strain of feminism. I hope you are the voice that wins the day. I appreciate your honesty and desire to present the truth rather than push the standard feminist agenda.
I could have chosen a career in graphic art and design - but for economic reasons I chose software engineering. I feel fulfilled when I do design work as a hobby and my software engineering work is not fulfilling.
+PsychicToasterSA Actually there is, USC Los Angeles has both a Bachelor's and Master's degree program in Interactive Media & Game Design. University of Utah offers a degree, again both Bachelor's and Masters program in Game Design. So does Carnegie Mellon, Drexel University, MIT, Cornell, Michigan State, Penn, etc...... do some research. Now go back to your safe space
sully0001 Thanks for the comment... considering it, but I cannot afford to study full time at the moment. And I live in Japan and I need to improve my Japanese if I want to study in a Japanese school.
At least you're considering it, that's what counts. Japan is a good place, even a working knowledge of Japanese looks good on a resume too, language skill. Hang in there.
I want to be a clinical psychologist but as a young man ive had to come to terms with how the world actually works if i desire to be a provider for a family someday. So i had to choose to go to a technical school to become an aviation mechanic instead. This is a good example of not being able to do what i want to do as a man but instead doing what i need to do that makes the most sense for my long term goals.
As a transwoman myself I really liked those last few comments in particular. And amazing presentation overall and very open-minded. Thanks based mom :)
BRAVO Christina Hoff Sommers!! FINALLY a feminist woman today WITH COMMON SENSE!! FINALLY!!! I simply could not relate in almost any way with the feminist community we are seeing today, it is SO FAR from what I saw as a young woman that to me it bares little if any resemblance. The more they speak now the further I am embarrassed as a woman and am pushing myself away from ANY involvement. I see todays Feminist as being radical, extreme, HIGHLY judgmental if not hateful to men just b.c they are men... they work hard to push every woman away from men and natural attraction and relationships. The hate speech against ALL men is disgusting, the pushing us to gender neutralize our children is also disgusting and potentially harmful. Feminism can be better than this, lets help women the way women helped themselves here and support them in their fight for equality all over the world. I AM WITH YOU, I FULLY SUPPORT YOUR IDEAL OF FEMINISM. BRAVO! Thank you for having and using common sense!
Love it :) Shame that the interlaced SD camera used to record this is right out of the 90's though. A phone would literally have much better image quality than this.
Good talk. I particularly enjoyed her pointing out the kind of inertia in the feminist movement where they are manufacturing problems and false statics in order to push an anti-male agenda. I also like the fact that she didn't know all of the answers. I think this is a key failing of feminism (or any ideology for that matter): if you think you "know" everything, then you have nothing more to learn, and if you have nothing more to learn, your philosophy is a dead end since you will never be able to answer questions/problems effectively that fall outside of your narrow myopia. Cases and point: mainstream feminism seems completely and utterly incapable of addressing anti-male sexism, female perpetrators of DV and rape, and often even female heterosexuality and the complexities of male/female sexuality. This is actually I think the take home on her whole concept of equity or freedom feminism. While mainstream feminism is built on neo-Marixism and strict/fundamentalist interpretations of their philosophical tenants, her feminism recognizes the nuances and complexities of real life. I applaud her for taking on the problem. The only thing that didn't seem to ring true however was the statement on poverty (I believe the number of homeless men far out way the number of homeless women for example), but this could also be coming down the definitions and my experience/respect for Dr. Sommers allows me to give her the benefit of doubt.
A lot of women in India, China and Russia who become engineers only do so because it's the only job that pays well enough so that they can support their families. When they move to other countries many of these women change careers and do things they consider more fulfilling. Even if it pays less, it pays enough to still support their families.
I am impressed when Christina almost perfectly described and pronounced: Gezellig. Foreigners typically struggle with Dutch pronounciations of the G sound
Men taking more risk and women taking less likely has a biological component considering women can't take as much risk as they are much more important for the survival of the species. Any species whose females are more reckless has probably not been very successful or is extinct (unless there's mitigating factors like females being very numerous or much more robust than males.) They need an evolutionary biologist included in these discussions.
+PMeursault good point, i tend to believe its the balance of the stronger emotional/weaker physical being that women tend to be(not to generalize 100%). I can see this being natural adaption not even requiring any sort of species or gender identification, simply how the environment of the earth effects both beings differently.
+PMeursault Very true. Often a lot you will read stuff like 'gender is a social' construct. You're never going to find any references to biologists in those books.
Men are just as important to our species as females are. Without enough genetic diversity congenital disorders will start to appear and our species would be come physically and mentally degraded and incapable of surviving.
What if we treated human beings as human beings regardless of their sex or ancestry? What is it about human nature that makes that so difficult for people?
Orphans vs Zombies why antihumanist? And lots of feminists consider her even a MRA. She is a feminist but a very weird and particular one. Almost no feminist follows her
Some people ask questions to learn some people ask questions to reinforce what they want to believe some people ask questions just to hear themselves speak.
This lecture was before "The Screaming Girl" of last year. Bet Ms. Summers would not be allowed on Yale campus these days. She would "trigger" too many people.
I love Professor Sommers and thinks she does a fantastic job, but damn I think I've heard the same opening speech by her for years now. The Ovular anecdote was funny the first 10 times I heard it.
27:57 Observation that little girls at a very young age, begin playing The Game of Thrones with their dolls. It starts young. Eventually you get high school drama, then workplace drama... etc. etc. etc. This isn't to say that males don't play the game as well. It's just that at an early age, most would rather indulge themselves with monsters destroying cities, or large explosions.
All questioners came from a perspective of DEFENDING feminist status quo - not questioning the problems facing men and women. This is incredible and I can only assume that anyone who diverges from feminist groupthink will be marked as discriminatory. Also, no one addressed the issues the most excellent Dr. Hoff-Sommers raised - they merely spewed feminist dogma. These students are a disgrace to intellectual inquiry.
Considering how much time she spends clarifying things I'd consider rather minute makes me suspect that she doesn't have the principle of charity extended to her all that often.
I love you, Christina. I've read your books and articles, and watched your interviews, for years, but forget the Freedom Feminism, and just stick with the Freedom .. :-)
I have watched some of the behaviour directed at Professor Hoff-Summers at Oberlin College from April this year. It was disgusting! Unfortunately, she has had to see the face, the ugly distorted hatred of theses emotionally disfigured individuals. I have total respect for Hoff-Summers, and read all of her books. Sad.
Christina: you look very much like a woman. Comparison to M. Thatcher is a compliment! As a man, I'm still wondering if I chose the right profession! Men and women need each other! The technical "advances" challenge human society as these occur faster and faster!
in that Swedish school she was talking about, where everyone is "buddies", I _still_ have a sneaking suspicion that the buddies always seem to get kicked in the teeth happen to be boys, while the buddies are more equal than others happen to be girls :-\
Overall a great presentation. Even Q&A was relatively civil, compared to what a feminist dissenter normally gets. Final question was really stupid. Every discussion on social issue has that one idiot who doesn't understand that a single counter-example doesn't disprove a statistical trend.
While I think Christina Hoff Summers is doing great work and I think true feminism is important to help women who are truly oppressed. I will never identify as a feminist. They keep trying to tell everyone it is about equality, but the word itself is feminine. It is about making women be seen as equal in TO men, which is fine because there are still many places on earth where women need advocacy groups and support.However If I started a movement and called it masculinism and said it was all about equality for men and women I doubt very many women would buy that. No, I am for humanism if anything. We are all humans and we should all have the same rights.
I love the Q&A for any topic that might challenge a leftist view point. Speaker: "Generally speaking, the statistics show that there is an overwhelming correlation that A causes B. Data. Proof. A causes B, and B is bad, therefore A is not good."Audience member: "Well, my personal experience is that I did A, and it did not cause B. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with A, and you hurt my feelings!"Speaker:"...sigh..."
i don't think christina hoff sommers wants to accept that feminism has become completely rotten to the core and simply can't be fixed from within. she'd probably do more good by rejecting the term 'feminist' altogether and offering all of her extremely valuable insights without the label. that being said, she's the only 'feminist' that I know of that makes any sense , and although she calls herself a feminist i personally don't see her as one . i just think she doesn't want to let it go , probably because of nostalgia , because of the good old days when feminism had a purpose before it became completely corrupt and full of misandry.. sometimes we just need to move on , great speech though
I always enjoy your factual approach. I somewhat wish there was more opposition in the question period if only to see how you shoot them down. You're logic seems so irrefutable and it's a sad state that more "feminists" don't take your approach. One question: It seems straightforward to conduct a study of women both entering and graduating college students to find out if they feel coerced in any way about there career choices. Are there such studies? I assume not, because it would be easy to refute (or, less likely, support) "feminist" claims on misogynist influences. Of course if it comes back suggesting no coercion, they'd claim it was subconscious.
It really shows how degenerate political correctness is in how carefully Christina is voicing her perfectly valid opinions and thoughts. She is almost constantly semi-apologising for stating her conclusions and is obviously being very cautious with words and phrases she uses, maybe to ensure no one takes offence. It's quite sad actually.
1:16:42 "Making yourself the model" So that's what that kind of irritating person is called. I've genuinely lost count of how many times I've encountered spontaneously self-absorbed indivuals like this and been at a loss for a precise phrase to describe what they're doing.
Gezellig :D go holland :D But yuh they are more pro part time, their own parenthood planning and quite equal discussed dividedness of homework or who parents (more or less or when + career or not), and happiness.
I love CHS. But I think it's disappointing that so many people use her logic as an attack on women. She's a feminist intellectual critic. She's still believes in fairness, equality and understanding. She simply believes the current women's movement is generating pointless white noise that distracts it away from real goals. Most people who see Twitter campaigns relating to Star Wars action figures can see her point. You know, the one where feminists complained about the composition of characters in the box (main characters sold separately to supporting cast).
Wage gap - as far as I understand - it is when we compare men and women in the same job with the same qualifications and experience - women earn less. It is not a mean average of male wages versus female wages - at least this is my understanding of that issue. But young women don't go into the sciences as much as men because young women in co-ed schools don't want to appear competitive. In all girl schools young women can compete because they don't have to worry about appearances. Why is this? Peer pressure? Conforming to stereotypes? To lessen gender roles - I gave my son dolls - he would throw them around and use them in fights. This was from age 1 - this was a part of his nature. I gave my daughter toy cars and she would use them to go shopping... she would put her brothers dolls on the cars and do role play. From age 1. Nurturing was in her nature. No matter how much I encouraged gender free play - they automatically when into male and female roles. Aggressive males and nurturing female. We gave them the same choices - piano lessons, swimming etc our son chose more aggressive activities and lessons requiring singular concentration and my daughter chose communicative activities - drama and singing lessons. They chose it - we didn't force it. I didn't want my kids conforming to gender roles and never encouraged it - but I believed in free will and allowed my kids to choose their gender role. They made choices from the day they could walk and talk. So I don't think gender roles are due to society influences - but is a part of their nature.
+Stephen Cotton The problem is how the wage gap issue is being represented by modern 3rd wave feminism. I'm sure you've hear about the 77 cents to every male dollar. I know I was force fed that in grade school. What people don't tell you is that that number was taken from a study that measured the wage differences between men and women over ALL full time occupations. This did not factor in the higher number of men who work over time, the higher number at women who work part time or take time off to start a family, the ratio of men and women in higher paying stem fields and the higher amount of men who ask for raises (about 8x that of women. These numbers are misleading and their is really not that much we can do about them other than encourage women to pursue higher paying occupation. And we do. Many stem fields are more likely to higher a woman than a man with the same qualifications.
Notice how feminism never seems to include men, and yet feminism is supposed to be about equality? Kinda getting mixed signals here! Yes there was some talk about men and boys doing better, but in both the presentation and the questions it was always framed as women dealing with the issues. Either way I'm fine with this type of feminism. But I also see the need for a men's movement to balance things out. That way we can all focus on the issues we find most important, and the higher ups can decide which ones to tackle.
For all her great points, the name "feminism" needs to be jetisoned immediately for modern post-industrial societies. It's exactly as you said. She'll criticize "ovular" but still thinks discussion of universal gender issues under the banner "feminism" is not as ridiculous? Please. It immediately prioritizes female grievance, and reinforces the idea that men's problems don't deserve public scrutiny. It's a sad oversight on her part that she needs to get over.
Christina Hoff, I am a feminist who is in favour of the rights and duties of men and women when it comes to living their lives. I believe in equality, not sameness. I believe in the diversity of each human being. Everybody is unique. My problem with your approach that it looks quite reasonable, yet it feels to me that it is very much defending the existing culture of white people in the USA. It seems to me that you have lived a very privileged life, protected from a lot of hurts and harassment that a lot of my American friends, both men and women, have to go through. In a subtle way you give the message that the way things are done now in the USA are okay. It is okay that people who work in nurturing professions, like teachers, child minders, earn less than those working in finances, engineeering etc. I do not htink that that is normal. I also think it is ridiculous that because a woman who is a mother has this instinct to supervise her children, be with them, nurture them, and that when she follows that instinct and starts working less hours while preparing another human being, her child, for society, socialise it, teach it endurance and give it a lot of love so that the child will be a mature, responsible human being, that she should accept and think it normal to lose a lot of her income because she is not a superhuman and has to cut her working hours, often losing her career or putting it at least on hold. Thereby building up less money for a pension. After all, rearing a child well is a great service to society. A male oriented society does not value the rearing of a child, caring for the ailing and less able humans. It does not value men who choose these careers, let alone females who choose these careers. A female oriented society does. Another subtle message that you give in this video is with the example of one, only one school, in Sweden. which has a vastly different approach to gender than most schools have. You make it seem as if this kind of thing is the norm in Sweden. How would you respond if a Swedish scientist would imply that most people in the USA are scientifically very ignorant by giving the example of the town in the USA that recently refused solar panels because they said solar panels were sucking the energy of the sun out of the sun? Or by pointing out how many creationist schools there are in the USA who keep the chlidren ignorant of some very major scientific findings about the coming into existance of the earth, its fauna and its flora, about the planets and stars in the universe? I am in agreement with that things like trying to police the behaviour of males is not the way to bring about equality between the sexes. I believe that we should give one another a little slack, even though some men behave very obnoxious. But that I can decide when enough is enough. When I say I have had enough, that I don't like the sexist jokes anymore, I should be respected. No need to call me names, tell me to lighten up etc. I find it Neanderthal that I have to think it is a compliment when a man says: hi hotty to me or complement me on my outer beauty, as if that beauty is so important. I am not an object. I am a human being. If I would say the same thing to a man, they would feel as if I was easy to get or they would feel confused by such 'unladylike' behaviour.
I agree with her on getting good data and due process. She lost me at the tinker bell talk, making computers less masculine for women. I get that she is still a bit traditional with regards to career choices. Our society is evolving and she is still stuck with the old model.
+Orphans vs Zombies Unfortunately you are wrong and are highly misinformed. Go back to fighting your fantasy world of Zombies. You are more suited playing computer games, son.
+Unclefire I dont think that he was a real person at all. More like some kind of Teachbot900. They had to turn off the hand mic off to stop feedback from his built in P.A. system.
The reporter asked a question...who cares, seriously. Could it be that the world doesn't give a crap about the male politician and what he wares and asking a women these questions means they actually see it as a big deal...look at you, you're a woman a politician, a mother and you dress well.... why is that a negative? Also CHS had the story of her sons being left out of the education loop in the 1980's (yes I'm that old) and little has changed since then and may even have gotten worse...what does that suggest?
The "value of outcomes" lady is onto something, but feminism has failed to address this for its entire history. Instead of addressing the income inequality based on such assumptions, the class struggle, feminists have continually focused on "fixing" women's access to the roles that pay well, while also demonising those roles as patriarchal by nature and wholly ignoring that this is not a gendered issue. The proof of my assertion here is the reaction of feminist organisations to Obama's stimulus. The recession hurt men more, and instead of seeking equity feminists demanded parity (or domination) Not only that, but they declared the original proposal as sexist. Because it helped those most effected by the recession. The result was securing a LOT of funding for female dominated fields and female exclusive programs. And so we saw a "mancession" and the resulting feminist articles deriding men and masculinity. When the figures on women dominating further education came out, the response was not "how can we help men" but "lets work to make this even better" The "better" being MORE slanted towards female domination. I'm a socialist. I'm an egalitarian. I staunchly support fair pay, parental rights and even female exclusive issues. And yet I am left alienated and disgusted by a movement that declares itself THE equality movement. Actions speak louder than words, and those actions are self serving, bigoted and often hateful. I sincerely hope we have an era of Ms Sommers "freedom feminism", though it seems too much to expect.
I have massive respect for Prof. Sommers and have read a lot of her writing, but having seen a lot of her speeches....she follows an exact script for all of them that includes the exact same anecdotes in the exact same order, even the same instances of pretending not to remember the anecdotes well (or rather, of pretending that she is spontaneously bringing them up, she ALWAYS "struggles" to remember that female impersonators joke for instance). There's very little value in hearing her speak more than once on the same topic. :/ There's nothing wrong with recycling talking points for the same series of lectures, but she has been giving the exact same speech essentially word for word for years.
I've only seen her in a couple of videos, so I honestly don't know much about her. So far, I really like what she says though. But you make a valid point if she is just recycling her talks word-for-word. Maybe she is a good writer, but needs to work on her public speaking? I don't know, I'd have to see more videos of her.
She is wrong about the 'feminization' of poverty. The gender gap in poverty is 13% male versus 16% female. Compare that to 9% for whites and 27% for Blacks and Hispanics. We have the racialization of poverty that white would rather not talk about. Where you have poor men you have poor women. Their fates are intertwined.
If you look at statistics for homelessness, the large majority are men. Also consider the exponentially higher numbers of abuse shelters that take in women compared to men. When men and women are in trouble, people are much more likely to help women than men.
Bluemoondm1 Statistics for homelessness, like most static, is complex. If you look as statistics for homelessness, where homelessness is defined as someone living on the street for an extended time, it is extremely gender binary with men making up ~90%ish. Where as if you defined homelessness as a lack of a permanent living space designed for people to live in, then you can get up to 40% women, but this are people living on the streets, this can include people in shelters, temperately staying with friends or family, living out of a car, ect. I am sure if we worked hard enough, we could make 'homelessness' look near equal... I bit if you just looked at people in shelters, it might look like a women's problem.
Loathomar Yup, this is a great example of how it's unfortunately not very hard to bend statistics to support any argument, even ones diametrically opposed to the truth. All it takes is some obfuscation on the part of the presenter and a little intellectual laziness (read: almost anyone,) on the part of the audience.
+JediMindaugas JM Emancipating women so they have equal rights to men is necessary for a functional, free-society - that's the kind of (classical) liberal feminism Sommers goes for. The radical (read: crazy/progressive) feminism that forces feminists like Julie Bindel to say things like "women are just inherently better than men - that's why the state has to stack everything women's favour, y'know... cos we're better..." is the type of feminism that any sane individual can recognise as being only divisive and harmful to *everyone*.
+anbu2 "Emancipating women so they have equal rights to men is necessary for a functional, free-society - that's the kind of (classical) liberal feminism Sommers goes for." Funny how it always skips the part about equal obligations. Even funnier when you think that the movement took place during the war. You know, when men under 21, but above 18, were drafted to the military for the right to vote which they didn't even have yet, some upper-class women banded to get it for free. Very functional. Do you know what radical means? "To the core". Radical feminists are to feminism what Westburo Baptists Church is to Christianity - closest to its founding beliefs. No matter what kind of wrapping paper you wrap it in, feminism is female nature tuned to 11 - take take take, more and more, never enough. And I don't see it as sinister. It is a biological drive to gather resources in order to better provide for the young. What's wrong, is putting sprinkles and glitter on this radioactive goo and pretending that it ever was anything but. And no, you don't have to be crazy to fall under many of the tenants.
Smartboards tend to mess up at the most inappropriate moments... or just flat out not working at all... or some asshole stole the batteries out of the remote for the projector... More basic tech tend to have less points of failure, and the enemy of better is good enough.
"When I was growing up, I wasn't allowed to play with dolls. My parents believed that dolls forced the motherhood paradigm on little girls, so they weren't allowed. I played with lots of other toys though. I had a dump truck once. I dressed it up and named her Barbie so my parents took her away from me. Poor ant-farm Ken had to go to the prom alone..."
Best. Ovular. Ever.
No but seriously. it's so nice to finally encounter a feminist who genuinely wants the best for EVERYBODY. Not just diplomatic immunity for women.
You mean an actual feminist, not a member of the feminarchy.
You mean Matriarchy? :P
C.H.Sommers is one of the most agreeable people I know though.
fuloran1 people don't see it that way tho. Most viewed or known are the radicals.
lol I'm with ya
that's why she is considered anti-feminist for the current movement
"Truth is on the side of compassion. Falsehood is no friend."
So much logic. Feminists heads are exploding.
+mikeandkimarecool Reported. you're not making me feel youtube is a Safespace.
+mikeandkimarecool how would you define feminism?
I define feminism as a person having a good sense of self worth and a sense of humour and capable of letting others know what to her or him is acceptable and not acceptable. someone who likes to be appreciated for her or his worth and who does passionately believe that all people, no matter what their ethnicity or sex or sexual orientation, are equal yet not the same as each other. Someone who can totally appreciate diversity but who does not like being put down or putting others down.
Feminists come in all kinds of shapes and forms and attitudes. One feminist can be totally different in outlook compared to another feminist. Just like scientists can argue about how to interpret measurements and observations, and economists can argue about the different approaches on what is the best economic plan for a country, just like governement officials can radically differ in approach and ideas, so feminists can radically differ. Some heterosexual men and even gay men are feminists, in that they do believe in equality (not sameness) of men and women.
+Janine Van Rooij
So you don't believe that gender is a "social construct" made by the Patriarchy?
+microsf121 I believe there are rules and there are exceptions and we need to be tolerant and generally nice to both. The exception doesn't get to ser the rules, but everyone gains from the majority being inclusive and nice to said exception. So hooray for trans people who are also overall decent human beings. But most of us are in a binary variation of genders and will tend to remain on either side of that spectrum. Sorry, but no social constructs there, gendered pronouns will remain.
+microsf121 "Gender" seems more of a "construct" by the matriarchs, who keep adding genders: the latest is LBGTQIASNSPG ...queers, intersex, asexuals, sapiosexuals, and don't ask me what the rest are. These are "problematic" categorizations. :-)
All I know is that for SEX NOT GENDER: a penis or a vagina aren't "constructed" by humans. (Notwithstanding the plastic surgeons who make men become women, or vice-versa, but as a biomed engineer, I've seen the quality of their work, and I'm not impressed. Apparently, nor are the recipients, as their suicide rate actually INCREASES after sex-reassignment surgeries.
Take note that the comments for this video are enabled; almost as if criticism and discussion are welcome.
1:17:10 - Does it bother him to accept that he will never be essentially necessary to his own family ? He didn’t need a father, so why should he presume to become a father when, by his own admission, fathers are (at best) fundamentally dispensable?
It's so refreshing listening to Christina talk
Great stuff Christina. Particularly well done with the guy at the end who asked the stupid question about single parenthood. You said exactly what needed to be said.
Thanks for posting these lectures for everybody :)
Christina, you are now an outlier in a virulent strain of feminism. I hope you are the voice that wins the day. I appreciate your honesty and desire to present the truth rather than push the standard feminist agenda.
I could have chosen a career in graphic art and design - but for economic reasons I chose software engineering. I feel fulfilled when I do design work as a hobby and my software engineering work is not fulfilling.
Ever thought about learning game design? That way you could use your hobby and software engineer background together. Just a thought
+PsychicToasterSA Actually there is, USC Los Angeles has both a Bachelor's and Master's degree program in Interactive Media & Game Design. University of Utah offers a degree, again both Bachelor's and Masters program in Game Design. So does Carnegie Mellon, Drexel University, MIT, Cornell, Michigan State, Penn, etc...... do some research. Now go back to your safe space
sully0001 Thanks for the comment... considering it, but I cannot afford to study full time at the moment. And I live in Japan and I need to improve my Japanese if I want to study in a Japanese school.
At least you're considering it, that's what counts. Japan is a good place, even a working knowledge of Japanese looks good on a resume too, language skill. Hang in there.
I want to be a clinical psychologist but as a young man ive had to come to terms with how the world actually works if i desire to be a provider for a family someday. So i had to choose to go to a technical school to become an aviation mechanic instead. This is a good example of not being able to do what i want to do as a man but instead doing what i need to do that makes the most sense for my long term goals.
As a transwoman myself I really liked those last few comments in particular. And amazing presentation overall and very open-minded. Thanks based mom :)
BRAVO Christina Hoff Sommers!! FINALLY a feminist woman today WITH COMMON SENSE!! FINALLY!!! I simply could not relate in almost any way with the feminist community we are seeing today, it is SO FAR from what I saw as a young woman that to me it bares little if any resemblance. The more they speak now the further I am embarrassed as a woman and am pushing myself away from ANY involvement. I see todays Feminist as being radical, extreme, HIGHLY judgmental if not hateful to men just b.c they are men... they work hard to push every woman away from men and natural attraction and relationships. The hate speech against ALL men is disgusting, the pushing us to gender neutralize our children is also disgusting and potentially harmful. Feminism can be better than this, lets help women the way women helped themselves here and support them in their fight for equality all over the world. I AM WITH YOU, I FULLY SUPPORT YOUR IDEAL OF FEMINISM. BRAVO! Thank you for having and using common sense!
Love it :)
Shame that the interlaced SD camera used to record this is right out of the 90's though. A phone would literally have much better image quality than this.
Good talk. I particularly enjoyed her pointing out the kind of inertia in the feminist movement where they are manufacturing problems and false statics in order to push an anti-male agenda.
I also like the fact that she didn't know all of the answers. I think this is a key failing of feminism (or any ideology for that matter): if you think you "know" everything, then you have nothing more to learn, and if you have nothing more to learn, your philosophy is a dead end since you will never be able to answer questions/problems effectively that fall outside of your narrow myopia. Cases and point: mainstream feminism seems completely and utterly incapable of addressing anti-male sexism, female perpetrators of DV and rape, and often even female heterosexuality and the complexities of male/female sexuality.
This is actually I think the take home on her whole concept of equity or freedom feminism. While mainstream feminism is built on neo-Marixism and strict/fundamentalist interpretations of their philosophical tenants, her feminism recognizes the nuances and complexities of real life. I applaud her for taking on the problem.
The only thing that didn't seem to ring true however was the statement on poverty (I believe the number of homeless men far out way the number of homeless women for example), but this could also be coming down the definitions and my experience/respect for Dr. Sommers allows me to give her the benefit of doubt.
Dr. Sommers, thank you for being a voice of reason. :'-)
+Orphans vs Zombies You don't convince anyone of anything by mere name calling. Your tactics are appropriate for 3rd grade.
A lot of women in India, China and Russia who become engineers only do so because it's the only job that pays well enough so that they can support their families. When they move to other countries many of these women change careers and do things they consider more fulfilling. Even if it pays less, it pays enough to still support their families.
this woman is amazing
I am impressed when Christina almost perfectly described and pronounced: Gezellig.
Foreigners typically struggle with Dutch pronounciations of the G sound
Thanks for having Ms. Sommers. She's right on the money.
Men taking more risk and women taking less likely has a biological component considering women can't take as much risk as they are much more important for the survival of the species. Any species whose females are more reckless has probably not been very successful or is extinct (unless there's mitigating factors like females being very numerous or much more robust than males.) They need an evolutionary biologist included in these discussions.
+PMeursault Thats why in case of a disaster we secure women and children first because we are hardwired to do so for the survival of our species.
And i agree its very dangerous to ignore biology.
+PMeursault good point, i tend to believe its the balance of the stronger emotional/weaker physical being that women tend to be(not to generalize 100%). I can see this being natural adaption not even requiring any sort of species or gender identification, simply how the environment of the earth effects both beings differently.
+PMeursault Very true. Often a lot you will read stuff like 'gender is a social' construct. You're never going to find any references to biologists in those books.
Men are just as important to our species as females are. Without enough genetic diversity congenital disorders will start to appear and our species would be come physically and mentally degraded and incapable of surviving.
What if we treated human beings as human beings regardless of their sex or ancestry? What is it about human nature that makes that so difficult for people?
They're making money and accruing power off the current system.
This is what a feminist looks like. BASEDMOM.
feminist should shove their feminism up their asses
Shadowsong10 I meant her, not me, dude. No way am I one, but if every feminist in the world were like her... it'd be hard not to call myself one.
ah okay then,i just have a fight with feminist in 9gag,so im quite sensitive about that words,not your fault
NOT. she is considered antifeminist and i think that's right. She should take the equalist/egalitarian label
Orphans vs Zombies why antihumanist? And lots of feminists consider her even a MRA. She is a feminist but a very weird and particular one. Almost no feminist follows her
Based Mom laying down some truthbombs!
Facts and statistics trigger me. Please add a warning to this video
I have had issues with gun violence, your use of the word trigger, er, triggers me. So please stop you misogynist shitlord.
fuloran1 Sincere apology if my trigger triggered your trigger of triggers
Matt Crawford
Repetition of words triggers me, can you please paraphrase your statement?
Honest to god truth, I get triggered by sociopaths, my past mistakes, and female teacher-male student sex scandals.
Some people ask questions to learn some people ask questions to reinforce what they want to believe some people ask questions just to hear themselves speak.
Christina would be a far better president than Hillary.
it's sad that we find this woman's opinions ground breaking
Love this woman. We need more like her.
This lecture was before "The Screaming Girl" of last year. Bet Ms. Summers would not be allowed on Yale campus these days. She would "trigger" too many people.
based as usual. good talk.
I love Professor Sommers and thinks she does a fantastic job, but damn I think I've heard the same opening speech by her for years now. The Ovular anecdote was funny the first 10 times I heard it.
27:57 Observation that little girls at a very young age, begin playing The Game of Thrones with their dolls. It starts young. Eventually you get high school drama, then workplace drama... etc. etc. etc. This isn't to say that males don't play the game as well. It's just that at an early age, most would rather indulge themselves with monsters destroying cities, or large explosions.
All questioners came from a perspective of DEFENDING feminist status quo - not questioning the problems facing men and women. This is incredible and I can only assume that anyone who diverges from feminist groupthink will be marked as discriminatory. Also, no one addressed the issues the most excellent Dr. Hoff-Sommers raised - they merely spewed feminist dogma.
These students are a disgrace to intellectual inquiry.
Finally, a feminist with fresh ideas rooted in logic and evidence rather than threats and dogma. We will thank her in 20 years.
This woman is brave to speak these things so publicly.
A lot of good her speech did at this school, considering how the students recently acted over the Halloween costume and the following debacle!
I love this woman.
Considering how much time she spends clarifying things I'd consider rather minute makes me suspect that she doesn't have the principle of charity extended to her all that often.
Can someone do a time code of the main chapters. For eg where does the male shaming begin?
I love you, Christina. I've read your books and articles, and watched your interviews, for years, but forget the Freedom Feminism, and just stick with the Freedom .. :-)
I have watched some of the behaviour directed at Professor Hoff-Summers at Oberlin College from April this year. It was disgusting! Unfortunately, she has had to see the face, the ugly distorted hatred of theses emotionally disfigured individuals. I have total respect for Hoff-Summers, and read all of her books. Sad.
Christina Hoff Sommers for president.
Can't help but like this woman's mind, but Freedom Feminism? Do you want Freedom Fries with that?
You could try calling it Actual Feminism.
The point is she can't. Regular contemporary feminists call Professor Sommers an Anti Feminist, so yeah.
It's not "Actual Feminism". Actual feminists claim women can be scared out of STEM careers by a shirt.
She should call it Positive Feminism, Empowerment Feminism or Moral Feminism.
Yea I don't like the name either but the points are good
Mr. Emma Wray Try the original thrust of feminism before Steinem et al barged in.
Christina: you look very much like a woman. Comparison to M. Thatcher is a compliment! As a man, I'm still wondering if I chose the right profession! Men and women need each other! The technical "advances" challenge human society as these occur faster and faster!
in that Swedish school she was talking about, where everyone is "buddies", I _still_ have a sneaking suspicion that the buddies always seem to get kicked in the teeth happen to be boys, while the buddies are more equal than others happen to be girls :-\
Overall a great presentation. Even Q&A was relatively civil, compared to what a feminist dissenter normally gets. Final question was really stupid. Every discussion on social issue has that one idiot who doesn't understand that a single counter-example doesn't disprove a statistical trend.
Holly Hell, was this recorded on a vhs tape?
While I think Christina Hoff Summers is doing great work and I think true feminism is important to help women who are truly oppressed. I will never identify as a feminist. They keep trying to tell everyone it is about equality, but the word itself is feminine. It is about making women be seen as equal in TO men, which is fine because there are still many places on earth where women need advocacy groups and support.However If I started a movement and called it masculinism and said it was all about equality for men and women I doubt very many women would buy that. No, I am for humanism if anything. We are all humans and we should all have the same rights.
I love the Q&A for any topic that might challenge a leftist view point.
Speaker: "Generally speaking, the statistics show that there is an overwhelming correlation that A causes B. Data. Proof. A causes B, and B is bad, therefore A is not good."Audience member: "Well, my personal experience is that I did A, and it did not cause B. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with A, and you hurt my feelings!"Speaker:"...sigh..."
i don't think christina hoff sommers wants to accept that feminism has become completely rotten to the core and simply can't be fixed from within. she'd probably do more good by rejecting the term 'feminist' altogether and offering all of her extremely valuable insights without the label. that being said, she's the only 'feminist' that I know of that makes any sense , and although she calls herself a feminist i personally don't see her as one . i just think she doesn't want to let it go , probably because of nostalgia , because of the good old days when feminism had a purpose before it became completely corrupt and full of misandry.. sometimes we just need to move on , great speech though
I love you, based mom!
Come to Japan... it needs feminism.
A new Christina Hoff Sommers video.
Im a freedom feminist
It looks like it's really ancient footage. Audio is pretty good though. Also, it's not a complaint; I really like the old-ish look :p
I always enjoy your factual approach. I somewhat wish there was more opposition in the question period if only to see how you shoot them down. You're logic seems so irrefutable and it's a sad state that more "feminists" don't take your approach.
One question: It seems straightforward to conduct a study of women both entering and graduating college students to find out if they feel coerced in any way about there career choices. Are there such studies? I assume not, because it would be easy to refute (or, less likely, support) "feminist" claims on misogynist influences. Of course if it comes back suggesting no coercion, they'd claim it was subconscious.
It really shows how degenerate political correctness is in how carefully Christina is voicing her perfectly valid opinions and thoughts. She is almost constantly semi-apologising for stating her conclusions and is obviously being very cautious with words and phrases she uses, maybe to ensure no one takes offence. It's quite sad actually.
Kally0395 Yeah, totally agreed. She had to pussyfoot around everything.
a feminist of our time.
"retraumatised re rape kits"? YOU FUCKING NEED FORENSIC EVIDENCE!
"Making yourself the model"
So that's what that kind of irritating person is called. I've genuinely lost count of how many times I've encountered spontaneously self-absorbed indivuals like this and been at a loss for a precise phrase to describe what they're doing.
Gezellig :D go holland :D
But yuh they are more pro part time, their own parenthood planning and quite equal discussed dividedness of homework or who parents (more or less or when + career or not), and happiness.
i love her!! ii love this oh my
I love CHS. But I think it's disappointing that so many people use her logic as an attack on women. She's a feminist intellectual critic. She's still believes in fairness, equality and understanding. She simply believes the current women's movement is generating pointless white noise that distracts it away from real goals.
Most people who see Twitter campaigns relating to Star Wars action figures can see her point. You know, the one where feminists complained about the composition of characters in the box (main characters sold separately to supporting cast).
audio is too low on this
Wage gap - as far as I understand - it is when we compare men and women in the same job with the same qualifications and experience - women earn less. It is not a mean average of male wages versus female wages - at least this is my understanding of that issue. But young women don't go into the sciences as much as men because young women in co-ed schools don't want to appear competitive. In all girl schools young women can compete because they don't have to worry about appearances. Why is this? Peer pressure? Conforming to stereotypes?
To lessen gender roles - I gave my son dolls - he would throw them around and use them in fights. This was from age 1 - this was a part of his nature. I gave my daughter toy cars and she would use them to go shopping... she would put her brothers dolls on the cars and do role play. From age 1. Nurturing was in her nature. No matter how much I encouraged gender free play - they automatically when into male and female roles. Aggressive males and nurturing female. We gave them the same choices - piano lessons, swimming etc our son chose more aggressive activities and lessons requiring singular concentration and my daughter chose communicative activities - drama and singing lessons. They chose it - we didn't force it.
I didn't want my kids conforming to gender roles and never encouraged it - but I believed in free will and allowed my kids to choose their gender role. They made choices from the day they could walk and talk. So I don't think gender roles are due to society influences - but is a part of their nature.
+Stephen Cotton The problem is how the wage gap issue is being represented by modern 3rd wave feminism. I'm sure you've hear about the 77 cents to every male dollar. I know I was force fed that in grade school. What people don't tell you is that that number was taken from a study that measured the wage differences between men and women over ALL full time occupations. This did not factor in the higher number of men who work over time, the higher number at women who work part time or take time off to start a family, the ratio of men and women in higher paying stem fields and the higher amount of men who ask for raises (about 8x that of women. These numbers are misleading and their is really not that much we can do about them other than encourage women to pursue higher paying occupation. And we do. Many stem fields are more likely to higher a woman than a man with the same qualifications.
Notice how feminism never seems to include men, and yet feminism is supposed to be about equality? Kinda getting mixed signals here! Yes there was some talk about men and boys doing better, but in both the presentation and the questions it was always framed as women dealing with the issues.
Either way I'm fine with this type of feminism. But I also see the need for a men's movement to balance things out. That way we can all focus on the issues we find most important, and the higher ups can decide which ones to tackle.
For all her great points, the name "feminism" needs to be jetisoned immediately for modern post-industrial societies. It's exactly as you said.
She'll criticize "ovular" but still thinks discussion of universal gender issues under the banner "feminism" is not as ridiculous? Please. It immediately prioritizes female grievance, and reinforces the idea that men's problems don't deserve public scrutiny. It's a sad oversight on her part that she needs to get over.
I can say that she's not the best speaker around, but once you get past that, what she has to say is very good.
Christina Hoff, I am a feminist who is in favour of the rights and duties of men and women when it comes to living their lives. I believe in equality, not sameness. I believe in the diversity of each human being. Everybody is unique.
My problem with your approach that it looks quite reasonable, yet it feels to me that it is very much defending the existing culture of white people in the USA. It seems to me that you have lived a very privileged life, protected from a lot of hurts and harassment that a lot of my American friends, both men and women, have to go through.
In a subtle way you give the message that the way things are done now in the USA are okay. It is okay that people who work in nurturing professions, like teachers, child minders, earn less than those working in finances, engineeering etc. I do not htink that that is normal. I also think it is ridiculous that because a woman who is a mother has this instinct to supervise her children, be with them, nurture them, and that when she follows that instinct and starts working less hours while preparing another human being, her child, for society, socialise it, teach it endurance and give it a lot of love so that the child will be a mature, responsible human being, that she should accept and think it normal to lose a lot of her income because she is not a superhuman and has to cut her working hours, often losing her career or putting it at least on hold. Thereby building up less money for a pension. After all, rearing a child well is a great service to society.
A male oriented society does not value the rearing of a child, caring for the ailing and less able humans. It does not value men who choose these careers, let alone females who choose these careers. A female oriented society does.
Another subtle message that you give in this video is with the example of one, only one school, in Sweden. which has a vastly different approach to gender than most schools have. You make it seem as if this kind of thing is the norm in Sweden. How would you respond if a Swedish scientist would imply that most people in the USA are scientifically very ignorant by giving the example of the town in the USA that recently refused solar panels because they said solar panels were sucking the energy of the sun out of the sun? Or by pointing out how many creationist schools there are in the USA who keep the chlidren ignorant of some very major scientific findings about the coming into existance of the earth, its fauna and its flora, about the planets and stars in the universe?
I am in agreement with that things like trying to police the behaviour of males is not the way to bring about equality between the sexes. I believe that we should give one another a little slack, even though some men behave very obnoxious. But that I can decide when enough is enough. When I say I have had enough, that I don't like the sexist jokes anymore, I should be respected. No need to call me names, tell me to lighten up etc.
I find it Neanderthal that I have to think it is a compliment when a man says: hi hotty to me or complement me on my outer beauty, as if that beauty is so important. I am not an object. I am a human being. If I would say the same thing to a man, they would feel as if I was easy to get or they would feel confused by such 'unladylike' behaviour.
I agree with her on getting good data and due process. She lost me at the tinker bell talk, making computers less masculine for women. I get that she is still a bit traditional with regards to career choices. Our society is evolving and she is still stuck with the old model.
+Orphans vs Zombies Unfortunately you are wrong and are highly misinformed. Go back to fighting your fantasy world of Zombies. You are more suited playing computer games, son.
If I didn't know any better, I would think that ovular is an adjective associated with the word oval.
I hate to bring this up, but does being a gender/sex realist relate in any way to race realism?
Not necessarily, but if you manage to swallow _that_ red pill, others are likely to follow...
She’s good.
Dude at the beginning needs to learn how to use a mic.
+Unclefire I dont think that he was a real person at all. More like some kind of Teachbot900. They had to turn off the hand mic off to stop feedback from his built in P.A. system.
The reporter asked a question...who cares, seriously.
Could it be that the world doesn't give a crap about the male politician and what he wares and asking a women these questions means they actually see it as a big deal...look at you, you're a woman a politician, a mother and you dress well.... why is that a negative?
Also CHS had the story of her sons being left out of the education loop in the 1980's (yes I'm that old) and little has changed since then and may even have gotten worse...what does that suggest?
The "value of outcomes" lady is onto something, but feminism has failed to address this for its entire history.
Instead of addressing the income inequality based on such assumptions, the class struggle, feminists have continually focused on "fixing" women's access to the roles that pay well, while also demonising those roles as patriarchal by nature and wholly ignoring that this is not a gendered issue.
The proof of my assertion here is the reaction of feminist organisations to Obama's stimulus.
The recession hurt men more, and instead of seeking equity feminists demanded parity (or domination)
Not only that, but they declared the original proposal as sexist.
Because it helped those most effected by the recession.
The result was securing a LOT of funding for female dominated fields and female exclusive programs.
And so we saw a "mancession" and the resulting feminist articles deriding men and masculinity.
When the figures on women dominating further education came out, the response was not "how can we help men" but "lets work to make this even better"
The "better" being MORE slanted towards female domination.
I'm a socialist.
I'm an egalitarian.
I staunchly support fair pay, parental rights and even female exclusive issues.
And yet I am left alienated and disgusted by a movement that declares itself THE equality movement.
Actions speak louder than words, and those actions are self serving, bigoted and often hateful.
I sincerely hope we have an era of Ms Sommers "freedom feminism", though it seems too much to expect.
Judging from the shrieking girl and that crowd, it is true of Yale.
the dude at 46.. damn, get your god damn question in check!
i'd love if people who downvoted this video could give an argument of their dislike
I have massive respect for Prof. Sommers and have read a lot of her writing, but having seen a lot of her speeches....she follows an exact script for all of them that includes the exact same anecdotes in the exact same order, even the same instances of pretending not to remember the anecdotes well (or rather, of pretending that she is spontaneously bringing them up, she ALWAYS "struggles" to remember that female impersonators joke for instance). There's very little value in hearing her speak more than once on the same topic. :/ There's nothing wrong with recycling talking points for the same series of lectures, but she has been giving the exact same speech essentially word for word for years.
I've only seen her in a couple of videos, so I honestly don't know much about her. So far, I really like what she says though. But you make a valid point if she is just recycling her talks word-for-word. Maybe she is a good writer, but needs to work on her public speaking? I don't know, I'd have to see more videos of her.
Dear based mom, you are making too much sense , STOP IT ! * Runs to safe space *
The main point is our religion.
feminism is McCarthyism.
God. She just waffles and waffles, chuckling at her own non-jokes before meandering away on another incoherent sidetrack..
x = (10 + 5y)/2
y = 2/5x -2
She is wrong about the 'feminization' of poverty. The gender gap in poverty is 13% male versus 16% female. Compare that to 9% for whites and 27% for Blacks and Hispanics. We have the racialization of poverty that white would rather not talk about. Where you have poor men you have poor women. Their fates are intertwined.
If you look at statistics for homelessness, the large majority are men. Also consider the exponentially higher numbers of abuse shelters that take in women compared to men. When men and women are in trouble, people are much more likely to help women than men.
Bluemoondm1 Statistics for homelessness, like most static, is complex. If you look as statistics for homelessness, where homelessness is defined as someone living on the street for an extended time, it is extremely gender binary with men making up ~90%ish. Where as if you defined homelessness as a lack of a permanent living space designed for people to live in, then you can get up to 40% women, but this are people living on the streets, this can include people in shelters, temperately staying with friends or family, living out of a car, ect. I am sure if we worked hard enough, we could make 'homelessness' look near equal... I bit if you just looked at people in shelters, it might look like a women's problem.
Loathomar Yup, this is a great example of how it's unfortunately not very hard to bend statistics to support any argument, even ones diametrically opposed to the truth. All it takes is some obfuscation on the part of the presenter and a little intellectual laziness (read: almost anyone,) on the part of the audience.
Bluemoondm1 Agreed.
It baffles me that she still considers that feminism has ever had a good cause. Everything she talks about the past is plain wrong :/.
+JediMindaugas JM Emancipating women so they have equal rights to men is necessary for a functional, free-society - that's the kind of (classical) liberal feminism Sommers goes for.
The radical (read: crazy/progressive) feminism that forces feminists like Julie Bindel to say things like "women are just inherently better than men - that's why the state has to stack everything women's favour, y'know... cos we're better..." is the type of feminism that any sane individual can recognise as being only divisive and harmful to *everyone*.
"Emancipating women so they have equal rights to men is necessary for a functional, free-society - that's the kind of (classical) liberal feminism Sommers goes for."
Funny how it always skips the part about equal obligations. Even funnier when you think that the movement took place during the war. You know, when men under 21, but above 18, were drafted to the military for the right to vote which they didn't even have yet, some upper-class women banded to get it for free. Very functional.
Do you know what radical means? "To the core". Radical feminists are to feminism what Westburo Baptists Church is to Christianity - closest to its founding beliefs. No matter what kind of wrapping paper you wrap it in, feminism is female nature tuned to 11 - take take take, more and more, never enough. And I don't see it as sinister. It is a biological drive to gather resources in order to better provide for the young. What's wrong, is putting sprinkles and glitter on this radioactive goo and pretending that it ever was anything but.
And no, you don't have to be crazy to fall under many of the tenants.
Classrooms still use chalkboards?
Smartboards tend to mess up at the most inappropriate moments... or just flat out not working at all... or some asshole stole the batteries out of the remote for the projector...
More basic tech tend to have less points of failure, and the enemy of better is good enough.
I was thinking more of whiteboards.
mad_cat Yeah, but markers' ink tends to get stuck on the boards.