Dev Update: Battlepass Changes & New Ranked System!

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 193

  • @finhibbert5310
    @finhibbert5310 Год назад +52

    What I'd really like to see is animated scenes as you progress through the battle pass and each one is a mini cliff hanger for the story just think it would make it loads more interesting

    • @sentryb3320
      @sentryb3320 Год назад +4

      At that point they would just work on pve

    • @Royalsage
      @Royalsage Год назад +4

      Doesn’t Apex have something like that?I think they are comics you unlock.I haven’t played in a while but I seen it.

  • @TiredTrace
    @TiredTrace Год назад +89

    Season 4 is the only time since OW2 launched when I consistently had more losses than wins whenever I reached the 5 wins - deranked a full rank before the midseason patch on both tank and dps and didn't touch it again for the rest of the season. Season 4 just felt terrible

    • @pcmadness3538
      @pcmadness3538 Год назад +5

      I went from diamond 5 to silver 2 just this season on support like nothing I could do helped any situation

    • @FacetedAtol
      @FacetedAtol Год назад +2

      @@pcmadness3538 support is the hardest to rank up on. No matter how much you do if you have a bad tank or dps you lose

    • @Yerrrr7899
      @Yerrrr7899 Год назад

      Especially at the end of season 4

    • @TiredTrace
      @TiredTrace Год назад +1

      @@pcmadness3538 man that fucking sucks, wishing u well to rank back up this season. But yeah sometimes someone just leaves, and its like, well I can't do shit

    • @hunnqy3102
      @hunnqy3102 Год назад +2

      i started ranked mid season, first rank was silver 2 on support. I did not know how to play support then, but after some practice I learnt to play supp really well, been saving allies, healing 10k each match, reviving, and I got bronze 5. There's literally nowhere to go, i can only get a higher rank, but each time I just get bronze 5. and then there's the enemy team, whose dps get 55 kills and is somehow in bronze 5 lobby.

  • @emma6648
    @emma6648 Год назад +157

    They’re bp will always be the worst of any game since it’s only 80 tiers and have no coins

    • @floppy5537
      @floppy5537 Год назад +32

      valorant's is worse

    • @Shin_Aniki
      @Shin_Aniki Год назад +9

      I can still clear it faster than Splatoon 3s

    • @gameloser2893
      @gameloser2893 Год назад +30

      You haven’t played apex legends then 💀

    • @Kamelot33
      @Kamelot33 Год назад +11

      ​@@gameloser2893what's the problem? Apex's BP is def better than OW2's

    • @CadeGreen-p9t
      @CadeGreen-p9t Год назад +8

      apex's is worse last time I checked

  • @HegeRoberto
    @HegeRoberto Год назад +14

    I never played Ranked.
    But you know, i don't care. Stomps happen. Sometimes you have to loose, its just statistics.
    I lost a lot in OW1 too. The difference is that in OW1 I got a random lootbox after 3-4 looses as a consolation price, that brightened my mood.
    The Battlepass is depressing and booring and all they talk about "battle pass changes". I want to earn random rewards again.

  • @proof2864
    @proof2864 Год назад +17

    I feel like ranked is way to hard on you for losses even though a quick look at the stats and you will understand that that match was out of your control. On the flip side you have to win 2 or 3 wins in one rank in order for blizzard to actually acknowledge that you might deserve that rank. Losing one match and going down a whole rank is never a good feeling especially if in the last match you couldn't do anything because someone on your team was throwing.

    • @Nat-er1rk
      @Nat-er1rk Год назад

      I think cope

    • @fractalelf7760
      @fractalelf7760 Год назад

      @@Nat-er1rk People only say stupid shit like this when they are playing up to their skill tier and not trying to push past.

  • @NecroReality
    @NecroReality Год назад +16

    Stg they coded matchmaking with chatgpt. It's "fair" in that you win/lose 50% of the time. It's not about stomps though, it's about quality of the matches. Do they "feel" balanced. They can paint it however they want, but even when I win I still feel like crap.

  • @unchartedrocks1
    @unchartedrocks1 Год назад +5

    I don’t play rank anymore. They have been saying that they will fix it & make it better since season 1. Terrible management.

  • @Kurppalumppu
    @Kurppalumppu Год назад +6

    For me it's actually unranked that has become almost unbearable. I'm slotted into an MMR bracket where I relatively frequently get masters and gm players on the enemy team. But more often than not the matches are completely one-sided with genuinely zero chance of victory either for me or the enemy team. I've actually kept track of it and around 60-65% of my matches in unranked are one-sided. Leavers are also so common that it just messes with the flow of the game a lot.
    I dipped my toes into ranked at the end of S4 and honestly had a lot of fun. Tried again at the start of this season and had some.. unlucky games to say the least. One of those games we had a lucio/mercy support combination (so all utility, little sustain). When I inevitably couldn't stay alive as tank (the enemy had Ana so their tank got healed a lot more and I couldn't block all her nades) I got flamed hard by the rest of my team. Which is honestly quite amusing, those salty little peanuts really had to vent their frustrations on something I suppose. I just happened to be an easy target in their eyes.
    I'll be playing more ranked from Monday onward. Hopefully by then the most impatient of children will have stopped playing and I'll get ever so slightly less toxicity in my games. The toxicity itself doesn't phase me in the least but it's not a very good quality match when your entire team is fuming.

  • @Danieljorge15
    @Danieljorge15 Год назад +3

    Bro, me and a friend of mine were playing comp (gold 3) and we got an ashe that was hitting EVERY SINGLE SHOT, then the enemy team won and they said "ez", that sucks but i won't quit comp, atleast for now 💀

  • @mossup-
    @mossup- Год назад +5

    I havnt touched Comp since season 3, supposedly when the bronze 5 bug was fixed, went in and completely destroyed plats and diamonds players and played against masters players, then got placed bronze 5, so I gave up and havnt played since, season 4 and 5 people have just said its bad so I decided I will keep away.

  • @moezoi
    @moezoi Год назад +3

    comp has gotten worse for me, ive deranked from high plat to gold2 and have just been getting so many new players on my team just this season alone its insane, so many leavers aswell its like if we lose the first team fight they leave and don't come back, its impossible to even play solo because I play support and there's not much I can do with teams like that

  • @keanu4577
    @keanu4577 Год назад +5

    So my ranked experience is this: I i am ball main (blame me if you want, but i am good and thats the only thing that matters to me). So i play in master, this season currently in diamond and i know people say its not your teammates fault its yours. But i am usually with 25-35 kills and a lot of my team mates don’t even hit the 10 kills. But kills don’t matter all times, sadly they dont have good game sense and stuff like this too. In my eyes ranked is still really unbalanced and there are lobbys where the rank difference is 3 or even 4. So no it didn’t got better😢

  • @NLS84
    @NLS84 Год назад +2

    I’m in low masters-high diamond and quite often get people in my game that haven’t even had their account for a week. There should be no reason for someone that’s been playing for a week to be in a lobby like that.

  • @rossruss6901
    @rossruss6901 Год назад +2

    My ranked experience has been awful this season as well as last season. I know I'm only low Gold (5 to 3) but for reason the game likes to drop me in plat lobbies with Diamonds in them and for this season it feels like every match it's either an easy win or a hard lose.

    • @aerz8420
      @aerz8420 Год назад

      Bro ngl you complaining about gold you ain't ready for plat it's super easy to hit masters ranked 2.0 made it piss easy I hit masters for the last past 3 seasons. If you are gold you are probably making dumb decisions in order to rank up as solo queue you have to carry your whole team

  • @LiterallyPaulGeorge
    @LiterallyPaulGeorge Год назад +3

    I was playing qp and both tanks we’re literally playing some of their first games I swear. The game ended with them both having like 4 kills and over 15 deaths. Literally everyone was roasting tf out of them which I feel bad about, it’s not their fault, but not sure how they got put in this lobby

  • @Mercienary
    @Mercienary Год назад +1

    I dont think your bastion knew how to move his hero....

  • @PurpleMoon799
    @PurpleMoon799 Год назад +2

    i swear i got the sweatiest (qp!!!) games ever since the patch, i genuinely don't wanna touch the game anymore.

  • @DeathsAvarice
    @DeathsAvarice Год назад +1

    5:50 is exactly why I haven't played this season, I played a few games at launch and it felt like I was playing with AI vs OWL pros, and I would have actually thought my teammates were AI if they weren't screaming at each other in voice chat the entire time. It wasn't fun and it was that moment everyone has with a game where they are like, I can't do this, I don't want to do this. As for my ranked games in general, no they've not got better, they actually have progressively got worse over the time of the seasons. Like more and more people stopped caring. To the point where even I did.

  • @DeviIpie
    @DeviIpie Год назад +2

    Overwatch added bots in unranked seriously new player would at least try to kill they walk forward to wall and wont even get kicked which completely ruin the match even winning feels like boring

  • @carlosIAAC
    @carlosIAAC Год назад

    I think that u are not aware that in many online game communities such as cod are tired of sbmm(skill based match making) in non ranked modes and blizz is paying attention to that

  • @Warblade1989
    @Warblade1989 Год назад

    Me and my friends got so sick of ranked that we just completely ignore it now.
    We used to be hard core 100% comp players, but the game is so flawed now that we just dont see the point anymore.

  • @kkaraujo_4526
    @kkaraujo_4526 Год назад +1

    season 4 matchmaking was terrible, and now in season 5 it seems to be worse

  • @novemberanabellaterra
    @novemberanabellaterra Год назад

    Im on gold 4 support, and most of games are loses where the enemy team stomps mine. The few times i win i feel like i contributed nothing :/ I wish the matchmaker would drop me to silver or even lower. I feel like playing a match where i think i couldve won if i had played better, or if there was a bit better communication, or it was simply close; is almost impossible.

  • @parajon
    @parajon Год назад +1

    Ever since the dumb rank inflation that happened in season 3, ranked has never felt more terrible. I'm GM on all roles, previously mid masters in season 2, and I'm getting diamonds in my GM games. While I know I got inflated, I know for a fact that I consistently hold my own but my teammates simply arent GM level players and the skill difference is massive despite technically being the same rank. Anybody can be GM now and it never feels like the top rank

    • @pandie_6
      @pandie_6 Год назад

      Completely agree. Idc what anyone says but someone who was plat in ow1 does not just turn into a gm1 dps warlord in the span of a few weeks. With how ranking up works atm if you play the game enough you’ll hit gm, essentially making it a time investment instead of a skill/improvement thing.

    • @lordlizard1075
      @lordlizard1075 Год назад

      I’m a plat mercy getting silver or even high bronze supports or dps on my team like what?

  • @gijspampiermole9718
    @gijspampiermole9718 Год назад

    my ranked experience is horrible. I keep climbing to Diamond and then dropping back into mid plat. Its not like im playing horrible, most matches i'm actually carrying. Generally i duo Q with my girlfriend (Diamond 3 healer) or with a good friend of mine, who decided to pick up the game again in S5 after stopping to play in S2. We did his placements, we are equal players... But somehow he got ranked diamond 3 tank, Diamond 1 dps (and after 5/0 with me he went to masters 2) and diamond 3 on healer. Keep in mind we played all of these matches together, and the one where he went from diamond 1 to masters 2, i went from plat 2 to plat 1.... We carried equal weight, equal stats etc. Now we're getting in matches where we just got uncarryable tanks or dps and just lose them. due to some guy having 10 kills and the rest of the team 30

  • @soph-o791
    @soph-o791 Год назад

    Beginning and end of season- at all times of day, too- I regularly get masters and grandmasters in my diamond lobbies.

  • @overpll
    @overpll Год назад

    I got a diamond on tank and dps in 100 hours of playing with 2 characters (never playing this game before) As for the ranking system, now they seem to be good but in previous seasons after winning 10 matches gave me matches on gms and top 500 and I remind you I'm a diamond

  • @Yasviele
    @Yasviele Год назад

    It's funny how this can be taken as the devs saying
    Matchmaking bad? more like skill issue

  • @reallytiredkoi
    @reallytiredkoi Год назад

    I've been done with ranked for a while the matchmaking is terrible im a low rank yet got a master player and plats/diamonds in my lobbys its just stomp or be stomped and the wins don't feel deserved because your being carried by players way above the general lobbys skill level im just happy to have my golden gun and be a qp warrior from now on

  • @wyvern274
    @wyvern274 Год назад +1

    My ranked games are fine, this stuff only happens in gold/silver games. A good dps with brains should adjust, and you dont get matched with people in their first series.

  • @joppy2675
    @joppy2675 Год назад

    ranked experience is bad i was gold somehow got queued into silver lobies and i stomped and instantly i was put in a plat lobby where there was one diamond dps and absolutely shredded everyone on my team and its been snowballing since then stuck in gold/ silver

  • @Valentino...171
    @Valentino...171 Год назад

    Ranked definitely needs changes but I also haven't received my comp points or title from last season

  • @Mbabbb399
    @Mbabbb399 Год назад

    I feel like ranks is not as bad as it was but it’s still pretty bad but unranked yeah that’s still horrible. What happens is you start getting irritated because you get a whole bunch of losses in a row I am a veteran player I start getting tilted by lead games and then the matchmaker put me in games with either new players or people also on really bad streaks, and then it leaves you as a sacrifice for a team that are on a winning streak it is literally predictable. I will win the first 2 to 3 games and then I’ll have five losses and I do rotate what role I play if I start getting really irritated I’ll just play Moira and just punish certain mistakes and be a heal bot but I’ll still end up losing those games and this seems to be a similar situation amongst my friends as well as I play on my schools team

  • @humaninthemaking9024
    @humaninthemaking9024 Год назад

    I'm hard stuck bronze/sliver, I get matched with people who don't know some supports have a different left and right clicks and tanks who hide from the fight.

    • @EBM_11
      @EBM_11 Год назад

      I'm in gold and same for me

  • @jarihaukilahti
    @jarihaukilahti Год назад

    what i think , he red player outline makes the game bad for me -always had , it seem sit were made for 144hz and +28 inch 1440p +monitors and not for others when they coud have dumped the thing totally - the game

  • @kaye3487
    @kaye3487 Год назад

    It's great that they're adding league battles from splatoon but why tf is it limited time. Give us a real mode with a leader board with the top500 teams that let's us look at the members career profiles, view recent match replays and have customisable team icons (like apex clubs).

  • @holo_OW2
    @holo_OW2 Год назад +4

    Thank for the update👍🙏

  • @kyleisreal_tv
    @kyleisreal_tv Год назад

    These devs mite fuck it up so I am not holding up any hope for the 5v5 team que

  • @joeyhoward9178
    @joeyhoward9178 Год назад

    I have to wear headphones to hear you

  • @supreme_sven1337
    @supreme_sven1337 Год назад

    Bro my ranked experience is mostly stomps, we stomp or they stomp

  • @Juan-GC
    @Juan-GC Год назад

    They’re updating the bp more than the gameplay :P

  • @eskipotato
    @eskipotato Год назад +1

    Blizzard devs: nooo stop blaming our matchmaker for the match quality being shit, it's actually more complex!!1!
    you know what would fix this perspective? not hiding ranks

    • @moo-3d
      @moo-3d Год назад +1

      the director literally blaming our mentality and way of thinking

  • @wildcat9036
    @wildcat9036 Год назад +1

    For me in ranked I get masked in games 2 ranks below ma and a gay a ez win a lot and it’s just not fun and hard

  • @CloroxBleachTM
    @CloroxBleachTM Год назад

    I disagree, quickplay is not meant to be taken seriously. Only ranked should have a good matchmaker.

  • @dzikq5953
    @dzikq5953 Год назад

    Match making in this game is very bad at least for me and i can think off couple well made matches but most of them are stomp or get stomp and this rank system is broken cuz how is this even possible i lose 1 game win 5 and drop down from my rank i just cannot understand that

  • @JacksonVR888
    @JacksonVR888 Год назад

    I’m watching this alone

  • @k7v278
    @k7v278 Год назад

    I dont really play competitive because my teammates are all toxic and blame it on each other.
    Eventhough i am only gold/platinum.
    Its not Blizzard, its the players

  • @agent1945
    @agent1945 Год назад

    my ranked experience is silver and it feels like gold or plat

  • @jakethefox975
    @jakethefox975 Год назад

    Most of the time I get the worser DPS then the enemy the tank is is time on the same skill level support feel a little bit worse but still good this in quick play then I play support then is the tank am like what going on I know it's quick play but it has to be fun or I can't play and get bored i do get beat that's my fault some it's down to team not having the same movement as me hope the Mach quilty get better for people

    • @jakethefox975
      @jakethefox975 Год назад

      It better in comp then quick play but quick play ment to be fun quick match but is not it's sweety

  • @Emma_2Banks
    @Emma_2Banks Год назад

    So instead of adding more cosmetics, they did the stupid Apex thing and split the mythic skin into 3 SEPARATE SKINS. This is so lazy and dumb, 99% of players are going to use the final mythic skin and ignore the other 2. This dev team is full of incompetency.

  • @erdenebaatarbatmunh6841
    @erdenebaatarbatmunh6841 Год назад

    I feel like ranked is too hard and toxic. The players tell the new players to switch to that or that.. and they end up blaming the new player even if the player didnt play for 3-4 months
    plus the gaming experience is just wayy off.

  • @holo_OW2
    @holo_OW2 Год назад

    6:42 I got to diamond niw i just avoid it bc i keep getting stomped by masters and gms

  • @NiteAtTheFort
    @NiteAtTheFort Год назад

    can you put chapters on your yt vids

  • @PipoZizo
    @PipoZizo Год назад

    I almost never play ranked anymore, a combination of garbage teammates, overpowered opponents and not to mention the risk of disconnecting from the game.
    Not worth it.

  • @khaosApophis
    @khaosApophis Год назад +4

    Glad to see people still having fun on this game maybe one day I'll join the group again and reinstall.

    • @winglau3128
      @winglau3128 Год назад

      Since I installed diablo 4 I hardly play OW anymore

  • @JustComet6386
    @JustComet6386 Год назад

    Make guilds/clubs then make like rewards you get for progressing in them hint hint lootboxes wink wink

  • @hasanmisheytee5764
    @hasanmisheytee5764 Год назад

    All matches are extremely one sides always atleast for me

  • @samuelsaunders230
    @samuelsaunders230 Год назад

    hit dimond 1 and never played again after the games were just 50 50 so it was boring

  • @papin6802
    @papin6802 Год назад

    no pve?

  • @terraprisma224
    @terraprisma224 Год назад +1

    The ranked system IS Broken, i won 5 games and Lost 2 and deranked? It just gets to a point wheres tank does not matter

  • @cocacherries
    @cocacherries Год назад

    Rank so bad, wins 5 games with 7 loses, ranks up from 5 tier does a 5 wins 1 lose, ranks down 3 tiers

  • @disgustedguy
    @disgustedguy Год назад

    "ranked experience"? ^^
    last time I played ranked was in S3. I guess, I just don't care anymore.

  • @johnnyguerra6234
    @johnnyguerra6234 Год назад

    Like I say since last season, the rank system is trash. The matching is mega trash it doesn't make any sense idk why it is sooo fkng complicated to create a match making. Why blizzard can't make it simple? For example, if u are gold tier 3, u should face gold 2 or at least one rank above, but not one below u and your team should be your rank or at least one tier above that's it. Because is not fair u been plat tier or diamond and rest of the silver or gold or even worst bronze and your enemy team is fkng master it doesn't make any sense this match making😡😡😡😡😡

  • @BeatsbyBadmusic
    @BeatsbyBadmusic Год назад

    Personally i have given up all hope on ow. Doesnt matter if u w or L your rank will always be the same

  • @gg_gg6448
    @gg_gg6448 Год назад

    tk men for the update

  • @brockmcdonald3665
    @brockmcdonald3665 Год назад

    You could not have been more wrong with what you said about valorant

  • @outcast319
    @outcast319 Год назад

    Terrible I won like 20 much still in silver 1 I’m done with OV2

  • @fractalelf7760
    @fractalelf7760 Год назад

    No question the matchmaker is garbage. “Not always the case” is pure spin language… they know it’s flawed and do not care.

  • @vlobdam
    @vlobdam Год назад

    delete ults ez stomp fix

    • @munchlax6577
      @munchlax6577 Год назад

      Cassidy already doesn’t have an ult lol

  • @rua893
    @rua893 Год назад

    i uninstalled this game mid last season cuz matchmaking .. this game is trash .. at this point just bring back ow1

  • @krzysztofparkita1803
    @krzysztofparkita1803 Год назад

    my ranked is very good

  • @Profes24
    @Profes24 Год назад

    Gm lobbys r pretty balanced

  • @trxpmetal
    @trxpmetal Год назад +5

    They messed something up with the ranked system. Its nearly impossible to win games as support. It feels like I play against diamond 1's as a plat player.

    • @Kurppalumppu
      @Kurppalumppu Год назад

      You will get impossible to win games on any role. Support most definitely has carry potential but of course you will lose if you have a passive tank that sits on the payload or dps that cannot keep up at all.
      I like to play tank the most and I cannot effectively take space on my own. If I'm not getting healed on time then I cannot attempt to make plays as often. Even if I had god tier supports I will not be able to confirm enough kills on my own if the dps are doing very little (assuming the enemy team is at the same skill level). All of the roles depend on the rest of your team to have winnable matches.

    • @trxpmetal
      @trxpmetal Год назад

      @@Kurppalumppu In the most cases it feels like the enemy team is a great coordinated 5 man party and my team is split around the map and the dps are going junk and reaper against pharah.

  • @BlazeD_7
    @BlazeD_7 Год назад +13

    I need the ranked system to be better. Sometimes I get games where I win and where I loose. I don't know if it's my skills, but I can't really tell cause it's ass. Most of my season 5 comp games on support has been L's where I felt like I did good. They need to fix matchmaking

    • @Yerrrr7899
      @Yerrrr7899 Год назад +1

      Like Ive always said, How do you have a masterfully built mechanic wise shooter with the WORST matchmaking in videogame history 😂😂😂

    • @BlazeD_7
      @BlazeD_7 Год назад +2

      @@Yerrrr7899 💀. I hope it will get fix soon. Hilarious comment btw

    • @lordlizard1075
      @lordlizard1075 Год назад +1

      FR, I know you can’t win every game even if your team is doing good, but it’s like most times I’m pulling my weight as a support with the dmg boost and rez. I usually have 2 deaths at most and sometimes none but we somehow still lose because when you have a teammate doing really bad they insist on not switching.

    • @lordlizard1075
      @lordlizard1075 Год назад

      I literally went from plat 3 to gold 1 in the same day

    • @GouShin1
      @GouShin1 Год назад +2

      @@lordlizard1075 I went from p1-s1 in one day, back in gold now but oof>

  • @snipingway
    @snipingway Год назад +25

    My ranked games got worse. I was in diamond & for some reason I had a Lucio in my lobby that only had 17hrs on his account. Then I had two throwers as co-healers, a Moira that finished with like 2000 healing, a Zarya that only pressed W and kept solo-ulting the enemy team after her team was picked off from the high ground on blizzard world (and she blamed supports of course), & a Kiriko who was trying to heal the team from like widowmaker pre-nerf range.
    I thought being in diamond meant I would get competent teammates, not Lucios with 17 hrs in the game that stand on cart and do nothing.

    • @onighoulmaycry8661
      @onighoulmaycry8661 Год назад +1

      Diamond is just gold with a shiny label slapped on to it. Play is just unbearably toxic

    • @snipingway
      @snipingway Год назад

      @@onighoulmaycry8661 Yeah, it sucks. The highest I went in OW 1 was high plat, so I was hype to finally reach diamond--but the players here are legitimately like low gold.

  • @pandie_6
    @pandie_6 Год назад +2

    Ranked matchmaking is stompy because of how boosted half of the players are. On paper those players are 1 division apart, but if u start looking at their overwatch 1 or overwatch 2 season 1 ranks (before the mass amount of rank inflation started) you’ll see those same players are a lot more than 1 division apart.

  • @keekofox116
    @keekofox116 Год назад +7

    when i lose 20 to 40 times in a row i 100% blame the match making

      @GItANIMATION Год назад +2

      If you lose that much then that skill issue

    • @keekofox116
      @keekofox116 Год назад

      @@GItANIMATION do you only play solo??

      @GItANIMATION Год назад

      @@keekofox116 sometimes but mostly i play solo on Friday

      @GItANIMATION Год назад +2

      @@keekofox116 I just do not understand how you lose 40 times in a row like that a high number

    • @keekofox116
      @keekofox116 Год назад

      @@GItANIMATION i also dont understand but it happens to much thats why i dont play anymore got so tired of losing back to back

  • @mariettanikolopoulou8082
    @mariettanikolopoulou8082 Год назад +1

    My season 4 rank experience was terrible I was always hard carrying my team and destroyed the enemy team and had a positive win rate but for some reason I stayed in bronze 1

  • @jacobfunk4125
    @jacobfunk4125 Год назад +1

    I enjoy the game no matter what!, but I have lossed more then won this season

  • @goldenwolfae
    @goldenwolfae Год назад +1

    it feels like they're focusing on things that cannot be fixed. the only thing they can fix is the matchmaking but trying to "fix" snowball is idiotic because you try to fix human nature and individual human skill. they should focus on other things than just trying to fix things that are literally impossible to fix

  • @SweetTaleTeller
    @SweetTaleTeller Год назад +1

    I find ranked fun still, but there are definitely times when I get put with somebody I really shouldn't. LOL not as important, but I was literally being put up VS grandmaster players in competitive DM (I'm Silver to Plat in Skill, I keep fluctuating between them)

  • @spooks6464
    @spooks6464 Год назад +1

    I've only ever play ranked once and that was in season 3. I placed high plat and the experience I had just made me drop comp. Almost everyone was being toxic and it seemed like I had a player who didnt know what to do in the game.
    I usually stick to qp, but I dropped that aswell. Evertime i boot up the game im either trashing the enemy team or im getting trashed. I was at the point where i wasnt having fun with it.
    A game is supposed to be relaxing. Back in prime gaming days it used to be fun now it just seems like everyone takes games more serious.

  • @MemzYoutube
    @MemzYoutube Год назад +1

    matchmaking still sucks bruh I got silver 2 as my open queue rank today and the very next game I want against 3 gm players an 2 masters players while the match rank was apparently silver 1

  • @megabeefbowlyt
    @megabeefbowlyt Год назад

    id say its definitely better than previous seasons but snowballing is awful

  • @Jamefication
    @Jamefication Год назад

    Ranked is overal fine, haven't really had that many stomps, usually its sweaty as hell though. If it makes any difference im masters 4.
    Although I would be lying if I said I love ranked right now. All my heroes got nerfed, Mei has been buffed to shit and all her counters like hanzo can't kill her as reliably anymore. Then Cas grenade just makes tracer and doom almost unplayable aswell as genji, the nade slowing is fine I guess, but the blocking of abilites and the insane magnet aspect makes it the most frustrating ability. I could blink away only for it to follow me and stick me half a second later, I genuinelly preferred flashbang over this, atleast this was a one and done thing where you would try to stay out of cass reach and bait out the nade. Mei is also just cancer definitelly a horrible meta to play in.
    The battleplas is very fun for sure, Best battle pas so far love the theme love the story is a nice touch (I am a huge DND fan) So having cassidy have voice lines like "How do you wanna do this?"
    Just makes my day, its a refference to Matt Mercer the voice actor for cassidy and the Critical Role show he does. The skins all having a theme is also just great, first battle pas I bought and hope they do more like this.

  • @davidkohn1845
    @davidkohn1845 Год назад

    They did not fix anything about ranking for competitive in season 3 were I was gold 2 and in season 4 I had the copper bug. were I was playing 300 percent higher then my division. Well again with season 5 I'm still at copper 5 play with higher percentage then my division but I will not rank up. I'm still at copper 5 with only 7 losses out of 40. All this makes the matchmaker for unranked matchs even more worse for me because its places me with trash player or noobs.

  • @Falling532
    @Falling532 Год назад

    I don’t play rank as much well actually never played but quickplay and arcade,are kind of having the same thing but it’s just for me because I could get the good people or the worse in those two modes like it just fluctuates for me I don’t know what’s going on, but I do think skill based matchmaking. It is broken more broken the call of duty matchmaking

  • @TrägeEliteGamer
    @TrägeEliteGamer Год назад

    my rankted games are so bad that i (gold ond dps) get masters and grandmaster in my rankted games and a normal silver to plat team. I am winning i guess 1 of 4 rounds or 1 of 5 rounds. i am normally playing now quickplay and there people dont try to win they just test heroes they never played before and if u ask them to switch they say "its just quickplay". i think overwatch 1 was so much better beacause they focused more on the gameplay not on skins and PvE

  • @kab193
    @kab193 Год назад

    Snowballing can just be natural on both sides team with hype Vs team with confusion. Don't think it's down to the game to 'fix'.
    As will create more complaints and toxicity

  • @saltyturtle2570
    @saltyturtle2570 Год назад

    Every time I'm on a win streak of 3-5 games my next matches after that I get insta lock ball, doom, and hog and we just get tank diffed multiple games in a row.

  • @nofoff2862
    @nofoff2862 Год назад

    Lately ranked has been....odd. Im in GM3 and either I have all plats or all top 500 same with enemy team. Very much a stomp either way

  • @turonturon8301
    @turonturon8301 Год назад

    Done with the game, left after season 3. No way i am coming back to this abomination of a game it used to be. Whoever plays i hope you have still fun, gl guys

  • @ricecube5079
    @ricecube5079 Год назад

    Season 5 rank somehow feels much harder , high diamond feels like masters and high masters feels like GM

  • @aerz8420
    @aerz8420 Год назад

    Ranked has been dead to me the only fun thing was the LFG six stack ranked experience with complete stangers

  • @crisdeluna9069
    @crisdeluna9069 Год назад

    OW players bitch about how limited the experience is then by happy for bread crumb additions to the game.

  • @glista8598
    @glista8598 Год назад

    ranked this season has chewed me up and spit me out. just absolute AI lobbies for the most part (not only my team enemies too)

  • @Green_Falcon
    @Green_Falcon Год назад

    I haven’t played ranked in a while because I need to be able to leave midtown without repercussions

  • @trollduspat9034
    @trollduspat9034 Год назад

    has anyone gotten the free ranked coins for reaching a ceartain rank in a season bc ive havent gotten them the last 2 seasons

  • @Meln_GD
    @Meln_GD Год назад

    whenever im in a unranked game the game is always one team gets destroyed its almost never a close game

  • @ZacharyTech7
    @ZacharyTech7 Год назад

    The blame it on snowball effect when their matchmaking is just pure garbage