Yamaha Xmax 300 Top Speed Test
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- Sorry for the weird noise which starts to occur once I get out on the freeway. As far as the top speed is concerned, my phone's app (Speedometer) had me going 138.00 kph (85.7 mph). The Xmax's speedo was reading around 92 mph.
The app I used seems to be fairly accurate. In comparison with Waze, it was 1.5 miles off. This would indicate that the top speed I achieved was around 140 kph or 87 mph.
Buying one this weekend, awesome bike. Need a video on accessories and neat features, please.
Several times I've had my 2019 XMAX 300 up to 88 mph. It freely accelerates from 50 to 80 mph, then beyond 80 the rate of acceleration tapers off. My measurements were done with a Garmin GPS watch. And yes the XMAX speedometer is optimistic. But that's a good thing as it may keep you from getting a ticket!
My mileage has been great at 75 to 77 mpg. On easy country roads at about 50 mph I can get 80 mpg, especially if there are very few stop and goes.
88 mph your you can go Back to the future! Lol thank you
4:30 top speed test starts
Thank you!
This bike super popular in Thailand
Thanks, great video. I'm rewatching Xmax 300 videos while I wait for the snow to melt. I bought a 2020 in late November and only put 35 miles on it before it started snowing and I put it into storage in our shed, I sit on it every day. Have you done any suspension mods or planning any? The roads near me are pretty badly broken up.
Yea, I can’t wait for March and warmer weather too.
To be honest, the suspension is totally fine in my opinion so I’d rather spend the money on something like a top case. I’ve done just over 5,000 since I got it abs it’s been amazing. Just flushed the brake fluid and will do the coolant in the spring along with another oil change abs that should keep me going another year.
You can adjust rear pre load, that may relax the suspension a bit.
138 kph thats easy to reached on our xmax 300 sir .,.,
mine reached 144 on a very long stretched road , ur correct it can stiill give u more 5 kph sir,. absolutely right
coz mine is ,when it reched 144, ive felt that it reached alredi the peak of its torque
but its still stable, no wabbling,
very nice scooter
if u will ask me personaly, im very comfortable on the 125 kph up to 135, kph thats not bad after all
ive seen some of videos here in YT , especially filipino bloggers reached 159 kph, but with their TCS on a OFF mode
they can reached that on a all stock without adding or changing modifications
i dont want to do or even try that.
cant take the risk
besides, the TCS ON is included on ur safety dats why u bought the xmax, hahahahaha
ride safe always sir
The speed indicated on the speedo was 92 mph which is around 148 kph, however, my phone was reading 138kph while Waze was reading 87 mph which is 140 kph.
Just read online that Yamaha rates its top speed at 85mph and I got a GPS reading of 86 plus as I've said, I think I could have gotten 2,3 more miles out of it. Very impressive!
@@simbaking2059 no
I planning to get one I love this scooter looks amazing and I need a scooter to go in the highway thanks for this video now I’m sure I can use the x max in the highway in ct.
It has plenty of power to easily cruise at 75mph. Best of luck
Do you know? Will a Akrapovic exhaust give the bike more speed?
I would guess a little. But I am not sure if that would translate to top end power. You might just better off the line performance which you can also get by getting new rollers for your clutch.
So what gave you the 138, was it the app or the bike, was theere a difference?
The highest top speed I got was 144 kmh via the app, the speedometer showed 150.
There is a bit of a difference.
WOW, I can't believe you got to 144. That's great. Im sold. Im in, Im in. I think I am going to love this machine as much as you love yours. Thanks for your videos. Very informative.
Nemanja pozdrav.
Kao početniku, šta bi pre preporučio, ovu Yamahu ili Forzu 350?
Hvala unapred!
Pa šta znam, jako su slični. Xmax je duži za par cm dok je forza teza za par kg, to verovatno ne bi ni primetio. Forza ima nešto moderniji displej, po meni ima i lepše retrovizore i čini mi se da se vetrobran može elektronski podizati i spuštati, kod yamahe moraš manualno. koji god da uzmeš, uzeces jedan od dva najbolja u toj kategoriji. Meni je xmax nešto lepši zarad malo agresivnijeg izgleda ali to je subjektivno. Najbolje ti je da odeš i vidiš da li možeš da ih probas negde, vidiš koji ti je udobniji, koji ti je lepši i njega uzmeš. Sto se tiče održavanja i to, to je sve manje više isto. Ne znam kakve su cene ali pogledaj i to, posto su relativno ujednaceni možda ti je najbolji uzeti onaj koji ne jeftiniji jer su u sve relativno slični.
@@nemanjatosovic hvala ti na brzom odgovoru…. Forza košta 6,300/6,600, xmax je oko 6,900 eura. Adv koji isto merkam je 7,100. Sto vise gledam, vise sam neodlucniji. Krenuo od Sym-a, kako je krenulo zavrsicu na xadv i onda mogu slobodno da tražim stan, posto će žena da me izbaci na ulicu :)
@@pericanikolic6665 adv je maskirana forza, ipak, meni je lep, možda najlepši u toj kategoriji. Mark Pulling ga je testirao pa pogledaj. Imaš lcd displej, lepu siloetu, hondinu pouzdanost.. ja sam vozio adv 150, manju verziju 350, vrh je. Kvalitet je predobar. Mislim da kada su skuteru u toj maxi kategoriji do 400 kubika u pitanju izabrao si najbolje moguće. Sym je vrh, kymco isto, ali japanci su najpouzdaniji. Primeti se i razlika u kvalitetu plastike i tako. Najbolje ti je vidi pa kojo ti se najviše svidja jer su kad je performans u pitanju slični. Manje više isto troše i potrošnja najviše zavisi od toga kako voziš, imace sličnu max brzinu, jedino eto izgled i tehnologija. Honda ima više fora od yamahe jer eto yamaha nije menjala xmax od 2017.
Xadv je već nivo iznad, ako imaš novac, uzmeš njega i miran si. Mada koji god od ova tri uzeo nećeš se pokajati. Možeš s njima sve.
@@nemanjatosovic Voleo bi da ga imam, mislim na xadv, ali bi ipak da zadržim kola ;) dva klinca, svaki vikend relacija Beograd-Tara, skuter je samo za moju dušu. Čak sam razmišljao i o cf moto nk 300, neki Beneli ili Zontes, ali zašto bi, kad mi ovo zadovoljava sve potrebe. Najvjerovatnije ću forzu, jel za 700-800 evra razlike u odnosu na adv, ništa posebno se ne dobija. Kako ti je tamo, pretpostavljam po naglasku da si par godina gore?
@@nemanjatosovic a kad si spomenuo Sym, ovde u Srbiji imaju dobru servisnu mrežu, dok kymco i ne bas.
Has this scooter changed since 2018 when it came out? Power, features, mpg I saw on website went up from 2021 at 75 mpg at $5,699 to 2022 at 76 mpg at $5,799 not sure if 1 mpg is worth the extra $100 dollars. I'm looking at a used 2018 model, just want to know if anyone knows the difference other than colors and price
As far as I know, no changes have been made. It’s the same bike as the 18,19,20 and 21 models. Not shire why they increased the mpg rating, as for the price bump, that has nothing to do with the changes, everyone is increasing their msrp on certain models.
It’s on Amazon for 120$ 😂
Thank you for this great vid!
I wonder if with some tuning it can hit 100mph
differet gearing and it could, but there's no need.
@@nemanjatosovic my worry is that I get the yamaha 300cc and then find it not enough power for the freeway
@@Night_Watch413 it’ll do 75-80 easily and tops out at 95… I usually keep it around 70-75 when on the freeway.
If you want more, than I guess ak is your only option in the US.
Suzuki and BMW have dropped their 650cc bikes.. and their 400s aren’t as quick as yamahas 300…
Or, you can get something like the Honda rebel 1100 cc with an auto transmission
@@nemanjatosovic i think I will be very happy with it reaching 95 lol 😆
Before you do that you should look at the speed rating of the Dunlop ScootSmart tires that are standard on it.
Hi from Croatia. Nice video. What is the fuel consumption?
Pozdrav. Zavisi kako voziš, izmedju 75-85 milja po galonu to je negde izmedju 2.9-3.1 litara na 100 km.
@@nemanjatosovic hvala na odgovoru. Nudi mi se xmax 250 iz 2016. sa samo 5000km i servisnom, cijena 4400 eura. Smatras li to dobrom kupnjom? Ili bolje naci noviji Xmax 300 sa vise kilometara? Ovaj sto mi se nudi potrosnja mu je oko 4 litre!?
@@marko1987pu pa ne znam kakve su cene kod vas? Ovde u USA možeš za 4400 da kupis skoro nov sa ni 500 km. Kod vas je drugačije ja mislim. Dosta skuplje.
Koliko bi te koštao 300? Čini mi se da su ridizajn radili 2017 iki 2018 tako da je možda bolje uzeti noviji ako nije mnogo skuplji
Did you have the traction control on
Pozdrav Nemanja . kaži mi koja je apsulutna maximalna brzina kada je bez vetra i kada se nagneš tako da otpor vazhuha bude manji.
Takođe reci mi još jednu stvar, koja je prosečna potrošnja na velikim brzinama ( od 100 do 130 na sat ) pitam te to jer me zanima kakva je ekonomičnost pri velikim putovanjima.
Planiram sebi da kupim novu euro 5 verziju na proleće pa me sve zanima .
Max brzina, sagnut, bez vetra, oko 145 kmh. Mada nije realno da voziš toliko brzo dugo vremena. Ja kada sam na autoputu vozim između 115 i 125 i tu motor pravi oko 6500 do 7000 obrtaja. Pri tim brzinama troši oko 65 milja po galonu ili oko 3.7 litara na 100 km a na 145 kmh troši skoro 5 litara možda i više. Po gradu, zavisi kako voziš, može da troši manje od 3 litra na 100 km. Moj prosek je oko 3.1 litra ili oko 77 milja po galonu.
Dobar je motor, nije težak za održavanje, pouzdan, mada recimo menjanje antifriza može da ti uzme ceo dan jer moraš pola plastike sa skines sa njega.
Ja da imam novca uzeo bih tmax ili forzu 750, možda kymco ak550. S njima možeš lagano 150 na autoputu.
A od motora u klasi oko 300 kubika, xmax mi je nekako najbolji. Možeš s njim manje više svuda.
You need to tuck next time. Probably get another 10mph
10mph is a bit optimistic, did a second run, got 141 but i think that is about all. maybe with wind in my back i could have gotten 145 but for a 300 140kmh is pretty good, no?
hi handsome. how about getting a kymco ak550 ? will that help increase the speed and how? explain please? thanks
Get below the windshield an tuck in arms you will get about 2 too three mph. My 2015 Forza played wit tractor trailers. It was a steady ride
It was super windy I’ve gotten it to 92 a few times since.
hi handsome. i also believe that you should not push the throttle. please use the mfg, specs. it should tell you its peak output. thanks I'm impressed with your video. i got a qoute from my Yamaha Motorcycle dealer 2021 yamaha xmax $7,800.00 usd out the door with a 5year warranty.
My x max cost $5,700 at Yamaha dealer
Most of the interstates here in America are 70 to 80 miles an hour. I really don't think scooters are adequate for American roads. This Yamaha really surprises me.
I have a 2008 Yamaha majesty 400 and I drive it on the interstate
135kph =85.7 mph
what kind of mpg you get at those speeds?
at highway speeds going 75-80 mph around 65 mpg at higher speeds it goes down to under 50 mpg.
For those thinking of doing a modification to reach 100 miles per hour, first consider the specs on the stock Dunlop ScootSmart tires.
Dunlop Scootsmart
120/70-15 M/C 56P (93 mph rating)
140/70-14 M/C 62P (93 mph rating)
1st Number: Width 140mm
2nd Number: Aspect Ratio, Height is 70% of width = 98mm
3rd Number: Rim Diameter in INCHES
M/C = Motorcycle
Max Weight Bearing Code 62 = 265kg/584lb (bike + passengers + cargo)
Speed Code: P = up to 93mph (150kph)
dude gloves
I know
600 miles on brand new bike, all highway might be outside the break in parameter!
Not brand new. Bike was bought used.
Thanks for the video cool dude
Lives in the us. Proceeds to read the speedometer in kilometers.
I also measure my height in cm
Posts on a worldwide platform where EVERYONE ELSE measures in sensible units.
Ut you go on wnd retain the chains of your colonial oppression
MY XMAX is much faster than me Vespa GTS 300 and better on the highway.
The Vespa although powerful has a smaller footprint and smaller wheels, its quick and capable but not intended for longer journeys. The Xmax can do it all.
I’d love a GTS for in town and medium commutes, they are beyond awesome!
4:49 "a jebem ti mater" :-)
hahaha. ;)
138 km is 85 mph
It was windy this day, i had the bike over 95 mph indicated just a couple days later
You shouldn't compare it to kymco.
This is best.
Наш человек, сразу слышно
Adjust or change the caburator let it burn more gas, change air the filter, Spark plug it could reach. 110 MPH Guaranteed.
These are fuel injected.
Can you explain more? Im getting a Xmax
@@CKPHH it’s a great bike, reliable, fast, easy to ride, easy to work on. It’s one of the best scooters you can buy I think. Nothing bad to say.
@@nemanjatosovic thanks, i was talking about the 110 mph guaranteed part the guy is talking about.
@@CKPHH oh, im happy with 90 lol
That was cool and what not.
Not wearing any gloves !!!.....tut tut tut 🙄
Topspeed ?? 🤣
138 kmh
😂 😂 😂 😂