As a solo, i rather play against people more skilled than me than wait longer. Because my random teammates keep hot dropping anyway so I feel way less annoyed from insta dying knowing that I can just go to next game anyway. But if I have to wait 5 mins for next game and my randoms keep hot dropping I'll just give up playing. Besides, playing against better players makes me learn more
@@user-yuri665 yes but there is a difference between “better players” and literal pro and pred players 3 stacking with perfect comms (in lobbies with gold players who are still trying to learn the game and probably solo) I agree that a challenge is good, but when that challenge is literally unbeatable for most players it’s gets to be too much.
I think making it solo queue only after masters isn't the best idea, while I get the idea it might put off the more 'casual' masters that don't take the game too seriously but are extremely good at the game and are playing with their friends. I think a tweak on this would be (I think) to let solo queuers ONLY queue up with other solo queuers and duo's, and let the 3 man stacks strictly compete against other 3 man stacks.
@@EPOE Then maybe to counter this give the 2-man and solo queuers the option to enable ALL matchmaking if they would prefer the harder lobbies with less queue time so that they can compete against 3-man stacks if they wish.
Honestly the Apex community is the Definition of “you’re doing too much” bruh. I remember season 13 being so difficult, people complaining. Now that that challenge is gone people want that again…. but why not go back to that format, tweaked with changes to make it a bit easier, idk. But dawg Ranked is always supposed to be a challenge, and that challenge is non existent now. One thing I do remember was how pubs was easier than ranked that season, only thing that made it harder was Stormpoint in my eyes.
The Motto should be "every fight matters" They should design a system where ur performance in each fight is evaluated regarding points clear and simple
i understand your intention and what you are after, but you have to realize that designing a system that takes more than just damage done and kills into account is very hard if not impossible. If you disagree, please elaborate further how this would be done
@@jermu8706 revives,aim efficiency,how much damage did u do while ur team is down more damage against a full enemy team or taking them down alone should give good points to encourage staying in game and try the impossible because that's what's rewarded this would not be that hard i guess but it's clear that a reward system should be focused on bringing ur A game to every fight u encounter a simple multiplier back from the dead would encourage people to stay and don't leave the game i think there is a lot more factors u could use in a intelligent way to make the game more dynamic reward the struggle and make people want to try the impossible
@@jermu8706 and in addition the perfect system would make this game more legitimate and a phenomenon u would ensure players see a hard situation as a opportunity to advance in rank so they bring their a game and this way u would have single player evaluation but in a team setting everybody would get a honest feedback if players sense this is the best out there respawn can only win u need innovation for games this can be done I'm pretty sure respawn already approaches the gamer experience in a individual way kill quips skins banner why not where u rank as a player in the end looking on the individual would give the best and clearest feedback a good player would have a chance to go up in rank even when he is unlucky with his teammates...
@@is_urban1425 yea but for example a kill by u while ur whole team is down should be more valuable because the odds are against you i think they should capture such details when it comes to giving Points currently people often left if they get downed with the right reward system you could stop this
Anyone else not getting any bonus LP points either? Got them the first few days of ranked, but I haven’t seen a single bonus since then. I only get placement points even after catching a win and between 5-10 kills/assists.
i wish a kill would just grant you the same benefit of gaining an extra placement. For example If you got 10th, but 5 kills, that would be the same rewards as 5th place. Then kills and placement can both be desirable
Matching making in ranked is really bad for me on console. I’m sliver 2 duoing with my silver 4 teammate and we get a gold - diamond teammate whilst playing against players in masters. Not to sure what the developers are doing to fix this issue. Edit: If anyone is reading this, if it is based on KD I have a 1.6 ranked KD and teammate has a 1.3 KD
Simple fix, increase entry cost as you get higher ranks and change the system so people cannot do zero damage and get 100LP just for sitting in a tree to top 5. You should have to do 500 damage minimum to gain ANY LP. That will take away all these silver ane gold players able to climb by not fighting and just hiding. System fixed. It was extremely hard to solo to Masters pre season 17 but now its easy for almost anybody. I needed a full squad to get Masters before this new system.
@@SheriffYeti i like that. You cant get more LP then the damage done which means you need to start a fight and do damage. Its sad how people that dont even work for respawn can think of so many ways to improve the experience but they still screw it up.
im not sure why, but lately I have had many high kill ranked games. even if i win the match i get no bonus points, no KP, only position. so why would i fight a single team the entire match if im only going to get points for placement anyways? im not sure if its just broken or what, but its unbelievably frustrating to sweat through fights only to get no reward for wiping squads.
I just thought of a great quick fix for ranked to stop the growth of masters players. Starting from rookie you need to get in the top ten, then in bronze top 9, silver top 8, gold top 7, plat top 6, diamond top 5, and masters top 4. This makes a good reason to play smarter as the ranks go higher. increasing the ranked integrity. Rats cant make it as there will be too many players to kill them off and skilled teams don't want to mindlessly push.
As much as I know Respawn doesn't want to do this they need to drop everyone by one rank halfway through the season and put in a hotfix like this. Then admit they made a mistake and had to back peddle to make things reasonable. I wouldn't care that many players made it to Diamond even if they shouldn't have made it there. It's that there are so many Masters. Then with something like this if enough of the players try to regrind up to masters they will most likely get dropped even lower into plat as many of them just ratted in the first place.
honestly the biggest problem with apexs ranked system is that its a BR ranked mode. Unlike other games like league, overwatch, rocket league and even heartstone where its simply a matter of win or lose there are too many things to take into consideration for a BR games ranked mode. BRs are about being the last man standing but that makes for a awfull ranked experience once the need to do everything optimally takes hold. People would sacrifice any sort of fun or skill expression to just run away from fight and hope to god the other squads die of supernatural causes or those 3 squads that actually want to play the game. With all that said i feel like the system should be reworked to something like this seasons system but both ways AKA high placement with low kills will cancell out into a avarage score and the same goes for high kills low placement. Id say about 5-6 kills should be the avarage that is expected of a team with 8-10 being where the big boy points start with anything above giving a flat amount of RP and we can use the current placement system for the placement part of the scoring. But hey thats just my idea and it probably wont survive contact with real players and their drive to not play the game.
It’s an FPS game. What most of the players are looking for is high-octane battles I was watching an interview for someone playing Apex for the first time coming over from overwatch, and they said Apex was too slow we need promote getting into combat with some kind of points placements important But this isn’t Mario kart it’s not a race to get to the top. It’s just something that comes naturally, if you play right
What if there was increasing entry cost per tier, kills and assist granted rp based on if the player was ranked higher or lower, there was no positive placement points. Meaning if you rat all the way to first place you would get +0. There should be a placement multiplier though, after top 10 kill points get a significant multiplier then to top 5 etc. etc. etc. Also no max rp.
Just a question..does the diamond badge get afected if i will remian in the 4th "division" ?...I mean i will still get her animated or is gonna be normal?..I'm new to rank cuz i play more casual but with this rank i tought i should try it out, and i rly want to know or is just one diamond badge for all "divisions" (I,II,III,IV)?
as much as id love to see solo q raked only, it would make it so there are more 3 stacks in pubs, since that would be the only place to play with friends. and that would suck as well
season 13 split 1 would be a good start, season had good entry costs that were not forgiving in the slightest. only reason people got upset with that system is because their egos got hurt and they couldn't climb to a rank that they had a season prior but probably didn't deserve in the first place. it was good because ranked felt challenging
I agree, players were just salty they weren’t as good as they thought and took it out on the ranked system instead of actually getting better and learning how to play the system correctly.
agreed but I think they should implement what League of legends does to combat 3 stacks as after a diamond on Lol you cant duo, as solo queue around diamond on apex is dumb as you might be queued with golds and plats on your team going against 3 stack masters or pred
@@ANHD25th I do agree with this but they'd have to make a lot of improvement to the matchmaker to try and balance out the ranks so it doesn't make ranked feel too easy for the already established good players masters players shouldn't be able to q with or against lower than D2 think solo q and or a duo option would be a potential better option for diamond and above that way most people will have a bit of incentive to play. It's going to be how they implement it that determines how well it does. I'd say one possitive is boosting is going to be a lot less common.
I think the chaos at the beginning of the split hurt that system a lot too. Setting everyone back further than normal made low ranks even crazier than they normally are at the start of a split. I know several gold/plat players who gave up before the tiers started sorting themselves out. It was kind of entertaining until everyone just stopped playing in the first week. For high ranks to mean anything you need players of all skill levels in the system
@ottr A lot of great points being made here! Very self-aware of the consequences of implementing these changes! I feel like the community overall will have to be patient and let whatever rank mode is created shake off those who don’t want to play it. Or there could be an entire Solos ranked system for people who want that sort of experience.
My issue is that I play solo over 90% of the time and I hardly play ranked and the highest rank i have got is silver, but in pubs(where i play most of the time) I have been solo and the champs have been a pred 3 stack and almost most of the people in lobbies they put me in have damage badges and in about 70% of my matches I am the better player on my team. I guess since they added more buckets I have had one better team mate more often but the lobbies seem to be harder more consistently and I see less lobbies that seem easier. I guess I just want a fair chance to win, with 20 teams each team should have a 5% chance of winning b4 any factors like skill and R&G are taken into account but I most of the time I feel like I start out with a 2% chance with the way things are
Ottr, Your one of the very few Apex Content Creators that are actually creating original content. Your not re posting other creators content. Your coming up with your own ideas for content. I love it Broski. Keep the content coming.
I think that kills and assists should be the primary way that people get points during a ranked match, placement should give half the points of both kills and assists during the match but at the end of the match it should be a multipler of your points thus giving you the rp to rank up. masters and predator player should then get a tournament like system similar to the rocket league one but using the algs scoring system. I think that players in those ranks are dedicated enough to the game to show up at a scheduled time to queue into 3-6 games for a leader board spot
I agree, honestly i prefer the old ranked system they used to have over this one. I hate how everyone is just ratting their way to the top. Placement points should be like they used to. Kill points should be like they used to. Everyone was far happier back in the old ranked system. This one is just crap
At this point they could make a separate ranked system. One when you play with randoms( aka solo queue only ) at all times. Then one where you can play with a premade team. Either was 3 premade or 2 with one random . As for ranking up, I agree with most of what Ottr said after 9:00.
Last two seasons, I've felt like I was a semi-amateur football player forced to play against FC Barcelona, even in pubs. So I stopped playing BR at all this season cause the absurdly unfair matchmaking got too frustrating. Back in the day I would score a decent amount of frags and win games, now I consider myself lucky if I get to kill 2 people and make it to top 5.
They should just add elite que for all of pred / masters that win a game, those that win a game get entered into elite que then have to maintain top 5 to stay in or else they go back into a regular ranked lobby. This basically acts like the original elite que where the more you stay in it the harder the games will be bc the average streak for each team will be higher. Increased LP/KP depending on if you kill a team or an individual that's on a higher streak than you, consistently place top 5 and/or if they're higher ranked than you while simultaneously increasing LP loss to balance it out. Both normal and elite ranked ques count toward your normal rank as well. The only difference you would notice is sweatier games, less pros stomping lobbies, and a little elite que star symbol with a number in it showing your streak displayed next to your rank. This would also include more ranked rewards, hopefully the idea makes sense and my description is kinda scuffed but you get the idea
I'm surprised to hear from you the suggestion "remove KPs, make it placement only", but I fully agree (and always have) with it. People don't get that killing other teams already brings you a lot of indirect bonuses as a side-effect.
I agree with a lot of these takes. I think maybe the system might benefit from simplifying the points overall something like 1 point per kill and 60 points for 1st place, 0 points for anything below 10th with top 10 placement points scaled accordingly, and scaling entry costs accordingly per rank. Also hard splitting the player base at diamond would be great too. Diamond+ queue seperate from plat and below. Also reaching diamond+ should have points reset just so it’s simpler to track points. So when you reach diamond you start over at 0 points so kills and placement still mean something at their new simplified values and it doesn’t feel like you’re fighting the point system as well as higher skilled players. In other words the only way you’re really going to continue to climb or de-rank will be based on if you can perform well at the higher ranks.
First off: I really like the no points if you don't finish in top 10 they implemented this season. It has done wonders for slower games and better endgames. Vs the insanely high kp they had before. However, basically removing KP all together was a mistake. I think they should lower the placement points considerably and introduce a low amount of TEAMWIDE KP (1-3 PpK). And keep the early elimination penalty. I think this would incentivise team work and actually making it to the end game, which is how ranked should be, rather then hit dropping as if it were pubs.
along with missing audio this games biggest issues has always been throwing solo que players in with lower level players and putting them up against full pred/master 3 stack groups. as a solo que player myself I work weird hours so I'm constantly finding myself either alone or having to find new people to play with when I hop on an I can't stomach more than a few matches nowadays be for I'm just tired of the infighting amongst my random teammates, having to backpack the team in general, or watching some rando pull up to a full squad of players die then quit or proceed to finally plug his mic in an shit talk the rest of us till we die. It's quickly getting to the point where I'll just put this game down indefinitely.
Just Do IT like Rocket league have a solo(3) Rank duo rank and a Trios Rank.. So have like 500 Preds in all Modes so u have 1500 Preds so when u See someone pred in tros ok but May He just Dia4 in Solo. Or when you See someone Solo Pred you know He good bc so He is also Duos or Trios pred Bc its way harder so play Solo to pred.. In Rocket league is the same of you See someone in 1v1 the highest rank He is just really good but that means that He can bee SSl in 1v1 but just Gc in 2v2 or 3v3 so in apex can be the same that u Perform really good in Solo Trios then trios but ir would be unlikly... What u guys think about this?
@ 10:15 "remove killpoints" . ??????????????????? how is that going to solve anything? The ranked system is as dogshit as it is because kills have almost 0 value now and people are just ratting. Ther video was fine until this L take was brought up. The ranked system from the middle-ish seasons was fine-ish. The one where you could get max 5 kills/assists worth of points and the rest was placement. it was sweaty enough but not like the past few seasons where you could get 800 points if you had a high kill game in combo with a win.
Kill points shouldn’t remove. when your poping off high kills in ranked should be awarding to prove your a good teammate in the team and earn lot of ranked points instead of placement points just learning how to survive which I don’t like but should balance for each ring closes or base on how many squads left. I think the reason why they remove KP because of boosters that know how to abuse the ranked system that farm kills/damage just for higher rank that just sell accounts which ruins the game
Ottr's line at the end sums it up perfectly. If they're just throwing shit up against a wall and seeing what sticks? give ottrs shit a go. i personally agree with most of his takes on ranked and i speak for us all when i say its likely better than what we got this season
When we talk about dividing the higher tier masters from the lower tier ones, what if we added a rank between masters and Pred instead? Call it Challenger or something.
I think they should bring back the kill multiplier with placement. getting kills is fun and if kills are worth nothing then I personally wouldn’t want to play ranked. Maybe have the kills worth 0 points until 10th place and scale from there. But also include a kill cap and keep the fact that killing the same person multiple times will not reward more points. The main issue with the past ranked system is that boosters really ruined it. Now it’s just ratting and due to the SBMM behind the scenes, my bronze lobbies are just as rough as my plat lobbies. All ranks feel the same currently. I think returning to a scaling entry cost adjustment could also help. I get that it’s a BR but currently with placement worth as much as it is, and solo Qing is a nightmare, it would be nice to be rewarded for playing well in other ways outside of placement, like damage or kills.
The solo q idea would lose them ALOT of players but would shine light on the best actual player it'd be very interesting to see who stepped up to that, go the other way and add 4 or even 5 man teams, 5 would lead to crazy fights 1 legend from each sub class 12 teams so a super fast zone 1-2 and maybe even spawn teams in a random poi. I also think the answer isn't so linear they need to add multiple systems to work simultaneously.
I remember in season 14, I hit D2 with my pal. We played on FRANKFURT. Got the NRG roster, and knocked one of them (really proud of ourselves); we though we might win, but hey, just run as over. We had 200+ ms for no reason, and they just called us to thrash and asked us to know our place... I mean... I work 9-5 and spend 4h max a day on rank. I don't know what else I am supposed to do to reach master in the old system, if I just get stomped by pros. You said that it's not so common in lower ranks, but past 11:00 pm, there is some strange shit going on, and servers share population fsr. And voila, past 11:00 pm, you have gold vs. pro players. Fun experience.
Why not split the ranked tactics in halfs: For lower ranks (so everyone at season start) kills have a higher value and get combined with the placement, without limited killcount. That way people are able to grind up faster when their skill level is simply superior and it‘s not just a reward in climbing only through playtime. Then after hitting diamond (or maybe at plat already) the system changes so that placement has a much higher value than kills - let‘s say kills have a constant points not very high and without multiplicator, while placement gets way more important. I think like this ratting will become less likely even in higher ranks with this system, because the focus to hit master/pred lays on the teamplay and tactics (and aswell makes small circles way more intense and fun to actually play).
Why did we get rid of the original system of get 6 kills and placement to get a decent amount of points? You had to have both to get points that were worth it and if you only had one piece of that recipe you often only got back the amount of points you lost at the beginning of the match…that’s how I remember anyways and back then I wasn’t a diamond player, just an ignorant gold trying to hit plat 4 so enlighten me, also they need to quit changing it because you can’t please everyone
In my opinion the huge issue at the moment is the MMR not matching up with a players rank but still affecting the MM, and that kills don't gain a lot of points. I want to start with the importance of kill points in Apex. If you have a Dimond player with a very aggressive playstyle that drops hot and gets on average 6 kills a game but dies early most games? Should they be ranked bronze even though they stomp most bronze teams? Or since they clearly show a high skill level should they be ranked according to their skill? Also do you want a Dimond teammate that has 0.2 KDA that got to Dimond by avoiding ever fight, or someone with the skills to fight and win final rings? Lots of other games with MMR systems work because their MMR system stays very close with the players rank. When the difference between the two starts to grow in either direction, the players rank will quickly increase or decrease to try and balance out. For example, you start winning every game in StarCraft 2, the MM will keep playing you against higher ranked players to find where you fit in. This works because if you stomp bronze to plat, you only have a few games to reach equal skilled opponents, and your rank will quickly increase to Dimond. Apex on the other hand appears to take bronze players that are over performing and place them into gold plat lobbies without increasing the players actual rank so it can be very difficult to climb out of bronze even though your MMR might be Plat.
Maybe they could make it so that you get points for kills and assists and then the kill and assist points multiply according to your placement. It would make ratting pretty useless and also rewarding people who are actually good at the game
Thats what they just had, which lead to KP being worth more than anything else. Which lead to people hot dropping and going for kill races and ego pushs in ranked which is so not how this should go... Than the aggressive player gets killed and the solo q team mates have to rat around just not to loose points...
mortal kombat has a good reward system for rank, there are rank specific skins you are awarded at the end of the seaso, those which will never appear again
solo q top ranks, duo queue mid ranks, triple stacks in lower ranks. Placement games with no rank that just account for your hidden mmr so you can get placed more appropriately
One issue with this Ranked system is that I’ll play a game and have 5-6 kills and place 6th and get my regular placement and no bonus for kills. It already has gotten rid of the need for kill rp because they aren’t worth anything.
I think a good system would not be getting multipliers for kills, let's say you're 13th so technically you're at -25 (-35+10), but you also have 3 kills, you get a multiplier of .5 for each kill starting at 1.5 for the first one, so those 3 kills elevate you up to -10 points. Of course this would get more and more the better your placement. Another example, 3rd with 5 kills (3rd gives you 150 points right now so the raw points are 185 since 185-35=150), this gives you ~613 (185*3.5-35). That's the best I could come up with.
I can’t even play ranked I’m level 20 but every time I queue up the champions in my games are wraiths with 10k kills and I get demolished almost instantly
I think what would help is make all the ranks like Pred. Let me explain, once you reach a rank you have to keep playing to stay in it and at the end of the season you'll get a badge of the rank you grinded to but also show you where you ended during the end of the season.
Just put a survival item in the game that pinpoints enemy positions only if they’re not moving. Anti rat item. You can also make it so if you move a certain amount or a certain distance that you would no longer be marked.
I want to get smth like the old ranked, but with a hidden mmr, in order to get platinum on platinum of the same skill. The placement points will be multiplied by the number of kills from the very beginning of the match. So the rats will get nothing if they don't kill/assist. Sharingan is also given points only when multiplied by kills / assists. Players won't raise the rank if they can't survive +(!) kill others.
My idea would to have players test there stats in training grounds and have the stats kinda corellated to where you start at beginning of the season but this has its on problems, feel free to reply to this with any suggestions on improvement to get our overarching opion for ottr to tell respawn.
Wow I solo queue to master all the time and I definently could see why it is an anomaly I had to learn a playstyle so niche it's highly unlikely you lose but yea a rework would help so there's easier ways for people to reach high ranks with solo queues I had so many matches where my teammate says i don't even know why they have me here with you guys I'm like diamond or gold and the opponent the rank200, 153, and 100 pred in there I just don't think it's fair to me or my teammates or anyone else in the lobby at that
I mean... after hitting masters myself, the only reason I may want to play ranked is because the lobbies don't insta-die or a map is on rotation I prefer. if I'm in the mood for 75% of the lobby hotdropping, I play pubs. really that simple. based on the mood I'm in lol
In my Opinion the biggest flaw in the old ranked system was the RP reset. Its fine if you derank higher rp players maybe from masters to diamond once but if it repeats the former pred players will land in a silver or gold lobby if they dont play with an account for a season. Also the majority of players will end up in bronze just because they aren't playing enough and the maybe diamond skilled player will destroy in bronze lobbies. That change was good this Season. I agree with your stacking concerns but maybe it could change to 3 stacking until master duo queue in master and pred being solo only. This way if they do reset the Ranks at the end of the season the highest skilled players will be able to farm to pred in (smaller) stacks and the pred vs master matchup would maybe be more fair from the skill vs communication standpoint.
Placing higher with 0 kills should only give a bit of RP and Kills/Assists/TeamKills will actually add RP. Solo queueing and we wiped out 2 squads and we still get a -17 RP this game is just amazing
This season also nicely showed off issue with smurfs. It's legitimate to meet bronze player in diamond/master lobby. Hidden MMR gives opportunity farm points on "fake" masters this season. What we really need is to discourage ratting overal. I can imagine higher entry costs to the point where you need to get like top5 to even move a few LP in diamond and also give more favors for stats like Eliminations and Skill. RN you might wreck four teams during a game but you wont be granted any extra LP if those teams were placed below you which is utter BS. Also increase LP requirements to get in upper tiers. 1000 LP per tier is waaaay to low on ranks like Platinum and higher.
I don’t want a Masters badge and I really didn’t do anything to get it. I’d rather them just rebuild the whole ranked system but having rewards as you go further up besides just a badge would be nice to.
In my opinion, ranked should be prioritizing skill, similar to Fortnite if you 3 stack you get put against other 3 stacks within your ranked irrespective of kd. For solos of which I’m a major solo player I wouldn’t mind waiting a bit to find a match were I’m more so against a majority of solo players within my ranked, of course placement should be a reward I also believe if I’m better than the players in my rank, I shouldn’t be punished for fighting squads and trying to get kp. What is the point of giving placement all of the points if there is no skill involved in getting points as how the game is currently. Imo placement should be 50 points max and elimination kp 5 points for rank below, 10 points for same rank and 15 points for rank higher than yours. Unlimited kp so it rewards the better players rather than allowing rats to thrive. Why punish the players who spent the time to get better at the game by giving brainless kids free points just for being in the game.
Btw is so simple to fix solo q rank grinders , the game should be able to detect if i am solo and if a pre made squad starts -50 solo q should start -35 or -30 to , and everything should be worth more for a solo ! Rp , all that
In my opinion I think a good ranked system would be placement is only a bit better than kills but than u can only get a certain amount of kills that will reward points
For long queue times, they just need to let people be in a tdm/control etc game while they wait for the ranked queue. As for points, 10 entry fee. Kills are 1 point. 10th place earns you +1 and 1st is +25. Master matchmaking either solo queue, matched strictly only as low as diamond 2, or both. All other ranks 4-6 tiers apart.
Okay so lets see: 1. Define "how Apex should be played" (8:42) ? Apex is a battle royal game. From a lot of videos I watched my understanding is (please! correct me if i'm wrong), that every enemy needs to be killed - optimally by me - , and if I killed all my enemies - whom I possibly encountered with/seen, heard and engaged, I win the game - IS the way this game should be played? The aim is to be the last one alive, not the best in the lobby. The game mode I described is king of the hill or a very huge map 1-rounder search and destroy, not a battle royal. Imagine if I see you with your friends doing 30 different movement skills in 3 seconds while reloading your weapon with a perfect reload anim cancel, standing behind with my bronze friends in a pub game after a long and exhausting day trying to have a moment of fun. Am I a rat for not immediately initiating combat, with a team that clearly would erase us from existence faster than electrons move in a particle accelerator? I call this common sense and also this is how battle royals are meant to be played. You have to get the upper hand, you have to get the advantage in order to increase your chance of winning a fight and the game. I have to know my and our capabilities, I have to chose my tactic. Choosing not to participate in any fight (I am not doing that or defending either side, just for the case of the example) is a tactical decision. Players who have a shitload of experience and playtime, think that they do the same by practically trying to win all the fights, because - yeah they have an upper hand by having that much experience and skill etc. The right tactical decision is to eliminate the other team because they have a very good chance to do that, but that decision is not the right decision for all players in that particular situation. Again I am not defending camping or rating, I am just describing the idea that I have around battle royals against other shooter games. 2.I think the ranked system is - based on 1. - totally in the right mindset. The only thing I don't understand is why there is no increasing entry cost.. The static amount of LPs needed to achieve a certain rank coupled with the fact that entry cost is constant 35 makes the only difference in how fast someone can climb obviously. The idea of not rewarding kills in the beginning makes people scatter around the map instead of instantly get into the grinder -> that also makes it harder to get to the top 10, but if you had those kills in the beginning you still will get the points for them IF you actually got to the top10. Not the best system but, better than playing a fy_iceworld until 1 death and getting the LP for the 3 team wipes in 3 minutes and restarting. A good fix would be to increase entry cost as the rank progresses and also start giving points for even placing 18-16-14 etc.. getting to exactly the same amount of + as the entry cost at rank 10 and then go +LP for higher finishing positions.
tbh. I liked the first implementation of the rating system the best. you had a hard cap at 5 additional kill/assist counts which gave another 125 REP. This added to your placement made the most sense to me. It shouldn't matter if you kill at the start, or at the end of the game. It's Battle Royal and not King of the Hill.
When they change ranked up again, I would like penalties for bad gameplay. Things like a full squad being alive and still ratting is detectable in the game and should be punished, things like self damage is detectable, fall kills are detectable... when they change the way ranked is counted, these should come as a punishment. If you're in a ranked lobby and you purposely die because you reached the "optimal placement and kill point combination" to gain rp, and you just jump off the map or thermite yourself to death, I don't see why that can't be severely punishable. It would also stop everyone doing the Medkits to Masters challenge since you're being a statue the entire time. I don't think this would particularly fix anything in a big way, but it's something I think should be done to discourage players from cheesing the system
Ranked is awful right now i got into 3 matches in a row where every team was running 3 stack charge rifle or bootlegger and no one was pushing fights. Thats not even the worst of it, the amount of times it has reached 4th ring and there are more than 5 squads is stupid and im only in gold. Several matches im put at a disadvantage because at least 1 teamate is ratting and not helping at all. Its to the point that every time i see my teamate pick loba, wraith, or plathfinder i automatically assume they might be ratting.
Hmm so what could fix ranked as separating to stacks with the solo Q-ers by idk implementing something that 90% of the players wanted since beta aka adding a "Solo" mode into the game which would fix most of the major problem the game has? Interesting, who could have thought
3:55 good idea but start it at plat or at minimum on diamond because this stupid 3-stacks are mostly common in the lower tier lobbies and in master lobbies, no one cares about this anymore. The biggest problem are the 2- and 3-stacks in lower tier lobbies when people are just not that good in the game and that mostly even starts at gold. I would make ranked solo queue only starting at gold, all the way up to pred. Only let people in the algs play in 2- and 3-stacks because there it is an serious competition with money on the line but everything else is just stupid to have premade squads against solo queue. If you want an all around solution, make "solo-queue ranked" and "premade-squads ranked" so that on one side, solo queuers play ONLY against other solo queuers - no matter the rank(!) - and in the other ranked mode, ONLY premade squads fight against other premade squads. *PROBLEM SOLVED*
Kp should be 1/3 of a point per person on a team maybe would workish maybe 1 full point bonus point for killing full squad this still give kill value as you could actually lose game to 3rd or second maybe 4th n 5th but also have bonus for last standing. As for ratting how bout if we stand in place for 30 sec we are highlighted on the map for 15 sec
One thing they need to fix is Pro stacking. Respawn just needs to get over it. And just make it where pros can't stack together. They need to do what Overwatch 1 did and have a Top500 limit. If you have for example a rank of 4000 Grandmaster you can't play +200 over with another pro. So you have to grind that +200 to play with a Grandmaster 4200. The solo queue idea is a good idea.
tbh they should have kills be a static value prior to top 10 that way there is some reward to taking a fight early to mid game. lets say it takes 1/3rd of entry cost away perk kill/assist(only till -10, 0 or+10). After top 10 change kills to be a multiplier adding a cap somewhere reasonable like 2/2.5x(maybe like +0.5X per kill/assist). and static placement points*kill multiplier. If you're just ratting without kills probably should just get 0 (you can add a dmg check too like less than 300 dmg = 0rp why reward people for watching youtube and not actually playing). Then you can keep the basic 35 entry cost or change it to be slightly higher in the higher ranks and eliminate rats. Then get rid of hidden ranked MMR play strictly against your rank(bonus points that dont work......) Maybe remove demotion in some ques if rank percentage falls below what is healthy for que times? Most of the time deranked masters player will farm diamond (3 stack) then just move back into pred/masters and get rolled by a pro team.(Theres an adjustment period all im saying) Besides they're just handing out "rewards" based on peak rank achieved.
Personally, I think it would be cool if they made it so that way your kp per kill scales with your placement. So that if someone gets no kills but gets 2nd, they don’t get much because screw rats, but if you just jump down and get 3 kills before dying in 17th, you might even out, but you wouldn’t gain much. Then Again, I’ve only just started this season and I’m already masters, so I know something needs to be changed, but this might not be best idk Edit: you could probably also add in a hidden kp multiplier for killing people who have higher ranks / 3 stacks.
I like this idea but I feel like solo queue should actually only happen until diamond or masters. If people weren’t able to queue with their team after master, I feel like it would turn off a lot of those players actually. It would come off to players as a punishment for ranking up in the game which feels intuitively backwards. But if they were able to queue with their team after they all solo queued to Masters, it would give players (casual and professional) a reason to endure solo queue until a certain point. This would not only introduce something fresh to the ranked system but would also force all players to truly see their skill before having a grand ole time with their pre made. Threshold could probably be lowered to Diamond honestly.
As a person with so few friends that actually play ranked i get stuck rookie or bronze of course my skills arent that good but ive been here since season 9 and best i could do solo was silver 4 in the older ranked system. Solo que is impossible with 3 stacks and the way ranked is currently
The longer quing time could be fixed by doing a bit like rocket league where you can practice and train a bit before the match starts i think it could work well
Choosing from the 3 ranked systems i've been in now - the original one was the best. For each next iteration ranked became more and more time-consuming for solo-queuers, so i gave up diamond grinding since S13 second split. I believe i could make it to masters with my current skill and original system, but now i have to play around 5-6h per day to do so. No, thanks.
Because Master's means nothing now and you'll get ridiculed just for having the badge I honestly considered losing my LP on purpose to go to Diamond. Then I realised that will take forever since I have 3k LP over the master cap.
I mean they could just roll out an update for console to have 240 fps on next gen and a higher tick rate to somewhat match pc and combine all the lobbies and with that even if u can turn off cross play on console if u want but for the higher level players it would be dope only having proper ranks in ur lobby would make it competitive and as a console player that would love to be able to play pc lobbies without having to find a pc player would be dope and help bring another level of challenge to console for those that have pretty much capped out and roll console lobbies (with the ranked system being changed as well of course) and obviously some if not most console players (9-5) adults that just wanna play a little have the option to turn it off but for me who mindlessly runs around and wipes console but can’t afford to get a pc that can actually run apex it would be dope asf
I wouldn’t mind longer queue times if it mean I actually got fair matches that I am able to compete in (especially if it’s solo only)
Apex mm if it takes more than 12 seconds to find a match:
*panic panic*
*slaps you in a game with 3 trios and 18 solos
Me too cause I was in gold3 and i was playing against diamond 4’s
As a solo, i rather play against people more skilled than me than wait longer. Because my random teammates keep hot dropping anyway so I feel way less annoyed from insta dying knowing that I can just go to next game anyway. But if I have to wait 5 mins for next game and my randoms keep hot dropping I'll just give up playing. Besides, playing against better players makes me learn more
@@user-yuri665 yes but there is a difference between “better players” and literal pro and pred players 3 stacking with perfect comms (in lobbies with gold players who are still trying to learn the game and probably solo) I agree that a challenge is good, but when that challenge is literally unbeatable for most players it’s gets to be too much.
Absolutely! It speaks volumes that arguably the most casual BR (Warzone) has longer queue times than Apex.
LMAO not me being the “random gold” example in the video 😂
I think making it solo queue only after masters isn't the best idea, while I get the idea it might put off the more 'casual' masters that don't take the game too seriously but are extremely good at the game and are playing with their friends. I think a tweak on this would be (I think) to let solo queuers ONLY queue up with other solo queuers and duo's, and let the 3 man stacks strictly compete against other 3 man stacks.
the queue times would be ridiciously long
why can't we simply have solo back
@@EPOE Then maybe to counter this give the 2-man and solo queuers the option to enable ALL matchmaking if they would prefer the harder lobbies with less queue time so that they can compete against 3-man stacks if they wish.
that would need a larger playerbase, or it would be difficult to be matchmade
As a solo queuer I gotta say dou stacks are the worst. Rather treat them like no fill. If they queue up as a dou, we'll that's their problem.
Honestly the Apex community is the Definition of “you’re doing too much” bruh. I remember season 13 being so difficult, people complaining. Now that that challenge is gone people want that again…. but why not go back to that format, tweaked with changes to make it a bit easier, idk. But dawg Ranked is always supposed to be a challenge, and that challenge is non existent now. One thing I do remember was how pubs was easier than ranked that season, only thing that made it harder was Stormpoint in my eyes.
6:29 omg I just watched wreck it Ralph yesterday
The Motto should be "every fight matters"
They should design a system where ur performance in each fight is evaluated regarding points clear and simple
i understand your intention and what you are after, but you have to realize that designing a system that takes more than just damage done and kills into account is very hard if not impossible. If you disagree, please elaborate further how this would be done
@@jermu8706 revives,aim efficiency,how much damage did u do while ur team is down more damage against a full enemy team or taking them down alone should give good points to encourage staying in game and try the impossible because that's what's rewarded this would not be that hard i guess but it's clear that a reward system should be focused on bringing ur A game to every fight u encounter a simple multiplier back from the dead would encourage people to stay and don't leave the game i think there is a lot more factors u could use in a intelligent way to make the game more dynamic reward the struggle and make people want to try the impossible
@@jermu8706 and in addition the perfect system would make this game more legitimate and a phenomenon u would ensure players see a hard situation as a opportunity to advance in rank so they bring their a game and this way u would have single player evaluation but in a team setting everybody would get a honest feedback if players sense this is the best out there respawn can only win u need innovation for games this can be done I'm pretty sure respawn already approaches the gamer experience in a individual way kill quips skins banner why not where u rank as a player in the end looking on the individual would give the best and clearest feedback a good player would have a chance to go up in rank even when he is unlucky with his teammates...
@@Holyinductorlast season was fine,kills are more important than placement
@@is_urban1425 yea but for example a kill by u while ur whole team is down should be more valuable because the odds are against you i think they should capture such details when it comes to giving Points currently people often left if they get downed with the right reward system you could stop this
Anyone else not getting any bonus LP points either? Got them the first few days of ranked, but I haven’t seen a single bonus since then. I only get placement points even after catching a win and between 5-10 kills/assists.
Only good thing about this ranked season is I can troll and have fun and not feel as bad
i wish a kill would just grant you the same benefit of gaining an extra placement. For example If you got 10th, but 5 kills, that would be the same rewards as 5th place. Then kills and placement can both be desirable
I love this idea, I feel like it would balance out overall skillwise
This is a great idea!
Matching making in ranked is really bad for me on console. I’m sliver 2 duoing with my silver 4 teammate and we get a gold - diamond teammate whilst playing against players in masters. Not to sure what the developers are doing to fix this issue.
Edit: If anyone is reading this, if it is based on KD I have a 1.6 ranked KD and teammate has a 1.3 KD
Simple fix, increase entry cost as you get higher ranks and change the system so people cannot do zero damage and get 100LP just for sitting in a tree to top 5. You should have to do 500 damage minimum to gain ANY LP. That will take away all these silver ane gold players able to climb by not fighting and just hiding. System fixed. It was extremely hard to solo to Masters pre season 17 but now its easy for almost anybody. I needed a full squad to get Masters before this new system.
Good idea, or you can't get more LP than the damage done? Either way I think this approach should be implemented someway
@@SheriffYeti i like that. You cant get more LP then the damage done which means you need to start a fight and do damage. Its sad how people that dont even work for respawn can think of so many ways to improve the experience but they still screw it up.
im not sure why, but lately I have had many high kill ranked games. even if i win the match i get no bonus points, no KP, only position. so why would i fight a single team the entire match if im only going to get points for placement anyways? im not sure if its just broken or what, but its unbelievably frustrating to sweat through fights only to get no reward for wiping squads.
I just thought of a great quick fix for ranked to stop the growth of masters players. Starting from rookie you need to get in the top ten, then in bronze top 9, silver top 8, gold top 7, plat top 6, diamond top 5, and masters top 4. This makes a good reason to play smarter as the ranks go higher. increasing the ranked integrity. Rats cant make it as there will be too many players to kill them off and skilled teams don't want to mindlessly push.
As much as I know Respawn doesn't want to do this they need to drop everyone by one rank halfway through the season and put in a hotfix like this. Then admit they made a mistake and had to back peddle to make things reasonable. I wouldn't care that many players made it to Diamond even if they shouldn't have made it there. It's that there are so many Masters. Then with something like this if enough of the players try to regrind up to masters they will most likely get dropped even lower into plat as many of them just ratted in the first place.
This isn't intended as a perma fix just temporary to slow the insanity
Idk about solo queue only, I'd drop rank altogether if i can't play with freinds
honestly the biggest problem with apexs ranked system is that its a BR ranked mode. Unlike other games like league, overwatch, rocket league and even heartstone where its simply a matter of win or lose there are too many things to take into consideration for a BR games ranked mode. BRs are about being the last man standing but that makes for a awfull ranked experience once the need to do everything optimally takes hold. People would sacrifice any sort of fun or skill expression to just run away from fight and hope to god the other squads die of supernatural causes or those 3 squads that actually want to play the game. With all that said i feel like the system should be reworked to something like this seasons system but both ways AKA high placement with low kills will cancell out into a avarage score and the same goes for high kills low placement. Id say about 5-6 kills should be the avarage that is expected of a team with 8-10 being where the big boy points start with anything above giving a flat amount of RP and we can use the current placement system for the placement part of the scoring. But hey thats just my idea and it probably wont survive contact with real players and their drive to not play the game.
It’s an FPS game. What most of the players are looking for is high-octane battles I was watching an interview for someone playing Apex for the first time coming over from overwatch, and they said Apex was too slow we need promote getting into combat with some kind of points placements important But this isn’t Mario kart it’s not a race to get to the top. It’s just something that comes naturally, if you play right
4:15 I loved the Ross Creations clips 😂
What if there was increasing entry cost per tier, kills and assist granted rp based on if the player was ranked higher or lower, there was no positive placement points. Meaning if you rat all the way to first place you would get +0. There should be a placement multiplier though, after top 10 kill points get a significant multiplier then to top 5 etc. etc. etc. Also no max rp.
You just literally described the ranked system in season 13
@@HorizonHuntxr I didn't play then
Just a question..does the diamond badge get afected if i will remian in the 4th "division" ?...I mean i will still get her animated or is gonna be normal?..I'm new to rank cuz i play more casual but with this rank i tought i should try it out, and i rly want to know or is just one diamond badge for all "divisions" (I,II,III,IV)?
as much as id love to see solo q raked only, it would make it so there are more 3 stacks in pubs, since that would be the only place to play with friends. and that would suck as well
season 13 split 1 would be a good start, season had good entry costs that were not forgiving in the slightest. only reason people got upset with that system is because their egos got hurt and they couldn't climb to a rank that they had a season prior but probably didn't deserve in the first place. it was good because ranked felt challenging
I agree, players were just salty they weren’t as good as they thought and took it out on the ranked system instead of actually getting better and learning how to play the system correctly.
agreed but I think they should implement what League of legends does to combat 3 stacks as after a diamond on Lol you cant duo, as solo queue around diamond on apex is dumb as you might be queued with golds and plats on your team going against 3 stack masters or pred
@@ANHD25th I do agree with this but they'd have to make a lot of improvement to the matchmaker to try and balance out the ranks so it doesn't make ranked feel too easy for the already established good players masters players shouldn't be able to q with or against lower than D2 think solo q and or a duo option would be a potential better option for diamond and above that way most people will have a bit of incentive to play. It's going to be how they implement it that determines how well it does. I'd say one possitive is boosting is going to be a lot less common.
I think the chaos at the beginning of the split hurt that system a lot too. Setting everyone back further than normal made low ranks even crazier than they normally are at the start of a split. I know several gold/plat players who gave up before the tiers started sorting themselves out. It was kind of entertaining until everyone just stopped playing in the first week. For high ranks to mean anything you need players of all skill levels in the system
Yk I think the problem was wiping out 4-5 teams but not getting shit for it because of the way placement worked
A lot of great points being made here! Very self-aware of the consequences of implementing these changes! I feel like the community overall will have to be patient and let whatever rank mode is created shake off those who don’t want to play it. Or there could be an entire Solos ranked system for people who want that sort of experience.
My issue is that I play solo over 90% of the time and I hardly play ranked and the highest rank i have got is silver, but in pubs(where i play most of the time) I have been solo and the champs have been a pred 3 stack and almost most of the people in lobbies they put me in have damage badges and in about 70% of my matches I am the better player on my team. I guess since they added more buckets I have had one better team mate more often but the lobbies seem to be harder more consistently and I see less lobbies that seem easier. I guess I just want a fair chance to win, with 20 teams each team should have a 5% chance of winning b4 any factors like skill and R&G are taken into account but I most of the time I feel like I start out with a 2% chance with the way things are
Ottr, Your one of the very few Apex Content Creators that are actually creating original content. Your not re posting other creators content. Your coming up with your own ideas for content. I love it Broski. Keep the content coming.
I think that kills and assists should be the primary way that people get points during a ranked match, placement should give half the points of both kills and assists during the match but at the end of the match it should be a multipler of your points thus giving you the rp to rank up.
masters and predator player should then get a tournament like system similar to the rocket league one but using the algs scoring system. I think that players in those ranks are dedicated enough to the game to show up at a scheduled time to queue into 3-6 games for a leader board spot
just give ranked points based on damage
Or they can keep the current system but you only get points if u get kills otherwise you just have 0 points
So turn ranked into pubs where there’s three squads in second zone? Sounds like a great idea…. The whole point of BR is to be last alive…
@@Brutal192that’s legit so dumb.
We gonna have like the whole lobby holding charge rifles and triple takes and camping with Wattson, rampart etc
I agree, honestly i prefer the old ranked system they used to have over this one. I hate how everyone is just ratting their way to the top. Placement points should be like they used to. Kill points should be like they used to. Everyone was far happier back in the old ranked system. This one is just crap
At this point they could make a separate ranked system. One when you play with randoms( aka solo queue only ) at all times. Then one where you can play with a premade team. Either was 3 premade or 2 with one random . As for ranking up, I agree with most of what Ottr said after 9:00.
Last two seasons, I've felt like I was a semi-amateur football player forced to play against FC Barcelona, even in pubs. So I stopped playing BR at all this season cause the absurdly unfair matchmaking got too frustrating. Back in the day I would score a decent amount of frags and win games, now I consider myself lucky if I get to kill 2 people and make it to top 5.
They should just add elite que for all of pred / masters that win a game, those that win a game get entered into elite que then have to maintain top 5 to stay in or else they go back into a regular ranked lobby. This basically acts like the original elite que where the more you stay in it the harder the games will be bc the average streak for each team will be higher. Increased LP/KP depending on if you kill a team or an individual that's on a higher streak than you, consistently place top 5 and/or if they're higher ranked than you while simultaneously increasing LP loss to balance it out. Both normal and elite ranked ques count toward your normal rank as well. The only difference you would notice is sweatier games, less pros stomping lobbies, and a little elite que star symbol with a number in it showing your streak displayed next to your rank. This would also include more ranked rewards, hopefully the idea makes sense and my description is kinda scuffed but you get the idea
I'm surprised to hear from you the suggestion "remove KPs, make it placement only", but I fully agree (and always have) with it. People don't get that killing other teams already brings you a lot of indirect bonuses as a side-effect.
I agree with a lot of these takes.
I think maybe the system might benefit from simplifying the points overall something like 1 point per kill and 60 points for 1st place, 0 points for anything below 10th with top 10 placement points scaled accordingly, and scaling entry costs accordingly per rank.
Also hard splitting the player base at diamond would be great too. Diamond+ queue seperate from plat and below. Also reaching diamond+ should have points reset just so it’s simpler to track points. So when you reach diamond you start over at 0 points so kills and placement still mean something at their new simplified values and it doesn’t feel like you’re fighting the point system as well as higher skilled players. In other words the only way you’re really going to continue to climb or de-rank will be based on if you can perform well at the higher ranks.
First off: I really like the no points if you don't finish in top 10 they implemented this season. It has done wonders for slower games and better endgames. Vs the insanely high kp they had before. However, basically removing KP all together was a mistake. I think they should lower the placement points considerably and introduce a low amount of TEAMWIDE KP (1-3 PpK). And keep the early elimination penalty. I think this would incentivise team work and actually making it to the end game, which is how ranked should be, rather then hit dropping as if it were pubs.
along with missing audio this games biggest issues has always been throwing solo que players in with lower level players and putting them up against full pred/master 3 stack groups. as a solo que player myself I work weird hours so I'm constantly finding myself either alone or having to find new people to play with when I hop on an I can't stomach more than a few matches nowadays be for I'm just tired of the infighting amongst my random teammates, having to backpack the team in general, or watching some rando pull up to a full squad of players die then quit or proceed to finally plug his mic in an shit talk the rest of us till we die. It's quickly getting to the point where I'll just put this game down indefinitely.
Mans grinding videos. Thats so nice man. Road to 300k
Just Do IT like Rocket league have a solo(3) Rank duo rank and a Trios Rank..
So have like 500 Preds in all Modes so u have 1500 Preds so when u See someone pred in tros ok but May He just Dia4 in Solo. Or when you See someone Solo Pred you know He good bc so He is also Duos or Trios pred Bc its way harder so play Solo to pred..
In Rocket league is the same of you See someone in 1v1 the highest rank He is just really good but that means that He can bee SSl in 1v1 but just Gc in 2v2 or 3v3 so in apex can be the same that u Perform really good in Solo Trios then trios but ir would be unlikly...
What u guys think about this?
Sry for me Bad Englisch.
And Add a Leaderbord ffs this is Not even Hard to Do......
@ 10:15 "remove killpoints" . ??????????????????? how is that going to solve anything? The ranked system is as dogshit as it is because kills have almost 0 value now and people are just ratting. Ther video was fine until this L take was brought up. The ranked system from the middle-ish seasons was fine-ish. The one where you could get max 5 kills/assists worth of points and the rest was placement. it was sweaty enough but not like the past few seasons where you could get 800 points if you had a high kill game in combo with a win.
Kill points shouldn’t remove.
when your poping off high kills in ranked should be awarding to prove your a good teammate in the team and earn lot of ranked points instead of placement points just learning how to survive which I don’t like but should balance for each ring closes or base on how many squads left.
I think the reason why they remove KP because of boosters that know how to abuse the ranked system that farm kills/damage just for higher rank that just sell accounts which ruins the game
Ottr's line at the end sums it up perfectly. If they're just throwing shit up against a wall and seeing what sticks? give ottrs shit a go. i personally agree with most of his takes on ranked and i speak for us all when i say its likely better than what we got this season
When we talk about dividing the higher tier masters from the lower tier ones, what if we added a rank between masters and Pred instead? Call it Challenger or something.
I think they should bring back the kill multiplier with placement. getting kills is fun and if kills are worth nothing then I personally wouldn’t want to play ranked. Maybe have the kills worth 0 points until 10th place and scale from there. But also include a kill cap and keep the fact that killing the same person multiple times will not reward more points. The main issue with the past ranked system is that boosters really ruined it. Now it’s just ratting and due to the SBMM behind the scenes, my bronze lobbies are just as rough as my plat lobbies. All ranks feel the same currently. I think returning to a scaling entry cost adjustment could also help. I get that it’s a BR but currently with placement worth as much as it is, and solo Qing is a nightmare, it would be nice to be rewarded for playing well in other ways outside of placement, like damage or kills.
The solo q idea would lose them ALOT of players but would shine light on the best actual player it'd be very interesting to see who stepped up to that, go the other way and add 4 or even 5 man teams, 5 would lead to crazy fights 1 legend from each sub class 12 teams so a super fast zone 1-2 and maybe even spawn teams in a random poi. I also think the answer isn't so linear they need to add multiple systems to work simultaneously.
"What if we remove kill points"...
My man forgetting we're not getting any bonus points and it's all placement right now.
I remember in season 14, I hit D2 with my pal. We played on FRANKFURT. Got the NRG roster, and knocked one of them (really proud of ourselves); we though we might win, but hey, just run as over. We had 200+ ms for no reason, and they just called us to thrash and asked us to know our place... I mean... I work 9-5 and spend 4h max a day on rank. I don't know what else I am supposed to do to reach master in the old system, if I just get stomped by pros. You said that it's not so common in lower ranks, but past 11:00 pm, there is some strange shit going on, and servers share population fsr. And voila, past 11:00 pm, you have gold vs. pro players. Fun experience.
Why not split the ranked tactics in halfs:
For lower ranks (so everyone at season start) kills have a higher value and get combined with the placement, without limited killcount. That way people are able to grind up faster when their skill level is simply superior and it‘s not just a reward in climbing only through playtime.
Then after hitting diamond (or maybe at plat already) the system changes so that placement has a much higher value than kills - let‘s say kills have a constant points not very high and without multiplicator, while placement gets way more important. I think like this ratting will become less likely even in higher ranks with this system, because the focus to hit master/pred lays on the teamplay and tactics (and aswell makes small circles way more intense and fun to actually play).
What was wrong with last season? Kills had value the longer you lasted which encouraged both kills and placing.
Why did we get rid of the original system of get 6 kills and placement to get a decent amount of points? You had to have both to get points that were worth it and if you only had one piece of that recipe you often only got back the amount of points you lost at the beginning of the match…that’s how I remember anyways and back then I wasn’t a diamond player, just an ignorant gold trying to hit plat 4 so enlighten me, also they need to quit changing it because you can’t please everyone
In my opinion the huge issue at the moment is the MMR not matching up with a players rank but still affecting the MM, and that kills don't gain a lot of points.
I want to start with the importance of kill points in Apex. If you have a Dimond player with a very aggressive playstyle that drops hot and gets on average 6 kills a game but dies early most games? Should they be ranked bronze even though they stomp most bronze teams? Or since they clearly show a high skill level should they be ranked according to their skill? Also do you want a Dimond teammate that has 0.2 KDA that got to Dimond by avoiding ever fight, or someone with the skills to fight and win final rings?
Lots of other games with MMR systems work because their MMR system stays very close with the players rank. When the difference between the two starts to grow in either direction, the players rank will quickly increase or decrease to try and balance out. For example, you start winning every game in StarCraft 2, the MM will keep playing you against higher ranked players to find where you fit in. This works because if you stomp bronze to plat, you only have a few games to reach equal skilled opponents, and your rank will quickly increase to Dimond. Apex on the other hand appears to take bronze players that are over performing and place them into gold plat lobbies without increasing the players actual rank so it can be very difficult to climb out of bronze even though your MMR might be Plat.
4:47 lol this made me laugh so good lmao
Maybe they could make it so that you get points for kills and assists and then the kill and assist points multiply according to your placement. It would make ratting pretty useless and also rewarding people who are actually good at the game
They already did this exact system its actually what we just came from before this new system.
Thats what they just had, which lead to KP being worth more than anything else. Which lead to people hot dropping and going for kill races and ego pushs in ranked which is so not how this should go... Than the aggressive player gets killed and the solo q team mates have to rat around just not to loose points...
mortal kombat has a good reward system for rank, there are rank specific skins you are awarded at the end of the seaso, those which will never appear again
solo q top ranks, duo queue mid ranks, triple stacks in lower ranks. Placement games with no rank that just account for your hidden mmr so you can get placed more appropriately
One issue with this Ranked system is that I’ll play a game and have 5-6 kills and place 6th and get my regular placement and no bonus for kills. It already has gotten rid of the need for kill rp because they aren’t worth anything.
That has been an issue for weeks, the no LP bonus. No wonder every team is sitting in a corner, kills don't get any points.
I think a good system would not be getting multipliers for kills, let's say you're 13th so technically you're at -25 (-35+10), but you also have 3 kills, you get a multiplier of .5 for each kill starting at 1.5 for the first one, so those 3 kills elevate you up to -10 points. Of course this would get more and more the better your placement. Another example, 3rd with 5 kills (3rd gives you 150 points right now so the raw points are 185 since 185-35=150), this gives you ~613 (185*3.5-35). That's the best I could come up with.
We not gonna talk about that photo at 3:39
I can’t even play ranked I’m level 20 but every time I queue up the champions in my games are wraiths with 10k kills and I get demolished almost instantly
I as gold 2 keep getting master squads in matches in a row this is what I really hate its impossible to actually do stuff against them
I think what would help is make all the ranks like Pred. Let me explain, once you reach a rank you have to keep playing to stay in it and at the end of the season you'll get a badge of the rank you grinded to but also show you where you ended during the end of the season.
I don't get it, why don't they just do the tournament point system like the ones in algs?
Just put a survival item in the game that pinpoints enemy positions only if they’re not moving. Anti rat item. You can also make it so if you move a certain amount or a certain distance that you would no longer be marked.
My idea is that in order to gain the significant amounts or rp from top 5 or whatever you need to have dealt damage which would hopefully reduce rats
I want to get smth like the old ranked, but with a hidden mmr, in order to get platinum on platinum of the same skill.
The placement points will be multiplied by the number of kills from the very beginning of the match. So the rats will get nothing if they don't kill/assist.
Sharingan is also given points only when multiplied by kills / assists. Players won't raise the rank if they can't survive +(!) kill others.
My idea would to have players test there stats in training grounds and have the stats kinda corellated to where you start at beginning of the season but this has its on problems, feel free to reply to this with any suggestions on improvement to get our overarching opion for ottr to tell respawn.
Wish they add rat detect system. zeroing RP on no engagement, low dmg, wondering same location. But this system could be ambiguous, I guess.
Wow I solo queue to master all the time and I definently could see why it is an anomaly I had to learn a playstyle so niche it's highly unlikely you lose but yea a rework would help so there's easier ways for people to reach high ranks with solo queues I had so many matches where my teammate says i don't even know why they have me here with you guys I'm like diamond or gold and the opponent the rank200, 153, and 100 pred in there I just don't think it's fair to me or my teammates or anyone else in the lobby at that
I mean... after hitting masters myself, the only reason I may want to play ranked is because the lobbies don't insta-die or a map is on rotation I prefer. if I'm in the mood for 75% of the lobby hotdropping, I play pubs. really that simple. based on the mood I'm in lol
In my Opinion the biggest flaw in the old ranked system was the RP reset.
Its fine if you derank higher rp players maybe from masters to diamond once but if it repeats the former pred players will land in a silver or gold lobby if they dont play with an account for a season.
Also the majority of players will end up in bronze just because they aren't playing enough and the maybe diamond skilled player will destroy in bronze lobbies.
That change was good this Season.
I agree with your stacking concerns but maybe it could change to 3 stacking until master duo queue in master and pred being solo only. This way if they do reset the Ranks at the end of the season the highest skilled players will be able to farm to pred in (smaller) stacks and the pred vs master matchup would maybe be more fair from the skill vs communication standpoint.
Placing higher with 0 kills should only give a bit of RP and Kills/Assists/TeamKills will actually add RP.
Solo queueing and we wiped out 2 squads and we still get a -17 RP this game is just amazing
This season also nicely showed off issue with smurfs. It's legitimate to meet bronze player in diamond/master lobby. Hidden MMR gives opportunity farm points on "fake" masters this season. What we really need is to discourage ratting overal. I can imagine higher entry costs to the point where you need to get like top5 to even move a few LP in diamond and also give more favors for stats like Eliminations and Skill. RN you might wreck four teams during a game but you wont be granted any extra LP if those teams were placed below you which is utter BS. Also increase LP requirements to get in upper tiers. 1000 LP per tier is waaaay to low on ranks like Platinum and higher.
I don’t want a Masters badge and I really didn’t do anything to get it. I’d rather them just rebuild the whole ranked system but having rewards as you go further up besides just a badge would be nice to.
In my opinion, ranked should be prioritizing skill, similar to Fortnite if you 3 stack you get put against other 3 stacks within your ranked irrespective of kd. For solos of which I’m a major solo player I wouldn’t mind waiting a bit to find a match were I’m more so against a majority of solo players within my ranked, of course placement should be a reward I also believe if I’m better than the players in my rank, I shouldn’t be punished for fighting squads and trying to get kp. What is the point of giving placement all of the points if there is no skill involved in getting points as how the game is currently. Imo placement should be 50 points max and elimination kp 5 points for rank below, 10 points for same rank and 15 points for rank higher than yours. Unlimited kp so it rewards the better players rather than allowing rats to thrive. Why punish the players who spent the time to get better at the game by giving brainless kids free points just for being in the game.
Btw is so simple to fix solo q rank grinders , the game should be able to detect if i am solo and if a pre made squad starts -50 solo q should start -35 or -30 to , and everything should be worth more for a solo ! Rp , all that
Solo que after masters would be hell on earth. No way I’d play that. It takes away the most fun thing about ranked.
i would love solo mode, as not having mates who play makes this game literal hell if you have any skill you just get shat on by premades in all tiers
ottr has thee most insane takes
love the part about your qualifications :'D here take a like
In my opinion I think a good ranked system would be placement is only a bit better than kills but than u can only get a certain amount of kills that will reward points
For long queue times, they just need to let people be in a tdm/control etc game while they wait for the ranked queue.
As for points, 10 entry fee. Kills are 1 point. 10th place earns you +1 and 1st is +25. Master matchmaking either solo queue, matched strictly only as low as diamond 2, or both. All other ranks 4-6 tiers apart.
It needs whatever it can get ottr 😂
Okay so lets see:
1. Define "how Apex should be played" (8:42) ? Apex is a battle royal game. From a lot of videos I watched my understanding is (please! correct me if i'm wrong), that every enemy needs to be killed - optimally by me - , and if I killed all my enemies - whom I possibly encountered with/seen, heard and engaged, I win the game - IS the way this game should be played? The aim is to be the last one alive, not the best in the lobby. The game mode I described is king of the hill or a very huge map 1-rounder search and destroy, not a battle royal. Imagine if I see you with your friends doing 30 different movement skills in 3 seconds while reloading your weapon with a perfect reload anim cancel, standing behind with my bronze friends in a pub game after a long and exhausting day trying to have a moment of fun. Am I a rat for not immediately initiating combat, with a team that clearly would erase us from existence faster than electrons move in a particle accelerator? I call this common sense and also this is how battle royals are meant to be played. You have to get the upper hand, you have to get the advantage in order to increase your chance of winning a fight and the game. I have to know my and our capabilities, I have to chose my tactic. Choosing not to participate in any fight (I am not doing that or defending either side, just for the case of the example) is a tactical decision. Players who have a shitload of experience and playtime, think that they do the same by practically trying to win all the fights, because - yeah they have an upper hand by having that much experience and skill etc. The right tactical decision is to eliminate the other team because they have a very good chance to do that, but that decision is not the right decision for all players in that particular situation. Again I am not defending camping or rating, I am just describing the idea that I have around battle royals against other shooter games.
2.I think the ranked system is - based on 1. - totally in the right mindset. The only thing I don't understand is why there is no increasing entry cost.. The static amount of LPs needed to achieve a certain rank coupled with the fact that entry cost is constant 35 makes the only difference in how fast someone can climb obviously. The idea of not rewarding kills in the beginning makes people scatter around the map instead of instantly get into the grinder -> that also makes it harder to get to the top 10, but if you had those kills in the beginning you still will get the points for them IF you actually got to the top10. Not the best system but, better than playing a fy_iceworld until 1 death and getting the LP for the 3 team wipes in 3 minutes and restarting. A good fix would be to increase entry cost as the rank progresses and also start giving points for even placing 18-16-14 etc.. getting to exactly the same amount of + as the entry cost at rank 10 and then go +LP for higher finishing positions.
I think that they focus on kills as the main objective and make surviving the bonus points to let the pro stay there but that's me
To be fair its pushed me back into pubs and ive been enjoying the game more anyway so i dont even mind ranked being bad 😂
Whats the best System that existed in your opinion?
tbh. I liked the first implementation of the rating system the best. you had a hard cap at 5 additional kill/assist counts which gave another 125 REP. This added to your placement made the most sense to me. It shouldn't matter if you kill at the start, or at the end of the game. It's Battle Royal and not King of the Hill.
The bonus system is broken tho and most of the time you only get placement RP
Leaderboards is a big one. I’m pretty sure every other competitive game has leaderboards. Surprised that hasn’t been added by now honestly.
When they change ranked up again, I would like penalties for bad gameplay. Things like a full squad being alive and still ratting is detectable in the game and should be punished, things like self damage is detectable, fall kills are detectable... when they change the way ranked is counted, these should come as a punishment. If you're in a ranked lobby and you purposely die because you reached the "optimal placement and kill point combination" to gain rp, and you just jump off the map or thermite yourself to death, I don't see why that can't be severely punishable.
It would also stop everyone doing the Medkits to Masters challenge since you're being a statue the entire time.
I don't think this would particularly fix anything in a big way, but it's something I think should be done to discourage players from cheesing the system
Ranked is awful right now i got into 3 matches in a row where every team was running 3 stack charge rifle or bootlegger and no one was pushing fights. Thats not even the worst of it, the amount of times it has reached 4th ring and there are more than 5 squads is stupid and im only in gold. Several matches im put at a disadvantage because at least 1 teamate is ratting and not helping at all. Its to the point that every time i see my teamate pick loba, wraith, or plathfinder i automatically assume they might be ratting.
Hmm so what could fix ranked as separating to stacks with the solo Q-ers by idk implementing something that 90% of the players wanted since beta aka adding a "Solo" mode into the game which would fix most of the major problem the game has? Interesting, who could have thought
3:55 good idea but start it at plat or at minimum on diamond because this stupid 3-stacks are mostly common in the lower tier lobbies and in master lobbies, no one cares about this anymore. The biggest problem are the 2- and 3-stacks in lower tier lobbies when people are just not that good in the game and that mostly even starts at gold.
I would make ranked solo queue only starting at gold, all the way up to pred. Only let people in the algs play in 2- and 3-stacks because there it is an serious competition with money on the line but everything else is just stupid to have premade squads against solo queue.
If you want an all around solution, make "solo-queue ranked" and "premade-squads ranked" so that on one side, solo queuers play ONLY against other solo queuers - no matter the rank(!) - and in the other ranked mode, ONLY premade squads fight against other premade squads.
Kp should be 1/3 of a point per person on a team maybe would workish maybe 1 full point bonus point for killing full squad this still give kill value as you could actually lose game to 3rd or second maybe 4th n 5th but also have bonus for last standing. As for ratting how bout if we stand in place for 30 sec we are highlighted on the map for 15 sec
One thing they need to fix is Pro stacking. Respawn just needs to get over it. And just make it where pros can't stack together. They need to do what Overwatch 1 did and have a Top500 limit. If you have for example a rank of 4000 Grandmaster you can't play +200 over with another pro. So you have to grind that +200 to play with a Grandmaster 4200.
The solo queue idea is a good idea.
tbh they should have kills be a static value prior to top 10 that way there is some reward to taking a fight early to mid game. lets say it takes 1/3rd of entry cost away perk kill/assist(only till -10, 0 or+10). After top 10 change kills to be a multiplier adding a cap somewhere reasonable like 2/2.5x(maybe like +0.5X per kill/assist). and static placement points*kill multiplier. If you're just ratting without kills probably should just get 0 (you can add a dmg check too like less than 300 dmg = 0rp why reward people for watching youtube and not actually playing). Then you can keep the basic 35 entry cost or change it to be slightly higher in the higher ranks and eliminate rats. Then get rid of hidden ranked MMR play strictly against your rank(bonus points that dont work......) Maybe remove demotion in some ques if rank percentage falls below what is healthy for que times? Most of the time deranked masters player will farm diamond (3 stack) then just move back into pred/masters and get rolled by a pro team.(Theres an adjustment period all im saying) Besides they're just handing out "rewards" based on peak rank achieved.
Personally, I think it would be cool if they made it so that way your kp per kill scales with your placement. So that if someone gets no kills but gets 2nd, they don’t get much because screw rats, but if you just jump down and get 3 kills before dying in 17th, you might even out, but you wouldn’t gain much. Then Again, I’ve only just started this season and I’m already masters, so I know something needs to be changed, but this might not be best idk
Edit: you could probably also add in a hidden kp multiplier for killing people who have higher ranks / 3 stacks.
I like this idea but I feel like solo queue should actually only happen until diamond or masters. If people weren’t able to queue with their team after master, I feel like it would turn off a lot of those players actually. It would come off to players as a punishment for ranking up in the game which feels intuitively backwards. But if they were able to queue with their team after they all solo queued to Masters, it would give players (casual and professional) a reason to endure solo queue until a certain point.
This would not only introduce something fresh to the ranked system but would also force all players to truly see their skill before having a grand ole time with their pre made. Threshold could probably be lowered to Diamond honestly.
the clip of ross ratting was a livestream that was 3 HOURS long
and i watched it all
i’m playing apex while watching this video and the past three games my squad has been mutilated by predators
As a person with so few friends that actually play ranked i get stuck rookie or bronze of course my skills arent that good but ive been here since season 9 and best i could do solo was silver 4 in the older ranked system. Solo que is impossible with 3 stacks and the way ranked is currently
The longer quing time could be fixed by doing a bit like rocket league where you can practice and train a bit before the match starts i think it could work well
Choosing from the 3 ranked systems i've been in now - the original one was the best. For each next iteration ranked became more and more time-consuming for solo-queuers, so i gave up diamond grinding since S13 second split. I believe i could make it to masters with my current skill and original system, but now i have to play around 5-6h per day to do so. No, thanks.
Because Master's means nothing now and you'll get ridiculed just for having the badge I honestly considered losing my LP on purpose to go to Diamond.
Then I realised that will take forever since I have 3k LP over the master cap.
kill points not mattering was the system before the current one I thought?
Im just spitballing ideas here.
-50 entry cost
Assist= 5pts
Kill = 15pts
10= 20pts
9= 25pts
8= 30 pts
7= 35 pts
6= 40 pts
5= 50 pts
4=60 pts
3= 70 pts
2=80 pts
Win=100 pts
I mean they could just roll out an update for console to have 240 fps on next gen and a higher tick rate to somewhat match pc and combine all the lobbies and with that even if u can turn off cross play on console if u want but for the higher level players it would be dope only having proper ranks in ur lobby would make it competitive and as a console player that would love to be able to play pc lobbies without having to find a pc player would be dope and help bring another level of challenge to console for those that have pretty much capped out and roll console lobbies (with the ranked system being changed as well of course) and obviously some if not most console players (9-5) adults that just wanna play a little have the option to turn it off but for me who mindlessly runs around and wipes console but can’t afford to get a pc that can actually run apex it would be dope asf