Wokeness has infiltrated our museums

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • #riks #woke #Sweden
    So I was in the Swedish National Museum here in Stockholm the other day and what was supposed to be a nice experience surrounded by historical richness and beauty turned into a woke brainwashing session that made me lose my cool.
    So you know how in museums they have these little description signes next to all the artworks to say something about the artist, the title of the work and usually a descriptive text about the style of the work.
    😍 Glöm inte bort att prenumerera på vår kanal om ni gillar det vi gör!
    👍 Kommentera gärna men glöm inte bort att hålla en trevlig ton!
    Vi tar gärna emot era synpunkter på våra program:
    💻 redaktion@riks.se
    Tipsa oss: tips@riks.se

Комментарии • 214

  • @sarkasmt2
    @sarkasmt2 3 года назад +146

    Om nått år på SVT: "Svenska museum går dåligt, experter har ingen aning varför allmänheten slutar intressera sig"

    • @BigTorr704
      @BigTorr704 3 года назад +18

      Nja jag tror att detta är lite mer sannolikt om något år på SVT: ”المتاحف السويدية تعمل بشكل سيئ ، وتشتبه في التمييز الجنسي.”

  • @Detvanliga
    @Detvanliga 3 года назад +69

    Sweden has gone completely and utterly nuts.

    • @morlidor
      @morlidor 3 года назад +3

      Nope! Just dusty conservative rightwingers overreacting as usual.

    • @alexk5907
      @alexk5907 3 года назад +10

      @@morlidor found the SJW!!!

    • @morlidor
      @morlidor 3 года назад +2

      Nope! But try to find yourself at least, you seem really lost

    • @alexk5907
      @alexk5907 3 года назад +12

      @@morlidor nope. I'm exactly where i want to be and i will not fall for Leftist propaganda that uses Nazi tactics to manipulate the population. Its you i hope that'll wake up.

    • @morlidor
      @morlidor 3 года назад +1

      OK you are definitively lost..

  • @katarinaekstrand5632
    @katarinaekstrand5632 3 года назад +76

    Va fan får vi för pengarna?

    • @camouflage81
      @camouflage81 3 года назад +1

      De leks bort på köns- och jämställdhetslekar, på koldioxidskojeri, och på idéer om "vit skuld" som vi anses behöva betala för all framtid. Fast det får man ju lära sig i skolan att det är det enda rätta, och även att oliktänkande och politik som inte är illröd är ondskefullt så de kan lugnt fortsätta leka duktiga.

  • @Szminsky
    @Szminsky 3 года назад +19

    Har kandidatexamen inom humaniora (bla. I konstvetenskap) och måste säga att det som sker på universiteten de senaste 5-10 åren, är skrämmande.

  • @nadinaandreea
    @nadinaandreea 3 года назад +11

    Beauty used to be indeed CELEBRATED in art, Eva, good choice of word! And as women were considered ”the beautiful gender”, which now would probably be both irrelevant and offensive (well, isn't everything?), they were one of the most important subjects throughout the history of fine arts in our humanist culture. Muses - museums should remember this word.

    • @garypautard1069
      @garypautard1069 Месяц назад +1

      Yes it's true beautiful women were once considered one of Gods most lovely creations. But I suppose being a model in the world of obesity acceptance and tattoos and piercings in your tongue and face and green pink hair makes things awkward now.

  • @fredrikradsby5503
    @fredrikradsby5503 3 года назад +16

    Känslor är faktans värsta fiende..

  • @PerAhlander
    @PerAhlander 3 года назад +10

    I love Nationalmuseum and I'm so sad to see it filled with all this woke crap. You made a representative selection regarding women, but there is so much more of that same type. About nationalism, about celebrating Swedish traditions, about class differences, et cetera, et cetera. Could somebody please get all that obnoxious junk off their walls!

  • @eddieandersson5570
    @eddieandersson5570 3 года назад +24

    Vad sa de om Anders Zorns verk på Nationalmuseumet?

  • @preferredpronoun3689
    @preferredpronoun3689 3 года назад +8

    Googlar man första modellen, Joanna Hiffernan, får man en annan bild. Står hon var sympatisk o hade en stark personlighet. Jo hade också hand om affärsverksamheter så hjälplös var hon ju inte..

  • @johanholmer8332
    @johanholmer8332 3 года назад +17

    Låter som dessa beskrivningar säger mer om personen som skrev dem än något annat 😂

  • @swedisheinherjer
    @swedisheinherjer 3 года назад +5

    This is the kind of woman that I wish, I could just give her a huge hug!!!

  • @boogiesparr
    @boogiesparr 3 года назад +6

    Ja det blir mer och mer en uppförsbacke att lära barnen sunda värderingar när det florerar sånt här i instutitionerna

  • @mickegustafsson9955
    @mickegustafsson9955 3 года назад +7

    Hoppas folk fattar ..

  • @Mhj-76
    @Mhj-76 3 года назад +4

    Well said! 👍

  • @steffen5121
    @steffen5121 3 года назад +2

    Came for the looks. Stayed for the common sense.

  • @redo3138
    @redo3138 Год назад +1

    Thanks for pointing this out!

  • @glennpaulsson2366
    @glennpaulsson2366 3 года назад +8

    The truth

  • @ercoleborgiano
    @ercoleborgiano 3 года назад +3

    The question is: what has it not infiltrated?

  • @KeyMoveMedia
    @KeyMoveMedia 3 года назад +6

    Som konstnär blir jag bara arg på sådant trams

  • @leiflevon8955
    @leiflevon8955 3 года назад +2

    Please visit the Wasa museum - they are more historically accurate there.

  • @sammya7745
    @sammya7745 3 года назад +1

    Please vote SD. BR,Concerned neighbor.

  • @mariusmioc3045
    @mariusmioc3045 3 года назад +1

    Sweden has precisely the leaders and politicians it deserves.
    All the woke Swedish politicians got there because they got people's support...

  • @fredriklundblad4788
    @fredriklundblad4788 3 года назад +5

    Thank you,. You are right. From a swede.

  • @benoone9573
    @benoone9573 3 года назад +15

    I was to the NM. I didn´t read those comments. But the Devil truly is in the details, like they say. Good work, Eva. Does the museum management really approve of these follies?

  • @FuckGoogle2
    @FuckGoogle2 3 года назад +5

    That's a naive take on things, they'll just not sit and study their theology, as with everything religious the end goal is convert as many as possible to this new belief. It will never stop. Gender studies need to be defunded and cast out from state run universities.

  • @feresearchit5473
    @feresearchit5473 3 года назад +7

    Perfect with english news......the outside world needs to hear it and understand....

  • @Wowmusicable
    @Wowmusicable 3 года назад +7

    Sist jag var på ett museum var 2014 och jag har inga planer på att besöka museum i Sverige längre.

  • @perhamnstrom7818
    @perhamnstrom7818 Год назад +1

    Very interesting speach by this intelligent an beautiful woman.
    I hope we will hear more about this woman in the future.

  • @thegram9207
    @thegram9207 3 года назад +1

    The best way to keep anyone in a victim role is to support them in victim hood

  • @ferdinandvonzeppelin1838
    @ferdinandvonzeppelin1838 3 года назад

    Museums are insufferable now because of this.

  • @helenemarie630
    @helenemarie630 3 года назад +4

    Har du anmält det?

  • @Dyl482
    @Dyl482 3 года назад +1

    It is interesting to think about how a single word can change a perspective. While there definitely can be truth in trying to shed light on someones plight- in this case young female models who are in a prime position to be preyed on by predators/abusers- the way leftists do it is it invokes a conflict between the sexes and further alienates us from each other in ways that we aren't full able to explain yet.....and imo is one of the contributions to why our peoples birth rates are so low.

  • @TomTricx
    @TomTricx 3 года назад +3

    Vad, i, ******!

  • @frankgeorgeo8582
    @frankgeorgeo8582 3 месяца назад

    Eva is an Absolute savior

  • @leifabelin1057
    @leifabelin1057 3 года назад +1

    Tack! Men tråkigt att se detta! 😢😠

  • @rickhunter8484
    @rickhunter8484 3 года назад +1

    Wokeness has completley destroyed Hollywood already , next up the art i guess.

    • @matzstrom3223
      @matzstrom3223 3 года назад +1

      Don't forget after destroying it, The rebuilding starts, it have already started with the comedians. Now adapted to a Woke supporting style 👀

  • @ale189251
    @ale189251 3 года назад +2

    Kanske nationalmuseum ska berätta historian om sin egna byggnad? Hur den byggdes av en tidigare civilisation och sedan togs över o låtsades som ingenting?

  • @johntourinho
    @johntourinho Год назад +1

    Riks should make more English videos

  • @vilhelmvilhelm2335
    @vilhelmvilhelm2335 3 года назад +5

    Vänta vad betalar vi för?

    • @morlidor
      @morlidor 3 года назад

      Betalar du?

    • @morlidor
      @morlidor 3 года назад

      Nepp. Jag går inte på socialbidrag, medans ni troligtvis inte ens betalar tillräckligt med skatt för att täcka samhällets ikostnader för er.

    • @morlidor
      @morlidor 3 года назад

      Med ovanstående text så visar du utan tvekan att den aningslösaste här är du! För du hat ju ingen aning om hur mycket skatt jag betalar. Sen så är Sverige ett land att vara stolt över på många sätt, inte perfekt men utan tvekan ett riktigt bra land att bo och verka i, Fast du som Sverigehatare inser förstås inte heller det.

    • @morlidor
      @morlidor 3 года назад

      Återigen är du aningslös. Enfald som du förespråkar blir aldrig mångfald..
      Sverige är fortfarande ett mycket bra land och föregångare i många fall.
      Sverige är inte särskilt kommunistiskt så efter ett sådant uttalande så anser nog många att du förutom att vara en konservativ aningslös fornlämning även är helt ute och cyklar liksom de flesta som stöder SD eller andra Sverigehatarpartier..

    • @morlidor
      @morlidor 3 года назад

      Tony nu tar du i så du nästan spricker. Lakllare som du är inte ens nyttiga idioter.
      Vad har egentligen kommunism ens med detta att göra? Sveriges öde är gott ditt och SDs Sverigehat däremot är dömt att misslyckas för inte alla går på tokdum högerpropaganda som väl är.

  • @ErikSkaldeman
    @ErikSkaldeman 3 года назад +1

    You are great! 💖

  • @kgmattsson3793
    @kgmattsson3793 3 года назад

    Feministvansinnet i Sverige nu även på Nationalmuseum. Gäääsp!

  • @theeagle8652
    @theeagle8652 3 года назад

    Underbar uppläsning. Perfekt.

  • @PatrikStarFunk
    @PatrikStarFunk 3 года назад

    They have certainly lost it

  • @brute9867
    @brute9867 3 года назад +3

    God, you're the best Eva! 🇸🇪👍🏻

  • @bjornclaeson2015
    @bjornclaeson2015 3 года назад +1


  • @vildvin1
    @vildvin1 3 года назад +2

    National Crapseum ?

  • @svergurd3873
    @svergurd3873 3 года назад +2

    Horrifying to see this at glorious Nationalmuseet. Thanks, Eva, for telling.

  • @benandersson7037
    @benandersson7037 3 года назад

    Thank you Eva ..Keep up the fight

  • @magnusdahl4295
    @magnusdahl4295 3 года назад +2

    Thanks for your very interesting observations.

  • @marthijn6172
    @marthijn6172 3 года назад +1

    Nice take on how certain frames are 'woking' things up. Like that link to modern culture is completely unnecessary (and Woke). However, the part you criticise before on that Female models were often low-class (prostitutes most often), that is quite commonly stated by (art) historians. Only the celebrated painters could afford to make portraits of celebrated women (which makes sense), but also the most celebrated often practised their techniques on models. And since hiring models was expensive, they often chose the cheapest option available (the lowest class) - and because you often wanted to try to paint their bodies, this group could be easily swayed for some money to model naked - something that was seen as perverse by many others. The fact that the Italian masters were able to paint certain women was because of their status (and someone paid them handsomely to do so - or because they had some affair of whatever) and similarly famous painters in later centuries could also paint famous women. Now, this story needs to be told in a story, but as you rightly point out the contextualisation and link to a modern era is unnecessary in this case. I do want to ask you however, how should one describe such paintings otherwise? I think that some information about style etc is important, but I would also love some historical context to really appreciate what the artist is doing. However, interpreting the work will often lead to some subjective views in the description and if we will not give the person that writes his description the freedom to write and we police his words too much, aren't we then becoming what you want to fight?

  • @antevenio8303
    @antevenio8303 3 года назад

    thx - short clip . Its the "swedish bubble of brainstorm"../ How does one suggest Riks on news?

  • @carlakerberg7439
    @carlakerberg7439 3 года назад +1

    another great report ,from riks,and the lovely lady are not even from sweden,she knows more than swedes does ,correct me if i am wrong

    • @WHS_reviews
      @WHS_reviews 3 года назад +1

      This is the first video of 'Riks' that I watched, and I haven't checked further but from how she speaks I'd say she is Dutch or possibly Belgian, from her surname stated in a comment to be Vlaardingerbroek I'd say Belgian, possibly Dutch :) Or her parents (or perhaps only the father) were from there. Seeing a country as an outsider means being able to have a good overview and thus see what people in that country often don't see. I've had this happen in discussing issues in life in Ukraine with a woman who said something like "I live here, I know what life is like here", but that is not correct because it often means seeing certain details, that are not universal across a country, or that are atypical. I live in NL but I know that my knowledge of NL is fairly restricted in some areas. Note that missing knowledge is not the same as having incorrect views. This issue of not seeing the whole is well known, there is a saying in Dutch and in English about it (and likely in most languages): "Not being able to see the forest for the trees" (in Dutch: "Door de bomen het bos niet zien", i.e. "because of the trees, not seeing the forest")

    • @carlakerberg7439
      @carlakerberg7439 3 года назад

      @@WHS_reviews well spoken mate she is good

  • @svenssonefternamn7044
    @svenssonefternamn7044 3 года назад +2

    Uh 🤦‍♂️

  • @TomAnderson7
    @TomAnderson7 3 года назад +1

    Even though the thing’s regularly happening in Sweden are not so good. I always feel happy when I see you.

  • @viggostenvard9906
    @viggostenvard9906 3 года назад +2

    Man you are good! Thank you for trying to save human kind :)

  • @paulwarren796
    @paulwarren796 Год назад


  • @hawkishOwl2020
    @hawkishOwl2020 3 года назад +1

    You need an English only channel

  • @jonasbjorn2503
    @jonasbjorn2503 3 года назад


  • @lukasvandermerwe929
    @lukasvandermerwe929 3 года назад

    Liberals 😔

  • @WingspeedGarage
    @WingspeedGarage 3 года назад +1

    I love you

  • @gustafschonemyr833
    @gustafschonemyr833 3 года назад +1

    Bra reportage!

  • @z44k5
    @z44k5 3 года назад

    hehe den här kanalen kommer vara borta från youtube väldigt snart. passa på och kolla innan sanningsministeriet slår till. "Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia"

  • @tomasengstrom6362
    @tomasengstrom6362 3 года назад

    Ta bort all konst FFS! Snacka om "white privelige"...!!!!! =)

  • @mrnygren2
    @mrnygren2 3 года назад

    Din engelska är riktigt bra. Jag har problem med att hålla samma kvalla i varenda video då vissa videor har bra engelska och andra mindre bra..

  • @Salpeteroxid
    @Salpeteroxid 3 года назад

    Är ju likadant för manliga modeller idag.

  • @renatleongardus467
    @renatleongardus467 3 года назад

    Can’t wait to see Monalisa in Sweden

    • @koff41
      @koff41 3 года назад

      We have Monasahlin. ;)

  • @martintunstrom
    @martintunstrom 3 года назад

    Eva Vlaardingerbroek: It would be more intresting If you had som references to academia, for example art history from a sociological perspective, to back up your claims about the text next to the paintings, not only give Anecdotal evidence by mention Mona Lisa.

  • @ceciliaeklund3604
    @ceciliaeklund3604 3 года назад

    A woman's brain, soul and emotions has always been less important than her beauty when it comes to decide how valuable she is, what's the fucking secret about that??!! And who lets the museums tells you how to read a painting??!! Look at it, enjoy the beauty and make up your own mind about what it has to tell you!!

  • @NIA-ql5he
    @NIA-ql5he 3 года назад


  • @komrookmetmy465
    @komrookmetmy465 3 года назад +1

    "This museum is filled with woke crap talking about how women were treated as men's property, only valued for their beauty... to disprove this, here is a woman who was only valued for her beauty and treated as her husband's property." Anti-intellectual trash. Art is not just pretty pictures, it is supposed to mean something, and we the audience will interpret that meaning in new ways over time.

  • @007floppyboy
    @007floppyboy 3 года назад

    This is NOT woke, woke 'is a term that refers to awareness of issues that concern social justice and racial justice'. This is someone going off on one about how they perceive who the world was or even is.
    Surprised at the museum allowing this inaccurate script.

  • @venmis137
    @venmis137 3 года назад

    There is nothing wrong with a culture reflecting on its own behaviours and trying to improve itself. The problem is we do it too much, and nobody else is doing it. Self-reflection is good for efficiency, and its one of the things that makes our culture superior to others. But, as with most things, if we do it too much we risk weakening ourselves and allowing non-european opportunists to demean and chastise europeans for trying to improve themselves. The modern left (I wouldn't call them "left" anymore, since left implies radical and anti-establishment) is rather authoritarian and obsessed with purity, which is dangerous for most societies but especially ours. The modern right is stuck in the past and is solely focused on reactionism because that's what's popular, without thinking of the damage that this low-level nationalism will do to our civilisation. The modern right & left are both poisonous ideologies that drag our civilisation into the mud and weaken it, allowing other powers (even ones as dysfunctional as China & the US) to turn Europe into a battleground, in much the same way we used to do with the rest of the world. I don't have much hope, but maybe one day Europe will emerge from this era (which is a material golden age, but a cultural dark age) victorious. As the world descends into chaos throughout the coming century (a fact which is becoming increasingly clear), Europe has the opportunity to reassert its dominion over the nations of the Earth & to guide humanity down a better path. The nations cannot be left to themselves because they will repeat our mistakes but on a terrifying scale. They must be kept in check so that Europe, the enlightened, can lead the species forward.

  • @dave1556
    @dave1556 3 года назад

    What's the museum got to say about women's status compared to in Islam?

  • @stefanlindberg5063
    @stefanlindberg5063 3 года назад


  • @zacharypayne4080
    @zacharypayne4080 2 года назад

    Erase history

  • @johnyclause5539
    @johnyclause5539 3 года назад

    Visst är hon söt men varför zoomar ni in så mycket?

  • @asdfgasdfg8006
    @asdfgasdfg8006 3 года назад


  • @user-vy3li2bv9q
    @user-vy3li2bv9q 3 года назад +1

    helt fel. vet inte hur du kom fram till detta, eva.

  • @ftslater2456
    @ftslater2456 3 года назад

    God, imagine adding context about contemporary social conditions of these artworks.
    What kind of simpering snowflake would get triggered by that?

    • @morlidor
      @morlidor 3 года назад +1

      A lot of snowflake right wingers probably would get hissy fits just like they get now.

  • @Fanniiiy
    @Fanniiiy 3 года назад +1

    She's contradicting her self in this whole video. First she complains that the museum points out the women in this time were mostly only appreciated and valued based on their beauty. Then to disprove that she goes on to say that the women in some of the most famous artwork were seen as the greatest beauties of their time and that their husbands commissioned portraits of them. She's literally proving the museums point! LOL

  • @rikardeckersund6149
    @rikardeckersund6149 3 года назад

    If you are interested in art, I recommend the Swedish-Somali painter Fatima Moallim. It dosen’t get better than this. . .