You have spoken the very words my ears have not been hearing in the on-line martial community and needs to be hearing. Learning quality martial arts should not require any form of slavery or holding of ransom, quality information. The "secrets" of martial arts are not 'gold' that must be guarded or horded. They are like the grass, if you wish to take them, they are there to be taken and used. If they are undesired, then you just leave them for the next person to enjoy. Your sentiments are the same as I shared with any of my students for years. Thank you for speaking them here.
You have spoken the very words my ears have not been hearing in the on-line martial community and needs to be hearing. Learning quality martial arts should not require any form of slavery or holding of ransom, quality information. The "secrets" of martial arts are not 'gold' that must be guarded or horded. They are like the grass, if you wish to take them, they are there to be taken and used. If they are undesired, then you just leave them for the next person to enjoy. Your sentiments are the same as I shared with any of my students for years. Thank you for speaking them here.
Honest and realistic video, Thank's a lot
Thank you.
very true
Thank you.