While calculating load current for incomer breaker size. How much extra factor you considered because as per calculations the load current coming for 60KW is 104.34 A but you considered 200A so I want to know why that much extra rating as we can use 150 A breaker also na?
thank you for this video, please as selecting the generator, is it the same as for transformer selection with that percentage of the total load? thanks
While calculating load current for incomer breaker size. How much extra factor you considered because as per calculations the load current coming for 60KW is 104.34 A but you considered 200A so I want to know why that much extra rating as we can use 150 A breaker also na?
Thank u soo much for the use full lacture
thank you for this video, please as selecting the generator, is it the same as for transformer selection with that percentage of the total load? thanks
Thank you for your appreciation.
Generator and transformer you can use the same method to calculate that sizing.
Good Post
Please can you send me the link to Electrical wiring or any soft copy either PDF please send to me.