CHP Pedestrian Enforcement

  • Опубликовано: 23 сен 2021
    Did you see us out doing enforcement? We conducted our pedestrian crosswalk enforcement operation in unincorporated Martinez on Pacheco Blvd in Contra Costa County.
    The purpose of this operation was to reduce the number of pedestrians struck by vehicles in crosswalks as well as to reduce the severity of crashes involving pedestrians by bringing attention, enforcement, & education to the area.
    Our Officers stopped 61 vehicles, issued 50 Citations during the operation (mostly for violation of the crosswalk with a pedestrian within it) & 5 speeding citations.
    Numerous residents came out to greet and thank us for our efforts, as this was a hotspot and area of complaint by local residents. Please yield for pedestrians in the crosswalk and obey all traffic laws. Thank You.
    #chp #yieldtopedestrians #crosswalks #safety

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