I recommend you to kevinhachz on Instagram, I got my iPhone shipped to me through him, I'm so surprised and happy. DM him for yours and thank me later.
Aiden Sheppard I have a video on my channel about tips for cashiers if you want a bunch of tips but I would just say my main tips are 1) take your time counting your money and change to prevent as many mistakes as possible 2) don’t pay the mean people any mind, just keep your head high and kill them with kindness 3) take a minute to stretch and roll your neck and ankles because standing up for long periods of time aren’t good on your joints 4) don’t be too hard on yourself because at the end of the day you’re still a human and you’re not perfect 5) go in with a positive attitude and make the most of everyday. Cashiering can be extremely stressful so make sure you’re good before you deal with anyone or anything else! I hope this helped!! You got this ❤️
I’m a cashier at Little Caesars and I’ve saved up for 3 months and I’m just now getting this iPhone. Things may be confusing at first but after time it truly is only the most simple job :)
I recommend you to kevinhachz on Instagram, I got my iPhone shipped to me through him, I'm so surprised and happy. DM him for yours and thank me later.
Omg I love her new iPhone 11 it’s so pretty I am also about to get a cashier job (kinda nervous ) but I need to get me and my family more things but I am very inspired by her so much ❤️❤️
@@user-od6mx2wp3w omg that's it. I've been overthink this, why i got scared of butterfly so much, and this is the reason😂 everytime i see butterfly i always ducked down, scared.
Okay but your natural hair is beautiful tho. Love the video very well done the effort you put into editing really shows and the music was very calming.
I love watching unboxing videos of iPhone 11 and stuff. My dad is giving me my stepmoms iPhone 11 Pro Max and I have an iPhone 6 so this will be really cool. I also just wanted to say I absolutely LOVE your hair!! When you said you were losing some followers I hope in the future you get so many that the ones that left will get jealous. Anyways I hope you’re having a good day.
Makaila Forever Where did you get your case ? Can you post the exact name of it so I can go straight to it online ... I love it and need that exact same case 🤗😍🥰
I recommend you to kevinhachz on Instagram, I got my iPhone shipped to me through him, I'm so surprised and happy. DM him for yours and thank me later.
I got the iPhone 11 128Gb I love it I got it in black battery life is amazing display is so good so high quality and big the cameras are insane congrats on your new phone well as of the time you filmed this video and have a great day and year also I got my iPhone 11 5 months ago brand new
I recommend you to kevinhachz on Instagram, I got my iPhone shipped to me through him, I'm so surprised and happy. DM him for yours and thank me later.
omg i just find it soo cool that we both have the same name spelled the same way, (i've never found anyone with their name spelled like mine until now), & we both love xxxtentacion's music, keep up the great work ❤
The screen protector thing was to help you line up your case I had gotten one with my private screen protector p.s the white thing that was in the screen protector box
This video was so fun to watch and so calm! I have the iPhone Xr and i’m gonna upgrade to the 11 pro midnight green but i think that the 11 pro will be too small for me… Enjoyed this vid so much!
So I'm gonna buy a new phone soon and I need your help with what I should get. I have all the money for the XS right now so I could get that and some accessories or should I save and wait like a little longer to get the 11 and some accesories, I'm less then 100 dollars away but I don't have a phone right now because mine broke. Please help!
Same i have 8 plus previous it was best phone and now i have got iPhone 11 pro max silver color and i am loving it picture quality now i can take good pictures🎉🎉🎉😇😇😇👸👑👑🎂🎂🎂💕
I recommend you to kevinhachz on Instagram, I got my iPhone shipped to me through him, I'm so surprised and happy. DM him for yours and thank me later.
I am waiting for IPhone 12 to come out October/November it be 4 IPhone 12 it will be called IPhone 12 mini 5’4 inch IPhone 12 6’1 inch and IPhone 12 pro 6’1 and IPhone 12 Pro Max 6’7 inch
Got my first job at a pizza place last week, I’ve worked 6 days so far, so thats two weeks (can only work friday-sunday), I am currently in training and I need $200 more for a XS Max, I don’t even know when I will get paid but soon, can’t wait.
I used to have an iPhone 6s Plus for 2 years i dropped it in water on accident and got a 8 plus in February and i’m already having problems my apps kept going black i need a 11 pro max 😩
Can we just take a second to see how beautiful and kind she is 🥺🖤
Awww thank you so much my love!! ❤️
@@makailaleilani it’s true you are so beautiful
@@Jpgstays aww I’m sorry you are not as cute as her you should probably stop hating and go get yourself fixed before talking crap😂🙄
I was supposed to get the same one but I can never seem to save my paychecks lol 😂 but I enjoyed the video keep up the good work ❤️
Lmao! And thank you so much! ❤️
Girl I feel how excited you are though the screen. 💖
Curly Princesa Heart awww lmao! Yes I really was! ❤️
I recommend you to kevinhachz on Instagram, I got my iPhone shipped to me through him, I'm so surprised and happy. DM him for yours and thank me later.
Me to ❤
I’ve just applied for a cashier so I can get a new phone, and I’m kinda nervous, do you have any tips
It not hard tbh. You gotta gotta follow and remember what to do. I currently work at KFC I'm 16 I thought it was gonna be hard. It's really easy.
Aiden Sheppard I have a video on my channel about tips for cashiers if you want a bunch of tips but I would just say my main tips are 1) take your time counting your money and change to prevent as many mistakes as possible 2) don’t pay the mean people any mind, just keep your head high and kill them with kindness 3) take a minute to stretch and roll your neck and ankles because standing up for long periods of time aren’t good on your joints 4) don’t be too hard on yourself because at the end of the day you’re still a human and you’re not perfect 5) go in with a positive attitude and make the most of everyday. Cashiering can be extremely stressful so make sure you’re good before you deal with anyone or anything else! I hope this helped!! You got this ❤️
I’m a cashier at Little Caesars and I’ve saved up for 3 months and I’m just now getting this iPhone. Things may be confusing at first but after time it truly is only the most simple job :)
@@princesspaprika i just left that job lol.
I can feel your excitement. That was exactly me last week with mine but I got a gold pro max. ❤️You deserve it cos you grateful
GeminiGirl Official ooo the gold one is so pretty! And thank you so much! ❤️
I recommend you to kevinhachz on Instagram, I got my iPhone shipped to me through him, I'm so surprised and happy. DM him for yours and thank me later.
Omg I love her new iPhone 11 it’s so pretty I am also about to get a cashier job (kinda nervous ) but I need to get me and my family more things but I am very inspired by her so much ❤️❤️
Thank you so much!! I’m so glad I can inspire you! That’s an amazing reason to work! You’re so thoughtful!!
Oh cool mobile
IPhone is better
@@DhruvRPatel-jl3gc no-
I saved up enough for the 11 and some airpods!! I pick up my phone tmmr(I'm switching from samsung)😭
Life As Bèl ooo I’m excited for you!
I'm doing the same but I'm getting my iPhone 11 in October
Makaila Forever thank you!!! I’m using it now actually
Princess-Marla yess🥳🥳 I hope you love it
Life As Bèl doing the same except I’m not getting AirPods because they aren’t water proof ;( but by Christmas I’m getting a iPhone 11 Pro Max
OMG i am afraid of butterflies too. Like they are so beautiful but I can't do bugs like at all.
Just Shanie101 yess they give me a heart attack lmao!
Idk why butterflies can’t fly in a straight line it gives me anxiety cause idk if they heading toward me or not
@@user-od6mx2wp3w omg that's it. I've been overthink this, why i got scared of butterfly so much, and this is the reason😂 everytime i see butterfly i always ducked down, scared.
This video was so peaceful to me, I love your voice 🥺
Grecia Martinez Awww thank you so much!! ❤️
Mine is arriving soon so I’ve been watching a lot of these vids
Okay but your natural hair is beautiful tho. Love the video very well done the effort you put into editing really shows and the music was very calming.
Tech Intel awww you’re so sweet! Thank you so much!! I’m so glad you enjoyed ❤️
i love how appreciative she is 🥺
I love watching unboxing videos of iPhone 11 and stuff. My dad is giving me my stepmoms iPhone 11 Pro Max and I have an iPhone 6 so this will be really cool. I also just wanted to say I absolutely LOVE your hair!! When you said you were losing some followers I hope in the future you get so many that the ones that left will get jealous. Anyways I hope you’re having a good day.
this video called me broke in 300 languages
it looks so cleann & shiny 🥺
Destiny amaya it is!! 😩
She is so Beautiful and sweet she sounds like a nice and calm person
you look so happy!!! UR SMILE IS EVERYTHING 😩😍😍
I like her exitment she's so kind.
youu so pretty omgg
Luna thank you so much!!
What clear case did you get for it?! It looks amazing
When she said husband I was like wtf I thought she was like 12 or 13 🥶😱
Lmaoo! I see I caught some people off guard. And that’s very flattering considering I’ll be 18 next month! ❤️
@@makailaleilani ummmm WHAT
@@cutesy2282 no lol I thought people would know I was joking. He’s an actor! I’m not married!! 😭
I love the dark affect to 😂
Ohyeah_ Kasey yess it’s so sleek!
After 10 weeks from when I ordered my iPhone 11 pro max it finally arrived today
Vine and Tiktok awww that’s awesome!!
Welcome to da max gang ❤️💆🏽
Happy to be here!! ❤️
this was like a unboxing video and whats on my iphone lol lmao
Jessica Garvin yeah I didn’t want to do two separate videos so I did it all in one! 😭
She's so grateful
I know this is about the iphone but . . . I love your hair . its beautiful .
Beyond Loved awww thank you so much! ❤️
Makaila Forever Where did you get your case ? Can you post the exact name of it so I can go straight to it online ... I love it and need that exact same case 🤗😍🥰
Sherryneak Dillon it’s in the description box!
you’re so lucky, hopefully i can convince my parents to get me one for my birthday, i still have the 6s+😅
Ahh she's so cute
VALERIA G. awww thank you so much!
Ian looking at the phone, I'm looking at youu gah dambbb ma. Hit me😏😍
From where did she buy it bc these days i can not see it on the markets
Pls help
ye it's been discontinued but just check a few online websites, they might just still have it.
Man ur soo pretty and kind and um kinda crushing on u🥺
Not me being quiet when she is setting up her Siri 😁😌
Am getting mine next two months just can’t wait anymore 😩💔
barbie tucute I know!! The anticipation is a killer!! I’m so excited for you!! ❤️
iPhone 12 series coming out in October
how much was that phone because i want to get the 256 gb in the iphone 11 pro max also
I have the iPhone 11 Pro in gold and it’s kinda tiny I feel like I should’ve got the max
I recommend you to kevinhachz on Instagram, I got my iPhone shipped to me through him, I'm so surprised and happy. DM him for yours and thank me later.
I really wish I could stop watching videos of person getting new iPhone ,hope I get one soon or maybe not 🥺
Hi I’m a new subscriber. Ur so pretty btw
Slayyy and also I just subscribed ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much! ❤️
My mom got me the 11 Pro Max in the new Midnight Green for my birthday. This phone is so good!!
😌 just ordered, you make the phone seem all dett, so i ordered it and now i'm broke, but idc new subscriber asf 😭🥰
I got the iPhone 11 128Gb I love it I got it in black battery life is amazing display is so good so high quality and big the cameras are insane congrats on your new phone well as of the time you filmed this video and have a great day and year also I got my iPhone 11 5 months ago brand new
You have great energy keep it up. I just subscribed and liked 👍🏽 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
loved the vid , your so pretty !! 💕
Tavin Tyus thank you so much!! ❤️
I have the iPhone 11 Pro in midnight green
I recommend you to kevinhachz on Instagram, I got my iPhone shipped to me through him, I'm so surprised and happy. DM him for yours and thank me later.
Who else peeped that smiley face edit on the screen protector :) ❤️
Shana _baby lmao I was hoping someone would notice 😆
where did you get your case from ? and your so prettyyyy 🥺!
At first I taught it was a scam thanks to legalhackz on IG for helping me get my phone
Trinitee Woods it’s in the description and thank you!! ❤️
I have the same exact version silver 256 the best phone I’ve ever had
Miguel Diaz same for me!
omg i just find it soo cool that we both have the same name spelled the same way, (i've never found anyone with their name spelled like mine until now), & we both love xxxtentacion's music, keep up the great work ❤
The screen protector thing was to help you line up your case I had gotten one with my private screen protector p.s the white thing that was in the screen protector box
Shauna Denise oh wow!! I had no idea! Thank you for letting me know! I’ll redo it the right way
Makaila Forever your welcome I’ll just thought I’ll let you know 💖
This video was so fun to watch and so calm! I have the iPhone Xr and i’m gonna upgrade to the 11 pro midnight green but i think that the 11 pro will be too small for me… Enjoyed this vid so much!
Your tops is soo pretty 😌
So I'm gonna buy a new phone soon and I need your help with what I should get. I have all the money for the XS right now so I could get that and some accessories or should I save and wait like a little longer to get the 11 and some accesories, I'm less then 100 dollars away but I don't have a phone right now because mine broke. Please help!
i say the iphone 11.
@@nthabisengmadibana759 That's what I ended up getting!
@@samanthaluchenbill5742 so happy for you! hope you enjoying it.
Shes so sweet and kindd!
I'm going to get one too but I'm seriously torn on what colour I should get
ignoring the phone to gaze at how bomb sis looks
You are so sweet!! Thank you!! ❤️
@@makailaleilani your welcomee, i subbed so ill be present mostly, keep shining
Babyguurrrllll!!!! Not only you are a trini like me, plus you love butterflies. I'm about to adopt you as my babysister
Ayeee!! Yes sis adopt me!! I’m tired of being the big sister 😩
@@makailaleilani I feel your pain cause I am the oldest as well 😂😂
You so pretty🥺, but um how much did the phone cost?
Hello pretty l want tio buy one but l don't know how much could you tell me how much are they🥺🦋
To buy sorry
I’m’s scared of butterflies but they are cute 🤣
Maya Vu I agree lmao!
Same i have 8 plus previous it was best phone and now i have got iPhone 11 pro max silver color and i am loving it picture quality now i can take good pictures🎉🎉🎉😇😇😇👸👑👑🎂🎂🎂💕
Going to get a phone case like that too sis
Hey:) so i was wondering how much it was and where you got yours! Good job btw
I’m scared of them too but I have a tattoo of one😂
Lmao! That’ll be me for sure! 😭
I recommend you to kevinhachz on Instagram, I got my iPhone shipped to me through him, I'm so surprised and happy. DM him for yours and thank me later.
😍❤o meu vai chegar em breve parabéns pela sua grande conquista .
if you love reading you should download wattpad. The best urban books ever!!!!!
LaTyra Smith I have it on my iPad! Best stories ever literally!
I actually enjoyed this video I watched the whole thing very pretty girl
HEY QUESTION I WANT TOO BUY ONE. Is the phone big in size??
Me getting a whole ass ton of gb 512 and me only using to be exact 125 gb
I need to get an iPhone 11 😩 it’s been too long now
I hear that!!
I am waiting for IPhone 12 to come out October/November it be 4 IPhone 12 it will be called IPhone 12 mini 5’4 inch IPhone 12 6’1 inch and IPhone 12 pro 6’1 and IPhone 12 Pro Max 6’7 inch
@@saharajohnson6481 it’s basically just a waste of your money. 12 is just gonna be a copy and paste of the 11
Me too 😩😩😩
Hi!!! Can i ask
how much is the iPhone 11 pro max silver like yours?
its so beautiful i have the same one
Your lock screen is so cute
Where did you get your phone from? And BTW you are ssoo BEAUTIFUL!!!
Got 2 iPhone 11 Pro Max yesterday at T-Mobile took super long just for activation and transfer data currently had iPhone XS Max
ITS SO CUTE!! should I buy a iPhone 11 Pro Max ?
Got my first job at a pizza place last week, I’ve worked 6 days so far, so thats two weeks (can only work friday-sunday), I am currently in training and I need $200 more for a XS Max, I don’t even know when I will get paid but soon, can’t wait.
rl.lamine awww I’m so excited for you!! You got this!
At first I taught it was a scam thanks to legalhackz on IG for helping me get my phone
Your so close to 18k subscribers
My phone answered to when u said hey siri 😭🤣
What case is that? I wanna get me one
Ann-Marie Entertainment I put the link in the bio!
Makaila Forever I cant find it in your bio
Ash Olson www.amazon.com/Coolden-Protective-Shockproof-Release-Transparent/dp/B07XL7X1F6
Love this video! I just subscribed to your channel! Hugs from Brazil 🇧🇷
Dudu Soares thank you so much!! Brazil!! That’s amazing!! ❤️
@Makaila Forever wow what a nice case is that can you please mention what's the case's brand and where did you buy it from?? Thank you so much!!!
It’s in the description!
Cool video I'm bout to get the 11 pro max in 2 months
🙂 omg you’re so pretty model type 😭😭😭
yasssss 😍😍!!
Thank you baby ❤️
Naw my Siri was reacting when she said hey Siri lol
I love your phone and I always wanted to get one of those too
Anybody else’s Siri answer when she was setting hers up? 😂
I used to have an iPhone 6s Plus for 2 years i dropped it in water on accident and got a 8 plus in February and i’m already having problems my apps kept going black i need a 11 pro max 😩
Nice im finna watch this whole video
Thank you!! ❤️
@@makailaleilani Your weclome your video was awesome!!! Now i wanna get a iphone 11😂🤣
Can’t wait to get the 11 pro max ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ do it have a home button or no
it doesn't.
I will like to get one for my studies
Benjamin Pennah you totally should!
her voice is so cute 🥰
Can I know the price for iPhone 11 pro max♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Please 😊🤗🤗😇😫
I am also planning to buy this phone and its my first phone
At first I taught it was a scam thanks to legalhackz on IG for helping me get my phone
Its like $1,099 for the base model I think
I got the Se 2nd generation wen u upgrade ima get this
Where’s your case from? 😭😭
Ka'neshia Rashay amazon! The link is in the description ❤️
Like I love your video I got the 12 pro max and I like having my display zoomed in too because it be a lot easier
The white thing that came with them is to help prevent bubbles in the screen protectors and allign them
Galactic Universe yeah someone commented that! I was completely oblivious thank you so much!! I know for next time!
Makaila Forever np hun!
7:48 😂😂😂 “ew”
I have a question where did you get the case from?
The link is in the description!