I love ghost shrimp but i would say the main reason is because i have a local shop that sells "feeder" shrimp, or "ghost" shrimp i can see mixed genetics in them, and i love how they're fully see through. I also love them, because i can get them for .25c each unlike the cherry or blue shrimps which are like 6 bucks ... each
By far the best ghost shrimp video I've watched! Thank you so much for going so in depth! I am currently setting up a 10 gallon to move my now 16 ghosties (originally 4) that are over taking my 5 gallon!
correct they are native to the east coast , but recently they have been found all along the east and south as far as east texas , and even in california. the fresh water species is often used as bait for larger fish in private ponds they will stock a couple hundred and fro there on the pond will have shrimp. they would likely do fine outside in dallas im in mckinney and i keep fire red shrimp outside even though they are tropical invertabrets dont have the same proteins in their blood as we do so they can take freezing temperatures quite easily.
I picked up some grass shrimp to control my guppy population (my huge gourami won’t hurt a fly so I can’t rely on him) and one had a clutch of eggs! So thanks for the video :)
Nice information .. I remember those shrimp when I was a kid. I always thought it amazing the pond could totally dry up. Then when it rained in a couple days they were back.
yes they DO have a larval stage. when hatched they are so small you can barely see them. I have bred them in the past and am getting back into it. I finally found some that I sent away for in the mail and they survived way better than ones I get locally and they are in Florida in the canals all over the state and in Louisiana where I purchased mine from. Thank you for this video.
Thanks for the very informative video Kyle! I've kept fish off and on for the last 30 or so years. Oddly enough, I've never had shrimp. I just got back into keeping fish and I have a 3 gallon MarineLand Silhouette on my desk. Last week I bought 5 ghost shrimp, on a whim, to help keep it clean. I didn't notice at the fish store (not a big box place, I hate those) that one of them was carrying eggs. Though, I could clearly see the eggs when I transferred the shrimp to my tank. So now I'm curious about getting a whole separate tank for simply breeding shrimp. Your video definitely helps clear up a lot of info for me! One thing I'm wondering about now is breeding crayfish. I had a blue crayfish back when I lived in the barracks (I was in the Army) and everyone (including me) thought it was so cool. I wonder how easy it is to breed those? Oh great, now I'm already planning on another tank I don't have yet, lol!
I have had multiple females get "berried", but I've never seen babies grow... I'm not sure if they don't make it past the larval stage or what is happening. I have a 5 gallon I'm breeding red/yellows in without issues so we're going to try that. I've been told in the latter gestation and larval stages, ghost shrimp require brackish water. Is this true?
QUESTION: Could I breed them in a 700 gallon pond? It has water lilies right now and I'll be putting some anacharis for more shelter. I'll probably take out the mosquito fish as they'll probably pray on them. But what about bullfrog tadpoles? Is that okay? Thanks!
Ok, so I bought 10 ghost shrimp at my LFS to help with algae growth and I found a berried female a couple of weeks ago. I have no experience with shrimp prior to this, but I want to see if I can get these babies to survive! I had the shrimp in a community tank with a betta and some black neon tetra. I did a little bit of research and found info saying they are tough to breed/raise. I decided to put the berried girl in a 2 gallon by herself - is this ok? I want to prevent the babies from getting eaten. Is there anything else I need for this? Right now I don’t have any plants in there. There’s sand and I have a blown glass thingy that she can hang out in, but other than that, I have no idea what to put in there to help the process…should I put plants in? Or maybe some tubes for them to hide in? How long should I leave Mama in there after they hatch (IF they survive)? Will she eat them if I keep her in there with them? Thanks in advance!
8:06 The correct way to identify the sex of a ghost shrimp is not only by size or how prominent the hump on their tail is, but by the color of their backs right behind the head. If it's green, that means it's a female because that's where they store their unfertilized eggs.
Hey sir, idk if you will see this, but how often might I feed my ghost shrimp babies? And what should I? I softening shrimp pellets in tank water and dumped a tea spoon in this morning when I realized they hatched. Should I feed every day?
Attempting to breed ghost shrimp in my community tank. I know it’ll be a challenge, larval stage in particular. But I’ve had a few make it to adulthood in my community tanks in the past, so even if I only get 1-2 survive from each breeding I’m happy 👍
I have had the same problem. I buy ghost shrimp from PetSmart and they die within a month as well. Just as you stated, once they start becoming a milky white I know they're about to die. I've seen ghost shrimp with parasites in them and they do not look the same.
I have bought around 10 ghost shrimp 3 different times and only one of the original group has survived and is still looking healthy and molting just fine do you have any idea why only one survives and all the other die off?
I have a ghost shrimp with eggs. We noticed about a week ago. Problem is the tank is full of fish and shrimp. I have breeding nets, should I put the pregnant shrimp in there? What do you even feed baby larval stage shrimp
After watching 10-15 other videos, I can say yours is very informative. I kept trying to find information on how long the eggs take to hatch, missing from most videos. Thanks for doing your research! It seems most videos are just people showing off their tanks haha
I just got some ghost shrimp for my albino/pepper corydora catfish tank. Almost all of the shrimp are pregnant. Will the cory Dora catfish eat the eggs once they are expelled from the pregnant shrimp?
Hello Kyle! Thank you for the video! I'm trying to raise glass shrimp, but not doing too well. I think my water is too hard. It was nice to meet you at the Aquarium Co Op Live stream today!
hard water should not be an issue, my water is 350 tds and 7.8 ph + , be sure you have a true fresh water species since sometimes they sell the saltwater species to pet stores. most petcos and petsmarts carry the true freshwater species especially if youre on the eastern side of the states since they are used to stock private ponds . also little advice if they give you to much trouble invest in cherry shrimp .. at 1.50 to 2.00 each they bwill breed easier in almost any water and you can sell them for what you bought them for . look on aquabid. its a worthy and fun investment !
You can supplement shrimp with blanched organic spinach and kale or collard greens. Organic is a must when feeding shrimp leafy greens because the pesticides can kill them. Thick organic cucumber slices are also good for them. The leafy greens help with calcium up take by the shrimps. Remove any uneaten foods after 6-10 hours to prevent the water from becoming ammonia toxic to the shrimps.
Hey you never mentioned what should go In the tank as far as substrate (if any) I saw the pvc for hiding. Any moss or driftwood? What are your recommendations?
substrate is not a necessity , though it definitely helps add places for young to hide and feed. i have had success using sand gravel and nothing at all. the tubes are for the crayfish. i have these guys breeding prolifically in just about all my tanks with them where the fish dont eat the young. if your water is especially soft it may be worth adding crushed coral or oyster shells
WOW what a great video filled with useful information. I just bought 15 ghost's today and put in a 5 gallon tank with Nerites and 3 Otocinclus (which will be going into another tank shortly). Never thought of breeding them until I saw this. I have been a subscriber but just hit the bell. Any other videos that you think I should see as for feeding, etc.? I usually feed the Nerites 3 X's per week with invert pellets, Omega 1 green wafers and Crab Cuisine. I do have a piece of calcium in there but any other info will be greatly appreciated. I will keep you informed on how it goes if you are interested. Again thanks for this GREAT video.
definetly keep me updated! it sounds like you know how to feed your fish. crab cuisine is a great place to start but if your also feeding a few other foods meant for inverts they should do great. the oto's should be okay with the shrimp though they may eat the babys , youll have to keep an eye out after a few weeks go by after the females drop their eggs. ghost shrimp shrimplets are tiny and clear so they can be very hard to see.
I have a question I bought some feeder river shrimp. I put them in my freshwater tropical tank. They are still alive after months in my tank. People said they live in brackish water but they seem fine in my tropical tank and have been fine for months now. What water should they be in? Fresh or brackish? They look identical to your ghost shrimp.
its hard to tell, but ghost or grass shrimp are native to both brackish and fresh water systems. there will likely be a difference in species between the 2 , but most ghost shrimp today are freshwater as they are sold as feeders for ponds
I may have missed it but what type of water do you use for the tank? I remember a section explaining ideal ph levels but I don't think I caught anything about what type of water it is. I recently started a tank and I worry my tap water might be too toxic.
yea they are for sale, but i would recomend a better shrimp if you want to invest your time into breeding shrimp, try cherry shrimp you should be able to get a basic cherry shrimp for 1 - 2 $ on aquabid, they are very hardy and easy to breed too, plus they are very easy to sell.... also if you really want to bred ghost shrimp know that oit may take 3 months somtimes before you see babys and they dont always make it to adult hood especially if you have fish in the tank. but you can also check with pond stocking companys often they stock ponds and lakes with freshwater ghost shrimp as a food sopurce for larger fish like crappie and baby bass to eat
no they dont , though that may depend where your getting yours from, in the southern states they are freshwater since they are often used to stock ponds as feeders for trophy fish
KylesWildWorld Will larvae be eaten by the beta, i have a male veiltail with 5 ghost shrimp they're small and 2 preg females, the betta has attacked the ghost shrimp once the shrimp fled into a dark corner quickly which come to made me think he was swallowed whole i was horrified, do you think 2 preg female's eggs will be eaten when they become larvae? Or do they stay in the sack still, also do i need to feed ghost shrimp? Or will they feed on dirty areas and left over betta food? Or do they need 1 pellet each
petco and petsmart sell them for 25 to 35 cents each , since they are generally sold as feeder shrimp, my LFS sells them for 25 cents, 1.50 is alot are you sure they are not ammano shrimp? ammano or algae eater shrimp as they are sometimes called can only breed in salt. if you have alot of trouble sometimes bait shops and pond stocking companys sell them to stock ponds, but the later of the two may only sell in bulk
I got 5 from pet smart and I've seen 3 at a time two days after getting them. Either my betta ate them, (doubt it, he seems to avoid them) or they were over stressed and died.
Well, considering Ghost Shrimp are mostly considered feeder fish, it is most likely that your betta ate them. But then again, I have seen forums that say that the shrimp are good climbers and will actually climb OUT of the tank. But this is just what I've heard.
I used to catch these by the bucketload out of the San Joaquin river in California. Made awesome bluegill, striper and sturgeon bait. Need to breed them now that I don't have access to them.
i just found a few baby ghost shrimp in my heavily planted guppy tank how they survived all the gups i have no idea i started out with just the six adult shrimp having no idea if they would survive or not....guess they like it! lol
I have a 10g w/ bird poop organic soil covered with sm rocks. I do run a tiny filter made for a 5g just to promote the bacteria and what not. I have 2 huge amazon swords, tons of anacharis(some of which I’ve measured at 3 ft+!) and some undulata that almost completely died at first but I barely saved and is now thriving, and some quartz crystals I found in the Rockies. I killed many shrimp 😪 for a while but now any shrimp do great. I admit I have 10 white clouds who have lived so well that they are spoiled jerks and think they are cichlids lol. It requires water changes often. The shrimp don’t breed viably. I think I want to try a 20g or start a new 10g with a layer of sand between dirt and rocks.
with ghost shrimp, you could probably keep a 100 or more depending on water changes and feeding schedule. though if your serious about shrimp breeding i would look into cherry shrimp ( neocaradinia ) since they will bring you at least 1$ each and are easier to breed. though initial purchase is more exspensive
I have got these for my fish tank and they keep dosing off the water parameter is all right they are eating well but they keep dieing off I'm not shure what I am doing wrong
hmmm , there are a few differnet species in the hobby, some are salt water , brackish water , and fresh , most in the hobby are fresh today because they are now easily breed in high numbers. when i got mine i always had most die off, then the ones that survived bred for me . you may need to try another source , be sure your buying freschwater ones, though its not easy to tell aside from them being in fresh water. petco and petsmart seem to have fresh water species
well new born ghost shrimp hatch into a larval stage for about 3-6 weeks , pending on temperatures. they will be very small so having an abundance of grazing surfaces in the aquarium may help, to be honest i have not looked into exactly how small they are when first hatched, but as they grow their diet will change, early in the larval stage im sure they eat microscopic single celled algae and zooplankton so having an abundance of water born algae would likely be highly beneficial for their survival, other small foods you could feed might possibly be bee polen or leaves since the leaves will harbor bacteria as they decompose that is single celled
Kyles Wild World all good was just trying to help not hate. 10-15sec max for into. Unless one can clearly tell it’s an intro. Even then time is valuable.
I'm fairly sure axolotl's eat young grass shrimp and if it's large enough possible fairly large ones as well. I sell them online and I've had people buy from me before to feed axolotls.
I found tons of these guys in a dried up overflow ditch from the river I live on that comes off the ocean. I brought them home and drip acclimated them from heavily brakish water as I live on salt water, to fully clean freshwater aquarium. The only issue I found was that many of the pregnant females that were caught wild tended to have the worm looking parasite on the brain. However I pulled those out and quarantined them and they did give birth. I am now on my 5th gen of breeders with about 75 breeders from the newest generation. They are getting bigger from what I can tell. The females carry loads of eggs and where she is berried she looks exhausted from carrying all of them around. I have also got 3 brackish/salt water wild guppy and minnow species to acclimate to fresh aquarium water and they are all breeding and I started with 14 and i couldnt count how many different wild native now 9th gen captive bred guppy and minnow fry and juveniles. Anyways. I love these little shrimp. They help my Amanos clean my only personal community tank that i have left because I am giving everything i have to keep my private (well 98% personally) funded aquatic animal rescue. However I was not expecting a spinal cord tumor diagnosis and radiation therapy at 29 but it is what is is. Someone has it worse some where. These animals are my passion. My home company is a small aquarium hand made and natural product store that barely pays a part of a co-pay in a drs vist in a few weeks. Any suggestions for breeding from a personally purchased stock and selling them to locals and the only non big box store in 120 miles of us in Charleston, SC I have always had aquariums, I have been breeding every live bearers as well as platties, daniosm plecos, cichlids and many more as a hobbby for over 13 years and neocardina shrimo for 10 years but I dont have any neos at the moment and I thought I had someone that was going to give me a break on the cost to help out our rescue so I can get breeding those neos again (THERE ARE NONE HERE!) I might be giving away my golden secret here but they are in very high demand but there is no where to get them. Do you know of any reasonably priced websites or any individuals that might be interested in helping me out. I am a on woman show. I take care of all the fish in my rescue (got another 15 fish in today) and my few personal guppies, endler/showguppy hybrid trios/ longfin danios and ABP and regular BN Plecos, all their fry, all the plants and now all the construction to create a new fish room by myself with only one volunteer 4 hours 1 day a week I could really use any advice you have if you know of anyone selling quality stock neos in a variety of colors because breeding these would be a huge help in funding the rescue. I will continue to look. I hope to hear from you soon. Tori Lewis Lowcountry Aquatics Rescue @yahoo.com (all lowercase, no spaces) Please email me if you get a shot. I promis on my life this is not a scam and it is a worthy cause.
i would look into facebook gruops for good deals on shrimp, people will ship and they are easy to ship. that or aquabid is a great place to look for deals on shrimp.
I bought 45 shrimp from PetSmart and I only have 3 left its really sad I hate big brand stores for that same reason I just go to aquariums now and my shrimp are 100x better
:P easy way to breed them get a fish tank (as small as 10 gal) put algae from where you catch them from in it, add the shrink, and if you want easy food you can add fish flakes, but theyll eat the algae and shrimp do lime to eat their own organic waste so
I love ghost shrimp
but i would say the main reason is because i have a local shop that sells "feeder" shrimp, or "ghost" shrimp
i can see mixed genetics in them, and i love how they're fully see through.
I also love them, because i can get them for .25c each
unlike the cherry or blue shrimps which are like 6 bucks ... each
Got 3 shrimp in a 10 gallon a few weeks ago with no plans of breeding. Found a bunch of eggs today so here I am learning what to do! Thanks bro
By far the best ghost shrimp video I've watched! Thank you so much for going so in depth! I am currently setting up a 10 gallon to move my now 16 ghosties (originally 4) that are over taking my 5 gallon!
So they’re not tropical at all?!?! Who knew. I didn’t know these guys were native to Maryland. So i can put them in my pond. I live in Dallas.
correct they are native to the east coast , but recently they have been found all along the east and south as far as east texas , and even in california. the fresh water species is often used as bait for larger fish in private ponds they will stock a couple hundred and fro there on the pond will have shrimp. they would likely do fine outside in dallas im in mckinney and i keep fire red shrimp outside even though they are tropical invertabrets dont have the same proteins in their blood as we do so they can take freezing temperatures quite easily.
Ive seen them in rivers here in Indiana towards the Ohio River but only in clean waters
I breed shrimp in my piranha tank no lie, the fish don't care about the shrimp
I'm dead
Im currently trying the same thing as the shrimp are the only things that my red bellies will room with
Zentallian so are the shrimp
Liar liar pants on fire👖🔥My gourami and other eat the all the time lol 😆
And hear I am failing to keep them with neon tetras😭
I picked up some grass shrimp to control my guppy population (my huge gourami won’t hurt a fly so I can’t rely on him) and one had a clutch of eggs! So thanks for the video :)
Nice information .. I remember those shrimp when I was a kid. I always thought it amazing the pond could totally dry up. Then when it rained in a couple days they were back.
This the first video I’ve seen over 5 minutes for ghost shrimp thanks
I've had success breeding shrimp in the greenhouse. They do really well in most conditions. Again great video !
I purchased 12 and I think that one is already preganant will it still produce eggs after all of the stress?
yes they DO have a larval stage. when hatched they are so small you can barely see them. I have bred them in the past and am getting back into it. I finally found some that I sent away for in the mail and they survived way better than ones I get locally and they are in Florida in the canals all over the state and in Louisiana where I purchased mine from. Thank you for this video.
Thanks for the very informative video Kyle! I've kept fish off and on for the last 30 or so years. Oddly enough, I've never had shrimp. I just got back into keeping fish and I have a 3 gallon MarineLand Silhouette on my desk. Last week I bought 5 ghost shrimp, on a whim, to help keep it clean. I didn't notice at the fish store (not a big box place, I hate those) that one of them was carrying eggs. Though, I could clearly see the eggs when I transferred the shrimp to my tank. So now I'm curious about getting a whole separate tank for simply breeding shrimp. Your video definitely helps clear up a lot of info for me!
One thing I'm wondering about now is breeding crayfish. I had a blue crayfish back when I lived in the barracks (I was in the Army) and everyone (including me) thought it was so cool. I wonder how easy it is to breed those? Oh great, now I'm already planning on another tank I don't have yet, lol!
I have had multiple females get "berried", but I've never seen babies grow...
I'm not sure if they don't make it past the larval stage or what is happening. I have a 5 gallon I'm breeding red/yellows in without issues so we're going to try that.
I've been told in the latter gestation and larval stages, ghost shrimp require brackish water. Is this true?
I have some big ghost shrimp (like 1") in my 20gal betta tank. They're so derpy, I absolutely love them! Thank you so much for the video!
QUESTION: Could I breed them in a 700 gallon pond? It has water lilies right now and I'll be putting some anacharis for more shelter. I'll probably take out the mosquito fish as they'll probably pray on them. But what about bullfrog tadpoles? Is that okay? Thanks!
Dude, I subscribed immediately just because of the tone on that acoustic guitar.
Ok, so I bought 10 ghost shrimp at my LFS to help with algae growth and I found a berried female a couple of weeks ago. I have no experience with shrimp prior to this, but I want to see if I can get these babies to survive! I had the shrimp in a community tank with a betta and some black neon tetra. I did a little bit of research and found info saying they are tough to breed/raise. I decided to put the berried girl in a 2 gallon by herself - is this ok? I want to prevent the babies from getting eaten. Is there anything else I need for this? Right now I don’t have any plants in there. There’s sand and I have a blown glass thingy that she can hang out in, but other than that, I have no idea what to put in there to help the process…should I put plants in? Or maybe some tubes for them to hide in? How long should I leave Mama in there after they hatch (IF they survive)? Will she eat them if I keep her in there with them? Thanks in advance!
Lol even the ghost shrimp can't tell who's male or female
The correct way to identify the sex of a ghost shrimp is not only by size or how prominent the hump on their tail is, but by the color of their backs right behind the head. If it's green, that means it's a female because that's where they store their unfertilized eggs.
Hey sir, idk if you will see this, but how often might I feed my ghost shrimp babies? And what should I? I softening shrimp pellets in tank water and dumped a tea spoon in this morning when I realized they hatched. Should I feed every day?
thanks for the info i am trying o breed mine in a 20 gallon
Attempting to breed ghost shrimp in my community tank. I know it’ll be a challenge, larval stage in particular. But I’ve had a few make it to adulthood in my community tanks in the past, so even if I only get 1-2 survive from each breeding I’m happy 👍
Tap water or still water is best for the tank to keep in tank as tank water for the shrimp?
Hi Kyle, my ghost shrimp from petsmart most of them die in a month when they become white, do you have the same problem? Thank you.
make sure ammonia, nitrates, copper, chlorine are at 0 and add mineral rocks
I have had the same problem. I buy ghost shrimp from PetSmart and they die within a month as well. Just as you stated, once they start becoming a milky white I know they're about to die. I've seen ghost shrimp with parasites in them and they do not look the same.
They turn white when they are old.
I have bought around 10 ghost shrimp 3 different times and only one of the original group has survived and is still looking healthy and molting just fine do you have any idea why only one survives and all the other die off?
Yea that happen to me
I have two females holding. Can I leave the newly hatched with the parents or will they eat them ?
I have a ghost shrimp with eggs. We noticed about a week ago. Problem is the tank is full of fish and shrimp. I have breeding nets, should I put the pregnant shrimp in there? What do you even feed baby larval stage shrimp
After watching 10-15 other videos, I can say yours is very informative. I kept trying to find information on how long the eggs take to hatch, missing from most videos. Thanks for doing your research! It seems most videos are just people showing off their tanks haha
I just got some ghost shrimp for my albino/pepper corydora catfish tank. Almost all of the shrimp are pregnant. Will the cory Dora catfish eat the eggs once they are expelled from the pregnant shrimp?
Is it cost effective to breed shrimp as feeders
I have a 55 gallon planted self cloning crawfish tank, so these would breed with them in tank?
Can I have a Betta with 2 ghost shrimp in a 3.5 gallon tank ?
Hello Kyle! Thank you for the video! I'm trying to raise glass shrimp, but not doing too well. I think my water is too hard. It was nice to meet you at the Aquarium Co Op Live stream today!
hard water should not be an issue, my water is 350 tds and 7.8 ph + , be sure you have a true fresh water species since sometimes they sell the saltwater species to pet stores. most petcos and petsmarts carry the true freshwater species especially if youre on the eastern side of the states since they are used to stock private ponds . also little advice if they give you to much trouble invest in cherry shrimp .. at 1.50 to 2.00 each they bwill breed easier in almost any water and you can sell them for what you bought them for . look on aquabid. its a worthy and fun investment !
You can supplement shrimp with blanched organic spinach and kale or collard greens. Organic is a must when feeding shrimp leafy greens because the pesticides can kill them. Thick organic cucumber slices are also good for them. The leafy greens help with calcium up take by the shrimps. Remove any uneaten foods after 6-10 hours to prevent the water from becoming ammonia toxic to the shrimps.
I got 2 ghost shrimp from the pet store and I think they are both pregnant?! What do I need to do special if they do have babies
Hey dude I just caught like 100 new born ghost shrimp in back yard. I have about 10 adults as well. This video was very helpful
Can these be kept with cherry shrimp or blue neocaradina?
Nice vid. I have a number of P. paludosus and I've thought of breeding them. BTW they are native to Florida also. :)
Hey you never mentioned what should go In the tank as far as substrate (if any) I saw the pvc for hiding. Any moss or driftwood? What are your recommendations?
substrate is not a necessity , though it definitely helps add places for young to hide and feed. i have had success using sand gravel and nothing at all. the tubes are for the crayfish. i have these guys breeding prolifically in just about all my tanks with them where the fish dont eat the young. if your water is especially soft it may be worth adding crushed coral or oyster shells
Mine already have babies on them when I got them from the store! What should I do?
Feed them with seaweed. Buy it from Chinese store for $3. Enough to feed them years
Which kind of seaweed? Wakame?
They will eat anything, if you can eat a veggie or green stuff, they can, and do eat it too.
@@loganross1861 I give sushi rolls, plain no flavoring added.
@@loganross1861 Nori seaweed.
WOW what a great video filled with useful information. I just bought 15 ghost's today and put in a 5 gallon tank with Nerites and 3 Otocinclus (which will be going into another tank shortly). Never thought of breeding them until I saw this. I have been a subscriber but just hit the bell. Any other videos that you think I should see as for feeding, etc.? I usually feed the Nerites 3 X's per week with invert pellets, Omega 1 green wafers and Crab Cuisine. I do have a piece of calcium in there but any other info will be greatly appreciated. I will keep you informed on how it goes if you are interested. Again thanks for this GREAT video.
definetly keep me updated! it sounds like you know how to feed your fish. crab cuisine is a great place to start but if your also feeding a few other foods meant for inverts they should do great. the oto's should be okay with the shrimp though they may eat the babys , youll have to keep an eye out after a few weeks go by after the females drop their eggs. ghost shrimp shrimplets are tiny and clear so they can be very hard to see.
Do i separate the babies from the adults?
no, they seem to do fine together, plus they have to go through a larval stage
I have a question I bought some feeder river shrimp. I put them in my freshwater tropical tank. They are still alive after months in my tank. People said they live in brackish water but they seem fine in my tropical tank and have been fine for months now. What water should they be in? Fresh or brackish? They look identical to your ghost shrimp.
its hard to tell, but ghost or grass shrimp are native to both brackish and fresh water systems. there will likely be a difference in species between the 2 , but most ghost shrimp today are freshwater as they are sold as feeders for ponds
It's possible you have a species that lives in freshwater but requires brackish water in order to successfully breed, not unlike amano shrimp.
Thanks for the vid brotha appreciate your genuine approach to RUclips
I'm trying in a 10 gal, planted tank with bladder snails, so far so good,
How’d it go?
I bought 8 today and was given 10. At least 6 have eggs already. Put them in a separate tank. Wish me luck!
One of my shrimp turn white and she has eggs is she sick?
Thanks for the video! I just got some shrimp and one came from the store pregnant. Wanted to see how to prepare!
do they fight one another?
I have approx 120 in a 50 gal tank.
I have a 5g tank and want to add 20 ghost shrimp to breed. The water is at 74 F but I can add a heater to make it 80 F. Is that a good idea?
I may have missed it but what type of water do you use for the tank? I remember a section explaining ideal ph levels but I don't think I caught anything about what type of water it is. I recently started a tank and I worry my tap water might be too toxic.
can river shrimp breed in aquarium???
Kyle What do you feed your shrimp/ ? What is your TDS?
Can I put them in a breeding box in my tank I have loaches in my tank so they can not be in the same area
maybe.... that will be a stress full environment but if you but plants or decor in it it may work. the loaches will be after them for sure tho
is it safe if you remove the pregnant shrimp and put it in new tank?
I’m catching these in Illinois and it freezes hear
I've found transparent shrimps in a South Florida intercostal before. Salinity at the high end of brackish water.
Awesome video brother. I have tried 3x and no luck. Are your ghost shrimp for sale?
yea they are for sale, but i would recomend a better shrimp if you want to invest your time into breeding shrimp, try cherry shrimp you should be able to get a basic cherry shrimp for 1 - 2 $ on aquabid, they are very hardy and easy to breed too, plus they are very easy to sell.... also if you really want to bred ghost shrimp know that oit may take 3 months somtimes before you see babys and they dont always make it to adult hood especially if you have fish in the tank. but you can also check with pond stocking companys often they stock ponds and lakes with freshwater ghost shrimp as a food sopurce for larger fish like crappie and baby bass to eat
Where did you get your marble crayfish and did you start with just one?
So they dont have to have brackish water to breed?
no they dont , though that may depend where your getting yours from, in the southern states they are freshwater since they are often used to stock ponds as feeders for trophy fish
cycled aquarium and just add water. I bought four and one is into her second week of pregnancy. Didn't realize they breed so easily.
KylesWildWorld Will larvae be eaten by the beta, i have a male veiltail with 5 ghost shrimp they're small and 2 preg females, the betta has attacked the ghost shrimp once the shrimp fled into a dark corner quickly which come to made me think he was swallowed whole i was horrified, do you think 2 preg female's eggs will be eaten when they become larvae? Or do they stay in the sack still, also do i need to feed ghost shrimp? Or will they feed on dirty areas and left over betta food? Or do they need 1 pellet each
You can use instead of crushed coral, which can be expensive, poultry grit made from crushed oyster shell, it can be bought in bulk inexpensively.
Thx again Kyle,you got some great videos
I have 2 ghost shrimps how I do Breeding them
What are the darker shrimp called.
Can you also breed the darker one.
Also where can I get the eggs.
do you mean the cray fish?/ females will bear eggs after she molts and a male breeds with her
Where is the cheapest place to get them? i only have one local fish store and they want $1.50 each.
petco and petsmart sell them for 25 to 35 cents each , since they are generally sold as feeder shrimp, my LFS sells them for 25 cents, 1.50 is alot are you sure they are not ammano shrimp? ammano or algae eater shrimp as they are sometimes called can only breed in salt. if you have alot of trouble sometimes bait shops and pond stocking companys sell them to stock ponds, but the later of the two may only sell in bulk
I got mine 8 for a $1.00
I got 5 from pet smart and I've seen 3 at a time two days after getting them. Either my betta ate them, (doubt it, he seems to avoid them) or they were over stressed and died.
Well, considering Ghost Shrimp are mostly considered feeder fish, it is most likely that your betta ate them. But then again, I have seen forums that say that the shrimp are good climbers and will actually climb OUT of the tank. But this is just what I've heard.
@@n3rd_bird I found the while cleaning the tank, they were just hiding
Did he say 17% ass?
I used to catch these by the bucketload out of the San Joaquin river in California. Made awesome bluegill, striper and sturgeon bait. Need to breed them now that I don't have access to them.
i just found a few baby ghost shrimp in my heavily planted guppy tank how they survived all the gups i have no idea i started out with just the six adult shrimp having no idea if they would survive or not....guess they like it! lol
I have a 10g w/ bird poop organic soil covered with sm rocks. I do run a tiny filter made for a 5g just to promote the bacteria and what not. I have 2 huge amazon swords, tons of anacharis(some of which I’ve measured at 3 ft+!) and some undulata that almost completely died at first but I barely saved and is now thriving, and some quartz crystals I found in the Rockies. I killed many shrimp 😪 for a while but now any shrimp do great. I admit I have 10 white clouds who have lived so well that they are spoiled jerks and think they are cichlids lol. It requires water changes often. The shrimp don’t breed viably. I think I want to try a 20g or start a new 10g with a layer of sand between dirt and rocks.
How do I get baby’s shrimps
These things are all over central Florida as well. Most of my ghost shrimp are wild caught from my local pond. Lol
How often do you feed your shrimp?
daily , some times 2x a day if im trying to work on growing their numbers, ill feed a mix of fish food green beans and dried leaves
Kyles Wild World Thanks Kyle, also hoe many can I keep in 10 gal tank?
with ghost shrimp, you could probably keep a 100 or more depending on water changes and feeding schedule. though if your serious about shrimp breeding i would look into cherry shrimp ( neocaradinia ) since they will bring you at least 1$ each and are easier to breed. though initial purchase is more exspensive
the salt water grass shrimp that looks the same grows significantly larger, seen some close to 4 inchs
I had no idea I could find them wild here in Maryland. It's surprising to me because fish shops around here are always sold out.
Really.nice video and eyes
What do you feed them
good video, i like the fact that you honest, if you don't know something, you say it.
The detail is amazing, but let us see the tank more. It's harder to pay attention while watching you speak
I have got these for my fish tank and they keep dosing off the water parameter is all right they are eating well but they keep dieing off I'm not shure what I am doing wrong
hmmm , there are a few differnet species in the hobby, some are salt water , brackish water , and fresh , most in the hobby are fresh today because they are now easily breed in high numbers. when i got mine i always had most die off, then the ones that survived bred for me . you may need to try another source , be sure your buying freschwater ones, though its not easy to tell aside from them being in fresh water. petco and petsmart seem to have fresh water species
Great video! I love those red ramshorns!
Sir do you sell this for a living
what can i feed ghost shrimp fry... new borns?
well new born ghost shrimp hatch into a larval stage for about 3-6 weeks , pending on temperatures. they will be very small so having an abundance of grazing surfaces in the aquarium may help, to be honest i have not looked into exactly how small they are when first hatched, but as they grow their diet will change, early in the larval stage im sure they eat microscopic single celled algae and zooplankton so having an abundance of water born algae would likely be highly beneficial for their survival, other small foods you could feed might possibly be bee polen or leaves since the leaves will harbor bacteria as they decompose that is single celled
I have a lot of rams horn snails in my tank every once in a while I will crush a snail for each shrimp you can choose a perfect size snel
Would've liked to see the shrimp while u talked
Thank you for sharing this video 📸👍☺️
Nice, i live in Maryland, i have 18 ghost shrimp in a 30g tank
You can get 5 ghost shrimp per gallon
Your video intro is a little long. I was just about to skip this video then you came in thinking it was a non talking video.
thanks for letting me know, i may need to remake this video , tbh its really old and early in my youtube days
Kyles Wild World all good was just trying to help not hate. 10-15sec max for into. Unless one can clearly tell it’s an intro. Even then time is valuable.
Could I successfully breed these in my axolotl tank?
I'm fairly sure axolotl's eat young grass shrimp and if it's large enough possible fairly large ones as well. I sell them online and I've had people buy from me before to feed axolotls.
Very informational! Do ghosties need a filter??
I found tons of these guys in a dried up overflow ditch from the river I live on that comes off the ocean. I brought them home and drip acclimated them from heavily brakish water as I live on salt water, to fully clean freshwater aquarium. The only issue I found was that many of the pregnant females that were caught wild tended to have the worm looking parasite on the brain. However I pulled those out and quarantined them and they did give birth. I am now on my 5th gen of breeders with about 75 breeders from the newest generation. They are getting bigger from what I can tell. The females carry loads of eggs and where she is berried she looks exhausted from carrying all of them around.
I have also got 3 brackish/salt water wild guppy and minnow species to acclimate to fresh aquarium water and they are all breeding and I started with 14 and i couldnt count how many different wild native now 9th gen captive bred guppy and minnow fry and juveniles.
Anyways. I love these little shrimp. They help my Amanos clean my only personal community tank that i have left because I am giving everything i have to keep my private (well 98% personally) funded aquatic animal rescue. However I was not expecting a spinal cord tumor diagnosis and radiation therapy at 29 but it is what is is. Someone has it worse some where. These animals are my passion. My home company is a small aquarium hand made and natural product store that barely pays a part of a co-pay in a drs vist in a few weeks.
Any suggestions for breeding from a personally purchased stock and selling them to locals and the only non big box store in 120 miles of us in Charleston, SC I have always had aquariums, I have been breeding every live bearers as well as platties, daniosm plecos, cichlids and many more as a hobbby for over 13 years and neocardina shrimo for 10 years but I dont have any neos at the moment and I thought I had someone that was going to give me a break on the cost to help out our rescue so I can get breeding those neos again (THERE ARE NONE HERE!) I might be giving away my golden secret here but they are in very high demand but there is no where to get them. Do you know of any reasonably priced websites or any individuals that might be interested in helping me out. I am a on woman show. I take care of all the fish in my rescue (got another 15 fish in today) and my few personal guppies, endler/showguppy hybrid trios/ longfin danios and ABP and regular BN Plecos, all their fry, all the plants and now all the construction to create a new fish room by myself with only one volunteer 4 hours 1 day a week I could really use any advice you have if you know of anyone selling quality stock neos in a variety of colors because breeding these would be a huge help in funding the rescue. I will continue to look. I hope to hear from you soon.
Tori Lewis
Lowcountry Aquatics Rescue @yahoo.com (all lowercase, no spaces) Please email me if you get a shot.
I promis on my life this is not a scam and it is a worthy cause.
i would look into facebook gruops for good deals on shrimp, people will ship and they are easy to ship. that or aquabid is a great place to look for deals on shrimp.
thanks man very thorough
Really nice vid!
Awesome video
most information ive found on these guys
Good video and information Kyle.
I bought 45 shrimp from PetSmart and I only have 3 left its really sad I hate big brand stores for that same reason I just go to aquariums now and my shrimp are 100x better
Good stuff. Thank you. Do parents eat their young?
:P easy way to breed them get a fish tank (as small as 10 gal) put algae from where you catch them from in it, add the shrink, and if you want easy food you can add fish flakes, but theyll eat the algae and shrimp do lime to eat their own organic waste so