@@szlendak1368 kind of, I slowed it down, he did not land the jump. His weight came down on the ball of his foot and he lost his balance. But I agree is partner is malnourished looking and a bit heavy footed. He looks quicker than her and it seemed like he was trying to compensate,
I think my favourite thing about 177 was that soft sway they did after the fall before finding their rhythm again... Something about that just really made me feel like they cared about each other and were really in tune with each other.. idk, it was a nice moment especially after a fall like that..
There is some recovery time of course usually after a fall like this, to tune in with your self, your partner, the music, the performance as an whole. They've could pick it up faster, but it was quite an ugly fall. He grabs his shoulder, you can see he was in pain.
I really had to wonder if it was part of their act/dance, because of how well they flowed right back into it. Darnit, bless their hearts ..hope he waa really ok...
I think it was to resynchronise, as with such a rapid dance you need to make sure you're in perfect harmony and that's certainly not guaranteed after a fall
I started appreciating these dances after watching welcome to the ballroom. I still don’t understand what makes one high level performance better than another high level performance as it all just looks amazing and O feel like everyone could take home the big W, but it’s fun to watch regardless
The harder the choreography the higher the score, they also score on presentation, age, technique, and some other criteria play into the evaluation too.
*Couple 177 it's not the fall that matters, it's getting back up and completing the performance that does! Kudos to you both! You're awesome dancers and a dynamic couple on the floor.*
Whenever I see these kinds of dances, my first thought (apart from WOW) is, that just keep piling the difficulty level on the women don't they. First she has to dance backwards, then she has to wear heels, and then to top it off the women have to dance with their heads thrown back in that awkward fashion. Men difficulty level 9/10, women 15/10.
Don't want to turn this in a battle of the sexes because both parties are equally impressive. I just feel that the reason why the woman can do those very floaty movements is because the man is expected to support her. The man however doesn't really have anyone holding him up (relatively) so if he screws up, they both go down (4:15). While if the woman happens to lose her balance for a split moment, hopefully the man can mitigate that. Also women are biologically built difference when it comes to balance. They seem to have a wider core rotation than men before needing to compensate the weight over their centre of mass. I said all of that but know that I do not disagree with anything you said. The woman I think definitely has the more difficult parts and the only(or main) reason she can do it is because there is a man or partner assisting. As they say, it takes two to tango. The man is suppose to be the solid foundation and strength so that's probably why they are in relatively normal footwear. While I feel the woman is suppose to be the beauty and the eyecatch, the element that draws the eyes and attention and that's why they wear such flamboyant dresses.
GoodwillWright -- as someone who has danced professionally in several genres, it's important to realize while it may seem like the man is doing all the supporting, women have to have pliable "backs of steal". In essence they aren't wimp, dead weights but have to "hold" themselves to facilitate a good partnership with strong technique. However, I would agree that both roles, have unique and mutual challenges and that dance is a beautiful and demanding melding of art and sport.
@@TVY2013 As someone who can't dance to save their life, I have a serious question to the dancers out there. Is there a real reason the women have to hold their heads in that stiff and unnatural way? (to help with balance or something) Or is it just for the look?
@@mystmagyk3101 It's stylistic "tradition" -- which not everyone likes, but it's been the look for a long time. However, given that it is more of a strain to hold the neck in that position anatomically when it's not turned, that could play into how this style arose/developed, too.
I came because the thumbnail reminded me of Ballroom e Youkoso. XD And wow they did not disappoint. The second team was so in sync and they practically ran a marathon around that stage! I can't imagine how confusing it would be to run in circles while spinning and being tied to someone else and doing it all in sync.
Absolutely brilliant. Every single one of them. Felt sorry for the guy who fell but well done for getting up and carrying on such a stunning routine. The Russians are so brilliant at ballroom dancing. 💖
YES! I watch all manner of Russian dance no matter the genre and I find that they excel in them all. And their audiences seem to react so enthusiastically in appreciation of the talent presented to them.
I just watched 13 episodes of Ballroom e Youkoso, came looking for videos to see if their necks are really like that and damn it is true. What a strength and discipline. I mean, I sleep with my neck in a slight different position and the next I can't move.
actually, I was thinking about that. the men just need a couple of suits, but the women have to be able to afford all those dresses.... and they are not cheap.
@@jaidielien6262 the suits will be expensive but how many does he need ? 3 ? 4? plus many shirts. and 2 pairs of shoes ? How many dresses does the woman need ? 10 ? 15 ? plus gold shoes, silver shoes, black shoes, red shoes etc etc...
@@anastasia10017the woman could just wear the same dresses over and over. They dont have to get a new dress all the time, its just vanity that makes them "need" a new dress.
Я абсолютно в восторге от музыки, танцоров, от каждого движения! У каждого пара есть фишки благодаря которым они запоминаются, уникальная харизма даже в небольшом выступлении. Просто умопомрочительно!
All brilliant dancers, and remember the floor is waxed making it extremely fast, it's like dancing on ice, the fact that they can still dance with such athleticism is simply amazing.
Были у меня в далёком прошлом 7 лет бальных танцев, были победы, были и провалы, вообще очень сложно подобрать пару чтобы «спелись» )) самая первая партнерша у меня была потрясающая, просто идеальная, эмоционально мы друг друга уничтожали просто, отсюда и победы вылезали. Но потом мы разъехались по разным школам и мне начали давать из того что было 😆🤣😆 так вот, одна из партнёрш мне просто не подходила по росту, мне приходилось танцевать практические неся ее на руках, естественно абсолютно разный шаг, мне ужасно не нравилась она, я говорил что не буду с ней, лучше пока потренируюсь сам и т.д., но меня заставляли с ней «плясать», короче однажды на тренировке на прогоне венского вальса в самый кружащийся момент она запуталась в моих ногах и мы с ней благополучно рухнули плашмя, пол зала был напополам сделан из паркета и половина глянцевый мрамор, в общем юзом мы летели по мрамору, по энергии ещё немного вертелись, после чего я встал и сказал уже окончательно, что дальше я буду один, пока не найдётся подходящая. 😆🤣😆 это было конечно же очень давно, в самый важный момент перед чемпионатом Европы я бросил танцы, т.к двигаться было дальше не с кем, да и мозги стали взрослеть, дурнеть в тот момент. )) сейчас я конечно полустарый 😆🤣 пень, но осанка осталась и осталась хорошая память. )) очень красивые танцы, очень красивые люди, бальные танцы это всегда Красивая осанка и походка. Совсем не факт что это здоровая спина, но она Красивая. 😍
@@АкулинаШубина зависит от взаимоотношений брата с сестрой, я со своей сестрой не смог бы, абсолютно разные темперамент и не те чувства. В танце с сестрой у меня никогда не было бы страсти, огня и той энергетики которая необходима. Но есть пары где брат и сестра отлично ладят и побеждают.
Со всем согласен, кстати, помимо осанки и грации движений ещё хорошая реакция развивается и боковое зрение, особенно на Стандарте (там вообще надо глаза иметь по всей окружности головы, т.к. партнёрша почти ничего не видит вокруг). А также внутренняя стойкость: что бы не происходило на паркете - ты должен встать, улыбнуться и закончить танец (что собственно и продемонстрировала пара 177). Мне лично как-то пришлось тоже такую выдержку проявить на одних из сорвнований. Не знаю что и как сделали организаторы, но паркет был просто "чудесный": у меня ноги вязли как в болоте, у партнёрши же наоборот скользили, будто она по льду шагала. Ничего не помогало: ни вода, ни щётка, ни парафин - никак не могли скорректировать скольжение. Плюс ещё музыка была с увеличенной длительностью: не минуту 30, а минуту 40-45. Результат: первые двадцать секунд танца ещё терпимо, но потом из-за высокой нагрузки на стопу (приходилось прилагать усилия, чтобы скользить самому, плюс дополнительные усилия, чтобы удержать партнёршу) у меня начинали дико болеть связки свода стопы, было такое ощущение, что шагаю по остриям кинжалов, воткнутых в пол. Но это соревнования по танецу - надо "держать лицо"! Потому - морду на расслабоне и изящная улыбка на губах: всем видом приходилось изображать, что танцуется легко и непринуждённо, хотя внутри я весь выл от боли. Благо категория D, всего 8 танецев и только полуфинал-финал. 2 место в результате и полный отруб сразу по приходу в гостиницу. :) Так что бальные танцы - это ещё хорошая тренировка выдержки. Есть и минусы - высок риск различных травм, в т.ч. хронических, мои почти 17 лет бальных танцев закончились травмированными связками коленей. И это ещё мелочи жизни. У нас в клубе были случаи разрыва мениска колена, переломов пальцев и носа, ушибы головы и сотресения. Само впечатляющее было, когда (вроде бы на танго или на вальсе сейчас не помню) в колонном зале из-за скользкого паркета партнёр не смог остановить во время вращение и впечатал партнёршу головой в колону, слава богу обошлось лёгким сотрясением, без переломов. Бывали конечно и курьёзы :) куда ж без них. У меня такой один раз был случай: на середине ча-ча-ча, у партнёрши оторвалась прозрачная брителька на платье (лиф под него не надевают) и оно благополучно начало сползать, обнажая грудь партнёрши - вот пришлось поизгаляться пользуясь теми мгновениями, когда моя рука оказывалась с этого бока, подтягивать ей платье вверх :))) К счастью, грудь парнёрши была спасена от разоблачения, а злочастная бретелька за минуту перерыва была намертво пришита обратно. Было и наоборот, когда парнёрша спасла меня от конфуза, подтягивая не вовремя расстегнувшиеся штаны и тоже на латине ;).
это так прекрасно и божественно выглядит. одно удовольствие смотреть как танцоры впадают в экстаз от ритма, музыки и атмосферы и полностью растворяются во всем этом. И конечно же нарушают законы гравитации, но им можно, так как без этого не будет той самой магии, что приковывает нас к экрану.
Квик степ очень смешной танец, не знаю почему, я всегда не мог сдержаться и танцевал его со смехом, меня за это постоянно ругала тренер и останавливала тренировку пока я не успокоюсь. И смотреть этот танец не могу без смеха, прям очень ржу. 😆🤣😆
This sport fascinates me, as someone who's been only into boxing on the field of sports, specially quickstep dance, the trust you must have in your partner for coordinated moves must be amazing. Ballroom is just amazing ^^.
My favorite was the second couple so athletic and graceful at the same ti.e and so in step with one another like they were a mirror image of each other. It was beautiful to watch.
All the couples were wonderful - Especially the man who stumbled but got back up and kept dancing - Bravo! Plus- the ladies all had such beautiful gowns!
A slip “in time” for Mr 177, may even have suffered a left shoulder rotator cuff tear. Great recovery to pick right up snd finish the dance. Well done.👏
Трудяжки . Многолетняя совместная работа- что назфвается: без слов понимают и чувствуют друг друга.даже предвосхищают движения партнёра! Спасибо за 🎆 восторга! Каждая пара- уникальна по своему ! Чудесное зрелище !
no you want your shoes to have a bit of a slip. the soft sued bottoms of the shoes are a necessity. He probably just hit a really slick part of the floor which is normal. Its why we test out the floor before ever dancing, to get an idea of how it feels, because no comp floor is exactly the same as another. Some are slick, some are sticky
@@starcrafsf7101 Yes. I remember years ago doing a triple lock in quickstep and the floor under my partners feet had no grip. At the second backward lock for her she was just sliding backward. Instead of three I had to do seven locks before there was grip under her shoes again and we could continue the routine.
@@MsSlucyna A step where one foot is "locked behind the other. Being a faster step it's usually done on the toes. So for a man it's usually stepping forward on the left foot and then closing the right foot behind the left so that your legs are effectively crossed. A "Triple lock" is doing this step three times in a row. The timing is "Quick, Quick, Quick, Quick, Quick, Quick". The lady is going backwards with her right foot and crossing/closing her left foot in front. In this case when she crossed the first time both feet started to slide so she was going backwards, sliding with her feet crossed. While basic, I always found locks and chasses (Step, close, Step) to be of great use in floorcraft for avoiding other couples.
The second couple with that gazzelle-like jump. So athletic and elegant at the same time.
Ex winners
But he didnt walks over his heels
The famous Domenico jump quikstep
They were definitely my favorites
*Standing ovation* for team 177. Slip and falls happen, you got up, found your pace and continued. Bravo!!
His partner is severely underweight. Being malnourished can lead to slip ups
Although from the looks of it. He was at fault
@@skypeters3034 he was not the floor was slippery
@@szlendak1368 kind of, I slowed it down, he did not land the jump. His weight came down on the ball of his foot and he lost his balance. But I agree is partner is malnourished looking and a bit heavy footed. He looks quicker than her and it seemed like he was trying to compensate,
But he protected her gracefully so she didn't fall too hard.
The last couple looked like they were having so much fun. All of them are incredible dancers
Да, весело пробежались?
I think my favourite thing about 177 was that soft sway they did after the fall before finding their rhythm again... Something about that just really made me feel like they cared about each other and were really in tune with each other.. idk, it was a nice moment especially after a fall like that..
There is some recovery time of course usually after a fall like this, to tune in with your self, your partner, the music, the performance as an whole. They've could pick it up faster, but it was quite an ugly fall. He grabs his shoulder, you can see he was in pain.
Plus it looked like he really hurt his shoulder
Они женаты
I really had to wonder if it was part of their act/dance, because of how well they flowed right back into it. Darnit, bless their hearts ..hope he waa really ok...
I think it was to resynchronise, as with such a rapid dance you need to make sure you're in perfect harmony and that's certainly not guaranteed after a fall
This should be an olympic event🥇!
yess that would be so fun to watch
@@henloworld514 oh yes with TV, redirect ❤️ the dreams ~
@@danacernei4834 But it has been presented in an olympic so far, has it? I don't remember. Thnx!
It should be. They’ve been trying for years, but we get skateboarding instead. 😑
It should but it can't. It would be too time consuming even more then ice skating + the nominations for the olympics would be totally unfair...
121 were legit floating on the floor!! Best couple I’ve ever seen. That’s insane.
I started appreciating these dances after watching welcome to the ballroom. I still don’t understand what makes one high level performance better than another high level performance as it all just looks amazing and O feel like everyone could take home the big W, but it’s fun to watch regardless
Wow I watched that anime too wish they would make more. It was incredible well done
@@gracelingirl5087 Same! I loved the whole thing
Me too
The harder the choreography the higher the score, they also score on presentation, age, technique, and some other criteria play into the evaluation too.
*Couple 177 it's not the fall that matters, it's getting back up and completing the performance that does! Kudos to you both! You're awesome dancers and a dynamic couple on the floor.*
Im here after watching Anime ballroom anyone else in same case ? ⬇️
Definitely 😎
Yeah, and they really look alike Tatara & Chinatsu in that QUICKSTEP.
Yes I am 😂😂
I thought I'm the only one lol
Couple 121 were next level✨
Also, can you imagine being on the dance floor where people were doing quickstep and not be run over?
he slipped on the floor you can just see his foot slipping not his fault
I think they were fantastic
That’s part of the training. It’s up to the guys to manoeuvre on a crowded floor and there is great technical skill involved.
I know nothing about dance but found the first couples dancing most visually pleasing
Entièrement d accord...Le pas extrêmement léger...on avait l impression qu ils volaient!
Whenever I see these kinds of dances, my first thought (apart from WOW) is, that just keep piling the difficulty level on the women don't they. First she has to dance backwards, then she has to wear heels, and then to top it off the women have to dance with their heads thrown back in that awkward fashion. Men difficulty level 9/10, women 15/10.
Good points raised.
Don't want to turn this in a battle of the sexes because both parties are equally impressive. I just feel that the reason why the woman can do those very floaty movements is because the man is expected to support her. The man however doesn't really have anyone holding him up (relatively) so if he screws up, they both go down (4:15). While if the woman happens to lose her balance for a split moment, hopefully the man can mitigate that.
Also women are biologically built difference when it comes to balance. They seem to have a wider core rotation than men before needing to compensate the weight over their centre of mass.
I said all of that but know that I do not disagree with anything you said. The woman I think definitely has the more difficult parts and the only(or main) reason she can do it is because there is a man or partner assisting. As they say, it takes two to tango. The man is suppose to be the solid foundation and strength so that's probably why they are in relatively normal footwear. While I feel the woman is suppose to be the beauty and the eyecatch, the element that draws the eyes and attention and that's why they wear such flamboyant dresses.
GoodwillWright -- as someone who has danced professionally in several genres, it's important to realize while it may seem like the man is doing all the supporting, women have to have pliable "backs of steal". In essence they aren't wimp, dead weights but have to "hold" themselves to facilitate a good partnership with strong technique. However, I would agree that both roles, have unique and mutual challenges and that dance is a beautiful and demanding melding of art and sport.
@@TVY2013 As someone who can't dance to save their life, I have a serious question to the dancers out there. Is there a real reason the women have to hold their heads in that stiff and unnatural way? (to help with balance or something) Or is it just for the look?
@@mystmagyk3101 It's stylistic "tradition" -- which not everyone likes, but it's been the look for a long time. However, given that it is more of a strain to hold the neck in that position anatomically when it's not turned, that could play into how this style arose/developed, too.
Вот на такие танцы смотреть одно удовольствие
Lady in Red, 121 all the way! Bravo. And what a trooper for team 177!
Trouper (performer)!
@@ravelanone9462 Spellcheck got me! Ego got you! 😂😁
Spot on.
121…❤😍❤ the lightness on their feet, the sync and the joy….oh the joy they showed while dancing…❤
I came because the thumbnail reminded me of Ballroom e Youkoso. XD And wow they did not disappoint. The second team was so in sync and they practically ran a marathon around that stage! I can't imagine how confusing it would be to run in circles while spinning and being tied to someone else and doing it all in sync.
Yes broo its the same for me
The manga and the anime are insanely accurate. It's crazy how realistic the author made it and this video is like an episode of the anime.
Ah! Im not the only one who came here thanks to this anime!
Hope there's s2 bro 😭🙏
It's just gratifying to know that there are people serious about keeping this alive.
Absolutely brilliant. Every single one of them. Felt sorry for the guy who fell but well done for getting up and carrying on such a stunning routine.
The Russians are so brilliant at ballroom dancing. 💖
YES! I watch all manner of Russian dance no matter the genre and I find that they excel in them all. And their audiences seem to react so enthusiastically in appreciation of the talent presented to them.
I just watched 13 episodes of Ballroom e Youkoso, came looking for videos to see if their necks are really like that and damn it is true. What a strength and discipline. I mean, I sleep with my neck in a slight different position and the next I can't move.
Я могу смотреть бесконечно на эту красоту!!!! 👍👋🥰
what i love in ballroom is not just the steps and dances but the dresses...they're perfect~
actually, I was thinking about that. the men just need a couple of suits, but the women have to be able to afford all those dresses.... and they are not cheap.
@@anastasia10017 suits are also expensive since i think they customize it for their sizes...but yeah they're all perfect in my eyes~
@@jaidielien6262 the suits will be expensive but how many does he need ? 3 ? 4? plus many shirts. and 2 pairs of shoes ? How many dresses does the woman need ? 10 ? 15 ? plus gold shoes, silver shoes, black shoes, red shoes etc etc...
@@anastasia10017 dunno depending on the dancer if they're stylish or not but lets not argue about this...theyre all expensive and beautiful~
@@anastasia10017the woman could just wear the same dresses over and over. They dont have to get a new dress all the time, its just vanity that makes them "need" a new dress.
1:10 the perfect quickstep, I love it!
Thanks to you I can rewatch it again and again
They are my favorites too ! So dynamic !
also took me a moment to realize the song was the OG tiktok song (revived by kesha)
I liked best the pair that had the woman in red. Exquisite! Like floating in air. 👍
Пара 121! Совершенно фантастическая!
У каждой пары квикстеп был по своему красивый🥰
Я абсолютно в восторге от музыки, танцоров, от каждого движения! У каждого пара есть фишки благодаря которым они запоминаются, уникальная харизма даже в небольшом выступлении. Просто умопомрочительно!
These people are amazing athletes....and then there is the dancing.....simply amazing.
I absolutely love the vitality and precision of these exquisite dancers 👏👏👏💖
177 пара большие молодцы что встали и продолжили
«…молодцы , это мягко сказано. Они настоящие танцоры. Когда я увидел их поведение , чуть не расплакался…»
Love the performance of couple number 121. Really stands out for me.
My jaw literally dropped!
121 couple look magical, feels like they are flying
All brilliant dancers, and remember the floor is waxed making it extremely fast, it's like dancing on ice, the fact that they can still dance with such athleticism is simply amazing.
Были у меня в далёком прошлом 7 лет бальных танцев, были победы, были и провалы, вообще очень сложно подобрать пару чтобы «спелись» )) самая первая партнерша у меня была потрясающая, просто идеальная, эмоционально мы друг друга уничтожали просто, отсюда и победы вылезали. Но потом мы разъехались по разным школам и мне начали давать из того что было 😆🤣😆 так вот, одна из партнёрш мне просто не подходила по росту, мне приходилось танцевать практические неся ее на руках, естественно абсолютно разный шаг, мне ужасно не нравилась она, я говорил что не буду с ней, лучше пока потренируюсь сам и т.д., но меня заставляли с ней «плясать», короче однажды на тренировке на прогоне венского вальса в самый кружащийся момент она запуталась в моих ногах и мы с ней благополучно рухнули плашмя, пол зала был напополам сделан из паркета и половина глянцевый мрамор, в общем юзом мы летели по мрамору, по энергии ещё немного вертелись, после чего я встал и сказал уже окончательно, что дальше я буду один, пока не найдётся подходящая. 😆🤣😆 это было конечно же очень давно, в самый важный момент перед чемпионатом Европы я бросил танцы, т.к двигаться было дальше не с кем, да и мозги стали взрослеть, дурнеть в тот момент. )) сейчас я конечно полустарый 😆🤣 пень, но осанка осталась и осталась хорошая память. )) очень красивые танцы, очень красивые люди, бальные танцы это всегда Красивая осанка и походка. Совсем не факт что это здоровая спина, но она Красивая. 😍
То чувство, когда ты партнёр и ты можешь задирать нос 😏
Как думаете брат с сестрой морально могут станцеваться?
@@АкулинаШубина зависит от взаимоотношений брата с сестрой, я со своей сестрой не смог бы, абсолютно разные темперамент и не те чувства. В танце с сестрой у меня никогда не было бы страсти, огня и той энергетики которая необходима. Но есть пары где брат и сестра отлично ладят и побеждают.
Со всем согласен, кстати, помимо осанки и грации движений ещё хорошая реакция развивается и боковое зрение, особенно на Стандарте (там вообще надо глаза иметь по всей окружности головы, т.к. партнёрша почти ничего не видит вокруг). А также внутренняя стойкость: что бы не происходило на паркете - ты должен встать, улыбнуться и закончить танец (что собственно и продемонстрировала пара 177). Мне лично как-то пришлось тоже такую выдержку проявить на одних из сорвнований. Не знаю что и как сделали организаторы, но паркет был просто "чудесный": у меня ноги вязли как в болоте, у партнёрши же наоборот скользили, будто она по льду шагала. Ничего не помогало: ни вода, ни щётка, ни парафин - никак не могли скорректировать скольжение. Плюс ещё музыка была с увеличенной длительностью: не минуту 30, а минуту 40-45. Результат: первые двадцать секунд танца ещё терпимо, но потом из-за высокой нагрузки на стопу (приходилось прилагать усилия, чтобы скользить самому, плюс дополнительные усилия, чтобы удержать партнёршу) у меня начинали дико болеть связки свода стопы, было такое ощущение, что шагаю по остриям кинжалов, воткнутых в пол. Но это соревнования по танецу - надо "держать лицо"! Потому - морду на расслабоне и изящная улыбка на губах: всем видом приходилось изображать, что танцуется легко и непринуждённо, хотя внутри я весь выл от боли. Благо категория D, всего 8 танецев и только полуфинал-финал. 2 место в результате и полный отруб сразу по приходу в гостиницу. :) Так что бальные танцы - это ещё хорошая тренировка выдержки.
Есть и минусы - высок риск различных травм, в т.ч. хронических, мои почти 17 лет бальных танцев закончились травмированными связками коленей. И это ещё мелочи жизни. У нас в клубе были случаи разрыва мениска колена, переломов пальцев и носа, ушибы головы и сотресения. Само впечатляющее было, когда (вроде бы на танго или на вальсе сейчас не помню) в колонном зале из-за скользкого паркета партнёр не смог остановить во время вращение и впечатал партнёршу головой в колону, слава богу обошлось лёгким сотрясением, без переломов.
Бывали конечно и курьёзы :) куда ж без них. У меня такой один раз был случай: на середине ча-ча-ча, у партнёрши оторвалась прозрачная брителька на платье (лиф под него не надевают) и оно благополучно начало сползать, обнажая грудь партнёрши - вот пришлось поизгаляться пользуясь теми мгновениями, когда моя рука оказывалась с этого бока, подтягивать ей платье вверх :))) К счастью, грудь парнёрши была спасена от разоблачения, а злочастная бретелька за минуту перерыва была намертво пришита обратно. Было и наоборот, когда парнёрша спасла меня от конфуза, подтягивая не вовремя расстегнувшиеся штаны и тоже на латине ;).
Russians have always been Amoung if not the best dancers in every discipline.
Thank you RUclips algorithm for putting this into my recommended, I enjoyed every second of this!
121 Bravo!!! Like two little horses galloping away.
это так прекрасно и божественно выглядит. одно удовольствие смотреть как танцоры впадают в экстаз от ритма, музыки и атмосферы и полностью растворяются во всем этом. И конечно же нарушают законы гравитации, но им можно, так как без этого не будет той самой магии, что приковывает нас к экрану.
I believe that Russian dancers are best in the world 🌎
I adore Quickstep, and these dancers were amazing!
Квик степ очень смешной танец, не знаю почему, я всегда не мог сдержаться и танцевал его со смехом, меня за это постоянно ругала тренер и останавливала тренировку пока я не успокоюсь. И смотреть этот танец не могу без смеха, прям очень ржу. 😆🤣😆
This sport fascinates me, as someone who's been only into boxing on the field of sports, specially quickstep dance, the trust you must have in your partner for coordinated moves must be amazing. Ballroom is just amazing ^^.
Wow those Ruskies sure know how to dance 💃🏼🕺👏👏👏👏❤️
My favorite was the second couple so athletic and graceful at the same ti.e and so in step with one another like they were a mirror image of each other. It was beautiful to watch.
The second couple was amazing! My fav.
Couple 131 was slick with it! I think I'm slowly falling more and more in love with ballroom in general
I like the couple 242 best! They are dancing Quipstep!
Так красиво и необычно! Всё величие в танце..Нет слов..
так жаль 177 номер, удачи им!
All the couples were wonderful - Especially the man who stumbled but got back up and kept dancing - Bravo!
Plus- the ladies all had such beautiful gowns!
"Внимание! Не пристëгивайтесь ремнями! Мы полететим, нарушая все законы гравитации".👍👍👍🙂🙂🙂 Полетеееелиии🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊
Stunning choreography and technics! I'm excited! Sveridonov's standing is just... omg you guys are really ON FIREEE
Я в полёте от пары 121!❤🔥🔥🔥👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I couldn't run and jump that fast if it was for MY LIFE!!!! This is amazing!!!!
121 for the win
Omg team 121 is floating across the dance floor!
4:15 even their fall is elegant.
Wow, they fly! Such beautiful gold shoes they all have.
121 the best team in my opinion
177 show must go on... bravo!!!
I loved the second ones dance, I loved the third and fifth outfits and I loved the fourth and fifths song choice
They fly like butterflies!
121 bravo 🥰💥💥💯💯🔥👌👌👌traumhaft 🥰👏👏👏👏👏
Самый зажигательный танец! Обожаю европейскую программу)))
Welcome to the Ballroom 😃🫣! Hey Chi Chan and Tatara
2 пара просто космос
121 просто парили над паркетом, великолепно!
Couple 121 looked like they were flying!
Grandios, phantastisch, diese Anmut und Körperbeherrschung. Bravo! 💕💕💕
A slip “in time” for Mr 177, may even have suffered a left shoulder rotator cuff tear. Great recovery to pick right up snd finish the dance. Well done.👏
Трудяжки . Многолетняя совместная работа- что назфвается: без слов понимают и чувствуют друг друга.даже предвосхищают движения партнёра!
Спасибо за 🎆 восторга!
Каждая пара- уникальна по своему !
Чудесное зрелище !
121 de loin les meilleurs,légers aériens élégants tenues au top.....
Божечки мои, как красиво танцуют, аж мурашки по коже побежали!
russian people are the best in the univers regarding the dancing , ballet , ice dancing , and the list can continue endless !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I click this video for Team 121. Fantastic !
Couple 121!! I’ve watched them over and over. Wow!
Wow, I've never seen this style before - it's radical British ballroom punk in Russia! Crazy spin!
Welcome to The Ball room, for the future me , i had ramen today , and watching this late at night
Очень нравится пара, где девушка в красном платье.
Basically all I have to do is run, waltz and hustle at the same time…got it! Such a beautiful dance!
Обалденная красота!
я вообще борец. но такая нагрузка у танцор вызывает уважение.
Evidence how absolutely important it is to have non slip shoes .
no you want your shoes to have a bit of a slip. the soft sued bottoms of the shoes are a necessity. He probably just hit a really slick part of the floor which is normal. Its why we test out the floor before ever dancing, to get an idea of how it feels, because no comp floor is exactly the same as another. Some are slick, some are sticky
@@starcrafsf7101 Yes. I remember years ago doing a triple lock in quickstep and the floor under my partners feet had no grip. At the second backward lock for her she was just sliding backward. Instead of three I had to do seven locks before there was grip under her shoes again and we could continue the routine.
@@JohnJ469 What is a triple lock?
@@MsSlucyna A step where one foot is "locked behind the other. Being a faster step it's usually done on the toes.
So for a man it's usually stepping forward on the left foot and then closing the right foot behind the left so that your legs are effectively crossed. A "Triple lock" is doing this step three times in a row. The timing is "Quick, Quick, Quick, Quick, Quick, Quick".
The lady is going backwards with her right foot and crossing/closing her left foot in front. In this case when she crossed the first time both feet started to slide so she was going backwards, sliding with her feet crossed.
While basic, I always found locks and chasses (Step, close, Step) to be of great use in floorcraft for avoiding other couples.
@@JohnJ469 Oh my, what an expertise! Thank you so much
Ballroom e Youkoso nailed this...wow
121 blew me away, they must win 💕
amazing. I can't even keep up with the simpleton dance steps on a exercise dance video for seniors!
I love the music sooo much! Better than the original! ^^
WOW!! Incredible Dancing! So much fun to watch. 👏🏼
Couple 121 stole the show, by far the best program.
Масса удовольствия! Спасибо!
Все такие потрясающие и восхитительные!!!😍
The Second dance was the best and definitely gave "welcome to the ballroom" anime vibes!! Breathtaking!
How fun! Everybody had great and surprising song choices and looked wonderful.
121 Браво !!!
Ballroom dancing and especially quickstep always brought me joy
113 was my favorite, but they were all a joy!
Piękny taniec ⚘️⚘️😘❤️😃🤩dziękuję
Both the dancing and the music are next level 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Never, in a million years, could I do that. Brilliant dancers.
Платья в танцах как отдельный вид искусства))
It’s comforting to know these competitions are happening in an otherwise crazy world