Why does the Quran say men have a level or women or address men about menstruation?
- Опубликовано: 2 фев 2025
- NOTE: this was intended to be a SHORT RESPONSE to an atheist asking about a translation of the Quran, not a lecture for Muslims explaining traditional scholarship with notes! He was not asking about verse 4:34 which is why qiwamah is not discussed in this video. This video was made consulting a number of classical texts trying to "translate" it into the language of today's time, and with the explicit approval of scholars who are my peers and teachers.
This responsibility that men have over women is shown very beautifully by the men of Gaza today.There is not a thing that they would not do for their women and children. May Allaah award those beautiful men abundantly!
There are many many things that men have a degree over women.
@@staypatient2816nope just one degree. It’s a singular word used.
@@nightingaleplus353 read my comment again.
@@staypatient2816 The men have responsibility over women because of this misogynistic society. They have to protect women from those people.
I was kind of confused about why Allah talked to men about this but your explanation made it very clear to me. Thankyou.
What made/Make's it even more impressieve is, You could browse the web for copies of the Quran, but everything will remain. ms 17-nov DSO 17-11-23 MS volgt met de DSO.
I read usernames just to check if its a muslim lol
I’m a Muslim sister and you explained it very well❤❤
She did miss the part where Allah does make men the qawwam and protectors of women and have given authority to them interpreted by scholars across the board. But feminist women will ask men for monetary gains but ignore the responsibility Allah puts on women to be obedient, yes obedient. Before you say "Oh we are slaves? What do you mean obedient?". No, not like slaves, when kids are obedient to parents, do we liken that to slaves? No. This Obedience is similar as in when there is a decision to be made and the couple decide but there is disagreements, the males decision is to he respected as authority.
@@yuppieyup8188 bold of you to assume I have western feminist mindset. I am raised in a traditional home. I love being feminine. When I get married my husband will take care of me financially and be the protector of our household and I will take care of him with my feminine roles. And with his agreement I will work too because it is better to have two incomes when you live in the west. And if he wants to be the only provider in the household he better get used to me nagging when it comes to money without me being called a golddigger because I have rights to his money in Islam 😛
@jannat-tq2lr that is fair. We men would work 24 hours to make sure our women are at home raising our kids the right way and not letting our kids with baby sitters and what not or our women getting ogled at by other men in workplaces
@@jannat-tq2lr if thats the condition dont marry him marry someone else.
u cant nag at ur husband u knew how much his income is.
either marry someone else who is rich or thank Allah for what u have
@@popeyepinnacle stop being so annoying. We can’t live emotionless like dolls. If a man is going to have an authority over his wife but can’t hear his wife nag here and there, what kind of a man is he?
Please do make a series.
This will benefit everyone interested in islam and quran.
Including born muslims like me
I second this.
Muslims aren't born. People are indoctrinated at a young age, sure.
Agreed! I finished an audiobook in English and I'm currently reading the Dutch translation of the Quran. I'm left confused quite often so a series like this would definitely help!
Not if you want to ne mis d’hideux into falsehood and personal opinion of some women online lol. She literally ‘psssst’ when she mentioned the ‘m n having a degree over women’.
@@salaahkhayr2398 I'm sorry but look at your heart filled with hatred towards a lovely person. That's called a diseased heart. May Allah grant you healing and cure.
It is incredible how deep understanding lies in every Quranic verse
I really appreciated hearing this explaination. The more I learn about Islam, I'm seeing the rationality and wisdom more and more so.
Thank you for this, you've got yourself a subtriber 🥰
Read Holy Quran to find the Truth yourself and ask any question to your local Muslim Scholar near local Mosque.
Don't be deceived Islam is false. The Quran was written from the Bible. Mohammed raped a nine year old girl named Aisha apparently he got married to her at six years old. The Quran say kill all Jews and infidels that's people who doesn't want to accept Islam. The Quran is full of war, sex and murder. I was suprised by their so called prophets behavior.
It's because the west has been misguided, in its views of Islam.
I learned, from my mistakes, now I have friends, in Islam, even though I'm not a man of faith myself.
Beautiful. This is such an amazing and interesting time, for people to be learning. May Allah guide us all.
Allahumma Ameen
Allahumma ameen
If you want to be misguided you will see this as beautiful. She literally limits men having authority over women to divorce. Shows how much she can’t tell the truth as it is.
Allahumma Ameen
Excellent explanation. One thing I always point out is that Islam is a reformist movement, a framework for continuous improvement at the personal, societal, and cultural levels. So if you’re a non-Muslim (or if you’re early in your journey of research as a young Muslim), then whenever you’re reading a Quranic verse, and processing the interpretation, keep in mind the “trajectory” of values, static analysis is wrong and problematic. By trajectory, I mean keep in mind where things were before this verse, and what direction it’s nudging us.
well said
This is ludicrous, this is no different than the feminist destruction of Christianity. Allah’s word is the word. Contorting it to fit your modern feminist ideas is blasphemous. Islam is not a reformist movement. That is what modern westerners are applying to western forms of Islam. Almost no one in the Muslim word agrees with this feminist interpretation of Islam. Astagfirullah for these progressives trying to twist Islam to fit their western degeneracy.
So well said, with compassion, empathy, emotional intelligence and care. These are incredibly important and relevant topics to discuss openly and sensitively. We need to be having these discussions and break down misconceptions
No, if your husband needs to show you these, he says "marriage is not for him" after using you for 2years and the threatened to make psychologically crazy.
@@evaeve6242what are you even saying right now?
Allahumma baarik. Such a clear and concise answer.
My first language is Arabic but I understood this much better through your video! thank you and bless you!
Keep going !
Jazakillaha khayr for answering him. I saw his channel last night may Allah guide him.❤
May Allah make you who inspires others to accept islam and you are already an inspiration to us who are born Muslims Alhumdullilah 💖 may Allah open your heart ❤️ and give you all success in this world and next life ❤️ Ameen
❤ Aameen, she is wonderful. Her explanations are very empowering for us women. Alhamdulillah ❤️
May Allaah guide her from interpreting the deen from her own opinion
There is another Aya that explains the second notion in Surat Annisaa (4:Aya 34). The Aya specifically associates the responsibility of men over women with the attributes God blessed men with, which are the physical strength and the monetary obligation towards women. I think by just continuing reading the Aya it explains itself. What proves this is that in laws of divorce, women can ask for divorce if the man doesn’t fulfil these obligations towards her. “الرجال قوامون على النساء بما فضل الله بعضهم على بعض وبما أنفقوا من أموالهم". This is a very straight forward explanation but in Islamic literature there is more to it which gives both men and women their rights.
The verse 34 of surah Annisaa means that men are in charge (authorities) over women.
@@kojo2773 the translation behind the word قوامون is
جمع قوام على وزن فعال للمبالغة من القيام على الشىء وحفظه
Translation plural of قوام is a verb tenses explain exaggerate standing up or on and conserve ..
Which means men have a responsibility or degree over women when it comes to duties and responsibilities towards females and each gender has it's own rule and his rewards the faithful Muslims
But the term قوامون has been talked about in The video and I'm tdb Arabic language translate to conserve which a duty to protect the household and the family and keep them safe and responsible for work and structure of the household and profit and take care of the female affairs and needs which is why females have a portion of money of the male income is also available for the female to take from. To fullfil the needs
إذا كان يرعاه ويحفظه ويتولاه. ويقال: هذا قيم المرأة وقوامها للذى يقوم بأمرها ويهتم بحفظها وإصلاحها ورعاية شئونها
Translation If he takes care of it, preserves it, and takes care of it. It is said: This is a woman’s values and strength for the one who takes care of her and cares about preserving her, reforming her, and taking care of her affairs
That's the translation that men have a higher duty when it comes to that area that's the translation of the word قوامون
The word "قوام" in arabic means supervisor, governor, ruler etc etc.
Furthermore, the female doesn't have the right to take from the male's income.
And the male (husband) is only obliged to provide absolute basic bare minimum necessities.
@@kojo2773 sources to backup your claims and if major Islamic sources deny your claim then it's false nonetheless I won't keep playing a guessing game or gaslighting game
You not going to tell it's invalid where is factual evidence? And just because you telling me it's wrong doesn't make your point accurate information you just expressing disagreeing with no evidence to back up and the video also disproof your claims multiple of onlind resources and the Surahs and hadiths
Google it and see for yourself it would still nonetheless be the same answer you really going to use Arabic language to provide?
And the furthermore let's clarify that shell we ?
الأصل فيما تملكه الزوجة من مال أنه لها لا لزوجها ، وسواء كان هذا المال من تجارة لها ، أو من ميراث أو كان من مهرها ، أو كان من الدولة : فكل ذلك لا يجعل للزوج فيه نصيباً ، بل هو ملك لها لا يحل له منه إلا ما تبذله له عن طيب نفسٍ منها ، ولو كان الزوج يملك مال زوجته لكان ميراث الزوجة إذا ماتت جميعه يكون لزوجها ، لا يشاركه
Since you understand Arabic I don't think I'm required to translate
الزوجية مبناها على حقوق مشتركة بين الزوجين، فعلى الزوج أن ينفق على زوجته بالمعروف ويعاشرها بالمعروف، وفي المقابل تقوم الزوجة بواجبها نحو زوجها من طاعته في المعروف، والحفاظ على بيته وماله وولده.
وإلى هذا أشارت الآية الكريمة: (وَلَهُنَّ مِثْلُ الَّذِي عَلَيْهِنَّ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ)
الواجب على الرجل أن ينفق على زوجته وأولاده بالمعروف، قال الله تعالى: ﴿وَعَلَى ٱلۡمَوۡلُودِ لَهُۥ رِزۡقُهُنَّ وَكِسۡوَتُهُنَّ بِٱلۡمَعۡرُوفِ﴾ [البقرة: 233]، فإن امتنع من الإنفاق عليهم مع قدرته، فقد ارتكب إثمًا عظيمًا، قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «كفى بالمرء إثما أن يضيع من يقوت».
وإذا كانت الزوجة تعمل، أو كانت غنية، فهذا لا يسقط حقها فى النفقة، فغناها وفقرها ليس له أثر فى وجوب نفقتها عليك أو عدمه، بل هى لازمة على الزوج بغض النظر عن حالتها المادية.
إذا كان الزوج لا يقوم بالواجب لها أن تأخذ من ماله بالمعروف ما يكفيها وما يكفي أولادها، في الصحيحين عن عائشة رضي الله عنها أن هند بنت عتبة بن ربيعة زوجة أبي سفيان بن حرب، وأبو سفيان من سادات قريش ومن رؤساء قريش، اشتكت على النبي ﷺ بعد الفتح -بعد فتح مكة - اشتكت عليه وقالت: «يا رسول الله! إن أبا سفيان رجل شحيح لا يعطيني ما يكفيني ويكفي بني إلا ما أخذته من ماله بغير علمه فهل لي ذلك؟ فقال ﷺ: خذي من ماله بالمعروف ما يكفيك ويكفي بنيك يعني: ولو لم يعلم خذي من ماله بالمعروف ما هو بالإسراف والتبذير خذي من ماله بالمعروف ما يكفيك ويكفي بنيك
I think take what you need from stuff the female needs and is duty the male should provide and is essential factor it's not only for the minimum but what is required From clothes to things in some cases if she is completely deprived from it and his money is her Money unless she is greedily spending
Now for the sources the 2 primary ones were
Now if you want to say I'm still wrong then do as you please I don't think arguing to individual who claims oxygen Isn't what we breath and saying it's wrong anyway wouldn't get use no where I provided the sources and information and YOU CAN search it too but if you want to say I'm wrong nonetheless then you free to can ..
I think your goal here is to say females are suffering and to advocate for that and no matter how much information I provided you will still keep that mentality and if that's the case then Be it
Bless you for clarifying points directly in regards to both men and women in Islam...So happy to hear you use the word 'discuss' instead of debate as so many brothers out there have created platforms for debating... Debating creates an atmosphere for proving another wrong no matter what, whereas having a discussion is open and shows you are willing to listen n learn also on an equal footing... Alhamdulilah 🙏💕
MashAllah, what a great point about debate vs. discussion ☺️
Jazakallah khair for this amazing explanation! ❤
Ma sha Allah ustadha this was beautiful !! You explained it so well 🤍🤍🤍 May Allah help me become like you one day ameen
Jazakallahu khaira for explaining that so eloquently!!
thank you for making this sister! may Allah bless you for taking time out of your day to inform people about Islam. I just want to add that during that time, as you mentioned girls were buried. As soon as it was seen that a girl was born, they would take the baby out and just bury in the desert or any other isolated place. It was so bad that it is even mentioned in the Quran in surah At-Takwir (ayah 8-9) when Allah (SWT) states, "and when baby girls, buried alive, are asked for what crime they were put to death," whoever buried their child, they will be asked on the day of judgement by the girl on why they did that to her.
Jazak Allah khayr Sister. May Allah bless you in both worlds. Aameen.
This is absolutely sweet, agreed 100% with all you said.
Amazing explanation. JazakAllah khair sister ❤❤❤
Hope the guy that raised these issues got this response directly. I follow him on tik tok... May Allah guide him
Barakallahu feek sister
The way you explained sister really u made it so simple & straight not even for a second felt vulgar or can't be shared with anyone
jazak Allah for making us understand difference between knowledge and experience so decently
Ma Shaa Allah, I am happy and proud to have a sister like you. May Allah bless you.
I love your channel because you talk about important topics and you write all you say ,this will help us to learn English in different way.
Mashallah, may Allah increase your knowledge and understanding of the religion.
Thank you sheikha Mariam. That was a beautiful brief explanation. May Allah reward you.
Well explained sister. One little correction, when it is talking about degree of authority that men has, it is applicable for all society regardless of male privilege.
Men have privilege in all society. For example, men are always physically stronger than women
Exactly. Its very dangerous to do tafseer of the Quran through your own reason. The prophet pbuh said whoever says something regarding the Quran without knowledge should prepare for his seat in hell. Also he said whoever says something regarding the Quran without knowledge even if he was right, he has done a wrong. So idk about this sister and where she has learnt knowledge so i dont want to speak on her behalf. But what i heard sounds like tafseer bi ra’ay. Unless she can substantiate her tafseer through other classical sources of tafseer.
Male privilege? 😂😂
In developed western societies, Women have more privileges than Men.
Female privilege is more prevalent.
They ask you means both men and women. To set a foundation of behavioral in society...
This explanation is really beautiful, Masha'Allah. ❤❤
Please give an explanation, for "right hand possess".
Shaykh Omar Suleiman has a thorough explanation of this. Look up “Omar Suleiman what your right hands possess”.
Muslim women who knows the deen are super smart
Yes but the woman who made this video isn't one of them
Excellent reasoning… sometimes i dread watching a video because it leaves so much on the table in providing accurate and balanced response … this was exceptionally well done and articulated… i hope you do a series on the “sensitive or controversial” interpretations… furthermore i highly recommend Yahya Emericks books The Holy Quran As if you were there….
I told my wife that Allah loves me. She said "how?". I said when Allah loves someone, He gives him hardship. She asked "what is your hardship?" I said to her "being married to you". Now i am suffering from a physical assault.
Nice video and explanation sister Maryam.
May Allah give you sabr.
Thank you for this post. Now I can situate what I am currently going through properly.
Umm, are you being physically assaulted by your wife ?
mashallah brother, it seems you have a very loving connection with your wife. don’t be hurt when she says the same back brother
@ugotrekt6666 Thank you, brother. We get our moments sometimes, but hamdullah, overall, we are besties.
I have thick skin, and I like humor so I don't get easy "emotionally hurt," but she knows that. That's why she uses "physical therapy" on me when she seeks to make damages 🤣
They are over women because of they take Care of women in all stuffs they needs. It s a huge responsability.
May Allah bless you , protect you from all evils , and keep you on the right path , Insha'Allah . Hajj Ali
Very eloquently explained. Masya Allah.
Mashallah sister, you explained it so well! You earned yourself a new subscriber :) I'm trying to reconnect with my religion and learn more, I'd love to see a series on this and deepen my knowledge. I realized that I find more comfort in learning about islam through my fellow sisters as a woman myself, because they tend to explain it with a certain finesse men don't have. I don't know how to explain, but it's comforting! Keep up the good work and may Allah protect you.
Yes!!! There are incredible Muslim females out there, Maryam Aamir is amazing mashallah tabarak allah. There's also Iesha Prime, Tamara Gray, Haifa's Younis. I also love Razia Hamidi. Wishing you the best on your spiritual journey. Don't forget to pray to Allah for guidance. He always answers sincere prayers to be guided. Sending you love ❤
@@Luv-ulrazzaq-j5wlol no she’s not. She’s misguiding people. She is basically triggered to admit that men do have authority over women and that included obedience of women to men. She limits it to divorce.
@@salaahkhayr2398 She didn't sound triggered to me. Sheikhs is using her knowledge of the Qur'an to give her reflections on the meaning of the Ayahs that the man is asking about. We need more Women scholars - like we had in the time in the few centuries after the death of our Prophet. Both men and women have roles in Islam and responsibilities to each other. Why should that make her wrong?
@@salaahkhayr2398 you're the one triggered by not listening the line "women should obey men". I'm sure the women around you don't like you because you're an aggressive person.
As an Arabic translator, I really enjoyed your simple yet accurate clarifications. In his modern translation, The Clear Quran, Dr Mustafa Khattab tries, as much as possible, to avoid the slips of previous translations actually produced by non-Arabic speakers.
The quran was lost, your books about the quran are man made.
But we'll never know how the quran originally sounded like, there are no audio recordings.
And recitations can only be preserved in oral traditions, which is not the case with the quran. We have that clear, we know the complicated reality of books and traditions. We know why books are so respected by illiterate people.
@@worfoz Of course the "man-made" translations will not convey ALL the meanings contained in the Divine Revelation in Arabic. At least, those translations made it easier for non-Arabic speakers to get to grips with what the book is about, especially the Oneness of God and the consistent unity of His message to mankind since Prophet Adam, peace be upon him to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
@@abdelazimabdelazim722 I said this "Divine Revelation in Arabic"is lost, islam also say so btw.
There is a story about Uthman, and about the creation of the written quran.
I hope you know what quran means?
The book ABOUT the lost quran was written long after muhamed died. There was a lot of fuss, different versions, different dialects, not many muslims know that Uthman burned all the writings about the quran after he made your book about it.
But the real quran was not a book, and you missed that. We know books, we are known as the People of the Book. As opposite to the people of muhameds islam.
Muhamed, Adam and Jesus were not prophets, seems like you have no idea what prophets were, and how they differed from Judges and Kings.
This ignorance is all because islam discourages to STUDY BOOKS.
We study books, we know your books about the quran and all the errors, mistakes and even lies in it. That is why islam wages war against us, for over 1450 years:
We know what you know not, we disturb your innocent "peace" and that is why you want us dead.
there shall be no compulsion in religion so we can not force you to READ
but you should stop lying to us about things you know nothing about
like your book ABOUT the lost quran... the lost recitation that is.
@@abdelazimabdelazim722 what about the book “Generous Qur’an “ translated
By Usama Dakdok, is his translation accurate ?
May Allah reward u dearly
May Almighty Allah bless you. Islam at this critial time where shift in values is noticed world wide needs scholars like you.
Jazak Allahu khayran (May Allah reward you) for this explanation.
This is a very interesting explanation, thank you
Outstanding!!! Please do more videos related to women in Islam please ❤
Any non-Muslim reading the Quran, if in doubt about any verse don't get to any conclusion. Approach a scholar who will clarify your doubts.
Mashaa Allah. May Allah increased you in wisdom ❤❤❤
the relationship between husband and wife in our muslim society is like the relationship between king and queen in western society!
respect, honor and responsibility above love!
Kings rarely had 4 queens....
@@Jafar545 muslims rarely had 4 wife...
@@monstarskidsYeah, you are right. Muslim rulers with a standing comparable to that of European royalty probably had more...
Jaza Kal Allah sister maryam well articulated May Allah swt bless you 🤲🤲
Mashallah i loved this video. The way you delivered the explanation was so perfect mashallah. Jazakum allah khayran❤
Beautiful, gorgeous you talked and handled it very beautifully masha allah tabarakallah.
Wait what? Authority if men over women is only in divorce? Girl what?? Why can’t you admit women have to obey men and that forms part in the authority??
May God Almighty reward you and guide all the sincere seekers of truth!
thank you very much, barak Allah fiki❤
MasyaAllah may Allah protect you always my sis 🥰
MashAllah. The endeavor of understanding Islam through Quran and Sunnah is great and it’s a life long journey.
Sister explained it quite well, however, we should not just mention men having “responsibility”, and skip “authority” to conform it to our modern western sensibilities. Men having responsibility and authority over women has been the agreed upon understanding of the Muslim scholars for the last 14 centuries. Let’s not try to change that.
We are here to please Allah Subhanhu Ta’alah, not our nafs or ego.
Woo masha allah even muslimes cant explain it the way did please keep going and teach all of us ❤❤❤❤❤
This explanation is incorrect.
The degree in the verse refers to privilege, authority and rights, not responsiblities.
Ahadith are better than quran:
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) went out to the Musalla (to offer the prayer) of `Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, "O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women)." They asked, "Why is it so, O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) ?" He replied, "You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you." The women asked, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?" He said, "Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?" They replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?" The women replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her religion."
Jazaq Allahukum khairan sister❤❤❤❤❤❤
Keep up your great work. May Allah reward you!
Wow that's was great posting this on RUclips too!
And great explanation
Nicely said..جزاك الله خيرا
Amazing 🤲🏼 very nicely explained
I’m very happy guys when I see the American people became Moslem to understand some sora or aya of the Quran better then whom born Moslem that’s why deferent education very important to understand right translation 🕌🕋الحمدلله على نعمة الاسلام
May Allah bless you and reward you abundantly. May Allah grant us daughters like you. I salute your parents to raised a person like you. Our ummah needs more girls like you to show that Islam is not oppressing but uplifting woman her status in a family and in this world. Masha Allah
It bewilders me that grown men and women have to be taught and told how to "view" and treat one another. It just seems like intrinsic common sense to me... I don't need to be told that murder or adultery is bad to avoid it...
Jazak Allah.
Ah, someone with functioning logic, mind, and spirituality !!!
In Nepal, in India, in Northern Kashmir, non- Muslim, still isolate their girls/women to a separate room , many times a dirty small cabin during their periods.
love your stile sista❤
Great explanation
Mashaa Allah sister , May Allah make it easier for you , Amen
بارك الله فيك وفتح لك العقول والقلوب 🤲
Very well said and explained ❤🌹🌸
Assalam alaikum.
Huge thanks for thes. Jazak Allah khyairn.
Please can you speak about the narration re' the Jews and the rock, etc?
I think it speaks about self defence (of the vulnerable and possible "crime of passion" in their defence) at a time when it was hard for Muslims to believe that Hebrews/Jews would be their enemy.
Wa salam.
Maryam, I hope you see this, because I’m still confused for this verse. I think just after that (men have a degree over women) ayah, it said that it’s because Allah preferred some over others. Doesn’t it sound like Allah is saying He prefers men to women which is why He gave men that power over women? What is the actual translation of this and can you explain please??
Men are obligated to provide food, clothes and shelter to women. As well as love and treat their wives respectfully. I don't see that as Allah prefers men over women. Women are allowed to choose men with stable income or even being hypergamy. There's no such thing as "gold diggers" or "a good woman is a woman who chooses a man who has nothing". Those are words made up by humans. There are so many other verses that include men and women together or put them in an equal position.
Very useful content here on social media at this time and age. Jazaakillah khair my sis ❤❤❤
اللَّهم إنك عفوٌ تحب العفو فاعفُ عنَّا
let's check how much u know islam? if u will answer all correct then allah will bless u with peace
what was the age of prophet and aisha ,when they got married(nikah).
what did prophet or islam say for those who (will) leave islam .
who is zainab,what was early relation of zainab with prophet.
does allah allowed in quran that u can do sex with a girl who hasn't attend puberty or he didn't allow?
does husband is allowed to beat wife if she show arrogance or if say no for bed nd viceversa?
does sex slavery allowed by allah in quran?
New subscribers here sister. May Allah SWT bless you with more knowledge and be shared with us in time. Aminn
There is an Egyptian person named Mohamed Metwally El-Shaarawy whose interpretation of the Qur’an is beautiful and very logical. You can listen to it
Thank sister for your clarification and explanation you do it the right way.
Have you heard of “ Equality “ ?? Regardless of sex, color or race ??
Men and women are different in many things, but they are equal. In Quran, they are not equal: not in the court of Law, inheritance or in marriage.. Only when you compare the Quranic position of women with that of “ burrying females alive”, then it appears to the naieve person that “ hey.., we are getting better !!!
Very informative! More of this stuff please
I found this incredibly interesting and would very much like to know your thoughts on translations regarding rights of LGBT+ folks - I have found polarized opinions on translations of both Quran and Hadith, and am struggling to wrap my mind around it as a queer person. I am an atheist currently working my way through The Study Quran & wishing to understand Islam both religiously and culturally Inshallah. Salaam & shukran :)
from what i was told from a scholar, if i am not wrong that is, that it is okay to keep it in your family or with your partner but when you go out of to the comunity you must hide it, hope that answers. and i hope you get the right answers from Allah alone, Insya Allah praying for you. no human can give the best answers, but the creator him self to you personaly, its like having a special gift and only you and Allah can handel it peace be upon you
Thank you for this. JAK.
Assalamu alaikum, perfectly said and easy to follow
In term of the "degree" or qawama, there is this term which says الغنم بالغرم or privilege begets liability, meaning even though men have privilege over women in terms of leadership and authority, this comes with the liability or responsibility of providing for their families regardless of the wealth of their wives. So yeah you wanna be Mr. Bossman, you gotta provide everything.
god bless you sister .. i remember i saw that guy's video like 6 days ago before i find your response .. and i already answered in his video about all this 1 by 1 .. but i honestly didn't want to waste any time with his videos any more since i noticed that he is not really respectful & totally unsencere .. all what he's complaining about in the Quran is just based on his emotions & desires without using any logic .. he even complains about why pork is haram & that is nonsense .. " because he likes to eat bacon " .. i mean what kind of excuse is that ?? if pork is harmful then it should be haram .. who cares about his feelings on that .. the guy is clearly not seeking the true .. he is only looking for what suits his subjective likings & personal opinions
Beautifully explained!
May Allah Protect You Sister
this is so effectively explained
Thank you sister! Very clear explanation
Assalamualikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
Allah hu Akbar Alhamdulillah!♾ I learned such great thing today through you dear sister🥺❤️ May Allah grant you and your loved ones Jannatul Firdous Al-A’la🥰
MashaAllah! Jazakom Allahu khairan!
Very well explained... Allahummabariklaha
This is so well explained
Superb sister addressing a topic considered taboo
I agree, but I don’t believe the degree above women is limited to just divorce. We are built as the provider and protector which is also echoed in later verses. There are stories of men telling their wife the way in which the family will behave. BUT we are also required to love and take our families needs into consideration most of the time even above our own.
Very nice and really knowledgeable about your faith better than many born muslims ,and this confirms the prophetic Hadith witch says this religion will erach every corner of this world and there will be no house or tante witch will not touched by it,