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  • @sinpourmoi2765
    @sinpourmoi2765 7 дней назад +425

    Bottom Line: op is not sorry. He doesn’t give a shit about what he did but can’t live with the guilt. He feels entitled to forgiveness.
    OP, leave your fucking brother alone.

    • @kiko485
      @kiko485 7 дней назад +14


    • @davidransom4476
      @davidransom4476 7 дней назад +26

      OP's stupid actions forced the situation on his brothers and family. Now he wants to force something on them again.

    • @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259
      @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 7 дней назад +15

      He literally says "I don't regret"
      But even if he did, he regrets getting caught.

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +5

      ​@@leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 he makes up some bs that if he regretted his actions that would mean somehow "rejecting" his children!!

    • @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259
      @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 6 дней назад +1

      @@vaseline69 yeah i saw that. I should've updated my comment.

  • @YugiDmega
    @YugiDmega 7 дней назад +433

    Story 1: 'Grandpa cheated, dad cheated, I made a "mistake".' YIKES

    • @bruhmoments19
      @bruhmoments19 7 дней назад +17


    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +61

      see you don't understand , the room was dark and OP tripped then 4 stray dogs stole his pants and they happened to have tripped onto a trampoline and had no choice but to bounce up and down , total mistake

    • @hattimounattimou8258
      @hattimounattimou8258 7 дней назад +16

      @@vaseline69 man that got me laughing

    • @primesonic4459
      @primesonic4459 7 дней назад +12

      ​@@vaseline69 thanks for the image mate 😂

    • @cyrillechristophe9731
      @cyrillechristophe9731 7 дней назад +8

      ​@@vaseline69 😂😂😂 crazy. Life is full of surprises right ??😂

  • @jeagerzbomb9924
    @jeagerzbomb9924 7 дней назад +227

    S1: Nah, Aaron didn't have it out for you. He could smell your bullshit from miles away. You are not the victim here.

    • @danteerskine7678
      @danteerskine7678 7 дней назад

      Exactly. He doesn't want any God damn reconciliation, he just wants to do the same crappy stunt he did to his brother, so he could compare which pussy is better. People like him tend to think with their peenies instead of their heads, hence why they're untrustworthy

    • @gostavoadolfos2023
      @gostavoadolfos2023 5 дней назад +4

      Aaron is the best brother ever.

    • @jessicathompson236
      @jessicathompson236 2 дня назад +1

      Fr. Imagine him being upset when he finds out his kids are not his either

    • @jessicathompson236
      @jessicathompson236 2 дня назад

      ​@@gostavoadolfos2023,Yep he grabbed his piece of the family that op blew up and escaped. He did what he had to do to keep some of it.

  • @artemislove2941
    @artemislove2941 7 дней назад +164

    “he set the whole family on fire even though i cheated with my brothers girlfriend and then got her pregnant then got married to her”

    • @sinpourmoi2765
      @sinpourmoi2765 6 дней назад +14

      “And me hiding behind my kids as the reason why I don’t regret what I did; but i don’t understand why my entitled attitude and gaslighting ‘aren’t working anymore”

  • @ianmoritzplatapino3684
    @ianmoritzplatapino3684 7 дней назад +409

    Story 1 classic victim mentality, in what world does he think what he did was right, glad the brother went nc with everyone who supported him and the cheater ex gf.

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +46

      the OP also continued to refer to what he did as a mistake, a mistake is accidental, the OP made decisions he has to live with, at no point in any of the replies is the OP taking ownership of his actions

    • @MegaHarvickFan29
      @MegaHarvickFan29 7 дней назад +45

      Quite frankly, the dad, stepmom, OP, and Mel are all terrible. Dad and stepmom got together through infidelity, Mel and OP got together through infidelity. Of course they supported each other, scum sticks to scum, just like gum on the bottom of your shoes. OP is absolutely selfish and trying everything he can to deflect blame because over time, the family erodes more and more and it's all his and Mel's actions that set everything into motion. It sounds more and more likely that the marriage won't ultimately survive. He needs to cling onto his selfishness because admitting he is the one who ruined everything will destroy 11 years for them. 11 years down the drain. OP is effectively grasping onto delusions because (to quote Walter White) "it can't all be for nothing."

    • @artemislove2941
      @artemislove2941 7 дней назад +15

      fr. his dad and grandparents are cheaters but no, he just made a mistake that resulted in him having a baby and getting married with his brothers ex

    • @Vipershadow1
      @Vipershadow1 7 дней назад +14

      All terrible except the 2 brothers I don’t really see remorse here because of the word choice such as “mistake” and “Ezra rebelled and blew up the family” there’s no real empathy here reconciling is never to be an option for this family.

    • @eric98292
      @eric98292 7 дней назад +16

      Yep, he blames his brother for destroying thr family. Op did that all by himself.

  • @RepellentJeff
    @RepellentJeff 7 дней назад +127

    “It hurt to feel that she would prefer to have held on to them and lost me and my sons in the process.”
    Is this guy for real? Like, I genuinely can’t comprehend being *_that_* self absorbed.
    Edit: “I’m not a narcissist.”
    _[Press X to _*_SERIOUSLY_*_ doubt.]_

    • @AraAra6367
      @AraAra6367 7 дней назад +17

      It’s funny that he mentions that his estranged brothers have more children than him. It really is all ME ME ME with this guy, to the point that he prefers his brothers’ kids not know their grandmother as long as his own do.

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +11

      @@AraAra6367 yeah that part struck me as strange, I thought about it for a bit and I think perhaps the OP thinks the mother reconnected because his brother has more kids, and that if his brother didn't have kids she wouldn't have reconnected

    • @taetannim3581
      @taetannim3581 6 дней назад +1


    • @caffeinedelusions
      @caffeinedelusions 6 дней назад +1


    • @goatlover6312
      @goatlover6312 6 дней назад +2

      @@vaseline69Knowing some parents that may just be the reason that she reached out.

  • @cavey001
    @cavey001 7 дней назад +186

    S3: Calling yourself a "high-value man" does not make you one.

    • @Bucketus.Lord.of.Buckets
      @Bucketus.Lord.of.Buckets 7 дней назад +1

      "Yeah, I'm a high value man"
      *is a giant simp and a loser*

    • @Avray-
      @Avray- 7 дней назад +25

      In fact it makes your value drop by 50% in any case. No matter how attractive that statement makes you unattractive to every self respecting women. Maybe there are decent guys who call themselves that but most men who say that are at the very bottom. There is a correlation between making that statement about yourself and being a entitled "nice" guy or entitled "alpha" or misogynistic sexist conservative man who expects being treated like a king even though he doesn't deserve it. Like men who think they deserve a "traditional" wife even though nothing about them is traditional. The wife has to cook,clean,make babies and care for them but on top of that she has to make her own money and can't be seen as a "gold digger". They often see a women as Gold digger even though the women makes more money and pays for more of their shared expenses. Like the women literally can't do anything to escape that fate of being seen as a gold digger. A women who just wants security in life is a gold digger because they care too much about money. These are all things you expect from a man who calls himself "high value male" or "high value guy". That's why you instantly get a ick hearing that and for some women (me included) it instantly kills all attraction.

    • @anymous8407
      @anymous8407 7 дней назад +20

      Reminds me of a game of thrones quote “a man who calls himself a king isn’t a king”

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +15

      @@anymous8407 Any man who must say, "I am the King", is no true king

    • @jamestown8398
      @jamestown8398 7 дней назад +8

      Categorizing your fellow human beings as “high value” or “low value” is a very low value move.

  • @zoe9190
    @zoe9190 7 дней назад +99

    If i was the betrayed brother, i wouldnt reconcile with you even if we both died and i had to roam the earth instead of moving on because reconciling with you was a condition on “moving on”.

  • @vincentcleaver1925
    @vincentcleaver1925 7 дней назад +243

    OP is a cheater who thinks betrayal is no biggie; it boggles the mind that he expects anyone to side with his entitled a$$.
    Almost certainly fake, or a narcissist bragging

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +27

      also he has his wife and stepmother sitting there denying there was any wrong doing, and he continues to use language such as referring to his betrayal as a mistake, the reason he uses the term mistake is because in a mistake there are no villains he didn't make a mistake he made decisions and choices

    • @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259
      @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 7 дней назад +2

      Hope it's fake. It's sad

    • @cocothedino_2901
      @cocothedino_2901 6 дней назад +1

      i think its real as ive interacted with people just like this. plus if it was bait i feel like it would be more extreme in his denial he did anything wrong to get more karma. once knew a guy who i confided in about my CSA and he got all mopey and made the conversation about how he knowingly molested his sister when he was 13 and she was 8, though somehow HE was the victim in that situation because CPS took him away for awhile. he then started fishing for support and comfort whining about all the family members who acted differently around him. its sick shit but some people are like physically incapable of acknowledging the pain they create in others and can only see the pain they feel for themselves

  • @jogovender
    @jogovender 7 дней назад +104

    It's greatly upsetting that someone can cheat and still marry that person and live happily ever after like they didn't just destroy lives with their crap. And "I'm sorry" doesn't fix anything.

    • @cocothedino_2901
      @cocothedino_2901 6 дней назад +4

      look on the bright side, they tore apart their own family just to live in a pensive insecure marriage that may end in infidelity itself, their karma is already kind of present and can absolutely get worse, which i bet it will. the girlfriend originally cheated cuz OPs brother wasnt always around, now she worries that her husband regrets her and shes pulling away emotionally. i suspect shes already within 6 months of starting an affair with someone, especially since she even still refuses to acknowledge she ever cheated or did anything wrong even a decade later. neither of them understand accountability and that fault is starting to tear at the marriage they willfully burned bridges and ruined lives for. just give it time and i bet eventually the story will be part of a saga where OP realizes his wife started cheating or that his youngest isnt his or something.

  • @oneuup2490
    @oneuup2490 7 дней назад +119

    2nd story: There is no excuse to cheat, but it is a reason to leave your married.
    But the father ended up cheating instead of leaving so yeah he still is the one that's at fault for this now of course the mother a drug addict that's hard, you don't want to deal with people like that but you leave you don't cheat.

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +38

      exactly, the drug use is a reason why the relationship may end, not a free pass to cheat

    • @lindah3803
      @lindah3803 7 дней назад

      With OPs Mom having that severe anxiety,why wasn't she seeing a doctor. Did Dad push for her to get treatment. His Mom obviously feels guilty about her condition and the way it was handled. Dad doesn't seem to feel guilty about anything. As for his skank, don't give me that crap that she cares about OP and his brother. It appears that the whole family is manipulating OP. As for OP's outburst. He has Nothing to apologize for. He doesn't owe understanding or kindness to his Dad or the skank.
      Those 2 would have new names from me. They would never be addressed as Lily and Dad, whether at home or in public. They would forever be called : Cheating Bastrd and Diseased Ho.

    • @uNkrEaTIvArTs
      @uNkrEaTIvArTs 7 дней назад +25

      Yeah if you’re unhappy you leave but you don’t play these stupid games. Maybe moms drug use would have been a reason to divorce but it isn’t a reason to cheat

    • @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259
      @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 7 дней назад +7


    • @headofchaos298
      @headofchaos298 5 дней назад +1

      I swear I was going to comment the exact same thing but I wanted to read the comments first to see if someone mentioned it, he should have ended the marriage first and then went ahead with his life.

  • @mx9226
    @mx9226 7 дней назад +48

    OP1 and his parents are terrible people. His wife also sucks.

    • @saravananrs6563
      @saravananrs6563 11 часов назад

      Mother is good ......step mom is cruel one cheater support cheater

  • @lazallewillemse3617
    @lazallewillemse3617 7 дней назад +116

    Heard the first story before, but in that other version it sounds like the two managed to reconcile. I honestly prefer this version. You can't just do that to your brother and expect to be forgiven like that

    • @adamlake6215
      @adamlake6215 7 дней назад +41

      They never reconciled. The next day OP put up another post under the depression forum and said he had self deletion thoughts over all of this and got further blasted by redditors.

    • @UNSC-Saratoga
      @UNSC-Saratoga 7 дней назад

      Good. OP and his wife are walking turds

    • @IzzyPR2010
      @IzzyPR2010 6 дней назад +5

      There's been more than one story like this one, however I hadn't seen one where there was a younger brother involved who also cut off the family. There's been a crap load of stories where either a guy stole his brothers girlfriend or a woman stole her sisters boyfriend.

    • @sashwing7726
      @sashwing7726 6 дней назад +3

      It's similar but different in that story. I think it was the younger brother in question. If I remember they didn't really reconcile but decided for a peaceful coexistence.

  • @TheThunder115
    @TheThunder115 7 дней назад +41

    I ask these kinds of people the same question every time.
    "What the hell did you THINK was gonna happen?"

  • @vaseline69
    @vaseline69 7 дней назад +145

    story 1 wow just wow, "after Melanie was mistreated by Ez for cheating" really trying hard there to white Knight yourself bro

  • @Avray-
    @Avray- 7 дней назад +50

    3rd story: calling yourself "high value guy" already drops your value down into the abyss

  • @beverlydavis7738
    @beverlydavis7738 7 дней назад +81

    Story 1. You can fix it. He’s moved on without y’all. You were wrong and so were your parents. Just because you feel bad doesn’t mean you didn’t blow up his life! It’s all your fault 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️.

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +23

      look at his language, he doesn't feel bad,

    • @Only1199
      @Only1199 7 дней назад +16

      He doesn’t actually feel bad though🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  • @lg7197
    @lg7197 7 дней назад +72

    I'm not giving up two sons for this screw up.

  • @AleksandarBradaric
    @AleksandarBradaric 7 дней назад +26

    I said it once, I'll say it again. You have to be a special kind of monster to have an affair with your family members partner, especially brothers/sisters.

  • @ogieoglethorpe3788
    @ogieoglethorpe3788 7 дней назад +20

    story 1...............
    1. OP this is all YOUR fault. stop blaming others and take responsibility for YOUR actions.
    2. your mother is a failure as a parent. she chose you because of the grandkids and a decade later she now blames you because she has regrets. i see where you learned to dodge accountability for your actions.
    3. you were his brother and he was supposed to be able to trust you. you betrayed him in the worst way possible and you are somehow stupid enough to believe you can fix this. you cant fix this. you lost 2 brothers because of your selfishness now move on and deal with the fall out of your actions

  • @Justin-A-Carter
    @Justin-A-Carter 7 дней назад +24

    Story 1: the mental gymnastics he's trying to pull is out of this world.

  • @queenravenzholywater8162
    @queenravenzholywater8162 7 дней назад +25

    Of course dad's wife has no regrets about it. She had an affair with a married man that destroyed not only a relationship but family as well so no remorse or shame with passing the crown to other cheaters. 😂

  • @SnowyWolborg
    @SnowyWolborg 7 дней назад +102

    Story #1: Once you do something like what OP did, it never goes away, no matter how much people try to sweep it under the rug and act like everyone has "moved on."
    People tend to think bringing new children into the family is such a happy miracle that the parents should be absolved of any and all deviant behavior, but the rose tinted glasses are coming off. OP doesn't deserve anything except to be treated with less attention and less respect because he behaves with less integrity.

  • @HauntedGalMars
    @HauntedGalMars 7 дней назад +39

    Story 2.. "for better or worse, in sickness and in health"
    His wife had a sickness and was at her worst. Obviously, she was able to get clean for her kids... He used that as an excuse to cheat.
    If it was bad enough, he could have left and taken the kids. She wasn't a lost cause... but he chose to stay and have an affair... instead of really putting effort into saving her and his family.
    Dad and Lily are still scum 🤷‍♀️
    There's no excuse for cheating

    • @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259
      @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 7 дней назад +7

      He did try and help her though. He did. He should have left. However, him cheating is inexcusable

    • @reneeharper84
      @reneeharper84 6 дней назад +4

      Yep. He should have left instead of deciding to cheat

  • @chocolatemonster07
    @chocolatemonster07 7 дней назад +43

    First story OP is so delusional, get a time machine if you want to fix things, if you can't then stop

  • @anq4274
    @anq4274 7 дней назад +17

    A monster and a harlot got together, what a match couple made in the depths of hell.

  • @adampowell383
    @adampowell383 7 дней назад +24

    "My grandpa cheated... My dad cheated.... I did something similar..."
    Bruh, you put the cherry on top of the sundae.

    • @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259
      @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 7 дней назад +4

      For real. That's where all the bad genes went. Not that it wasn't his choice

    • @NessieNice
      @NessieNice 6 дней назад +3

      He said "I did something similar" rather than "I did the same thing". The nerve 😂

    • @laquietagray9323
      @laquietagray9323 6 дней назад

      Family of cheating scumbags as for the dad's affair wife not surprising she sided with the cheaters birds of a feather.

  • @L4zyBumone
    @L4zyBumone 7 дней назад +21

    Eugene, play the world smallest violin for OP1, he needs it... A LOT

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +2

      But you don't understand his brother rebelled and broke up the family *sarcasm*

  • @adyashanayak7958
    @adyashanayak7958 7 дней назад +32

    3rd story: One of the biggest simps in reddit history😂

  • @kuruzsloorig278
    @kuruzsloorig278 7 дней назад +21

    Story1: be happy you are still alive
    Story2: why should he apologise?! An affair is an affair. She and the father deserves NOTHING! I helped rehab people. If someone wants to come off, they can with help. If they dont, nothing can help them. Its not an excuse for the sprm donor to go fooling around, then they make demands. Also everyone trying to play happy fammily?! Disgusting.

  • @larsthegunslinger
    @larsthegunslinger 7 дней назад +23

    if you read all the replies that this OP made in the actual post it reads as him just straight up being pissed that people are blaming him and him saying he shouldnt be sorry for anything and he just wants people to let it all go and stop acknowledging that his family is to blame. like he legit knows he did terrible things but does not want to be blamed and to a greater extent not bother his happiness. "fixing things" is him just not wanting any more trouble.

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +7

      yeah i just read his replies, I actually now have less respect for him and I was in negative numbers to start

    • @chinaking918
      @chinaking918 6 дней назад +2

      This sound about right even without going to read the comment just from his post and the comments that’s were added he still didn’t want to “regret” what he did. Making excuses by bringing the kids in again. I bet he used those kids plenty against mom and dad to guilt them into things. Even though ultimately it was their fault for the nc the heavy regret they’re feeling is giving me emotional blackmail vibes.

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 4 дня назад

      @@chinaking918 I think the only thing he regrets is that he is no longer the golden child

  • @grahn3878
    @grahn3878 7 дней назад +14

    Story 1 OP has zero self awareness of what a jerk he is

  • @amyyaku5022
    @amyyaku5022 7 дней назад +43

    S1: Maybe unpopular but unless OP is working on his lack of empathy, he shouldn't be in therapy. OP's actions are getting blown up in his face and he just needs to deal with it and lie in the mess he caused. He can't fix anything at this point and him trying to will just make it worse.
    Anyway, I'm glad Aaron and Erza are living well 🙂

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +15

      cant see why it would be unpopular, the OP has a complete lack of empathy, and continually used language that mitigated his culpability, there is also a little thing in the back of my head asking "why did he focus on his brother having more kids than him, that is just weird" like almost if the brother had no kids would the OP care to reconcile, or does he think the mother is only regretting her choices because the brother has more kids

    • @chinaking918
      @chinaking918 6 дней назад +2

      @@vaseline69yeah it seems that like other commenters said using his children as an excuse for everything. His control of his family started with Mel having his child since most came around when the pregnancy was announced. However now that his brothers has kids and more than he does he probably think that’s the only reason mom and dad is regretting is for the kids. In his mind if his brothers didn’t have children even finding out they were married wouldn’t have matter since in his mind his parents would’ve still chose him since he has kids. His trump card was taken. That’s why he was soooo hurt the mom wanted to reconnect with her others sons and called it her picking them over him even though she did the exact opposite in real life. Definitely lacks empathy all the way around, he won’t even try to put himself in his brothers shoes.

  • @macky5636
    @macky5636 7 дней назад +16

    Story 1: self deleting his own life is the only way to mend things

    • @lmv1234
      @lmv1234 5 дней назад +1

      Doing so for this is only trying to escape from guilt and criticism. Suicide is an escape from pain, but a bad one, because you end up destroying yourself in the process.

  • @claireadams6214
    @claireadams6214 7 дней назад +21

    Ridiculous. If you have feelings growing for someone else, especially a relative of your partner, you end your relationship FIRST, then WAIT a decent time. If they'd done that, it would not have ended up like this.

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +2

      would have still ended badly, she wasn't a 2 week fling, she was a significant relationship, if it were a a 2 week fling I would agree with you but it is a pretty AH thing to date your siblings significant ex

  • @mickjackson6596
    @mickjackson6596 7 дней назад +24

    Story 1:TLDR: instant family! Just steal my brother's gf! op is an entitled man child that expects forgiveness! Wow. Do better.

  • @macylouwho1187
    @macylouwho1187 7 дней назад +6

    There is a right way and a wrong way to exit a relationship. Cheating is never the answer if you want to leave without blame, disgrace, being considered morally bankrupt, a liar, etc etc. One way you leave with your head held high, blameless. The other you leave looking like the very very very bad guy that no one should ever trust again, because you’ve proven yourself to be untrustworthy to the core. And proven to be a liar. One does so much less damage than the other way. The other one devastates your loved ones. Choose wisely.

  • @marthajackson1388
    @marthajackson1388 7 дней назад +13

    Story 1 zero accountability. Ezra set fire to the family, Ezra attacked her for cheating when he just old people what they did, she accidentally got pregnant when I continued the relationship.

  • @charlesxavier1226
    @charlesxavier1226 7 дней назад +23

    Why no body comment in his reddit "You know it's wrong, but it doesn't stop you to took her in, have relationship, and got her pregnant afterward"

  • @taetannim3581
    @taetannim3581 6 дней назад +5

    Glad Ezra had one brother worth the oxygen he's breathing. OP, you have the gf, your kids, and the rest of the family- leave your brothers alone, they're better off away from the traitorous lot of you.
    And big shock that stepmom sides with and encourages the cheaters, now she finally has something in common with her stepkids!

  • @saintoflastresorts2272
    @saintoflastresorts2272 7 дней назад +10

    Story 1: me,me,me.Wa Wa Wa actions have consequences. Boo Hoo bla bla bla. Both OP and their family are the same. OP should just focus on his family with his wife and kids.

  • @AleksandarBradaric
    @AleksandarBradaric 7 дней назад +12

    Story 3: JESUS, OP is SO pathetic it's comical...

  • @pawel2669
    @pawel2669 7 дней назад +11

    Story 3 OP, i just can’t

  • @jessik1810
    @jessik1810 7 дней назад +11

    The second story makes me so fucking angry. His mother was struggling and instead of helping, his father fucking cheats on her and takes her kids away. And his side chick has the audacity to think she has any authority over the op and his siblings. The comment was out of line yes, but fuck her feelings. From what is described op mother could have ended up dead herself, so I have zero sympathy for the her. Also she must have known op father was married because who the fuck marries a cheater. I definitely do not agree with the op's decision to apologise let alone try to better their relationship. And before anyone trys to defend her with this, I wasn't far from death in the past myself but there is no excuse for cheating.

    • @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259
      @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 7 дней назад +2

      The dad did try to help but yeah he cheated. Horrible guy and AP. The comment wasn't out of line, she pushed OP. I've been angry before.

    • @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259
      @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 7 дней назад +1

      It's OP's decision to apologize. OP can leave when they become self sufficient

  • @Vipershadow1
    @Vipershadow1 7 дней назад +15

    S1: Well you are a terrible brother so I’m not surprised about anything that happened after🤷🏾
    S2: if anything there should have Ben a divorce cheating isn’t acceptable just leave damn but u also gotta tell ya kids important things man.
    S3: I sense a very big lack of masculinity here.

  • @IceSilent
    @IceSilent 7 дней назад +4

    OP: I’m not a narcissist.
    Yeah. You are.

  • @behiyepalo2985
    @behiyepalo2985 7 дней назад +13

    I wonder why Aaron has a "thing" for OP. Maybe he made a move on his gf too? Or he has always been an insufferable AH.

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +8

      just a good guy I think who sees OP for the trash he is, so I go with your latter conclusion,
      *edit* (after reading some replies on reddit it looks like the OP was the Golden child and reveled in it so I think that explains Aarons dislike)

  • @jorijoestar4998
    @jorijoestar4998 7 дней назад +9

    s1- A lot of this could have been avoided if Mel broke up with Ezra when she decided she wanted to be with OP BEFORE the cheating

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +5

      I would say some, still a pretty AH move to get with your siblings significant ex

    • @jorijoestar4998
      @jorijoestar4998 6 дней назад +1

      @@vaseline69 Yeah, I agree. But it's better to break up, wait a couple months and then start dating. It's still an AH move, but less than cheating

  • @damnmolony
    @damnmolony 7 дней назад +9

    S1 - You can't just repair that something broke. Sometimes you have to buy a new one. And seems like your brothers already did that.

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +1

      yup this is Humpty Dumpty levels of broken

    • @caffeinedelusions
      @caffeinedelusions 6 дней назад

      Step 1 in even TRYING to repair what's broken is to be honest about who broke it. Ezra was fucking blameless, but OP still tries to frame the whole thing as Ezra's doing. Until the blame is flowing the proper direction, the necessary penance and apologies cannot begin, and until those happen forgiveness is not remotely possible.

  • @avaphynx
    @avaphynx 7 дней назад +10

    Story 3 anytime a guy says he's high value he's actually 🗑

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +5

      any time a guy use that term I think "well you have been down some internet rabbit holes haven't you"

    • @avaphynx
      @avaphynx 7 дней назад

      @@vaseline69 they went to the 💩 bottom of that rabbit hole lol

  • @revydragneel3873
    @revydragneel3873 7 дней назад +20

    2nd story: I think OP was right to apologize to his stepmother but if he doesn’t want to spend time and bond with her he has all the right not to.

  • @drifter139
    @drifter139 7 дней назад +6

    S1: "Aaron has always had it out for me." maybe because your entire life, you were a piece of shit and you were sleeping with your brother's gf. I bet OP was a bully growing up and Aaron didn't take his crap and fought back and that's why he thinks he had it out for him. if there was any justice in this world, Ezra would have sent OP to the hospital for his crap

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад

      some of the replies on reddit gave me OP was the golden child vibe

  • @user-hz8iv9fh5r
    @user-hz8iv9fh5r 7 дней назад +7

    Story 2 op isn't the AH the affair partner is! And op's dad is a massive AH!

  • @icalotdonthide2646
    @icalotdonthide2646 7 дней назад +4

    Good for the brother for leaving the trash behind..❤❤❤

  • @user-hz8iv9fh5r
    @user-hz8iv9fh5r 7 дней назад +5

    Cheating is still wrong tho from the dad.

  • @willgroody5296
    @willgroody5296 7 дней назад +6

    Story 1 I heard this and there were updates where they’ve come to uneasy truce. But to me I’m sorry the whole family needs to look at their actions as why is it family sides with the offenders not the victim, plus the generational affairs: grandad cheated, dad cheated, so I cheated. Also of course stepmother who was a cheat with dad wouldn’t mind you marrying for ‘love’ BS as makes her feel better for tearing family apart.

  • @stillscrimmaging283
    @stillscrimmaging283 7 дней назад +5

    OP in story 3 is annoying af. He’s one of those dudes who always has to blame someone else for his problems. I used to have friends like this but they just drag you down into their swamp of annoying BS.

  • @SnowWolfAlpha
    @SnowWolfAlpha 7 дней назад +3

    Ezra set the family on fire.
    Aaron has always had it out for me.
    Ezra mistreated Melanie for cheating.
    Your brothers rebelled.

  • @Only1199
    @Only1199 7 дней назад +8

    Womp womp op, you did destroy your family.
    I wish OP’s bro all the best in life, he’s better off without the betrayers.
    Oh jeez I wonder why Aaron has always had it out for OP, I’d love to hear how that started and want to hear Aaron’s side of things.

    • @sulaimanbalogun9956
      @sulaimanbalogun9956 7 дней назад +1

      Here's the reason why Aaron always had it out for op

    • @sulaimanbalogun9956
      @sulaimanbalogun9956 7 дней назад +5

      Aaron had issues with my parents prior to my screw up. My parents went through a nasty divorce where my dad was unfaithful a few years prior. Aaron also went into debt putting himself through school while I went to school when my parents were still together. My dad originally put Ez through school until this all happened and her rejected the money.
      I think Aaron also believed that I was coddled a lot (even I agree here). This situation pushed him overboard. He was already disappointed in our dad (we all were) but this made him disappointed in our mom too. According to my mom he has moved on and has no desire to reconcile with her or dad. He encouraged his wife and kids to try but he said he is disinterested and busy.
      edit: Aaron and Ezra are also owners of a very successful business. I think Aaron is suspicious of my mom trying to reconnect during this time. She had no idea that they had a lucrative business as they have no idea that we are doing well (not nearly as well off as they are). But he is suspicious as he should be.

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +5

      @@sulaimanbalogun9956 Oh this is giving me the OP was the golden child vibes

    • @sulaimanbalogun9956
      @sulaimanbalogun9956 7 дней назад +4

      @vaseline69 same hence why OP was allowed to get away with a lot of BS, and he never suffered any real consequences.

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад +2

      @@sulaimanbalogun9956 I just read the OPs comments on reddit, and I now have less respect for him!!!!!!!

  • @shells500tutubo
    @shells500tutubo 7 дней назад +4

    Story 1- Op needs to just cut the word "mistake" out of his vocabulary. He made no mistakes. He made CHOICES every time along the way.

  • @Bucketus.Lord.of.Buckets
    @Bucketus.Lord.of.Buckets 7 дней назад +9

    Story 2: and that's why it's important to disclose the full story to your kids instead of lying about things to protect one party.
    Story 3: I hate this guy.

  • @GereldJohnson
    @GereldJohnson 7 дней назад +4

    Why would he want to be around them?

  • @C9316
    @C9316 6 дней назад +2

    OP from story 1 is a classic narcissist doing anything he can to dodge responsibility while OP from story 3, sheesh he's just a real winner ain't he?

  • @CG-yb6zj
    @CG-yb6zj 7 дней назад +2

    Funny how mom put it all on OP like she, TOO, didn't ad fuel to the fire of disbanding their "family" by actively choosing the sibling who did wrong and made leaps to ENABLE not PUNISH for what they did to their other son and only mad cuz she only has access to one grandchild to brag about and not all of them🙄
    OP still proved to be more selfish since he at NO POINT admitted to being apologetic, just eluded to him being guilty, but regrets nothing. Least mom later tried to fix what she did and didn't force meeting her estranged sons, just the wives that allowed her visits. OP isn't even trying, just whining for sympathy he has NO entitlement to.
    Story 2: So the dad could pay for her therapy post divorce, but not have put her in rehab, and maybe divorced her THEN instead of cheating? On top of trying to force a "happy family" with the AP with one of the kids who outed his affair to begin with and surprised it inevitably blew up in his face, especially since neither parent told them what was going on behind the scenes (besides the affair) that the kids didnt know was causing a strain??

  • @whatsthepointanymore
    @whatsthepointanymore 7 дней назад +2

    What I've learned from these stories is that therapists don't work.

    • @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259
      @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 7 дней назад


    • @whatsthepointanymore
      @whatsthepointanymore 6 дней назад

      @@leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 In last one I watched the adopted kid was in therapy at 5 yo and still dumped his nice adoptive parents of 19 years for his bio ones.

  • @miqueiasqueiroz8796
    @miqueiasqueiroz8796 7 дней назад +3

    S1 is unbearable to watch.
    S2 dad is an ah.

  • @Mop222
    @Mop222 6 дней назад +1

    Can’t stand cheaters, and it is especially horrible when it happens within the family. I hope the brothers stay away.

  • @jamaicangirl8933
    @jamaicangirl8933 6 дней назад +1

    First story op is upset his brothers life isnt falling apart and is doing ok without him in it

  • @boredpersonstory553
    @boredpersonstory553 7 дней назад +2

    " Aaron has always had it out for me. " Translate " Woe is me!!!! Why would he tell Ez and keep his mouth shut like our awful parents. "
    Like no dude Aaron was just being an awesome older/younger brother and saving Ez from his disgusting as family and 304 GF who did him dirty for no reason at all given otherthan selfishness.
    ETA Just finished the story and OP is a complete moron and AH. You didn't make a mistake and you know what you were doing and need to stop with the "I'm the victim"

  • @Lady0Grayson
    @Lady0Grayson 6 дней назад +1

    Story 2. Even when you vow to be by their side in sickness and in health, sometines, you break that vow because your partner is sinking, and you can't sink with them or allow them to sink your loved ones.
    However, all the nice intentions and redemption goes out the window when you cheat.
    All your good intentions are tarnished forever. Homewrecker, cheater, traitor and other words, are not insults... They are accurate descriptions.

  • @benrussell-gough1201
    @benrussell-gough1201 7 дней назад +4

    Play stupid games, get stupip prizes, prizes that are shared around those whom you love.

  • @grahn3878
    @grahn3878 7 дней назад +3

    Leave them alone . You are toxic! Story 1

  • @edgarcortes5368
    @edgarcortes5368 7 дней назад +2

    story has played a huge victim card

  • @AMa-fn6cl
    @AMa-fn6cl 6 дней назад +2

    1st and 3rd stories: no sympathy. 2 buttheads who think whatever has happened to them is not just retribution because of their actions. 2nd story deciding to cheat is not a reflection on your drug using partner. And if you don’t want your child to say something heinous then make sure you are honest with them. They can’t edit their reactions unless they know the facts of everyone’s deceit.

  • @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259
    @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 7 дней назад +1

    Why is everyone ignoring story 3? Easily the most unhinged OP

  • @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259
    @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 7 дней назад

    What an evil brother. As a sane human being, i couldnt even imagine being close to my brothers gf without him there. Not that he has one but if he did.

  • @kittymilojustice6509
    @kittymilojustice6509 7 дней назад +1

    How and why would you apologize for something you admittedly don't regret? The only thing that comes to mind is to alieve their own guilt. He should just let sleeping dogs lie and move on.
    The mind of a cheater is a very confusing and pathetic place.

  • @UnicornOfDepression
    @UnicornOfDepression 6 дней назад

    _"Do you feel sorry for the pain you caused your brother?"_
    "Well, I mean, you know ... I have my kids because of it."
    _"Not what was asked. Do you feel sorry for hurting your brother?"_
    "Why are you holding me accountable? It's been 10 years already. I've made zero effort to reach out. Can't we go back to the way it was? Quit rebelling."

  • @ShooberTimber
    @ShooberTimber 6 дней назад +2

    Story 1: Lmao, supporting a sibling's cheater & getting hitched with them isn't a "mistake" OP, it's a conscious choice. One that squarely makes YTA, alongside Melanie.

  • @bonb213
    @bonb213 7 дней назад +1

    First story - OP's situation can't be fixed. He was the trusted brother who seduced his younger brother's teenage girlfriend with his own place, career and grown man money. He fast tracked her into the relationship stage that she and Ez were going to college to achieve.
    He blames everyone but himself. The stepmom said that they should be together, the dad kept inviting Mel over, she was always around because she was the same age as the stepsister, Ez was away at college and Mel stopped denying it when the stepmom kept saying that they should be together. He bears no responsibility for his actions as an older more experienced young man.
    The mom is upset because she lost two sons when OP hit her with the grandbaby card. It must be in the cheater's playbook because there's always a sudden pregnancy that shifts the parents to the cheater's side. Aaron and Ez hit her with the we have babies, wives and lives card, then she realized what she had done. Aaron is definitely an all star brother.
    Give up on reconciliation. The brothers know OP's true character (especially Aaron) and don't want him around their wives and children. He has nothing that will enhance their lives and they don't need his drama, toxicity and chaos.

  • @Waluigi7891
    @Waluigi7891 6 дней назад +1

    Story 1 OP is beyond pathetic. He didn't just make mistakes, he's a genuinely bad person at his core. Mel too. And they do not have a loving relationship, they're both narcissistic and incapable of such. OP wanted Mel because his brother had her, and Mel is probably just loose, and she only went to OP when everyone else rejected her. OP only seems upset when he found out Ezra has a wife, because now he can't look at Mel as the happiness he deprived his brother of, and has become unhappy himself. He would probably try to cheat with the new wife if he had the chance. Mel feeling no remorse shows exactly how lacking in morals she is.

  • @PliskinYT
    @PliskinYT 7 дней назад +1

    I ain't a psychiatrist, but the first story seems like a narcissist

  • @ancadiamant
    @ancadiamant 6 дней назад +1

    Of course the mistress is a fan of another mistress 😑

  • @failingartist3524
    @failingartist3524 7 дней назад +4

    Wow story one op unhinged he blames everyone but himself even the commenters 😂

    • @Only1199
      @Only1199 7 дней назад +3

      He’s going to come home one day and find his wife cheating on him probably with another family member 😂

    • @vaseline69
      @vaseline69 7 дней назад

      if you actually read the replies on reddit this video didn't even show the half of it

  • @samoea19
    @samoea19 7 дней назад +2

    Yeah, if i was the mom in story 1, i would've IMMEDIATELY disowned him. So you saw your dad cheating and thought... Yeah I'll do that, BUT WORSE.

  • @ktmmatt7243
    @ktmmatt7243 7 дней назад +2

    Story 1: OP, you are in every way possible the AH. Move on and leave your brother alone. He deserves peace after everything YOU put HIM through. As for your kids, DO NOT keep this a secret from them. You already mentioned how gossipy your family is so it is only a matter of time before they hear the full truth, whether or no your the one to tell them.

  • @UnicornOfDepression
    @UnicornOfDepression 6 дней назад

    #2: This is why you don't hide the truth from your children.

  • @jeebanjeeban87
    @jeebanjeeban87 6 дней назад +1

    OP3 : I'm a high value guy and here is my story of simping, cheating and simping and cheating.. and did I mention simping
    sure, jan.

  • @agentapostle2998
    @agentapostle2998 6 дней назад +1

    Story 1. You tested the water and you burned it OP.
    (If your brothers do not wanna forgive you then that you have to live with it.)

  • @HellstreamGames
    @HellstreamGames 7 дней назад

    Story 2. Never once wondered why the dad got full custody? 😑

  • @takanuva_9355
    @takanuva_9355 7 дней назад +1

    Oh shit my eyes popped out from rolling them to hard

  • @BabyBabylon_1
    @BabyBabylon_1 6 дней назад

    Op1 deflects and accepts no responsibility for breaking up his family. She could’ve broken up with his brother before y’all got together if you wanted to pursue a relationship and it wouldn’t have been as bad. You broke your brothers heart, destroyed their trust, betrayed your brother, and was selfish. Your kids have nothing to do with you and your wives terrible actions. Take accountability, accept the reality you created for yourself, leave those brothers alone who want nothing to do with you, enjoy your gross wife ,life, and hope the kids are cool👌🏾

  • @nidiagarcia8411
    @nidiagarcia8411 6 дней назад +1

    Story 1) he even add his older brother (Aaron) also had it out for me? Like what do you mean like he was the other brother who didn’t let you get away with sh!t . Dang no wonder your mom and dad are having such emotional issues right now. They finally figured out how much they let you get away with sh!t. 2:09 for any one to understand.

  • @nowetherider
    @nowetherider 6 дней назад

    Love how he says the brothers rebel

  • @Mrwillie95
    @Mrwillie95 7 дней назад +1

    Why would op think his brother want anything to do with a family who would betrayal them op and his family have to deal with the consequences of their actions story1

  • @dscheaffer
    @dscheaffer 7 дней назад +2

    S1 - Two back stabbing cheaters, are surprised their family betrayal has long term consequences for both them and their children. At this point, I doubt there is anything they can do, to repair the damage done.

  • @sanjeevanisinghal
    @sanjeevanisinghal 2 дня назад

    Story 1: you all made your bed now you have to lay in it😂😂.. what about consequences of actions😮😂

  • @terriebtsOT7
    @terriebtsOT7 5 дней назад

    Story 1: this OP is beyond help. He deserves the worst of karma

  • @robert4657
    @robert4657 6 дней назад

    2 story. Your mother gave you an easy way to reconnect with the father. But the father is still just as responsible. He left wife alone handling 3 kids. Then when things got bad instead of divorcing he chose an affair. Feel for your mother.

  • @merykhan97
    @merykhan97 6 дней назад

    Its insane that the mother sided with her cheater son after what happened to her. And the language used by OP lacks sympathy and regret. He's not sorry for what he did.