Nature is not random! 🧭 🕀 God as creative and guiding power behind the order of things in nature! ✞

  • Опубликовано: 7 июн 2024
  • Most of modern people think in terms of the physical only, what they can see, sense or touch. Many fools also think that nature is random and chaotic. I believe this is important subject as chaos and randomness comes along with insecurity and fear and if this applies to our lives we will always be in the state of agitation and worry. However if wherever you look in nature you will observe amazing perfection, structure and order. Its enough to take a walk in a forest and study the trees, plants, flowers, lives of tiny ants, bucks, their organisms. Perfection and structure is plains obvious and one must either completely blind or deprived of mind not to notice it. Hence there is no randomness in nature.
    Now back to the first point, the fact that we dont see some things doesnt mean they don't exist. For example electrical current, radio waves, wind, our own thoughts, remove countries and places that we never visited. We do know they exist though we have never seen those things or phenomena. The same applies to God, angels, demons and human soul in separate state from the body as functioning and living force and the immaterial world as a whole of which we have immense kbowledge as their activities had been manifested in nature million of times, confirmed by countless witnesses, writings and books. And I mean hundreds of books, especially whose which are deiling with the lives of saintly men. Let me name a few from 20th century: Porphyrios Bairaktaris, Paisious Eznepidis, John of Kronstadt, Sampson Sievers, Amphilochius of Pochayiv, Gabriel Urgebadze, Nektarios of Aegina but also Jewish claircoyants and miracleworkers of modern wra such as Baba Sali (Yisrael Abuhatzeira), Amram Ben Diwan, Ben Ish Hai. Their lives are full of supernatural miracles which defies the orders of physical nature and they are the living proofs of God's workings in this world andæ spiritual reality which is above the physical. Some of those saints had a black and white tv into the spiritual, the others had a colour tv, such as St Porphyrios Bairaktaris, studying whose life will þake you realize the existence of not only God as the guiding force in nature and mankind. But most of will ignore these people and facts, just as they ignore the perfection in nature they see around them, again living the life of animal without any sort of mental reflection.
    Likewise in the countless protestant congrrgarions in America there had been numerous manifestations of God, the spiritual power, supernatural healing due to communal prayer, when paradized walked and blinds started to see. Again the fools will act the animal way without giving any thought to this. Another easy proof of the existence of God, angels, demons is offered by the study of exorcisms in the Catholisicm. Quite a few books had been written by a number of exorcists who are dealing with demons force on regular basis. Hundreds of facts of demonic possessions, infestations which are getting so common in modern age that it is hard to ignore. The best books which amass tons of eye opening facts are books by exprcists themselves such as Gabriele Amorth and Stephen Rosetti. Again the fools will ignore this truth with their own lame excuses or simply will not reflect on these facts acting the animal way. Now there is evil, decease and injustice in this world (its a subject of a different video but to put it short evil is not due to God but to human corruption and the devil but God is using evil for good ends in the end, as means for salvation). And those fools who reject the existence of God and claim that nature is random, at same time they also blame this non existant God for all the evils in this world and do it quite emotionally. I see lengthy comments where they accuse God in injustice, as the devil and demons do by the way. Now if there is no God why do they get that emotional. Subconsciously they do know God exists and their opposition to God is conscious. Most of humans are weak minded and are lazy to think and get easily led astray by the opinions of the masses. Now there is a conscious force which opposing God and people who strive for truth and salvation. And this force is the devil which influences the weak minded. The immense interest in the dark, dragons, piracy, crime stories and horror movies is due subconscious demonic influence. In their rebellion agsi at God, the demons try to entice on their side as many humans as possible. Their hatred for human is due to envy as the human has the potential for sainthood or eternal bliss, the morning knowlegde what the fallen angels lost. Any human who reaches sainthood is becoming superior to devil in terms of wisdom, capabilities as he or she unites with God in a way and gains the morning knowledge, which the devil lost at the fall. I just want you to be aware of your potential as a human being, of the evil reality which seeks to destroy and enslave you and of God as the dominant force in nature and out lives. #Nature #Perfection

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