I’m really in awe at your beautiful, natural energy. You have a way of explaining things in a way that I don’t feel judged and makes me have the insights I need myself… Beautiful ✨
I was always more in my masculine energy. I really had to learn to shift to my feminine side and receive. It has been a challenge, but I am getting more comfortable with it.
That last part resonated a lot. I tend to think the worst of men and i always think they want something in return when they do soomething nice for me. My last boyfriend had to constantly reassure me that he didnt want anything in return, he simply wanted to give❤
A few years ago, I started training my brain to say ‘thank you’ instead of ‘sorry’. realized that I was apologizing for literally nothing and had been giving my power away for years. Now I gratefully receive 🙏
I love how you broke it down 'you don't have to give to equal the playing field' and that we are naturally going to give as women. It really breaks the idea in my mind that I'm not supposed to be giving and that when a man takes from me, he is not in his masculine or I am not in my feminine. IDK why my brain or my ego be doing that. LOL. Thanks girl
When she says receive she doesn't mean u take take take while the man just has to give give give that's unfair if feminine energy was the only one receiving while the masculine always gives then sex would only be pleasurable for the woman n the man would get nothing this isn't true it's only fair that the man n woman give to each other the man gives security protection n provides ur needs n loves u unconditionally n sacrificially taking on responsibility n the burden of leadership n the woman gives nurturing respect n submission support n reciprocates his love
The energy part is so true. I have an older sister who since childhood would always rant about how she was the unlucky sibling, me being always lucky. How she would always have a hard time studying while I was the smart one. On and on and on. Fast forward, she still holds on to this weird believe system because due to the energy of "I'm always unlucky, bad things always happen to me" she literally manifested her bad luck over and over again which hardened that believe for her. Me on the other hand, listening to my sister comparing us this way, I grew up believing that I must be the lucky child... and dont get me wrong, my life was nowhere near a walk by the beach, but at the end of the day, when shit hit the fan, I would always somehow figure things out with the help of a sprinkle of luck. A generous person here, an informative letter of notice there. These things would somehow always reach me, whereas with my sister nothing would ever turn out good. Even if people tried to help her, they themselves would become so affected by this negative energy, it would hinder them in their own abilities. Moral of the story: reaffirm yourselves and believe in your abilities as if you where a child believing in santa. It will change your energy and thus your lives
You always create such a safe space and comfortable place to grow❤️ I can learn so much from your channel, but I never feel shamed for the things I can improve because you talk with so much warmth. Thank you a lot! 🦋🌷
Thank you!! My goal is just to create a safe space and a community for women focused on stepping into their best self ❤️❤️ So this feedback makes me so happy!
❤️I got very nervous while receiving assistance/love from my partner because of the type of content I had come across, under the cover of feminism. It made me feel like anything he does for me is because he feels I'm incapable of doing it. But I've learnt that that's just how he likes so show me how much he loves me, and through your videos, I've become more comfortable letting him do little things like that for me. Thank you so much, Jills. It feels very loved to receive the help provided. ❤️❤️
I googled myself to this & am i Grateful to hit upon this video. I have such Huge block to receiving... & you are bang on ..on the blocks. Love was always conditional in Childhood & as an adult to me & looks like I am passing the same energies to my kids. To me receving apology is also sooo difficult when ppl. have completely wronged me.... I just put myself in a shell where I dont approve of myself. So deep layers....
I’ve been told in more ways than one that I am not open to receiving. It’s a hard thing to change if you’re outlook on other people is negative. Something I have been working on.
Hi Jillz. Thank you so much for explaining the blocks to receiving. I had a traumatic childhood and I went into an abusive marriage. My father was emotionally unavailable and he did not value me because I was a girl. Now I understand why I can't receive love or abundance as an adult. I have to forgive him for not being the parent I needed him to be. He was never shown unconditional love as a child. He was raised to believe that women were not valued. I know I have a lot of therapy to do to get to a better place where I can love and accept my value, but I now have a better understanding thanks to You. You made a difference for me. Thank you. 🙏❤
Healing is a journey. And it's important to forgive but it's also important to understand which you've already done as you acknowledge how yr father had his own issues as a child. Still I wouldn't make it conditional. You can still learn to love and receive love even without fully forgiving him. It'll come together in time ❤️
I'm in the same situation, I have forgiven my parents, but I never condone their terrible behaviour. As a baby my mother used to shut me in the bathroom every evening because I was crying ( probably had an issue with the baby formula, maybe making my tummy ache) noone bothered to find out why. I learnt from infancy that my needs wouldn't be met and I felt unworthy. But! When you get through this, it makes you a bad ass, who expects life to be beautiful, but can cope with anything that is thrown at you. Sending you lots of love ❤
Seriously, thank you so much for this, this is so genuinely educational for me, it made me cry because i have never heard someone talk about woman in such a loving and beautiful way. This has helped me so much, playing this in schools for young woman would change the world. ❤️❤️
Some people really should hear this, especially the part about the equality of giving and taking in a healthy relationship 💗 No one can just expect to receive while giving nothing in return and unfortunately, there are many (often women) who do not understand that 😿
I just discovered your channel and I am binging all of your videos now 😋 absolutely love love. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us. I grew up with no healthy models of femininity and learning how to lean into my feminine energy is something I only recently realized I needed to do… my over active masculinity was keeping me from receiving all the things in my life I really wanted. I will continue to watch and take notes ☺️ Lots of love 💕 🌹✨
This is the topic of struggle for me. I had a very unpleasant giving/receiving situation, where I asked for help (case of an emergency, I don't typically ask for help). I got that help I asked for. Then that person asked me for help and I couldn't. I was reminded right then and there that "but I helped you that time". It was so hurtful that their giving was clearly conditional. To this day, I won't ask them for help. They offer sometimes, and would hesitate to take it because I'm sure it comes with conditions.
I totally get it..this can be tricky. It's just about keeping your boundaries, surrounding yourself with good people, and of course not being afraid to help others when you can. Not out of conditions or expecting to get something back, but out of love ❤️
❤ THIS! Such a positive video. This is the lesson of the same soul (twin flame) phenomenon but with a positive, healthy self focus inseatd of on “getting” the other.
I love your voice and how you speak. I can feel your sincerity and that is very refreshing. Also, great tips - there is a lot I can invite into my life by being open to receiving more and gratitude. Thank you!
This is really something that I need to work on. I am the type that feels like I owe the person who gives me something. I end up feeling anxious and immediately start looking for ways to return the favour. I hate feeling indebted to people.
Dear jillz I really appreciate your content as it has been a safe place for me to grow as "a woman" and expand my knowledge about lots of important aspects that had not been talked about in my childhood, thankyou for the effort and the unmistakable insights that you use to create and upload beautiful videos like these 💗🙏
I remember at one point it helped me to visualize life as receive and let go, in breath and out breath. It was a drastically different mindset and lifestyle from what I'm used to, and I struggled. I would try to trust that whatever was given was a gift even if it didn't feel good. I would try to receive it. It was really difficult to let go of the idea of how I wanted things to come. I would have an image in my mind about things like who should give me help and how the help should look, and it usually never happened the way I envisioned. I would also get easily frustrated when I wasn't given what I wanted right away, and it took effort to trust in the flow of life. Then I would try to let go when I felt that something had run its course. This was also very difficult because I wanted to hold on to things because I didn't trust that I would receive more. This was a very significant experiment in my life and I still think about it from time to time.
Hey, Jillz! One thing before I go off topic, I always love receiving and asking for what I wish to receive, but that said, I just wanted to thank you once again for everything. You know, as a man, tapping into the feminine can be challenging in many ways. But you've helped me a lot over time and because of you, then and now, I feel more free than ever, especially after overcoming the brutal environments I've been in most of my life, and I don't know if I would've gotten to this point as smoothly without you. I always naturally felt like a back and forth hybrid of masculine/feminine, but the feminine definitely has its benefits to the soul. Masculinity can too, granted the healthy version, but the point is, I thank you tremendously for helping me and inspiring me, not only because I'm grateful but it's Women's History Month and one way I'm going about it is thanking at least 1 woman that inspires me, and that woman, is you. ❤️ Happy Women's History Month to every other woman reading this as well 💕
@@JillzGuerin Not a problem! Hey, my biggest issue I'm working on is trying to focus more on process instead of outcome, so, could you please make a video on that sometime?
I really feel like you have so much understand of the female gender even most of us don't understand as girls...thts y we agree when guys say we are complicated bt actually we are not its just tht we need to understand more of our feminine energy and stick to it ❤
There’s a lot of things in this video I need to pay attention to. Thank you so much and I’m pretty sure I’ll be watching this video a couple of times to really nail it in the head!
Being in a constant state of gratitude is what actually causes me anxiety. Once I start thinking of all of the ways I’m blessed. I immediately start feeling sad and guilty for all of the people who don’t have the blessings I have. I then start feeling very guilty that life has been so kind to me I’m not to others to explain
Your suffering and feeling guilty doesn't make their lives better though. If you really feel so bad use some of your privilege to help others, donate money or items to shelters and programs, shop at charity shops etc. Just feeling guilty and beating yourself up for being "lucky" doesn't help and only makes one more sad and suffering person in this world - you. You also deserve good things and to feel good and comfortable, just don't lose sight of others and become detached from your fellow humans.
@@kristyw89 I don’t have two nickels to rub together. I literally have $4 in my bank account. However, I don’t relate being fortunate or privileged to anything financial. II’m blessed with having all of my limbs. I’m blessed with the ability to see and hear. I’m blessed with having two children who are healthy. Im blessed with being able to eat something every day. I’m blessed with having clean water to drink. Im blessed with not having a terminal illness or living in constant pain. I’m blessed with having friends and family that love me. I’m blessed with being able to sleep without fear of being physically or sexually abused. I guess I should have been more clear. Evidently my perception of having everything I could ever possibly pray for is different than others.
This is so divinely timed, I literally just created a video about the sensual art of receiving ♀️ These are all such potent points of wisdom to share ♡ Thank you for sharing these queen codes & supporting the rise of the divine feminine 👑🌹👑
When I listened the video a question poped up in my head. I offen try to „carry heavy tasks, thinks” for my husbend, dont want to ask for help, and dont add to his plate because I have a fealing I have to help him so that he want get into his victime mode, or I assume he will and I project it on him because my parents where this way so I tryed to help them so that I wouldn’t feel guilty for their feelings, when they felt a victime to some situations. Something to consider what is going on in my live in this area! and see if Im not dooing the same to my daughter, giving her the feeling that she is guilty that Im stressed out about something… thanks for sharing this video!
i’m gna figure out why i have a hard time receiving money gifts etc. i’m gonna get all my dreams and feel more comfortable have everything i want. i don’t want to say no to people anymore i want to say yes a million times to all the beautiful things in life.
I had to leave the US and go through a psychology course to learn all of that. You are the rare array of wisdom and an escape from the work-achieve-discard mentality that most people are subjected to. If you can, try to do a joint session with Russell Brand. He is also a wise fellow and it will help boost your channel - I really want your channel to grow and more people to start SEEING again. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
I have a wierd relationship with being comfortable receiving things from men so as to not lead him on to believing that by accepting his help I have given him the green light to pursue me.
A guy who recently has showed interest in me called me broke as a put down and it really hurt my feelings. It pushed me more into my masculine side to try to catch up to him and prove myself to him, and now it seems like we are competing.
If you have something that you really want in your life, spend lots of time thinking about it. The more you think the more ideas will pop up the more creative your gonna start to get. Your subconscious mind doesn't care if your vision is crazy. It doesnt care if you dont know how to do it. When you see a thing clearly in your mind, your creative "success mechanism" within you takes over and does the job much better than you could do it by conscious effort or willpower. A different psychedelic from a different planet every nanosecond. All sorts of dreams are possible. The human nervous system cannot tell the difference between an "actual" experience and an experience imagined vividly and in detail. Synthesize "experience," to literally create experience, and control it, in the laboratory of our minds. A vision is a very emotional image, the most powerful image that you can come up with for yourself at this time. This vision will become like a hallucination in other peoples mind and this could be the cause of them creating extraordinary things.
Thank you Jiilz! Needed this right now ❤️ Also, has anyone ever told you that you look like Gisele Bundchen? I’ve been trying to figure out who you look like and it finally hit me
I appreciate your videos, Jillz! What I especially like is that you implement this ancient knowledge about energies into modern society. They way you phrase it is respectful and kind and gender-neutral, which I haven't seen on other channels that talk about this topic. I also really like how you just inform but not impose on your audience, i.e. staying open and warm. I recommend that book "Find Soulmate Love" by Clair Summer, she is where I learnt the most about the two complementary energies ✨
I think a really hard part of this is when you’ve reached out as an adult to a man for help and they’ve reacted negatively. When that happens repeatedly it does make you feel like you can’t ask a man you care about for help.
It’s really impressive that most of what you said is all what Islam is about , Allah says in the Quran ‘’ if you be thankful I will certainly give you more ‘’ chapter Abraham verse 7 , gratitude is key, thank you for these videos keep up the good work ♥️
It's funny how there are so many good things about islam, but people have such a fear of it due to 'events' in the media. I am no particular religion, but appreciate the good things in them all, and am so thankful to live in a place where all religions are embraced :)
Jillz 💙🦋 I have been on this feminine journey for a while now, but I realized recently through some dream interp that I have a hard time knowing how to channel masculine energy. I am curious if you have any tips on balance, how to use the masculine power of agency while still remaining deeply feminine? I would love a video! Also, you should write a book!
Jillz, you're gorgeous. I've always loved to receive since it feels good and I love to give as well. Unfortunately somehow we don't always receive what we deserve as women
Law of Attraction has its Limits, Tiffany ferg did a Video on IT. But the mindset is calming. I Work with men, IT IS Sometimes a Bit difficult to decide If i need a Help. IT IS a Bit of a struggle to receive, but i am going strong with IT, although i Grew Up with a anti receiver as a mom
I know for a fact I struggle to receive. When people compliment me, I just feel so anxious and uncomfortable. I don't ever know how to respond either. I usually just mumble something awkward in response. I really need to work on it...
Well flattery ain't good n people that over compliment especially in an insincere way are annoying asf n when ur trying to stay humble n people put u on a pedestal or make a big deal outa u that's also annoying
Hi Jiliz, your videos have really helped me reconnect with my feminine energy. Thank you so much for that! However, there’s something I’m struggling with. Until now, I’ve tried to pay at least 30% in my dates or relationships because I felt it was fair, and I often carried a lot of masculine energy.(planning, leading, motherding etc...) Now, I’m trying to lean back, relax, and genuinely appreciate what I receive. With the guy I’m dating, I’ve let him cover all the expenses on our dates so far(We had 3 dates), and we’ve gone to nice places. I express my gratitude, but I still feel a bit uncomfortable. I wonder how long I should just be receiving in this way. If the goal of dating is a serious relationship or marriage, does that mean I just receive until then?
What about small gestures like buying coffee or giving gifts and how often-are those considered masculine energy? From south Korea with love ❤
Oh this is me. I cannot receive at all. I get embarrassed when someone even compliments me. I feel guilty when people are nice to me. I always give way more then anyone can give to me. I love making people happy especially kids. I doubt I will ever change.
So true! Beautiful video, thank you. I used to not ask for help and when it was offered I declined. Now I don't have to ask for help and just attract and receive it :)
In the same vein, here's a book I just finished: The surrendered wife by Laura Doyle. It's the best book on the subject I've ever read and it's literally changing my life (I've been looking for something like it for years, to be honest). I think a lot of you would love it and benefit from it in a huge way. I don't get any financial benefit from telling you this just so you know, I just found this book at my library and finished it in 4 days cause it was just that good! I hope it's okay for me to write this comment, but if it's not, please let me know and I'll delete it, Jillz :) By the way your channel is awesome and I love watching it, it's very helpful
I'm reading this book for the second time, it's amazing and it's exactly the vibe that I get from this channel too. Really helpful for us, thank you Jillz!💖
“What one person has doesn’t take away from you, and what one person gives doesn’t take away from them.” I LOVE that.
I’m really in awe at your beautiful, natural energy. You have a way of explaining things in a way that I don’t feel judged and makes me have the insights I need myself… Beautiful ✨
Wow thank you so much! This is such a wonderful compliment. I'm so glad that you feel comfortable here ❤️
I agree with this 😊
she does. it so sweet and enjoyable.
@@JillzGuerinlol lo
Thank you for the knowledge 👑
A very simple example of receiving is when Im at the grocery store men will instinctively stop and let me pass first and I smile and say thank you.
I was always more in my masculine energy. I really had to learn to shift to my feminine side and receive. It has been a challenge, but I am getting more comfortable with it.
It will get easier and more natural every day! 💕
“Sometimes you can just receive” ❤️❤️❤️
I love when i find a new feminine youtuber to subscribe to
That last part resonated a lot. I tend to think the worst of men and i always think they want something in return when they do soomething nice for me. My last boyfriend had to constantly reassure me that he didnt want anything in return, he simply wanted to give❤
A few years ago, I started training my brain to say ‘thank you’ instead of ‘sorry’. realized that I was apologizing for literally nothing and had been giving my power away for years. Now I gratefully receive 🙏
Same here! Working on that one myself.
I love the point on it not being transactional. I always feel like I have to return the favor immediately
I love how you broke it down 'you don't have to give to equal the playing field' and that we are naturally going to give as women. It really breaks the idea in my mind that I'm not supposed to be giving and that when a man takes from me, he is not in his masculine or I am not in my feminine. IDK why my brain or my ego be doing that. LOL. Thanks girl
When she says receive she doesn't mean u take take take while the man just has to give give give that's unfair if feminine energy was the only one receiving while the masculine always gives then sex would only be pleasurable for the woman n the man would get nothing this isn't true it's only fair that the man n woman give to each other the man gives security protection n provides ur needs n loves u unconditionally n sacrificially taking on responsibility n the burden of leadership n the woman gives nurturing respect n submission support n reciprocates his love
I feel like I need to play this video every single morning to set the right intentions. You said it all, really! Thank you so much! ❤️
The energy part is so true. I have an older sister who since childhood would always rant about how she was the unlucky sibling, me being always lucky. How she would always have a hard time studying while I was the smart one. On and on and on. Fast forward, she still holds on to this weird believe system because due to the energy of "I'm always unlucky, bad things always happen to me" she literally manifested her bad luck over and over again which hardened that believe for her. Me on the other hand, listening to my sister comparing us this way, I grew up believing that I must be the lucky child... and dont get me wrong, my life was nowhere near a walk by the beach, but at the end of the day, when shit hit the fan, I would always somehow figure things out with the help of a sprinkle of luck. A generous person here, an informative letter of notice there. These things would somehow always reach me, whereas with my sister nothing would ever turn out good. Even if people tried to help her, they themselves would become so affected by this negative energy, it would hinder them in their own abilities.
Moral of the story: reaffirm yourselves and believe in your abilities as if you where a child believing in santa. It will change your energy and thus your lives
I love this. I want to step into my feminine receiving energy.
You always create such a safe space and comfortable place to grow❤️ I can learn so much from your channel, but I never feel shamed for the things I can improve because you talk with so much warmth. Thank you a lot! 🦋🌷
Thank you!! My goal is just to create a safe space and a community for women focused on stepping into their best self ❤️❤️ So this feedback makes me so happy!
❤️I got very nervous while receiving assistance/love from my partner because of the type of content I had come across, under the cover of feminism. It made me feel like anything he does for me is because he feels I'm incapable of doing it. But I've learnt that that's just how he likes so show me how much he loves me, and through your videos, I've become more comfortable letting him do little things like that for me. Thank you so much, Jills. It feels very loved to receive the help provided. ❤️❤️
Aw that makes me so happy! You’re so deserving of that love ❤️
I googled myself to this & am i Grateful to hit upon this video. I have such Huge block to receiving... & you are bang on ..on the blocks. Love was always conditional in Childhood & as an adult to me & looks like I am passing the same energies to my kids. To me receving apology is also sooo difficult when ppl. have completely wronged me.... I just put myself in a shell where I dont approve of myself. So deep layers....
I’ve been told in more ways than one that I am not open to receiving. It’s a hard thing to change if you’re outlook on other people is negative. Something I have been working on.
Hi Jillz.
Thank you so much for explaining the blocks to receiving. I had a traumatic childhood and I went into an abusive marriage. My father was emotionally unavailable and he did not value me because I was a girl. Now I understand why I can't receive love or abundance as an adult. I have to forgive him for not being the parent I needed him to be. He was never shown unconditional love as a child. He was raised to believe that women were not valued. I know I have a lot of therapy to do to get to a better place where I can love and accept my value, but I now have a better understanding thanks to You. You made a difference for me. Thank you. 🙏❤
Healing is a journey. And it's important to forgive but it's also important to understand which you've already done as you acknowledge how yr father had his own issues as a child. Still I wouldn't make it conditional. You can still learn to love and receive love even without fully forgiving him. It'll come together in time ❤️
@@bettiiblu he's a POS for failing as a father but u still gotta completely forgive for ur own sake
I'm in the same situation, I have forgiven my parents, but I never condone their terrible behaviour. As a baby my mother used to shut me in the bathroom every evening because I was crying ( probably had an issue with the baby formula, maybe making my tummy ache) noone bothered to find out why. I learnt from infancy that my needs wouldn't be met and I felt unworthy. But! When you get through this, it makes you a bad ass, who expects life to be beautiful, but can cope with anything that is thrown at you. Sending you lots of love ❤
Seriously, thank you so much for this, this is so genuinely educational for me, it made me cry because i have never heard someone talk about woman in such a loving and beautiful way. This has helped me so much, playing this in schools for young woman would change the world. ❤️❤️
Some people really should hear this, especially the part about the equality of giving and taking in a healthy relationship 💗
No one can just expect to receive while giving nothing in return and unfortunately, there are many (often women) who do not understand that 😿
Thank you Jillz. I received your video with gratitude and a cup of coffee ☕. You are helping me a lot. Thank you 🙏🌈❣️
Aw so glad!! 💖
I just discovered your channel and I am binging all of your videos now 😋 absolutely love love. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us. I grew up with no healthy models of femininity and learning how to lean into my feminine energy is something I only recently realized I needed to do… my over active masculinity was keeping me from receiving all the things in my life I really wanted.
I will continue to watch and take notes ☺️ Lots of love 💕 🌹✨
Aw yay I’m so glad you found me!! So happy you’re enjoying all of my videos. Coming back to your feminine side is going to feel SO fulfilling 💕💕
I am in tears. I didn’t realize how much resistance I have around receiving. Thank you for creating and voicing this ❤
This is the topic of struggle for me. I had a very unpleasant giving/receiving situation, where I asked for help (case of an emergency, I don't typically ask for help). I got that help I asked for. Then that person asked me for help and I couldn't. I was reminded right then and there that "but I helped you that time". It was so hurtful that their giving was clearly conditional. To this day, I won't ask them for help. They offer sometimes, and would hesitate to take it because I'm sure it comes with conditions.
I totally get it..this can be tricky. It's just about keeping your boundaries, surrounding yourself with good people, and of course not being afraid to help others when you can. Not out of conditions or expecting to get something back, but out of love ❤️
That’s not conditional, that’s equal. They have every right to expect to be treated equally. You are being entitled
❤ THIS! Such a positive video. This is the lesson of the same soul (twin flame) phenomenon but with a positive, healthy self focus inseatd of on “getting” the other.
I love your voice and how you speak. I can feel your sincerity and that is very refreshing. Also, great tips - there is a lot I can invite into my life by being open to receiving more and gratitude. Thank you!
Aw thank you!! 💖
This is really something that I need to work on. I am the type that feels like I owe the person who gives me something. I end up feeling anxious and immediately start looking for ways to return the favour. I hate feeling indebted to people.
You really don't. 🫶❤️
My Mom helped me take a bath because I'm not fully able to walk but I will be when the right time comes I'm positive
Why can’t you walk? I hope you are better
Hello again beautiful Jillz! So Needed this reminder at this time thank you ❤️
Dear jillz I really appreciate your content as it has been a safe place for me to grow as "a woman" and expand my knowledge about lots of important aspects that had not been talked about in my childhood, thankyou for the effort and the unmistakable insights that you use to create and upload beautiful videos like these 💗🙏
Girl! You will change my life😭😭
I remember at one point it helped me to visualize life as receive and let go, in breath and out breath. It was a drastically different mindset and lifestyle from what I'm used to, and I struggled. I would try to trust that whatever was given was a gift even if it didn't feel good. I would try to receive it. It was really difficult to let go of the idea of how I wanted things to come. I would have an image in my mind about things like who should give me help and how the help should look, and it usually never happened the way I envisioned. I would also get easily frustrated when I wasn't given what I wanted right away, and it took effort to trust in the flow of life.
Then I would try to let go when I felt that something had run its course. This was also very difficult because I wanted to hold on to things because I didn't trust that I would receive more. This was a very significant experiment in my life and I still think about it from time to time.
Hey, Jillz! One thing before I go off topic, I always love receiving and asking for what I wish to receive, but that said, I just wanted to thank you once again for everything. You know, as a man, tapping into the feminine can be challenging in many ways. But you've helped me a lot over time and because of you, then and now, I feel more free than ever, especially after overcoming the brutal environments I've been in most of my life, and I don't know if I would've gotten to this point as smoothly without you. I always naturally felt like a back and forth hybrid of masculine/feminine, but the feminine definitely has its benefits to the soul. Masculinity can too, granted the healthy version, but the point is, I thank you tremendously for helping me and inspiring me, not only because I'm grateful but it's Women's History Month and one way I'm going about it is thanking at least 1 woman that inspires me, and that woman, is you. ❤️ Happy Women's History Month to every other woman reading this as well 💕
Oh my goodness thank you so much!!! I’m so glad I could help you 😊
@@JillzGuerin Not a problem! Hey, my biggest issue I'm working on is trying to focus more on process instead of outcome, so, could you please make a video on that sometime?
I really feel like you have so much understand of the female gender even most of us don't understand as girls...thts y we agree when guys say we are complicated bt actually we are not its just tht we need to understand more of our feminine energy and stick to it ❤
😭 your words are so eloquent and carefully chosen and make so much sense
You are the genuine feminine chennel ive been looking for ❤
Currently binge watching all of Jillz' awesome videos! ❤
Sooo natural and soft message
This was so calming and sweet, thank you I feel just that bit more healed 😭
There’s a lot of things in this video I need to pay attention to. Thank you so much and I’m pretty sure I’ll be watching this video a couple of times to really nail it in the head!
Best video I've watched so far. Thank you.
Being in a constant state of gratitude is what actually causes me anxiety. Once I start thinking of all of the ways I’m blessed. I immediately start feeling sad and guilty for all of the people who don’t have the blessings I have. I then start feeling very guilty that life has been so kind to me I’m not to others to explain
Your suffering and feeling guilty doesn't make their lives better though. If you really feel so bad use some of your privilege to help others, donate money or items to shelters and programs, shop at charity shops etc. Just feeling guilty and beating yourself up for being "lucky" doesn't help and only makes one more sad and suffering person in this world - you. You also deserve good things and to feel good and comfortable, just don't lose sight of others and become detached from your fellow humans.
@@kristyw89 I don’t have two nickels to rub together. I literally have $4 in my bank account. However, I don’t relate being fortunate or privileged to anything financial. II’m blessed with having all of my limbs. I’m blessed with the ability to see and hear. I’m blessed with having two children who are healthy. Im blessed with being able to eat something every day. I’m blessed with having clean water to drink. Im blessed with not having a terminal illness or living in constant pain. I’m blessed with having friends and family that love me. I’m blessed with being able to sleep without fear of being physically or sexually abused. I guess I should have been more clear. Evidently my perception of having everything I could ever possibly pray for is different than others.
This is so divinely timed, I literally just created a video about the sensual art of receiving ♀️ These are all such potent points of wisdom to share ♡ Thank you for sharing these queen codes & supporting the rise of the divine feminine 👑🌹👑
When I listened the video a question poped up in my head. I offen try to „carry heavy tasks, thinks” for my husbend, dont want to ask for help, and dont add to his plate because I have a fealing I have to help him so that he want get into his victime mode, or I assume he will and I project it on him because my parents where this way so I tryed to help them so that I wouldn’t feel guilty for their feelings, when they felt a victime to some situations. Something to consider what is going on in my live in this area! and see if Im not dooing the same to my daughter, giving her the feeling that she is guilty that Im stressed out about something… thanks for sharing this video!
This was definitely needed!!! I am open to recieving
i’m gna figure out why i have a hard time receiving money gifts etc. i’m gonna get all my dreams and feel more comfortable have everything i want. i don’t want to say no to people anymore i want to say yes a million times to all the beautiful things in life.
Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for making all of these videos. It's helping me on my journey and I really appreciate creators like you for that
Hey ...u touched me...by ur super natural way of easying things...
There is always an infinite amount of abundance and love in this world - love this ❤️
I've been reflecting on a lot of this recently and this helped me make more sense of that thank you! 💕
So glad it was helpful! 💜
Thank you so much Jills!! I love how you admitted to reminding yourself of speaking up till day ❤
Thank you so much for your videos! It makes me love myself more as a woman. 😊
That was so spot on! Thank you!! 😘
Thank you for dragging me, in the nicest way😌😂❤️
I had to leave the US and go through a psychology course to learn all of that. You are the rare array of wisdom and an escape from the work-achieve-discard mentality that most people are subjected to. If you can, try to do a joint session with Russell Brand. He is also a wise fellow and it will help boost your channel - I really want your channel to grow and more people to start SEEING again. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
You’re going places girl!!
Appreciate your support so much 💜
I have a wierd relationship with being comfortable receiving things from men so as to not lead him on to believing that by accepting his help I have given him the green light to pursue me.
A guy who recently has showed interest in me called me broke as a put down and it really hurt my feelings. It pushed me more into my masculine side to try to catch up to him and prove myself to him, and now it seems like we are competing.
Wow. Life changing words in this video
If you have something that you really want in your life, spend lots of time thinking about it. The more you think the more ideas will pop up the more creative your gonna start to get. Your subconscious mind doesn't care if your vision is crazy. It doesnt care if you dont know how to do it.
When you see a thing clearly in your mind, your creative "success mechanism" within you takes over and does the job much better than you could do it by conscious effort or willpower.
A different psychedelic from a different planet every nanosecond.
All sorts of dreams are possible.
The human nervous system cannot tell the difference between an "actual" experience and an experience imagined vividly and in detail.
Synthesize "experience," to literally create experience, and control it, in the laboratory of our minds.
A vision is a very emotional image, the most powerful image that you can come up with for yourself at this time. This vision will become like a hallucination in other peoples mind and this could be the cause of them creating extraordinary things.
Thank you for this i would like more videos on this topic
That was so helpful..thank you so much 🙏❤️❤️
Thank you Jiilz! Needed this right now ❤️
Also, has anyone ever told you that you look like Gisele Bundchen? I’ve been trying to figure out who you look like and it finally hit me
Omg no but that’s such a compliment so thank you!!! 💕
I appreciate your videos, Jillz! What I especially like is that you implement this ancient knowledge about energies into modern society. They way you phrase it is respectful and kind and gender-neutral, which I haven't seen on other channels that talk about this topic. I also really like how you just inform but not impose on your audience, i.e. staying open and warm. I recommend that book "Find Soulmate Love" by Clair Summer, she is where I learnt the most about the two complementary energies ✨
Oooh I need to check this book out! Thank you so much!! 💜
I am just listening to your message in this video and i love it ❤ Thank you for your work ❤
Thanks!! That was highly needed!
You're so welcome! ❤️❤️
Thank you so much, Jillz 🕊️ 💕 how much I needed this video today! 💕
I gotchu girl 😘
@@JillzGuerin awww you're great 😍
I needed to see this. I needed to hear you say it, thank you Jillz ❤
So, wonderfully explained. Thank you so much! 😊🙏💕
very helpful video, thank
such a good advice, not everything is transitional
Totally love this video ! Thank you 🤍🤍🤍🤍
I think a really hard part of this is when you’ve reached out as an adult to a man for help and they’ve reacted negatively. When that happens repeatedly it does make you feel like you can’t ask a man you care about for help.
So grateful to have found your channel. I’m learning so much about myself. Thank you so much !
Ahh so happy you found me too! ❤️
Omg I just found out your channel and Im loving your videos, it's so interesting and you're a very good teacher ❤ keep it up!
It’s really impressive that most of what you said is all what Islam is about , Allah says in the Quran ‘’ if you be thankful I will certainly give you more ‘’ chapter Abraham verse 7 , gratitude is key, thank you for these videos keep up the good work ♥️
SubhanAllah. Jazaki Allah Khair, sister.
Even the concept of Husnuth-than! Assuming good of others. Truly amazing
It's funny how there are so many good things about islam, but people have such a fear of it due to 'events' in the media. I am no particular religion, but appreciate the good things in them all, and am so thankful to live in a place where all religions are embraced :)
@@Chahlie I guess you missed 9-11 and the thousands of other atrocities done by those religionists.
Jillz 💙🦋
I have been on this feminine journey for a while now, but I realized recently through some dream interp that I have a hard time knowing how to channel masculine energy. I am curious if you have any tips on balance, how to use the masculine power of agency while still remaining deeply feminine?
I would love a video! Also, you should write a book!
Such a good video idea!! I’m going to write that one down 😊 Thank you!! ❤️
thank you for posting this
A much needed topic. Thankyou for clearing my doubts.. Thankyou for making me clear n strong. ❤️
Glad you liked it!! 💕
This was super helpful for me, ty sis 💗
You’re so welcome 💕💕
Jillz, you're gorgeous.
I've always loved to receive since it feels good and I love to give as well. Unfortunately somehow we don't always receive what we deserve as women
So true. I think that’s why boundaries and being around the RIGHT people is so important 💜
This is such a beautiful message! Thank you!!!
start with the little things❤
This really is helpful thank you 🙏🏻
This what i need to learn!
Law of Attraction has its Limits, Tiffany ferg did a Video on IT. But the mindset is calming. I Work with men, IT IS Sometimes a Bit difficult to decide If i need a Help. IT IS a Bit of a struggle to receive, but i am going strong with IT, although i Grew Up with a anti receiver as a mom
Amazing advice ❤
Thankyou so much I love you💓
That was super helpful, thank you so much!
This channel must bloom 🌺🌺
Thank you!
You are the teacher I needed! Thank you for your content! 💜
Aw hope you enjoyed the video! ❤️
@@JillzGuerin yes I did 😊
I know for a fact I struggle to receive. When people compliment me, I just feel so anxious and uncomfortable. I don't ever know how to respond either. I usually just mumble something awkward in response. I really need to work on it...
Well flattery ain't good n people that over compliment especially in an insincere way are annoying asf n when ur trying to stay humble n people put u on a pedestal or make a big deal outa u that's also annoying
This was beautiful🙏🏽🌻💛
Thank you!!! 💜💜
Love love love💝💝💝
Hi Jiliz, your videos have really helped me reconnect with my feminine energy. Thank you so much for that! However, there’s something I’m struggling with. Until now, I’ve tried to pay at least 30% in my dates or relationships because I felt it was fair, and I often carried a lot of masculine energy.(planning, leading, motherding etc...)
Now, I’m trying to lean back, relax, and genuinely appreciate what I receive. With the guy I’m dating, I’ve let him cover all the expenses on our dates so far(We had 3 dates), and we’ve gone to nice places. I express my gratitude, but I still feel a bit uncomfortable. I wonder how long I should just be receiving in this way. If the goal of dating is a serious relationship or marriage, does that mean I just receive until then?
What about small gestures like buying coffee or giving gifts and how often-are those considered masculine energy?
From south Korea with love ❤
Oh this is me. I cannot receive at all. I get embarrassed when someone even compliments me. I feel guilty when people are nice to me. I always give way more then anyone can give to me. I love making people happy especially kids. I doubt I will ever change.
So true! Beautiful video, thank you. I used to not ask for help and when it was offered I declined. Now I don't have to ask for help and just attract and receive it :)
Love that!! ❤️
I appreciate you.
In the same vein, here's a book I just finished: The surrendered wife by Laura Doyle. It's the best book on the subject I've ever read and it's literally changing my life (I've been looking for something like it for years, to be honest). I think a lot of you would love it and benefit from it in a huge way.
I don't get any financial benefit from telling you this just so you know, I just found this book at my library and finished it in 4 days cause it was just that good!
I hope it's okay for me to write this comment, but if it's not, please let me know and I'll delete it, Jillz :) By the way your channel is awesome and I love watching it, it's very helpful
I need to check this book out! Of course it's ok to comment, thank you for your support! ❤️
I'm reading this book for the second time, it's amazing and it's exactly the vibe that I get from this channel too. Really helpful for us, thank you Jillz!💖