Can we please take a moment to say farewell to best character. In our darkest hours, in the depths of anime bullshit and despair, Beacoi was our uplifting spirit. You will be remembered, our Beacoi of light.
A lot of Uchikoishi games have really good comeback-trading segments, and I will say: They only get better/funnier in stuff like AI: The Somnium Files.
The comeback would be even better if paramedics, you know, actually went home in an ambulance? And not with their car, bike or legs that they went to their station to at the beginning of their shift?
Definitely, one of the most frustrating things about this game is how no one does anything to stop anyone else from leaving except for Sigma. It's stupid when these games do things purely to artificially structure the story.
YES! THIS! Idk why he didn't complain about it more (unless he did and that just didn't show up here). Literally no one else gets screwed over as much as we do. Alice literally almost kills us, yet when WE betray without killing anyone, we HAVE to be stopped. Somehow, no one gets serious with anyone but Sigma when anyone has 9 or more BP unless it's someone they can't stop. I guess Sigma should've just pulled a Clover and sprinted to the door as soon as he voted.
@@The_Red_Scare It's indeed insane. It's one thing for something like Clover sprinting to the door to happen, but at least half of the escapes (from memory) feature characters having a brisk chat with everyone as they slowly watch the character leave, yet SIGMA can't even _suggest_ to leave before everyone tackles him to the ground.
@@marchmelloow I genuinely don't understand why they did that. It didn't even have to be written that way. Did they think this was funny and that's why it's like this or did they just not put any thought into how ridiculous it might look when compared to everyone else?
@@The_Red_ScareSigma being kept from escaping was surely done so the player can't see the outside before finding the solar eclipse magazine. But that could've been so easily solved by either a) making the magazine unskippable in every route, or b) simply preventing others from escaping as well, since that wouldn't change the plot whatsoever. Honestly the way it's done feels deliberate, so it is likely the case of the game thinking it's being funny
I mean, her way of acting seems to be in line with her " secret agent " brain. Whatever the hell she's involved in is more important that the lives of anyone there (apart from Clover obviously).
Hey Walrus I'm just gonna say that we'll kindly remember those 200 frames on 49:42 that you had to rotoscope by hand. They look REALLY good, thanks for putting the effort on the meme
Have you ever seen a Joseph Anderson stream? They are splendid structures. Some might even call them works of art. Joe is a natural weeb, and his streams are both structually sound, and make excellent use anime bullshit. So, is he following some sort of plan as he streams? Are there Anderson scripts, detailing which meme goes where? No. Of course not. Each joke is simply an oblivious cog in a tremendous machine, programmed by millions of hours of Joe's weebery.
I only discovered Joseph Anderson like two days ago and obsessively binged this multi-hour hightlights. I absolutely need to see his ZTD reaction. As someone who actually did like VLR I think ZTD jumps the shark and then uses the shark to jump the moon. I actually cannot wait.
I just realized that Alice could have been a clone of All Ice. I've played this series twice, 6 years ago. The thought *really* took a long time to come to me, huh?
@@degeneratemale5386Himiko was annoying but she was a just a spoiled brat who put her delusions above important stuff, people like her exist and it's not that bad. Mostly I feel pity for them. On the other hand Alice is a super turbo bitch. Unbelievably hypocrite and yet she gives scolds to people with a superiority approach both intellectually (as everyone needs to listen to her, trust her and don't ask questions) and morally (she's always right even when she kills, it's always self defense even if you literally murder a person who jumped between timelines to save you and you know it) also her mission has the priority over everyone else including her partner. I really think the lowest point of a character are what defines them and I will always remember her for what she says when she comes back from the illness you just treated just so she can kill you. The fact is she gets away with everything, the game never calls her to face her BS while Dio is rightfully called an asshole right and forth. That could also be a mistake in writing, an overlook as how she acts is much worse than everyone else accidentally as she was supposed to be distrustful like the others and not have just a shit ton of lines making her horrible.
Me and Joe went "Ohhh noo" at the exact same time when he was at the first dice puzzle. Him saying it because of the realization of how hard it would be, and me saying it because of the realization that he was going to try and solve it without having looked at the image of the colors yet.
Actually this game gives you almost all answers on some "stupid" plot details. And its much clever than danganronpa. And yes i get that his streams must have a comedic value, but people might get wrong, biased opinion on this game(which is really good as trilogy).
It was me who bet 250k and lost when Joe absolutely baited us on a bet. I was so sad knowing I'd never get to buy a marble. I really wanted to make the marble Avatar the Last Airbender.
I think the biggest inconsistency with Sigma not recognizing his appearance would have to be his hair... Even if you don't touch it or see it, you will FEEL long hair against your face, ears and neck, and it will come into view at times, especially when rushing throughout a facility or being knocked to the ground as Sigma has been. It almost feels like they wrote this twist before designing Zero and gave his appearance absolutely no thought
"If you're a robot, why would getting drugged affect you?" "I was told to pretend to be human." "So you pretended to be affected by the drugs?" "No, it was because my batteries ran out." I can't tell what level of irony this writing operates on. Also for 3:18:36, as someone from Manchester, correct, I didn't think he had such great geographical knowledge. For the uninitiated, the wacky cult guy in the top hat stabbing people is a pretty common Manchester trope tbh. Also hilarious looking back on the "Joe, don't be stupid, they're depicting him in a suit as a kid because it would spoil it otherwise." and the plot was so dumb that actually it wasn't just anti-spoiler measures, he is actually like a goldfish and needs to get bigger and bigger tanks to grow properly.
@@diamondaion8534 Oh my god. I don't even care that I was spoiled, that's actually great to know. That also explains the romantic parts in the second game.
What do you mean? You mean the ending with Kyle? That was horrendous but it seemed deliberate also cut content is a thing as well as scrapped one so if they thought this ending was a mistake then why not ereasing it?
@@melvint-p9500 ok sorry, I can understand English very well but it's not my first language so sometimes I just don't get jokes at all and assume people are talking seriously.
@@totallynotmazgamer2149 I do. I don't think it's OBJECTIVELY good or anything, but I really do enjoy my time with it. It has some strong moments peppered throughout, and it's fun to spend equal time with both 999's & VLR's characters. The "11 months of waiting" sequence actually manages to feel genuinely emotional. And, frankly, i still think ZTD has better puzzles than 999, even if it re-uses the RE4 briefcase puzzle arrangement way too often. That being said, Eric & Mira are two of the worst characters i've ever seen in any story in my life. Anyway, the game's not a complete disaster. It has value.
2:05:00 Let's address something, this scene is interesting because it shows how much a person can be horrible beyond belief. The thing is this is unintentional as the game never adress Alice's attitude and even this is treated like a problem of trust. This with her was the last problem of all since there was never a promise or a pact and she already got 6 points by betraying us last time. The game seems to suggest it's a general problem with how it's written "It's not me everyone voted betray, it's all of us" she said and then Sigma is like "yeah the real issue is that there is no anime friendship we gotta build it, let's have an heart to heart with the asshole who screws you and then looks down on you cause she's smart and does the logical thing and always the right thing, who expect every time to be believed no question asked and commands people on what to do". Not only that Sigma gets screwed up a lot in this game and that is frustrating as hell, you barely have a chance to pick ally when you're not with Luna, trusting people when there's not a reason to not trust them doesn't ever get you anything, barely some information and never an ending. So many characters are hostile and you never get consideration even when you save people. And that's insane to me since the true Phi ending relies on the fact Sigma defused the bombs so people are thankful and team up so he can leave (meaning everyone gets enough points) but it's not the first time Sigma did all the work at all. Heck it's never even the first time Dio was recognized as a treat by everyone. I think Joe liked a lot of the concepts so he said the games has pleanty of highs but the whole thing barely holds together. I don't appreciate stories on concepts, I like them when story is coherent, has good characters, isn't frustrating to follow and delivers a good payoff and explanations. This clearly isn't the case.
The Dio writing for Dio ending imo is the way the writer made it ambigous that Dio planted the bomb before we actually learned the truth from other timeline, not everyone started from the right side flowchart where there are bombs planted just like me who started from the left side first, so when i reached the bomb timeline it still give a bit of plot shock that Dio is the one who planted it. If Dio say "What bomb?! I didnt put any bomb!" That would give an implication that Dio planted the bomb before we even know what is the context about if we started from the left side flowchart. Throughout the gameplay we learned that multiple people gave hints to you that doesnt make any sense at all if you havent reached the flowchart related to the hints, so even if Dio gave away the bomb code it wont really give the truth that he also planted the bomb, "but he knew about the bomb code so that automatically tells that he is the one that planted it" Zero Sr. Also know about the bomb code so that still give an ambigous conclusion on who actually planted the bomb, could be Myrmidons or Zero Sr./Jr. Understanding the game is imo a matter of perspective, even if it doesnt make sense to some people it's actually make sense to other who started from different point. But if it's a more realistic answer, Dio probably scared and pick the right words against Phi who literally can bash his head to die in just a second, if i were Dio who just accomplished his mission and just need to go home, i'll just play along with Phi and give her what she wanted rather than choosing unecessary argument that can lead to his death.
I also feel like Dio would plant the bombs no matter what. Like he doesn't know if he will actually win Nonary Game until he gets 9 points. Also yeah, I really enjoyed watching those videos but you need to supend some disbelief. The True Ending stuff being annoying for him (although he was probably just overexaggarating) is really just a matter of taking this a little too seriously. Everyone comments on Sigma being old and even though Sigma has that weird eye thing, there are more weird design choices for characters like what is that on Qwark's hat. No one ever comments on character looks too much in most games. Zero Escape series is a series in which a lot of stuff is very stupid but most stuff makes in-canon sense. Plus as you said, it really depends on how you progress through the game. Also, I hope someone told him what happened with developement of ZTD and why it took so much time because it's not that the game was actually being developement through most of that time
I'm very sad that Joe never interacted with mirrors in the escape rooms after his suspicions. VLR does at least establish that all of the reflective surfaces are deliberately gunked up, and when you add in the mecha-arms and the deliberate jumpsuit, it at least doesn't stretch plausibility too much that Sigma just never got a good look at his face. VLR is one of those games where they thought of nearly everything, but they didn't bother talking about it unless you interact with the counterexamples. ... It's pretty much 100% true that Dio is a fucking idiot, though, but I feel like that's intentional, too. :)
@@emperortgp2424 not all types of screen are reflective :p it depends on lighting and material conditions. They may not be gunked up, but they're probably deliberately hard to catch your reflection in.
@@3heads0thoughts However there is the water in the garden. He somehow never looks in the water until the moment of the plot twist. You can even 'look at' the same pond during the 'seek a way out' section of that area.
@@NanaValhalla yeah i mean water isn't a great reflector so i can understand not really seeing yourself in it if it isn't still wish there was a better explanation for it but it is at least slightly better than "Sigma never looks at any mirror anywhere"
You dont actually hear yourself when you talk, its like not seeing your nose even though its there all the time, or were your tongue rests in your mouth. Thats why when you hear a recording of yourself it sounds so different, and why musicias or radio casters wear headphones where they hear themselves.
@@DarthMizaru it's not that you don't hear yourself when you talk, it's that you hear your voice differently than how everyone else does. Everyone hears your voice from their ears, you hear your voice directly from your throat. Your voice on recordings is how you sound to everyone else as now you're hearing through your ears. Sigma really should've heared how much deeper his voice is imo.
These are really good, but I'm disappointed and confused that you left out Joe's scenario story where Sigma's bracelet poisons him for trying to explain the termite story to Phi. That had me struggling to breathe laughing for well over a half hour.
I honestly think that this game has some of the most impressive character personality designs out of anything I've seen because I have never felt as much hatred for a fictional character before as I did whenever Clover immediently walked over and pulled the lever after getting 9 BP on like, 5 separate occasions. Which is increased by her goddamn expression that pops up as a reaction. This game is so good at making you feel strong emotions for characters. That emotion being "I want to punch this piece of crap in the face". Alice and Clover are some of the most hateable characters in any piece of media that I have ever seen. And I haven't even played the game, I've just seen this playthrough of it.
49:47 Man you've packed in enough edits to keep me gigglin'. I put this on every now and then to watch a bite size as we wait for """"July Streams"""" (circa July 23rd).
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this about this game! It has a very interesting set up and gameplay but the ending jumps off the top of the Grand Canyon without a parachute.
i also remeber when i got to the ending years ago. i liked the game for most of it but near the end it just spiraled. i'm especially confused by the people who proclaim this game great and that ZTD is the game that ruined it. everything wrong with ZTD clearly began in this game. and to the people who question if an ending can truely ruin the wholle like that? 1. it's a mystery. ofcourse the payoff means a lot to the overall experience. 2. but even ignoreing that with the ending what is it you're supposed to enjoy? the charecters? Luna and Junpei are like the only throughly enjoyable charecter. Sigma, Phi and K flip flops between intresting and being a drag and Quark is just a waste of space. DIO, Alice and Clover are outright unlikeable. and yes being a sequel setup for ZTD does massively count against the game. being a sequel setup for a game that then proceds to completly undermine the predecesor is just fucking sad. the games desperately wants us to be invested in the charecter dynamics but only the first game managed to actually do that. the split time lines are intresting as all hell but they completly neuter any chance to care about the relationships because they keep getting erased.
@@theguyyouhate I know I'm a year late, but this is exactly what I've been feeling. Only way I think people who played VLR feel more connected to the characters is the fact that the original 999 from the DS had no VAs. VLR was the first game with voicework and it was awhile ago that the remake of 999 came out and kind of showed how badly compared the two of them are. I think it's a bunch of people who are nostalgic over the 2nd game cause it did have a lot of improvement compared to the DS 999. After remake of 999 though, VLR really unravels itself with the outdated visuals and dialogue. That's my take though.
what was the point of making him being old a mystery? it seems like it was just there to have a twist, him being there wondering why he's as old as he is and trying to peel back that mystery would probably have had the same effect
Honestly? Good point. It really annoyed me when I started the game and realized he was not voiced. If I had to make a guess, it'd probably be because putting a younger dude on the cover seemed a lit more appealing than an old guy. Maybe to avoid the Sigma is Zero spoiler, but they could work around that. The old man twist just left me feeling mad after I finished the game. That would be a GREAT twist, though. The scene where he's dying and sees K's face would have been a lot more intriguing as well.
I think a great lesson with nonsense anime writing is if you microdose out the absurd plot points it's easier to absorb all of it. The giant text dumps at the end explaining the characters and their nonsense backstories force you to confront how stupid all of this sounds
part of me wants to watch the DRV3 stream because I almost want to see just how absolutely PISSED he must have gotten over the kaede twist to keep going on about it like this
-.- but if they're supposed to be normal feeling because they all have radical 6 How do people get radical 6 again? Radical 6 that we had a cure for? Double radical 6? This twist doesn't make much sense Otherwise, we never had to fear radical 6 in the first place Edit: wait , are any and all timers also slowed down? Time doesn't change on the moon
Joe using his Sigma grindset to access the Morbogenic field and predict who Phi is as a joke was amazing. Also I'm glad to see someone else who hates Alice as much as i do.
Very amusing stuff, his mental breakdowns are very amusing, and the memes are great. I eagerly await the next breakdowns. I think his opinion of the ending is overblown though. Lets take a look at some of the biggest issues he had with the game. 1. Its totally possible sigma did not look at his reflection even once. Its a dank ass space base with no functioning mirrors (which the game mentions if you click on the mirrors) and the only other place would be the pond in the garden and even then Sigma had to get down on his hands and knees to see. As for his eye, its possible no one wanted to bring it up. Imagine this, its like the first day on a job and your coworker is missing an arm, do you go "hey whats up with the 1 arm thing" on day one or do you wait till ya know the person more? I find that quite possible and not crazy insane. 2. The characters did mention early on that their bodies (which at the time they think is just anesthesia). Perhaps that's a bit easy of an excuse but that would easily explain how they could miss the gravity being off. 3. Something about Dio doing things? Didn't understand that one. He does do different things in different timelines. Why didn't they remove his bombs in the timeline they stop him? To up the danger level of course, which they said increases the power to jump timelines. 4. Yeah its setup for the next game that wrong? Yeah its cheesy trilogy syndrome but its not the worst thing. Regardless....on to ZTD. Rumor has it he likes it more than VLR? Now that's crazy to me.
Can we please take a moment to say farewell to best character. In our darkest hours, in the depths of anime bullshit and despair, Beacoi was our uplifting spirit. You will be remembered, our Beacoi of light.
Beacoi lives on
“Shouldn’t have picked a fight with a paramedic then”
What the actual fuck why is that one of the best comebacks I’ve ever fucking heard
A lot of Uchikoishi games have really good comeback-trading segments, and I will say: They only get better/funnier in stuff like AI: The Somnium Files.
42:30 is the timestamp
@@3heads0thoughts I love that series. *Mizuki best girl*
@@Despair_Bagel iris betta
The comeback would be even better if paramedics, you know, actually went home in an ambulance? And not with their car, bike or legs that they went to their station to at the beginning of their shift?
I love how he went over 20 hours without an ending and without Dio being revealed as the bad guy or at least an asshole
The first ending I got was Dio, I thought it was really funny how he had the exact opposite opinion of him that I did for half the game
Definitely, one of the most frustrating things about this game is how no one does anything to stop anyone else from leaving except for Sigma. It's stupid when these games do things purely to artificially structure the story.
YES! THIS! Idk why he didn't complain about it more (unless he did and that just didn't show up here). Literally no one else gets screwed over as much as we do. Alice literally almost kills us, yet when WE betray without killing anyone, we HAVE to be stopped. Somehow, no one gets serious with anyone but Sigma when anyone has 9 or more BP unless it's someone they can't stop. I guess Sigma should've just pulled a Clover and sprinted to the door as soon as he voted.
@@The_Red_Scare It's indeed insane. It's one thing for something like Clover sprinting to the door to happen, but at least half of the escapes (from memory) feature characters having a brisk chat with everyone as they slowly watch the character leave, yet SIGMA can't even _suggest_ to leave before everyone tackles him to the ground.
@@marchmelloow I genuinely don't understand why they did that. It didn't even have to be written that way. Did they think this was funny and that's why it's like this or did they just not put any thought into how ridiculous it might look when compared to everyone else?
@@The_Red_ScareSigma being kept from escaping was surely done so the player can't see the outside before finding the solar eclipse magazine. But that could've been so easily solved by either a) making the magazine unskippable in every route, or b) simply preventing others from escaping as well, since that wouldn't change the plot whatsoever. Honestly the way it's done feels deliberate, so it is likely the case of the game thinking it's being funny
"phi are you the secret sister" destroyed me
*Laughs in ZTD.*
ZTD implied spoilers ?
I shipped Phi and Sigma cuz their interactions were cute and funny... UNTIL ZTD CAME AND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE
@@Despair_Bagel damn, the ship just crash, broke in (multiple) pieces, and then sink Titanic Style into the Mariana Trench
@@ArchivistMarker speaking of the titanic, did you know that the ti-
@@paximillionmegasus8613 Oh, god, please no.
Sigma is truly one of the protagonists of all time.
P.S. It is truly impressive how much the game makes you hate Alice.
More so than dio XD
He truly is the best protagonist in the history of this game
Weird cause other let's players that played this game & I've watched didn't seem to hate Alice that much
I mean, her way of acting seems to be in line with her " secret agent " brain. Whatever the hell she's involved in is more important that the lives of anyone there (apart from Clover obviously).
@@thatsprettylunchean Which is weird because it seems like Clover immediately books it to the door ASAP regardless of Alice...
“Doesn’t that at least seem like it could be a possibility?” is basically Akane’s mission statement in life.
Hey Walrus I'm just gonna say that we'll kindly remember those 200 frames on 49:42 that you had to rotoscope by hand. They look REALLY good, thanks for putting the effort on the meme
That part killed me it was fantastic
his impression of him is really good too lol
Have you ever seen a Joseph Anderson stream?
They are splendid structures. Some might even call them works of art.
Joe is a natural weeb, and his streams are both structually sound, and make excellent use anime bullshit.
So, is he following some sort of plan as he streams? Are there Anderson scripts, detailing which meme goes where?
No. Of course not.
Each joke is simply an oblivious cog in a tremendous machine, programmed by millions of hours of Joe's weebery.
this is brilliant
So Termites and Jospeh Anderson have a lot in common?
I only discovered Joseph Anderson like two days ago and obsessively binged this multi-hour hightlights. I absolutely need to see his ZTD reaction. As someone who actually did like VLR I think ZTD jumps the shark and then uses the shark to jump the moon. I actually cannot wait.
I went into ZTD with the absolute lowest of expectations and that mindset ended up making it one of my favorite ever gaming experiences
he's currently streaming ztd in his twitch
Joe has tapped into the ultimate power of the morb field.
Holy shit this is exactly me right now
Friendly reminder the director of the series confirmed in a Tweet that Sigma carries 18 inches.
And can shape it into a Sigma, no less
Poor Diana
Thanks for this, people who make highlights of Joe's streams are the life blood of this community!
I just realized that Alice could have been a clone of All Ice. I've played this series twice, 6 years ago. The thought *really* took a long time to come to me, huh?
Cannot believe Joe actually predicted Phi and Brother being siblings at the halfway point of the series
wait was that stated in this video? seems like there was a lot of plot bullshit cut out
@@erickschusterdeoliveira2662 37:40
@@erickschusterdeoliveira2662no, it’s not, it’s a plot point from ZTD.
That moment where jumpy went psycho and waited ' for the balance to shift' was too iconic.
"First, I will tell you about termites." was the line that sent me into a straight up laughing fit 😂
Joe's hate boner for Alice knows no bounds and every time he goes on a rant against her or screws her over I laugh my ass off XD
He hasn’t hated someone this much since himiko
I mean to be fair she deserves it
@@degeneratemale5386Himiko was annoying but she was a just a spoiled brat who put her delusions above important stuff, people like her exist and it's not that bad. Mostly I feel pity for them.
On the other hand Alice is a super turbo bitch. Unbelievably hypocrite and yet she gives scolds to people with a superiority approach both intellectually (as everyone needs to listen to her, trust her and don't ask questions) and morally (she's always right even when she kills, it's always self defense even if you literally murder a person who jumped between timelines to save you and you know it) also her mission has the priority over everyone else including her partner. I really think the lowest point of a character are what defines them and I will always remember her for what she says when she comes back from the illness you just treated just so she can kill you. The fact is she gets away with everything, the game never calls her to face her BS while Dio is rightfully called an asshole right and forth. That could also be a mistake in writing, an overlook as how she acts is much worse than everyone else accidentally as she was supposed to be distrustful like the others and not have just a shit ton of lines making her horrible.
Me and Joe went "Ohhh noo" at the exact same time when he was at the first dice puzzle. Him saying it because of the realization of how hard it would be, and me saying it because of the realization that he was going to try and solve it without having looked at the image of the colors yet.
thanks man. your highlighs is really helpful people like me who wants to watch joe play stupid anime games but have no time.
u are stupid anime game
Actually this game gives you almost all answers on some "stupid" plot details. And its much clever than danganronpa. And yes i get that his streams must have a comedic value, but people might get wrong, biased opinion on this game(which is really good as trilogy).
It was me who bet 250k and lost when Joe absolutely baited us on a bet. I was so sad knowing I'd never get to buy a marble. I really wanted to make the marble Avatar the Last Airbender.
sacrificed for the bit XD
you may rest easy now
tragic 💔 i think joe stated in another stream that he wouldn’t do western cartoons anyway 😭 though im sure you know that by now
@@pinxerata in case you didn't know someone redeemed an airbender marble and joe allowed it
What happened to the whole nominating shows with marbles thing anyway? Is he actually ever gonna watch those shows or is it just a Witcher 3 bit
I think the biggest inconsistency with Sigma not recognizing his appearance would have to be his hair... Even if you don't touch it or see it, you will FEEL long hair against your face, ears and neck, and it will come into view at times, especially when rushing throughout a facility or being knocked to the ground as Sigma has been. It almost feels like they wrote this twist before designing Zero and gave his appearance absolutely no thought
"If you're a robot, why would getting drugged affect you?"
"I was told to pretend to be human."
"So you pretended to be affected by the drugs?"
"No, it was because my batteries ran out."
I can't tell what level of irony this writing operates on.
Also for 3:18:36, as someone from Manchester, correct, I didn't think he had such great geographical knowledge. For the uninitiated, the wacky cult guy in the top hat stabbing people is a pretty common Manchester trope tbh.
Also hilarious looking back on the "Joe, don't be stupid, they're depicting him in a suit as a kid because it would spoil it otherwise." and the plot was so dumb that actually it wasn't just anti-spoiler measures, he is actually like a goldfish and needs to get bigger and bigger tanks to grow properly.
still havent emotionally processesd the last siggyyyyy voice line being skipped
So you’re telling me “MILKEVOLI” actually was “I love Klim” since that’s Sigma’s surname
Ye. + Luna is a clone of sigma dead wife so it makes sense
@@cringekid3993 What the hell?! I thought she was the robot that Sigma gave to K as a mother figure!
@@SeaFR she’s both!
@@diamondaion8534 Oh my god. I don't even care that I was spoiled, that's actually great to know. That also explains the romantic parts in the second game.
Yes. Also the writing on the wall that says Two Milkmen. Reverse it, two Klim men, because Sigma and Kyle are both Klims.
Chunsoft actually made the ending by mistake but there wasn't an eraser so they couldn’t remove it.
What do you mean? You mean the ending with Kyle? That was horrendous but it seemed deliberate also cut content is a thing as well as scrapped one so if they thought this ending was a mistake then why not ereasing it?
@@edwardsuou it’s an eraser joke
@@melvint-p9500 ok sorry, I can understand English very well but it's not my first language so sometimes I just don't get jokes at all and assume people are talking seriously.
@@edwardsuou No worries! It’s hard to get sarcasm across online.
"Tu fui, ego eris."
Amazing timing, I literally found your channel and watched through Part 1 today. Really well edited! Thank you Mr Walrus.
Best line: “Were these two bangin’ do you think?”
2:59:38 *Spoilers for ZTD*
He’s REALLY not gonna like ZTD.
As someone who absolutely loathes ZTD, I can't wait haha
Are there... are there actually any people who like ZTD?
@@totallynotmazgamer2149 I do. I don't think it's OBJECTIVELY good or anything, but I really do enjoy my time with it. It has some strong moments peppered throughout, and it's fun to spend equal time with both 999's & VLR's characters. The "11 months of waiting" sequence actually manages to feel genuinely emotional. And, frankly, i still think ZTD has better puzzles than 999, even if it re-uses the RE4 briefcase puzzle arrangement way too often. That being said, Eric & Mira are two of the worst characters i've ever seen in any story in my life. Anyway, the game's not a complete disaster. It has value.
@@leonkuwata4510 BUT THEN I WOULDN'T MET YOU GUYS!
I finished it 2 weeks ago, it was more fun than not--
"Did it hear me? That I said I was really enjoying it, and it was like 'Holy shit, hold my weeb beer? And here I go?'"
Let's address something, this scene is interesting because it shows how much a person can be horrible beyond belief. The thing is this is unintentional as the game never adress Alice's attitude and even this is treated like a problem of trust. This with her was the last problem of all since there was never a promise or a pact and she already got 6 points by betraying us last time. The game seems to suggest it's a general problem with how it's written "It's not me everyone voted betray, it's all of us" she said and then Sigma is like "yeah the real issue is that there is no anime friendship we gotta build it, let's have an heart to heart with the asshole who screws you and then looks down on you cause she's smart and does the logical thing and always the right thing, who expect every time to be believed no question asked and commands people on what to do".
Not only that Sigma gets screwed up a lot in this game and that is frustrating as hell, you barely have a chance to pick ally when you're not with Luna, trusting people when there's not a reason to not trust them doesn't ever get you anything, barely some information and never an ending. So many characters are hostile and you never get consideration even when you save people. And that's insane to me since the true Phi ending relies on the fact Sigma defused the bombs so people are thankful and team up so he can leave (meaning everyone gets enough points) but it's not the first time Sigma did all the work at all. Heck it's never even the first time Dio was recognized as a treat by everyone.
I think Joe liked a lot of the concepts so he said the games has pleanty of highs but the whole thing barely holds together. I don't appreciate stories on concepts, I like them when story is coherent, has good characters, isn't frustrating to follow and delivers a good payoff and explanations. This clearly isn't the case.
The Dio writing for Dio ending imo is the way the writer made it ambigous that Dio planted the bomb before we actually learned the truth from other timeline, not everyone started from the right side flowchart where there are bombs planted just like me who started from the left side first, so when i reached the bomb timeline it still give a bit of plot shock that Dio is the one who planted it.
If Dio say "What bomb?! I didnt put any bomb!" That would give an implication that Dio planted the bomb before we even know what is the context about if we started from the left side flowchart.
Throughout the gameplay we learned that multiple people gave hints to you that doesnt make any sense at all if you havent reached the flowchart related to the hints, so even if Dio gave away the bomb code it wont really give the truth that he also planted the bomb, "but he knew about the bomb code so that automatically tells that he is the one that planted it" Zero Sr. Also know about the bomb code so that still give an ambigous conclusion on who actually planted the bomb, could be Myrmidons or Zero Sr./Jr.
Understanding the game is imo a matter of perspective, even if it doesnt make sense to some people it's actually make sense to other who started from different point.
But if it's a more realistic answer, Dio probably scared and pick the right words against Phi who literally can bash his head to die in just a second, if i were Dio who just accomplished his mission and just need to go home, i'll just play along with Phi and give her what she wanted rather than choosing unecessary argument that can lead to his death.
I also feel like Dio would plant the bombs no matter what. Like he doesn't know if he will actually win Nonary Game until he gets 9 points.
Also yeah, I really enjoyed watching those videos but you need to supend some disbelief. The True Ending stuff being annoying for him (although he was probably just overexaggarating) is really just a matter of taking this a little too seriously. Everyone comments on Sigma being old and even though Sigma has that weird eye thing, there are more weird design choices for characters like what is that on Qwark's hat. No one ever comments on character looks too much in most games.
Zero Escape series is a series in which a lot of stuff is very stupid but most stuff makes in-canon sense. Plus as you said, it really depends on how you progress through the game.
Also, I hope someone told him what happened with developement of ZTD and why it took so much time because it's not that the game was actually being developement through most of that time
I loved the part where Sigma said "it's morbing time" and morbed all over the placeq
I'm very sad that Joe never interacted with mirrors in the escape rooms after his suspicions. VLR does at least establish that all of the reflective surfaces are deliberately gunked up, and when you add in the mecha-arms and the deliberate jumpsuit, it at least doesn't stretch plausibility too much that Sigma just never got a good look at his face.
VLR is one of those games where they thought of nearly everything, but they didn't bother talking about it unless you interact with the counterexamples.
... It's pretty much 100% true that Dio is a fucking idiot, though, but I feel like that's intentional, too. :)
he didn't even look at his face on even one of the hundreds of screens? or are the screens gunked up too?
@@emperortgp2424 not all types of screen are reflective :p it depends on lighting and material conditions. They may not be gunked up, but they're probably deliberately hard to catch your reflection in.
@@3heads0thoughts However there is the water in the garden. He somehow never looks in the water until the moment of the plot twist. You can even 'look at' the same pond during the 'seek a way out' section of that area.
What about no one mentioning how he has a huge robot eye in his face? How did Sigma not even notice that.
@@NanaValhalla yeah i mean water isn't a great reflector so i can understand not really seeing yourself in it if it isn't still
wish there was a better explanation for it but it is at least slightly better than "Sigma never looks at any mirror anywhere"
God I love how much he hates Alice
Wait… is the only reason sigma didn’t have a voice for most of the game because he would have had an old man voice? … did he not hear himself?
You dont actually hear yourself when you talk, its like not seeing your nose even though its there all the time, or were your tongue rests in your mouth.
Thats why when you hear a recording of yourself it sounds so different, and why musicias or radio casters wear headphones where they hear themselves.
@@DarthMizaru it's not that you don't hear yourself when you talk, it's that you hear your voice differently than how everyone else does. Everyone hears your voice from their ears, you hear your voice directly from your throat. Your voice on recordings is how you sound to everyone else as now you're hearing through your ears.
Sigma really should've heared how much deeper his voice is imo.
These are really good, but I'm disappointed and confused that you left out Joe's scenario story where Sigma's bracelet poisons him for trying to explain the termite story to Phi. That had me struggling to breathe laughing for well over a half hour.
when was that on the stream?
@@sendnoodless right after Sigma finishes watching the hologram of Zero.
what number?
@@fsh3027 stream 11
I honestly think that this game has some of the most impressive character personality designs out of anything I've seen because I have never felt as much hatred for a fictional character before as I did whenever Clover immediently walked over and pulled the lever after getting 9 BP on like, 5 separate occasions. Which is increased by her goddamn expression that pops up as a reaction. This game is so good at making you feel strong emotions for characters. That emotion being "I want to punch this piece of crap in the face". Alice and Clover are some of the most hateable characters in any piece of media that I have ever seen. And I haven't even played the game, I've just seen this playthrough of it.
1:39:44 like one depressed boy once said "I'm so fucked up" or in the Netflix dub..."the lowest of the low".... I can't 😂😂
49:47 Man you've packed in enough edits to keep me gigglin'. I put this on every now and then to watch a bite size as we wait for """"July Streams"""" (circa July 23rd).
every monday this month I’m like “this is gonna be the week joe streams again”
@@nickseel7769 "This time for sure" JOEPIUM
Time for ZTD July on August
Dude thanks so much for this compilation. This was such a joy, and you dedication to even the morb count was fantastic!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this about this game! It has a very interesting set up and gameplay but the ending jumps off the top of the Grand Canyon without a parachute.
i also remeber when i got to the ending years ago. i liked the game for most of it but near the end it just spiraled.
i'm especially confused by the people who proclaim this game great and that ZTD is the game that ruined it. everything wrong with ZTD clearly began in this game.
and to the people who question if an ending can truely ruin the wholle like that? 1. it's a mystery. ofcourse the payoff means a lot to the overall experience. 2. but even ignoreing that with the ending what is it you're supposed to enjoy? the charecters? Luna and Junpei are like the only throughly enjoyable charecter. Sigma, Phi and K flip flops between intresting and being a drag and Quark is just a waste of space. DIO, Alice and Clover are outright unlikeable.
and yes being a sequel setup for ZTD does massively count against the game. being a sequel setup for a game that then proceds to completly undermine the predecesor is just fucking sad.
the games desperately wants us to be invested in the charecter dynamics but only the first game managed to actually do that. the split time lines are intresting as all hell but they completly neuter any chance to care about the relationships because they keep getting erased.
@@theguyyouhate I know I'm a year late, but this is exactly what I've been feeling. Only way I think people who played VLR feel more connected to the characters is the fact that the original 999 from the DS had no VAs. VLR was the first game with voicework and it was awhile ago that the remake of 999 came out and kind of showed how badly compared the two of them are. I think it's a bunch of people who are nostalgic over the 2nd game cause it did have a lot of improvement compared to the DS 999. After remake of 999 though, VLR really unravels itself with the outdated visuals and dialogue. That's my take though.
52:01 _Astoundingly,_ yes!
Quote from a man about to have a bad time: "There's no way the sides matter!"
I've seen one case in the whole of Danganronpa. I am so glad it was the shot putt ball case.
Wait, suicide isn't "murder"???
8:48 "Classic Prisoner's Dilemma, Beth. I'm a cool guy. I can talk it out. But that asshole!?"
37:35 another case of Joe predicting something as a joke and being right lol
what was the point of making him being old a mystery? it seems like it was just there to have a twist, him being there wondering why he's as old as he is and trying to peel back that mystery would probably have had the same effect
Honestly? Good point. It really annoyed me when I started the game and realized he was not voiced. If I had to make a guess, it'd probably be because putting a younger dude on the cover seemed a lit more appealing than an old guy. Maybe to avoid the Sigma is Zero spoiler, but they could work around that. The old man twist just left me feeling mad after I finished the game. That would be a GREAT twist, though. The scene where he's dying and sees K's face would have been a lot more intriguing as well.
I think a great lesson with nonsense anime writing is if you microdose out the absurd plot points it's easier to absorb all of it. The giant text dumps at the end explaining the characters and their nonsense backstories force you to confront how stupid all of this sounds
The triangle puzzle and the darts board were infuriating to watch but the dice rolling is just straight up hilarious
I forgot that morb wasn't an actual term in the game. Who else?
Thanks for making these edits. I started watching the first video and ended up staying up until 3 am watching both while howling with laughter.
Part 2 baby, let's go!
fun fact: 016 means Leon
part of me wants to watch the DRV3 stream because I almost want to see just how absolutely PISSED he must have gotten over the kaede twist to keep going on about it like this
We need to get Joe to play Umineko
Oh how I've waited
Yeah, that ending is crazy stupid. They could've said something like "oh, in the future we build an iron core for the moon" or something.
Thanks, your highlights video comes at a great time, when i don't have anything else to do in my work time
bro i just finished part 1,Thank you!
I kin sigma!
*chops my arms off*
I can't wait till he plays ZTD and loses his mind
you are literally my savior. brilliant work
-.- but if they're supposed to be normal feeling because they all have radical 6
How do people get radical 6 again? Radical 6 that we had a cure for? Double radical 6? This twist doesn't make much sense
Otherwise, we never had to fear radical 6 in the first place
Edit: wait , are any and all timers also slowed down? Time doesn't change on the moon
So did he get spoiled on the tenmyouji twist or what
There’s only 3 characters he could be and the main character being junpei doesn’t make sense given the flashbacks.
18:03 Joe accidentally describes persona 3
49:43 YOU CAN'T DO THAT 🤣🤣🤣
I agree joe, chat is in fact wrong.
3:02:31 he grateful to us, but by the end, he really felt that it nosedive
I hope chat votes for him to play the Ai Somnium games after ZTD since its the same writers 🤭
Is AI Somnium as crazy, dumb, and entertaining as Zero Escape?
@@myyoutubeaccount4167 kinda yeah a little bit more grounded and I do mean a little but honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way
Been looking forward to this!
I decided to fully rewatch the vod of this in 0.25 speed for more immersion until Joe comes back.
Joe using his Sigma grindset to access the Morbogenic field and predict who Phi is as a joke was amazing.
Also I'm glad to see someone else who hates Alice as much as i do.
Alice: "You know, you kind of remind me of my father..."
Me: "In that we're both disappointed in you?"
Joe is wrong they are talking slow but it sounds normal to us because they actually speak faster by a factor of 6x
They can remember all of those numbers in the Alice ending but can't remember GOL-M's product ID?????
thanks so much for your hard work! I love watching these while I draw. Looking forward to ZTD if you’ll also be editing that one!
Now that ztd started I’m so happy
Very amusing stuff, his mental breakdowns are very amusing, and the memes are great. I eagerly await the next breakdowns.
I think his opinion of the ending is overblown though. Lets take a look at some of the biggest issues he had with the game.
1. Its totally possible sigma did not look at his reflection even once. Its a dank ass space base with no functioning mirrors (which the game mentions if you click on the mirrors) and the only other place would be the pond in the garden and even then Sigma had to get down on his hands and knees to see. As for his eye, its possible no one wanted to bring it up. Imagine this, its like the first day on a job and your coworker is missing an arm, do you go "hey whats up with the 1 arm thing" on day one or do you wait till ya know the person more? I find that quite possible and not crazy insane.
2. The characters did mention early on that their bodies (which at the time they think is just anesthesia). Perhaps that's a bit easy of an excuse but that would easily explain how they could miss the gravity being off.
3. Something about Dio doing things? Didn't understand that one. He does do different things in different timelines. Why didn't they remove his bombs in the timeline they stop him? To up the danger level of course, which they said increases the power to jump timelines.
4. Yeah its setup for the next game that wrong? Yeah its cheesy trilogy syndrome but its not the worst thing.
Regardless....on to ZTD. Rumor has it he likes it more than VLR? Now that's crazy to me.
These highlights are great, you should do some for his older streams while we wait for the zero escape game
1:03:16 mikan jumpscare
The plot is so similar to Ever17 but somehow more unhinged.
Edit: Also, Alice is absolutely the Mayuzumi Remember11 of this game.
54:55 HOW does he do it?
the Grung Joe edits were fuckin phenomenal.
I love it!
Imagine using a necklaces as a shirt.
sad to find out that quark's story didnt reveal him to be a ferengi
Anderson has a thing for robot women.
The whole part of 51:00 is amazing
2:53:28 me when wife will not let me piss in the sink
1:02:42 Joe’s laugh here worries me
1:26:30 bro, I'm laughing so hard at Joe reaction
Lol that LPL segment. 49:42
3:24:57 I love his rants on how dumb Dio is 😂😂
1:06:08 Fun times.