@ Som alltids folk som ikke bor i byen som sier dette. Greit å ikke like Oslo, men det er som regel fordi du ikke kjenner byen. Oslo er en fantastisk by.
3 года назад
@@theuniversewithin2065 Kjenner og kjenner, bor en liten times kjøretur nordafor, har jobbet der noen år. Men med det har jeg vel kanskje sett mer av ulempene som køkjøring, dårlig med parkeringer, elendig trafikkmønster m.m. Når man bor der og kan klare seg med kollektiv transport, eller gå fra A til B, slippe å klippe plenen og måke snø... Fordeler og ulemper med det meste, så spørs det bare hvordan man veier de opp mot hverandre :-)
@ Jeg bor midt i byen, på Frogner, og har ikke behov for bil. Kollektivt i Oslo er som regel ypperlig. "Må" man kjøre bil i Oslo, så skjønner jeg at man bli frustrert. Sikkert ikke blitt bedre de siste åra med fjerning av P-plasser og begrensede kjøremønstre i sentrum, men det er til det beste for byen og alle som bor her. Myyyye surmuling fra bilister, spesielt i sentrum, men folk må begynne å skjønne at det ikke er en menneskerett å kjøre bil. 90% av de som kommer til sentrum kommer med kollektivt uansett og jeg håper det bare satses stort på massetransport fremover, istedet for å bygge ut veier som vi faktisk ikke har bruk for! Vedlikeholde dem må vi, men bygger man ut motorveier i alle ender, så tar det aldri slutt. Det er ikke hverken teoretisk eller fysisk mulig å "bygge seg ut" av store trafikale problemer. Bare se på LA i USA for bevis. Det eneste som hjelper er solid satsing på kollektivt. Bortsett fra det er Oslo en fantastisk by å leve i. Har absolutt alt man kan tenke seg og mere til. Hyggelig å bo på mindre steder i Norge også, men jeg har bodd her siden jeg var 12 i 1986 og byen er nærmest totalforvandlet. Om 10år kommer Oslo til å være enda mere "ferdig" og igjen en bedre by å bo i.
Even in NY you don't see so much Tesla, must be nice to live in a rich country! Once again, as an eastern european i didn't see anything wrong, i wish to have this traffic every day instead the usual carmageddon.
These "bad" clips are ridiculously benign compared to the worst of Russia or the US. There are bad drivers everywhere, but driving in Norway is usually a chill experience. But some of the worst offenders are usually Teslas or BMWs. They think they are the king of the roads.
You think everyone is rich in Norway because you see 60 year old economics driving tesla in Oslo. Lol we don't think Russia is 100% corrupt just because there are a lot of Porsche in Moscow
2:50 I used to walk my kid to kindergarten crossing that intersection, going from the tram stop over to the University. Felt like every other day there were some crazy shenanigans with cars going every which way having no regards for other cars, trams or pedestrians. Left turns are illegal there, but nobody seems to care. It was nuts.
Ja jag har sett det på en del platser i oslo faktiskt. Det är rött till höger medan det är grönt för fotgängare. Verkar bara vara i de större/hårt trafikerade korsningarna
Ja tanken är ju bra, det blir en extra säkerhetsåtgärd för fotgängare. Men kan tycka att det är lite irriterande ibland, ofta står man och väntar utan att det går någon på övergångstället ändå
Kom till Oslo som Svensk som alltid höll tiden, följde reglerna till punkt o pricka. Lämnade Oslo och Norge några år senare laidback och tog allting med ro. Ingen idé att stressa när man dyker ner i den bensinstationen :-)
Dina videor är alltid bra oavsett vilken världsdel dom är inspelade i så tack för en ny bra video. I vissa klipp i denna video verkar det vara djungelns lag (Norges lag) som råder.. Många bilar i näst sista klippet...Extra billig bensin kanske?.
2:33 Thought you're supposed to use the outer lane in a roundabout when going straight forward. He probably assumed the Tesla was going around (or left), and wanted to enter in the outmost lane. Poor placement by the Tesla and you (cutting accross the roundabout), but he should have waited to be clear you weren't exiting
I think it is a one lane roudabout as well since there is only one lane entering and exiting from all directions (with an extra wide lane for cars to pass if there is a queue exiting). I should have been placed more to the right anyways, agree on that. Howerver, I indicated right well in advance so that shouldnt have been an issue anyways, but it did look like a honest mistake from the tesla
@@DashcamStockholm Yeah I agree with you. Mistakes and misunderstandings can happen in traffic. Looked like an honest mistake from that car's perspective. But yeah, I dislike when cars just cut accross roundabouts in the first place. Clear placement in addition to indicating just helps give a less confusing traffic picture for others cars to read
That gas station / mcdonald's layout is indeed horrible. Technically there's a lane for Mcdonald's queue that is parallel to the building but there aren't any signs telling you about it if you arrive from where you did. And even if there were there isn't any good way to get there. And the exit from the parking is constantly blocked by other cars because of it.
Yes it took me a while until i realised that the queue should line up from the other side. Only a few small arrows on the ground. It pretty much only works for cars coming directly from ring 3, would be even more chaotic if everyone coming from the other direction had to turn around!
In before all the "Not all drivers in Oslo are bad" and "Your driving's not perfect, stop pretending it is" comments. We all suck compared to Petter Solberg and Andreas Mikkelsen. So suck it, and embrace the fact that your driving skill is below average. You probably still use your right foot to brake, pfft.
One thing is driving like Petter Solberg and Andreas Mikkelsen, another one is common sense and just simple awareness. But im no Petter Solberg nor Andreas Mikkelsen so what do i know ;pPpPp
@@datguyyy I'm just being an asshat to the asshats that usually fester on these kinds of videos. If you're an average driver and don't try to kill me on the road, I'm good. Unless you drive a "bobil", no words can describe my hate for these monstrosities. Statens Vegvesen unfortunately don't see them as a threat to national security just yet.
@@MegaEssin jup I noticed straight after I commented, the sarcasm went over my head.. 🙃 But on the other side Im soon to be a Petter Solberg driving an bobil mate, so watch out.
Looks like heaven to me. On german roads the people are way less polite😂muvh aggression and little symphatie for others lol / Guess we are germans after all
Well, try to imagine being norwegian and drive at the same time.. The country with the most sold Teslas per capita. You know why? They're being told those Teslas could soon drive by itself. True fact!
Lastbilen hade ju lite intressant kopplad blinkers i alla fall, blinkar vänster baktill, men höger framtill 🤣
Det beste med Oslo er å kunne reise hjem derfra etter hvert besøk :-)
Hvorfor besøke i det hele tatt 🤷♂️?
@@danielsolberg1638 Veldig godt spørsmål! Blir ikke mer enn et par ganger i året, men av og til kommer man ikke utenom...
@ Som alltids folk som ikke bor i byen som sier dette. Greit å ikke like Oslo, men det er som regel fordi du ikke kjenner byen. Oslo er en fantastisk by.
@@theuniversewithin2065 Kjenner og kjenner, bor en liten times kjøretur nordafor, har jobbet der noen år. Men med det har jeg vel kanskje sett mer av ulempene som køkjøring, dårlig med parkeringer, elendig trafikkmønster m.m. Når man bor der og kan klare seg med kollektiv transport, eller gå fra A til B, slippe å klippe plenen og måke snø...
Fordeler og ulemper med det meste, så spørs det bare hvordan man veier de opp mot hverandre :-)
@ Jeg bor midt i byen, på Frogner, og har ikke behov for bil. Kollektivt i Oslo er som regel ypperlig. "Må" man kjøre bil i Oslo, så skjønner jeg at man bli frustrert. Sikkert ikke blitt bedre de siste åra med fjerning av P-plasser og begrensede kjøremønstre i sentrum, men det er til det beste for byen og alle som bor her. Myyyye surmuling fra bilister, spesielt i sentrum, men folk må begynne å skjønne at det ikke er en menneskerett å kjøre bil. 90% av de som kommer til sentrum kommer med kollektivt uansett og jeg håper det bare satses stort på massetransport fremover, istedet for å bygge ut veier som vi faktisk ikke har bruk for! Vedlikeholde dem må vi, men bygger man ut motorveier i alle ender, så tar det aldri slutt. Det er ikke hverken teoretisk eller fysisk mulig å "bygge seg ut" av store trafikale problemer. Bare se på LA i USA for bevis. Det eneste som hjelper er solid satsing på kollektivt.
Bortsett fra det er Oslo en fantastisk by å leve i. Har absolutt alt man kan tenke seg og mere til. Hyggelig å bo på mindre steder i Norge også, men jeg har bodd her siden jeg var 12 i 1986 og byen er nærmest totalforvandlet. Om 10år kommer Oslo til å være enda mere "ferdig" og igjen en bedre by å bo i.
Even in NY you don't see so much Tesla, must be nice to live in a rich country! Once again, as an eastern european i didn't see anything wrong, i wish to have this traffic every day instead the usual carmageddon.
Its partly beacuse of all benfits you get from buying an ev in Norway
@@kimlind1127 so much money from selling oil has to go somewhere...
These "bad" clips are ridiculously benign compared to the worst of Russia or the US. There are bad drivers everywhere, but driving in Norway is usually a chill experience. But some of the worst offenders are usually Teslas or BMWs. They think they are the king of the roads.
You think everyone is rich in Norway because you see 60 year old economics driving tesla in Oslo. Lol we don't think Russia is 100% corrupt just because there are a lot of Porsche in Moscow
@@valskraacapo720 well there is a large amounts of teslas over norway, not just in oslo
The last sunset clip was from E18 near my home place in Tønsberg ☺️ Nice video ☺️
The McDonalds and gas station fiasco is just bad planning. sheesh!!!
That gas station at 7:30 was funny 😁
2:50 I used to walk my kid to kindergarten crossing that intersection, going from the tram stop over to the University. Felt like every other day there were some crazy shenanigans with cars going every which way having no regards for other cars, trams or pedestrians. Left turns are illegal there, but nobody seems to care. It was nuts.
02:35 that dirty Tesla tho XD XD
Hey I'm a star! Its me in the red car at 5:45. Luckily I dont think I did anythin stupid :)
Nice! Not often someone see them selves in a video!
6:55 Norsk sak? Grönt rakt fram men höger rött?
Ja jag har sett det på en del platser i oslo faktiskt. Det är rött till höger medan det är grönt för fotgängare. Verkar bara vara i de större/hårt trafikerade korsningarna
@@DashcamStockholm Kanske är bra! Vad tycker du, som lever med det?
Ja tanken är ju bra, det blir en extra säkerhetsåtgärd för fotgängare. Men kan tycka att det är lite irriterande ibland, ofta står man och väntar utan att det går någon på övergångstället ändå
Wish we had that bad drivers like these in my country.
Respect from HU.
Ser ut som ett U-land med Teslor, mycket lustigt.
1:02 Sørlandsporten / Vinterkjær
1:05 Måste vara ett jordfel eller liknande då en blinkar höger där framme :)
Mulig feil koblet, men kan være jord også
0:42 jasså ?! Är inte förvånad...... :D
6:46 där ser man vilka folk använder speglarna :D
Bra video ;)
Bad drivers of vestkanten basically
Bra video som vanligt!
The same situation here in Pune, India. Even worist, we are used to it.
Kom till Oslo som Svensk som alltid höll tiden, följde reglerna till punkt o pricka. Lämnade Oslo och Norge några år senare laidback och tog allting med ro. Ingen idé att stressa när man dyker ner i den bensinstationen :-)
Ja den bensinstationen ska man verkligen inte vara stressad vid iaf 😂
So much Teslas!!
It's normal in Norway.. more and more people are getting electrical cars now days.
Dina videor är alltid bra oavsett vilken världsdel dom är inspelade i så tack för en ny bra video.
I vissa klipp i denna video verkar det vara djungelns lag (Norges lag) som råder..
Många bilar i näst sista klippet...Extra billig bensin kanske?.
Kul att höra! Det har varit väldigt många bilar där alla gånger jag har varit där så det verkar vara en generellt kaotisk plats!
Oslos lov 😉
Ikke tro at dette er representativt for hele Norge
Snilt å slippe frem den første Peugeoten på 0:32, men han hadde ikke lov å krysse den heltrukne linjen
Most of the clips I will not call it "Bad" drivers, but good call to make the traffic smooth.
what took so long for a new video!!!
Vilket kaos vid macken 😂
2:33 Thought you're supposed to use the outer lane in a roundabout when going straight forward. He probably assumed the Tesla was going around (or left), and wanted to enter in the outmost lane. Poor placement by the Tesla and you (cutting accross the roundabout), but he should have waited to be clear you weren't exiting
It looks like a single-lane roundabout to me...
@@nikolatesla9255 very big single-lane then? It is two-lanes for sure, it is just missing the road-markings.
@@nikolatesla9255 Nah that's a two lane roundabout. Plenty of these in Norway, they don't have to be marked as such
I think it is a one lane roudabout as well since there is only one lane entering and exiting from all directions (with an extra wide lane for cars to pass if there is a queue exiting). I should have been placed more to the right anyways, agree on that. Howerver, I indicated right well in advance so that shouldnt have been an issue anyways, but it did look like a honest mistake from the tesla
@@DashcamStockholm Yeah I agree with you. Mistakes and misunderstandings can happen in traffic. Looked like an honest mistake from that car's perspective. But yeah, I dislike when cars just cut accross roundabouts in the first place. Clear placement in addition to indicating just helps give a less confusing traffic picture for others cars to read
That gas station / mcdonald's layout is indeed horrible. Technically there's a lane for Mcdonald's queue that is parallel to the building but there aren't any signs telling you about it if you arrive from where you did. And even if there were there isn't any good way to get there. And the exit from the parking is constantly blocked by other cars because of it.
Yes it took me a while until i realised that the queue should line up from the other side. Only a few small arrows on the ground. It pretty much only works for cars coming directly from ring 3, would be even more chaotic if everyone coming from the other direction had to turn around!
- vad gör du i Oslo? :3
Bad drivers of Oslo. Var ska man börja...
You barely see a tesla in sweden lol
Många Tesla.. Like it! :)
Bra video.. Tackar!
Velkommen til Norge😂👌🏻🇳🇴 Landet med mest solgte Teslaer per innbygger👀
@@Sander00 Jo, jag vet. Bara den här pandemin går över, så kommer jag över med min. ;)
In before all the "Not all drivers in Oslo are bad" and "Your driving's not perfect, stop pretending it is" comments.
We all suck compared to Petter Solberg and Andreas Mikkelsen. So suck it, and embrace the fact that your driving skill is below average.
You probably still use your right foot to brake, pfft.
One thing is driving like Petter Solberg and Andreas Mikkelsen, another one is common sense and just simple awareness. But im no Petter Solberg nor Andreas Mikkelsen so what do i know ;pPpPp
They usually start rolling in after a few days hehe. Thats very true, not many that can even be compared on that level 😁
@@datguyyy I'm just being an asshat to the asshats that usually fester on these kinds of videos. If you're an average driver and don't try to kill me on the road, I'm good. Unless you drive a "bobil", no words can describe my hate for these monstrosities.
Statens Vegvesen unfortunately don't see them as a threat to national security just yet.
@@MegaEssin jup I noticed straight after I commented, the sarcasm went over my head.. 🙃 But on the other side Im soon to be a Petter Solberg driving an bobil mate, so watch out.
@@datguyyy hahaha, yeah right, a motorcyclist setting foot in one, out of their own free will, ain't happening ;)
Looks like heaven to me. On german roads the people are way less polite😂muvh aggression and little symphatie for others lol / Guess we are germans after all
Well, try to imagine being norwegian and drive at the same time..
The country with the most sold Teslas per capita. You know why? They're being told those Teslas could soon drive by itself. True fact!
These bad drivers are sweden? and ...try to drive in eastern EU.. like Romania Hungary Slovakia Poland...etc you will learn what is "bad drivers" :D
What a boring looking city
Oslo is a nice city, great mountain views, rivers and the oslofjord 😉 but not as nice as stockholm of course 😁
You don't see the nice parts from a car.
If you are looking for a film for tourists in Oslo, you are looking at wrong film. Stupid comment😅