looking forward to your vid about villager pathing after building a TC or mine lumber mill! 1. what spots they go to. 2. which res they prefer and when.
Portuguese is a naval civilization. Feitorias are good in maps where resources run out. Water maps run out of resources very fast. Feitoria is just another naval bonus.
More thoughts on Feitoria: - Going fast Imp and building multiple Feitorias to get a short economy lead (since enemy is bound by TC worktime while you build mutliple Feotorias at once)? - Savings on Conversion/Camps. You don't need 60 wood a farm nor wood for Lumber/Mining camps. - Might be especially useful on a drawn out Islands games in which res (especially wood) are much more scarce and more important for unit creation.
The Viper aka the best player in the world have been experimenting with a tactic quite similar to what you described but on arena. It actually turned out to be viable.
I was kindof hoping SoTL would've calculate if it worth setting up feitorias for 1800 + 500 resource / instance (+ houses), relatively fast, compared to the 400 resource + creation time + camp / farmcost + extra tc cost, if then how you transition back to making vills after you reach the pop limit, now deleting feitorias also you still need like 8-10 vills or more on farm, if you want upgrades, for arbalesters and chemistry, and at least 2 on building houses the others can handle the mining / making feitorias
That's one thing that SotL kind of overlooked in this video. Sure, selling all of your wood might produce more gold than the Feitoria, but now you're out of wood. With the Feitoria, you retain all your wood for the cost of a little less gold, but this is especially important (as you say) when wood runs out. Thinking of the islands game between Viper and Hera when the wood ran out, and wood become more valuable than gold in that situation.
Yea. I'm thinking that's the main draw of it as well. In high Elo it's not a problem. But Micro is often a problem in low Elo. So more Micro on military and less at home sound good right?
Not really. Can't see many situations where I was so confident the game would go on that I'd invest 250 stone without expecting it to pay for itself for 13 minutes...
after playing with them for a bit id say they are okayish on closed maps like black forest where games are usually above 1:30hours, but they are really really good an shit like team islands, they are worthless on any open map
3:35 Look at that villager boi (inferior left corner) trying to chop wood at the very Lumber Camp ! The cutest thing is that he looks quite determined and good-natured while doing so.
@@AviSandy Ah, so Chinese-Indian was not too far off. :D Nice. I will check it out. I am German myself so maybe I will learn something about us. Hopefully that you like it here. Stay safe though!
Another alternative idea to use the Feitoria, is in team games, where you got team mates who are have really good eco bonuses when harvesting Stone, and Gold, such as Poles, who generate gold along side stone, so letting your teammate harvest the stone instead of you, would be beneficial for the entire team goal, and you can build the Feitoria and sling resources for eternity to push your entire team further faster when the resources are gone.
Hi SotL, love your vids, and I love the Feitoria. I was very excited to see this on my timeline. While you did mention it, I think you didn’t give enough precedence to how quickly one can boom with Feitorias. It really is one of their best selling points. If you go fast imperial and slap down 3 or 4 feitorias, your eco will be capped out SUBSTANTIALLY faster than an opponent who does castle age with 2 or sometimes even 3 TCs. The time it takes to build 1 building is substantially less than that of 20 vills. Also, the intrinsic scarcity of resources on water maps combined with the Portuguese unique Elite Caravel makes them formidable. On maps where even wood runs out relatively early, me and my six feitorias and elite caravels will have no trouble overrunning opponents. I love your vids and I’m glad to see the Feitoria getting attention, but I feel it’s a bit better than you gave it credit for. Hope this insight is helpful, and I highly recommend Feitoria rushing against AI on island maps... it’s a whole lot of fun.
This is only a game we all love but damn... Spirit of the Law you're such a master of strategic and economic thinking! Hope you work in that sector too. You would do a damn good job sir!
I think this information is incomplete as it does not include the added costs of making villagers, farms, mills, lumber camps, mining camps and all their associated upgrades; if we say in an average game that 5 Feitoria's replace 100 villagers, 100 farms, 6 mills, 6 lumber camps, 6 mining camps, and all their upgrades, that's a savings of 8,760 wood, 7,075 Food, and 1:40 of build time at a town center, at a cost of 1,250 gold, and 1,250 stone.
Very true, 1) save resources to build extra TC 2) much faster way to produce villagers (go up to 120 villager in 5 minutes) 3) no fear for harassment(either full blow attack or u can defend very well)
This is something I was curious about- how long does the edge from fast imp into Fetorias take before a regular 3TC build overshoots it? I'm a little fuzzy on the standard times and production rates for all of these, but dropping a couple of fetorias early on seems like it would be a lot faster to start up than 3TCs into vil production, even though it isn't the best long term investment. Then it would be a weird corner case where the food/wood economy is being fueled by the fetoria instead of the late-game emphasis on gold and stone, just based on how quickly it can get started up.
@@ericprather4257 Not exactly your question as that's a bit harder to work out but I did the maths on constructing a Feitoria with a single vill at the start of imp vs queueing vills from one TC. Even with just one builder, there's a window from the 3-6 minute mark where your Feitoria has produced more resources. If you commit 4 vills onto the Feitoria then the window where it's produced more resources than queueing up vills goes from 1 to 9 minutes after hitting Imp. Accounting for the time taken to build TC's in the Castle age, that basically gives an 8 minute window where fast Imp into Feitoria is better than a 3 TC boom in terms of raw resources collected, perhaps even a minute or two longer if you still make some extra vills alongside the Feitoria.
I wanna touch on the point of speed of (re)booming. This might be the best reason how the feitoria can be used in (high level) competitive play. While most civilizations will opt for reaching castle age quickly to build additional TC's to speed up the rate at which they can produce villagers, the portuguese can go for a fast imperial age to build feitorias. When performed correctly, the player can reach imperial age around 22 minutes and drop 1 or two fietorias immediately, while making houses to cover the hefty population cost. Eventhough the investment is significant and the efficiency of resource income isn't the greatest, it is a tactic that gives a significant spike in economic boom upon reaching the imperial age. With this spike of economic income around the 25th minute, plus the advantage of being in imperial age while your enemy is still in castle age, slowly building towards their conomic boom by increasing their villager number gradually, the portuguese have a window of opportunity to put pressure. The awkward part is when the initial pressure doesn't work out for the portuguese player. When both players are approaching the pop limit (of 200 villagers) the portuguese will notice that their economy which is based primarily on feitorias will not provide enough resources to sustain an army that is able to combat against the army of the opponent. The portuguese player now has to decide if he wants to delete the feitorias to open pop space for the more efficient villagers. On the other hand, there is the very longterm benefit of having feitorias. Do you delete the feitorias in order to redistribute your economy after your initial fast imperial age play, with the consequence that the initial investment has never been returned, and the population has to be refilled by investing another couple of hundred food into new villagers, or do you try to hold on with inferiour army numbers hoping to reach that point where your feitoria is generating resources that otherwise are difficult to obtain (gold, stone, and in rare cases wood)? Personally I tend toward a fast imperial age with a couple of feitorias, then delete those for popspace for the more efficient villagers, and then in very lategame make new feitorias. However, as you can see there is a major issue here, and that is that investing into feitorias at the time you need them most, the cost of 250g and 250s is rather unfortunate. In the end I must draw the conclusion that the feitoria currently is only useful in 2 situations: 1) you go for a fast imperial age play, and you kill your opponent before you reach the pop-cap of 200 population 2) on a map with a lack of resources, you start the game normally. In the case it ever gets to the point that resources become extremely limited, you invest into feitorias and you win the attrition war. option 1 only works on a few maps like Arena. option 2 only on very specific custom maps (like forest nothing!) or on maps where you are more likely to run out of wood (like islands)
jocaguz18 Literally literally has a secondary meaning of figuratively. Not that dictionaries necessarily decide definitions, but it is a tracking of definitions. And the dictionaries say literally has a secondary definition more akin to figuratively, because people say it. Get over it.
Lee Blake No. At the rate language changes you’ll lose, like every person who worshiped the established literary rules before you. Language isn’t sacred. It’s only purpose is to communicate. If it’s function is no longer suited by what they teach you in textbooks, it is the textbooks that change. Artificially maintaining a language happens. Latin for example. And they are helpful for naming. But they do not keep up with people and how they communicate.
I have been practicing fast imperial + feitoria boom in arena/fortress. It works surprisingly well, you don't need to be Viper to do it. A feitoria produces like 9 villagers, so it allows to catch up to an enemy that was booming while applying immediate pressure with gunpowder. Even though you get close to 200 pop fast, the enemy tends to stay below 100 so it doesn't even matter. You also save all the farm upgrades because the feitorias produce so much food.
Great thing about feitoria is that it doesnt open holes into your base, unlike lumberjacks. Also, it makes it harder for your opponent to deny you resources by keeping you trapped in your base.
You indirectly touched on this, but I think the best use of the Feitoria is the way Viper has used it. A way to insta-boost your eco when going fast Imp. It gives you a better chance of delivering that knockout punch quickly.
What you forgot to factor in your calculation is that feitoria can be build fast enough by 2-3 villagers while producing 20 villagers takes considerably more time, especially if you rush imperial age and want to attack fast with cannons etc.
Another advantage of feitorias is that they don't need education. If you do a super fast imperial instead of upgrading your villies (farms, lumberjack, gold, stone and town center upgrades) you can just build feitorias and they still give you the same amount of resources. What pays itself faster? 1 town center and 20 villagers (with upgrades) or a feitoria? What takes more time? Building a feitoria or a town center with 20 villagers? Also, you use "ideal values" from low population management, but its a lot harder to get those values with 80 population while you are managing military units. Comparing the exact values from a Imperial feitoria to the ideal post imperial villagers is unfair! Finally: I love you and all your videos 😍
TheViper's videos show you can quickly get to imperial age and build 4-5 Fetoria while your opponent is trying to boom with 3 town centers. It takes time to get 10 villagers out of a town center, and a Fetoria is built much faster. It basically offers a strong early imperial age push.
Someone else also pointed out on AoEZone that if you go mostly feitoria for your economy you can save on getting all the wood, gold, food, and stone eco upgrades. You also dont have the cost of building additional TC's if you wanted to go 1 TC and then drop feitorias.
Sotl please give us a breakdown of the choices players have to make in the feudal, 10-20 minutes of the game is super impactful and everyone just fastcastles. . .
People like to forget that just like how the Feitoria costs 250 gold and stone, 20 villagers would cost 1000 food and take 500 seconds (8 min 20 sec) to create-longer than the 120 seconds to build a Feitoria, which can be further sped up by using more villagers to build (though obviously you'd lose some resource gathering time). Also, population efficiency only matters when you're already at 200 pop, which means what SotL mentioned at 7:35 can also apply if you for example rush to the imperial age. It doesn't have to be that you're rebooming.
If you are ever in a free diplo game with a vasal to sling you as porto, create feitoria let him convert them and then let him sling you the res. You keep your vasal under controll as he cant create any units and you gain infinite res... untill he betrays you that is ;)
The main place I see this being useful is, like, late game team islands, where cutting down all (or nearly all) the wood on the map is completely feasible after “only” an hour or two and market costs can spiral so out of control that even gold from trading becomes impractical.
When it comes to reboom quickly, feitorias actually help a lot in some stategies like fast Imperial with one tc: you go up, buil a couple of feitorias, and you can allow to make arbalest, hand cannoneers or bbc probably faster then going for a traditional fast imp.
I'd also like to see a theoretical analysis of feitoria usage that takes into account that you're essentially "building" the equivalent of 8-10 villagers instantly (or as long as it takes to build). I have to imagine that there can be a decent length of time where a person going fast Imp could actually have effectively more eco 'units' than someone doing a standard fast castle boom, especially considering the feitoria doesn't cost food so you could simultaneously create vils. Having seen games with them recently it just SEEMS like there are more disposable resources available for the portugese player for a good 10 minutes after they hit imp and build 1-2 feitorias.
i think teamgames with lose teams would be hella cool for that, build feitoria, have your friend unally you and convert it and push him to like 400+ pop and make him an Eco monster :D
The biggest thing I find with the Feitoria is you can use it when everyone else is stuck marketing wood for gold and stone in the post-imperial. The gold is especially useful as it comes out in almost the precise ratio for Champions.
They should make it so that you can send villagers to work in the feitoria, with the feitoria's production speed being dependent on how many villagers are working in it, instead of it automatically taking 20 pop space
Never underestimate conveniance in games like this!!!! Being abe to focus your attention elsewhere means you will be better in that other thing you focus on.
The feitoria is interesting for the unique economic building of the portuguese. after getting nerfed a lot, it finally got a buff in what resources it can provide. The food increase is good enough to enable you to not need as much farming in restricted space scenarios.
Its gonna be very useful on islands. Remember there's a game between Hera and Viper, it turns into 3 galleons vs 3 galleons and all farms exhaust and trees are gone. They have to wait the relic gold to buy wood and make galleons.
Hi Spirit. It would've been interesting to throw in some timings for standard maps where natural resources become thin where it would be nice to switch to Feitorias. But otherwise thanks for allthe content.
2:54 You forgot to factor in the Saracens in the first half of the video, when you discussed trading in food/wood for stone/gold as they can push the market trade cost to a mere 5% with their civ bonus.
Feitorias could give a power spike in early imperial after a fast imp with 40 vils and 5 feitorias. Then you have the equivalent of ~90 vils two minutes after reaching imp. This might be faster than a regular boom with 3-4 tcs. Of course you only have 40 pop left instead of 110, but 40 might be enough for expensive gunpowder units.
It would be cool to see this thing useful but it would need a massive buff. I would be cool to see this replacing the castle but with all the castle features included(arrows, unique units and techs etc)
it'a interesting to think about the difference in cost between 20 villagers/cats and the building. If all resources were equal, the fedaria would cost like a half the cost of 1000 food for villagers, while 1000 wood and 2000 gold for carts is 6 times more expensive. They also consume different times. With Villagers consuming 25 TC seconds, trade carts 51 market seconds, and just 120 villager seconds for the fedaria. I say just, because a new town center cost 150 villager seconds, which means that villagers are a lot harder to explode from
Would've loved to see how much wood/food from the vills is left after selling it to match the gold/stone what the feitoria produces. And also compare the time it take for the vills to pay for themselves compared to the feitoria.
Another advantage is that you can justify to fast imp and have at least a decent economy behind it once you build 4-5 feitorias. You can have like 5 feitorias and 40 vills to balance your ressources. You will have tech advantage and feitoria just costs 500 ressources while 20 vills cost 1000 ressources. So you can spike very early with a very early imperial age behind it. Being pop capped at 30mins and in imp.
I think you missed the biggest advantage of the Feitoria, which is the build time and resource cost. 10 vils take significantly longer to make (250s) than 1 feitoria being built by a single villager (120s), and you can build them with multiple villagers. It's a significant advantage in a fast imp scenario, where the fast imp player is probably far behind in villagers. Getting feitorias up quickly after hitting imp makes your economy closer to the opponents, which is a big deal when you're an age up on them. The lack of a wood/food cost means you can skip some farming and use that excess wood for production buildings and units, which makes for a much smoother economic transition. Setting up 30 farms costs 1800 wood + 600 food. 4 feitorias costs 1000 gold/stone, which is less total resources, and resources that your military, upgrades, and production buildings aren't competing for as much.
The food income for feitorias is also pretty significant in a fast imp. Viper was making only wood & gold units, and he had enough food to always have vills queued up, and even could sustain 2TC boom. Obviously, long term, feitorias aren't worth it if you can't win fast enough(just like any fast imp strat). But it gives a pretty big short term eco boost for low eco strats.
The case of getting fast eco up isn't so small. You can build a strategy around going fast imp, not building eco, then catching up in eco by 1) adding feitoria and 2) attacking/raiding with imp units vs their castle age units.
Man I wish feitoria wasn't a unique building. Or at least there was an easy option to add them through the scenario editor. I just want it as an option for my super siegeless maps (I make these maps where the siege and ships are removed so you have to use normal units to get through all the fortifications. They're really interesting fights about having to find ways to reach the trade lines and sneak units around)
Correction: the chart at 1:22 should look like this imgur.com/a/oiEmvOt
"fight" "ore" "ree" "uh" ;-)
looking forward to your vid about villager pathing after building a TC or mine lumber mill!
1. what spots they go to.
2. which res they prefer and when.
crunched some numbers and found this: ruclips.net/video/dQw4w9WgXcQ/видео.html
me still playing hd edition cause basically feel the same
@@sillywet4785 ah yes, that's very helpful thanks
I feel like Sprit of the Law has a masters degree in age of empires
But only in theoretical age of empires.
Its not like he has the degree, he has made the science and hes teaching us and maybe gives degree to us
@@laurivaisanen6918 Well, it would be a stretch to really call it science but otherwise I agree.
I think he’s studying math. Plus his videos are more educational than some of my college classes
Viper is a full professor ( having done his PhD and Post doc) in Experimental AOE
Portuguese is a naval civilization. Feitorias are good in maps where resources run out. Water maps run out of resources very fast.
Feitoria is just another naval bonus.
Not at all. Can be very powerful in land maps like Arena too with the Fast Imp strat.
There's an additional issue. Buildings can be destroyed very easily when you play islands
@@ctrianad Unless you invest in cannon towers.
I think one way to improve it would be to allow you to build it in castle age but with reduced productivity until you hit imperial age.
Feitoria is great on water maps where wood run out quiet fast ... just defend and win with feitoria wood ;)
It is Roma Invicta. NP, always glad to help. :)
Also quite fitting as a the Portuguese is a water civ.
Genius here
"Just defend"
This, combined with elite caravels, makes the Portuguese my absolute favourite water civ.
More thoughts on Feitoria:
- Going fast Imp and building multiple Feitorias to get a short economy lead (since enemy is bound by TC worktime while you build mutliple Feotorias at once)?
- Savings on Conversion/Camps. You don't need 60 wood a farm nor wood for Lumber/Mining camps.
- Might be especially useful on a drawn out Islands games in which res (especially wood) are much more scarce and more important for unit creation.
I think the wood income is particularly interesting, and makes Feitorias quite valuable on water maps
The Viper aka the best player in the world have been experimenting with a tactic quite similar to what you described but on arena. It actually turned out to be viable.
I was kindof hoping SoTL would've calculate if it worth setting up feitorias for 1800 + 500 resource / instance (+ houses), relatively fast, compared to the 400 resource + creation time + camp / farmcost + extra tc cost, if then how you transition back to making vills after you reach the pop limit, now deleting feitorias
also you still need like 8-10 vills or more on farm, if you want upgrades, for arbalesters and chemistry, and at least 2 on building houses the others can handle the mining / making feitorias
Also the cost of eco upgrades maybe
That's one thing that SotL kind of overlooked in this video. Sure, selling all of your wood might produce more gold than the Feitoria, but now you're out of wood. With the Feitoria, you retain all your wood for the cost of a little less gold, but this is especially important (as you say) when wood runs out. Thinking of the islands game between Viper and Hera when the wood ran out, and wood become more valuable than gold in that situation.
As a noob I like the feitoria because it means I have to micro less. I also think it's fun to have technically infinite resources, although slow.
Yea. I'm thinking that's the main draw of it as well. In high Elo it's not a problem. But Micro is often a problem in low Elo. So more Micro on military and less at home sound good right?
The main advantage of the Feitoria is that it reduces the spread of coronavirus due to lack of villagers to spread the disease.
Fun fact: it actually generates 0.41 coughs worth of coronavirus per minute.
I love how the "Goth Game Plan" is even more accurate with the recent changes
Do we need an updated and improved Goths overview? I think we do :3
I'm so glad they fixed these. It finally gives the Portuguese an edge that they were originally lacking.
Not really. Can't see many situations where I was so confident the game would go on that I'd invest 250 stone without expecting it to pay for itself for 13 minutes...
@@m136dalie you could sell all other res to get that stone much faster, would have been interesting to know how much time that was.
after playing with them for a bit id say they are okayish on closed maps like black forest where games are usually above 1:30hours, but they are really really good an shit like team islands, they are worthless on any open map
Ahhh, i came when you ACTUALLY said "Fey-too-Rhe-a" ... As a Portuguese, THANK YOU Spirit!
honestly, his voice is enough to finish me off, soooo.
...thank you, Spirit? :D
3:35 Look at that villager boi (inferior left corner) trying to chop wood at the very Lumber Camp !
The cutest thing is that he looks quite determined and good-natured while doing so.
He a little confused but he got the spirit.
Maybe he is making logs of already collected wood
Thx for putting the intro back in your latest videos 💚
Back and in HD!
Your videos take me back to Childhood :) Those days of playing crazy Age of Empires..Thank you man !!
Curious name. What do you mean by ChIndian? Chinese-Indian? Swiss-Indian?
So True
@@f.c.laukhard3623 No actually I am from India and married to a Chinese. We live in Germany and have a RUclips channel thus the name :)
@@AviSandy Ah, so Chinese-Indian was not too far off. :D Nice. I will check it out. I am German myself so maybe I will learn something about us. Hopefully that you like it here. Stay safe though!
one like for the joke "The Feitoria isn't constrained by tiny details, like the law of conservation of mass" XD XD
Well I mean the markets have never been particularly law abiding either.
@@arjun_ragafanatic prices change can limit what you can do with the market
Of all the topics, this one has to have the best return, three videos on one topic? Goldmine!
it has have notorious changes tho
And I'll happily watch all three videos, I enjoy SOTL as background noise while working
Another alternative idea to use the Feitoria, is in team games, where you got team mates who are have really good eco bonuses when harvesting Stone, and Gold, such as Poles, who generate gold along side stone, so letting your teammate harvest the stone instead of you, would be beneficial for the entire team goal, and you can build the Feitoria and sling resources for eternity to push your entire team further faster when the resources are gone.
Hi SotL, love your vids, and I love the Feitoria. I was very excited to see this on my timeline. While you did mention it, I think you didn’t give enough precedence to how quickly one can boom with Feitorias. It really is one of their best selling points. If you go fast imperial and slap down 3 or 4 feitorias, your eco will be capped out SUBSTANTIALLY faster than an opponent who does castle age with 2 or sometimes even 3 TCs. The time it takes to build 1 building is substantially less than that of 20 vills. Also, the intrinsic scarcity of resources on water maps combined with the Portuguese unique Elite Caravel makes them formidable. On maps where even wood runs out relatively early, me and my six feitorias and elite caravels will have no trouble overrunning opponents. I love your vids and I’m glad to see the Feitoria getting attention, but I feel it’s a bit better than you gave it credit for. Hope this insight is helpful, and I highly recommend Feitoria rushing against AI on island maps... it’s a whole lot of fun.
Was definitely expecting him to say "....again" in the intro.
I LOVE YOUR CHANNEL!!!!!!! Seriously though, it's great seeing new high quality content from you, keep it up!
I love you videos bro. Even if i dont do multiplayer cause im super bad I watch your videos every time i see them. Please keep it up!!
This is only a game we all love but damn... Spirit of the Law you're such a master of strategic and economic thinking! Hope you work in that sector too. You would do a damn good job sir!
I always forget that SpiritOfTheLaw has an intro and everytime it begins it's sooo groovy 😍
Great video btw
I think this information is incomplete as it does not include the added costs of making villagers, farms, mills, lumber camps, mining camps and all their associated upgrades; if we say in an average game that 5 Feitoria's replace 100 villagers, 100 farms, 6 mills, 6 lumber camps, 6 mining camps, and all their upgrades, that's a savings of 8,760 wood, 7,075 Food, and 1:40 of build time at a town center, at a cost of 1,250 gold, and 1,250 stone.
I don't even play Age of Empires but this was some really insightful stuff
They are great on Islands in late game when all the trees are gone and you have limited boats and gold
0:56 Never realised that villager men were so jacked when playing the original
Now we need to see Feitoria vs Malay fish traps, for when you've completely depleted a water map.
I would like to add that they also offer a boom oportunity for fast imp, which viper is using
Very true, 1) save resources to build extra TC 2) much faster way to produce villagers (go up to 120 villager in 5 minutes) 3) no fear for harassment(either full blow attack or u can defend very well)
He goes fast imp and makes arbalest/bombard cannon in min 23-24 which is really insane
This is something I was curious about- how long does the edge from fast imp into Fetorias take before a regular 3TC build overshoots it? I'm a little fuzzy on the standard times and production rates for all of these, but dropping a couple of fetorias early on seems like it would be a lot faster to start up than 3TCs into vil production, even though it isn't the best long term investment. Then it would be a weird corner case where the food/wood economy is being fueled by the fetoria instead of the late-game emphasis on gold and stone, just based on how quickly it can get started up.
@@ericprather4257 Not exactly your question as that's a bit harder to work out but I did the maths on constructing a Feitoria with a single vill at the start of imp vs queueing vills from one TC.
Even with just one builder, there's a window from the 3-6 minute mark where your Feitoria has produced more resources. If you commit 4 vills onto the Feitoria then the window where it's produced more resources than queueing up vills goes from 1 to 9 minutes after hitting Imp.
Accounting for the time taken to build TC's in the Castle age, that basically gives an 8 minute window where fast Imp into Feitoria is better than a 3 TC boom in terms of raw resources collected, perhaps even a minute or two longer if you still make some extra vills alongside the Feitoria.
@@ad3z10 you're brilliant thank you so much for doing all the hard work!!! This is the coolest dark horse strategy I've ever seen emerge. ever!
I wanna touch on the point of speed of (re)booming. This might be the best reason how the feitoria can be used in (high level) competitive play. While most civilizations will opt for reaching castle age quickly to build additional TC's to speed up the rate at which they can produce villagers, the portuguese can go for a fast imperial age to build feitorias. When performed correctly, the player can reach imperial age around 22 minutes and drop 1 or two fietorias immediately, while making houses to cover the hefty population cost. Eventhough the investment is significant and the efficiency of resource income isn't the greatest, it is a tactic that gives a significant spike in economic boom upon reaching the imperial age. With this spike of economic income around the 25th minute, plus the advantage of being in imperial age while your enemy is still in castle age, slowly building towards their conomic boom by increasing their villager number gradually, the portuguese have a window of opportunity to put pressure.
The awkward part is when the initial pressure doesn't work out for the portuguese player. When both players are approaching the pop limit (of 200 villagers) the portuguese will notice that their economy which is based primarily on feitorias will not provide enough resources to sustain an army that is able to combat against the army of the opponent. The portuguese player now has to decide if he wants to delete the feitorias to open pop space for the more efficient villagers. On the other hand, there is the very longterm benefit of having feitorias. Do you delete the feitorias in order to redistribute your economy after your initial fast imperial age play, with the consequence that the initial investment has never been returned, and the population has to be refilled by investing another couple of hundred food into new villagers, or do you try to hold on with inferiour army numbers hoping to reach that point where your feitoria is generating resources that otherwise are difficult to obtain (gold, stone, and in rare cases wood)? Personally I tend toward a fast imperial age with a couple of feitorias, then delete those for popspace for the more efficient villagers, and then in very lategame make new feitorias. However, as you can see there is a major issue here, and that is that investing into feitorias at the time you need them most, the cost of 250g and 250s is rather unfortunate.
In the end I must draw the conclusion that the feitoria currently is only useful in 2 situations:
1) you go for a fast imperial age play, and you kill your opponent before you reach the pop-cap of 200 population
2) on a map with a lack of resources, you start the game normally. In the case it ever gets to the point that resources become extremely limited, you invest into feitorias and you win the attrition war.
option 1 only works on a few maps like Arena.
option 2 only on very specific custom maps (like forest nothing!) or on maps where you are more likely to run out of wood (like islands)
Very grateful the intro is here. Always slightly disappointed when it's not present!
You know, it feels like SOTL does a Feitoria video every month now. I say it should become a monthly thing where he updates us on the Feitoria.
300 IQ Portuguese pocket player building 9 Feitorea and slinging resources to Goth teammate.
hey vechs have you thought of streaming aoe2? that'd be fun
I dont undertand a single bit on your explanation but somehow I still feel 10 times smarter after hearing your voice explaining things
Love your intro man ! Should be in the game .
Quick fact: a factoid is a fact that is generally concieved as true when in reality it's false, not a "small fun fact" as it's generally used
If a word is generally used in a certain way, that certain way becomes its meaning, or at least one of its meanings.
@@lordmuhehe4605 - that's why we should fight against incorrect common usage of words.
jocaguz18 Literally literally has a secondary meaning of figuratively. Not that dictionaries necessarily decide definitions, but it is a tracking of definitions. And the dictionaries say literally has a secondary definition more akin to figuratively, because people say it. Get over it.
Lee Blake No. At the rate language changes you’ll lose, like every person who worshiped the established literary rules before you.
Language isn’t sacred. It’s only purpose is to communicate. If it’s function is no longer suited by what they teach you in textbooks, it is the textbooks that change.
Artificially maintaining a language happens. Latin for example. And they are helpful for naming. But they do not keep up with people and how they communicate.
idk I just thought it was funny that the fact that factoid means fact is a factoid
I have been practicing fast imperial + feitoria boom in arena/fortress. It works surprisingly well, you don't need to be Viper to do it. A feitoria produces like 9 villagers, so it allows to catch up to an enemy that was booming while applying immediate pressure with gunpowder. Even though you get close to 200 pop fast, the enemy tends to stay below 100 so it doesn't even matter. You also save all the farm upgrades because the feitorias produce so much food.
Great thing about feitoria is that it doesnt open holes into your base, unlike lumberjacks. Also, it makes it harder for your opponent to deny you resources by keeping you trapped in your base.
The elegance of having a long term solution with little attention is always attractive to me ❤️
7 feitorias and endless tower spam is the only strategy that works for me
You indirectly touched on this, but I think the best use of the Feitoria is the way Viper has used it. A way to insta-boost your eco when going fast Imp. It gives you a better chance of delivering that knockout punch quickly.
Thanks for this video. I downloaded the game 3 days ago. As a newbie I don't know how many I should build or in what situation. This video is helpful.
You bombarding us with numbers so fast that its hard to keep up.
What you forgot to factor in your calculation is that feitoria can be build fast enough by 2-3 villagers while producing 20 villagers takes considerably more time, especially if you rush imperial age and want to attack fast with cannons etc.
As soon as i saw the changes to feitoria rates, i started waiting for this video. Thanks for doing the math i cant do SOTL
Last time I was this early, Portugal’s Feitoria workers weren’t dealing with a COVID-19 outbreak. :(
Third time’s a charm
Another advantage of feitorias is that they don't need education.
If you do a super fast imperial instead of upgrading your villies (farms, lumberjack, gold, stone and town center upgrades) you can just build feitorias and they still give you the same amount of resources.
What pays itself faster? 1 town center and 20 villagers (with upgrades) or a feitoria?
What takes more time? Building a feitoria or a town center with 20 villagers?
Also, you use "ideal values" from low population management, but its a lot harder to get those values with 80 population while you are managing military units.
Comparing the exact values from a Imperial feitoria to the ideal post imperial villagers is unfair!
Finally: I love you and all your videos 😍
Exactly what we were asking before and you confirmed it!! :)
TheViper's videos show you can quickly get to imperial age and build 4-5 Fetoria while your opponent is trying to boom with 3 town centers.
It takes time to get 10 villagers out of a town center, and a Fetoria is built much faster.
It basically offers a strong early imperial age push.
Someone else also pointed out on AoEZone that if you go mostly feitoria for your economy you can save on getting all the wood, gold, food, and stone eco upgrades. You also dont have the cost of building additional TC's if you wanted to go 1 TC and then drop feitorias.
Looks like feitoria is going to be the answer for "Nothing" maps xD
Definitely good on maps like relic nothing. On forest nothing it's ok due to being space efficient but not amazing
Feitoria Nothing when?
What do you call a Portuguese monastery that can produce infinite resources?
A faith-oria
That'd be an interesting civ bonus, changing relics to generate other resources in addition to gold.
@@Jokie155 reminds me of trading posts in aoe3
@@Jokie155 not bad
@@Jokie155 I really like the idea.
@@Jokie155 That would be almost OP with a Burmese ally
00:56 laughing my ass off. you're awesome, SOTL.
Ah, finally a decent pronunciation of feitoria on international AoE content
Built feitorias, destroy all the resources on the map, wait.
Sotl please give us a breakdown of the choices players have to make in the feudal, 10-20 minutes of the game is super impactful and everyone just fastcastles. . .
There is one thing you didn't consider, if you do fast imperial, you can build up pop-cap way faster with Feitoria then with TCs.
Likely the best usage for feitorias is to exchange them for depleted mines(no more stone mines +1 feitoria; no more gold mines +2feitoria)
People like to forget that just like how the Feitoria costs 250 gold and stone, 20 villagers would cost 1000 food and take 500 seconds (8 min 20 sec) to create-longer than the 120 seconds to build a Feitoria, which can be further sped up by using more villagers to build (though obviously you'd lose some resource gathering time).
Also, population efficiency only matters when you're already at 200 pop, which means what SotL mentioned at 7:35 can also apply if you for example rush to the imperial age. It doesn't have to be that you're rebooming.
If you are ever in a free diplo game
with a vasal to sling you as porto,
create feitoria let him convert them and then let him sling you the res.
You keep your vasal under controll as he cant create any units and you gain infinite res...
untill he betrays you that is ;)
Hi SOTL, you compared the hardest AI's of three versions, how about easiest one's? *Thinking face*
Inb4 a four hour long game of nothing but Skirmishers and light cavalry/hussars
Likely nobody wins those games due to an inability to mass enough units/siege to actually tear down castles/tcs
@@grraf1 what castles?
Age of Mythology had a similar structure. The difference is that it was permanent and gave the resources to whoever controlled it
ah yes I remember it was a Greeks god Power at Mythic age.
I still giggle to the goth "game plan" in the intro
The main place I see this being useful is, like, late game team islands, where cutting down all (or nearly all) the wood on the map is completely feasible after “only” an hour or two and market costs can spiral so out of control that even gold from trading becomes impractical.
I look forward to you next Feitoria video in about 6 months.
When it comes to reboom quickly, feitorias actually help a lot in some stategies like fast Imperial with one tc: you go up, buil a couple of feitorias, and you can allow to make arbalest, hand cannoneers or bbc probably faster then going for a traditional fast imp.
I'd also like to see a theoretical analysis of feitoria usage that takes into account that you're essentially "building" the equivalent of 8-10 villagers instantly (or as long as it takes to build). I have to imagine that there can be a decent length of time where a person going fast Imp could actually have effectively more eco 'units' than someone doing a standard fast castle boom, especially considering the feitoria doesn't cost food so you could simultaneously create vils. Having seen games with them recently it just SEEMS like there are more disposable resources available for the portugese player for a good 10 minutes after they hit imp and build 1-2 feitorias.
i think teamgames with lose teams would be hella cool for that, build feitoria, have your friend unally you and convert it and push him to like 400+ pop and make him an Eco monster :D
Diplo games usually goes around 700 pop ( pilgrim and wetern europe ) so it would be hard to do it...
Great video !
I would like one day to make you a video that compares the watchtower and the bombard tower
The biggest thing I find with the Feitoria is you can use it when everyone else is stuck marketing wood for gold and stone in the post-imperial. The gold is especially useful as it comes out in almost the precise ratio for Champions.
They should make it so that you can send villagers to work in the feitoria, with the feitoria's production speed being dependent on how many villagers are working in it, instead of it automatically taking 20 pop space
been waiting for this. Thanks
I guess you can say
The fate of the feitoria keeps changing with each update
Never underestimate conveniance in games like this!!!!
Being abe to focus your attention elsewhere means you will be better in that other thing you focus on.
The feitoria is interesting for the unique economic building of the portuguese. after getting nerfed a lot, it finally got a buff in what resources it can provide. The food increase is good enough to enable you to not need as much farming in restricted space scenarios.
Its gonna be very useful on islands. Remember there's a game between Hera and Viper, it turns into 3 galleons vs 3 galleons and all farms exhaust and trees are gone. They have to wait the relic gold to buy wood and make galleons.
Hi Spirit. It would've been interesting to throw in some timings for standard maps where natural resources become thin where it would be nice to switch to Feitorias. But otherwise thanks for allthe content.
Love the intro
This explains it, I was wondering why the opponent never ran out of gold, a I didn't know about feitoria
The Feitoria never seems to go away!
aah i was expecting an update on this. on later theViper's videos it feels very very useful for the longest games
Why am i binge watching old aoe2 content i dont play. Helping out with the algorithm and stuff
Since I read the patch notes I was expecting this video
8:20 Whoever manages to make this happen: He must feel good about himselfe. :D
Imagine playing team game, defeating Portugese and then converting his 3-4 Fetorias after he lefts game... having 280/200 pop... xD
Robert I did this with four or five of em lmao had like 15 in one game I had 200-300k of all resources in 45 minutes
He has a new intro video! 😍
2:54 You forgot to factor in the Saracens in the first half of the video, when you discussed trading in food/wood for stone/gold as they can push the market trade cost to a mere 5% with their civ bonus.
Feitorias could give a power spike in early imperial after a fast imp with 40 vils and 5 feitorias. Then you have the equivalent of ~90 vils two minutes after reaching imp. This might be faster than a regular boom with 3-4 tcs. Of course you only have 40 pop left instead of 110, but 40 might be enough for expensive gunpowder units.
I really miss the longer intro ;(
It would be cool to see this thing useful but it would need a massive buff. I would be cool to see this replacing the castle but with all the castle features included(arrows, unique units and techs etc)
Very interesting i never use this much might as well do it now
it'a interesting to think about the difference in cost between 20 villagers/cats and the building.
If all resources were equal, the fedaria would cost like a half the cost of 1000 food for villagers, while 1000 wood and 2000 gold for carts is 6 times more expensive.
They also consume different times. With Villagers consuming 25 TC seconds, trade carts 51 market seconds, and just 120 villager seconds for the fedaria. I say just, because a new town center cost 150 villager seconds, which means that villagers are a lot harder to explode from
The attention to military only aspect is huge honestly.
Would've loved to see how much wood/food from the vills is left after selling it to match the gold/stone what the feitoria produces. And also compare the time it take for the vills to pay for themselves compared to the feitoria.
Vils take about 2.5 minutes to pay for themselves, so they'd probably look quite good in that comparison.
Another advantage is that you can justify to fast imp and have at least a decent economy behind it once you build 4-5 feitorias. You can have like 5 feitorias and 40 vills to balance your ressources. You will have tech advantage and feitoria just costs 500 ressources while 20 vills cost 1000 ressources. So you can spike very early with a very early imperial age behind it. Being pop capped at 30mins and in imp.
I think you missed the biggest advantage of the Feitoria, which is the build time and resource cost. 10 vils take significantly longer to make (250s) than 1 feitoria being built by a single villager (120s), and you can build them with multiple villagers. It's a significant advantage in a fast imp scenario, where the fast imp player is probably far behind in villagers. Getting feitorias up quickly after hitting imp makes your economy closer to the opponents, which is a big deal when you're an age up on them.
The lack of a wood/food cost means you can skip some farming and use that excess wood for production buildings and units, which makes for a much smoother economic transition. Setting up 30 farms costs 1800 wood + 600 food. 4 feitorias costs 1000 gold/stone, which is less total resources, and resources that your military, upgrades, and production buildings aren't competing for as much.
The food income for feitorias is also pretty significant in a fast imp. Viper was making only wood & gold units, and he had enough food to always have vills queued up, and even could sustain 2TC boom.
Obviously, long term, feitorias aren't worth it if you can't win fast enough(just like any fast imp strat). But it gives a pretty big short term eco boost for low eco strats.
The case of getting fast eco up isn't so small.
You can build a strategy around going fast imp, not building eco, then catching up in eco by 1) adding feitoria and 2) attacking/raiding with imp units vs their castle age units.
At 1:01 two villagers at the gold mine stop working
Have them fired
Man I wish feitoria wasn't a unique building. Or at least there was an easy option to add them through the scenario editor. I just want it as an option for my super siegeless maps (I make these maps where the siege and ships are removed so you have to use normal units to get through all the fortifications. They're really interesting fights about having to find ways to reach the trade lines and sneak units around)
What do you think about doing a series on the best civs for each Rush strategy? Like archer, tower, scouts, etc
*tips feitoria*
You got me, Sir