Actually an unmanned flight is considerably simpler than a manned one. No crew means no concerns for environment, water, food, oxygen and guaranteed live return.
This was literally 80s technology at best - and first time, ad hoc put complete mission profile on totally new system. It was 2nd flight of Energya and 1st of Buran. Compare it to series of RUDs by SpaceX xD
@@Deproelior Nonsense. The version of the Soviet shuttle that flew was just a shell. It had no life support systems inside to support a crew. No galley, no sleeping quarters, no toilet. That would have come later had the program continued. A second vehicle was 90% finished when it was cancelled. The U.S. shuttle could have been automatic landing, but we preferred a live pilot.
@@Гагарин-э4с Эти рыночники на луне были, запускают космические телескопы и новейшие спутники для исследований других планет в то так ещё и делают новейшие ракеты о которых россия мечтать только и может и вряд ли когда нибудь догонит США.
Мужики. Я после окончания МАИ попал в этот проект. Да, был салагой (молодым специалистом), но многое из ЭТОГО видел и участвовал. И ГОРЖУСЬ!!! Более глобальных проектов моя страна больше НЕ зналана. А жаль.
Fantastic video. I gained an interest in Buran after living in the Arabian Gulf for many years. In Bahrain was what seemed to be a Space Shuttle parked on the Manama corniche. I just assumed it was some kind of mock-up, perhaps built for children's "Space Camps". I later discovered that it was actually 'Buran 002' - which by a convoluted series of events had ended up stranded and unwanted in Bahrain!
@@Nik_TheAstronaut SSSR mělo sedm demostrátorů při vývoji kosmoplánu Buran (OK-GLI) byl vybaven proudovými motory, ale byl neschopný letu na oběžnou dráhu, sloužil jenom pro testování letů klouzavým letem. NASA při vývoji raketoplánu měla pouze jeden demonstrátor Enterprise.
Это было 32 года назад - сука 32 года назад! Без суперкомпьютеров и крутых камер и вообще всего, что есть сейчас, они смогли сначала запустить эту махину на орбиту а потом посадить в полностью автоматическом режиме! Эти люди опередили время - я плачу с одной стороны от гордости за них и с другой от того, что все это исчезло. Мне сложно представить, где бы была российская космонавтика если бы их наработки и опыт передавались все 32 года. Где был сделан поворот не туда? Почему все это просрано, и как обидно что время упущено!
Это было сделано при коммунистах, даже без суперкомпьютеров, а сегодня суперкомпьютеры есть, но они используются, чтобы через распознавание лиц отлавливать коммунистов в метро, как Обухова на "Партизанской". В РФ сейчас классический банановый латиноамериканский режим, и как бы нам Соловьев не рассказывал про героическое противостояние Америке, Путин - проамериканский сукин сын.
30 лет назад появилась новая эпоха, компьютерная эра, ссср пролетал над ней как фанера над парижем, пришлось развалиться иначе страну ждало ужасное отставание от мира.
@@alextrunin4927 ракеты самолеты это технологии 50-70х потом началась новая эпоха, электроника компьютеры, ссср в неё не попадал. в конце 80х на западе были персональные спутнковые телефоны, в ссср использовали таксофоны
@@icior2010 ты дурачок что-ли ? Всё было в СССР, но не для всех . Огромные деньги уходили на оборону и содержание других стран , поэтому и созрели предпосылки для распада , Америку это ожидает в ближайшем будущем .
This is amazing. I've never seen all of this great footage of the Buran's mission before. It saddens me that the program would not continue after this. 😥
@@acbulgin2 thanks for the great insight. Yeah, most of America's engineering/scientific breakthroughs were achieved by "borrowing" the scientists or engineers from other nations. It's quite laughable really.
@@RedLP5000S What, do you think America copied Russia on this? It was the other way around, Russia copied the Space Shuttle. also why am i replying to a year old comment lol
I simply love this amazing and powerful shuttle Buran and launch rocket Energija, both names are mighty! I feel great pride! Greetings from Czechia, stay safe and be healthy!
@@auronoxe you do realize that every Shuttle landing was automated, right? If the pilot did anything the flight computer knew was wrong, it ignored the pilot input and stayed to the program.
@@threehead99 I don‘t know. Wikipedia tells that the Shuttle was equipped only since 2006 with an auto pilot. But it was never used. Quite possible it offered „assistants“ like the one you mentioned.
Преклоняюсь перед мощью полёта мысли , волей в достижении результата и инженерным талантом нашего народа. Прощальный аккорд Советского союза. Трагедия и гордость людей, создавших это чудо. Спасибо им.
A beautiful machine, fully automatic flight was an amazing feat, no one had done it with a space shuttle before. Buran even had some parameters better than the American space shuttle.
The 100-ton payload claim is absolute bollocks. The Buran's cargo bay visibly wasn't anywhere near the size required to outperform the Shuttle's in cargo capacity.
@@XenoghostTV lol what are you talking about? you just listened 100 tons and then you say the buran lifted that, 100 tons was the payload of the *Energia alone*, with buran, indeed 30 tons
Too bad that like any Russian endeavor It never saw fruitation. The Soviets were masters of building ONE of a high tech item, but never having the money nor infrastructure to mass produce. Soviets haven't mass produced anything with success since the T34.
@@alexkomarov5672 Still... If the space shuttle could be built on a mass scale like T-34, maybe humans could live on Mars by now... Or at least such a masterpiece of science and art should be kept in great condition so when the country is better in finance, it could be utilized in the future.
@Sid agreed, useless, same as american shuttle. russians just had to copy western concord. And who can forget:видео.html
Hmmmm.... higher orbital load capacity, better aerodynamics, higher percentage of recoverable components from the launcher: engines with higher thermal efficiency than the RS-25, automated launch/orbit/land system shown to be accurate on first flight within 25m of the planned stop line, and less than a metre off the runway centreline? Oh, and all this without true FBW or GPS.... far, far superior to the US shuttle, and only one part of a modular launch system that could put bigger loads into LEO and GeoStat? Yeah, definitely a crap copy with no purpose.
@@RobSchofield Hey, guy.... it's always easier to follow your 'big brother' into the unknown.... as far as I'm concerned, having an 'unmanned' test flight, for a 'man rated' vehicle, was an 'incomplete' mission in my book... and hmm...about 7 years after the US had been flying the shuttle. As far as the 'landing' of the ONLY launch, it had to go around twice before it landed, because of some 'wind shear' problem?? The real tragedy is that the standalone 'Energia' heavy lift vehicle wasn't continued to help launch parts of the ISS years would have helped...just saying....
When I was a teenager in the late 1980s my Dad suscribed to Time magazine. They always kept up with the Soviet space program. Those were the articles I would read first.
@Ken Mason My God. Where do you get this nonsense from? I am always shocked by the propaganda in magazines and films about Russia and the USSR. This is about how to study the history of the United States using Torontino films.
Какие бы минусы не были у СССР, но инженеры и учёные были тогда самыми лучшими в мире, а щас всё импортное, и своего ничего толком не производим... И родину продали, и это очень грустно...
Кто вам сказал что в те времена электроника была примитивная? Ноутбук в 89м был, правда только у военных, причём не иностранного происхождения,это либерасты после развала Союза все почти похерили, кроме остатков ВПК, а так все китайское, позорище, одни понты остались
На самом деле прекрасно - всего 6 плиток отвалилось - напомню колумбии хватило 4-х но из кромки крыла чтоб убить опытнейший экипаж и наделать шуму на долго. а этот буран да был крутым но мегадорогим и не менее опасным. увы. факты таковы что большой корабль летающий в атмосфере не может выходить в космос и назад - шаттлы остановили изза того что они мегадорогими выходят если перед каждым полетом каждую запчасть проверять а если не проверять - будут аварии и катастрофы.
@@634alexey ни одного полета для выполнения какихто задач кроме "можем повторить" он не выполнял и не выполнил. ну да..смогли...повторить чтото похожее на шаттл и оно вродебы якобы даже слетало кудато один раз чудьм не сгорев - 6 плиток отвалилось. достижение...вместо пары городов отстроенных до уровня европейских - один раз пульнуть куском железа вникуда ради ничего. как и с лунной програмой высадки человека..к тому моменту как разродились повторить - уже никому это было и не надо. так ещё и не получилось нихрена :)
@@634alexey ну да он же выполнял много полезных научных оборонных и туристических миссий сделал 100500 открытий которые обнаровованы в журнале сайнс и по которым докторские дисертации позащищали добрая дюжина докторов наук? ой нет...пульнули надорвав пупок один раз поняли что мегадорого и бесполезно и все на свалку.
15:47 - "Это большой вклад в ту Перестройку которая проводится в Нашей стране". Люди все еще верили в будущее, они не знали что больше Бураны летать не будут.
@@ПавелБв даже в США Маск без сотрудничества NASA не смог бы добится того чего он добился, что касается СССР/РФ то тут ЕМУ прямо сказали - все ракеты военные технологии, мы не понимаем о чём Вы собираетесь договариваться молодой человек (а значит что частникам без друзей в погонах с волосатыми руками космосом в рф заниматься нельзя) мало того до перестройки (о которой собственно речь) в ссср частников не было (если не считать частниками тех кто ремонтировал свои квартиры и строил маленькие домики на садовых участках) - никакую компанию, строющую по сложности чтото сравнимое с орбитальными ракетами они создать не могли.
@@Simply-ParaPlan и все довольны, все хорошо зарабатывают, все обеспечены и шмотками, и продуктами, и автомобилями, и даже, домами! На улицах чисто - можно белые кеды не мыть месяцами, так что не я дурак, а вы, коли пишете такое
An amazing display of aeronautical engineering. Thanks so much for posting. Although my Russian language is a little rusty, it is interesting to hear it. Too bad that due to economic situation at the time, the entire reusable orbiter program was cancelled. It could have been used to hoist up heavier and larger loads to the ISS that took the US shuttle more trips with less cargo. Excellent orbital test flight. Not many go as planned on the first attempt.
А зачем вообще это делали? Какой смысл? В итоге даже богатые американцы отказались от своих дорогущих шатлов. А сейчас вообще Маск придумал возвращать секции ракет назад на Землю, сделав их многоразовыми
@@Porosenok_miasnoy Смысл заключался в следующем: 1 Для выполнения задач в космосе и из космоса нужен мощный носитель и наши умы инженеры его сделали; 2 Энергия могла помимо Бурана выводить на низкую околоземную орбиту и более крупные сигменты будущих орбитальных станций стыковать их на орбите и продолжать дальнейшее освоение космического пространства (заниматься научной работой и т д ) ; 3 Сама система Энергия - Буран толкнула науку и технологию далеко вперед* ведь сколько было создано нового в материаловедении* системе управления ЛА* в технологии и производственном сегменте сколько вдохновила людей эта программа* у человечества реально могла осуществиться мечта увидеть землю с высоты 200 км; 4 Возвращать с орбиты на землю КА в будущем уже не имело смысла ремонт мог пройти непосредственно на орбите и т д А про Иллона ничего не буду писать это вся его затея просто пшик и не более
Люди, спасибо всем за добрые комментарии к прекрасному видео и за тёплые слова в адрес создателей уникальной системы Энергия-Буран. Довелось поучаствовать и в разработке, и в строительстве. Правда, тогда мы просто ездили на работу.
5:14 hardware in the loop testing. 1400 landing scenario tested with various failures. Environment modeling computer used motors to apply modeled loads on aero surfaces. 😎 7:43 final landing system was tested by multiple automatic landing of Tu-154.😎 8:50 countdown computer noticed component failure and stopped countdown on 29 October, saving mission.😎 10:54 20000 parameter is being monitored on ascent. 😎 14:53 precise landing only 1.5 meters from designated point😎
@@EgorAfonin ну обратились бы я бы перевёл. А так я перевёл несколько роликов про космическую технику и выложил у себя на канале, но получил страйки за нарушение авторского права😾, пришлось убрать.
The most fascinating part of the video is that they attached modular jet engines to it and it was able to take off and fly under its own power. To my knowledge, they never did that with the American space shuttle.
13:36 - background music playing during Buran landing is taken from Soviet vinyl of 1980 "The Metamorphoses" which were collected electronic reworkings of classical music pieces, this specific composition is synthesiser version of "Sarcasms" for piano by Sergey Prokofiev.
@@bee2k01 Must be something by Eduard Artemyev. There are collections of his recordings on RUclips (I don't post a link, because such messages often get deleted)
Great video, would be nice to have a translation. I was particularly interested to see the jet powered trainer / test article, also the horizontal stacking.
@6:34 I never knew the Buran could be fitted with 4 jet engines and flown like a regular plane. @8:30 wow...look at that rig to rotate the whole thing vertical.
@@manuelbeltranvalle but because of Soviet espionage yo get the plans for the shuttle, there are still mounts and holes in the air frame to fit the main engines onto the orbiter.
@@ljubomirculibrk4097 no one said the US didn't. Acting like the Soviets had made something incredible and never done before by stealing is what Soviet apologists don't understand.
Initail design was to mount 2 atmospheric engines from Su-27. While U.S. has airfields all around the globe, USSR had no, and the only chance to fly to the USSR territory in case of accident was to use airplane engines. Though before the first flight those engines was not ready and they were dismounted. And for developing a landing sequence (including autopilot) there were just added 2 additional engines. So pilots could takeoff from the ground, without need to use some bigger plane, like Boeing 747 in American programme.
в чем гордость? в том что все воровали у запада с опозданием на 10 лет и делали подделки? І том что все изобретатели бьіли заключеннгьіми и сам королев которьій запустил гагарина в космос тоже сидел а кинохронику снимали не о изобретателях а о вертухаях и о пропагандонах..
Наследие великого народа, прежде чем писать такое подумайте хоть не много тем что осталось в голове, только и говорите о каком-то величии, это было сделано в союзе, без союза лучше скажите что вы сделали...
@@ЖеняМихайлов-ь5ъ Space Shuttle Endeavour USA vs. Russia Buran 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
STS is a piece of garbage for niche use. Unfortunately, Soviet decided to make proportional response - with the same niche use. Simply because originally STS had military purpose as well as civilian. By the way, STS was actually used by Pentagon in several missions.
@@liondecka9062 This exactly why NASA is now copying soviet Spiral spaceplane. And F-35 is based on MiG-1.44. And illegal copies of AK-47 still produced in US of A, but not in Russia (after 1974)
I remember that song and music were popular in the Eastern block. It was also the official music during the Mediterenean Games in Syria (1987 I think).
At 8:00 and 11:50 you can hear an italian prog piece: "Amore Grande, Amore Libero" composed in 1975 by "Il Guardiano del Faro" (Federico Monti Arduini)...🤣
@@Polymathes It's Soviet synthesiser version of this canon, was released among other electronic reworkings of classic music pieces in 1980 on "Metamorphoses" vinyl.
You can find this album searching RUclips for "Eduard Artemyev - Metamorphoses" (my comment with a URL was deleted from this post earlier). But his "Moods" disc is better.
Actually, the music that is heard at 8:00 and 11:50 is ITALIAN. 😉 The piece is called "Amore grande, amore libero" (Great love, free love) and was composed by "Il Guardiano del Faro" (The lighthouse keeper) stage name of one of the first Italian virtuoso of the moog: Federico Monti Arduini, in 1975... 😉 You can find it on RUclips, it's an amazing instrumental prog piece...
Russian engineers hated the stolen shuttle designs, and could make head nor tail of the reason it was designed like it was, kremlin and military thought the shuttle was a weapon, engineers thought it was stupid. Shuttle was a travesty of politics, committee thought and non-direction kept alive through pride. The Russian engineers made considerable changes to make Buran and they ended up with what exists in this video, but after landing they convinced the leaders of what they had already realised it was way too expensive to launch, could not be rapidly refurbished, was surpassed in cargo lift by other rockets and surpassed in human safety potential by soyuz. The only thing the US shuttle was any better at than anything before was on-orbit repair, but is massively worse on every other metric due to compromise caused by Nasa fighting for budget. Buran tried to resolve some of these issues but lipstick on a pig, and you still have a pig. Nasa knew before the first launch how bad shuttle was compared to the initial proposals, Airforce supported first few launches, and sort of gave up, doing only a handful of launches over its lifetime rather than the proposed 10's per year, and everyone realised it was a dead duck well before it killed it's first crew. Shuttle / Buran looks like an awesome idea, and millions where inspired by it, but it was a fundamentally flawed design. I am glad that they gave up on Buran, but would have preferred them to develop one of the early shuttle concepts (DC3), which still used the piggyback design, was smaller, and had glide recoverable fuel tank / first stage, and used it as a dedicated hls as replacement to soyuz.
С экипажем он не летал. Но не исключается на перспективу: остались 4 летных корабля (степень готовности: один -- 100% (Буря), второй 50% (Байкал), остальные примерно от 10 до 30%). Один на Байконуре, три на Тушинском заводе и в Жуковском. Есть еще полноразмерные летные (но только в атмосфере) макеты (один из них - на ВДНХ).
*You talk like it was their original Idea and that they didn't steal 100% of it off the USA. They couldn't steal everything and it went belly up. Russia is a terrible country unless you like corruption and Communism.* 🤔
Here's a copy and paste from another comment addressing your comment .. Russian engineers hated the stolen shuttle designs, and could make head nor tail of the reason it was designed like it was, kremlin and military thought the shuttle was a weapon, engineers thought it was stupid. Shuttle was a travesty of politics, committee thought and non-direction kept alive through pride. The Russian engineers made considerable changes to make Buran and they ended up with what exists in this video, but after landing they convinced the leaders of what they had already realised it was way too expensive to launch, could not be rapidly refurbished, was surpassed in cargo lift by other rockets and surpassed in human safety potential by soyuz. The only thing the US shuttle was any better at than anything before was on-orbit repair, but is massively worse on every other metric due to compromise caused by Nasa fighting for budget. Buran tried to resolve some of these issues but lipstick on a pig, and you still have a pig. Nasa knew before the first launch how bad shuttle was compared to the initial proposals, Airforce supported first few launches, and sort of gave up, doing only a handful of launches over its lifetime rather than the proposed 10's per year, and everyone realised it was a dead duck well before it killed it's first crew. Shuttle / Buran looks like an awesome idea, and millions where inspired by it, but it was a fundamentally flawed design. I am glad that they gave up on Buran, but would have preferred them to develop one of the early shuttle concepts (DC3), which still used the piggyback design, was smaller, and had glide recoverable fuel tank / first stage, and used it as a dedicated hls as replacement to soyuz.
@@sidhantseth007 Коммунистическая политически-экономическая система, это то с чем человечество всей планеты придёт к светлому будущему. А Капитализм, это то, что обогатит нескольких людей планеты.
@@Николаймандрыченко-в7б и чем это "своё" было лучше американского ?Америкаские ускорители возращались на землю двигатели первой ступени возращались вместе с челноком ,тупой и дорогой савецкий косплей как и вся совковая техника и наука🤮
Absolutely amazing : a fully automated flight; far more advanced than anything at the time. It is very very sad that this was abandoned after the great success 😪😪😪😪Love from India!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
*They blame the cancellation on the economic downturn of Communism but the fact was that they couldn't copy everything, Their lack of technology made them mothball this stolen Idea, India also steals a lot of technology and suffers much more failures than most as we have seen. Don't get me wrong, at least they try. There is a reason why companies like SpaceX will always dominate and always be in America.* 😃👍
"far more advanced than anything at the time" Bullshit you say, babu. At that time the US had a Space Shuttle program fully up and running for 10 years already, where as the "Buran" program was just a "cargo cult" prototype at a very crude stage. The Buran program was a failed attempt of Soviet regime to showcase their capabilities and advantage which didn't exist. Soviet regime got hernia from this and other useless demonstrations they did to the world yet collapsed and passed away as expected. The Buran project is just a pure example of a simulacrum where symbols substitute the real sense of things.
The American Shuttles were fully automated too and if need could land fully on their own. In fact they were (and still are) the most advanced and complicated machines ever built.
Science, space exploration, peace, cooperation, friendship, mutual respect, medicine, art, sports, literature etc. Those are the things humans should focus on.
The first Space Shuttle could also land itself. The landing gear deployment was the only thing that needed a human, and that was done for political reasons to require a pilot be on board. After the Columbia accident they even automated that switch so that an orbiter could be land itself with no one on board in the event of a crew evacuation.
Unfortunate they didn't continue their program. It's a very interesting bit of history that would surprise most people I think. People who never knew, and still don't. Nice footage.
часть технологий, созданных в его производстве ушли в военную авиацию. Да и инженеры, всё это создававшие потом ещё где-то работали и применяли накопленные знания. Так что какое-то наследие у проекта всё-таки было.
The blizzard (buran) from the video was blown up during repair work roof in his garage, the tool fell from a height on his oxygen tank and an explosion occurred. it was be full destroy Right now there are two burans left, these are just models and not flight samples. Russpace say that a new "blizzard" is already being built and it will be better.
One of the Burans (with the jet engines) used to be in a park on Sydney Harbour about 20 years ago. No joke, I used to eat my lunch underneath it. Edit: its name is OK-GLI
There was no single & monolithic "state" in the USSR, it was as everywhere: lots of state agencies, with their own agenda and people's tastes or sense of what's "appropriate". There were no formal bans on any kind or title of foreign music, just approval/disapproval to re-publish locally, which was decided by art approval boards. By 1988 such boards were not working, for Perestroyka policy (started in 1987). Most of video editors or anyone at the age of 15-40 were fond of Western music, no matter what was their ideology. The most ironic example is "International Panorama" TV program (search RUclips Международная панорама 1988), the most distilled anti-Western propaganda, yet its intro music was American rock.
Просто представьте какой объем работ проделан, сколько затрачен ресурсов. Сейчас олигархи кровососы соревнуются в размере и стоимости яхты на народные деньги
Царь то хороший , а бояре у нас плохие, царь то у нас не знает что бояре грабят воруют врут и вывозят из страны триллионы рублей, он и зарплату то СВОю не считает, ему приносят чемоданы а он складывается в тумбочке. 😂😊😮 Страна непуганых идиотов.
Really? What exactly have you lost due to this? Are you not aware that the US had a shuttle program FAR more advanced that actually FLEW COUNTLESS MISSIONS?
Another amazing achievement. Pulling it around with basic equipment, barge, tractor, transport on small jet not much bigger than shuttle, and then it flew to space. I never knew that.
Подобное было возможно в той - ВЕЛИКОЙ СТРАНЕ! В современных владениях удельных князьков-воров, нечто подобное создать нереально. Слава Советской Стране!
Царь то хороший , а бояре у нас плохие, царь то у нас не знает что бояре грабят воруют врут и вывозят из страны триллионы рублей, он и зарплату то СВОю не считает, ему приносят чемоданы а он складывается в тумбочке. 😂😊😮 Страна непуганых идиотов.
thats The Technik Buran. the Technik never went to space. only It was used for flight tests and had jet engines to make normal flights and when reaching a desired height, the jet engines were turned off and it planned. the American Enterprise did not have that and relied on a Modified Boeing 747
That was only for Flighttest. The Buran was much more Safer den the US Shuttel. First the have NO Dangerus Solidfule Booster. The can Abbort the Engine everytime. Up to Mach 1 The Have Ejectorseats for the Crew. AND The Buran can Land without any Pilot! The first and last Flight was VOLL Automatik with no one a Bord. The Buran in my Eyes had be the better Shuttle.
@@christianbenzinger770 saying it was safer than the us shuttle is very speculative with almost no real data to back it up. While the space shuttle obviously had some catastrophic failures, there’s no real way to know or prove the Russian version was better or worse because of it’s very limited amount of flight time compared to the us shuttle.
@@Bad666Moon we can extrapolate from Soyuz, the design from that era that still work. The thing is Soyuz is safe because it had abort options, and Buran has those too, which don't exist in Space Shuttle, meaning if the launch fail (ie: like Challenger) there's no fatality (ie: using ejection seat or booster shutdown) and the excuses in politics that cancel Space Shuttle is going to be minimal, and Buran can launch without cosmonaut, meaning if it fail to re-entry (ie: like Columbia) after deploying a satellite won't be a big news.
@@Bad666Moon You're absolutly right. But more security has been thought of than with the US shuttle. And in principle it is just a further developed space shuttle since, as is well known, the plans were stolen. Solid bosters are too risky in my opinion. Liquid thrusters can always be turned off. You could certainly have retrofitted ejection seats on the US shuttle. But there is also the danger that they can be accidentally triggered in weightlessness. In addition, they are only helpful for the first few moments at the start. But they have just given a little more thought to security.
Sadly this orbiter was destroyed in 2002 when the roof ceiling collapsed where it was stored in Kazakhstan. Meanwhile the other 2 prototypes are still there stored in Bikenor launch facility in Kazakhstan where they have been left to rust. Buran could have replaced NASA's space shuttle soon after it was retired. Buran could have been used to transport essential supplies to the international space station.
I think it is so sad that it only flew once, before the whole program was canceled. All that hard work, money, all that use of incredably smart minds, which all came to nothing. Even more sad is the fact that the first flight was such a raging success, it was all done automated, and in some ways it was possibly better than the US shuttle . Then the shuttles and boosters were left abandoned, and mostly destroyed when the hanger collapsed. So sad, it all should be in museums!
@@themarsoff да, посмотри как фальконы от спейс икс не то чтобы в заданном участке, а в заданной точке +-2 метра от размеченного на экране кампуктира центра
Тот случай когда смотришь это в 21 году, 21 -го века и понимаешь что вот оно будущее которое было в прошлом ! А находясь в настоящем будущем понимаешь что будущего не будет никогда ! Все просрали !
Нацпроекты работают, страна восстала из пепла и руин за каких-то 10-12 лет (нацпроекты начались с 2010). Кстати, и с Бураном перспектива имеется: остались 4 летных корабля (степень готовности: 1 -- 100% (Буря), второй 50% (Байкал), остальные примерно от 10 до 30%). Один на Байконуре, три на Тушинском заводе и в Жуковском.Есть еще полноразмерные летные (но только в атмосфере) макеты (один из них - на ВДНХ).
ан-225 мрия создавалась далеко не как транспортное средство для бурана и топливных баков, основное назначение перспективного самолёта - программа "молния", т.е. взлёт прямо с летящего самолёта на максимальной высоте.
Мрия никогда не создавалась как стартовая площадка для запуска космических аппаратов, для этих целей были начаты предпроектные разработки Ан 325 а так же исследования в создании нового челнока так как сам Буран не мог самостоятельно взлетать по причине отсутствия разгонных двигателей...
And then the Megablocks assemble themselves all by themselves, which a somewhat distant relative of LEGO doesn't do until decades if not generations later.
Это за ту страну, где практически ВСЕ заводы были спроектированы и построены тем самым Западом? В принципе, называй любой завод и выяснится, что он копия какого-нибудь американского. Или итальянского или ещё какого немецкого. Гордится он...
When I was in Moscow in 2005 one of them was on display in Gorky Park. It was playground equipment. Literally. Ladders up to the interior and slippery slides down to the sand. Interestingly their shuttle could carry a heavier payload to a higher altitude than ours, and was much cheaper to operate. Whether it would have done so safely is something we'll never know, but ours failed catastrophically 2 times out of 135 flights. A horrific safety record. And if we're being honest with ourselves our shuttle never once did what it was designed to do. Nor COULD it even if we'd wanted. It was sold as a reusable vehicle to place communication satellites and to retrieve them for repair. But geosynchronous-orbit comsats are 24,000 miles up. Our shuttle could only manage 500 or so with a heavy payload, thanks to bloated engineering. And by the time it flew the cost of comsats had dropped to the point that servicing them was no longer needed. They're just thrown away. That left our shuttle as a massive make-work project and political boondoggle in search of a mission. Remember all those "secret military missions" it did for a while? Those were just spy satellites. Congress forced the Air Force to use the shuttle instead of their own proven rockets in order to justify its continued operation. Other payloads, such as the Hubble, were inefficiently designed to fit into the the shuttle's cargo bay. ("All the eggs in one basket"......horribly expensive and unreliable.) And now.....we're begging rides from the Russians, using their 1960s technology. 'murica!
@@ksmashgamer5748 The United States has extended the agreement with Russia on the production on the US soil and use of Russian RD engines until at least 2030, with the estimate that by then they will be able to start the production of domestic engines, so America will have to rely on the Russians for at least another decade.
Ok, someone has to call you on your bloviating. The payload limits and cost to operate were never demonstrated because the Buran never flew a single operational flight. The original cost projections per flight for the Shuttle were pretty rosy too. 2 failures in 135 flights is hardly a "horrific safety record" in spaceflight. Spaceflight is dangerous. Soyuz has had far more failures over its history. The Shuttle absolutely did what it was designed to do. Whether that design was the best one is up for debate, but the shuttle launched many satellites, and it brought two of them back for repair. It repaired satellites in orbit as well. It built a space station. It performed countless long duration science missions. Shuttle was never intended to fly to geosync orbit, I don't know where you got that idea. You might as well complain that it didn't fly to the Moon. The Hubble was inefficiently designed? Based on what? The design of the Hubble was based on those military spy satellites. Perhaps you've been living under a rock for a while, but America has always had multiple vehicles to launch spacecraft into orbit, and we've had manned launch vehicles for nearly a year now. Soon to be multiple manned vehicles. Did you bitch this much during the gap between Apollo and the Shuttle too? But what do you expect from someone who can't tell a real spacecraft from a model in a park.
@@jerromedrakejr9332 There is a not insignificant geopolitical, social, and technical benefit to using those engines. Cooperation between Russian and American space enterprises has been a hallmark of peace for the past thirty years. It's not a bad thing to play nice. It helps everyone not wake up dead in the morning.
Holy crap that tiny aircraft carrying Buran! I had no idea there was another plane, much smaller than the Ukrainian Antonov An-225 Mriya, carrying Buran.
An-225 was completed before the collapse of Soviet Union so it is "soviet", not "ukrainian". The whole USSR (literally) was developing and building it.
Буран, спроектировали и построили в Москве в Тушино, на ТМЗ (скоро там вместо завода, всё застроят домами-человейниками). Вывозили его из цеха и везли по широкой улице Лодочная (специально расширяли в 80х, чтобы Буран отвезти до причала и погрузить на баржу). Главный конструктор; Глеб Лозино-Лозинский, жил недалеко на улице Свободы 61к1. Он есть в этом видео на 15 мин.19 сек. До сих пор, никто из верховных и местных властей, не установили на доме памятную табличку в его честь.
The fact it flew into space, did a flight and then landed UNMANNED is outstanding.
@@ZetstarMemco You believe the American STS didn’t fly either?
@@ZetstarMemco I know how this ends. “… Therefore the earth is flat because…”
@@ZetstarMemco Get a life, plebian. Or slither back into the ooze you squelched out of.
Actually an unmanned flight is considerably simpler than a manned one. No crew means no concerns for environment, water, food, oxygen and guaranteed live return.
@dnewbury52 In that regard yes.
However it demonstrated that it didn't necessarily require crew.
first and ONLY orbital flight. unmanned as well. this is a cool upload--THANKS
the earth is flat too
@@Rafa-rm3ev huh?
Arguably superior to the shuttle
This was literally 80s technology at best - and first time, ad hoc put complete mission profile on totally new system. It was 2nd flight of Energya and 1st of Buran. Compare it to series of RUDs by SpaceX xD
@@Deproelior Nonsense. The version of the Soviet shuttle that flew was just a shell. It had no life support systems inside to support a crew. No galley, no sleeping quarters, no toilet. That would have come later had the program continued. A second vehicle was 90% finished when it was cancelled.
The U.S. shuttle could have been automatic landing, but we preferred a live pilot.
Мои родители проектировали станок для производства термоплитки Бурана, мама очень гордилась, что за все время полета отвалилось всего 6 плиток.
мы просто обязаны все восстановить и никогда больше не допускать рыночников до принятия решений.
@@Гагарин-э4с рыночники на луну высадились, а в россии при олигархическом правитильстве не рыночная, и даже не плановая экономика
@@andreus5113 Приватизация👍
@@Гагарин-э4с Эти рыночники на луне были, запускают космические телескопы и новейшие спутники для исследований других планет в то так ещё и делают новейшие ракеты о которых россия мечтать только и может и вряд ли когда нибудь догонит США.
@@zaplakailol автоматические станции СССР на Венере были 8 раз, с 60х годов. А пиндосы луну сняли в Голливуде.
Мужики. Я после окончания МАИ попал в этот проект. Да, был салагой (молодым специалистом), но многое из ЭТОГО видел и участвовал. И ГОРЖУСЬ!!! Более глобальных проектов моя страна больше НЕ зналана. А жаль.
пиздовал бы ты лучше в совхоз продукты питания стране давать, что б не приходилось в очередях за всем стоять
How sad. Do you offer your service to any other countries?
лучше летать в космос чем заниматься войной. Всем мира! 💕 ✌🏼
Борис Ельцин, за бутылку водки всю страну предал и продал
Fantastic video. I gained an interest in Buran after living in the Arabian Gulf for many years. In Bahrain was what seemed to be a Space Shuttle parked on the Manama corniche. I just assumed it was some kind of mock-up, perhaps built for children's "Space Camps". I later discovered that it was actually 'Buran 002' - which by a convoluted series of events had ended up stranded and unwanted in Bahrain!
That was the Buran test vehicle, which is now in Germany.
Yes, the Buran 002 (OK-GLI), used for testing the automated landing of Buran. It is now in Speyer, Germany at a museum.
Are you same Annie who worked at the British Consulate?
@@Nik_TheAstronaut SSSR mělo sedm demostrátorů při vývoji kosmoplánu Buran (OK-GLI) byl vybaven proudovými motory, ale byl neschopný letu na oběžnou dráhu, sloužil jenom pro testování letů klouzavým letem. NASA při vývoji raketoplánu měla pouze jeden demonstrátor Enterprise.
Это было 32 года назад - сука 32 года назад! Без суперкомпьютеров и крутых камер и вообще всего, что есть сейчас, они смогли сначала запустить эту махину на орбиту а потом посадить в полностью автоматическом режиме! Эти люди опередили время - я плачу с одной стороны от гордости за них и с другой от того, что все это исчезло. Мне сложно представить, где бы была российская космонавтика если бы их наработки и опыт передавались все 32 года. Где был сделан поворот не туда? Почему все это просрано, и как обидно что время упущено!
Это было сделано при коммунистах, даже без суперкомпьютеров, а сегодня суперкомпьютеры есть, но они используются, чтобы через распознавание лиц отлавливать коммунистов в метро, как Обухова на "Партизанской". В РФ сейчас классический банановый латиноамериканский режим, и как бы нам Соловьев не рассказывал про героическое противостояние Америке, Путин - проамериканский сукин сын.
30 лет назад появилась новая эпоха, компьютерная эра, ссср пролетал над ней как фанера над парижем, пришлось развалиться иначе страну ждало ужасное отставание от мира.
@@icior2010 ты болен, какой лютый бред!
@@alextrunin4927 ракеты самолеты это технологии 50-70х потом началась новая эпоха, электроника компьютеры, ссср в неё не попадал. в конце 80х на западе были персональные спутнковые телефоны, в ссср использовали таксофоны
@@icior2010 ты дурачок что-ли ? Всё было в СССР, но не для всех . Огромные деньги уходили на оборону и содержание других стран , поэтому и созрели предпосылки для распада , Америку это ожидает в ближайшем будущем .
This is amazing. I've never seen all of this great footage of the Buran's mission before. It saddens me that the program would not continue after this. 😥
@@acbulgin2 thanks for the great insight. Yeah, most of America's engineering/scientific breakthroughs were achieved by "borrowing" the scientists or engineers from other nations. It's quite laughable really.
I didn't realize they flew it around with the normal jet engines so many times. I think they said like 20 flights?
@@RedLP5000S Since the only true Americans were Native ones and everyone in American came from other countries your comment is quite laughable really.
maybe it will continue in the next season of "For all mankind" :)
@@RedLP5000S What, do you think America copied Russia on this? It was the other way around, Russia copied the Space Shuttle. also why am i replying to a year old comment lol
I simply love this amazing and powerful shuttle Buran and launch rocket Energija, both names are mighty! I feel great pride! Greetings from Czechia, stay safe and be healthy!
Mighty names. Useless vehicles.
@@postergmail6202 ja ja ja cuando eres el ingeniero de la estupidez y la ignorancia. No hay vacuna a eso!!
@@postergmail6202 how
Не знаю, как нашёл этот ролик. Красивые кадры, которые я ещё не видел. Спасибо!
Я тоже эти кадры не видел.
Почти все кто участвовал в программе Буран, имеют это видео...
Это рандомный подбор ютуба чувак
Сука, только ленивый в Союзе их не видел. Или ктото из деревни без телевизора. Вы, похоже циплята годовалые 😂😂😂
It's almost more amazing to me that this was a fully automated orbit, flight, and landing. No crew!
It's because they knew it was unsafe.
You do know there were multiple automated test flights of Gemini and Apollo missions? It's not that amazing.
@@auronoxe you do realize that every Shuttle landing was automated, right? If the pilot did anything the flight computer knew was wrong, it ignored the pilot input and stayed to the program.
@@threehead99 I don‘t know. Wikipedia tells that the Shuttle was equipped only since 2006 with an auto pilot. But it was never used. Quite possible it offered „assistants“ like the one you mentioned.
@@auronoxe Wikipedia also has flat earth pages.
The only non automatic part of the landing was deploying the landing gear.
Преклоняюсь перед мощью полёта мысли , волей в достижении результата и инженерным талантом нашего народа. Прощальный аккорд Советского союза. Трагедия и гордость людей, создавших это чудо. Спасибо им.
Все еще впереди!
спасибо им за что? За то что их проект ограбил страну?
@@siniyden ограбили страну Горбатый, Ельцин и их окружение. А данный проект был рассчитан и выполнен плановой экономикой без ущерба для граждан.
@@red_star1 hahahahahah durak
@@kinio7876 hihihi dolboeb
A beautiful machine, fully automatic flight was an amazing feat, no one had done it with a space shuttle before. Buran even had some parameters better than the American space shuttle.
The 100-ton payload claim is absolute bollocks. The Buran's cargo bay visibly wasn't anywhere near the size required to outperform the Shuttle's in cargo capacity.
@@XenoghostTV lol what are you talking about? you just listened 100 tons and then you say the buran lifted that, 100 tons was the payload of the *Energia alone*, with buran, indeed 30 tons
Too bad that like any Russian endeavor
It never saw fruitation. The Soviets were masters of building ONE of a high tech item, but never having the money nor infrastructure to mass produce. Soviets haven't mass produced anything with success since the T34.
@@904jagzsuck5 22 mio Lada ????
It's a real shame that after the collapse of the Soviet Union the shuttle was abandon and left to rot.
Its very expensive about 6x times of Soyuz launch cost
@@alexkomarov5672 Still... If the space shuttle could be built on a mass scale like T-34, maybe humans could live on Mars by now... Or at least such a masterpiece of science and art should be kept in great condition so when the country is better in finance, it could be utilized in the future.
@Sid agreed, useless, same as american shuttle. russians just had to copy western concord. And who can forget:видео.html
Hmmmm.... higher orbital load capacity, better aerodynamics, higher percentage of recoverable components from the launcher: engines with higher thermal efficiency than the RS-25, automated launch/orbit/land system shown to be accurate on first flight within 25m of the planned stop line, and less than a metre off the runway centreline? Oh, and all this without true FBW or GPS.... far, far superior to the US shuttle, and only one part of a modular launch system that could put bigger loads into LEO and GeoStat?
Yeah, definitely a crap copy with no purpose.
@@RobSchofield Hey, guy.... it's always easier to follow your 'big brother' into the unknown.... as far as I'm concerned, having an 'unmanned' test flight, for a 'man rated' vehicle, was an 'incomplete' mission in my book... and hmm...about 7 years after the US had been flying the shuttle. As far as the 'landing' of the ONLY launch, it had to go around twice before it landed, because of some 'wind shear' problem?? The real tragedy is that the standalone 'Energia' heavy lift vehicle wasn't continued to help launch parts of the ISS years would have helped...just saying....
Art and Science at its best. I love Buran. It should get the respect it deserves
When I was a teenager in the late 1980s my Dad suscribed to Time magazine. They always kept up with the Soviet space program. Those were the articles I would read first.
Aviation Week at my house
@Ken Mason you are joking. nice one.
@Ken Mason American propaganda
@Ken Mason My God. Where do you get this nonsense from?
I am always shocked by the propaganda in magazines and films about Russia and the USSR.
This is about how to study the history of the United States using Torontino films.
@@ЕвгенийЧ-и1н Or maybe spelling at the Tarantino academy for r-tards?
Какие же раньше крутые у нас были инженеры и ученые, на такой примитивной электронике создать такой сложный проект, браво!
Какие бы минусы не были у СССР, но инженеры и учёные были тогда самыми лучшими в мире, а щас всё импортное, и своего ничего толком не производим... И родину продали, и это очень грустно...
@@Jackerst27 это правда! Были уникальные люди!
@@pavelpisarenko8350 и сейчас есть просто их мало
Кто вам сказал что в те времена электроника была примитивная? Ноутбук в 89м был, правда только у военных, причём не иностранного происхождения,это либерасты после развала Союза все почти похерили, кроме остатков ВПК, а так все китайское, позорище, одни понты остались
@@Николаймандрыченко-в7б как назывался ноутбук?
Как же грустно что это был его единственный полёт
На самом деле прекрасно - всего 6 плиток отвалилось - напомню колумбии хватило 4-х но из кромки крыла чтоб убить опытнейший экипаж и наделать шуму на долго. а этот буран да был крутым но мегадорогим и не менее опасным. увы. факты таковы что большой корабль летающий в атмосфере не может выходить в космос и назад - шаттлы остановили изза того что они мегадорогими выходят если перед каждым полетом каждую запчасть проверять а если не проверять - будут аварии и катастрофы.
@@clawham Все отдавали себе отчет о стоимости полетов, а значит задачи, которые Буран должен был выполнять и перспективы, того стоили.
@@634alexey ни одного полета для выполнения какихто задач кроме "можем повторить" он не выполнял и не выполнил. ну да..смогли...повторить чтото похожее на шаттл и оно вродебы якобы даже слетало кудато один раз чудьм не сгорев - 6 плиток отвалилось. достижение...вместо пары городов отстроенных до уровня европейских - один раз пульнуть куском железа вникуда ради ничего. как и с лунной програмой высадки человека..к тому моменту как разродились повторить - уже никому это было и не надо. так ещё и не получилось нихрена :)
@@clawham " пульнуть куском железа вникудаа ради ничего" - столько информации и всё впустую... знатно вам мозг промыло, сочувствую
@@634alexey ну да он же выполнял много полезных научных оборонных и туристических миссий сделал 100500 открытий которые обнаровованы в журнале сайнс и по которым докторские дисертации позащищали добрая дюжина докторов наук? ой нет...пульнули надорвав пупок один раз поняли что мегадорого и бесполезно и все
на свалку.
I wasn't aware it ever flew. So good to see!
It was an un-crewed flight and made 2 orbits. November 15, 1988
They also put turbojet engines on it to do flight testing, there are vid segments from that in this video.
I remember it. It did, fully automatic flight.
@@JamesNoBrakes Finally somebody
15:47 - "Это большой вклад в ту Перестройку которая проводится в Нашей стране". Люди все еще верили в будущее, они не знали что больше Бураны летать не будут.
Илон Маск без всяких перестроек построил ракеты кои покруче всяких буранов/челноков и т.д.: государства такого не делали, а частник - сделал
@@ПавелБв даже в США Маск без сотрудничества NASA не смог бы добится того чего он добился,
что касается СССР/РФ то тут ЕМУ прямо сказали - все ракеты военные технологии, мы не понимаем о чём Вы собираетесь договариваться молодой человек (а значит что частникам без друзей в погонах с волосатыми руками космосом в рф заниматься нельзя)
мало того до перестройки (о которой собственно речь) в ссср частников не было
(если не считать частниками тех кто ремонтировал свои квартиры и строил маленькие домики на садовых участках)
- никакую компанию, строющую по сложности чтото сравнимое с орбитальными ракетами они создать не могли.
@@ПавелБв Дурак ты, батенька. На этого "частника" пол омерики горбатится, даже не всегда осознавая это. Глубже смотри на явление.
@@Simply-ParaPlan и все довольны, все хорошо зарабатывают, все обеспечены и шмотками, и продуктами, и автомобилями, и даже, домами! На улицах чисто - можно белые кеды не мыть месяцами, так что не я дурак, а вы, коли пишете такое
@@ПавелБв Дык, уезжай на ПМЖ в "благословенную". Кто держит-то?
An amazing display of aeronautical engineering. Thanks so much for posting. Although my Russian language is a little rusty, it is interesting to hear it. Too bad that due to economic situation at the time, the entire reusable orbiter program was cancelled. It could have been used to hoist up heavier and larger loads to the ISS that took the US shuttle more trips with less cargo. Excellent orbital test flight. Not many go as planned on the first attempt.
It's an amazing display of industrial espionage.
@@joe92 hmmm, the NSA and CIA are known to be the largest industrial espionage agencies ever existed..
Copied from NASA.
@@goodgood9955 "copied" just because of the look?
@@goodgood9955 The same NASA that was run by fascist German "immigrants" 😇
Crazy to see how colorful the inside of the assembly building is compared to the rotting hulk it is today.
Спасибо за а видео, спасибо всем кто принимал участие в этой грандиозной работе. Но сейчас без комка в горле смотреть на это очень больно...
Больно смотреть. Сколько людей старалось, надеелось....
А зачем вообще это делали? Какой смысл? В итоге даже богатые американцы отказались от своих дорогущих шатлов. А сейчас вообще Маск придумал возвращать секции ракет назад на Землю, сделав их многоразовыми
@@Porosenok_miasnoy Смысл заключался в следующем: 1 Для выполнения задач в космосе и из космоса нужен мощный носитель и наши умы инженеры его сделали; 2 Энергия могла помимо Бурана выводить на низкую околоземную орбиту и более крупные сигменты будущих орбитальных станций стыковать их на орбите и продолжать дальнейшее освоение космического пространства (заниматься научной работой и т д ) ; 3 Сама система Энергия - Буран толкнула науку и технологию далеко вперед* ведь сколько было создано нового в материаловедении* системе управления ЛА* в технологии и производственном сегменте сколько вдохновила людей эта программа* у человечества реально могла осуществиться мечта увидеть землю с высоты 200 км; 4 Возвращать с орбиты на землю КА в будущем уже не имело смысла ремонт мог пройти непосредственно на орбите и т д А про Иллона ничего не буду писать это вся его затея просто пшик и не более
@@Porosenok_miasnoy пфффф, подрастешь - поймешь.
@@alexanderyashin9114 Які ваші, урка? Яким ви боком до виробів українців Корольова, Глушко і Лозіно-Лозінського?
Люди, спасибо всем за добрые комментарии к прекрасному видео и за тёплые слова в адрес создателей уникальной системы Энергия-Буран. Довелось поучаствовать и в разработке, и в строительстве. Правда, тогда мы просто ездили на работу.
Огромное уважение вам и вашей хорошей работе по созданию отличной машины, товарищ 👏 👍
The Cosmodrome is a cool name.
like if Kreng use it ;)
5:14 hardware in the loop testing. 1400 landing scenario tested with various failures. Environment modeling computer used motors to apply modeled loads on aero surfaces. 😎 7:43 final landing system was tested by multiple automatic landing of Tu-154.😎 8:50 countdown computer noticed component failure and stopped countdown on 29 October, saving mission.😎 10:54 20000 parameter is being monitored on ascent. 😎 14:53 precise landing only 1.5 meters from designated point😎
Им надо весь ролик перевести)
@@EgorAfonin ну обратились бы я бы перевёл. А так я перевёл несколько роликов про космическую технику и выложил у себя на канале, но получил страйки за нарушение авторского права😾, пришлось убрать.
@@hrissan не справедливо!
@@hrissan thats so bad :( wish I knew russian to understand what is being said in the video
The most fascinating part of the video is that they attached modular jet engines to it and it was able to take off and fly under its own power. To my knowledge, they never did that with the American space shuttle.
13:36 - background music playing during Buran landing is taken from Soviet vinyl of 1980 "The Metamorphoses" which were collected electronic reworkings of classical music pieces, this specific composition is synthesiser version of "Sarcasms" for piano by Sergey Prokofiev.
What about the music at around 7:59?
@@bee2k01 Must be something by Eduard Artemyev. There are collections of his recordings on RUclips (I don't post a link, because such messages often get deleted)
Great video, would be nice to have a translation. I was particularly interested to see the jet powered trainer / test article, also the horizontal stacking.
Just press the translate button then settings and choose which language you want. Its easy.
@@cplcabs I did and it works OK. Of course not a perfect translation but at least so you can understand most parts.
@@skunkjobb yeah, auto translate still has a way to go
Excellent & informative video. Great camera work, thanks, Ted.
Фантастика, даже с высоты сегодняшнего времени...
Не даже,а именно для нынешнего времени
Такое мог создать только человек-творец, строящий новую, более развитую цивилизацию, в абсолютной уверенности в завтрашнем дне.
@6:34 I never knew the Buran could be fitted with 4 jet engines and flown like a regular plane.
@8:30 wow...look at that rig to rotate the whole thing vertical.
That part made my jaw drop. This is possible because there were no main engines on Buran.
@@manuelbeltranvalle but because of Soviet espionage yo get the plans for the shuttle, there are still mounts and holes in the air frame to fit the main engines onto the orbiter.
You thought the Soviets where amatuers?
They did industrial espionage just like the rest no more no less, US did to. But they had good engenieres
@@ljubomirculibrk4097 no one said the US didn't. Acting like the Soviets had made something incredible and never done before by stealing is what Soviet apologists don't understand.
Initail design was to mount 2 atmospheric engines from Su-27. While U.S. has airfields all around the globe, USSR had no, and the only chance to fly to the USSR territory in case of accident was to use airplane engines. Though before the first flight those engines was not ready and they were dismounted.
And for developing a landing sequence (including autopilot) there were just added 2 additional engines. So pilots could takeoff from the ground, without need to use some bigger plane, like Boeing 747 in American programme.
Низкий поклон советским специалистам.
Просто до изжоги доводит желание уничтожить до 10 колена предателей разрушивших мою родину. Я ведь помню эти кадры по телевизору. Мне было 11 лет.
Неужто так назад в СССР хочется? Соскучились по дефициту и очередям в магазинах?
@@AlexR860 дефицит был создан теми же предателями.
@@Alisher88888 дефицит в сове было всего и всегда
дешевые советские понты. а толку ноль! и где сейчас этот мусор?! на свалке! пхахахаха... клоуны советские!
@@siniyden а сейчас всего много но купить вы ничего не можете. И сидите гадаете что же произойдет завтра - может очередная оптимизация, а может война
Это видео вызывает очередную гордость за СССР! Очень рад, что хоть немного застал этой страны! Вот это были люди!
в чем гордость? в том что все воровали у запада с опозданием на 10 лет и делали подделки? І том что все изобретатели бьіли заключеннгьіми и сам королев которьій запустил гагарина в космос тоже сидел а кинохронику снимали не о изобретателях а о вертухаях и о пропагандонах..
@@OlegSimonenko зато сейчас не воруют. Летают на советских галошах.
тот, кому своим нечем гордиться - начинает гордиться государством
@@ПавелБв своим государством, без которого всё начинают "осваивать" чужие.
@@СергейКарташков-э9ъ иди китаю поклонись
Он прекрасен! Наследие великого народа!
Даже и это не смогли сохранить как памятник
Наследие великого народа, прежде чем писать такое подумайте хоть не много тем что осталось в голове, только и говорите о каком-то величии, это было сделано в союзе, без союза лучше скажите что вы сделали...
Amazing! Good work on bring this back!
Еслиб катастрофически неграбелся буджэт страны мыбы былеб вкосмосе .
@@ЖеняМихайлов-ь5ъ Space Shuttle Endeavour USA vs. Russia Buran 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
Russia, and China, our copy and paste nations 👎
STS is a piece of garbage for niche use. Unfortunately, Soviet decided to make proportional response - with the same niche use. Simply because originally STS had military purpose as well as civilian. By the way, STS was actually used by Pentagon in several missions.
@@liondecka9062 This exactly why NASA is now copying soviet Spiral spaceplane. And F-35 is based on MiG-1.44. And illegal copies of AK-47 still produced in US of A, but not in Russia (after 1974)
Kind of funny how they had 'The final countdown' from "Europe" playing at the end.
I remember that song and music were popular in the Eastern block. It was also the official music during the Mediterenean Games in Syria (1987 I think).
Even stranger is "Sumer is icumen in", a Medieval rota, played at hyper tempo.
At 8:00 and 11:50 you can hear an italian prog piece: "Amore Grande, Amore Libero" composed in 1975 by "Il Guardiano del Faro" (Federico Monti Arduini)...🤣
@@Polymathes It's Soviet synthesiser version of this canon, was released among other electronic reworkings of classic music pieces in 1980 on "Metamorphoses" vinyl.
What a fascinating find - thanks for posting this historical document.
Love the weird soviet space background music 😂
Me too but at 16:48, it was the Swedish song "The final countdown".
some of my favorite music since it makes me nostalgic for a spacerace future that never happened.
You can find this album searching RUclips for "Eduard Artemyev - Metamorphoses" (my comment with a URL was deleted from this post earlier). But his "Moods" disc is better.
Actually, the music that is heard at 8:00 and 11:50 is ITALIAN. 😉
The piece is called "Amore grande, amore libero" (Great love, free love) and was composed by "Il Guardiano del Faro" (The lighthouse keeper) stage name of one of the first Italian virtuoso of the moog: Federico Monti Arduini, in 1975... 😉
You can find it on RUclips, it's an amazing instrumental prog piece...
@@lorenzopinto7948 and what about 13:47 to 15:04 ???
Pity Russia did not continue the Buran program. The engineers and Russia deserved the success of the Buran concept. Thanks for sharing.
Russian engineers hated the stolen shuttle designs, and could make head nor tail of the reason it was designed like it was, kremlin and military thought the shuttle was a weapon, engineers thought it was stupid. Shuttle was a travesty of politics, committee thought and non-direction kept alive through pride.
The Russian engineers made considerable changes to make Buran and they ended up with what exists in this video, but after landing they convinced the leaders of what they had already realised it was way too expensive to launch, could not be rapidly refurbished, was surpassed in cargo lift by other rockets and surpassed in human safety potential by soyuz.
The only thing the US shuttle was any better at than anything before was on-orbit repair, but is massively worse on every other metric due to compromise caused by Nasa fighting for budget. Buran tried to resolve some of these issues but lipstick on a pig, and you still have a pig. Nasa knew before the first launch how bad shuttle was compared to the initial proposals, Airforce supported first few launches, and sort of gave up, doing only a handful of launches over its lifetime rather than the proposed 10's per year, and everyone realised it was a dead duck well before it killed it's first crew.
Shuttle / Buran looks like an awesome idea, and millions where inspired by it, but it was a fundamentally flawed design.
I am glad that they gave up on Buran, but would have preferred them to develop one of the early shuttle concepts (DC3), which still used the piggyback design, was smaller, and had glide recoverable fuel tank / first stage, and used it as a dedicated hls as replacement to soyuz.
Because it was simply not practical.... They choose what was better for their needs
Russia was barely able to continue exist at the time
I did not know this footage existed. Thank you for posting. Would have loved to see at least one crewed mission.
С экипажем он не летал. Но не исключается на перспективу: остались 4 летных корабля (степень готовности: один -- 100% (Буря), второй 50% (Байкал), остальные примерно от 10 до 30%). Один на Байконуре, три на Тушинском заводе и в Жуковском. Есть еще полноразмерные летные (но только в атмосфере) макеты (один из них - на ВДНХ).
случай, когда прошлое значительно круче будущего.
Это точно.
This program should not have been scrapped. What a magnificent achievement in spaceflight. A true heavy cargo spaceplane.
*You talk like it was their original Idea and that they didn't steal 100% of it off the USA. They couldn't steal everything and it went belly up. Russia is a terrible country unless you like corruption and Communism.* 🤔
Rumours say that NASA tried to revive it.
@@Rubensgardens.Skogsmuseum *Utter horse shit.*
Our death trap of a shuttle probably should have been scrapped, though. It's fascinating to watch a new golden age with the NASA-SpaceX partnership.
Here's a copy and paste from another comment addressing your comment .. Russian engineers hated the stolen shuttle designs, and could make head nor tail of the reason it was designed like it was, kremlin and military thought the shuttle was a weapon, engineers thought it was stupid. Shuttle was a travesty of politics, committee thought and non-direction kept alive through pride.
The Russian engineers made considerable changes to make Buran and they ended up with what exists in this video, but after landing they convinced the leaders of what they had already realised it was way too expensive to launch, could not be rapidly refurbished, was surpassed in cargo lift by other rockets and surpassed in human safety potential by soyuz.
The only thing the US shuttle was any better at than anything before was on-orbit repair, but is massively worse on every other metric due to compromise caused by Nasa fighting for budget. Buran tried to resolve some of these issues but lipstick on a pig, and you still have a pig. Nasa knew before the first launch how bad shuttle was compared to the initial proposals, Airforce supported first few launches, and sort of gave up, doing only a handful of launches over its lifetime rather than the proposed 10's per year, and everyone realised it was a dead duck well before it killed it's first crew.
Shuttle / Buran looks like an awesome idea, and millions where inspired by it, but it was a fundamentally flawed design.
I am glad that they gave up on Buran, but would have preferred them to develop one of the early shuttle concepts (DC3), which still used the piggyback design, was smaller, and had glide recoverable fuel tank / first stage, and used it as a dedicated hls as replacement to soyuz.
Это был красивый космический корабль. Как жаль, что его никогда не использовали регулярно.
Его бы использовали, но тогда шли в другое "светлое" будущее.
@@socium2000 USSR would have to eventually collapse. It would been a better counterbalance to US than China.
@@sidhantseth007 Коммунистическая политически-экономическая система, это то с чем человечество всей планеты придёт к светлому будущему. А Капитализм, это то, что обогатит нескольких людей планеты.
@@socium2000 вам срочно к врачу.
Настоящие технологии по последнему слову техники тех времен!
да и по сегодняшнему.
Copied from America
@@MlLKMAN Концепция челнока, остальное свое, это теперь либерасты довели, что все китайское
@@Николаймандрыченко-в7б и чем это "своё" было лучше американского ?Америкаские ускорители возращались на землю двигатели первой ступени возращались вместе с челноком ,тупой и дорогой савецкий косплей как и вся совковая техника и наука🤮
@@Николаймандрыченко-в7б а в Китае правит коммунистическая партия.
Слава Коммунистической партии Китая!
Позор ЕДРу!
Знали бы они когда докладывали Горбачёву об успехе, что именно Горбачёв остановит программу.
дак не тянула страна эту программу
Уважение,радость,гордость за создателей-конструкторов,всех участников проекта,за Советский Союз,государство!
El Buran fue increíble, el único transbordador capaz de aterrizar de forma automática sin pilotos
А сегодня дети беспилотниками убивают других детей.
Как будто это было вчера. Посчастливилось и старт и посадку наблюдать
Absolutely amazing : a fully automated flight; far more advanced than anything at the time. It is very very sad that this was abandoned after the great success 😪😪😪😪Love from India!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
You guy's forget the USA built them and worked them the cost was to high.
*They blame the cancellation on the economic downturn of Communism but the fact was that they couldn't copy everything, Their lack of technology made them mothball this stolen Idea, India also steals a lot of technology and suffers much more failures than most as we have seen. Don't get me wrong, at least they try. There is a reason why companies like SpaceX will always dominate and always be in America.* 😃👍
"far more advanced than anything at the time"
Bullshit you say, babu. At that time the US had a Space Shuttle program fully up and running for 10 years already, where as the "Buran" program was just a "cargo cult" prototype at a very crude stage. The Buran program was a failed attempt of Soviet regime to showcase their capabilities and advantage which didn't exist. Soviet regime got hernia from this and other useless demonstrations they did to the world yet collapsed and passed away as expected. The Buran project is just a pure example of a simulacrum where symbols substitute the real sense of things.
The American Shuttles were fully automated too and if need could land fully on their own. In fact they were (and still are) the most advanced and complicated machines ever built.
Not more advanced than anything at the time.
Science, space exploration, peace, cooperation, friendship, mutual respect, medicine, art, sports, literature etc. Those are the things humans should focus on.
Automatic landing 40 years before SpaceX!
Not powered landing. Not remotely similar.
Planes were landed automatically since 60s.
Planes don't travel six or seven times faster than a rifle bullet, nor do they leave earth's atmosphere.
@@jshepard152 Point being? Once the orbiter survives reentry, it's just a (pretty crappy) plane.
The first Space Shuttle could also land itself. The landing gear deployment was the only thing that needed a human, and that was done for political reasons to require a pilot be on board. After the Columbia accident they even automated that switch so that an orbiter could be land itself with no one on board in the event of a crew evacuation.
The video has made huge progress since that time.........Imagine this Buran flight with today's images....
Unfortunate they didn't continue their program. It's a very interesting bit of history that would surprise most people I think. People who never knew, and still don't. Nice footage.
Столько сил, денег, труда!!! Создали отличный корабль и все это пошло прахом, коту под хвост! Обидно до слез!
часть технологий, созданных в его производстве ушли в военную авиацию. Да и инженеры, всё это создававшие потом ещё где-то работали и применяли накопленные знания. Так что какое-то наследие у проекта всё-таки было.
@@doom2dну он верно написал, всё пошло в прах. А если что то ещё и на военные нужды, то это даже в минус.
Буран во время посадки на полосу выглядит как Бог Космоса спускающийся на крыльях к людям с небесными дарами.
Great flight! Film I'd never seen before. And - THE FINAL COUNTDOWN! EPIC!
Incredible.....fascinating to see a jet powered test version....Never heard of this development.
Sad to know it sits abandoned and rotting away now. Great video coverage of this.
The blizzard (buran) from the video was blown up during repair work roof in his garage, the tool fell from a height on his oxygen tank and an explosion occurred. it was be full destroy Right now there are two burans left, these are just models and not flight samples.
Russpace say that a new "blizzard" is already being built and it will be better.
One of the Burans (with the jet engines) used to be in a park on Sydney Harbour about 20 years ago.
No joke, I used to eat my lunch underneath it.
Edit: its name is OK-GLI
Gotta love the state-approved version of “the final countdown”
They resurrected Lenin for the VideoClip!
I hope Europe got a royalty!
@@RideAcrossTheRiver i think no ^_^
There was no single & monolithic "state" in the USSR, it was as everywhere: lots of state agencies, with their own agenda and people's tastes or sense of what's "appropriate". There were no formal bans on any kind or title of foreign music, just approval/disapproval to re-publish locally, which was decided by art approval boards. By 1988 such boards were not working, for Perestroyka policy (started in 1987). Most of video editors or anyone at the age of 15-40 were fond of Western music, no matter what was their ideology. The most ironic example is "International Panorama" TV program (search RUclips Международная панорама 1988), the most distilled anti-Western propaganda, yet its intro music was American rock.
Просто представьте какой объем работ проделан, сколько затрачен ресурсов. Сейчас олигархи кровососы соревнуются в размере и стоимости яхты на народные деньги
"Буран" и Чернобыль это как раз из ряда тех вещей, которые похоронили СССР
Царь то хороший , а бояре у нас плохие, царь то у нас не знает что бояре грабят воруют врут и вывозят из страны триллионы рублей, он и зарплату то СВОю не считает, ему приносят чемоданы а он складывается в тумбочке.
Страна непуганых идиотов.
@@denizzzkaреально дениска🤦🏻♀️
Мне 77лет и я был непосредственным участником изготовления двигателей ракеты Энергия. Жиизнь почти прошла недаром. Есть чем гордитса.
Вы в МИКе на 112 площадке работали?
amazing footage. tragic the orbiters were not preserved. a loss to all humanity
Not quite true. Watch this:видео.html
...or just visit the musuem in Speyer (germany):
Options, go to Baikonur in Kazakhstan or a museum..
What exactly have you lost due to this?
Are you not aware that the US had a shuttle program FAR more advanced that actually FLEW COUNTLESS MISSIONS?
Чувство стыда сейчас, вместо чувства гордости тогда.
холодильники Саратов производятся в китае.
Another amazing achievement. Pulling it around with basic equipment, barge, tractor, transport on small jet not much bigger than shuttle, and then it flew to space. I never knew that.
Подобное было возможно в той - ВЕЛИКОЙ СТРАНЕ! В современных владениях удельных князьков-воров, нечто подобное создать нереально. Слава Советской Стране!
в США такие шатлы летали с 1981-го года...причём летали регулярно....может дело не удельных князьях,а в рабском умишке дебилов советских?
Абсолютно точно! Вывод? Нужно все менять опять!
Царь то хороший , а бояре у нас плохие, царь то у нас не знает что бояре грабят воруют врут и вывозят из страны триллионы рублей, он и зарплату то СВОю не считает, ему приносят чемоданы а он складывается в тумбочке.
Страна непуганых идиотов.
thats The Technik Buran. the Technik never went to space. only It was used for flight tests and had jet engines to make normal flights and when reaching a desired height, the jet engines were turned off and it planned. the American Enterprise did not have that and relied on a Modified Boeing 747
6:38 I love the idea of using jet engines to propel a shuttle
That was only for Flighttest. The Buran was much more Safer den the US Shuttel. First the have NO Dangerus Solidfule Booster. The can Abbort the Engine everytime. Up to Mach 1 The Have Ejectorseats for the Crew. AND The Buran can Land without any Pilot! The first and last Flight was VOLL Automatik with no one a Bord. The Buran in my Eyes had be the better Shuttle.
@@christianbenzinger770 saying it was safer than the us shuttle is very speculative with almost no real data to back it up. While the space shuttle obviously had some catastrophic failures, there’s no real way to know or prove the Russian version was better or worse because of it’s very limited amount of flight time compared to the us shuttle.
@@Bad666Moon we can extrapolate from Soyuz, the design from that era that still work. The thing is Soyuz is safe because it had abort options, and Buran has those too, which don't exist in Space Shuttle, meaning if the launch fail (ie: like Challenger) there's no fatality (ie: using ejection seat or booster shutdown) and the excuses in politics that cancel Space Shuttle is going to be minimal, and Buran can launch without cosmonaut, meaning if it fail to re-entry (ie: like Columbia) after deploying a satellite won't be a big news.
@@Bad666Moon You're absolutly right. But more security has been thought of than with the US shuttle. And in principle it is just a further developed space shuttle since, as is well known, the plans were stolen. Solid bosters are too risky in my opinion. Liquid thrusters can always be turned off. You could certainly have retrofitted ejection seats on the US shuttle. But there is also the danger that they can be accidentally triggered in weightlessness. In addition, they are only helpful for the first few moments at the start. But they have just given a little more thought to security.
«Да, были люди в наше время, не то, что нынешнее племя!»
"богатыри не вы"
Буран 'внес большой вклад в пэрэстройку' меченой гниды, а его будущие пилоты - космонавты так и не увидели впп , как увидел ее робот пилот Бурана
It’s amazing that Buran had in theory more capabilities than the space shuttle.
Вот это уровень мышления у людей был! Не нынешнее племя. А Михал Сергеевич должен был присутствовать там, а не Родину продавать в это время!
Sadly this orbiter was destroyed in 2002 when the roof ceiling collapsed where it was stored in Kazakhstan. Meanwhile the other 2 prototypes are still there stored in Bikenor launch facility in Kazakhstan where they have been left to rust. Buran could have replaced NASA's space shuttle soon after it was retired. Buran could have been used to transport essential supplies to the international space station.
Incredible work by the Soviets. Such a shame it never went any further and now lays rotting in a giant hangar. Should be in a museum.
Remember. "Anyone who comes to us with a sword will die of sword." Russia.
2:50 Typical Russian take-off:
"How much runway we have left?"
"Hokay, rotate"
the state paid for all the runway, so you use all the runway!
I think it is so sad that it only flew once, before the whole program was canceled. All that hard work, money, all that use of incredably smart minds, which all came to nothing. Even more sad is the fact that the first flight was such a raging success, it was all done automated, and in some ways it was possibly better than the US shuttle . Then the shuttles and boosters were left abandoned, and mostly destroyed when the hanger collapsed. So sad, it all should be in museums!
@@frodosadventures8757 The two Burans are still okay, it's the energia rocket where the hangar collapsed.
There's a whole half a kilometer left.
That takeoff was crazy as well. Like did it blow up was it OK? WAS IT A TINY NUCLEAR 💣 oh no there it is.
это ведь всё ещё единственный полностью автоматический полет
уже давно ракеты летают в полностью автоматическом режиме
@@vitoattwood7847 и приземляются сами на указанный участок да?
Ага, конечно))) Загугли "X-37"
@@themarsoff да, посмотри как фальконы от спейс икс не то чтобы в заданном участке, а в заданной точке +-2 метра от размеченного на экране кампуктира центра
@@ПавелБв после выхода в космос? И не сравнивай. 40 лет прошло
You can clearly see where *NASA* got their idea for the *Space Shuttle Orbiter* from!
Тот случай когда смотришь это в 21 году, 21 -го века и понимаешь что вот оно будущее которое было в прошлом ! А находясь в настоящем будущем понимаешь что будущего не будет никогда ! Все просрали !
Деградация в действии.
кто мы??? что ты несешь полоумный)
дак американцы тоже свернули шаттл. Так что это самое что ни на есть прошлое
Нацпроекты работают, страна восстала из пепла и руин за каких-то 10-12 лет (нацпроекты начались с 2010).
Кстати, и с Бураном перспектива имеется: остались 4 летных корабля (степень готовности: 1 -- 100% (Буря), второй 50% (Байкал), остальные примерно от 10 до 30%). Один на Байконуре, три на Тушинском заводе и в Жуковском.Есть еще полноразмерные летные (но только в атмосфере) макеты (один из них - на ВДНХ).
@@Рикошет-ч4ч мы, которые все потеряли и за что будем долго еще каяться перед потомками
Just so you know, the thumbnail is AeroBuran, not Buran. Look it up, very interesting craft in its own right.
for people using the CC subtittles:
Buran means Blizzard in English. That's why the auto-translate keeps saying Blizzard this blizzard that.
ан-225 мрия создавалась далеко не как транспортное средство для бурана и топливных баков, основное назначение перспективного самолёта - программа "молния", т.е. взлёт прямо с летящего самолёта на максимальной высоте.
Мрия никогда не создавалась как стартовая площадка для запуска космических аппаратов, для этих целей были начаты предпроектные разработки Ан 325 а так же исследования в создании нового челнока так как сам Буран не мог самостоятельно взлетать по причине отсутствия разгонных двигателей...
Кстати на видео не Мрия а ВМ-Т «Атлант» ,но он был узкофюзеляжным поэтому и было принято решение о создании широкофюзеляжного самолёта
@@Gibraltar000 я знаю что это вм-т и не говорил, что на видео находится мрия.
When mom buys Megablocks instead of LEGO.
Ahaha...that's good!🤣
And then the Megablocks assemble themselves all by themselves, which a somewhat distant relative of LEGO doesn't do until decades if not generations later.
they get the space shuttle
Underrated comment
For me, it's when mom bought Gobots instead of Transformers.
Огромную гордость испытываю за ту страну в которой родился!!!!
And brain washed. Does Russia have flat earthers too?
Это за ту страну, где практически ВСЕ заводы были спроектированы и построены тем самым Западом?
В принципе, называй любой завод и выяснится, что он копия какого-нибудь американского. Или итальянского или ещё какого немецкого.
Гордится он...
Where are you from ?
😂😂😂 another one that thinks the west imvented the wheel .
@@fightback397 припадки? Так пей таблетки
До слёз...😢
Ребята, всем привет из Киева. Всех люблю. Будем жить и все возродим. И обязательно будем вместе со всеми, кто понимает язык на котором я пишу.
Адресу пиши москалику
Держитесь, братья 🙏❤️
Buran is a real masterpiece of engineering. Shame she is sleeping in a garbage.
this footage is pure gold!!!!
Артефакт развитой цивилизации. На кадре, где 3М разворачивается с Бураном на спине, дыхание перехватывает.
When I was in Moscow in 2005 one of them was on display in Gorky Park. It was playground equipment. Literally. Ladders up to the interior and slippery slides down to the sand.
Interestingly their shuttle could carry a heavier payload to a higher altitude than ours, and was much cheaper to operate. Whether it would have done so safely is something we'll never know, but ours failed catastrophically 2 times out of 135 flights. A horrific safety record. And if we're being honest with ourselves our shuttle never once did what it was designed to do. Nor COULD it even if we'd wanted. It was sold as a reusable vehicle to place communication satellites and to retrieve them for repair. But geosynchronous-orbit comsats are 24,000 miles up. Our shuttle could only manage 500 or so with a heavy payload, thanks to bloated engineering. And by the time it flew the cost of comsats had dropped to the point that servicing them was no longer needed. They're just thrown away.
That left our shuttle as a massive make-work project and political boondoggle in search of a mission. Remember all those "secret military missions" it did for a while? Those were just spy satellites. Congress forced the Air Force to use the shuttle instead of their own proven rockets in order to justify its continued operation. Other payloads, such as the Hubble, were inefficiently designed to fit into the the shuttle's cargo bay. ("All the eggs in one basket"......horribly expensive and unreliable.)
And now.....we're begging rides from the Russians, using their 1960s technology. 'murica!
The United States now primarily uses SpaceX Crew Dragon and upcoming Boeing Starliner for LEO astronaut travel?
@@ksmashgamer5748 The United States has extended the agreement with Russia on the production on the US soil and use of Russian RD engines until at least 2030, with the estimate that by then they will be able to start the production of domestic engines, so America will have to rely on the Russians for at least another decade.
Ok, someone has to call you on your bloviating. The payload limits and cost to operate were never demonstrated because the Buran never flew a single operational flight. The original cost projections per flight for the Shuttle were pretty rosy too. 2 failures in 135 flights is hardly a "horrific safety record" in spaceflight. Spaceflight is dangerous. Soyuz has had far more failures over its history.
The Shuttle absolutely did what it was designed to do. Whether that design was the best one is up for debate, but the shuttle launched many satellites, and it brought two of them back for repair. It repaired satellites in orbit as well. It built a space station. It performed countless long duration science missions. Shuttle was never intended to fly to geosync orbit, I don't know where you got that idea. You might as well complain that it didn't fly to the Moon. The Hubble was inefficiently designed? Based on what? The design of the Hubble was based on those military spy satellites.
Perhaps you've been living under a rock for a while, but America has always had multiple vehicles to launch spacecraft into orbit, and we've had manned launch vehicles for nearly a year now. Soon to be multiple manned vehicles. Did you bitch this much during the gap between Apollo and the Shuttle too?
But what do you expect from someone who can't tell a real spacecraft from a model in a park.
@@jerromedrakejr9332 One US rocket uses Russian RD engines, the Atlas. We have other launch platforms.
@@jerromedrakejr9332 There is a not insignificant geopolitical, social, and technical benefit to using those engines. Cooperation between Russian and American space enterprises has been a hallmark of peace for the past thirty years. It's not a bad thing to play nice. It helps everyone not wake up dead in the morning.
23 . 01 . 2024 : Я желаю Вам СЧАСТЬЯ (СВЕТА-ДОБРА-ЛЮБВИ) !
Какие светлые и счастливые люди! И это всё исчезло и никогда ничего подобного не будет...
когда-нибудь будет... Но нам не суждено это будет лицезреть.
@@alextrunin4927 Не будет, мозги массово уезжают за границу. Население замещают приезжими, порядка 1 млн в год.
Love the B-52-style Мясищев ВМ with the 4 Turbojets.
Нет. Но он может самостоятельно садится. На автопилоте.
Superb footage, if only there was more. Great!
Holy crap that tiny aircraft carrying Buran!
I had no idea there was another plane, much smaller than the Ukrainian Antonov An-225 Mriya, carrying Buran.
That is not a tiny aircraft, its a strategic bomber
@@ljubomirculibrk4097 tiny compared to Mriya
An-225 completion was delayed, so M3 had to be adapted.
An-225 was completed before the collapse of Soviet Union so it is "soviet", not "ukrainian". The whole USSR (literally) was developing and building it.
Did you intentionally emphasize that the Antonov An-225 is Ukrainian or is it a "sincere" mistake?
They fitted jet engines on the Russian space shuttle "Snowstorm"
Yup, "Snowstorm" is englisn for "Buran"
Бран это степной ураган не обязателно снежный.
Буран, спроектировали и построили в Москве в Тушино, на ТМЗ (скоро там вместо завода, всё застроят домами-человейниками).
Вывозили его из цеха и везли по широкой улице Лодочная (специально расширяли в 80х, чтобы Буран отвезти до причала и погрузить на баржу).
Главный конструктор; Глеб Лозино-Лозинский, жил недалеко на улице Свободы 61к1. Он есть в этом видео на 15 мин.19 сек.
До сих пор, никто из верховных и местных властей, не установили на доме памятную табличку в его честь.
Его полёт был первый и единственный, как печально
Amazing to see this and then see the video of those guys sneaking into the hanger, and seeing it all rotted away.