Does Christmas Really Have Pagan Origins? - Explained

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 139

  • @TheBibleExplained
    @TheBibleExplained  Год назад +3

    Slight correction: at 4:11 in the video I tell the story of Osiris and Isis, but I accidentally told it backward. The myth was that Isis reanimated Osiris' dead body to procreate with him (I accidentally said that Osiris reanimated Isis). My bad. Still not a virgin birth...

    • @zaragachizanparo4948
      @zaragachizanparo4948 Год назад +1

      It would be interesting to see you do a video on the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion. The series has a notable use of religious iconography and terminology.

    • @zaragachizanparo4948
      @zaragachizanparo4948 Год назад +1

      I should also add that if you do decide to check out Evangelion, I would STRONGLY insist that you watch the ADV dub rather than the Netflix dub.

    • @farashahanem
      @farashahanem Год назад

      Thank you, I was going to comment on that mistake. I took a course in mythology in high school, and picked up on your whoopsie-doodle immediately. Thank you for being on top of the info you give out in your video and correcting it. Appreciate you!

    • @farashahanem
      @farashahanem Год назад

      @@zaragachizanparo4948 I’m not TBE, but I can tell you my opinion. Admittedly, Neon Genesis Evangelion isn’t an anime I’ve sat down and watched (I think my kids used to like it), but if you will look around, there are a lot of Biblical references in pop culture, and not just in anime. It’s all around us. It’s in the movies we watch, the music we listen to, even commercials on TV. However, just because there is Christian symbolism or references in the media we take in doesn’t mean the producers of that media are Christian. Many times, Christianity is simply a vehicle used to influence the audiences’ views on Christianity and God Himself. Yes, there may be Christian references in anime, but there are also plenty of occult references as well.
      We must hold everything up to the light of God’s Word, the Bible. It is our standard of measure for our lives. If something doesn’t stand up to the scrutiny of Scripture, then we ought not to have it in our lives, or even consider it. This is a very hard thing to do, I know. It is very human to want to have fun and to be entertained, but unfortunately, the entertainment the world offers can lead one down a path away from God, and to destruction, whether it’s the destruction of a Christian’s witness, or the destruction of a lost soul to Hell.
      I John 4:1-3 tells us, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” I John 5:19 says, And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.” I Thessalonians 5:22 says, “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” In conclusion, what I’m trying to get at with all of this is we can analyze all kinds of media that have Christian symbolism, but if it doesn’t agree with Scripture, or if it is mixed with elements of wickedness, then we shouldn’t consume such media as our entertainment. Like I said, it’s extremely hard, because we all have been programmed since birth by the world. For many of us who are saved, cutting ties with the world is difficult. You have to take it one day at a time. Get rid of the things that take you away from the Lord. If it’s hard to go cold turkey and get rid of it all at once, get rid of it in chunks, but get rid of it. Delete your TicTok account, the worldly music on your phone, movies and video games with violence, cursing, and mature content, anything that is wicked and that gets your mind off God. Work on increasing your (and I’m talking in general terms, not trying to point any fingers because there are many young people wrapped up with anime, TicTok, and other worldly pleasures) prayer life, daily Bible reading, and going to a Scriptural New Testament church. As your walk with Jesus grows, your craving for entertainment will diminish.

    • @farashahanem
      @farashahanem Год назад

      @@zaragachizanparo4948 Also, on Spencer Smith’s channel, he has an upcoming documentary that is a part of his Third Adam series. I’m not sure how far out the release date for Third Adam 4 is, but from the previews he has released so far, I think he’ll be touching on the subject of anime. Brother Spencer is no stranger to anime. When he was a boy, he grew up watching Dragonball Z as well as other shows. He was saved when he was 18, and is a missionary with a RUclips channel, simply called “Spencer Smith.” He has written books on his conversion and on the subject of contemporary “Christian” music. You can check out his other three Third Adam documentaries, they are eye-opening.

  • @taunta37
    @taunta37 Год назад +3

    Saturnalia was a week long celebration, ending on the 25th, why didnt you mention this?

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @shama9279
    @shama9279 Год назад +3

    If you celebrate the birth of Jesus, then worship God.
    Don't lie to your kids about Santa clause, remind children that it is just a story, made up.
    That we should celebrate Jesus and Him coming to save us.
    With His birth, we are set free from this wicked world , His life showed us how to be.
    I am so joyous that He was born and lived perfect and He paid our debt, a wonderful King

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

    • @livingthenurselife2339
      @livingthenurselife2339 9 месяцев назад +1

      I love that you said his birth set us free from this wicked world I wish more people would see that it means to leave the Wicked Ways of the world alone especially things created by the Catholic Church to deceive the masses

    • @livingthenurselife2339
      @livingthenurselife2339 9 месяцев назад +2

      Several years ago I got rid of all of my decorations quit giving gifts and just started taking the day to celebrate Christ's birth NB thankful for everything he was is and will be but even then something just didn't feel right the birth of our savior every single day because without it we have no hope for eternal life we all have to make our own decisions as we have free will for years I thought I was following the Holy Spirit to the side my will but it turned out that in so much because of the lies of the Catholic church and the churches that came after them more often than not when I came to realize so much in the Bible that we're not taught an organized religion that stemmed from the Catholic Church and I just started studying the Bible by myself with the Holy Spirit something changed in me that I will never be able to put into words in 2 months later I went to put up Christmas decorations and couldn't do it I just kept looking around knowing that God knew the future he knows everything that is to come country could have told us and his word that man threw a false Church I was going to make up Christmas but he didn't instead over and over again we're told in multiple times to leave the traditions and customs of man alone and being a part of the world and I can't think of anything more worldly than Christmas these days is the foundation of idol worship greed gluttony and most of all the Constantine did not want to disown his traditions and Customs as pertaining to the worship of false gods

    • @shama9279
      @shama9279 9 месяцев назад

      @@livingthenurselife2339 amen my sister.

    • @shama9279
      @shama9279 9 месяцев назад

      @@livingthenurselife2339 what I do is i put a tree up and and I teach my children to put thank you notes on the tree. To remind them that this is the Lord's day. His day, a day that changed our life.
      I follow the Lord's matthew..for He will guide us.
      I call my myself a practioner of Jesus Christ.. christian is used too loosely. And too many false churches.
      Peace be with you, may you draw closer to our Lord and His teaching.
      Let the Holy Spirit guide your way.

  • @dave438-jw3
    @dave438-jw3 5 месяцев назад

    Early Christians believed all religions had prophesies about Christ our God, so when the Roman festival of the rebirth of the invincible sun was encountered by early missionaries, they saw it as a prophesy of the birth of the son of God (prior to Nicea 1 the spring equinox was 25 March, so the winter solstice would have been 25 December).

  • @boris8787
    @boris8787 Год назад +7

    There is No excuse for sin. And there is NO warrant in Scripture for the Xmas festival which is totally UNRELATED to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is NOT a helpless baby, but rather he is NOW in Heaven to be worshipped as our Creator which means he has NO birthday because he has NO origin. Catholic teaching wrongly joins CHRIST & MASS together in a wicked attempt to deny the ONE TIME FINISHED sacrifice of Christ on the cross. History clearly shows that ancient heathens worshipped the evil Sun-god celebrating his "birth" on their occult high day during the Winter Solstice with the SAME decorations & gift giving & gluttony & drunkenness that the idolatrous Xmas festival has today on the 25th of December. God commands us not to be conformed to this world and to abstain from all appearance of evil. According to the Bible there is NO such thing as a Christian festival. God wants FAITH - not festivals. Please read Deuteronomy 12:4 and John 3:16 for the truth!!!

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @lermapabillan4188
    @lermapabillan4188 Год назад +4

    My brother and I often argue because he insists we celebrate Christmas of Pagans but the only answer I can give when is the cold night happen it is only month of December whatever important of all we celebrate Jesus Christ birth, death, and resurrection. The purpose is the most important regardless of date but the coming of the saviour matters most in our lives.

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @taunta37
    @taunta37 Год назад +1

    It was cold in Israel in December, Jesus was born around one of the feasts which AND MOST LIKELY IN SEPTEMBER. ALL THE FEASTS POINT TO HIM. Christmas is very pagan

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @taunta37
    @taunta37 Год назад +3

    December 25th is the birthday of Tammuz. It is pagan. People dont want to give it up. Jesus was born in September. The bible doesn't say to celebrate his birthday. It does say to worship in truth. We know Jesus wasnt born on December 25th as Tammuz was. The bible speaks of Tammuz one time. It warns us about honoring him. I did subscribe but now unsubscribing. I will bet you think Halloween is ok too. Please be real to yourselves

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @yeshuaislord7773
    @yeshuaislord7773 Год назад +4

    I would have to dis agree with you I am not a atheist but can you show me biblical proof that Christmas is About Christ and why is Santa being Glorified aka being the god of Christmas why isn’t Jesus the focus either way it’s paganism

    • @TheBibleExplained
      @TheBibleExplained  Год назад +2

      I can show you Biblical proof that celebrating the birth of Christ honors God and I can show you historical proof that Christmas didn't originate from pagan sources, but weather or not Christmas is actually about Christ is between you and God. It should be. Even if the world does not truly worship Him on Christmas, we should not be surprised, because it does not worship Him ever.

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @angelt.5276
    @angelt.5276 Год назад +2

    Praise God for the great work put forth on your channel! I've been a long-time subscriber and I really like the style of your videos. Keep on going, brother! 2 Timothy 4:7

  • @ChristieMcKinley-nv8mv
    @ChristieMcKinley-nv8mv 11 месяцев назад

    Hello, Thanks for your videos. I know these comments are older. But, I was wondering if you could supply your sources for the date for the celebration of the unconquerable sun as Dec 17?
    And, any other historical sources you may have. I will also check out the other man’s videos you recommended on the subject in case he has some sources cited. Thanks!

  • @weloveTM123
    @weloveTM123 Год назад +1

    Finally! God bless you, sir. So glad you addressed this issue in such a deep, historical manner. I've been raving about Sextus Julius Africanus' theory for quite a WHILE now and wanted someone to make a proper video about it. Thank you and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

    • @livingthenurselife2339
      @livingthenurselife2339 9 месяцев назад

      Thankfully the historical side on how Christmas was invented for the Romans to keep their celebrations because Constantine didn't really want to convert are there as well. And if we look at all the lies from the Roman Catholic Church Christmas and Easter being one of them and by no means do I mean to say we should not celebrate the resurrection because we should but it is not on Easter Sunday if we truly go into a study of why not to celebrate Christmas with a clear mind willing to give up all we've ever known and learned and loved we will see and can find a whole lot of scripture that leads us away from the Catholic church and anything that they teach and or created such as Christmas was extended to last a week which ended on December 24th which is by our calendar merely a day before considering we use two different calendars also if we look into many early Christians, good teachers of the Bible, and the foundation of the United States we will see that Christmas was taught against for these very reasons that it was created by the false Roman Catholic Church which is where Rome hides as Rome never went away and it will be back at safely tucked away in the Vatican in various other places we should be smart enough as followers of Christ to know that if it came from the Catholic Church to leave it alone sad with a humble heart and tearful eyes I pray more Christians find their ways out of these lies and start going to the Bible on their own reading it for what it is God's word understanding it with the holy spirit's help and then and only then finding small groups to fellowship with many of our churches in denominations today meanwhile but they have all branched in their own different ways with different things and it all stems from the false Catholic Church

  • @d.brianburnsii1011
    @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад +1

    I have so many problems with this dude, and how inaccurate he is with the stuff he is saying. There are so many errors, but let me start with this:
    Jesus wasn't born in December, he was born in spring, and would have been closer to the time of Easter. In the Bible, Marry and Joseph entered Bethlehem looking for a place to birth their child and rest, but all of the inns were full, so they were given an empty Manger. That Manger was empty because the sheep were out to pasture. You literally can't send the sheep out to pasture in December like that or the sheep will die. Meaning that jesus couldn't have possibly been conceived in a Manger in December! You don't send sheep out in winter time!
    I have issues with how he represents the virgin births of other religions, and how he references the celebrations of other holidays as being a time of purely human sacrafice.
    The truth is, that early Christians had no idea when Jesus was born, and they placed his birth for Christmas time as a way to convert pegans into Christianity who didn't want to let go of their old customs, and instead of telling them not to celebrate their old customs, they adopted them instead.
    The Christmas holiday comes from a celebration of the winter solstice, much like how Easter and Halloween are referencing the equinox. There would have been a summer one too, but it's lack in popularity had it fall off.
    This adoption of the pegan, despite how this dude tried to frame his video, is why Christmas is lined with images and symbols that don't look anything like Christianity, the same is true of Easter and all saints day.
    The winter solstice would have marked the point where the days had reached their shortest, and from that point forward, the days would get longer, bringing new hope to the land! It fits perfect with the birth of the savior for that.
    Easter was about the revitalization of the land, as the days where now longer than the night, and a salvation story would make sense.
    And Halloween, or the fall equinox, would mark when the night started to get longer, and the spirit world would get closer to our realm.
    And as these celebrations predate Christian practice, so is the way they are celebrated! And without getting into an essay on this dude.
    He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religuon, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @Mrjtoth1
    @Mrjtoth1 Год назад +4

    Quick question why is Easter called Easter? Another question why do we celebrate Christmas with Yule logs, Evergreens, lights, candy canes or so close to the solicits? Why do we carve pumpkins during Halloween or wear masks? Do you know why Orthodox churches celebrate gift giving two weeks after the birth of Christ?
    There is a deeper truth out there waiting for you

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @deborahmak9674
    @deborahmak9674 Год назад +5

    It’s Pagan only to pagans , if your heart is with Jesus you have nothing to fear🙏🥰

    • @PowerfulRift
      @PowerfulRift Год назад

      There is no historical evidence for Christmas being pagan

    • @savedbyGracethroughFaith
      @savedbyGracethroughFaith Месяц назад

      10 Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:
      2 Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
      3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
      4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
      5 They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.
      6 Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O Lord; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.
      Jeremiah 10:1-6 KJV

  • @mina.t.
    @mina.t. Год назад +1

    1870 Ulysses Grant declared Christ-Mass a national Holiday as a day to pray and fast for 12/25. The declaration of Christmas Day was in hopes to unite the north and the south.
    Look it up.
    The traditions added came from the principles of Yule. Neither has anything to do with Christ’s birth. He was born in the fall. Do more research in the scriptures. Was a title used in scripture to celebrate the birth of Christ? Are trees today an idol to some? Is there a song written in worship of a Christmas trees?
    Can ppl celebrate the birth of Christ any other day than 12/25? Is it commanded in the scriptures to celebrate Christ’s birth? The spirit of Christmas as the national federal Holiday means to turn to God and pray and fast to unite according to its intent. Can we do that …UNITE and say Happy National Holiday to those that fast and pray as ordered to by President Ulysses Grant? OR SAYING HAPPY HOLIDAY A SIN IN SCRIPTURE? By the way, Yahweh’s Son’s -Hebrew Name is Yeshua. The letter J is only a few hundred years old. Look that up too, good stuff.

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @charliejackson5492
    @charliejackson5492 Год назад +1

    Horus or Osiris are not born and they're not anywhere to December 25th that's totally false immediately. I'm sorry to tell you that but that's nowhere near it and anything else the Middle East has absolutely no relations either even further away and worse for your false case.

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @sevinbamuels6560
    @sevinbamuels6560 Год назад +2

    Amos 3: 21 I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies.
    22 Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts.
    23 Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @regsun7947
    @regsun7947 Год назад +2

    I'm glad I watched this video because although I've pretty much thrown out the commercial trappings of Christmas over the years, I celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ in my heart regularly. I also enjoy putting up a tree for pretty decoration during the long, dreary winters. I like a star topper which reminds me of the star that guided the wise men along their path. I think all too often people get stuck on a symbol meaning a particular thing at whatever point in history and forget not all things mean the same to everyone.

    • @PowerfulRift
      @PowerfulRift Год назад

      There is no historical evidence to show that Christmas is pagan

  • @kingmufasa8929
    @kingmufasa8929 Год назад +2

    I disagree

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @malcolmmutambanengwe3453
    @malcolmmutambanengwe3453 Год назад +1

    My thoughts exactly. The world will do all it can to fight anything which brings glory to God. Christ's birth was celebrated by sherpherds, wise men. angels and myself today. Some people get drunk and loud when they have their celebrations while others share gifts and glorify God during theirs. So should we all stop celebrating birthdays because of a few bad examples?
    Apostl Paul gave the example of meat or food sacrificed to idols. To the weak they cannot eat but for the more mature they know that idols are nothing. Will I not eat meat if it harms a weaker christians faith? Yes, out of honor to Christ who died for that individual BUT not because I am commanded not to. This is the same way I feel towards Christmas, I am celebrating Christ's birth and using this holiday as an occassion to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @DutchTheBibleThumper2
    @DutchTheBibleThumper2 Год назад +1

    I have a loose theory just using certain hints the Bible gives us . start at the conception of John the Baptist, Sivan (June), count forward six months to arrive at Gabriel’s announcement of the conception of Jesus, Kislev (December), then count forward nine more months, the time it takes for human gestation, to reach Tishri (September)..

    • @TheBibleExplained
      @TheBibleExplained  Год назад +2

      That's a workable theory. Personally, I think that he was probably born in June or July and the wisemen probably arrived around December/January, but I can't prove it for certain

    • @DutchTheBibleThumper2
      @DutchTheBibleThumper2 Год назад

      @@TheBibleExplained that could be possible as well

  • @sevinbamuels6560
    @sevinbamuels6560 Год назад +2

    1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the 👉🏾latter times 👈🏾some shall 👉🏾depart from the faith, 👈🏾giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
    2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; 👉🏾having their conscience seared with a hot iron;👈🏾

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @anthonychiaramonte3911
    @anthonychiaramonte3911 Год назад +4

    Keep lying to the sheep and watch the truth come out. Christmas and the trinity are of pagan origin. I understand that’s hard to hear, and you might think I’m evil, but may God bless you with truth in Jesus name 🙌

    • @TheBibleExplained
      @TheBibleExplained  Год назад

      Can you prove that claim?

    • @kira7035
      @kira7035 Год назад

      I agree with Christmas being wrong as for the other not at all.

    • @onenumber7400
      @onenumber7400 Год назад

      The Spirit of Truth dwells in you, brother.

    • @fireballxl-5748
      @fireballxl-5748 Год назад

      It's hard to hear but not upsetting because you're incorrect. If you can't get the trinity correctly, there is no way you'll get Christmas right.

    • @beaglerescue5281
      @beaglerescue5281 Год назад +4

      I think you purposely omitted Jeremiah 10 and the birthdate of Nimrod and his son Tammuz which is December 25th. If one Google’s “Semiramis & Tammuz” they will see a mother and child image so like Mary & Jesus. BUT who existed first? Semiramis and Tammuz and their ancient image existed hundreds of years before Mary & Jesus. The Catholics (not Christians) deceived people into celebrating a pagan holiday.
      I think you purposely excluded the Shepherds who’s were still in the fields the night Jesus was born (Luke 2:8) and came to the manger to worship Him. The month of Christ’s birth is most likely September.

  • @afor2003us
    @afor2003us Год назад

    God bless you sir. You really have helped so many of us who were a bit confused

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @bosse641
    @bosse641 Год назад

    Jesus is NOT God as you said. He is God's SON, as Scripture tells us. Why not stick to Scripture ? Isn't that wise ?

    • @Mrjtoth1
      @Mrjtoth1 Год назад

      Nope scriptures are far wise especially when read all together instead of cherry picking

    • @bosse641
      @bosse641 Год назад

      @@Mrjtoth1 ....I am not cherry picking. I'm just taking to heart what God says in His word. When Jesus and the apostles said that Father God is the only true God, then I receive that, as all true Christians will. John 17:3 / 1 Corinthians 8:6 And that fits perfectly with the old Shema of Israel: "Hear, O Israel: YHVH our God is one Lord!" (Deuteronomy 6:4) And the Israelite Jesus confirmed the old Shema, Mark 12:29
      There is no cherry picking here. It's the eternal truth. its simplicity.

    • @Mrjtoth1
      @Mrjtoth1 Год назад

      @@bosse641 and how do you know that your God is the true God? Circular reasoning is a logical fallacy.

    • @bosse641
      @bosse641 Год назад

      @@Mrjtoth1 ...YHVH, Israel's God, The Creator, is a living God, the only one. "I am YHVH, and there is no other; apart from Me there is no God." He said Himself a long time ago. (Isaiah 45:5) And He is the God of Jesus of Nazareth, and He is my God also. Amazing grace.

    • @Mrjtoth1
      @Mrjtoth1 Год назад

      @@bosse641 so you have no understanding of circular arguments. So sad.

  • @Theolife
    @Theolife Год назад

    Great video!

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @rickybullock10
    @rickybullock10 Год назад +1

    I'm not going to lie much of customs and pratices are not in the bible but nor Jesus was born on Dec 25th but i thank God that he came live and died rose again and will come again.

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @Matthew_85k
    @Matthew_85k Год назад +1

    Interesting to know Sextus Julius Africanus was arguing for the right date of Jesus's birth way back in the late 2nd/early 3rd centuries.
    I remember once hearing a long time ago that December was actually a bad guess, good to know that's not the case.

    • @TheBibleExplained
      @TheBibleExplained  Год назад

      Personally, I suspect that Jesus was born in June, but there is some reason to guess December. At least the early Christians thought so, anyway.

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @joga3370
    @joga3370 Год назад +4

    I have a quick proof that it has pagan origins. The Catholic Church is pagan and not Christian. Christmas was created by Rome during the reign of Constantine. The same Roman Christians that became the Catholic Church. I.e. not the Christians of today who broke away from pagan teachings of the Roman church.

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

    • @xtraordinairartist9469
      @xtraordinairartist9469 10 месяцев назад

      Tell me you're ignorant of church history without explicitly stating you're insufferably ignorant of church history.

    • @joga3370
      @joga3370 10 месяцев назад

      @@xtraordinairartist9469 tell me the truth rather than being an insufferable bot that can’t even come up with an original reply.

    • @xtraordinairartist9469
      @xtraordinairartist9469 10 месяцев назад

      @@joga3370 you make calumius allegations , displaying your bias, but no facts nor an understanding of church history.
      Prayers for your conversion.

    • @joga3370
      @joga3370 10 месяцев назад

      @@xtraordinairartist9469 again you have said much without saying anything at all. Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about or you would have corrected me already. What a joke.

  • @adonyisrael1724
    @adonyisrael1724 Год назад +3

    The Messiah’s REAL NAME is Hebrew “Emmanuel”! (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:21-22)
    Salvation (English) is “Yeshua” (Hebrew), “Salus” (Latin), “Soteria” (Greek).
    Where this name in English “Jesus” comes from is “Iaisus” (Latin) who is “the son of Jupiter whom the Romans worshipped.
    Roman Empire is the legacy of The Vatican City State.

    • @fireballxl-5748
      @fireballxl-5748 Год назад +1

      However, God is to be called Jesus Christ or Jehovah & the reason is in Romans 11:10-14....for to provoke the Jews to jealousy. They lost the right to be the nation that proclaimed God's word to the world because they rejected the Messiah. So to use Hebrew names is contrary to God's purpose in provoking the Jews to jealousy. The name(s) of God are found in the King James Bible and are to be used until the church age is over, when Israel will again be the center of God's plan .... when the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. God wrote his book and God has preserved his perfect word(s) in the King James Bible ... not his ideas, meanings, intentions but his WORDS. (Psalms 12:6,7). God is sovereign and that means over his own words as well. Your denying Jesus is the correct name is in error...perhaps you are the perfect example of God's purpose being done....for to provoke to jealousy.

    • @curtthegamer934
      @curtthegamer934 Год назад

      I don't agree with that. "Jesus" is a transliteration of his name from the Greek.

    • @adonyisrael1724
      @adonyisrael1724 Год назад

      @@curtthegamer934 Incorrect.
      Do you know what “transliteration” means? Not “translation” but “transliteration”.
      You “transliterate” when you go from one ALPHABET to another ALPHABET.
      Go look up “Iaisus” in a LATIN dictionary. Plus in LATIN the “I” is pronounced as a “J” in the English language.
      The Prophecy spoken by Isaiah of the Name of the coming Messiah was “EMMANUEL”, the KING OF THE JEWS!
      The Virgin mother, a Jew of Kingdom of Judah gave her firstborn Son the HEBREW NAME “Emmanuel” which means “GOD WITH US”! Their REAL KING!
      God bless you! 💕

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @d.brianburnsii1011
    @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад +1

    He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religuon, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @maggiebran8159
    @maggiebran8159 Год назад +1

    🔉🔊 Nope, the thing is that the celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ must be done in holiness, and in that day, we must gather together to speak of the meaning of JESUS coming and what he wanted us to do. Then, after we have spoken about the meaning of our Lord Jesus Christ, we will continue with our celebration in holiness.
    It's not about giving out gifts, 🎁 but It's about opening our Bible to read 📚 what the gift of the LORD means by sending our Lord Jesus Christ.

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @Enemyofallah-y4u
    @Enemyofallah-y4u Год назад

    Everyone try’s to prove that Christianity is wrong but can’t find no evidences thx for this video

    • @jomaholmalwasser7809
      @jomaholmalwasser7809 Год назад

      I think people made mistakes, but God exist. You ll not find him at the church any more

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @lonerisrael392
    @lonerisrael392 Год назад +1

    🗣️Pagan Roman deities 🤣🤣😅 y'all trippin throw that new testament in the trash that's a slave book we woke over here

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @candybooker8139
    @candybooker8139 Год назад

    Forgive me for my Sinful

    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!

  • @trinidadrodriguez7292
    @trinidadrodriguez7292 Год назад


    • @d.brianburnsii1011
      @d.brianburnsii1011 11 месяцев назад

      He is full of shit, and misrepresenting the celebrations of old!
      He is leaving out the origins of the Christmas tree and its decorations, Santa and krampus, stockings by the fire, gift giving and coal, mistletoe, the yule log, cookies and milk Santa or brandy for krampus, Santa's reindeer and his ELVES, Christmas magic, the door reef, and the passing of sweets like candy chains or chocolates. I could go on! None of these things areChristian, they all come from pegan roots from the origonal holiday, and are integral to the holiday! If you don't have these things then you're not celebrating christmas, but another holiday. And because Christmas IS of pegan descent! It's an integral part of the history of the holiday! And instead of spreading some false bullshit in defense of your religion, we should celebrate the history, and know where it comes from! When you say that christmas wasnt pegan. Then you have to ask, why do we have a Christmas tree and jinglebells then!?!?!?!