I'm just starting to research him and first thing I thought was 'Oh he's totally a conservative religious guy isn't he? '. I'm pleasantly surprised with this revelation! I remember him on Hollywood squares and the Million dollar pyramid and tonight he showed up on an old episode of Johnny Carson so I was curious. I have to say these words hit me big time. I don't like saying I'm atheist but I don't like organized religion and honestly I don't specifically believe in a higher being and it was always a struggle for me growing up in a Muslim family. This really was a great message as I hate hate hate hearing how someone has to believe in a God to be a good person. If you think about it, what would those people do if they found there was no God? Who then would the real moral person be? Absolutely love this. Thank you for proving me wrong!
For someone who was a sophisticated Hollywood Insider for so many years , I'm quite impressed with your unpretentious and rather plainly presented unfashionably( no styling or slick marketing) honest video. Good to know I'm not alone.
I was a silent atheist until I buried my 2 parents after caring for my 2 terminally ill loved ones for years. One died and the second one followed 2 months later. Three weeks after that I was absolutely gobsnacked when suddenly I knew that I believed in God. Now that was a miracle after being secular for 25 years. Within a year I was seeking the face of Jesus and reading the Bible too. It's now been 25 years and I'm still a joy filled humble Christian who has read all the same books John did but took this road less traveled these days.
My dad was a fundamentalist Baptist preacher. We were supposed to be perfect, too, as an extension of his ministry. I can relate to so much of what Mr. davidson says. I, too, after many years of study and reflection, decided that I am an atheist. I am free, and it feels good!
I think in your own way you showed who you were and your honesty was revealing. I remember you saying on a talk show you didn't think you were capable of monogamy. I've often wondered how that played out with two long marriages. I hope you were wrong on that one. Being the moral person you said you are I think you were.
Love this! I’ve been an atheist for as long as I can remember ( and have been a fan of yours for 50 years). When I was in high school I was at a friends house and when I said I didn’t believe in God her parents ostracized me and told me that I would burn in hell! Imagine being 15 & hearing that! I kept my beliefs to myself after that & never openly admitted it again until I heard you talk about it. Thanks for your open & honest words!! 🤗
Coming out about this is worst than being "GAY" or "Trans", oh my. The good news is most of the world doesn't believe either, that's what's funny. Morals, virtues, Empathy and love that is all you need.
Religion is man's own way of getting to God. I am a Christian and Jesus is my savior. John, you are deceived and you really need to learn how this world began and why we need a Savior!
It can be very difficult to operate in this world unless you profess a religious belief. I have experienced open hatred, and discrimination in Christian communities, In the Muslim world and many others as I travel and work around the world. So hats off to you Mr. Davidson for having the courage to speak your truth, with love in your heart.
Well spoken. And not only in that world. it has become a big problem again after centuries of religious wars and opression. Again the religions are trying and doing the "believe our god or die" thing. If there is a God,let him punish these murderers.
One of the last people you'd expect, right? Handsome, wholesome, successful, has his life together... but "this is what an atheist looks like"! Love it!
Wow! ...I remember you. You used to be everywhere on TV when I was a kid. Very handsome guy, and you always seemed so friendly. I don't even watch TV anymore, I watch RUclips, and now here you are on RUclips! And like you, I left religion as a young man. Great to see you John!
John - I spent 30 years in television and probably 10 more before that, watching television. It was pretty hard to avoid you and I really had a very negative take on you. Probably because I was totally jealous - of your looks, your voice, your talent and your hair. I just happened to stumble upon this clip and you just shot up 10,000 points on my like meter! You delivered this message so effortlessly and so believably that if I weren't an atheist, I'd give it serious thought. You said words, sometimes exactly, that I've been saying openly for only the last 10 years. Probably because before that, as you so eloquently stated, it wasn't "the thing" in our business to buck the system. Thank you John Davidson, thank you deeply.
It saddens me how people say an imaginary friend yet refer to the bible on other measures . I've seen Jesus do miracles it certainly wasn't the person preforming or circus acts . Seems there's a lot of atheists until they're on their death bed you deny God he denies you the consequences are forever in the after life . John relying on yourself and believing in yourself is ignorant pride , which i believe is a sin , You didn't become who you are by yourself you have to realize there was divine intervention . If you watch videos from Todd white , Tom Loud , Tom Fischer and many other curing people with AIDS , Cancer , Hepatitis, watching limb grow before your eyes might change your prospective on who God is and the wonders he performs you'd be very enlightened, and it has nothing to do with religion it's all about the truth of the bible .
People can be openly secular, but still be close minded. God is not some imaginary friend, he is our creator, the reason why we live and why we breath. He sent his only son Jesus to become the hope for all mankind. To live like there's no God make you a fool. No disrespect to John, he is a good entertainer and great TV personality, but I just gotta ask this question. If God didn't exist, why are you still breathing?
seriously? we are the product of millions of years of evolution. not the wave of hand of an invisible, unknowable imagined being of the gullable, ignorant. excuse me , but I have no patience for willfully ignorant people.
John, I am not sure you will read this, but I appreciate your openness and honesty. I am a Christian and I am not religious. In other words, I do not belong to a denomination, or group, I do not follow a set of rules or believe in an imaginary being. I also do not put my trust in books written by men who oppose God such as Richard Dawkins, and others that you have mentioned because when you read them, with a preconceived notion that there is no God, there is a good chance that you will agree with what these God haters are saying. I believe God made all things. I believe God put the knowledge of Him in all mankind. He gave us all a conscience to live morally or unmorally. We all know the difference between right and wrong and I believe God put it there. I also believe we are all flawed and all have violated God's standards and I believe that Jesus is God's Son and He came here to pay our sin debt and save us. He is the one who makes us right with God. We all have the option to ignore what He did, reject what He did or repent of the things we have done and trust what He did. And this is what will make us right. We are not required to give money, join a church, dance around, speak in tongues, or do religious things. All we are required to do is repent and trust Him. That has nothing to do with being religious. How we respond to what Jesus did for us, will determine where we spend eternity. You have lived a long time and might live a few more years. But one day you will be standing before God to be judged. Your eternal life stands in the balance. God wants you to respond to Him and wants to save your soul. He asks nothing of you. Just repent and trust Him and allow Him to transform your heart.
@@graceweber2822 John Davidson has put his trust in man. Being a preachers kid does not make him right with God. God provides the faith and how we respond to who God is and what God did for us is what is important. John admits to being an atheist and being moral, but that will not clear him from the sins he has committed in this life. Jesus is the only one who makes us right with God and John has missed the boat on this. You are 100% correct. it is not about being religious or being good. It is about a relationship with Jesus Christ. John has rejected this free gift of salvation and wants to do things his way.
I'm Christian... well, Catholic, to be exact... I'm proud of my faith, and even I found what John had to say interesting and logical. Above all else, faith is very important to have in life, whether it's in God or someone you know or whoever. My hope and faith, when it's all said and done, is that when we enter the afterlife, God looks at His atheist children with mercy and say "you were wrong. I do exist." That's what I believe and I don't judge atheists. Never will.
I have always admired you, but n I w you have a supportive friend for all time. You expressed my feelings exactly.. thanks again so much. You restore my faith in mankind...thank you❤
Mark Davidson well Mr Davidson here's something else from a so called Christian. I don't see too many awful replies by so called Christians here. But I did hear John Davidson refer to our belief in Jesus as Son of God to be an imaginary friend. Why revert to such disparaging remarks? I agree with Nancy about Jesus loving you all no matter how or what you think. I have many atheist friends. Some have even raised their children as Catholic "just in case" we have many intelligent conversations. I've never thought any of them as immoral. Actually I've thought of a few of my Christian friends as immoral. Morality or immorality is determined by your actions and your examples. Not simply by what you believe. Peace, Jesus loves you.
Honestly, Mr. Davidson, your world philosophy is not saying something new and refreshing. It's super-common. Tons of people going to church (maybe most?), --maybe steeped in church--, or going to mosques, cathedrals and all kinds of religious meetings, and all the other people besides them, including atheists, are all worshiping something. People are worshipers. We worship ourselves by nature. What is more important to you than ANYTHING and 'rules' your life choices to the core?? Your business? Your kids? Your freedom to control your life? People are born with the attitude of 'me-first'. Anyone who lives by doing things they think and hope will prove to them and others that they are basically good, moral people is living out a works-based mindset. It's how they get God (if they think there is a God) to owe them. It's how they avoid God altogether (after all, he's too scary to get close to). Religious ('I'm better that others'), or not ('I'm not irritating like religious people, so I'm better.'), it's totally saying, 'my will be done'. 'I'm good all by myself.' If we came from nothing (??logic??) and death is the end of it, at least have the guts to admit like Sartre that everything in between is equally, absolutely meaningless. What's the point of moral behavior if it's meaningless? But inside, we don't really believe that because it makes no sense. Christ is unique and the opposite of religious. He wasn't into following rules to win points with God. He battled the religious leaders, while hanging out with, loving serving the poor, the rejects, the religious outcasts. Religious people and haters killed him!. He claimed to be God, and his measure of success (blessed) wasn't the 'strong' and 'smart', but the 'meek, poor, mourning'. He had nothing, spent his days serving others, working for social justice, and SAVING those who can't save themselves'. He gave till there was no need. It's the total opposite of 'me first'. He was crushed to death paying for our rebellious, self-righteous attitude so we can be free of it, so we can get a free gift of him, of life and super love and fulfillment filling every need and desire for real love, everything we go out looking for, all the way to the core. Thinking?Pondering?Logic? If someone just 'believes' and calls it good, that's a flimsy 'religious' approach. And there are tons of religious manipulators all over, preying on those who don't bother or want to think. With all their training, ministers are often the most clueless about honest logic and clear, extended research and reasoning. They can talk mystical, learn-ed and deep, but often come off as so relation-ally superficial. Explore with your own mind, the reality of one, holy, creator God (who made you and decided your birth, your family, your experiences, and your death?) his words and his solution applied to our hopeless, self-contrived intentions and self-centered thinking. There's just one reality. Everything else comes up as superficial, severely flawed. And to seekers who ask him to show himself, he will be the real experience, to be certain. The Bible is so consistent and cohesive. The Father, the Spirit, the Son decided to create a universe, a world, plants, creatures, and then the people (in relational, experiential, sensory and body likeness, but not holy, divine) to be sharing their pure love and life with. People get the chance to love back selflessly, but blow it. Now, in Christ, those who love him and others, selflessly through him, the way he loves us, are being knit together tightly ~ leading to one huge eternal city about to come down from heaven. The renewal of everything good. If you really want some truth, you owe it to yourself to check out Timothy Keller in NYC. Wish you well, and all good. ngw
Terribly irrational rationalizing. No matter how many times you repeat"logic", you obviously don't use or understand it and are therefore erroneously arguing a point which devoid of semantics and illogical.
+BIGDUB JAYONE How is it logical to believe everything came from nothing? Or every thought is random? Or that in all the randomness, there is basic similarity. Think on that, honestly.
+Joe Horn Just read my comments without your bias. Tell me what is not real in the way i've described how people act. If you say there's no God, then you need to prove it. We can't see love, but it exists. It's real. We all think in a basically specific, similar way. We all need the same environment to live. That doesn't just 'happen', or evolve from nothing. God can't be disproved and he is the most logical theory for the question, 'how have we come to be what we are and what our life is?' And besides, you'll never convince someone who really, truly lives their life walking with God in a Christ-like way that he isn't real and engaging with them. To say there is no God, or that there is no way to know God thru Christ and the work of the Spirit is simple arrogance when millions experience that relationship all the time, every day. Maybe what you're objecting to is legalistic, judging moralists. That is not Christianity. Atheists are good at that, too. Both delude themselves to think they are good in themselves, fine on their own, better that some or most and able to judge others. It's an arrogant and elitist philosophy. God's plan is love and grace for the hopelessly lost and spiritually dead. If you read scripture, the whole book is describing his plan through Christ to pursue us and get us back to the relationship in the garden. Even though each gets to choose a daily intention and whatever starting points, to believe that individual humans have real, full power, actual control, or can determine how life goes for them is totally delusional. I suggest Tim Keller, at Redeemer, NYC, for any honest seeker.
+Joe Horn How much logic does it take to say, "I'm right." without comprehensively pursuing honest answers about what one chooses to believe. Atheist, 'spiritual', or 'born again believer with their ticket punched,' or anyone that never intently pursues why they feel, think, and choose to believe what they embrace has nothing of substance, and no real answer. They don't understand their life or live with a well-placed confidence in truth. "Make things up as I go, cause i'm just that smart," is one of the defaults of human nature. "My will be done." The ego is a crushing master.
+Joe Horn Joe, we're all fools without a savior. That's the point of my trying to challenge your claims of superseding logic, and trying to explain simply that despite those claims, you have/present no actual facts or reasoning for your declared beliefs. That reduces your beliefs to just a personal preference. Your erudite response on the subject is reactivity and juvenile, anatomical name-calling... a dead end exchange. I wish you well.
Thank you John for declaring your atheism publicly. I share you view about secularism and atheism and can't thank you enough for sharing it here in this public arena. By doing so I hope that more people will learn from your experience and why you questioned faith and that may help them question their own. And BTW, I went to see you when you starred in the Off Off Broadway production of The Fantastics a few years ago and you were Fantastic! Now for me, you are fantastic for this as well.
Holy shit!!! I haven't seen this guy in years. Still has great hair! Too funny @1:55...I remember taking those two classes as well. Till this day...my wife blames my 101 freshman level classes at ODU that I took on logic and religion for my disdain for fundies. John is on point with his points here. He is 100% right. IMO.
paranor001 I think I made a deal with Jesus and then Satan at some point after seeing no results from Jesus, yet again. I then just started to accept that the new hair growing out of my ears and nose was just as folically fun. I just needed to start using very small brushes.
Mark 8: 36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?37 Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.
John, I'd like to share what I just posted elsewhere after seeing this: "This is a very pleasant surprise. Shattering the (my) stereotype of a "pretty boy", this man has quite a brain. Just from scanning, "You can't run for office in this country without being religious." Man, this guy just earned my deep respect." Subscribed.
Sad. His admitting to be an atheist reminds me of a scripture in Psalm 14 verse 1 : "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God." Mr. Davidson's life won't end well unless the God he doesn't believe in has grace. But then again, it is by our choice to believe in God (through Jesus Christ) or reject Him and the Word....
Brainwashed dupes like you think you have all the answers. You don't just "believe" in God, you think you ARE God! That's why religious people are always condemning non believers to hell.
@@bfsgman hateful much? This "religious person" as you refer to did not condemn you, as mere humans we don't have such power. And as a "religious person", I most certainly don't think I have all the answers or think that I am God. I most certainly DONT have all the answers and realize this, and of course also realize my many flaws, so DONT think I am God.
@@traceww LMAO, you're calling me hateful? I'll grant you that not every religious person is the same, but the majority I come across act like they're God and constantly tell people they're going to hell unless they convert to their particular faith. The person I replied to clearly said Mr. Davidson's life won't end well unless God has grace. In other words, that person is treating their faith as if it's factual and is showing contempt for Mr. Davidson. I don't care what a person chooses to believe, but I'm not going to keep my mouth shut when they start using their faith as a weapon against people who don't share their belief in God.
@@bfsgman well, you act like your beliefs are “fact” and you behave accordingly. So if someone believes in God and speaks accordingly why does that offend you? Christians don’t believe themselves to be God.. That’s absurd and I think you know that. Atheists have an obvious bitterness toward Christians because deep down inside there is an animosity toward God. This is why you are without excuse because what is known about God is seen in the wonderful creation as well as in the testimony of His Word. Someday this will become clear to you as well.
Wow! I had always admired JD for his beautiful voice, charm, and polished looks. Now, I admire him even more for his capacity for and execution of reason. We all have the capacity; sadly, most of us are too afraid to execute it. Kudos to Mr. Davidson for sharing his talents over the years and for this great exposition on how--with an open, logical mind--he discovered secularism/atheism to be the only reasonable position.
Wow! I never knew that about you, I am still a fan you sing so well. I am Christian although not christian in the sense that I go to church, although sometimes I go to church, but I sometimes think if you look around you and you see all this life don't you wonder who at the beginning of it all made this.?????? I guess I'm agnostic. without all the dogma. Respectful of all life and I believe in God. and his son. I say I'm Spiritual.
Mr. Davidson, I worked with you in Atlanta. My name is Hahn Hanrahan. I was a PA when you performed The Music Man. I even took you to a Chiropractor one day. He refused your check as he wanted to frame it.
I take issue with his claim that other perfomers profited from openly claiming their Christian orientation. Mr. Davidson was clearly doing the same for the bulk of his career by misleading the public into believing he was something that he wasn't and profiting from it as well. I couldn't care less about his faith, or lack of it, and frankly never cared for him as a performer, but it's a bit like calling the kettle black.
More celebrities should come out ,nothing to be ashamed of being secular.Nice to see you again I wondered what to him after Hollywood,he looks great’ just as handsome as before.
I was born and raised Catholic. I'm still a practicing Catholic to this day. There was a period where I considered myself agnostic and, thanks to a dear friend of mine who's Baptist, I was able to reconnect to my religious faith. When I was younger, I believed in what priests and other various pastors encouraged us followers to do, and that's to "spread the word." We've all heard it, we've all been encouraged to do it. Back then, I did, and today, I don't. My mother taught me something that's taught in the bible, which is to not judge or you yourself will be judged. I had known one atheist back in school and I recall criticizing her widely for her beliefs, or the lack thereof, and it was wrong. I didn't know any better. As time went by, I realized that just because you don't believe what I believe does not mean that you are a worse person than me. I felt that, with God, I was on top of the world and that I was better than those who didn't believe in God. Shame on me.
Hey John what someone forgot to tell you it seems like, is that to believe in God the Father Son and Holy Spirit is not a religion but a fact of life. Because we Praise Honor and Worship the Creator religiously (meaning all the time) does not make it a religion. God created us with free will. It's each individual's choice where to spend eternity. It sounds like you have grown into thinking that once a person passes away, thats all there is. I can assure you that once the body is no longer alive the soul Continues forever. So Mr. Davidson Sir where do you want to spend eternity. It's your choice.
Hey John, I wonder about all those people that died in the Beverly Hills nightclub in Newport, KY that night. Maybe some Supreme God allowed for you to escape with your life. Have you ever thought about that?
A bunch of people died in a fire. Some survived. Where does God enter into that situation? Did God start the fire and put the good guys closer to the exits?
I know this lady who is my brother mother-in-law she paints amazing three-dimensional morals I gave her what I thought was the right praises letting her know how God has blessed her she immediately flipped the script ask me what do God have to do with this everybody always want to give God the praise it is your own doing start taking your own credit
Mr. Davidson. I grew up with you on my television. I watched That's Incredible and Hollywood Squares and all the shows that you appeared on. I always thought you were a "nice"guy but so damn cheesy to appeal to the "Mid-American" viewer whom it seemed that you wanted to appeal to (which is not I). I am a hard-working, tax-paying, tolerant, open-minded, respectful Jewish guy originally from NYC and grew up in South Florida. I have a college education, law degree, successful practice and great family, friends, and co-workers. In other words...I'm a great Christian (just like you!). However, I MUST WRITE TO SAY that my impression of you until today was all wrong. I now have SO MUCH respect for you for speaking the truth. You are smarter and braver than I ever gave you credit for. I applaud you, commend you, and respect you and will think of you in this light for the rest of my life. You are the man! Have a Happy New Year and great life, sir!! I am so glad I found this video scrolling through RUclips today.
It always amazes me how smart people think they appear when they say there is no God...like that makes it so...lol...If there is no God...why do you spend so much time talking about someone you believe does not exist...lol....because you are serving your master and he hates everything about God and Jesus....this is why you have such a need to talk about this subject...this God that does not exists seems to really upset the Atheist...lol...If I didn't believe in something I wouldn't even bother to talk about something that did not exist...by talking about it so much you prove He does exist as He does...love it!
your religion causes most wars in our world. your religion is the most obvious example of human ignorance that can be cited. if we are to survive as a race we have to dump our stupidity and embrace and celebrate our intelligence. there is no god to save us . jesus , if he ever existed, died 2000 years ago. he was a man . only a man . no one has ever been " resurrected" no one, ever , ever ,ever. open your mind to the unlimited potential of human kind. believe in humanity, and have the courage to let go of false gods and our future is unlimited.
@@libertyjam2057 Psalm 14:1-3 KJV 1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. 2 The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. 3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
Being a Jew, I've left California for Israel 35 years ago. Sometimes I wax nostalgic so I looked up this guy after all these years. I'd like to say to him, and you all for that matter, G-d is alive and well in Jerusalem. And from here, His glory fills the heaven and the earth and He is the G-d of my fathers. I don't believe this. I know this.
Couldn't like you more after watching this vlog. Thank You! I've been an atheist since I was 15. I'm 56. I've been open about it all my life but, I wasn't in your business. Atheism only really says what you don't believe in... you've filled in the blanks and I can hear and feel your sense of goodness and decency. You're wonderful!
I remember going to see John Davidson at his show in Branson, MO with my wife around 1997 and really enjoyed it. If you read John 6:44 & 65 in the Bible you will see that no man can come to Jesus unless God the Father draws (Greek: drags) him to Jesus. I've never heard this truth preached in any church before and I have been a regular church attending Baptist since 1973. Eventually, God will open the eyes of everyone and unlike what the church will tell you, until God draws you it is not our decision to come to Jesus.
John's just proselytizing like his father - he's just changed up his point-of view!! by TIM URBAN , January 2022 I’ve spent most of my life thinking “the more atheists, the better.” Looking back, this now feels like a “be careful what you wish for” hope. It’s easy for non-religious people to look down on religion, but we take for granted the extent to which a good society is good because of the moral structure it provides. The world’s major religions, for all their faults, have been shaped by millennia of experience with human nature. I was one of tens of millions of 2008 Obama voters who had come to see religion as an organ of bigoted right-wing backwardness and the root of most of the world’s evil. That’s a pretty one-dimensional way to see systems of thought that have been around since antiquity. Over the past few years, it’s been made starkly clear that a world without the major religions is not a world without religion-it’s a world with a bunch of new religions sprouting up and quickly capturing millions of “atheists.” These new religions-many political-have not been put through centuries of trial and error, and the moral structures they provide often stoke the worst parts of our nature. The major traditional religions are far from perfect, and I would hope we can develop newer, better moral structures in the future that adopt the wisdom of old religions while shedding their uglier components. In the meantime, we should keep in mind that there’s probably no such thing as a non-religious person. Me included. Tim Urban writes and illustrates the blog Wait But Why. He is currently buried in a book about why U.S. society is acting like such a baby about everything.
No, you don't need an imaginary friend, none of us do. We need a Savior. You have one whether you like it or not and He loves you. You are free to reject him but He won't reject you.
But he's so loving he'll throw you in hell if you don't get it right? The greatest love of all that is. He'll think loving thoughts about your burning in hell though. Oh wise father of us all.. Somethings just a tad askew here.
You don’t understand Justice, sir. The human psyche demands justice when we are wronged, just like our God who made us. A judge who is not just is corrupt. Jesus took the justice we deserved onto himself so justice could be satisfied, restoring our relationship to God. That’s the greatest love anyone has ever shown me. While I was a sinner Christ died for me- in my place.
New respect for John Davidson. My Mom grew up in Brockton, MA and always talked about going to church with John when they were young. She attended his Dad's church. Mom's long passed and, over time, like John, I've become an atheist. Your words express exactly how I feel. I hope to meet you some day.
I seen you at the Rodgers and Hammerstein's The Sound of Music at Okaloosa Walton Community College in Niceville, FL around 1997. I lived a mile from the college and I use to watch Disney's The One and Only Genuine Original Family Band.
Thanks for your honesty, John. So many millions are weary of showing deference and respect for medieval supernatural cults. The silence is over. It is now time for the people to speak while the loudmouth preachers shut up and listen for a change. John, as a fellow atheist I must sincerely tell you that I owe you a beer. Best health, brother.
Met John in 1993 in Waikiki when he was hosting a 30 minute infomercial with Dave Del Dotto, who is a Jehovah's witness, and in the business of fleecing people out of their money selling books and tapes of how to buy real estate with no money. Saw that commercial on late nite tv for many years and could see myself sitting in the front row.
I guess I'm not the only silver-haired, older atheist in America. I happy that a large number of younger people are rational-thinking, non-believers, but don't forget that we're out there, too.
I am so glad that you have peace in your days that allowed you to be so open about your beliefs. We all need to be authentic about who we are and what we believe. Most certainly, your profession did not allow room for self-expression. But now you have touched other people with your thoughtful message and provide another voice, perhaps for some who, like you, felt they could not say what they feel or believe. As a very very long time, admiring fan...I stand with one more ovation from me to you. You have been a very generous performer...your energy and love of what you do jumps off the stage to your audience. You did the same thing with your video.
Thank you, John! Thanks for saying this so clearly and so concisely. I always loved your humor way back when, and I saw you in Wicked. Great job! Keep doing the good work. And thank you so much for this post. Much gratitude!
I'm not an atheist, but I find this video very refreshing and awesome, especially compared to fakee Christian BS all the time, very refreshing , thank you
John 3 King James Version (KJV) 3 There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: 2 The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. 3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
And Davidson wont.....because he has no faith, except in himself, and people. He has no faith in the one necessary...because of arrogance and ignorance.....philosophy is man made..and he chooses that over faith....many ignorant and deluded will burn in hell, because of their arrogance...,this guy is one if those! It's a choice...he made his! Sad! His eyes will be opened one day....too late.
@@declanmcleod9025 I know my heart just goes out and I have pray for him. So sad 😥 to see that he has come to this. I used to watch him on his t.v. show. When I saw him here on You Tube my heart was moved and I immediately went to praying for him. I asked the Lord to move upon John Davidson heart and save him. Let him cry out to you!! The devil has deceived so many. Revelations 20:12 KJV 12 "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.” It doesn't matter we are rich or poor, king or pauper, lower class or middle class. We will all bow before the Lord Jesus who will judge us all. Matthew 22:1-13 KJV says it all. I just typed the 13th verse (below) but read the entire Chapter when you have time. Lucas Monet, I'm sure you are already aware that this will happen when Jesus open the Book 📖 🙏 of life. Anyone name who is not written in the Book of Life will receive this................................(read below) 13 Then said the king (JESUS) to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Lucas Monet, just the thought of being bind hand and foot and tossed in a fire 🔥 and to burn eternally is enough cry out with all our heart, Repent (turn from our wicked ways and ask God for forgiveness for hurting Him to his heart). When we sin we "HURT" God ❤ heart. My God forgive us!!! Praise God Lucas Monet for your Salvation my brother in Christ!!! God use you and brought me back to this page with your comment and I will pick up my prayers for John Davidson again. I hope John READS this and cry out to the Lord and say "Jesus Save Me From My Sins!!! JESUS will, because JESUS blood paid for all our past, present and future sins. His mercy and grace gives us relief from the consequences we have to endure from our sins. What I mean by this is, what we could have gotten, because God require payment for sins, we now have FORGIVENESS, MERCY AND GRACE.
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. " John 3:36 "He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” Revelation 20:12, 20:15 "And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire."
gecollege Carrot & stick - how fucking original. Because telling this shit to a bunch of people who have probably said it a thousand times, and heard it many times over since coming to reason, is going to get you where? Please keep your nonsense to your self. Your faith is a farce, a joke, a construct to keep humanity locked in the bronze age and ignorant
Adrian Roper Romans 2:4-8 " do you think lightly of the riches of God's kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance? But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath for yourself in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who will render to each person according to his deeds: to those who by perseverance in doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life; but to those who are selfishly ambitious and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, wrath and indignation.
Brian Patrick Hebrews 4:12 "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
I guess when you're 80 yrs. old and at the end of a career (that's dependent upon public approval), there's really no risk in insulting millions of people who gave you said career. Sad, that he would have to go out on this note.
Micah Kazlinowski Instead of "insulting", I'm guessing you meant to say "inspiring, & empowering". Plus, I would have to edit your last sentence to say: "How delightful, that JD has the courage to leave bronze-age mythology in the dust, & instead, take a stand for reason, logic, & a heightened humanity."
Growing up in the 70s and 80s, John Davidson was essentially our Pat Boone: he was all over TV, he was handsome, had great hair, was squeaky clean, All-American, and WASP-y. But he's greater than Pat Boone, as this video shows. Boone has always preached his "Jesus lights up my life" shtick while here's Davidson to (correctly) identify that stuff as superstition, myth, and so much "voodoo." I admire him more for having said this. It's a brave thing for a celebrity to publicly confess he's a non-believer; John could only be more brave if he'd said this at the height of his popularity, rather than wait until his seventies.
I remember when I was 11 years old making my 1st communion, standing in line in my white communion dress to walk down the church aisle and telling my communion teacher that I shouldn’t be there. She asked why, and I told her I didn’t believe in God. She told me not to worry and get back in line. So I did.
The name, or rather, the word Jesus, is not the name of any man that lived in the Middle East, Iran/Iraq. If there was such. Man as the so-called Jesus, he surely wouldn't have been a Caucasian man. More likely, his name was Yeheshua. Also, while I do not identify with the atheist concept, I suspect their points of view may be more on par with what the bible stories which are purely allegorical and contain directions to the studied and put into good and practical use. Anyone here reading this, I recommend looking up the brilliant Bill Donahue of Hidden 'Meanings. It's a treasure filled with knowledge of how and why the KJV bible was written in such a way to conceal its true meanings . R
John, I wish I had known your true beliefs back in the 1980s when we knew each other socially. We could have had some great discussions, but I too was reluctant to reveal my own secularism. By posting this video, you have used your celebrity status to help move the needle away from our society's foolishness with religion. I salute you. People seem to have a fear of atheists, believing that they have no moral compass. But we do - and it's a simple one that is based on empathy - just treat others the way you would like to be treated! I'm sure humans understood that long before the Bible or Quran were written by people who had the audacity to claim that a god had spoken to them.
Benny Hill One has a right to believe in a religion, but that doesn't keep religion from being foolishness. Religion is foolishness as is homeopathy, chiropractic, and acupuncture.
I LOVE what you said.. "fear of atheists". I noticed just last night, while house-sitting for a friend and watching tv (I won't have a tv in my own house) there was colossal fraud, 'evangelist', Peter Popoff pushing "Miracle Spring Water'. People should fear Popoff.. Not John Davidson. (Look up the article "Scam Everlasting" by Christopher Maag. Fascinating.)
@Benny Hill - "Dr." Martin Luther King .. was also a serial philanderer, who cheated on his wife constantly (evidenced by FBI surveillance) and was proven to have plagiarized much of his doctoral thesis. (In 1991, a Boston College academic inquiry concluded that portions of his dissertation has been plagiarized , yet "No thought should be given to the revocation to "Dr." King's doctoral degree". Can you IMAGINE the bedlam, had this committee done the right thing? So naturally, they just left it alone.)
Yes, with preacher parents and "Boy Next Door" good looks, John was easily assumed to be "Christian." And while many have come to accept Homosexuality and even Gay marriage, being an Atheist may be the last undependable sin. So hats off to you, my friend. Being rational in an irrational age may be the bravest thing you've done.
I've liked John Davidson since I was kid. In 2001, I was playing drums on a cruise ship and he came on to perform one week. We actually had lunch and hang out a little. He's a great guy. And THIS makes me like him TWICE as much. Way to go, John! Thank you for standing up for what you believe and saying it intelligently and with heartfelt passion. Well done, sir.
You have a soul that need to be saved. Only Jesus can SAVE You. Romans 13 King James Version (KJV) 13 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
I actually didn't like you in your earlier years, because of my presumption that you were a flaming Christian fundamentalist! I'm sorry. My sister liked your music. I am appreciating your talents now, because that awful idea that you were under the spell of religion is gone now. The solstice celebrations predated Christmas by thousands of years. The Christians actually hijacked the holiday. Thanks for an interesting and enlightening video. You're right... pandering to Christianity is profitable. And in certain parts of our country, it's dangerous not to.
You have faith , hope and love in yourself, congratulations, its all subjective! So did Stalin, Hitler and his Germany and Mao and now look at our culture the faith that you have in "your fellow man" they have their own beliefs that are certainly contrary to yours! Subjective truth is relative John! You're deceived! Oh yeah John, I forgot to tell you....the worldview you have comes from Christianity!
> the worldview you have comes from Christianity! Not necessarily. It may be in line with the resulting feelings, that does not make it the source. Besides, one can view the bible as a book to draw from, that doesn't make them a follower. I quote THE WIZARD OF OZ on a regular basis, that doesn't mean I believe it's a true story. One can just as easily call you deceived as you can him, which I personally wouldn't do to any, I think that's low and unfair. I accept and respect your religious beliefs, if you can't do the same for others, or their lack of them that doesn't impose on your life in any way, I feel sorry for you. And you want to bring Hitler into it? He called himself a Christian. The KKK is also a Christian based organization, as is the Westboro Baptist Church. I know they don't represent the faith and I don't allow them to, all the more reason why you can't just site examples of the worst of people and say you're like them for believing or not what you do or don't. Yes, there's terrible atheists out there. There's terrible people who call themselves Christians. Likewise Jews, and likewise Muslims. That doesn't mean all Christians, all Jews, all Muslims, or all atheists are represented by their actions, most are very decent. Religious fanaticism may be an issue when it causes harm to the world around them, and again, those who practice it don't represent the faith in general.
Now...That's Incredible! Living 73 years and getting more stupid. Simplicity confounding the brilliant again. Shooting the video from a closet and not a public restroom would have been more powerful. A born entertainer with some God-given talents. Hey! That can't be right!
This is a great message! I grew up watching him and he was incredibly talented. His search for meaning around religion is one I experienced myself. So glad he recorded this message. Thank you so much.
I'm just starting to research him and first thing I thought was 'Oh he's totally a conservative religious guy isn't he? '. I'm pleasantly surprised with this revelation! I remember him on Hollywood squares and the Million dollar pyramid and tonight he showed up on an old episode of Johnny Carson so I was curious. I have to say these words hit me big time. I don't like saying I'm atheist but I don't like organized religion and honestly I don't specifically believe in a higher being and it was always a struggle for me growing up in a Muslim family. This really was a great message as I hate hate hate hearing how someone has to believe in a God to be a good person. If you think about it, what would those people do if they found there was no God? Who then would the real moral person be? Absolutely love this. Thank you for proving me wrong!
For someone who was a sophisticated Hollywood Insider for so many years , I'm quite impressed with your unpretentious and rather plainly presented unfashionably( no styling or slick marketing) honest video. Good to know I'm not alone.
I was a silent atheist until I buried my 2 parents after caring for my 2 terminally ill loved ones for years. One died and the second one followed 2 months later. Three weeks after that I was absolutely gobsnacked when suddenly I knew that I believed in God. Now that was a miracle after being secular for 25 years. Within a year I was seeking the face of Jesus and reading the Bible too. It's now been 25 years and I'm still a joy filled humble Christian who has read all the same books John did but took this road less traveled these days.
Wow! I wondered what happened to him...he was everywhere when I was a kid in the 70's. Love his message! Great to see you John!
Terrific message. Thank you for sharing. I hope this inspired others!
Thank you very much ❤Mr.Davidson
for being honestly talking about openly secular
You can't even imagine how incredibly happy this made me, John Davidson, my new hero
always amazes me how an atheist seems more anti Religion than pro Atheist. But good luck with that.
@@acemase3960 very true.
Wow. You may want to set the bar a little higher when it comes to the criteria to be your hero.
My dad was a fundamentalist Baptist preacher. We were supposed to be perfect, too, as an extension of his ministry. I can relate to so much of what Mr. davidson says. I, too, after many years of study and reflection, decided that I am an atheist. I am free, and it feels good!
I think in your own way you showed who you were and your honesty was revealing. I remember you saying on a talk show you didn't think you were capable of monogamy. I've often wondered how that played out with two long marriages. I hope you were wrong on that one. Being the moral person you said you are I think you were.
Love this! I’ve been an atheist for as long as I can remember ( and have been a fan of yours for 50 years). When I was in high school I was at a friends house and when I said I didn’t believe in God her parents ostracized me and told me that I would burn in hell! Imagine being 15 & hearing that! I kept my beliefs to myself after that & never openly admitted it again until I heard you talk about it. Thanks for your open & honest words!! 🤗
People are flawed. That's why I need a savior. I am flawed. So are you.
That’s your opinion & if it helps you lead your life, that’s great! I love my life & don’t need an invisible savior to believe in…
@@paulajulian3486 We mostly know what we want, not what we need. Unless you're all knowing and perfect.
So be it!
@@stetson_maven, speak for yourself, little man.
As an entertainer I have always been a fan of yours and now I see we have something else in common. Your words are inspiring.
Coming out about this is worst than being "GAY" or "Trans", oh my. The good news is most of the world doesn't believe either, that's what's funny. Morals, virtues, Empathy and love that is all you need.
Religion is man's own way of getting to God. I am a Christian and Jesus is my savior. John, you are deceived and you really need to learn how this world began and why we need a Savior!
It can be very difficult to operate in this world unless you profess a religious belief. I have experienced open hatred, and discrimination in Christian communities, In the Muslim world and many others as I travel and work around the world. So hats off to you Mr. Davidson for having the courage to speak your truth, with love in your heart.
Well spoken. And not only in that world. it has become a big problem again after centuries of religious wars and opression. Again the religions are trying and doing the "believe our god or die" thing. If there is a God,let him punish these murderers.
One of the last people you'd expect, right? Handsome, wholesome, successful, has his life together... but "this is what an atheist looks like"! Love it!
Wow! ...I remember you. You used to be everywhere on TV when I was a kid. Very handsome guy, and you always seemed so friendly. I don't even watch TV anymore, I watch RUclips, and now here you are on RUclips! And like you, I left religion as a young man. Great to see you John!
John - I spent 30 years in television and probably 10 more before that, watching television. It was pretty hard to avoid you and I really had a very negative take on you. Probably because I was totally jealous - of your looks, your voice, your talent and your hair. I just happened to stumble upon this clip and you just shot up 10,000 points on my like meter! You delivered this message so effortlessly and so believably that if I weren't an atheist, I'd give it serious thought. You said words, sometimes exactly, that I've been saying openly for only the last 10 years. Probably because before that, as you so eloquently stated, it wasn't "the thing" in our business to buck the system. Thank you John Davidson, thank you deeply.
Jeremiah 29:13And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
fezziwig99, don't you mean hide and seek?? lol
from fear and weakness and ignorance.
Wow - thanks for sharing! I also grew up watching you on TV, and so your message is even more powerful for me. :)
It saddens me how people say an imaginary friend yet refer to the bible on other measures . I've seen Jesus do miracles it certainly wasn't the person preforming or circus acts . Seems there's a lot of atheists until they're on their death bed you deny God he denies you the consequences are forever in the after life . John relying on yourself and believing in yourself is ignorant pride , which i believe is a sin , You didn't become who you are by yourself you have to realize there was divine intervention . If you watch videos from Todd white , Tom Loud , Tom Fischer and many other curing people with AIDS , Cancer , Hepatitis, watching limb grow before your eyes might change your prospective on who God is and the wonders he performs you'd be very enlightened, and it has nothing to do with religion it's all about the truth of the bible .
I hope I have hair like his at 77
Wow, I never knew this. He was very open and honest about his journey and position. Very confident.
People can be openly secular, but still be close minded. God is not some imaginary friend, he is our creator, the reason why we live and why we breath. He sent his only son Jesus to become the hope for all mankind. To live like there's no God make you a fool. No disrespect to John, he is a good entertainer and great TV personality, but I just gotta ask this question. If God didn't exist, why are you still breathing?
seriously? we are the product of millions of years of evolution. not the wave of hand of an invisible, unknowable imagined being of the gullable, ignorant. excuse me , but I have no patience for willfully ignorant people.
In your opinion. You assume you can force your beliefs on other people including those who have different religions or are atheist or agnostic.
He's not imaginary, my dear friend. Here's hoping you find Him one day. You are one of the best singers of all time.
John, I am not sure you will read this, but I appreciate your openness and honesty. I am a Christian and I am not religious. In other words, I do not belong to a denomination, or group, I do not follow a set of rules or believe in an imaginary being. I also do not put my trust in books written by men who oppose God such as Richard Dawkins, and others that you have mentioned because when you read them, with a preconceived notion that there is no God, there is a good chance that you will agree with what these God haters are saying. I believe God made all things. I believe God put the knowledge of Him in all mankind. He gave us all a conscience to live morally or unmorally. We all know the difference between right and wrong and I believe God put it there. I also believe we are all flawed and all have violated God's standards and I believe that Jesus is God's Son and He came here to pay our sin debt and save us. He is the one who makes us right with God. We all have the option to ignore what He did, reject what He did or repent of the things we have done and trust what He did. And this is what will make us right. We are not required to give money, join a church, dance around, speak in tongues, or do religious things. All we are required to do is repent and trust Him. That has nothing to do with being religious. How we respond to what Jesus did for us, will determine where we spend eternity. You have lived a long time and might live a few more years. But one day you will be standing before God to be judged. Your eternal life stands in the balance. God wants you to respond to Him and wants to save your soul. He asks nothing of you. Just repent and trust Him and allow Him to transform your heart.
It's not about religion but a relationship with Jesus. I feel bad that he rejects the offer of salvation through Christ's work on the cross.
@@graceweber2822 John Davidson has put his trust in man. Being a preachers kid does not make him right with God. God provides the faith and how we respond to who God is and what God did for us is what is important. John admits to being an atheist and being moral, but that will not clear him from the sins he has committed in this life. Jesus is the only one who makes us right with God and John has missed the boat on this. You are 100% correct. it is not about being religious or being good. It is about a relationship with Jesus Christ. John has rejected this free gift of salvation and wants to do things his way.
I'm Christian... well, Catholic, to be exact... I'm proud of my faith, and even I found what John had to say interesting and logical. Above all else, faith is very important to have in life, whether it's in God or someone you know or whoever. My hope and faith, when it's all said and done, is that when we enter the afterlife, God looks at His atheist children with mercy and say "you were wrong. I do exist." That's what I believe and I don't judge atheists. Never will.
You dont have to. God will!
I have always admired you, but n I w you have a supportive friend for all time. You expressed my feelings exactly.. thanks again so much. You restore my faith in mankind...thank you❤
Jesus still loves you John Davidson, no matter what you say you are...there is nothing you can do to change that.
Mark Davidson well Mr Davidson here's something else from a so called Christian. I don't see too many awful replies by so called Christians here. But I did hear John Davidson refer to our belief in Jesus as Son of God to be an imaginary friend. Why revert to such disparaging remarks? I agree with Nancy about Jesus loving you all no matter how or what you think. I have many atheist friends. Some have even raised their children as Catholic "just in case" we have many intelligent conversations. I've never thought any of them as immoral. Actually I've thought of a few of my Christian friends as immoral. Morality or immorality is determined by your actions and your examples. Not simply by what you believe. Peace, Jesus loves you.
Honestly, Mr. Davidson, your world philosophy is not saying something new and refreshing. It's super-common. Tons of people going to church (maybe most?), --maybe steeped in church--, or going to mosques, cathedrals and all kinds of religious meetings, and all the other people besides them, including atheists, are all worshiping something. People are worshipers. We worship ourselves by nature. What is more important to you than ANYTHING and 'rules' your life choices to the core?? Your business? Your kids? Your freedom to control your life?
People are born with the attitude of 'me-first'. Anyone who lives by doing things they think and hope will prove to them and others that they are basically good, moral people is living out a works-based mindset. It's how they get God (if they think there is a God) to owe them. It's how they avoid God altogether (after all, he's too scary to get close to). Religious ('I'm better that others'), or not ('I'm not irritating like religious people, so I'm better.'), it's totally saying, 'my will be done'. 'I'm good all by myself.'
If we came from nothing (??logic??) and death is the end of it, at least have the guts to admit like Sartre that everything in between is equally, absolutely meaningless. What's the point of moral behavior if it's meaningless? But inside, we don't really believe that because it makes no sense.
Christ is unique and the opposite of religious. He wasn't into following rules to win points with God. He battled the religious leaders, while hanging out with, loving serving the poor, the rejects, the religious outcasts. Religious people and haters killed him!. He claimed to be God, and his measure of success (blessed) wasn't the 'strong' and 'smart', but the 'meek, poor, mourning'. He had nothing, spent his days serving others, working for social justice, and SAVING those who can't save themselves'. He gave till there was no need. It's the total opposite of 'me first'. He was crushed to death paying for our rebellious, self-righteous attitude so we can be free of it, so we can get a free gift of him, of life and super love and fulfillment filling every need and desire for real love, everything we go out looking for, all the way to the core.
Thinking?Pondering?Logic? If someone just 'believes' and calls it good, that's a flimsy 'religious' approach. And there are tons of religious manipulators all over, preying on those who don't bother or want to think. With all their training, ministers are often the most clueless about honest logic and clear, extended research and reasoning. They can talk mystical, learn-ed and deep, but often come off as so relation-ally superficial. Explore with your own mind, the reality of one, holy, creator God (who made you and decided your birth, your family, your experiences, and your death?) his words and his solution applied to our hopeless, self-contrived intentions and self-centered thinking. There's just one reality. Everything else comes up as superficial, severely flawed.
And to seekers who ask him to show himself, he will be the real experience, to be certain.
The Bible is so consistent and cohesive. The Father, the Spirit, the Son decided to create a universe, a world, plants, creatures, and then the people (in relational, experiential, sensory and body likeness, but not holy, divine) to be sharing their pure love and life with. People get the chance to love back selflessly, but blow it. Now, in Christ, those who love him and others, selflessly through him, the way he loves us, are being knit together tightly ~ leading to one huge eternal city about to come down from heaven. The renewal of everything good. If you really want some truth, you owe it to yourself to check out Timothy Keller in NYC. Wish you well, and all good. ngw
Terribly irrational rationalizing. No matter how many times you repeat"logic", you obviously don't use or understand it and are therefore erroneously arguing a point which devoid of semantics and illogical.
+BIGDUB JAYONE How is it logical to believe everything came from nothing? Or every thought is random? Or that in all the randomness, there is basic similarity. Think on that, honestly.
+Joe Horn Just read my comments without your bias. Tell me what is not real in the way i've described how people act. If you say there's no God, then you need to prove it. We can't see love, but it exists. It's real. We all think in a basically specific, similar way. We all need the same environment to live. That doesn't just 'happen', or evolve from nothing. God can't be disproved and he is the most logical theory for the question, 'how have we come to be what we are and what our life is?' And besides, you'll never convince someone who really, truly lives their life walking with God in a Christ-like way that he isn't real and engaging with them. To say there is no God, or that there is no way to know God thru Christ and the work of the Spirit is simple arrogance when millions experience that relationship all the time, every day. Maybe what you're objecting to is legalistic, judging moralists. That is not Christianity. Atheists are good at that, too. Both delude themselves to think they are good in themselves, fine on their own, better that some or most and able to judge others. It's an arrogant and elitist philosophy. God's plan is love and grace for the hopelessly lost and spiritually dead. If you read scripture, the whole book is describing his plan through Christ to pursue us and get us back to the relationship in the garden. Even though each gets to choose a daily intention and whatever starting points, to believe that individual humans have real, full power, actual control, or can determine how life goes for them is totally delusional. I suggest Tim Keller, at Redeemer, NYC, for any honest seeker.
+Joe Horn How much logic does it take to say, "I'm right." without comprehensively pursuing honest answers about what one chooses to believe. Atheist, 'spiritual', or 'born again believer with their ticket punched,' or anyone that never intently pursues why they feel, think, and choose to believe what they embrace has nothing of substance, and no real answer. They don't understand their life or live with a well-placed confidence in truth. "Make things up as I go, cause i'm just that smart," is one of the defaults of human nature. "My will be done." The ego is a crushing master.
+Joe Horn Joe, we're all fools without a savior. That's the point of my trying to challenge your claims of superseding logic, and trying to explain simply that despite those claims, you have/present no actual facts or reasoning for your declared beliefs. That reduces your beliefs to just a personal preference. Your erudite response on the subject is reactivity and juvenile, anatomical name-calling... a dead end exchange. I wish you well.
I was a pianist/organist music director for forty years and after finally making it through all that I have decided that I have gone secular...
And if someone wrote you a check you'd be singing praise Jesus.
Thank you John for declaring your atheism publicly. I share you view about secularism and atheism and can't thank you enough for sharing it here in this public arena. By doing so I hope that more people will learn from your experience and why you questioned faith and that may help them question their own. And BTW, I went to see you when you starred in the Off Off Broadway production of The Fantastics a few years ago and you were Fantastic! Now for me, you are fantastic for this as well.
Holy shit!!! I haven't seen this guy in years. Still has great hair!
Too funny @1:55...I remember taking those two classes as well. Till this day...my wife blames my 101 freshman level classes at ODU that I took on logic and religion for my disdain for fundies. John is on point with his points here. He is 100% right. IMO.
He must have made a deal with the devil for that hair.
***** I always hoped my hair would turn gray.... not loose. My brush as late, has been disagreeing.
paranor001 I think I made a deal with Jesus and then Satan at some point after seeing no results from Jesus, yet again. I then just started to accept that the new hair growing out of my ears and nose was just as folically fun. I just needed to start using very small brushes.
Mark 8: 36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?37 Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.
What a wonderful message. Great to see John looking so vibrant after all these years.
Praying for your Salvation. I once had an imaginary friend but I got tired of her always being to busy to come out and play.
Wow, this is so wonderful, open, honest, and offends no one.........I have wonderedfor years about John.........nice !
John, I'd like to share what I just posted elsewhere after seeing this:
"This is a very pleasant surprise. Shattering the (my) stereotype of a "pretty boy", this man has quite a brain.
Just from scanning, "You can't run for office in this country without being religious."
Man, this guy just earned my deep respect."
Sad. His admitting to be an atheist reminds me of a scripture in Psalm 14 verse 1 : "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God." Mr. Davidson's life won't end well unless the God he doesn't believe in has grace. But then again, it is by our choice to believe in God (through Jesus Christ) or reject Him and the Word....
Brainwashed dupes like you think you have all the answers. You don't just "believe" in God, you think you ARE God! That's why religious people are always condemning non believers to hell.
@@bfsgman hateful much? This "religious person" as you refer to did not condemn you, as mere humans we don't have such power. And as a "religious person", I most certainly don't think I have all the answers or think that I am God. I most certainly DONT have all the answers and realize this, and of course also realize my many flaws, so DONT think I am God.
@@traceww LMAO, you're calling me hateful? I'll grant you that not every religious person is the same, but the majority I come across act like they're God and constantly tell people they're going to hell unless they convert to their particular faith. The person I replied to clearly said Mr. Davidson's life won't end well unless God has grace. In other words, that person is treating their faith as if it's factual and is showing contempt for Mr. Davidson. I don't care what a person chooses to believe, but I'm not going to keep my mouth shut when they start using their faith as a weapon against people who don't share their belief in God.
@@bfsgman well, you act like your beliefs are “fact” and you behave accordingly. So if someone believes in God and speaks accordingly why does that offend you? Christians don’t believe themselves to be God.. That’s absurd and I think you know that. Atheists have an obvious bitterness toward Christians because deep down inside there is an animosity toward God. This is why you are without excuse because what is known about God is seen in the wonderful creation as well as in the testimony of His Word. Someday this will become clear to you as well.
Wow! I had always admired JD for his beautiful voice, charm, and polished looks. Now, I admire him even more for his capacity for and execution of reason. We all have the capacity; sadly, most of us are too afraid to execute it. Kudos to Mr. Davidson for sharing his talents over the years and for this great exposition on how--with an open, logical mind--he discovered secularism/atheism to be the only reasonable position.
I love you even more than I did 50 years ago. Your openness and honesty is so refreshing and I thank you for sharing. Bravo!
Wow! I never knew that about you, I am still a fan you sing so well. I am Christian although not christian in the sense that I go to church, although sometimes I go to church, but I sometimes think if you look around you and you see all this life don't you wonder who at the beginning of it all made this.?????? I guess I'm agnostic. without all the dogma. Respectful of all life and I believe in God. and his son. I say I'm Spiritual.
Hollywood embraces Christian actors???? Sure thing goof!
Mr. Davidson, I worked with you in Atlanta. My name is Hahn Hanrahan. I was a PA when you performed The Music Man. I even took you to a Chiropractor one day. He refused your check as he wanted to frame it.
I take issue with his claim that other perfomers profited from openly claiming their Christian orientation. Mr. Davidson was clearly doing the same for the bulk of his career by misleading the public into believing he was something that he wasn't and profiting from it as well. I couldn't care less about his faith, or lack of it, and frankly never cared for him as a performer, but it's a bit like calling the kettle black.
More celebrities should come out ,nothing to be ashamed of being secular.Nice to see you again I wondered what to him after Hollywood,he looks great’ just as handsome as before.
As a person who is neither an atheist nor religious, I'm so happy to see that John Davidson is an evolving, vibrant man.
I was born and raised Catholic. I'm still a practicing Catholic to this day. There was a period where I considered myself agnostic and, thanks to a dear friend of mine who's Baptist, I was able to reconnect to my religious faith.
When I was younger, I believed in what priests and other various pastors encouraged us followers to do, and that's to "spread the word." We've all heard it, we've all been encouraged to do it. Back then, I did, and today, I don't.
My mother taught me something that's taught in the bible, which is to not judge or you yourself will be judged. I had known one atheist back in school and I recall criticizing her widely for her beliefs, or the lack thereof, and it was wrong. I didn't know any better.
As time went by, I realized that just because you don't believe what I believe does not mean that you are a worse person than me. I felt that, with God, I was on top of the world and that I was better than those who didn't believe in God. Shame on me.
Hey John what someone forgot to tell you it seems like, is that to believe in God the Father Son and Holy Spirit is not a religion but a fact of life. Because we Praise Honor and Worship the Creator religiously (meaning all the time) does not make it a religion. God created us with free will. It's each individual's choice where to spend eternity. It sounds like you have grown into thinking that once a person passes away, thats all there is. I can assure you that once the body is no longer alive the soul Continues forever. So Mr. Davidson Sir where do you want to spend eternity. It's your choice.
Hey John, I wonder about all those people that died in the Beverly Hills nightclub in Newport, KY that night. Maybe some Supreme God allowed for you to escape with your life. Have you ever thought about that?
A bunch of people died in a fire. Some survived. Where does God enter into that situation? Did God start the fire and put the good guys closer to the exits?
God knows all. I know nothing.
+123Rockchild if God knows all why doesn't he stop pedophiles rapists murders etc. the list goes on and on
Wow! I will pray for you, and all others like you. I don't know how anyone can deny GOD. 😢
Thank you, John! Grew up watching you on TV and always admired you. Even had a crush! Now there's one more reason to love you!
Brian you are in hell with your hatred. There’s not too much further down for you to go.
I know this lady who is my brother mother-in-law she paints amazing three-dimensional morals I gave her what I thought was the right praises letting her know how God has blessed her she immediately flipped the script ask me what do God have to do with this everybody always want to give God the praise it is your own doing start taking your own credit
Mr. Davidson. I grew up with you on my television. I watched That's Incredible and Hollywood Squares and all the shows that you appeared on. I always thought you were a "nice"guy but so damn cheesy to appeal to the "Mid-American" viewer whom it seemed that you wanted to appeal to (which is not I). I am a hard-working, tax-paying, tolerant, open-minded, respectful Jewish guy originally from NYC and grew up in South Florida. I have a college education, law degree, successful practice and great family, friends, and co-workers. In other words...I'm a great Christian (just like you!). However, I MUST WRITE TO SAY that my impression of you until today was all wrong. I now have SO MUCH respect for you for speaking the truth. You are smarter and braver than I ever gave you credit for. I applaud you, commend you, and respect you and will think of you in this light for the rest of my life. You are the man! Have a Happy New Year and great life, sir!! I am so glad I found this video scrolling through RUclips today.
Thank you for this!
It always amazes me how smart people think they appear when they say there is no God...like that makes it so...lol...If there is no God...why do you spend so much time talking about someone you believe does not exist...lol....because you are serving your master and he hates everything about God and Jesus....this is why you have such a need to talk about this subject...this God that does not exists seems to really upset the Atheist...lol...If I didn't believe in something I wouldn't even bother to talk about something that did not exist...by talking about it so much you prove He does exist as He does...love it!
Janet Lowery great analysis. So true,
your religion causes most wars in our world. your religion is the most obvious example of human ignorance that can be cited. if we are to survive as a race we have to dump our stupidity and embrace and celebrate our intelligence. there is no god to save us . jesus , if he ever existed, died 2000 years ago. he was a man . only a man . no one has ever been " resurrected" no one, ever , ever ,ever. open your mind to the unlimited potential of human kind. believe in humanity, and have the courage to let go of false gods and our future is unlimited.
@@libertyjam2057 Psalm 14:1-3 KJV
1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
2 The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.
3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
Being a Jew, I've left California for Israel 35 years ago. Sometimes I wax nostalgic so I looked up this guy after all these years. I'd like to say to him, and you all for that matter, G-d is alive and well in Jerusalem. And from here, His glory fills the heaven and the earth and He is the G-d of my fathers. I don't believe this. I know this.
right on. go ISRAEL.
I'm grinning ear to ear. Nice to see you again, John, and thank you! Eloquently and beautifully stated. :)
Couldn't like you more after watching this vlog. Thank You! I've been an atheist since I was 15. I'm 56. I've been open about it all my life but, I wasn't in your business. Atheism only really says what you don't believe in... you've filled in the blanks and I can hear and feel your sense of goodness and decency. You're wonderful!
Sandra Hess, Virtual I diot.
I remember going to see John Davidson at his show in Branson, MO with my wife around 1997 and really enjoyed it. If you read John 6:44 & 65 in the Bible you will see that no man can come to Jesus unless God the Father draws (Greek: drags) him to Jesus. I've never heard this truth preached in any church before and I have been a regular church attending Baptist since 1973. Eventually, God will open the eyes of everyone and unlike what the church will tell you, until God draws you it is not our decision to come to Jesus.
I have heard that in solid teaching Churches, that the Spirit has to draw you, or He has to choose you.
John's just proselytizing like his father - he's just changed up his point-of view!!
by TIM URBAN , January 2022
I’ve spent most of my life thinking “the more atheists, the better.” Looking back, this now feels like a “be careful what you wish for” hope. It’s easy for non-religious people to look down on religion, but we take for granted the extent to which a good society is good because of the moral structure it provides.
The world’s major religions, for all their faults, have been shaped by millennia of experience with human nature. I was one of tens of millions of 2008 Obama voters who had come to see religion as an organ of bigoted right-wing backwardness and the root of most of the world’s evil. That’s a pretty one-dimensional way to see systems of thought that have been around since antiquity.
Over the past few years, it’s been made starkly clear that a world without the major religions is not a world without religion-it’s a world with a bunch of new religions sprouting up and quickly capturing millions of “atheists.” These new religions-many political-have not been put through centuries of trial and error, and the moral structures they provide often stoke the worst parts of our nature.
The major traditional religions are far from perfect, and I would hope we can develop newer, better moral structures in the future that adopt the wisdom of old religions while shedding their uglier components. In the meantime, we should keep in mind that there’s probably no such thing as a non-religious person. Me included.
Tim Urban writes and illustrates the blog Wait But Why. He is currently buried in a book about why U.S. society is acting like such a baby about everything.
No, you don't need an imaginary friend, none of us do. We need a Savior. You have one whether you like it or not and He loves you. You are free to reject him but He won't reject you.
But he's so loving he'll throw you in hell if you don't get it right? The greatest love of all that is. He'll think loving thoughts about your burning in hell though. Oh wise father of us all..
Somethings just a tad askew here.
You don’t understand Justice, sir. The human psyche demands justice when we are wronged, just like our God who made us. A judge who is not just is corrupt. Jesus took the justice we deserved onto himself so justice could be satisfied, restoring our relationship to God. That’s the greatest love anyone has ever shown me. While I was a sinner Christ died for me- in my place.
New respect for John Davidson. My Mom grew up in Brockton, MA and always talked about going to church with John when they were young. She attended his Dad's church. Mom's long passed and, over time, like John, I've become an atheist. Your words express exactly how I feel. I hope to meet you some day.
Well said John Davidson - it takes some courage here in the USA.
nice to see a cool dude "come out" as not giving a darn about the lie of religion mind.
I seen you at the Rodgers and Hammerstein's The Sound of Music at Okaloosa Walton Community College in Niceville, FL around 1997. I lived a mile from the college and I use to watch Disney's The One and Only Genuine Original Family Band.
Thanks for your honesty, John. So many millions are weary of showing deference and respect for medieval supernatural cults. The silence is over. It is now time for the people to speak while the loudmouth preachers shut up and listen for a change.
John, as a fellow atheist I must sincerely tell you that I owe you a beer. Best health, brother.
Met John in 1993 in Waikiki when he was hosting a 30 minute infomercial with Dave Del Dotto, who is a Jehovah's witness, and in the business of fleecing people out of their money selling books and tapes of how to buy real estate with no money. Saw that commercial on late nite tv for many years and could see myself sitting in the front row.
I guess I'm not the only silver-haired, older atheist in America. I happy that a large number of younger people are rational-thinking, non-believers, but don't forget that we're out there, too.
I am so glad that you have peace in your days that allowed you to be so open about your beliefs. We all need to be authentic about who we are and what we believe. Most certainly, your profession did not allow room for self-expression. But now you have touched other people with your thoughtful message and provide another voice, perhaps for some who, like you, felt they could not say what they feel or believe. As a very very long time, admiring fan...I stand with one more ovation from me to you. You have been a very generous performer...your energy and love of what you do jumps off the stage to your audience. You did the same thing with your video.
John Davidson you are awesome!!
Adrian Santiago I also play the guitar
Thank you, John! Thanks for saying this so clearly and so concisely. I always loved your humor way back when, and I saw you in Wicked. Great job! Keep doing the good work. And thank you so much for this post. Much gratitude!
Well, there goes my crush.
I'm not an atheist, but I find this video very refreshing and awesome, especially compared to fakee Christian BS all the time, very refreshing , thank you
John 3 King James Version (KJV)
3 There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews:
2 The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.
3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
And Davidson wont.....because he has no faith, except in himself, and people. He has no faith in the one necessary...because of arrogance and ignorance.....philosophy is man made..and he chooses that over faith....many ignorant and deluded will burn in hell, because of their arrogance...,this guy is one if those! It's a choice...he made his! Sad! His eyes will be opened one day....too late.
@@declanmcleod9025 I know my heart just goes out and I have pray for him. So sad 😥 to see that he has come to this. I used to watch him on his t.v. show. When I saw him here on You Tube my heart was moved and I immediately went to praying for him. I asked the Lord to move upon John Davidson heart and save him. Let him cry out to you!! The devil has deceived so many.
Revelations 20:12 KJV
12 "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.”
It doesn't matter we are rich or poor, king or pauper, lower class or middle class. We will all bow before the Lord Jesus who will judge us all.
Matthew 22:1-13 KJV says it all. I just typed the 13th verse (below) but read the entire Chapter when you have time.
Lucas Monet, I'm sure you are already aware that this will happen when Jesus open the Book 📖 🙏 of life. Anyone name who is not written in the Book of Life will receive this................................(read below)
13 Then said the king (JESUS) to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Lucas Monet, just the thought of being bind hand and foot and tossed in a fire 🔥 and to burn eternally is enough cry out with all our heart, Repent (turn from our wicked ways and ask God for forgiveness for hurting Him to his heart). When we sin we "HURT" God ❤ heart. My God forgive us!!! Praise God Lucas Monet for your Salvation my brother in Christ!!!
God use you and brought me back to this page with your comment and I will pick up my prayers for John Davidson again. I hope John READS this and cry out to the Lord and say "Jesus Save Me From My Sins!!! JESUS will, because JESUS blood paid for all our past, present and future sins. His mercy and grace gives us relief from the consequences we have to endure from our sins. What I mean by this is, what we could have gotten, because God require payment for sins, we now have FORGIVENESS, MERCY AND GRACE.
Just listened to you on the Humanist podcast and I came back to review this. Outstanding interview and video. Thanks for doing this for all of us.
I approve of this message too! Well done, John!
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. " John 3:36 "He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” Revelation 20:12, 20:15 "And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire."
gecollege Carrot & stick - how fucking original. Because telling this shit to a bunch of people who have probably said it a thousand times, and heard it many times over since coming to reason, is going to get you where? Please keep your nonsense to your self. Your faith is a farce, a joke, a construct to keep humanity locked in the bronze age and ignorant
gecollege Keep speaking in tongues, my friend.
Adrian Roper Romans 2:4-8 " do you think lightly of the riches of God's kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance? But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath for yourself in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who will render to each person according to his deeds: to those who by perseverance in doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life; but to those who are selfishly ambitious and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, wrath and indignation.
Brian Patrick Hebrews 4:12 "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Why quote a book of fiction?
I guess when you're 80 yrs. old and at the end of a career (that's dependent upon public approval), there's really no risk in insulting millions of people who gave you said career. Sad, that he would have to go out on this note.
Micah Kazlinowski Instead of "insulting", I'm guessing you meant to say "inspiring, & empowering". Plus, I would have to edit your last sentence to say: "How delightful, that JD has the courage to leave bronze-age mythology in the dust, & instead, take a stand for reason, logic, & a heightened humanity."
Mythology? oops. except for the pesky Dead Sea Scrolls. What an annoyance they must be for you. Not to mention mountians of manuscript evidence.
He seems like an incredibly nice man.
Peggy Stoute Morin probably is.
Growing up in the 70s and 80s, John Davidson was essentially our Pat Boone: he was all over TV, he was handsome, had great hair, was squeaky clean, All-American, and WASP-y. But he's greater than Pat Boone, as this video shows. Boone has always preached his "Jesus lights up my life" shtick while here's Davidson to (correctly) identify that stuff as superstition, myth, and so much "voodoo." I admire him more for having said this. It's a brave thing for a celebrity to publicly confess he's a non-believer; John could only be more brave if he'd said this at the height of his popularity, rather than wait until his seventies.
I remember when I was 11 years old making my 1st communion, standing in line in my white communion dress to walk down the church aisle and telling my communion teacher that I shouldn’t be there. She asked why, and I told her I didn’t believe in God. She told me not to worry and get back in line. So I did.
The name, or rather, the word Jesus, is not the name of any man that lived in the Middle East, Iran/Iraq. If there was such. Man as the so-called Jesus, he surely wouldn't have been a Caucasian man. More likely, his name was Yeheshua. Also, while I do not identify with the atheist concept, I suspect their points of view may be more on par with what the bible stories which are purely allegorical and contain directions to the studied and put into good and practical use. Anyone here reading this, I recommend looking up the brilliant Bill Donahue of Hidden 'Meanings. It's a treasure filled with knowledge of how and why the KJV bible was written in such a way to conceal its true meanings . R
who cares if he's openly secular? Why did he make this video?
John, I wish I had known your true beliefs back in the 1980s when we knew each other socially. We could have had some great discussions, but I too was reluctant to reveal my own secularism. By posting this video, you have used your celebrity status to help move the needle away from our society's foolishness with religion. I salute you.
People seem to have a fear of atheists, believing that they have no moral compass. But we do - and it's a simple one that is based on empathy - just treat others the way you would like to be treated! I'm sure humans understood that long before the Bible or Quran were written by people who had the audacity to claim that a god had spoken to them.
Benny Hill
One has a right to believe in a religion, but that doesn't keep religion from being foolishness. Religion is foolishness as is homeopathy, chiropractic, and acupuncture.
I LOVE what you said.. "fear of atheists". I noticed just last night, while house-sitting for a friend and watching tv (I won't have a tv in my own house) there was colossal fraud, 'evangelist', Peter Popoff pushing "Miracle Spring Water'. People should fear Popoff.. Not John Davidson. (Look up the article "Scam Everlasting" by Christopher Maag. Fascinating.)
@Benny Hill - "Dr." Martin Luther King .. was also a serial philanderer, who cheated on his wife constantly (evidenced by FBI surveillance) and was proven to have plagiarized much of his doctoral thesis. (In 1991, a Boston College academic inquiry concluded that portions of his dissertation has been plagiarized , yet "No thought should be given to the revocation to "Dr." King's doctoral degree". Can you IMAGINE the bedlam, had this committee done the right thing? So naturally, they just left it alone.)
@Benny Hill - So what? King David repented of his sin.. . All I'm pointing out is that the person YOU held up as a Baptist minister.. never did.
Yes, with preacher parents and "Boy Next Door" good looks, John was easily assumed to be "Christian." And while many have come to accept Homosexuality and even Gay marriage, being an Atheist may be the last undependable sin. So hats off to you, my friend. Being rational in an irrational age may be the bravest thing you've done.
I've liked John Davidson since I was kid. In 2001, I was playing drums on a cruise ship and he came on to perform one week. We actually had lunch and hang out a little. He's a great guy. And THIS makes me like him TWICE as much. Way to go, John! Thank you for standing up for what you believe and saying it intelligently and with heartfelt passion. Well done, sir.
I love this!
You have a soul that need to be saved. Only Jesus can SAVE You.
Romans 13 King James Version (KJV)
13 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
I am very surprised and delighted to see this video and hear his message. Who knew?! :-) :-)
Of these videos you have made, this one here is easily the best one yet.
I actually didn't like you in your earlier years, because of my presumption that you were a flaming Christian fundamentalist! I'm sorry. My sister liked your music. I am appreciating your talents now, because that awful idea that you were under the spell of religion is gone now.
The solstice celebrations predated Christmas by thousands of years. The Christians actually hijacked the holiday.
Thanks for an interesting and enlightening video. You're right... pandering to Christianity is profitable. And in certain parts of our country, it's dangerous not to.
God bless you John Davidson! 🤣
Excellent. Well spoken, old friend John. And you're strumming my tune.
it is all fun and games laughter and such until the end of your last breath...all i can say is for your sake I hope you are right.
You have faith , hope and love in yourself, congratulations, its all subjective! So did Stalin, Hitler and his Germany and Mao and now look at our culture the faith that you have in "your fellow man" they have their own beliefs that are certainly contrary to yours! Subjective truth is relative John! You're deceived! Oh yeah John, I forgot to tell you....the worldview you have comes from Christianity!
> the worldview you have comes from Christianity!
Not necessarily. It may be in line with the resulting feelings, that does not make it the source. Besides, one can view the bible as a book to draw from, that doesn't make them a follower. I quote THE WIZARD OF OZ on a regular basis, that doesn't mean I believe it's a true story. One can just as easily call you deceived as you can him, which I personally wouldn't do to any, I think that's low and unfair. I accept and respect your religious beliefs, if you can't do the same for others, or their lack of them that doesn't impose on your life in any way, I feel sorry for you. And you want to bring Hitler into it? He called himself a Christian. The KKK is also a Christian based organization, as is the Westboro Baptist Church. I know they don't represent the faith and I don't allow them to, all the more reason why you can't just site examples of the worst of people and say you're like them for believing or not what you do or don't. Yes, there's terrible atheists out there. There's terrible people who call themselves Christians. Likewise Jews, and likewise Muslims. That doesn't mean all Christians, all Jews, all Muslims, or all atheists are represented by their actions, most are very decent. Religious fanaticism may be an issue when it causes harm to the world around them, and again, those who practice it don't represent the faith in general.
sqaat Fantastic reply ❤️
So your Christian background got you fame and money and then you abandon it when it seems inconvenient. Nice.
Now...That's Incredible! Living 73 years and getting more stupid. Simplicity confounding the brilliant again. Shooting the video from a closet and not a public restroom would have been more powerful. A born entertainer with some God-given talents. Hey! That can't be right!
This is a great message! I grew up watching him and he was incredibly talented. His search for meaning around religion is one I experienced myself. So glad he recorded this message. Thank you so much.
Will you marry me? lol You have aged very nicely! This has to be the best coming out video I have ever seen on this subject. Thank you my friend!
Kurt Cameron gets roasted in Hollywood