Coincidentally, I just wired in my PDM-60 to run various farkels. It too requires +12v switched as a trigger pulse. If you remove the rear seat, you'll see the round connector for your top case. There will be 6 wires going into it. The red/black wire is switched 12v and you can very easily tap into that for your trigger. The PDM-60 is programmable but I am leaving it at the factory defaults. Right now I am running 12v for a RD and 12v for a voltage sentry. So I have 4 more +12v sources for future add-ons; all of varying amp rating. I mounted it under the rear seat for easy access. Plenty of room. I may wire in a rear running light next week. Good luck. Joe
Good stuff. I would leave the Wunderlick as an emergency back up. When I did the last trip I had some electrical demons and the “spare” USB plug saved my bacon for the Spotwalla tracker. Safe travels!
Coincidentally, I just wired in my PDM-60 to run various farkels. It too requires +12v switched as a trigger pulse. If you remove the rear seat, you'll see the round connector for your top case. There will be 6 wires going into it. The red/black wire is switched 12v and you can very easily tap into that for your trigger. The PDM-60 is programmable but I am leaving it at the factory defaults. Right now I am running 12v for a RD and 12v for a voltage sentry. So I have 4 more +12v sources for future add-ons; all of varying amp rating. I mounted it under the rear seat for easy access. Plenty of room. I may wire in a rear running light next week. Good luck. Joe
@@BMWLDRider thank you for the info, I will use that….Dave
Good stuff. I would leave the Wunderlick as an emergency back up. When I did the last trip I had some electrical demons and the “spare” USB plug saved my bacon for the Spotwalla tracker. Safe travels!
Not a bad idea...Dave