George Geis - How Do Belief Systems Work?

  • Опубликовано: 29 ноя 2023
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    Why are ‘belief systems’ so powerful? How do they control religion and politics and all ways of thinking from a scientific worldview to conspiracy theories? What is a ‘belief system’? It is a set of tenets or convictions that support each other, such that the whole system governs individual beliefs. How we believe may be more important than what we believe.
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    George T. Geis teaches at UCLA Anderson School of Management in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, financial modeling, entrepreneurship, and accounting. He has been voted Outstanding Teacher of the Year at UCLA Anderson five times.
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    Closer To Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.

Комментарии • 77

  • @brianlebreton7011
    @brianlebreton7011 7 месяцев назад +5

    I like Gary Van Warmerdam’s take on the construction of belief systems. Essentially an accumulation of stories we tell ourselves and invest in and protect through bias filtering. Beliefs tend to act like they’re in an existential fight for survival which makes them tough to change as we age unless there’s some undeniable truth that hits the foundation of those beliefs.

  • @acarbonunit
    @acarbonunit 7 месяцев назад +5

    Robert this a terrific line of inquiry. More about belief systems. Political, religious, cultural

    • @acarbonunit
      @acarbonunit 7 месяцев назад

      How about pursuing evil vs malevolence? I do not think evil exist, except in psychopathic disorders

  • @Ed-quadF
    @Ed-quadF 7 месяцев назад +1

    Love it when someone that's never been in a business, talks with "wisdom" about business. Not saying this about Peter because, don't know his history. Just a blanket statement.
    (E.G., someone who's never been out of school, tells the rest of us how life should be lived.)

    • @ottodetroit
      @ottodetroit 7 месяцев назад

      seems to be prevelant among all social media platforms. Everyone is a self proclaimed expert.

  • @mcpkone
    @mcpkone 7 месяцев назад

    Beliefs are filtered through ones values and becomes ones attitudes. I see the Theory of Holistic Perspective descrbes this well with opinions being short-term beliefs.

  • @gtavtheavengergunnerlegend3340
    @gtavtheavengergunnerlegend3340 7 месяцев назад +2

    I've found that religion is personal. we all view religion in slightly different ways therefore religion should be able to found within one's self

  • @ND-kl8lo
    @ND-kl8lo 7 месяцев назад +1

    Interesting discussion about belief systems.
    I am a former evolution believing atheist, who became a theist.
    I have a hard science degree as well, so I would consider these bonafides grant me less perceived quackery.
    Belief systems and worldviews are hugely important part of understanding and dealing with people.
    I was unaware as an atheist what I actually believed, and whether it was true, consistent and made sense.
    It affected what I was motivated by, and how I acted and treated people.
    Its great to see it talked about in respect to the commercial world.

    • @darknightfawkes1028
      @darknightfawkes1028 7 месяцев назад

      What are your current thoughts on reality? I’m not religious or an atheist either I would call myself agnostic (not deciding I know something until I experience it objectively myself basically) and I see reality like a shared dream being dreamed up by some kind of non sentient non artificial super computer mind, I know for sure the universe itself as a construct could not of been created as it’s a logical fallacy to assume time itself (a human construct) started.

    • @darknightfawkes1028
      @darknightfawkes1028 7 месяцев назад

      The way I like to work is by removing all beliefs (Big Bang, total universal creation, macro evolution for a few examples), so to remove any Illogic and then be left with only things that I know. Then I bring the things I know together and see the common themes between them and draw multiple different possibilities of theories but never really believe one… instead I will keep the most likely possible in my mind to explore and the other theories to see if I can find more evidences for (and of course rest the others). I think the imagination needs to be used in a way in which it is like a calculator working off of only real world inputs, but can give multiple possible outcomes in order to learn and discover more empirical truths. Using the imagination with tainted and subjective inputs is what creates distorted and illogical theories that have no grounding or reasoning what so ever.
      So basically I know what I know through the use of the scientific method (observe, test, repeat), and instead of holding beliefs I try my best to compile theories and store them separate to my ego or feelings so I can become un attached to them. It would be like having multiple tabs open on a computer with different ideas for things but not deciding fully on one yet and just observing the information presented in them.

    • @medinany9291
      @medinany9291 7 месяцев назад

      To hold all options open is to have none available.

    • @darknightfawkes1028
      @darknightfawkes1028 7 месяцев назад

      @@medinany9291 I don’t hold all options open that’s not what I said

  • @mickeybrumfield764
    @mickeybrumfield764 7 месяцев назад +2

    A topic that one could talk about for a long time. Humans seemingly are in a continuous state of having confused loyalties. Sense we are in a constant state of change it really shouldn't be surprising. Perhaps we should focus more on an appropriate way of dealing with having a change of loyalties and less on judging the change itself. Quite simply, we need to learn how to make the inevitability of transitions something that is easier for humans.

  • @JustAThought01
    @JustAThought01 7 месяцев назад

    Beliefs support the core objectives of the individual.

    • @JustAThought01
      @JustAThought01 7 месяцев назад

      The test for a belief: does this belief lead to good actions or evil actions? Where evil is defined to be: doing harm to others to advance oneself is evil except in self defense or the defense of others.

  • @CrystalPalace1861
    @CrystalPalace1861 7 месяцев назад +1

    Still there's a misconception between "the lack of belief" and "the belief of no deity". The absence of belief isn't the same of believing in the absence. This is a classical confusion which tries to drag intentionally the atheism to the believe system framework...😓😲🤔

  • @richardharvey1732
    @richardharvey1732 7 месяцев назад

    Hi C T T, it seems to me that there are two sides to this equation, on the one hand the practical mechanisms of systems and beliefs in terms of the fundamental principles and the implications of those principles including the clever ways in which an apparently coherent moral narrative can be created where some elements of reality are grafted into the doctrines.
    At the same time we can also try to investigate the basic biological mechanisms involved concerning the strange ways in which human perception and emotion over-rides any real intelligence.
    There is some suggestion that the property of 'consciousness' plays a significant part, it has only just occurred to me that awareness is a delusion, consciousness is always only an ephemeral abstract with little or no direct connection with experience, because of this ephemeral nature we have to assert the concept of time as a function of reality because while everything that actually exists is always the same, any one atom of oxygen is exactly the same as it always has been, time plays no part in its existence. Thoughts and consciousness on the other hand wax and wane come and go and cease altogether when we die, in the meantime we cannot help but claim they are 'real' because without them we have nothing!, and nothing is unthinkable.
    Cheers, Richard.

  • @JagadguruSvamiVegananda
    @JagadguruSvamiVegananda 7 месяцев назад +3

    Well, we all have our own particular BELIEFS, but ultimately, there exists objective truth, which is not subject to our misconceptions and misunderstandings.
    One who has transcended mundane relative truth is said to be an ENLIGHTENED soul. 😇

    • @drbuckley1
      @drbuckley1 7 месяцев назад

      There are certainly objective truths, but all truths are "tensed." What is true today may be false tomorrow. In any case, few of us know enough about these objective truths to act rationally, which is where belief systems come into play. People believe what they want to believe.

    • @JagadguruSvamiVegananda
      @JagadguruSvamiVegananda 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@drbuckley1, in your own words, define “TRUTH”. ☝️🤔☝️

    • @drbuckley1
      @drbuckley1 7 месяцев назад

      Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius, sea level, and freezes at 0 degrees Celsius Truth. That is a natural truth. "I am vacationing today" is a tensed truth. Which interests you?@@JagadguruSvamiVegananda

    • @JagadguruSvamiVegananda
      @JagadguruSvamiVegananda 7 месяцев назад

      @@drbuckley1, have you CAREFULLY read my question?☝️
      If not, I suggest you re-read it.

    • @drbuckley1
      @drbuckley1 7 месяцев назад

      Are you asking about epistemology? Natural truths are always the same, never changing, everywhere in the Universe. The are unchangeable and eternal. I am referring to a deterministic universe.
      Human truth, on the other hand, seems to depend on place and time, is changeable, and subject to the whims of those with power. Here's my definition of human truth: "The strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must." Does that help? @@JagadguruSvamiVegananda

  • @sujok-acupuncture9246
    @sujok-acupuncture9246 7 месяцев назад +2

    The word " belief" means (not dictionary) i dont know but still i think it may be true. Technically speaking it is called blind faith. If we know a trurh we never say i believe in it. Like people never say i belive in sun or moon or star. Truth visible or experienced is never the part of belief .

  • @johnrichardson7629
    @johnrichardson7629 7 месяцев назад +1

    Why limit this to commercial and religious organizations with a brief nod to political organizations. One of my worst experiences of true believers was at the Universary f Chicago, Such zeal for something so decrepit was simply astonishing.

  • @hawkkim1974
    @hawkkim1974 7 месяцев назад

    In materialistic point of view, which means this consciousness arises from matter, everything is predetermined. If we have all the information about atoms, electrons, protons, quarks, and etc at big bang, it should be possible to predict everything. This means we would be able to predict what thoughts and emotions you would have and what decisions you would make at a particular moment in time. Then what is universe and life? It's nothing but a pre-scripted movie. Although I don't agree with materialistic point of view, everything seems to be predetermined regardless of your point of view.

  • @fortynine3225
    @fortynine3225 7 месяцев назад +1

    Interestingly stuff like Apple has a bite out of a apple logo. I have seen in a shop of theirs a photo of John Lennon and Yoko Ono. So that is a christian reference, Adam and Eve taking a bite out of a apple. So that is a company that using religion to get its customers hooked.

  • @NothingMaster
    @NothingMaster 7 месяцев назад +1

    How do belief systems work? With a pinch of ideology and a ton of fanaticism. If you have evidence, you don’t have to believe; you have facts.

    • @fkim1471
      @fkim1471 7 месяцев назад

      Evidence and belief are ultimately the same thing. Our beliefs come from evidence, even if we can’t say exactly what that evidence is.

  • @user-xn4wq4sv3r
    @user-xn4wq4sv3r 7 месяцев назад +1

    Of course, being a member of an organisation has an impact on the person's character and belief system. So, it is ideal not to be a member of any organisation to maintain your individuality and unbiased thinking.

    • @Robert_McGarry_Poems
      @Robert_McGarry_Poems 7 месяцев назад

      Except, all of language use is an institution. It may not be a brick and mortar kind... But it is none the less. The fact that you used language to share your idea, means we can't do without institution.

    • @user-xn4wq4sv3r
      @user-xn4wq4sv3r 7 месяцев назад

      @@Robert_McGarry_Poems Yes, the ideal is not fully feasible.

    • @Robert_McGarry_Poems
      @Robert_McGarry_Poems 7 месяцев назад

      @@user-xn4wq4sv3r So... we should all go back to the cave, and tribalism because humans are not perfect? I think that computers prove you wrong.

    • @simonhibbs887
      @simonhibbs887 7 месяцев назад +1

      I disagree. Humans are social creatures, cooperation and relationships are baked into our biology at a fundamental level. It’s how we achieve great (and sometimes terrible) things. It’s also how we stop terrible things.

    • @arthurwieczorek4894
      @arthurwieczorek4894 7 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@Robert_McGarry_PoemsRe language: Lee's Elucidation: A finite number of words must be made to represent an infinite number of things and possibilities.

  • @S3RAVA3LM
    @S3RAVA3LM 7 месяцев назад +2

    'If you can't prove it yourself then don't believe in it'
    This does not entail proving it to others for hope of validation.
    The less one believes about the world, which is all transitory, there does one become closer to the immutable ineffable One.

  • @radscorpion8
    @radscorpion8 7 месяцев назад +1


  • @peweegangloku6428
    @peweegangloku6428 7 месяцев назад +2

    The belief in evolution/atheism is also a belief system.

  • @francesco5581
    @francesco5581 7 месяцев назад +8

    Is SO WRONG to reduce this to commercial and religious organizations. It happens everywhere... from science ( string theory ... an historical hoax in which many scientists believed) to political fields ("we will change this nation !!") from human relationships ("yes i believe she loves me !!") to healthcare ("we will save your father, believe us !!" ...dead after 2 months of expensive care...) .

    • @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC
      @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 7 месяцев назад +1

      *"Is SO WRONG to reduce this to commercial and religious organizations."*
      ... It's better understood if we discuss people's "core beliefs" first, and then discuss how they determine whatever else we elect to believe in. *Example:* Theists generally don't work at Planned Parenthood and Atheists generally don't work as Missionaries

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC i think that a belief is a mix of research, hope, knowledge, intuition, intelligence, information, external influence ... and that applies to every field

    • @ezrawilson6986
      @ezrawilson6986 7 месяцев назад +1

      They didn’t “reduce” it to religious and commercial organizations. They simply cited those institutions as examples of the phenomena.

    • @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC
      @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@francesco5581 *"i think that a belief is a mix of research, hope, knowledge, intuition, intelligence, information, external influence ... and that applies to every field"*
      ... What "hope" is found within the ideology of atheism? And atheism absolutely IS a belief system no matter what' "nonbelief" malarkey is printed on their business cards. Atheism serves as the basis for all other belief systems that they may or may not hold.

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@ezrawilson6986 putting together commercial organizations and religion it's not something done by chance. He had the courage to say that commercial organizations build beliefs on their products just like religion buy believers on the promise of an afterlife. It's simplistic and shallow.

  • @mohdnorzaihar2632
    @mohdnorzaihar2632 7 месяцев назад +1

    Islam offer both success in recent and afterlife. These recent life is a test and its also a place to know a glimpse of what's god's "capability" looks like...we know whats its feel of 'touch, pain, bitterness here on earth's..peace be upon us all

  • @sonarbangla8711
    @sonarbangla8711 7 месяцев назад

    Belief system works based on faith. Mathematics is based on faith-Penrose.

  • @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC
    @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 7 месяцев назад +1

    There are two core belief systems from which virtually all other belief systems emerge: *atheism* and *theism.* ... If you believe "Existence" is steeped in purpose and meaning, then you carry that belief to its highest possible extreme. You attribute your infinitely existing life and everything surrounding it to something that cannot be surpassed by any other construct: *an all-powerful God* (theism).
    However, if you believe "Existence" is a totally benign, meaningless series of predestined events, then you carry that belief to its highest possible extreme. You attribute your single, finite life and everything surrounding it to a predictable series of *purposeless particle interactions* (atheism).
    ... Once you have your *core belief* set in place, you use that as a filter for determining whatever else you allow yourself to believe.

  • @evaadam3635
    @evaadam3635 7 месяцев назад +2

    Here are two examples of genuine belief systems as follows :
    1) a narrow-minded Godless Science Materialist who fights for freedom because he believes that the Statue of Liberty stands for Freedom without Free Will to choose freedom... You know, just evolving driven by nature, not free and so not accountable, yet screams to be free....
    2) a rational-minded religious man who believes that the Statue of Liberty stands for people's freedom because he believes that the FREE WILL TO CHOOSE is real so to coherently demand for freedom and human rights, and this FREE WILL can also make us all accountable for the consequence of our choices.
    Now, who do you think sounds like an incoherent funny clown among the two ?

    • @simonhibbs887
      @simonhibbs887 7 месяцев назад

      I think humans do have the free will to choose, in that we use a process of reasoning using our skills, preferences, beliefs and other faculties to evaluate information and come to decisions. We can learn better ways of reasoning, and ways of obtaining high quality information, and use those faculties to make better decisions. All of that is an entirely consistent process on information, with clear accountability because we can explain the reasons and information that determined a choice. ASA result we can be held responsible.
      Libertarian free will is quite different. It supposed that reasons, consideration, information, none of these determine our decisions. Instead we simply decide, through no reliable process, with no ability to account for why the decision was made, or to be sure we will make consistent choices in future. We may simply decide otherwise.
      Which of those seems more reasonable?