Can Season of Discovery Recover? by Asmongold TV | Staysafe Reacts

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 151

  • @hiperzone
    @hiperzone 2 месяца назад +4

    GDKP crap is the reason I will never go back to Blizzard classic.

  • @Azari_D
    @Azari_D 2 месяца назад +8

    I'm not gonna lie, he's pissing me off with the "bad player" stuff. He's a bad player relative to many of the top players of WoW over all the years I've ever watched him since WoD. He's never been known to be a top player in either PvE or PvP, and as viewers we watch him get handed stuff for free because he is a streamer. I don't have a problem with that, but it seems like he himself does. I pride myself on parsing on any version of WoW, I want rank 1 parses, that's why I play the game. Does that mean I deserve loot over anyone else in a pug I join because I topped damage? Fuck no. It's an RPG, and we leave it up to /roll unless pre-designated.

    • @Chariots4010
      @Chariots4010 2 месяца назад +1

      /roll supremacy 💪

    • @lazarusfitness3892
      @lazarusfitness3892 Месяц назад

      You do realize he held #1 dps parses on a few encounters in legion right? Apparently didn't watch him enough lul.

    • @RadarFinsR
      @RadarFinsR Месяц назад

      I'm not a asmongold enjoyer he's pretty annoying but this is just straight wrong he got famous around the same time he was getting top dps parses and a lot of people do feel like giving loot to bad players is a waste.
      Like asmon is actually a terminally online schizo with no maturity but when he was fed gear (almost like parsing is a bout gear or something does gear make you do more damage? the jury still out kekw) and had a good group, that's because raiding isn't actually that hard it's just killtimes and gear.

  • @Coaltergeist
    @Coaltergeist Месяц назад +3

    My guildmates laughed at me when I said they were making raids too hard. The raids need to be chill, like you said. I go into Gnomer with full world buffs and consumes, and if we wipe on menagerie, then all of a sudden I'm in for a shitty night. Classic raids should be faceroll.

  • @krogan3760
    @krogan3760 Месяц назад +3

    I think the biggest overall mistake devs are doing these days is trying to make their already successful game appeal to the people that hate play it.

  • @raynielsen5890
    @raynielsen5890 26 дней назад +1

    When groups wiped in a dungeon or a raid, it was great. It meant that there was a challenge. People won't always admit it, but the grind is what people are after.

  • @Azari_D
    @Azari_D 2 месяца назад +8

    GDKP is just a bunch of people buying gear with real money, that's trash AF. Go play any eastern MMO if you just wanna buy your gear or buy your progression. I will never play any version of WoW where that's the main way the PUGs are formed.

    • @ryangardner7709
      @ryangardner7709 Месяц назад

      Absolutely it’s a workaround to use real money to buy the loot you want. It’s stupid.

  • @jordanrutledge7943
    @jordanrutledge7943 2 месяца назад +7

    confession, I did buy gold in tbc classic when I hit 70 for the epic flying mount, bc I despise farming gold as a resto sham, especially since the server was so high pop I could not get any herbs on a slow mount
    Weird thing is, I got a week suspension, and the suspension notice claimed that I would lose anything I bought with the gold, but when the suspension ended, I checked my character, and I still had the epic flying skill and mount, but my regular flying mount was deleted as well as all my gold (more gold than I bought was deleted) and some of my gear which was all BOP lmao, strange incompetent enforcement going on

  • @benjaminbruniger4534
    @benjaminbruniger4534 Месяц назад +2

    My gdkp gameplay loop always was: play any aspect of the game that you like and gives you gold (mage boosting, solo dungeons, questing etc.) then get easily into any raid without elitists guilds making problems, then having a raid with the prospect of loot and if you don't get anything you get more gold for the next raid. I am also not too social in the game and like my raids to be guildless, so pugs are the only alternative.
    When they removed gdkp in phase two i didn't play the game anymore to farm gold and i got super frustrated when i raided and nothing dropped, because i would get gold anymore. So for me, it killed SOD, more than happy to hear the opposite side but only from personal experience and not theories.

    • @CatDad09
      @CatDad09 28 дней назад

      I know people don’t like to hear this, but anti-social and loner personalities don’t work well in Vanilla WoW.
      GDKP would have been acceptable if it didn’t have the negative side-effects that came with it. Botting, RMT and parse-obsessed raiders have no place in Vanilla. These things simply ruin the game for everyone.
      If you want to play Vanilla, you have to cope with the fact that you’re not going to be rewarded for every single hour you spend logged in. That’s not what this game is about. It’s about organized group efforts to kill bosses and help your fellow guildies acquire gear.
      You might go a couple weeks without seeing an upgrade even though in SoD that’s not as big of a problem because loot is WAY more common. Loot scarcity is what made the items more exciting.
      If you are an active member of a raid guild, your guild should be helping you with enchants, consumes and other expenses. That’s what the guild’s bank of mats and resources are for.

  • @powercheif
    @powercheif 2 месяца назад +3

    Asmon needs to change to another class in classic era to get another perspective as i feel his entire classic era perspective is from the best class in the game.

  • @k9tirion927
    @k9tirion927 2 месяца назад +9

    Adding "real" new content with the classic artstyle would require to expand their classic team drastically and hire/train artists for asset creation.
    Asset creation(+everything around it) is very man-hour intensive but an absolute must if you don't want to run repurposed dungeons/raids forever like in SoD.
    Now I usually don't like to doom but if we don't see them doing that with whatever comes after SoD to at least a smaller extent I fear we'll never see that or a osrs style continuation of classic content because the suit-wearers looked at the interest SoD generated and said no it's not worth the Roi.

    • @Giggles4692
      @Giggles4692 2 месяца назад

      And, Having experience boost always means they’re giving up on making Classic+ better. Experience boosts reveals the world is no longer the main character. The world should always be the main chapter because that’s what makes an mmo.
      Instead of having people skip content with experience boots, the game should be made better from level 1.
      Modern WoW is not an MMO, modern WoW is just an arena MOBA and a Mythic dungeon crawler, where the world is just a waiting lobby for the MOBA and dungeon crawler parts.
      Also, Classic+ should never be “Seasonal”. Just being called “Seasonal” killed low level pvp.

  • @moisesaguirre8413
    @moisesaguirre8413 2 месяца назад +3

    Turtle wow is the coolest version of wow I've ever seen. The server is just too far away and l get lag

  • @Rux290
    @Rux290 Месяц назад +2

    I think the current dev team at blizz hates that they didnt make the version of the game that is timeless and loved, and can't make something that comes close so they dont even bother.

    • @KittyShop-q6w
      @KittyShop-q6w 24 дня назад

      Blizzard employees are a bunch of blue and pink haired dogs who call themselves them/ they

  • @Tygeera
    @Tygeera 2 месяца назад +4

    They won’t go the OSRS route because they are too greedy. No way are they willing to spend that many resources on something that doesn’t bring them in any money other than a sub fee. I wish they would but let’s be honest no way will it ever happen with how greedy Blizzard has become. The best we can do is private servers but many including myself won’t play on them because their life expectancy is much lower than official servers. Like Asmon said not everyone wants to spend the time playing if it’s gonna get deleted/shutdown after a year or so.

  • @ninnoofthelastunicorn2693
    @ninnoofthelastunicorn2693 2 месяца назад +14

    As an outsider (i quit wow completely in BFA, moved onto other games) , i would have loved to play SOD, but that meant playing with the Wow community

    • @ryder8646
      @ryder8646 2 месяца назад +1

      hahaha very well summarized

    • @H41030v3rki110ny0u
      @H41030v3rki110ny0u 2 месяца назад +1

      After playing FF14 it was hard to come back to WoW but I did... Then I quit and I'm only playing FF14 .. OSRS players are unironically more pleasant than WoW players, it's that bad in WoW nowadays

    • @pwn3426
      @pwn3426 2 месяца назад +1

      @@H41030v3rki110ny0u weeb gamer opinions lol

    • @effortlessGFX
      @effortlessGFX 2 месяца назад +2

      You ain’t missed brother. Too much main character syndrome in these comments.

    • @H41030v3rki110ny0u
      @H41030v3rki110ny0u 2 месяца назад

      @@effortlessGFX imagine thinking that being treated anywhere from Neutral to Positive is main character syndrome lol..
      sure, there are plenty of nice people in WoW, but its proportions are most certainly worse than FF14.. and even RUNESCAPE lol.. when your community is worse than runescape's, it's BAD

  • @Forbidden_0ne
    @Forbidden_0ne 2 месяца назад +23

    Banned since 6/22 in asmon chat

    • @jebus56162
      @jebus56162 2 месяца назад +9

      You must have sperged out pretty hard for that to happen

    • @brandonwilson4740
      @brandonwilson4740 2 месяца назад +1

      So you're a sperg?

    • @JPR-78
      @JPR-78 2 месяца назад +8

      @@jebus56162 Nah. I've seen people banned from his chat for literally the silliest things you can think of. Asmon's crap, and his mods/fans are even worse.

    • @Cidran100
      @Cidran100 2 месяца назад +1

      Assmanbaldo is the biggest snowflake. Don¨t worry about it. A complete two faced hypocrite.

    • @moonkinx
      @moonkinx 2 месяца назад +1

      Makes sense

  • @AbandonedMonolith
    @AbandonedMonolith 2 месяца назад +4

    I’m not anti gdkp. But on classic era your guild is gonna have a real hard time progressing without affordable consumes. Once the progression guilds reach aq40 shit get rough and expensive

  • @lolpaladins
    @lolpaladins Месяц назад +2

    Oh, you want more world bosses, That's why people are still playing everquest 25 years later

  • @chainclaw07
    @chainclaw07 Месяц назад +1

    20:45 - I disagee so vehemently against this for one specific reason - people harass and become infintely annoyed when they can't find healers or tanks for their groups.
    SoD gave you the ability to switch a couple runes around and now your mage can heal or your rogue can tank in the dungeon you're going to - so you won't have to search for a warrior tank for 2 hours - especially while leveling....
    MAKE UP YOUR MIND - do you want the vanilla experience of waiting for an hour + for a tank or would you just be ok with the idea that rogues can tank dungeons and mages can heal dungeons...
    now we could Argue that raids is a different issue but I don't care, there is no harm in you not finding a tank but a rogue in your guild have the dungeon set for tanking and can hop on in - instead of waiting around for 30+ minutes....

  • @grayden8670
    @grayden8670 2 месяца назад +1

    Phase 3 and above ruined what made most people excited about SoD in the first place imo. People don’t want to play retail light and have to do the same grind they do in other versions. They want a more casual friendly version of WoW that still lets them raid with a small core group and not be punished if they have to miss a week of playing to deal with real life

  • @raindrop_pilot2196
    @raindrop_pilot2196 2 месяца назад +4

    If you want to take a realistic stance on GDKP then just accept that its fueled by black market. The next step is then to decide if you want side loaded pay to win feature in the game. No one is farming ore and herbs to pay hundreds of thousands of gold for gear - there might be some extreme outliers that do, but on the average I'd say not. It seems to me that Asmon's opinion is to keep the game population up at any expense. What his motivation is for that I simply don't know or can't understand. Complaining about the game's difficulty and saying it did not do well because it isn't "chill" is exactly why GDKP has no place in any classic version of WoW. The moment you allow it you are assigning a value that has a direct real-world exchange rate and alas giving people external imperatives to the game itself. Ultimately, GDKP undermines the games systems by adding a layer of value outside of the game and placing pressure for efficiency on players.

  • @HushHushOG
    @HushHushOG 2 месяца назад +4

    Personally i think blizzard should designate specific servers to allow GDKPs and at the same time create casual servers for all the non-elitist.

  • @lolpaladins
    @lolpaladins Месяц назад +1

    Blizzard needs to hire back the original designers like Kevin Jordan, to teach the younger developers how to make wow great again. Once KJ got pushed out for people like J Allen Brack / Ghostcrawler eta etc, is when the game nosedived into wrath/cataclysm nonsense. Not everything in vanilla was great, certainly some things like boomkin or say paladins in a raid weren't really well thought out

  • @chainclaw07
    @chainclaw07 Месяц назад +1

    23:50 - no losing the roll versus losing the item because someone else has 1000 gold more than you - especially when we don't know where the gold has come from?

  • @AntonShields
    @AntonShields Месяц назад +1

    I was lucky to be part of the beta testing in World of Warcraft and I quit after Mist of Pandaria.
    Your video really makes me miss the game and that’s in part why I look at some of Asmongold’s videos for nostalgia, but I don’t think I ever could come back. I spent way too much time on that game. Take care

  • @adriangerginov6617
    @adriangerginov6617 2 месяца назад +8

    As a SOD player , who is still playing consistantly ,removing GDKP was insanly stupid ,,,,, it removed the only content thats left for a phase this long . Blizzard didnt do anything about the bots , the bots are gone couse the game is dead and they cannot make enough money botting.

    • @Giggles4692
      @Giggles4692 2 месяца назад +1

      Also, Having experience boost always means they’re giving up on making Classic+ better. Experience boosts reveals the world is no longer the main character. The world should always be the main chapter because that’s what makes an mmo.
      Instead of having people skip content with experience boots, the game should be made better from level 1.
      Modern WoW is not an MMO, modern WoW is just an arena MOBA and a Mythic dungeon crawler, where the world is just a waiting lobby for the MOBA and dungeon crawler parts.
      Also, Classic+ should never be “Seasonal”. Just being called “Seasonal” killed low level pvp.

    • @KittyShop-q6w
      @KittyShop-q6w 24 дня назад

      so u wanna buy gold? U didnt understand the spirit of the game, u should go play overwatch or something wow is not for you

  • @kotetsujeeg7999
    @kotetsujeeg7999 Месяц назад +1

    Nobody correcting Asmon on seasonal characters being deleted forever despite SoM proving thats not the case is pretty funny

    • @RadarFinsR
      @RadarFinsR Месяц назад

      Yeah som was famously sucessful I'm sure so many of the era players only came back because of their som characters /sarcasm

  • @dustinmoon8282
    @dustinmoon8282 2 месяца назад +8

    They definitely did overdo it with the class design, but lets be real most of the classes were dog shit in classic so adding some stuff to it wasn't a bad idea they just went too far

    • @H41030v3rki110ny0u
      @H41030v3rki110ny0u 2 месяца назад +1

      Overdoing it is a bit of an understatement lol... They should have added maybe 20% of what they did class-wise in SoD

    • @powercheif
      @powercheif 2 месяца назад +1

      They made ret and prot pallies usable finally. I cannot agree with asmon on takes he has for classic being the best mmo ever. Blizzard shouldve fixed all the classes so rets and shadow priests were the laughing stock of the game.

  • @aidasmatulaitis5175
    @aidasmatulaitis5175 2 месяца назад +1

    I would love sod if they remove all tokens, pet or mount shop from it, no bp, no p2w, no gold sellers allowed, no multiboxers, no bots allowed. Just make it like turtle wow without low lvl content, just add more end game content that was never added in vanilla, just keep expanding vanilla classic wow + without making weird changes without players advices. Basically make the game same way OSRS devs did with old game and people will play it, also as OSRS make it so we can play it on phone or laptop.

  • @Kivrus
    @Kivrus 2 месяца назад +2

    Botting is still in sod , may be not too crazy
    but economics is fucked by other things

  • @hatearmy
    @hatearmy 2 месяца назад +1

    As someone who competed for server first Brutallus in original Burning Crusade as a BM Hunter, playing the sweaty meta, farming flasks, food, elixirs and shit during the day so I could do progression runs at night with my guild, I can truly say I'm just here to hop on discord, talk shit about the guild tank, kill shit and maybe even get some cool loot.

  • @TheRealCHIMShady
    @TheRealCHIMShady Месяц назад +1

    Bots are horrific in SoD atm, came back reluctantly cause guildies were whining and every zone is infested with hunter bots, me and my cousin had to swap zones at certain points cause every single mob spawn was camped by hunter bots

  • @travisolexa3074
    @travisolexa3074 Месяц назад +1

    A lot of google translate messages about how removing GDKP was stupid and didn't stop gold buying. Wonder who those are from...

  • @Djamieson713
    @Djamieson713 2 месяца назад +1

    asmon might have more hours talking about how to fix wow than actual /played. i mean we're just spinning our tires at this point.

  • @brandonwilson4740
    @brandonwilson4740 2 месяца назад +1

    World bosses in every zone is a cool idea. Idk about every hour or two. They lose their mystique if they're frequently up. I think daily with random spawn times are best.

  • @PaulSmith-fd2gy
    @PaulSmith-fd2gy 2 месяца назад +1

    He made this video so he could say SOD 35 times and hope it becomes cool and the players will come back and he will go from 200 viewers to 202 and stop using his lumberjack voice whenever Asmon is on his screen.

  • @russcavanaugh5049
    @russcavanaugh5049 2 месяца назад

    I enjoy how happy with himself Staysafe is when he says "Paladin DPS"

  • @adrunkmmo
    @adrunkmmo 2 месяца назад +1

    I don't think SOD has ever been intended to be permanent, regardless of reception. It's both a focus test and probably an internal proof of concept to try to build/grow a team to do some form of permanent classic+. Whatever that product is, if it comes at all, will most likely not carry the "season of" moniker, and will carry some other subtitle.

    • @powercheif
      @powercheif 2 месяца назад +2

      Considering its literally named Season of Discovery. It eas never intended to be permanent. It's more or less seen as a sort of beta for a classic+ server, which many do want.

    • @Giggles4692
      @Giggles4692 2 месяца назад

      And, Having experience boost always means they’re giving up on making Classic+ better. Experience boosts reveals the world is no longer the main character. The world should always be the main chapter because that’s what makes an mmo.
      Instead of having people skip content with experience boots, the game should be made better from level 1.
      Modern WoW is not an MMO, modern WoW is just an arena MOBA and a Mythic dungeon crawler, where the world is just a waiting lobby for the MOBA and dungeon crawler parts.
      Also, Classic+ should never be “Seasonal”. Just being called “Seasonal” killed low level pvp.

  • @tjsingh6439
    @tjsingh6439 2 месяца назад +3

    Im that dude on the forums that asmon reads about gdkp. I run gdkp on era as a tank to make gold and then trade that gold to sod. Ive been scammed and suspended. Its been a rough season haha. I love raiding for gold. Im a good tank. Not a good flower picker. Bots make really good flower pickers...i cant compete with that.

  • @blainelashley2120
    @blainelashley2120 2 месяца назад +1

    I just want to play wow and enjoy it like I did in 2019, I don't think I'll ever get that back and I've accepted it. 😢

  • @claing17
    @claing17 2 месяца назад +2

    You still need a healer as a warrior in sod.

  • @dabalance6928
    @dabalance6928 2 месяца назад +1

    Dude I laughed out loud so many times watching this and I'm only half way through. I Agree with a lot of the points Staysafe made. Lol good stuff.

  • @adrianburgundy1232
    @adrianburgundy1232 2 месяца назад +5

    They're just adding more and more retail abilities... Everyone can do everything

    • @jorghaider7202
      @jorghaider7202 2 месяца назад +3

      Its awesome :)

    • @H41030v3rki110ny0u
      @H41030v3rki110ny0u 2 месяца назад +7

      ​@@jorghaider7202not really, homogenization is a key element leading to the death of mmo's.. class fantasy and varied gameplay dies with homogenization

    • @KittyShop-q6w
      @KittyShop-q6w 24 дня назад

      @@jorghaider7202 u dont understand the real spirit of vanilla wow, people like you are the reason devs make shit content. Becuase u guys are cheap and have no quality so they can sell u the shit

  • @shortcrypto7490
    @shortcrypto7490 2 месяца назад +2

    all we needed was 10 main raids on sod 3 but blizz ruined it again

    • @105Strike105
      @105Strike105 2 месяца назад +1

      Classic wow was 40 man every raid and was pumping. So its not your 10 man to 20 man killing the game. Its cause there is no gdkp so no point in playing the game outside of just raid logging as it made gold useless in the game so no point logging in to farm gold. Dont forget that players that play for gdkp was prob 30 to 40% of players. so can see huge drop straight from P1 to P2.

    • @shortcrypto7490
      @shortcrypto7490 2 месяца назад +2

      @@105Strike105 I want to play with 10 ppl that I know, not 40 pugs

    • @powercheif
      @powercheif 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@105Strike105nah, GDKP is dumb. Go play an eastern mmo if you wanna buy gear.

  • @Vespen717
    @Vespen717 2 месяца назад +1

    Stay safe… Ty for being the voice of reason. Always saying EXACTLY to the t what I’m thinking and voicing how I feel. I’m so thankful you’re not some loser ass shill with smiles in all your thumbnails, acting like blizzard is handing you the sacred texts. I truly cannot explain how thankful I actually am… lol. Just thank you for being an actual human being dude.
    My guild is radio silent. We went from 3 full ST raid rosters, constant discord communication from a shit ton of people…. And now most of those guildies are over on cata. They bought wow tokens, and level boosts. I did as well…. Because I wanted to play with them. I didn’t even make it to level 82 before I regretted my decision and started thinking “ya know….. I don’t think this company or these devs actually care about me as the player. They are pushing me to play these other versions of wow so I will open my wallet…” and ever since then gaming on wow hasn’t felt the same to me.

  • @benjaminbruniger4534
    @benjaminbruniger4534 Месяц назад +1

    I stopped SOD after phase one because of gdkp.

  • @xythiera7255
    @xythiera7255 2 месяца назад +2

    What jdkps will do is forceing you to buy gold if you arnt in the top % of players . Lets be real the peopl that dont want to do gdkps are the peopl that arethe aver player without gold or that arnt experiones to just make there own group . So it creats a massive insentive to go and buy gold so you can actuly play the game at all .

  • @Metallica0475
    @Metallica0475 2 месяца назад +1

    Enjoying Cata a ton right now. Not super interested in SoD, might try it but probably won't. If it wasn't seasonal, i probably would stay with classic.

  • @stefvanbust552
    @stefvanbust552 2 месяца назад +1

    Maybe there are no bots in SOD because there is no reason to buy gold... No GDKP --> nobody need gold... easy...

  • @sate_f
    @sate_f 2 месяца назад +1

    Asmongold: "Don't listen to the people that played for 15 years".
    How many years did he play? I'm curious because he has some hot takes

    • @RobewhO
      @RobewhO Месяц назад

      He just thinks he knows everything, regardless of what it is. He might say “that’s just my opinion” but that means nothing coming from someone who never thinks they are wrong. And yes, Asmon has been playing since right at the very end of OG Vanilla and right before BC. So according to his own logic, we shouldn’t listen to *_his_* usually-ego-driven takes on the game. He doesn’t even play SoD or play anything besides a Warrior, so again.. why truly take everything he says as gospel in the first place? Not saying YOU are, I’m only speaking generally.

  • @ripcrusader
    @ripcrusader 2 месяца назад +1

    Its true back in time i played classic never able to see max level content and not know the problems leveled couple chars and enjoyed it bc of seasonal they introduce many fast leveling but that backfired.

    • @Giggles4692
      @Giggles4692 2 месяца назад

      Having experience boost always means they’re giving up on making Classic+ better. Experience boosts reveals the world is no longer the main character. The world should always be the main chapter because that’s what makes an mmo.
      Instead of having people skip content with experience boots, the game should be made better from level 1.
      Modern WoW is not an MMO, modern WoW is just an arena MOBA and a Mythic dungeon crawler, where the world is just a waiting lobby for the MOBA and dungeon crawler parts.
      Also, Classic+ should never be “Seasonal”. Just being called “Seasonal” killed low level pvp..

  • @Mitchell227
    @Mitchell227 2 месяца назад +1

    I'm not giving blizzard 16 per month again unless I see a fresh vanilla or hardcore server with yearly resets 😅 sod was a train wreck

  • @ryangardner7709
    @ryangardner7709 Месяц назад +1

    Doing GDKP‘s promotes gold buying from bots , it doesn’t work.

  • @joshuablunt-kl8th
    @joshuablunt-kl8th Месяц назад

    I quit wow durning SoD
    Phase 3…
    I just one day decided to not get on WOW and since that day I just decided to stop playing and I haven’t had the itch to play wow anymore since
    I didn’t realize others started to quit wow/sod around the same time I did… wow

  • @Steve_R418
    @Steve_R418 19 дней назад +1

    Maybe there are just less bots because there are less players and its so easy to get gold in SOD. It bots arent making money they're will be less the bots

  • @dylanreidel5520
    @dylanreidel5520 2 месяца назад +1

    Sleep asmr premium yapping

  • @1999evo
    @1999evo 2 месяца назад +2

    All the bots are in cata they are insane there

    • @RadarFinsR
      @RadarFinsR Месяц назад

      only since cata launch, ends up gold sellers sell gold to people playing the game so they do it in the most populated version of the game as that has the most demand creating the most value in their gold.
      There was still an insane amount of bots in phase 3 of SOD.

  • @brandonwilson4740
    @brandonwilson4740 2 месяца назад +5

    Botting is still rampant in SoD. If we're being "realistic", banning gdkp has done nothing to stop botting. While you were playing Cata ot Era or ehatevrr you were doing during P3 the bots were free farming incursions and offering Blood Moon carries. Wait until you see AH prices when you come back.

    • @lazarusfitness3892
      @lazarusfitness3892 Месяц назад

      Yeah this comment is braindead and is from 100% someone who loves GDKP or organizes. Prices are through the floor on everything. Gather rate on herbs and ore has been multiplied and supply crates give black lotus and arcane crystals and every other high level mat. SoD dev team has had a masterstroke when it comes to fucking botters and gold sellers every step of the way. Incursions made gold buying beyond dumb. No GDKP. Flask and transmute guarantee procs. AN ABUNDANCE of materials across the board. Your narrative is completely BS. Yours truly. Raziel the paladin on NA Wild Growth where everything you just said was hogwash. Rofl

    • @lazarusfitness3892
      @lazarusfitness3892 Месяц назад

      I hurt someone's feelings apparently cause my comment was hidden. Rofl

  • @adaneshade
    @adaneshade 2 месяца назад +1

    Botters follow population.... It's more lucrative to use your botting resources on a popular, rather than an unpopular server.

  • @daemonoid666
    @daemonoid666 Месяц назад +1

    Love his comment you can take a break from an era and come back.... bull crap blizzard will force you into an upgrade so you can no longer play your 60....

  • @Furion223
    @Furion223 Месяц назад

    i wish someone would have the balls to ask blizzard in one of the interviews about botting and gold sellers. everyone just fanboys.

  • @nopenope3678
    @nopenope3678 2 месяца назад +2

    100% it will recover naybe half of the phase 1 hype and in the later weeks 3/4 might stay. also depends if the sod/cata team will have any updates after the 1st and 2nd raid release. cause if we have another phase 3 of dead silence then yeah phase 4 is going to land face flat after its couple steps. just a theory

    • @bluburryyumyum1367
      @bluburryyumyum1367 2 месяца назад +1

      Incoherent garbage, thanks for the insight bud.

  • @Northanteus
    @Northanteus 2 месяца назад +2

    Season of Recovery. 🤣

  • @thommerrilin2893
    @thommerrilin2893 2 месяца назад +2

    How are GDKP's detrimental? Parsing is detrimental to the game!

  • @Followtheham
    @Followtheham 2 месяца назад +1

    Keep the raid IDS otherwise ppl just leave all the time lol and Mage healers, rogue tanks and melee hunters have NO place in classic, same as GDKP >:(

    • @jorghaider7202
      @jorghaider7202 2 месяца назад +2

      This is Not Classic. ^^ this is Sod

    • @tjsingh6439
      @tjsingh6439 2 месяца назад +2

      Rogue tanks make zero sense but im maining one for the lel and it's been so much fun 😂

    • @ryder8646
      @ryder8646 2 месяца назад +2

      @@tjsingh6439 I kind of like the class fantasy of a dodge tank
      activates my weeb neurons, rogue is dodging around vs the giant boss like Levi in attack on titan

    • @powercheif
      @powercheif 2 месяца назад +1

      Good thing sod isnt classic then.

  • @Jkend199
    @Jkend199 2 месяца назад +3

    So... if I am understanding this correctly, GCKP is buying, with in-game "gold" the right to be awarded raid drops. How the fuk is that fair, how the fuk does that reward the "good" players. Selling raid drops to the wealthiest players IS THE WORST FUCKING IDEA I HAVE EVER HEARD. I would never join a guild that did things that way. How is rewarding an auction house tycoon, or a gold buyer fair to the rest of the raid... STUPIDEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD. You want me to go into a raid basically knowing that I can't possibly win anything cuz the other shaman has much more gold than I do... I DONT FUCKIN THINK SO.
    1. all rolls are for the class/spec that you raid with (Arms warriors cannot roll on Protection gear)
    2. if you win something, that's it, 1 item per character per raid, unless NO OTHER PERSON can use the item.
    3. If NO ONE can use the item on their primary spec then anyone who can use it off spec can roll, again 1 off spec item per person per raid.
    4. If you get your item and leave you will not be invited to raid again

    • @105Strike105
      @105Strike105 2 месяца назад +1

      Its GDKP so you get a split of total pot divided to every player. if a pot goes for total 10k everyone get 1k if 10 man. so next week you get 1k extra gold to spend on your gear and so on. Think you forget that GDKP is a way of earning DKP as you get your share of the gold to build to next raid or spend where ever you like.

    • @Jkend199
      @Jkend199 2 месяца назад +1

      @@105Strike105 so where does this "pot" come from, if I put in 1k and I get back 1k I've gained nothing. This is a whoever has the most gold get the gear and that is BULLSHIT.

  • @Blue.Diesel
    @Blue.Diesel 2 месяца назад

    Less real players = less bots

  • @ToManyTwinkies
    @ToManyTwinkies 2 месяца назад +2

    He has advised opinion about that GDKP cuz he had a very memorable moment I think it's really bad cuz it gets shit player that can buy gold to get gear with out with WB consumables just because they have the gold

  • @crowmaster9652
    @crowmaster9652 2 месяца назад +2

    its funny people think gdkp works when in cataclysm classic they believe it is keeping the game healthy when we all know cataclysm classic is not doing that good
    retail is doing better than cata classic thats how dire the situation is

    • @atelierbagur3831
      @atelierbagur3831 2 месяца назад +3

      Its funny because ultimately Blizzard doesnt care anyway. All these different versions of WoW are under the same fucking sub so as long one server is keeping their subscription is pretty much a win for Blizzard

    • @crowmaster9652
      @crowmaster9652 2 месяца назад +1

      @@atelierbagur3831 Thats great to state something everyone knows

    • @atelierbagur3831
      @atelierbagur3831 2 месяца назад +1

      @@crowmaster9652 yet why are we acting like this matters?

    • @chc2650
      @chc2650 2 месяца назад +1

      @@atelierbagur3831 The goal is to offer enough different products to keep subscribers happy.
      You cant keep giving the same crap every month otherwise people unsub. SoD captured who was supposed to capture, but its not bringing in any new players.

    • @HushHushOG
      @HushHushOG 2 месяца назад +1

      @@crowmaster9652 if that's your logic why is SoD dead? It has banned GDKPs. Retail has always had significant numbers over classic

  • @gonzalezruben8503
    @gonzalezruben8503 2 месяца назад +1

    Gold buying is still as rampant, banning GDKPs barely did anything to fix that issue. Prices went down because the game died I guess, but that's about it.

  • @WesleyHughston
    @WesleyHughston 2 месяца назад +2

    Quit phase 3, all my friends quit phase 2. Ive been having 1000% more fun playing ESO online, WoW in general is ran by nothing but money grubbing board members, and after playing it for 20 years I think ive gotten my fill. Peace out WoW , you were good once, the rest was always trying to capture lightning in a bottle.

  • @rickchop
    @rickchop Месяц назад +1

    Bruv turn ya wow music off sheesh

  • @marshboii
    @marshboii Месяц назад

    56:40 / 1:01:07

  • @CS2PLUG
    @CS2PLUG 2 месяца назад +1

    imagine working for blizzard and having that SOD population chart coming up in the board room. literally failures in life.

  • @codywatson9627
    @codywatson9627 2 месяца назад +1

    I would play a natty gdkp butttt.....

  • @danielhenry6777
    @danielhenry6777 2 месяца назад +1

    asmon is dumb no one did gdkp in classic

  • @HushHushOG
    @HushHushOG 2 месяца назад +1

    @1:19:00 actually totally disagree... reddit and official forums are proof that classic development shouldnt be open to a democracy. I would agrue that you need ego devs that understand the nature of classic's appeal to develop classic+ and give the finger to the community.

  • @alraimusic6795
    @alraimusic6795 2 месяца назад +1


  • @dredov
    @dredov 2 месяца назад +4

    These two whiners need a break from WoW.

  • @martinhusson4200
    @martinhusson4200 2 месяца назад +2

    give us tbc servers pls

  • @steadychasingmoneybands6213
    @steadychasingmoneybands6213 2 месяца назад +3

    i want to see subs the minute they banned GDKPS... i laugh at all the nerds now saying they didnt want GDKPS because it takes away from social aspect.... HOWS YOUR SOCIAL INTERATIONS NOW ON A DEAD GAME? legit fked yourselves lololol

    • @105Strike105
      @105Strike105 2 месяца назад +1

      yup all the raid loggers banned gdkp and now fked the game for everyone else

    • @powercheif
      @powercheif 2 месяца назад +2

      Been on sod the last week. Its been popping. Lots of players and my guild has multiple raiding groups.
      Sod isnt dead just because you think it is.

    • @travisolexa3074
      @travisolexa3074 Месяц назад

      Go back to botting.

  • @Alan-hb2ng
    @Alan-hb2ng 2 месяца назад +3

    Can you please stop leeching views from Asmongold and make your own videos!

  • @MaxiVera-p6m
    @MaxiVera-p6m 2 месяца назад +1

    when u gonna realize this game is shit?

  • @Cidran100
    @Cidran100 2 месяца назад +1

    Good work Staysafe.