Florida Frontiers TV - Episode 9 - Fort Mose

  • Опубликовано: 1 окт 2024
  • Established near St. Augustine in 1738, Gracia Real de Santa Teresa de Mose was the first community of former slaves.

Комментарии • 19

  • @puma1304
    @puma1304 7 лет назад +25

    Not like the English, Spanish law provided some formal procedures through which slaves could gain liberty. One of them was serving in the military, militias or frontier garrisons. Santa Teresa del Mose was a consequence of this line of thinking. The first elements that formed the demographic base that later became the black militias were runaway slaves from Georgia and the Carolinas who opted for freedom getting into spanish territory. The same happened with many indians that were fed-up with american expansionism. Spanish authorities esteemed that in order to cope with the constant complaints and threats that the slave owners and governments of the british colonies posed, the best measure would be that these same fugitives could fight to preserve their own freedom and besides the integrity of the spanish territory. That is how the idea of this frontier fort came to be.
    This was nothing new or uncommon. Runaway slaves, as well as free coloreds and indians were very frequently employed in such function, in order to defend the Spanish Empire from foreign armies, pirates, gangs of robbers, belicose indians, and some runaway slaves "republics" (palenques de cimarrones, mocambos, quilombos). In all Latinamerica many of these garrison-towns still exist until today, and are a reminder to the will and courage of those who never accepted to live in captivity.

  • @florentinoramirez2257
    @florentinoramirez2257 6 лет назад +14

    Y pa los que piden que se hable tambien en castellano, aqui va mi comentario:
    A diferencia de lo ocurrido en los dominios ingleses, la ley española siempre reconocio la esencial humanidad de los esclavos y en concordancia proporcionaba una serie de procedimientos formales por medio de los cuales los esclavos podian obtener su libertad. Una de tales medidas era la facultad de formar parte del ejercito, o las milicias, o de las guarniciones fronterizas. En Santa Teresa del Mose se dio justo esta situacion. El nucleo demografico primigenio que daria origen a la comunidad de estos fuertes se compuso por esclavos que habian huido de las plantaciones de Georgia y las Carolinas, por indigenas que habian sido desplazados por los colonos ingleses, y por negros libres de Florida.
    Para poner coto a los constantes reclamos y amenazas de los colonos y autoridades de las colonias inglesas, el gobernador español considero que lo mas logico seria que fueran esos propios fugitivos quienes defendiendo la integridad del terriorio español en la primera linea de frontera, estarian defendiendo tambien las libertades que alli habian conseguido. De esa logica geopolitica nacio entonces la linea fronteriza fortificada de la cual Santa Teresa del Mose formaba parte.
    En general los norteamericanos conocen muy muy poco de su historia, sobre todo de su historia antes de Jamestown... Debe aclararseles aqui que las medidas que llevaron a la fundacion del fuerte no tenian nada de extraño ni novedoso, pues eran practica comun en el imperio español. Fue extraordinariamente frecuente que la corona se valiese de negros cimarrones y negros libres para dotar las guarniciones fronterizas avanzadas que defendian el territorio de las incursiones de ejercitos enemigos, piratas, bandas de cuatreros, indios hostiles, y de otros grupos de cimarrones y esclavos alzados.
    Por toda la América española, muchas de estas antiguas guarniciones existen hasta el día de hoy, y en no pocos casos siguen viviendo en ellas los descendientes de aquellos que hace mucho tiempo decidieron no doblegarse y defender por medio de las armas la libertad que en algún momento consiguieron.

  • @areguapiri
    @areguapiri 6 лет назад +21

    So proud as an African American to learn this, but I'm angered at the fact that white (British) Americans have hidden this from us for centuries. I must visit Fort Mose! We all (African Americans) must visit and learn this history.

    • @manolocachulicachuli6484
      @manolocachulicachuli6484 6 лет назад +11

      due to the spanish black legend!

    • @toddmaek5436
      @toddmaek5436 4 года назад +8

      The Pan Africanist also NEVER talk about this, the Native Americans also hardly ever talk about this, and it most definantly isnt mentioned in Hispanic "Black history",. So not trying to let the anglos off the hook, but lets spread it where its all due.

    • @lorenabertomeu
      @lorenabertomeu Год назад +1

      Por supuesto, porque ellos son los buenos y el resto los malos, no van a echarse tierra a sí mismos y tirar abajo toda su propaganda blanqueadora de todo lo que hicieron mal y otros bien.

    • @tomassawyer1790
      @tomassawyer1790 10 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@lorenabertomeuy porque nosotros no defendemos lo nuestro como es debido

  • @manolocachulicachuli6484
    @manolocachulicachuli6484 6 лет назад +7

    what is the reason that florida goverment not rebuilt this fort to apreciate this piece of history?

    • @noUGames
      @noUGames 6 лет назад +1

      why ruin the area by building a fake fort? If you want to visit a fake fort, there is a somewhat-cheap knock off in St. Augstine already called Fort Menendez

    • @andreatownsley7528
      @andreatownsley7528 3 года назад +5

      @@noUGames I’m guessing you mean Fort Matanzas, which is not fake but is the last standing original fort aside from the Castillo.
      My understanding is they are trying to raise funds to build a replica.

  • @nicolasrodriguez-cc3ez
    @nicolasrodriguez-cc3ez 3 года назад +2


  • @twilson6784
    @twilson6784 4 года назад

    The entrance to Fort Mose is North of the merging of San Marco Ave and US-1N and North of the traffic light near the shopping center on the East side of the Highway by the City Gates on the highway. We've lived here over 20 years and knew it was there somewhere because Thomas Jackson is a friend but we found the entrance only recently. Now we gotta go! If you pass the fish market you missed it ;~)

  • @godmasino1000
    @godmasino1000 8 месяцев назад

    This is cool

  • @Trashious12345
    @Trashious12345 4 года назад +1

    I've lived in St Augustine for a long time, I didn't think we had any racial history to be proud of. This is nice news. I could listen to the re-enactor talk about everything. "Ay! We want our slaves back!" "Nah!" I love it.