China's Battle Against COVID-19

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 639

  • @elaineg60
    @elaineg60 3 года назад +388

    Thanks for this Martin-and this piece goes great along with Nathan Rich’s last 2 videos of the ACCURATE timeline. When I cried in Jan and Feb, watching my friends in China go through this and watching how China, her scientists and medical professionals dealt with it; little did I know how badly my own country would deal with it. Over 220,000 Americans dead and now over 75,000 new cases per day-which is a huge undercount because of the continued difficulties in testing; speaks for itself. I participated in early online health conferences between doctors and scientists in China, and doctors and scientists here in the West as early as early February. There is absolutely NO excuse for the tragedy we have seen here in the US except blatant incompetence, negligence and inexcusable politicization of a deadly pandemic. Our friends in China gave us a 2 month head start, they kept our best experts constantly informed about everything that was happening, what was working and what wasn’t. Our current administration saw this virus as inconvenient, and affecting their re-election chances. Instead of taking charge, doing all they could to protect human life; they blamed China and tried to sweep it under the rug, pretend its not really happening. Even now, as our 3rd surge begins raging from a high plateau of 40,000/day; this administration has made the deadly decision to cut back on testing. “If we don’t test for the virus, we don’t have the numbers (of infected)” our President inexplicably repeated a few days ago in an interview.
    Where China taught us that testing, contact tracing, quarantine of exposed and infected, wearing masks, social distancing, and pitching in to help and care for each other, WORK to control this virus and the death it causes; my country has chosen “We’ll learn to live with it”-Trump, or more accurately “No, we’ll learn to DIE with it with your plan” -Biden. We have chosen reactive politicization, threatening people who encourage mask-wearing or any of the other PROVEN ways of controlling the spread. People have divided into those who chose anti-intellectualism, demonizing some of the best infectious disease and epidemiologists in the world, and muzzling our once respected CDC, commandeering it for political gain; and those of us who constantly TRY and educate people, that this is a NEW virus acting in ways that we STILL don’t understand, and it is NOT ONLY “old and sick” people dying, (although it’s unconscionable that we are willing to sacrifice ANYONE); there are MILLIONS of younger, healthy people around the world who have either died from COVID-19 OR, are already experiencing long-term damage and effects of the virus. But we feel like we are talking to a brick wall because this administration and it’s media echo chamber have convinced them it’s not a problem, or even some “hoax” created to hurt the president. I never would have believed this could happen in my country, and I now cry almost daily for completely other reasons than I did watching my friends in China pull together to overcome this pandemic. I have never been so frustrated and depressed in my life. And when I hear people in my country blaming China, I’ve never been so angry.

    • @shyamranger
      @shyamranger 3 года назад +17

      Trump is to be blamed.

    • @NavinKumarIndia
      @NavinKumarIndia 3 года назад +2

      But how covid virus escape from china to rest of the world, without the help of CCP and it's people's

    • @derekshi208
      @derekshi208 3 года назад +9

      Wise brain makes you the most sexy lady of the world🥰

    • @elaineg60
      @elaineg60 3 года назад +51

      @@NavinKumarIndia Ever year of global travel? A Chinese American friend of mine opened a business in Hong Kong and Shenzhen the first week of Jan, before most reports of COVID. He had to travel back and forth, sometimes once a week, for his business, until well after Trump’s China travel ban. (Which exempted families, students, and some business transactions). He was NEVER screened, no questions about being in Wuhan, no temperature checks. My brother is a Senior pilot for a major airline and told me I was over-reacting about the spread here because they had no restrictions or requirements until April, even then, they were minimal and voluntary.
      As a former infectious disease specialist and researcher, I focus on the epidemiology. Out of the 3 major strains of COVID-19 identified in March; the US had mainly the European strain. The great majority of our domestic cases came from Europe, not China. We didn’t have any European travel restrictions until March 16; and even then, like the China travel “ban”, there were MANY exceptions, and this was well after it was epidemic in European countries. Still, thousands each day traveled back and forth. This is a HIGHLY transmissible virus. As an example, I live in a tiny town in the Poconos. A local family returned from a vacation with family in northern Italy in early March. They had no concern about COVID until a week later, the grandparents got VERY sick, were admitted to the local hospital, found out through family in Italy that they were all very sick with COVID, and the local family paid to have their sick family members taken to hospitals in NY where they could be tested and better treated. In the meantime, these folks hadn’t quarantined after coming home and people in my area began getting sick..but testing wasn’t available here yet. The ones who had money, paid for their own testing. The ones who didn’t claimed they just had the flu...until we FINALLY got some tests and my doctor and I began widespread testing. Meanwhile, the President is on TV claiming it’s under control and “very limited” as well as that it’s no worse than the flu.
      This has been more like an elementary class in “How to spread a deadly pandemic as far and wide as possible, as fast as possible”. And NO, “HERD IMMUNITY” has NEVER been used successfully before. The current “plan”, if you can even call it that, will be responsible for the needless DEATHS of tens of thousands, if not Millions Of Americans! WATCH Martin’s video and what China did. They have now been having large gatherings, very few shut-downs, for MONTHS with fewer than 100 new cases. WE ARE NOW PAST 75,000 NEW CASES/DAY AND THAT IS A VAST UNDERCOUNT! Deaths are rising and hospitals are quickly becoming overwhelmed. Idaho is now sending their patients to Oregon & Washington hospitals. North Dakota hospitals are also reaching (or past) capacity and sending patients out of state. How do you think this rampant spread is going to effect the economy?
      I’ve warned people, we are in for a VERY rough couple of months if things don’t change. I’m personally terrified knowing how many still think this is a hoax..OR are blaming China? Did other countries call H1N1 the US Virus?
      This virus could have (and likely did-current understanding is it had been in widespread circulation for months before mutating to a more virulent strain-which is what viruses, especially the nCoV’s are known for) made the zoonotic jump from animal to person as easily in New Mexico or Idaho as it possibly did in Wuhan. It’s NO ONES “FAULT”, viruses have been around longer than we have and will likely be here after humans are long gone. Viruses don’t discriminate for political ideologies, countries borders or species they infect, (although some ARE more transmissible and prevalent among certain species)
      It’s way past time to stop the blame game, otherwise, we might soon hear other countries soon calling COVID the American Virus.

    • @elaineg60
      @elaineg60 3 года назад +24

      @@NavinKumarIndia Also, please watch Nathan’s first 2 videos of the timeline of this pandemic. It’s absolutely THE MOST Accurate, Well-documented, (with quotes, videos, and policies) timeline I have seen. He still has one more to go, but so far, he’s been spot-on, (and I’m thrilled he obviously subscribed to ProMed Mail, a service by ISID International Society of Infectious diseases-which tracks emerging infections around the world. I was a charter member in the mid-90’s and have always recommended anyone interested in infectious disease or epidemiology to please join up. Most lay people would be shocked at how many new viruses or antibiotic-resistant infections pop up every week!)

  • @barbarawojcik2382
    @barbarawojcik2382 3 года назад +121

    Prof. Jacques is the constructive voice that attempts to combat the West’s lack of knowledge, arrogance, and racism toward China. Prof. Jacques’s commentaries about China not only help in accomplishing that but also counterbalance the disgraceful conduct of the West, especially America, toward China.
    China’s response to the Cov-19 pandemic, in my, opinion was close to perfection. In light of the catastrophic failure of the West, especially the American government to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is safe to say that China saved the world from exponentially more deaths worldwide, worse economic catastrophe, food shortages, and widespread public unrest. Western civilization would begin to restore its credibility, moral virtue, and slow down its decline if it would acknowledge that and reward the Chinese government and Chinese people with the Nobel prize. China saved the world. It is a statement of fact and not an exaggeration, and the world should be grateful for that and say thank you, China.

    • @freedinner886
      @freedinner886 3 года назад

      Thank you china. I thank you for delivering covid 19 to the world due to your excessive pollution and lack of respect for nature.
      Thank you china. "Bows"

    • @qiaowang7147
      @qiaowang7147 3 года назад +15

      @@freedinner886 US companies overseas is polluting the environment at breakneck speed. Of course you don't want to pollute you own country, so you pollute other countries instead 😢

    • @freedinner886
      @freedinner886 3 года назад

      @@qiaowang7147 ?? So because we tell you to do something you do it ?
      Why do you accept foreign business. If it's polluting and inflammatory, reject it.
      China is an inflammatory world polluter that dumped a virus on the world and then wants praise for it's valiant covid response.
      Take responsibility for your countries missteps, learn to work symbiotically with your foreign neighbors and the world will be a better place. The Chinese government is too efficient to play in a free world. Mal intentions

    • @qiaowang7147
      @qiaowang7147 3 года назад +12

      @@freedinner886 Despite the huge land mass US has why does US ships tons of containers filled with garbage to other countries?
      1. Don't want to pollute US environment
      2. It takes money to process them by themselves
      3. Not enough or many system in place to process huge amounts of garbage
      4. Selling garbage to other countries brings in profits instead of loss and US environment can be protected
      That's why China changed its policies and refused to accept any garbage from US, Canada and many other countries.
      Here's a chart of world household waste comparison from 2018
      Also a chart from 2017 with China with 44 kg per capita food waste verses USA 278kg per capita food waste
      US is 6 times more wasteful than China

    • @truthmatters2782
      @truthmatters2782 3 года назад +5

      @@freedinner886 But Trump declare cov19 is fake news. It's a HOAX!!
      Except it's not a hoax and China must pay for it.
      Even a toddler can tell this BS doesn't add up, except if you want to paddle the hate and blame against China.
      I didn't know there's so many idiots in America.
      God help us.

  • @bowang5096
    @bowang5096 3 года назад +115

    Thanks Martin, thanks for your sharing these materials with us.

    • @jennyqzq
      @jennyqzq 3 года назад

      BO WANG he is on payroll of ccp. A mouthpiece

    • @WWLooi-js8rl
      @WWLooi-js8rl 3 года назад

      @@jennyqzq What about you, paid C*A social agent or troll? The U.S. is so desperate in dictating the narrative of Covid-19 and others that it has lost its morality by spreading fake news and hatred using dubious social media accounts, even using Chinese sounding names.

    • @jennyqzq
      @jennyqzq 3 года назад

      W. W. Looi 不就是大外宣嘛,看到了指出cui一下😜

    • @xiangzhiwang1194
      @xiangzhiwang1194 3 года назад +1

      @@jennyqzq 不就是单纯的反华份子嘛,嘬一下

    • @jennyqzq
      @jennyqzq 3 года назад

      xiangzhi wang 错了,爱华但是华做得不好还是要说

  • @Myway0107
    @Myway0107 3 года назад +70

    Western world today shall really debate why the west is still facing the spike up in these days since the outbreak ten months ago!

    • @yunkil
      @yunkil 3 года назад +9

      Because the west have "freedom" and no one can take that away. Even if it means letting others die from the virus or if it means things won't be normal for an extended period of time, they must have their "freedom" now

    • @broutripping
      @broutripping 3 года назад +4


    • @happyhappy2164
      @happyhappy2164 3 года назад +4

      @@yunkil I can't agree more. Indeed there should be a definition of real freedom. Freedom means not to infringe the right of the others. Individualism is a wrong concept. You can't live in this earth without considering the others such as the nature to recycle the rubbish, to make photosynthesis to produce oxygen while animals are living as a group in harmony. Only human beings like to embrace, argue, infringe and fight for power to exaggerate individualism.

    • @MorbidEel
      @MorbidEel 3 года назад +1

      Why debate when you can just assign blame?

  • @QuietJugung
    @QuietJugung 3 года назад +156

    China score 90% by International standard.
    US score 100% by US standard. (Equivalent International score 10%).

    • @wasteland3485
      @wasteland3485 3 года назад +5

      Hahaha, very well spoken!

    • @DixyBixy
      @DixyBixy 3 года назад +1

      10000by trump standard

    • @GerhardReinig
      @GerhardReinig 3 года назад

      By imperial meassuring standard?
      Even Boeing build his airplanes today in metric standard!

  • @seeyian
    @seeyian 3 года назад +89

    Good video for people who are truly humans. Thank you Martin.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @rickychua3790
    @rickychua3790 3 года назад +43

    And the US are STILL debating whether to wear masks or not are simply unbelievable!!

    • @freedinner886
      @freedinner886 3 года назад +5

      Lol yea it is sad

    • @wwow3953
      @wwow3953 3 года назад +1

      Opening society is always off mind 🇫🇷

    • @marcelinegirol4880
      @marcelinegirol4880 3 года назад +1

      They still didn’t get it - wearing mask is not only about protecting ourselves but also others. That’s all Trump administration doing - one side don’t wear mask the other side we will have a vaccine soon - very soon to counter the rise of Covid 19 cases rising ... people are more dying of the economic impact of the Covid -19 then the disease itself.

    • @TanPi204
      @TanPi204 3 года назад +1

      Its not just in states. Its mostly white people around the world lol

    • @davidchin35
      @davidchin35 3 года назад

      Their administration wants to get rid of the old and weak, who are regarded as a burden to their government

  • @yaqiwang5242
    @yaqiwang5242 3 года назад +60

    Good job, China! I was worrying my family in China but now they are worrying about me. The consequence of this pandemic is so sadly dramatic. Hopefully the world will learn and be more prepared for the future certain pandemics.

    • @jennyqzq
      @jennyqzq 3 года назад

      China has to tell the truth though

    • @yunkil
      @yunkil 3 года назад +4

      @@jennyqzq what difference would it have made? The western world decided to do nothing and now blame China for their own failures! Places like Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore got the message at the same time as the rest of the world, they sorted it out. Australia and New Zealand got the same message at the same time, so are you saying China's "lies" resulted in the success in those countries?

    • @jennyqzq
      @jennyqzq 3 года назад

      Yun Ki Lee They have decided to live with it and working on vaccines and meds that are going to work. That is the difference and choice. China should take responsibility for hiding the truth and delay internal response to pandemic

    • @jennyqzq
      @jennyqzq 3 года назад

      @@yunkil China lies will result in future disaster if the government is not transparent.

    • @jennyqzq
      @jennyqzq 3 года назад

      @PGU 1984 Until China is proven it didn't cover up the origin in the first place. Deliberately hiding and lying about the fact is different than misinformation due to a lack of necessary scientific knowledge 100 years ago.

  • @Lagoost
    @Lagoost 3 года назад +130

    Again, haters : Any updates for the vaping disease (e-cigarette) coursed many deaths in the State and what happened to the Fort Detrick military lab in Maryland?

    • @happyhappy2164
      @happyhappy2164 3 года назад +8

      I guess nobody will dare to tell as it maybe a shocking news to the world.

    • @Khelsenlei
      @Khelsenlei 3 года назад

      @CK Choo woow...wolf in sheep

    • @shadrougeluver
      @shadrougeluver 3 года назад +1

      I believe that lab has opened back up and they're working on the vaccine.

    • @qiaowang7147
      @qiaowang7147 3 года назад +8

      @CK Choo Canada vapes too but we haven't seen any abnormal pneumonia based death caused by vapping. I wonder why??? 🧐🧐🧐

    • @inglam
      @inglam 3 года назад +2

      @@happyhappy2164 Truth will tell

  • @hysokaxvinsmoke4489
    @hysokaxvinsmoke4489 3 года назад +9

    whats most impressive to me is that chinese public official goes on the record to admit there are mistake made and opportunity missed at earlier stage. what a remarkable improvement and such contrast to the usa!

    • @user-wb7ez9ud4p
      @user-wb7ez9ud4p 3 года назад

      It's so frustrating when haters put the perfect victim standard on China and retrospectively accuse China of releasing the virus.

  • @kmwong1786
    @kmwong1786 3 года назад +78

    The successful fight of China against covid-19 should be a textbook example for other countries but due to politicians many countries opt for inventing their own wheel.

    • @yunkil
      @yunkil 3 года назад

      But no, those other countries value their "freedom" too much

    • @broutripping
      @broutripping 3 года назад +3

      @@yunkil they place so called freedom above LIVES. 😂

    • @anonymintheworld9781
      @anonymintheworld9781 3 года назад +4


    • @jennyqzq
      @jennyqzq 3 года назад

      anonym intheworld 专制本来就有这个优势,台湾做的比中国好多了

    • @jennyqzq
      @jennyqzq 3 года назад

      @Eris Young Where do you get that news from? Don't tell me 新华社。

  • @marcelinegirol4880
    @marcelinegirol4880 3 года назад +121

    We should learn from each other- united for the human species - only stupid politicians points fingers.

    • @SD-rednex
      @SD-rednex 3 года назад


    • @wujianzhu7881
      @wujianzhu7881 3 года назад

      Dont forget media

    • @ew-bs2329
      @ew-bs2329 3 года назад

      That's what the CCP said, which started the virus.

    • @marcelinegirol4880
      @marcelinegirol4880 3 года назад

      @@ew-bs2329 great coz I’m French National my dad is French and my mom Indonesian and I’m saying the same thing. We are already in the shit so let’s get our from there together instead of pointing fingers for now. I think we have enough death in the world to mourn don’t you think.

    • @ew-bs2329
      @ew-bs2329 3 года назад

      @@marcelinegirol4880 How about we get out of this Sh*tshow first and then point fingers? Sounds good to me

  • @XiyuYang
    @XiyuYang 3 года назад +11

    Summarized, it would be like this. China initially struggled and made mistakes, but quickly turned around and contained the virus as fast as possible, and bought the rest of the world at least 4 weeks of time. But the rest of the world squandered it completely, now, over one million people died, and we don’t see an end of the suffering.

    • @truthmatters2782
      @truthmatters2782 3 года назад +1

      The virus was new and China made initial mistakes bcos they didn't know what they're dealing with and to close down the entire country would be a big ask.
      However as soon as they knew the shut down the country with at great costs, putting lives first and now is the only major country having positive growth even while being demonize and blamed for shutting down the country.
      Well done China.

  • @yourenemysfriend9069
    @yourenemysfriend9069 3 года назад +2

    How a country's people chooses to act during hardship speaks volumes of how that country has cultivated their citizens.

  • @janewang5441
    @janewang5441 3 года назад +17

    Awesome, Thank you for sharing this, looking forward more video.

  • @tanchiiann4237
    @tanchiiann4237 3 года назад +19

    Medical personels in China are classy, holly, saint and honorable, they help people on pribe. Years ago when I was still in my last job. Their doctors senior wages are times lower than mine. They does their job for pride, the nation pride, the race pride, the family pride. Not for the exploitative incomes like many western doctors.

  • @rightrightright5365
    @rightrightright5365 3 года назад +3

    Thank you for speaking the truth, there are so many innocent Chinese and Asian getting punched, verbally assaulted and racially prejudiced by ignorant people around the world. I watched a 92 years old male got pushed out the the grocery store and fell down on the street. I was so heart broken. Facts matter. Thanks again for your reporting.

  • @daneyalawan2289
    @daneyalawan2289 3 года назад +42

    Excellent video especially for people with a Chinese allied perspective of the COVID-19 situation since last year.

  • @ipleungkwongtom
    @ipleungkwongtom 3 года назад +48

    Nothing to say by words, just give you and China thumb up

  • @nancylee7435
    @nancylee7435 3 года назад +5

    This video will be a eye opener for most of us..many are still ignorant about efforts made by China and the many lessons we can take from their successful containment of the virus. We need to fight it together and not promote hatred and negativity towards a country doing their best in fighting the deadly virus!

  • @astridtoh
    @astridtoh 3 года назад +14

    Victory and amazing success by China

  • @nt1546
    @nt1546 3 года назад +5

    Thank you for sharing. Martin, it's very interesting video with English subtitles.👍

  • @jamesking3238
    @jamesking3238 3 года назад +14

    Make America Graveyard Again!
    MAGA 2020

    • @f1111v
      @f1111v 3 года назад +3


    • @davidtruong219
      @davidtruong219 3 года назад +1

      @@f1111v More American Graves Ahead

  • @djtan3313
    @djtan3313 3 года назад +8

    I’m still in disbelieve till this day. 2 hospitals, 2 weeks. I’m a mechanical engineer btw.

    • @SingChan0218
      @SingChan0218 3 года назад

      Don't judge other with your own standard

    • @Jen197210
      @Jen197210 3 года назад +2

      There were ongoing live broadcast on Chinese social media platform when the construction was under way day and night. Make-shift hospitals.

    • @user-wb7ez9ud4p
      @user-wb7ez9ud4p 3 года назад +1

      It takes a scary amount of coordination and cooperation to do that. I suspect the government had these emergency protocols all the time, to expect the unexpectable.

  • @lazzieboy111
    @lazzieboy111 3 года назад +2

    15:08 i cried for her.. because i am a Chinese and i understand very deep in my heart as i Chinese i will do whatever i can just like she did to help our people and protect our country

  • @simonlinux9178
    @simonlinux9178 3 года назад +4

    This speaks the truth I also learnt from my relatives living there. Great piece of documentary.

  • @richealy
    @richealy 3 года назад +53

    Great video showing how the pandemic should be handled.

  • @jg2724
    @jg2724 3 года назад +3

    Thank you for sharing the truth...from the USA

  • @张绍琪-t9g
    @张绍琪-t9g 3 года назад +6

    Thank you Martin for sharing this video , I put my thumb up for China 👍👍👍

  • @hermanhsu5994
    @hermanhsu5994 3 года назад +1

    You will be shocked by the willingness of Chinese people to protect their families and country as a whole with sacrifice. WII with Japan, the Korean War with the US, borderline conflict with USSR, even endless overtime in the factory, to us it's worth it.

  • @fengshi4284
    @fengshi4284 3 года назад +5

    Wow, he's in Suzhou. That's where I'm from and live now.

  • @suntan8655
    @suntan8655 3 года назад +3

    A salute to all the health workers and China's effort to contain the virus.
    Success is very much owed to the people's trust and credibility of the government and authorities. Well done!

  • @mose425
    @mose425 3 года назад +6

    Thank you Martin.

  • @wanlisong5086
    @wanlisong5086 3 года назад +2

    Thank you Professor Martin! Truth well told through your video 👍👍👍

  • @p.hevi-henry8711
    @p.hevi-henry8711 3 года назад +8

    Imagine saving the world from a framed (?) attack, assuming all consequences, but everyone don't do serious measures and blames you instead...

    • @kickyadick
      @kickyadick 3 года назад +2

      Why imagine? It’s happening.

  • @disconnectxd7344
    @disconnectxd7344 3 года назад +12

    someone should make documentary about China's battle againts terrorism in xinjiang

    • @Mike-nk5tz
      @Mike-nk5tz 3 года назад

      Yes, a real documentary not like the VICE staged bull shit.

    • @qixuanchen660
      @qixuanchen660 3 года назад

      CGTN made one, here is the link:видео.html

    • @ronlyon4645
      @ronlyon4645 3 года назад

      oh yeah

    • @jasonl9484
      @jasonl9484 3 года назад

      @@qixuanchen660 thanks for sharing. It’s my first time I watch terrorism story of China 10 years ago

  • @wangxunan1409
    @wangxunan1409 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for putting this up!!

  • @pengzhang5081
    @pengzhang5081 3 года назад +12


  • @jimotingxuan
    @jimotingxuan 3 года назад

    Thank you for sharing this video. "What doesn't kill you will make you stronger." I hope all the countries can work together to get over this crisis and reboot the global economy.

  • @GMATveteran
    @GMATveteran 3 года назад +3

    Given the outcomes we've seen to date, it's not the effectiveness of the PRC's political system that should be called into question, but rather that of the West, particularly that of the US.

    • @anonymintheworld9781
      @anonymintheworld9781 3 года назад +1

      Each country has its own history and its own characteristics. It should find its own way. As a Chinese, I really don't understand why the western world forces us to copy their democracy? This is not freedom at all! We are very satisfied with our system. We never force other countries to be like us. We also hope that the western media can restore the truth. Of course, I know that Murdoch probably won't do this. If you want to understand China, you should go to live in China for a few years. Almost all the mainstream media in the West are lies

  • @humgarchaun
    @humgarchaun 3 года назад +3

    “we lie, we cheat, and we steal.” said Pompeo.
    Snowden: “we already knew it.”

  • @lawrence4318
    @lawrence4318 3 года назад +2

    A problem of hubris vs. humility.

  • @broutripping
    @broutripping 3 года назад +5

    Cooperation made us, human. Don’t ever forget that we are social animals. United and cooperate is the only way to driven us going forward

  • @riceball4u172
    @riceball4u172 3 года назад


  • @khsaw6679
    @khsaw6679 3 года назад +2

    Thanks for the real information, with time it always preview

  • @colinarmstrong9590
    @colinarmstrong9590 3 года назад +4

    NZ done pretty good so far in defeating it my man! So far on 25 deaths!

  • @victorchew151
    @victorchew151 3 года назад

    Actions speaks louder than words. In the US words from the president that soon will go down to zero, it will magically go away in April. Even wearing a mask causes fist fights and this is the actions they have. My deepest appreciations are the actions of those doctors, nurses and frontline workers.

  • @dougm9759
    @dougm9759 3 года назад +2

    Great video, actions speak louder than words.

  • @reginacarey9724
    @reginacarey9724 3 года назад +2

    Thank you sir for sharing this wonderful video

  • @leoleo9842
    @leoleo9842 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for share the truth!

  • @user38689
    @user38689 3 года назад +2

    About competition to go to Wuhan, it's true, my friend signed up to go but was "wait-listed" because CCP members were assigned to go first.

  • @futura2020
    @futura2020 3 года назад +1

    Excellent documentary. Who made this please?

    • @jennyqzq
      @jennyqzq 3 года назад

      Frank Feather ccp

  • @aimeiyang2091
    @aimeiyang2091 3 года назад +2

    thanks for sharing this!!

  • @yadavanatah2634
    @yadavanatah2634 3 года назад

    Hats off to all those front liners that are working day and night to prevent the spread of the virus

  • @yewhocktan5112
    @yewhocktan5112 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for the sharing.

  • @yuzhichao1
    @yuzhichao1 3 года назад +3

    A wonderful unbiased comprehensive documentary. Rarely seen in social media.

  • @minglili2523
    @minglili2523 3 года назад +3

    China has been very responsible for the virus pandemic. All the countries who have been called China virus are handling the pandemic very poorly, they just try to find an excuse for their own poor management. China has stopped viruses in China since August, and other countries still have second or third waves in their countries. A lot of people died from the virus, their governments should be responsible for their own faults.

    • @jennyqzq
      @jennyqzq 3 года назад

      Mingli Li The China virus is the name for where it came from. Let’s not forget the origin is still not discovered yet, so should not the name changed.

    • @minglili2523
      @minglili2523 3 года назад

      @@jennyqzq You are wrong. Since 2010, HINI spreader in the United States, The United States said the virus were original from Mexico, Mexico said its origin was in US. There were a lot of bias, so WHO said people should not call the name any more. If you want to know more, you can google about this. You also can google hiw many people have died from HINI each year.

    • @jennyqzq
      @jennyqzq 3 года назад

      Mingli Li h1n1 has infectious rate less than flu. It was a pandemic but much less serious. Once China opens its door let people go to Wuhan and p4 and do a thorough investigation, If it is natural, the name can be changed. For now, let us remember it’s name as Wuhan or China virus.

    • @minglili2523
      @minglili2523 3 года назад

      @@jennyqzq you need to do some research first, before you commented something. You are too bias! From your name, I can tell you are from Chinese family, but you are so racist. Please spend some time and do some research on the H1N1, it will help you improve you open your mind.

    • @jennyqzq
      @jennyqzq 3 года назад

      @@minglili2523 That has nothing with race. This is about science, so next time it won't be covid20, covid21 from China. If there is no independent research, the truth may be forever buried and people don't even know what animals are the host of the virus and if the virus was engineered. It is a disaster for the world, sars, and covid in 17 years, we don't want to see the 3rd time.

  • @syao2051
    @syao2051 3 года назад +1

    Great video! Proud of China!

  • @reginacarey9724
    @reginacarey9724 3 года назад +2

    China are the best i love China

  • @LaVidaenChina
    @LaVidaenChina 3 года назад +1

    I would like to get in touch with prof Martin Jacques... I live in Shanghai, where/how can I get in touch ?

    • @xiuyuan6607
      @xiuyuan6607 3 года назад

      R z This is actually a very efficient method to identify one's political opinions towards China. All anti China individuals and organization use the map without Taiwan.

    • @LaVidaenChina
      @LaVidaenChina 3 года назад

      @@xiuyuan6607 well to be honest, I just happen to put this image fast, coz of my channel, but yeah.. let me consider that

    • @LaVidaenChina
      @LaVidaenChina 3 года назад

      @@rz5550 Ah ok, I didnt even notice

  • @user-zw2ve1bo3r
    @user-zw2ve1bo3r 3 года назад +1


  • @victory5354
    @victory5354 3 года назад +2

    CCP has been doing a great job, none to second in today's world

  • @john23402
    @john23402 3 года назад

    In China, when people know their government are doing for their sake, they would listen and co-operate. In the West, it could be impossible because their people hardly believe their government would do anything right for them.

  • @wankee888
    @wankee888 3 года назад +2

    Very well produced

  • @kateyanjames9040
    @kateyanjames9040 3 года назад +3

    good video

  • @marvelv212
    @marvelv212 3 года назад +2

    China is #1

  • @jiewkaucheng6288
    @jiewkaucheng6288 3 года назад +4

    In the wake of cv19, the world have got a lot to look into:- the survival of systems known to human. Martin is a( world figure proposing that the human race must seek a way to fight and go on to get ready for the next pandemic(s)!

  • @jmyong2421
    @jmyong2421 3 года назад +1

    Great sharing

  • @liwenupton8470
    @liwenupton8470 3 года назад +2

    Well said 👍

  • @Mike34543
    @Mike34543 3 года назад +1

    Watching while sobbing from first minute.

  • @truthreasonable2753
    @truthreasonable2753 3 года назад +13


  • @danielpaco2000
    @danielpaco2000 3 года назад +2


  • @mrpoopoo888
    @mrpoopoo888 3 года назад +2

    Running some rough numbers. As of today, China has 92,000 cases, the US has 8.64m. On these numbers alone, the US has 94 times more cases than China. But China has 4 times the population as the US, so on a population adjusted basis, the US has 375 times the cases in China. In other words, u need believe that China is underreporting the case numbers that this much, just to be on par with the US, on a population adjusted basis. With the number of internet users in China, it’s highly improbable that the stories of so many people can be kept hidden. So even if there was under reporting in China, its still unlikely to be anywhere near that of the US.

    • @mrpoopoo888
      @mrpoopoo888 3 года назад

      It’s very unfortunate that with the daily case count in the US being 84,000+ for the second day in a row, people are still talking about masks as a “human right”. Sorry. The most fundamental human right is the right to LIFE, everything else is frivolous unless one is alive. On this metric, governments that haven’t being able ensure the wellbeing of its people have done a bad job. That’s just cold hard facts.

    • @chuamengkim6020
      @chuamengkim6020 3 года назад

      The basic human rights is to be alive and thats needs gobal cooperations in tackling the pandemic.

  • @chatsoon6802
    @chatsoon6802 3 года назад +2

    Different political system, Chinese government trust worthy for the ppl. In others country, politician try hard to out smart everyone.

    @EDWINPIEROAI 3 года назад

    I hope this video will not be blocked soon...

  • @rammpage4468
    @rammpage4468 3 года назад +2

    21:45 exactly what he said has had happened.

  • @mindethereal6627
    @mindethereal6627 3 года назад +2

    The rumor maker is the United States.

  • @marionettes7974
    @marionettes7974 3 года назад

    4:24 time speaks for itself

  • @yiling4482
    @yiling4482 3 года назад

    Wish we can do something to give the nurse a new phone.

  • @ifffaar
    @ifffaar 3 года назад

    Why is the documentary so tacky and advertising of the chinise culture and governance instead of giving answers to how the covid was battled ? This documentary is not about the battle...

  • @zakirhussain8340
    @zakirhussain8340 3 года назад +1

    When vaccine come in market for everyone.

  • @owl6496
    @owl6496 3 года назад

    I saw this documentary back in March

  • @vickyh6084
    @vickyh6084 3 года назад

    Thank you, Martin for the video. Truth is truth, why westerners couldn't accept that their virus fighting strategy are failed ? I am living in Sweden and feel disaster with Swedish herd immunity method.

  • @Galaxy2Free
    @Galaxy2Free 3 года назад

    The covid19 resembles the movie "2012". When the "Noah Arks" are built in China, billionaires rush to aboard in chaos, let alone the gigantic tsunami not striking the western world at the very first place. Instead it raids the central transportation hub of China, Wuhan namely.

  • @kevinthorpe1107
    @kevinthorpe1107 3 года назад

    Bring it.We are evolved to deal with anything nature can throw at us.Fear not!

  • @pohkhui
    @pohkhui 3 года назад

    Just hope this virus will quickly disappear and everyone in the world will be able to get back to their normal life.

  • @heesingsia4634
    @heesingsia4634 3 года назад

    What do you mean by "until recently" Mr. Jacques ?

  • @elsiehui
    @elsiehui 3 года назад

    The Chinese medical staff can speak fluent English. How ignorant are the Hong Kong medical staff rejecting Chinese medical team because of the English language. O doubt if these Hong Kong doctors are any better.

  • @edwinwang3585
    @edwinwang3585 3 года назад

    People’s Life Matters....The whole world facing one enemy (COVID-19)only, and maybe in the future, due to the ecosystem change, we would be facing similar situation and next time, the outbreak could be in any countries, we need to know how do deal .

  • @kevinrock9802
    @kevinrock9802 3 года назад

    THEN, who lies? and who dies?

  • @wlye
    @wlye 3 года назад +5

    I suspect the twenty nine thumbs down of this video could be Trump's supporters 🤔

    • @elsiehui
      @elsiehui 3 года назад +1

      Or taiwanese

  • @shaun6123
    @shaun6123 3 года назад

    Two questions Martin:
    1. Do you think you are a pro-communist of your own free will or do you think you are because your parents were communists?
    2. Did the death of your wife in Hong Kong have any concious or unconcious affect on your pro-mainland China viewpoint and subsequent anti-Hong Kong Chinese views?

  • @sunchicheng5108
    @sunchicheng5108 3 года назад +1

    All RUclipsr anyone who speak the true have low subscriber! I was curious why very few of western RUclipsr why still spend time and do all research and speak out? What benefits yourself? From my understanding this world only lie will get rich faster only lie make you famous! Speak the true benefits nothing but trouble for yourself and family.

    @SPLITSLEEVE 3 года назад

    1:50 Dr. John , why do you call it DNA. Its RNA. I know that and I am just a welder.

  • @yeapsoon3115
    @yeapsoon3115 3 года назад

    Those fake news channels watching this episode can learn to be a little bit more honest. 💝

  • @svenvdw4894
    @svenvdw4894 3 года назад

    They should have add more violins and bombastic music.

  • @qake2021
    @qake2021 2 года назад


  • @tristans7153
    @tristans7153 3 года назад

    Unfortunately your voice yet is way too little.

  • @davidtruong219
    @davidtruong219 3 года назад

    Meanwhile, Trump is too focused on his re-election campaign and the stock market to even care about how the pandemic is affecting America.

  • @nnenna2975
    @nnenna2975 3 года назад

    China puplic relation officers