Doctor Strange has already been released for NWH (with JJJ, Black Suit Spidey and Integrated Spidey) as part of Wave 1 so understandably they didn't do him again. Ned would be cool. I wonder if Lizard and Electro will be standalone or part of a wider third wave that could also have Ned and Aunt May included...
The official figures are better in my opinion
when is the release?
Most of them December but a few are starting to appear early like Doc Ock.
So weird there is no new Doctor strange for this set. I know it's pretty much the same outfit but they can add stuff and at Ned too!
Doctor Strange has already been released for NWH (with JJJ, Black Suit Spidey and Integrated Spidey) as part of Wave 1 so understandably they didn't do him again. Ned would be cool. I wonder if Lizard and Electro will be standalone or part of a wider third wave that could also have Ned and Aunt May included...