hmm strange. I built that kit two years ago so it's been a while. I think I had the same problem. try finishing the kit and just run the car and it should fix itself. I sp also have a brushless motor with plenty of power
Hello. Hoping you can explain how to keep the shaft pin (MA7) from staying in. Mine keeps falling out!!! I thought maybe it would snap into the spur gear slot but can't get it worked out yet! I know this vid is a little old but hope you can reply soon! Thanks!
ShoJay92 Thanks much for your response! I think I got it! :) I was talking about the little silver pin that goes thru the shaft and locks the shaft to the spur gear. It kept falling out! What I did was lube the pin and it stayed there. Once I tightened diff covers and things it also tightened up the assembly. If I have any more questions I'll hit you up! Thanks again bro!
yep that was it is see ur video and I thought my gears dont match, then I switched a couple around and presto chango it starts working flawlessly. thanks alot, I was having some trouble with that :). Now another question I want to run a lipo but the esc only is good for 7.2 volts. Should I try popping in a 1/16 brushless combo instead ?
hmm strange. I built that kit two years ago so it's been a while. I think I had the same problem. try finishing the kit and just run the car and it should fix itself. I sp also have a brushless motor with plenty of power
also make sure they are in correctly. I think I put mine in wrong two years ago
Hello. Hoping you can explain how to keep the shaft pin (MA7) from staying in. Mine keeps falling out!!! I thought maybe it would snap into the spur gear slot but can't get it worked out yet! I know this vid is a little old but hope you can reply soon! Thanks!
Darrell Roireau text me: 16072185428 then take a pic of what you are talking about because yeah it's been a while
ShoJay92 Thanks much for your response! I think I got it! :) I was talking about the little silver pin that goes thru the shaft and locks the shaft to the spur gear. It kept falling out! What I did was lube the pin and it stayed there. Once I tightened diff covers and things it also tightened up the assembly. If I have any more questions I'll hit you up! Thanks again bro!
Darrell Roireau haha burn rubber
How did you get the gears to turn so smoothly, because mine get jammed :(
your kit should have come with some gear oil. check your kit and see if there is a small tube of it
yep ive been using it
oh wait I remember now! it's those four small gears that go inside. check and make sure there are no spurs. I'll bet you that is the problem
yep that was it is see ur video and I thought my gears dont match, then I switched a couple around and presto chango it starts working flawlessly. thanks alot, I was having some trouble with that :). Now another question I want to run a lipo but the esc only is good for 7.2 volts. Should I try popping in a 1/16 brushless combo instead ?
for the shaft do you use the bigger plastic bearings or the smaller ones
my dif gear the out side part, and the gear on the drive shaft arent as smooth as yours. can you help me ?
sure can bro what do you need?