Counter-Reformation Theology & Council of Trent: Futurism, Preterism, Secret Rapture (Lyle Albrecht)

  • Опубликовано: 10 окт 2024
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Комментарии • 14

  • @fallmax
    @fallmax 3 месяца назад +1

    Wonderful messages I learned a lot thank you for enlightening us

  • @ruthtarnutzer7677
    @ruthtarnutzer7677 7 лет назад +4

    Does well to listen to upright preachers who do not fear for their lives. God bless our brother.

  • @joggler66
    @joggler66 10 лет назад +6

    I just watched this one on the same subject, you might want to check it out:
    Historical Facts: Reformation to Modern Times
    Looking forward to your edited version (hope it's longer)
    GOD bless you brother.

    • @HansS11160
      @HansS11160 10 лет назад +3

      Wake up yourself: the JESUITS are behind 9/11

    • @BeYeSeparate
      @BeYeSeparate  9 лет назад +1

      ***** Friend, Jews or Jesuits? "It is an unshakeable fact that the founder of the modern Bavarian Illuminati was a trained Jesuit named Adam Weishaupt from Ingolstadt University, which was the center of the Jesuit counter-reformation. -- (See Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 12, page 251.)
      "Ingolstadt was the center where the Jesuits were flourishing in 1556." -- (See History of Protestantism by Wylie, Volume 2, p. 413.)
      "Can we really believe that Weishaupt would have been allowed to continue his professorship in a Jesuit controlled University if he had deserted them? No way! All evidence suggests that he continued to work for the Jesuits, establishing the order of the Illuminati for them." -- (Sydney Hunter, Is Alberto for Real, Chick Publications, pp. 21,22)
      "The Apostle of Lucifer, Adam Weishaupt was born a Jew, converted to Catholicism, then turned to Witchcraft, there he became an expert, and founded another sect of the Illuminati. This sect of Illuminati was founded May 1st, 1776." -- (William Josiah Sutton, The New Age Movement and The Illuminati 66, The Institute of Religious Knowledge, p. 173)
      "On May 1, 1776, the Order of the Illuminati was officially founded in the old Jesuit stronghold of Bavaria from which the Sons of Loyola had ignited the Thirty Years’ War. -- (Eric Phelps, Vatican Assassins, Halycon Unified Services, page 214)
      "From the Jesuit College at Ingolstadt is said to have issued the sect known as ‘the Illuminati of Bavaria’ founded by Adam Weishaupt; its nominal founder, however, seems to have played a subordinate though conspicuous role in the organization of this sect." -- (Lady Queensborough, Occult Theocrasy, Emissary Publication, p.313)
      "The a secret society founded in Babaria in 1776. Its founder, Adam Weishaupt, a professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt, labeled it the Illuminati Order. -- (Dee Zahner, The Secret Side of History, LTAA Communications Publishers, p. 26)
      "Canon law was the result of the infamous Council of Trent, which met from 1545- 1563. This law revealed the Catholic Church’s stand against the Protestant Reformation and is known as the Catholic Counter-Reformation. This council not only revealed the church’s hostility toward the Reformation, but also how she would attack and destroy it. Weishaupt established the Illuminati specifically to be a front organization behind which the Jesuits could hide.
      After being abolished by Clement XIV in 1773, the Jesuits used the Illuminati and other organizations to carry out their operations. Thus the front organizations would be blamed for the trouble caused by the Jesuits. Having so many front organizations would also confuse the people so that it would be virtually impossible to know who is actually manipulating the wars, policies, politics, and trouble caused by the Jesuits. The methods of many of these front organizations such as the Illuminati are carbon copies of the Jesuits methods and techniques.
      This passage exactly describes the methods laid down by Weishaupt for his ‘Insinuating Brothers’-the necessity of proceeding with caution in the enlisting of adepts, of not revealing to the novice doctrines that might be likely to revolt him, of ‘speaking sometimes in one way, sometimes in another, so that one’s real purpose should remain impenetrable’ to members of the inferior grades.
      How did these oriental methods penetrate to the Bavarian professor? According to certain writers, through the Jesuits. The fact that Weishaupt had been brought up by this Order has provided the enemies of the Jesuits with the argument that they were the secret inspirers of the Illuminati.... That Weishaupt did, however, draw to a certain extent on Jesuit methods of training is recognized even by Barruel, himself a Jesuit, who, quoting Mirabeau, says that Weishaupt ‘admired above all those laws, that regime of the Jesuits, which, under one head, made men dispersed over the universe land towards the same goal...." -- (Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Emissary Publications, p. 197,198)
      Here is what we have learned so far about Adam Weishaupt and the Illuminati.
      1. Modern Illuminism founded May 1, 1776.
      2. Originated in Bavaria, Germany, a Jesuit stronghold.
      3. Illuminati organization is a carbon copy of the Jesuit order.
      4. Weishaupt was brought up and trained by Jesuits.
      5. He taught Catholic canon law at a Jesuit College, Ingolstadt University.
      "During the Order’s suppression from 1773 to 1824 by Pope Clement XIV, General Ricci [the head of the Jesuits] created the Illuminati with his soldier, Adam Weishaupt, the Father of modern Communism, who, with his Jacobins, conducted the French Revolution.... For the Sons of Loyola punished all their enemies including the Dominican priests, perfected the inner workings between themselves and Freemasonry, created an alliance between the House of Rothschild in establishing the Illuminati.... The Jesuit General was in control of Scottish Rite Freemasonry an now sought an alliance with the Masonic Baron of the House of Rothschild. To accomplish this he chose a Jesuit who was a German Gentile (not a Jew) by race and Freemason by association-Adam Weishaupt.... Weishaupt established the Illuminati in 1776 and joined the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge in 1777. He united the magnificent financial empire of the Masonic Jewish House of Rothschild with the opulence of the international and secret, anti-Jewish Race, Gentile Society of Jesus." -- (Eric Phelps, Vatican Assassins, Halcyon United Services, pp. 206, 205, 213, 215)
      The House of Rothschild financed Weishaupt In his creation of the Illuminati. Phelps alluded to this several times in the preceding paragraph. He is not alone in his assertion that the Jewish House of Rothschild worked hand in hand with the Jesuits in creating and funding the Illuminati.
      "After he [Weishaupt] formed his organization with financial backing from the House of Rothschild, he adopted the name Illuminati.... It was on May 1, 1776 that Adam Weishaupt backed and led by the House of Rothschild, formed the International Revolutionary force called the Illuminati, which later became known as Communism." -- (William Sutton, The New Age Movement and The Illuminati 666, Institute of Religious Knowledge, p. 175, 231)
      "Aware that the Rothschilds are an important Jewish family. I looked them up in Encyclopedia Judaica and discovered that they bear the title “Guardians of the Vatican Treasury....” The appointment of Rothschild gave the black papacy absolute financial privacy and secrecy. Who would ever search a family of orthodox Jews for the key to the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church?" -- (F. Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil, Harper Collins Publishers,, pp. 160, 161)
      With the financial power of the Rothschilds behind Weishaupt’s Illuminati, the Jesuit and the Catholic Church have an almost perfect cover to hide their operations from the view of the public. When investigators try to trace the roots of certain events, the Illuminati is a perfect shield behind which the Jesuits can hide, and behind which investigators cannot penetrate. The implications of this are enormous. We will briefly consider two items here but will examine them in greater detail in following chapters.
      The book, Descent into Slavery, shows that there was a plan for both world wars and even a third world war.
      "This plan was outlined in graphic detail by Albert Pike, the sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and the top Illuminist in America, in a letter to Giusseppe Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. [Knowing what we know about the Illuminati, Albert Pike was speaking as one who understood the Jesuits plan for world dominion to bring everything back into the pope’s hands. Pike was the top Illuminist/Jesuit in America.]
      Pike stated that the First World War was to be formented in order to destroy Czarist Russia and to place that vast land under the direct control of Illuminati agents. Russia was then to be used as a ‘bogey man’ to further the aims of the Illuminati worldwide. [In other words, the Jesuits gained control of Russia near the end of WWI.]
      World War II was to be fomented through manipulation of the differences that existed between the German Nationalists and the Political Zionists. This was to result in an expansion of Russian influence and the establishment of a state of Israel in Palestine. [In both instances, Pike’s plan for world wars has been precisely carried out. These plans existed 40 to 60 years before the wars took place.]
      The Third World War was planned to result from the differences stirred up by Illuminati agents between the Zionists and the Arabs. The conflict was planned to spread worldwide." -- (Des Griffin, Descent into Slavery, Emissary Publications, pp.38, 39)
      Pike shows in that quote that the Jesuits are planning for a third world war between the Zionists and the Arabs. Zionists are those who are pro Israel like the United States and Great Britain. The so-called war on terror is part of the preparation for that war using Arabs such as Al Qaeda, Saddam Hussein of Iraq, and others against the Zionists of America and Great Britain. The Jesuits are stirring up this conflict by their lies and deception, such as the false claim that Saddam Hussein was stock-piling weapons of mass destruction. This lie was simply a ploy to convince the American people that we had no choice but to invade Iraq. As will be shown later, George Bush is working closely with the Jesuits to carry out their policies to the letter. The current conflict was planned over 130 years ago.
      The Illuminati/Jesuit connection also impacts us in another way. In Fritz Springmeier’s book, Bloodlines of the Illuminati, we read that the two Bush Presidents were members of the Skull and Bones Order at Yale. The Skull and Bones Order is an entry point into the Illuminati. It is made to appear as just another exclusive fraternity, but in actuality a member of the Skull and Bones order is also a member of the Illuminati. We have seen that this means that the two Bush presidents are also member of the Jesuit Order and are carrying out their wishes. Springmeier also points out that the Bush family has been tied up with the Harriman family since the 1920s. The Harrimans have been intimately connected with the Skull and Bones Order/Illuminati/Jesuits for decades. (See Fritz Springmeier, Bloodlines of the Illuminati, Ambassador House, p.63,320)
      It is a most sobering thought to realize that the Jesuit Order controls the President of the United States. It is also a most sobering thought to think that this great Protestant nation is under the control of a man who is willingly carrying out the dictates of an Order whose stated objective is the destruction of every Protestant principle for which this nation stands. If permitted, this President would shred the Constitution. He is passing laws such as the USA Patriot Act and the Homeland Security Act, which totally ignore the restrictions on such laws in the Constitution.
      This President has been told to engage in war in the Middle East. He has done so knowing that many lives of America’s youth would be lost. This is nothing but a deliberate act of Treason! When will Americans wake up and see what is being done to them?
      Let us now examine the claim that the Jews are really the bad people who are behind the scenes manipulating the world. The propaganda in the media today tries desperately to convict the Jews as the real instigators of the trouble in the world. The Jewish belief that Christ will one day come and rule the world causes the Vatican to shudder.
      The Vatican believes that if hatred for the Jews can be fomented as took place in Hitler’s Germany. Then Jews will be ruthlessly eliminated. The Vatican believes that if all Jews are killed, Christ will not come, and the Vatican’s aim to rule the world would remain intact. Avro Manhattan says it this way:
      "It is important, although it may be difficult for some to recognize the religious nature of the Communist/Zionist/Catholic political configuration. Although deliberately muted in public pronouncements, behind the Zionist banner there was to be found the ancient Messianic hope for the coming a global theocracy, as predicted by all the seers and prophets of Zion. It was to be a theocracy in which Jehovah, not Christ, was to be King.
      The spectre of the creation of such a theocracy has haunted the inner chambers of the Catholic church from her earliest inception, and still is a dominant fear. In Vatican eyes, therefore, the millenarian yearning for a global Hebrew theocracy, represents a deadly threat to the eschatological teachings of the Catholic church. When translated into concrete political terms, such a view spells not only rivalry, but implacable enmity." -- (Avro Manhattan, The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance, chick Publications, pp. 169, 170.)
      Why would the Jesuits use their implacable enemy, the Jews, to further their designs for world dominion? The Jesuits never do anything out in the open where they can be exposed. If they are recognized as the culprits, they will be blamed and suffer the consequences, but if they can use someone else as the cause of the world’s problems, especially an enemy they can destroy in the process, then they have simultaneously accomplished two of their objectives. The Jewish people are the perfect scapegoat. Since the Rothschilds are Jesuit agents operating under a Jewish cover, using them in forming the Illuminati back in 1776 effectively throws the onus of this conspiracy on the Jews. The Rothschilds are certainly not the only Jesuit agents that operate under a Jewish front.
      The following sources indicate that Adam Weishaupt and the Rothschilds were the brains and the wealth behind the French revolution.
      "History books will tell us that the French Revolution first began in 1787 or 1789, depending on which book you read. However, it was actually planned by Dr. Adam Weishaupt and the House of Rothschild almost 20 years before the Revolution took place." -- (William Sutton, The New Age Movement and The Illuminati 666, Institute of Religious Knowledge, pp. 172, 73)
      "For the main purpose of Baruel’s book is to show that not only had Illuminism and Grand Orient Masonry contributed largely to the French Revolution, but that three years after that first explosion they were still as active as ever." -- (Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movement, Emissary Publications, p 255.)
      The (the Jesuits) have son constantly mixed themselves up in court and state intrigues that they must, in justice, be reproached with striving after world dominion. They cost kings their lives, not on the scaffold, but by assassination, and equally hurtful as the society of Illuminati; they were the foremost among the crowd, at all event, who applauded the murder scenes in Paris...." -- (Hector Macpherson, The Jesuits in History, Ozark Book Publishers, pp. 126, 127.)
      "The Jesuits, Weishaupt and the Rothschilds, managed to cast the blame for the French Revolution on their front organization, the Illuminati! The Communistic ideals that came from the Reductions in Paraguay and that were exalted in France had their fruition in the writings of Karl Marx. The ideas Lenin developed were directly from Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, and ideas founded in the Communist Manifesto were directly from the writings of Dr. Adam Weishaupt, who took his orders from the House of Rothschild." -- (William Sutton, The New Age Movement and The Illuminati 666, Institute of Religious Knowledge, p. 193.)
      "Karl Marx was hired by a mysterious group who called themselves ‘The Leagure of Just Men’ to write the Communist Manifesto as demagogic boob-bait to appeal to the mob. In actual fact the Communist Manifesto was in circulation for many years before Marx’ name was widely enough recognized to establish his authorship for this revolutionary hadbook. All Karl Marx did was update and codify the very same revolutionary plans and principles set down seventy years earlier by Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Order of the Illuminati in Bavaria. And, it is widely acknowledged by serious scholars of this subject that the League of the Jest Men was simply an extension of the Illuminati..." -- (Gary Allan, None Dare Call it Conspiracy, Concord Press, p. 25.)
      "Karl Marx, ‘the Father of Modern Communism... was privately tutored by Jesuits in the huge Reading Room of the British Museum while writing The Communist Manifesto based upon the ten maxims of ‘planks’ the Order had perfected on its Paraguayan Reductions.... A Jew was chosen for this task; for, the Order anticipated blaming all the evils of the Communist Inquisition on the Jewish Race." -- (Eric Phelps, Vatican Assassins, Halcyon Unified Services, p. 293.)
      Adam Weishaupt and the Rothschild family created the Illuminati. Then both Weishaupt and the Rothschilds united their efforts to foment the French Revolution and the roots of Communism. The Jesuits next used Karl Marx to write the Communist Manifesto, which codified the Illuminati’s plans. The teachings of Marx were then passed to Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky. The financiers of all these men were the Rothschilds or Rothschild agents such as Paul Warburg, the first chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, Jacob Schiff and Armand Hammer. Each one of these men, being Jesuits, were Jews and operated under a Jewish front. Is it any wonder that the Jews are usually blamed for all the conspiracies?
      Other Jesuits who operate under a Jewish front include the chairman of the Federal Reserve bank, Alan Greenspan, Arlen Specter, and Henry Kissinger. The Jesuit Order has very effectively used traitorous Jews as their agents to carry out awful crimes against humanity. So many things have been done by Jews who were being used by the Jesuits. When the whistle is blown and someone cries foul, the Jew is left holding the bag and is blamed, while the Jesuit Order walks away clean. This has been the case time after time through the last 400 years.
      The Illuminati and traitorous Jews have been used by the Jesuits and have taken the blame for many crimes that really were the Jesuits responsibility. We have seen many such examples in this chapter. In the Jesuits relentless pursuit to destroy America, she would use the Jewish House of Rothschild to gain control of the American banking system. To this, we will turn in the next chapter...
      (Taken from: Enemy Unmasked by Bill Hughes, p.11-17)
      Read more @
      May God Bless you friend..

    • @joggler66
      @joggler66 9 лет назад +3

      BeYeSeparate (2 Cor.6:14-18) You gave a great explaination of the facts here, thanks for your work. It's a shame that most people won't listen to reason, search for themseves, check the sources and rather live in the lie the jesuits and the VATICAN present to them in their controlled mainstreammedia. Thanks for all your work brother. GOD bless you.

  • @TheSweetpea1971
    @TheSweetpea1971 2 года назад

    Is Lyle still alive?

  • @pankajekkadu3535
    @pankajekkadu3535 4 года назад +1

    Rev 1:1 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things that must soon take place
    Rev 1:3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near.
    Rev 22:6 And he said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place.”
    Rev 22:7 And behold, I am coming soon.
    Rev 22:10 And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.
    Rev 22:12 Behold, I am coming soon,
    Rev 22:20 He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.”
    Any one who reads the Book of Revelation in an unbiased manner with no preconceived ideas planted by organised religion will have to come to the conclusion that the end happened in AD70. Hopefully people wake up and just read and understand simple statements that have been complicated by fabricated doctrines.
    Pretersim or fulfilled eschatology is the only thing that properly explains New testament writings in perfect correlation with the Old.

    • @owensterry29
      @owensterry29 3 года назад +2

      This is why preterism fails.The dead are still in their graves.

    • @shalemloritsch9382
      @shalemloritsch9382 2 года назад +2

      Hilarious interpretation, considering that Revelation wasn't written until after 90 AD...

    • @mlaautomotivellc9327
      @mlaautomotivellc9327 11 дней назад

      @@shalemloritsch9382 Would you care to show everyone here what part of the Scriptures you used to arrive to your conclusion?

  • @elisafuk
    @elisafuk 8 лет назад +2

    This guy is a Jesuit wolf in sheep's clothing..whats with all the handsofns? There's no curse against the Lord Jesus's. Own reformers

    • @mlaautomotivellc9327
      @mlaautomotivellc9327 11 дней назад

      If this man of God is a Jesuit wolf, why don't you show everyone here what Scripture or Scriptures you used to arrive to that conclusion?