How Mike Tyson Threw His Uppercut With Game Changing Power & Technique by Teddy Atlas

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 128

  • @muxz
    @muxz 4 года назад +115

    "Hope you never get hit with it" I believe everyone in this comments section can agree with that sentiment.

  • @benny-ij2jz
    @benny-ij2jz 11 месяцев назад +2

    one important thing too add is the speed in which tyson throws both punches, its almost simultaneously, incredible speed ....

  • @moosesnWoop
    @moosesnWoop Месяц назад +1

    Thank you sir and the team! greetings from South Africa!

  • @brian2100
    @brian2100 5 месяцев назад +1

    old atlas will get you everytime

  • @serekithegreat
    @serekithegreat 2 года назад +12

    Can’t ever get enough of boxing gospel from the great Teddy Atlas. Keep it coming sir, and thank you. 🥊😎✌🏾

  • @Jordan-qo9vz
    @Jordan-qo9vz 3 года назад +8

    I was swimming in my tears of laughter when he said the 🚀 joke😂

  • @petertenaglia1709
    @petertenaglia1709 3 года назад +4

    " I hope you never get hit with it " ... Im dying ...LOL

  • @muthumaharaja8302
    @muthumaharaja8302 4 года назад +7

    Can you please make the video series of Peek a boo boxing lessons for amateur boxers

  • @MasterKieff
    @MasterKieff 3 года назад +5

    The voice of fight night champion

  • @joefrazier382
    @joefrazier382 2 года назад +16

    That right to the liver followed by the right uppercut that Mike threw was sick. Nobody can throw that like he did.

    • @hassanx9423
      @hassanx9423 2 года назад +5

      It wasn’t to the liver

    • @anyonei2356
      @anyonei2356 Год назад +3

      Liver is on the right side so you use you're left to land to the liver

      @HANDLERofKNIFE Год назад +2

      ​@@anyonei2356 If you watch old footage tyson used to switch a lot into southpaw on the inside there is a KO where he does this exact combination but with his right and right foot front

      @HANDLERofKNIFE Год назадвидео.html here

    • @lellugamer9468
      @lellugamer9468 Год назад

      @@HANDLERofKNIFEmike tyson is naturally southpaw he changed to orhtodox bc he tought it would work better in heavy weight

  • @unknownmagic3369
    @unknownmagic3369 4 года назад +43

    Can’t get enough of this stuff.

  • @major-Mihailo-Madzarevic
    @major-Mihailo-Madzarevic 6 месяцев назад +1

    *Thank you mister Teddy.*

  • @hostilemgtow603
    @hostilemgtow603 3 года назад +6

    They'll never ever ever be such supremely knowledgeable, wise, and skilled
    boxing coaches like this. Much respect to teddy atlas, Kevin Rooney,
    and the late, great Cus D'amato 👊💥 👊💥 👊💥.

  • @mattkylie6723
    @mattkylie6723 3 года назад +1

    “Amazing Teddy” more .. more about Cus!!!

  • @josuebautista8606
    @josuebautista8606 4 года назад +8

    I have a lot of respect for teddy Atlas his a great trainer

  • @khalifamessaoudi2377
    @khalifamessaoudi2377 3 года назад +2

    Really love this coach

  • @airbornestud3007
    @airbornestud3007 3 года назад +2

    Thanks! Keep em coming!

  • @Da2ndHorseman
    @Da2ndHorseman 4 года назад +3

    It's in the details and small things. Thank you I absorb it like sunlight.

  • @Hiatusblack
    @Hiatusblack 4 года назад +16

    We love it , Sir. Keep em coming

  • @angelinoquintos3095
    @angelinoquintos3095 3 года назад +4

    I'm being blessed with these videos

  • @samueletim3666
    @samueletim3666 2 года назад

    Beautiful teaching

  • @jeffreywright2294
    @jeffreywright2294 3 года назад +3

    Awesome techniques Teddy!

  • @jorgeponce6689
    @jorgeponce6689 3 года назад

    Today is the best in the business!!! Honest, dedicated and guru of the sweet science.

  • @HomeImprovementInsider
    @HomeImprovementInsider 4 года назад +9

    The uppercut can be a crushing fight ending punch, after training Karate for many years I’ve found few karate guys the are not wide open to be caught by a well set up uppercut

    • @waynem4791
      @waynem4791 2 года назад +1

      Any sport outside of boxing is going to be open and vulnerable to boxing shots, but the flip side is that the boxer doesn't have to defend against other techniques. One thing I have found though, is that boxers, even beginners are far more used to getting hit than other martial arts due to sparring being a regular occurrence for all levels of boxing.

    • @lellugamer9468
      @lellugamer9468 Год назад

      @@waynem4791muay thai and kick boxing both have very mutch sparring and a lot of boxing

  • @garrygoodrege255
    @garrygoodrege255 2 года назад

    Mr.Atlas have a talent of explanetions..good visual and methodical spark..thnx

  • @arekd9769
    @arekd9769 4 года назад +1

    sweet science it is! I am from Eastern Europe where boxing was always taught this way- look Stanley Kecel(Polish boxer with incredible jab). You add new dimension- inside fight which was always strong point in American boxing. The way you teach it proves you know your boxing😁 you teach it like science! really thank you

  • @NickMidgley
    @NickMidgley 4 года назад +4

    Great video!!

  • @unveiling762
    @unveiling762 4 года назад +1

    I like the way he points out you see it firsr

  • @inthejcurve7968
    @inthejcurve7968 3 года назад +1

    I love this channel

  • @rmfree6967
    @rmfree6967 4 года назад +2

    Awesome video 👍👍👍

  • @lancehuff2174
    @lancehuff2174 2 года назад

    Artistry from one of the Masters…. Bravo!!!!

  • @charlesledbetter9063bc
    @charlesledbetter9063bc 3 года назад

    Again , teddy with right info.

  • @derricklowe2823
    @derricklowe2823 2 года назад

    " I hope you never get hit with it " 😅🤣😂 I wasn't expecting that comment 😅. Teddy Atlas !!!🥊

  • @longliveelvis
    @longliveelvis 4 года назад +7

    the one dislike is coming from someone who took an uppercut from Teddy.

  • @rigohook1160
    @rigohook1160 3 года назад +1

    Teddy Atlas is alongside with Eddie Futch the best box trainer on the planet.

  • @fighterscorner6787
    @fighterscorner6787 3 года назад +1

    I am so happy someone who knows the peekaboo style of boxing as not let it get lost in the history books I will invest my money into this download when I get back working.
    boxing it’s a beautiful sport thank you sir for sharing your knowledge I would love to have beer and a conversation with teddy I bet he as got some amazing stories to tell about fighters and the sport of boxing

  • @rudeboysw9
    @rudeboysw9 4 года назад +2


  • @LordMullins
    @LordMullins 4 года назад +3

    Loved it :-)

  • @VaudevilleVillain
    @VaudevilleVillain 4 года назад +8

    I can't help but feel a bit out of my place saying this, but more often than not, Tyson would utilize this combo with is right hand, not his left. He'd switch to southpaw, then throw a right hook to the body followed by a right uppercut. A quick RUclips search of Mike's highlights will confirm this.

    • @TheArtofBoxing101
      @TheArtofBoxing101 4 года назад +2

      Tyson NEVER switched soutpaw, when he would do his 4-6 combo he'd square up but not go southpaw, looks like it though.

    • @Leadfoot_P71
      @Leadfoot_P71 4 года назад +1

      Yeah I was thinking the same - Wasn't it the right body hook to right uppercut that knocked out so many!

    • @DeepBlueAbyss
      @DeepBlueAbyss 2 года назад

      @@TheArtofBoxing101 wrong
      Firstly the combo was 6 4 not 4 6
      Second, the 6 lands from the orthodox stance but he shifts before he throws the 4

    • @christtwitch4013
      @christtwitch4013 2 года назад

      Did both. More often than not with the left. But got an amazing knockout highlight doing it with the right so everyone like u believe he always did it with the right. He got much many more kos using the left. Anyway. Never southpaw always orthodox with the first one and then squared with the second one. Shifting so that he confused the other guy with southpaws like angles

    • @Anglo_Browza
      @Anglo_Browza 2 года назад

      💯 took the words out my mouth 😂

  • @rockd2808
    @rockd2808 3 года назад +1

    8 dislikes? From 8 people that know nothing about boxing 🥊

  • @HM.Hatchet205
    @HM.Hatchet205 3 года назад +1

    Love it

  • @bisonmma-kickboxing2511
    @bisonmma-kickboxing2511 3 года назад +1


  • @datdudemickey
    @datdudemickey 4 года назад

    I would love to see Teddy Atlas and Kevin Rooney on the Mike Tyson Hotboxin' channel
    You 3 keep the Legend of Cus D'Amato and the Peek-a-Boo style alive still

  • @guygranger7894
    @guygranger7894 3 года назад

    Theres no end to your experience Teddy--- Always watching carefully.

  • @Ravenwood93
    @Ravenwood93 3 года назад

    Top 3 best all-time Boxing Coach
    #1Teddy Atlas
    #2 Mickey from Rocky
    #3 kenzo Alessandro

  • @freedomstar3814
    @freedomstar3814 2 года назад

    Hearing a boom from Teddy is enough to KO me ....... BOOM

  • @artistaprimus7080
    @artistaprimus7080 3 года назад

    You are an absolute authority on boxing. You need to improve the audio.

  • @celtichammerboxing9398
    @celtichammerboxing9398 4 года назад +8

    Little details. Big results.

  • @mikevaldez7684
    @mikevaldez7684 3 года назад +1

    Interesting, the guy that was putting down Tyson is now trying to capitalize on Tyson's fame & Legend! Tyson is a forgiving, kind & sensitive man. God Bless you Mike Tyson, you are Legend

  • @davidkrain1660
    @davidkrain1660 4 года назад +7

    Love your boxing videos, I bought the fundamentals of boxing and really got a lot from it

  • @TheMtv14
    @TheMtv14 3 года назад +1

    I was the 1k like for this video((:

  • @SureFeelsGood
    @SureFeelsGood 4 года назад +3

    I just watched mike throw that combo vs berbick

  • @northernking6610
    @northernking6610 4 года назад +4

    Right to the body and uppercut to the head! Seen mike hit everybody with this combo

  • @chadbailey7038
    @chadbailey7038 4 месяца назад +1

    💎 ✨

  • @mikegriffin104
    @mikegriffin104 2 года назад +1

    I hope I don't either TEDDY, THANK YOU.

  • @62202ify
    @62202ify 2 года назад +1

    He was Mike's trainer once.

  • @be-shallahrah4588
    @be-shallahrah4588 Год назад

    My great uncle is Davey Moore feather weight champion five title defenses

  • @ryanbates8816
    @ryanbates8816 4 года назад +2

    Can watch you all day Teddy! Awesome knowledge just love it.

  • @aljordan5193
    @aljordan5193 2 года назад

    If you watch Tyson throw his trademark combination he actually throws it the opposite side where he puts his head on the right side and hence punches with his right which has more power . He seldom ever threw the combination on his left side.

  • @tonypaella
    @tonypaella Год назад

    So first you need to go BOOM, and then you go BANG?

  • @rockitmorton
    @rockitmorton 4 года назад +1

    I hope you liked it, I hope you never get hit with it. LOL

  • @lakasund
    @lakasund 3 года назад +1


  • @Nextman916
    @Nextman916 2 года назад

    “Because some people like throwing things at the glass windows of a tall building Francis”

  • @dna6496
    @dna6496 4 года назад +2

    teddy is a gem and is worth 1 million tysons
    he doesn't stop giving
    tyson just takes

  • @coleashmore
    @coleashmore 2 года назад

    You also really don’t want to puch the elbow bone, it hurts!

  • @mikehunt4797
    @mikehunt4797 4 года назад +3

    Knocked a dude out with that shot.

  • @biffdanielson2820
    @biffdanielson2820 2 года назад

    Was Tyson left handed?

    • @ethan6145
      @ethan6145 2 года назад

      Mike was Orthodox
      His dominant hand was his left though

  • @rkisi2181
    @rkisi2181 Год назад

    WWE at its finest

  • @xadrach
    @xadrach 2 года назад

    The only thing i dont like about teddy is hes a little too long winded a lot of times before he gets to the point. But other than that, Teddys great

  • @rootiest
    @rootiest Год назад

    u wanna move again? How HOOOW???

  • @PhoenixProdLLC
    @PhoenixProdLLC 3 года назад

    No. No, I would not like to be hit with that. 😂

  • @noodles8638
    @noodles8638 2 года назад

    Teddy, I have nothing but respect for you my brother, but in the ring, you would drop Sammy in the 1st round, but in the alley, outside the gym, Sammy would be chewing on your nose, your a boxing trainer and one of the best, but street fighting is like night & day, compared to boxing.

  • @antoniomontana9646
    @antoniomontana9646 2 года назад

    Serious ? LOLOL

  • @akrambakri624
    @akrambakri624 4 года назад

    will this guy ever get to the fucking point?

  • @Khalidsvt101
    @Khalidsvt101 2 года назад

    it’s hard to like this guy

  • @8yearsleft
    @8yearsleft 4 года назад +1

    the only reason im not gonna persue boxing is simply because of the fact that there are no longer any trainers left like Cus and Teddy .

    • @coachryanmartialarts435
      @coachryanmartialarts435 4 года назад +2

      If you never train boxing how would you know that..?

    • @alcottdevalte7440
      @alcottdevalte7440 4 года назад

      Chase your dreams, even though there aren't so many great trainers anymore, you should go for it and there's always something new to learn every day. And it would be easier becoming the champ in this era :-)

  • @cyphermein2022
    @cyphermein2022 4 года назад

    Teddy the vampire sill making money off Mike Tyson. Shameless

  • @kemroolhaas4833
    @kemroolhaas4833 3 года назад

    My nigga hold it horizontal

  • @itubecollection1623
    @itubecollection1623 4 года назад

    With all do respect..what's wrong with Teddy's body? I know he has the knowledge and technique but those punches, hooks and uppercuts look very bad...he's not that old yet...Cus was way older than Teddy and could still demonstrate proper shots...when I read the title of the video I knew immedeatly he never gonna show a uppercut that even is close to a Mike Tyson uppercut...and at the end of the video I was right wuhahaa sorry never nice to Tyson..let me have some fun this time

  • @timotheehyre4888
    @timotheehyre4888 3 года назад +1

    I think every time I saw Tyson do that he did it with his right hand. ...I guess it really change the technique. I just didn't know that's how he originally started doing it.