The LEC has a Huge Problem! It's Boring!

  • Опубликовано: 17 июн 2024
  • The LEC is stale and boring and in terms of overall entertainment the LCS is simply the better league of legends league to watch.
    #leagueoflegends #lec #lcs
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 137

  • @Rap4NoReason
    @Rap4NoReason 12 дней назад +23

    From someone who was in and out of mid-sized gaming orgs on a management level, PR is INSANE. Players are basically conditioned to hold back on their responses because they can lose everything if they're seen as a potential liability. Everyone is scared of getting dropped. I mean, you get paid to play video games on one of the biggest stages in the world. It's an opportunity that few get and the people who do get it have spent countless hours grinding to get to that point. They could've easily spent all that time developing a different career. So this is a very real threat to their livelihood. Getting dropped for most these players means they'll be working at McDonalds. Granted, some personalities are able to transition into other roles within the scene, but most don't have that opportunity. And depending why you got dropped, you might not even have an opportunity.
    It's a problem that's both riot based and org-related. Players should go through adequate PR training to express their limits. Riot should limit their involvement to a certain degree, outside of anything that's actually detrimental towards their product. Like racism, sexism, etc. The solo queue communication restrictions/bans over banter is a bit ridiculous too. If you're not encouraged to talk to others or communicate with them in most ways, then why would a professional player do that?
    Granted, I was only around the CS scene. League might be a bit different

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад

      True, but goes for Cod players aswell and look how much they express themselves. Think PR is a huge factor though and cant blame the players for playing it safe. Isnt CSGO a bit of trash talky than league?

    • @Rap4NoReason
      @Rap4NoReason 12 дней назад +9

      It's a little nuanced for COD players for various reasons. Like, the cod league has been underdeveloped for over a decade and it took a long time to even get going because of cheating scandals. Plus, you have to at least be 18 years old to even compete in a professional cod league, and when they made that rule, it killed a lot of prospective careers. But the age limit made it so it's already catering to a more mature audience. But outside of maybe 10 events, there hasn't been enough money in COD for most people to care. They had to become entertaining, live stream personalities if they wanted to upkeep that lifestyle... Otherwise, they're hit. Plus, I mean... it's COD. Everyone knows a mw2 lobby meme. The stigma of trash talking won't go away, so why not lean into it?
      As for CS, it's iffy. Superstars and some of the top talent talk a fair amount of shit, but a lot aren't encouraged to do it at all because orgs pay a LOT of money for contracts don't want their brand to be associated with toxic behaviour and don't want their egotistical players to break their own mental by talking shit, then losing. That's happened before, and it can quickly spiral a best of 3/5.
      When something happens in the gaming sphere, it gets very scary fast too. Like Riot banning Valorant pros over Tbagging in a tournament. Pretty much every CS org worth anything freaked out and said not to do anything like this because it became a big controversy.
      One thing that I'm not so sure of, is that there might be a cultural difference? One big thing about CS/ FPS in general is that there are basically no Asian teams, and they don't last long if they are around. Leagues biggest scenes are in Asia. Asian communities are widely known for being polite and respectful so I wonder if banter is seen as taboo, then it kinda just rubs off on all the other players. I'm not sure, like I said, not a clue about anything League esports related - just infering based on my own experience.
      I do fully agree with you and think there needs to be more entertainment value. The majority of players should be using their name to create a brand so they can transition into other areas of the esports scene when they're done and dusted. Like becoming a live streamer, RUclipsr, Esports coach, influencer, general manager, etc. Few players do it on CS, and even fewer do it on league.
      But I also think Riot needs to be less involved with PR and let orgs handle their own players. I get that it's their leagues, but they have too much control. If someone is racist or says something sus, Riot shouldn't be issuing the ban - the orgs should take appropriate action like dropping the player and depending on the severity, they'll basically be blackballed their entire career.
      Hope you enjoyed my essay lmao

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +4

      @@Rap4NoReason great essay forgot the tbagging bans! Tbf yeah if i was a pro why risk a joke or tbag if it ends a career kinda sad. And definitely cultural difference everyone plays cod in the Uk no on plays league similar in Na and both love some trash talk on the mic

    • @fish-kt4iq
      @fish-kt4iq 10 дней назад

      ​​@@Rewleaguenah, got things wrong. CS pros go on trash talk screaming matches during lans and clearly he hasn't seen figing game tournaments where they trash talk each other hard and more personal. Dot has the best trash talk alongside cs, you can all chat, drop a ?, break items at the end of the match, drop items that has the intelligence Stat, spam voicelines, spam tips,spam high fives, spam banners, etc. Also Asians are not so polite that's a stereotype, source me an Asian from Asia, we are very passive aggressive with our trash talk but sometimes we go on screaming bouts too.

    • @ibrahim5463
      @ibrahim5463 10 дней назад +2

      So basicaly pr teams has no balls

  • @dunlosi1438
    @dunlosi1438 12 дней назад +15

    The sad thing about LEC is that is has the potential to be more than a 1 team region but the teams are so poorly put together that u end up with teams that cant contend with g2 having 1 or 2 really good players who are rotting away on bad teams. Not only that but they just use their players completely wrong, for example putting Bo on shit like maokai and sejuani was absolutely criminal.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +3

      Legit so many could of beens even KC firing yamato hopefully can turn it around next season

    • @tomwanders6022
      @tomwanders6022 12 дней назад +1

      Nah, pros also refuse to learn more than 2 archetypes of champs, even worse for botlaners, which usually don’t play any mages, when there is a ton of viable options.
      It feels like creativity from pros is gone as well, you see the same stuff over and over again and I am very sure, that is not, because these picks are the best picks at that point in time.
      If you look at other proplay communities, you will see how freaking wrong league pros are approaching things.
      There is basic concepts like having more range than your opponents, gives you the ability to choose fights, gold denial (this one is a big one, you almost never see a freeze in midgame, even when it would stifle the enemy laner completely),
      flex pick potential. I think this isn’t completely absent, but there is definitely a lot of underplayed picks that work with a lot of archetypes. I would say karthus is a 5 way flex right now, that no one uses, despite literally being 900 gold or more ahead of the curve if you play first strike on him, while also having a pretty cheap build, that allows you to take 60% of a Carrie’s HP bar in one ult. (I ran the math I’m not wrong; if you reach full build that is the damage)
      Udyr usually teams only play him in one role, while also for some reason rushing a tank item on him??? Liandrys and the component, both increase his clearspeed, but also are a much needed core item, as they deal a ton of damage. Liandry is also basically the highest base damage item in the game. (For anyone wondering run the math on how much 6% or heck even 2% of someone’s hp is and you will quickly see, how good liandry damage is and keep in mind liandry also gives you 6% bonus damage on everything)
      Ziggs: Clearly has been a good botlaner for a while, also one of the best Caitlyn and jinx answer on the game, because he both outranges and outpushes them, while synergizing with other potentially threats, like Senna or jarvan.
      Speaking of the devil: Senna is always staying in botlane, unless there is some Tank match up in Solo lanes where she might scale really fast, but she also just makes a lot of picks triple flex, like cho, Sion and swain. (Probably ornn too, but I feel like ornn wants xp, because of his passive being so strong lategame)
      I could go on and on, with thing like sololane enchanters, that are fine, if you have other champs that can farm side for a short duration in midgame if needed, like soraka and iverns, with melee Carrie’s like Olaf, xin, Gwen, etc.
      Poke champs we never see, like AP kog who has honestly been one of my favorite champs this season, being able to play Cull and still go even in most lanes, while scaling really fast, because of his cheap blackfire, malignance core, while also get tank melt past 3 or 4 items, because his w murders with legend alacrity.
      Poke kaisa is another under utilized one, but I think poke champs in general in pro are ultra underplayed, when back then, they already countered champs like orianna and azir, who have lower range and no sustain. Yes there is technically waves for orianna to get divers in her comps, but there is also ADCs that bring good zone and or disengage, like the before mentioned ziggs, draven, jinx, cait, Lucian and probably some more, that can deal with sidelane pressure from things like nocturne. (Jinx struggles a bit with that, but the rest doesn’t)
      Kog maw as long as he has a team build around, beats most assumed blind picks right now, taliyah loses, hwei loses, orianna loses, Tristana Loses, his trading power in lane with W is absolutely insane, especially when you play aery.
      Also even if the match up is not tradable past lvl 6, you just go into waveclear mode or pick up cs with ult on high range.
      Anyways I’m yapping, I could still go into a lot of picks as well as items and Runes, but generally I will say, I hate watching pros play, because I can see, they don’t run math and it hurts, because a lot of people want to use them as oriantation, but when you rush the math you can generally see, just how wrong they are.
      It’s what stopped me from watching pro at least in league of legends. I prefer watching Pokémon and Starcraft now, unless there is something like fearless draft, which actually requires some thought out into it, as well as a champion pool wider than 4 or 5.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  11 дней назад +1

      This goes for every league and LCK Finals is still legit the ebst thing I watch and LCS is the exact same as LEC and still finds a way to be more entertaining

    • @nathanaelsallhageriksson1719
      @nathanaelsallhageriksson1719 10 дней назад

      @@Rewleague I was legit pissed when KC fired Yamato. And I pray upon their downfall now. That's really good, the best thing for my own entertainment of the LEC would be if KC was a legit team, especially if yamato's next team was in the split to win it. You lean into taht narrative. But there is no actual narrative to lean into, except "ooh, look at this rookie, he wants to prove himself. Oooh, look at this legend, will he keep being good?" But it's so obvious that the players don't have any problem with each other that it falls flat. Even with people liek Supa, sho got desservedly memed on for saying he as just the best in every respect. Like, if instead of just saying saying that once, he actually went into saying what the other adcs did that was bad, and leaned into an angle that sounds plauable, then it'd work great. Vetheo is a horrible soloq player, he actively tried to lose when he goes mental boom. Can we have some narrative surrounding that? Surely other pros dislike playing with him, right? Make it a thing of 'if Vitality wins it proves taht you can get away with being toxic' kinda thing. The split I was the most invested in of LEC ever was spring 2022. Because I had just started watching esports in 2021, and everyone kept telling me how good caps *used* to be. The entire split I was sat hoping to get to see him return to form, the whole time. It wasn't even a narrative that the LEC themselves pushed, which is dumb already, but I wanted to see what peak caps could do live. And when he carried G2 in their lower bracket run of playoffs, it was the most insane hype I've ever felt watching the league. The LEC is trying to lean into storylines, but they just suck at it. They used to not suck, but now they do.

  • @XXLepic
    @XXLepic 12 дней назад +11

    The LEC is trying so hard to mirror LCK. They see how Koreans players are tame, reserved, & completely void of personality. But it's a huge mistake. Their culture is far more interested in just great league gameplay & replicating Faker's tame/respectful monk like personality. Western culture is obsessed with rivalries, trash talk, drama, storylines, etc. The greatest esports crowds are the ones without any Eastern influence or region whatsoever. It's when they really tap into that hype & drama the most.
    Also I love the COD atmosphere. Scump has been around since the earliest Twitch days w/ COD. Basement LAN tournaments, routy crowds like a full bar brawl was about to break out, trash talk that matched the vitriol of the internet at large. I genuinely loved & absolute hated to my soul some teams in COD, and it's what made it so fun & engaging. Seeing Scump or Nadeshot get a clutch SnD kill & immediately stand up & scream trash talk at the opposing team or flip em off.
    Casters are a huge part of the hype in COD as well. It's at it's best product when casters have full reign & completely uncensored. Have biases. Have favorite teams and teams or people they hate. When they can say, curse, or do whatever they want. When you have casters in LEC just feel so respectful. So rehearsed. So reserved. So polite. It just is boring af. Every LEC interview is the same copy/pasta. GG, what's your thoughts on the win, the draft. It's boring. Interviewers need to stir up drama. Ask inflammatory questions like what makes them better players vs someone indivdually. Why do they think the other team is trash. Etc.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад

      Mate back in the day I cant remember the name but the team had Parasite and Killa, literally loved to hate them. TBF to LEC caster Vedius made one joke about upset and had all of French twitter jump down his throat its hard to balance for them

    • @VoxolotlDays
      @VoxolotlDays 11 дней назад +1

      There's a ton of content for the LCK that most people don't even know or watch or know about. They also take pro-players to do activities outside of league and make overall entertaining content.
      To say Korean players are reserved, tame, and void of personality is just plain ignorant.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  10 дней назад +1

      void of personality is bit hyperbolic but I know what he means if you compare Fakers iconic Shh to the COD highlights

  • @conqueror345
    @conqueror345 12 дней назад +6

    LCS getting more fun than LEC is a thing i never thought i'd witness anymore. Its crazy

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +1

      Feels like it took them literally dying ti be reborn into a better league. Hope to viewership climbs to reflect how much better the show is now

  • @yune5521
    @yune5521 12 дней назад +8

    I think one of the issues I have noticed is a lot of the higher-up are just putting together the most random teams they can think of best of 1 is a shit format a d also I do think the meta still has not changed enough in a while

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +3

      yeah no team really works as a team or even looks promising. Hopefully next off season changes it

  • @Wardelicious
    @Wardelicious 12 дней назад +6

    The cod event is unreal!

  • @OmenGoldhelm
    @OmenGoldhelm 12 дней назад +6

    They should have Dantes on 😂😂

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +2

      Not that level of flame ahah LEC would be cancelled

  • @babiniu
    @babiniu 12 дней назад +7

    But tbf I think downfall started when quickshot left and then after layoffs, in the past we had music for finals and now is ehh, We could say that THE GREAT FINALS after all 3 splits will be better, but then u look at 2023 final and was it really that great?
    WHAT IS INTERESTING is that for some reason, bdsm was most memorable EU team from previous worlds bcs of GODS champ, and I literally cant name other teams that went to that tournament from EU, other than G2 (im assuming it was mad and fnc most likely no?)

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +3

      Honestly it doesnt need to be a stadium even a 2/3,000 seater arena would add so much to it. Firing quickshot is proving to be a pretty big mistake. And think it was Mad because they choke at every international its easy to forget

  • @MattHatter360
    @MattHatter360 12 дней назад +3

    I couldn't care less about drama, I just wish other teams were good enough to perform internationally

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +2

      Fair enough, I would say we know 100% Na ain’t competing internationally and they are a more entertaining broadcast than Lec still

  • @nikolakrastev8880
    @nikolakrastev8880 7 дней назад +1

    To me the biggest issue with the LEC is that G2 keeps winning every single split. There is no competition or excitement because there is no chance that a different team wins. I am super biased here because I am a FNC fan but you can't tell me that it is exciting to see the same team take it every time. Also G2 hasn't done shit at internationals since 2019 so that isn't exciting either.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  7 дней назад +1

      Mate even yesterday when g2 messed up the tower dive you are literally just waiting for g2 to win anyway. Its a long time since g2 out macro’s team in 2019 dragon changes killed them

  • @Pigraider268
    @Pigraider268 11 дней назад +3

    Lec was always about Dynasty, Legacy, Kings, but now every struglling rookies is exchanged for a Korean playing Challengers League, so how can you build new narratives? You can build narrative for a player, but even if he performed relatively well (i.e Douglas from Vit) he could be replaced at any moment and you need new narrative. That's why LEC is necromancing nonsensical rivalry between G2 and FNC that G2 won many years ago already and is trying to build activity on national bitterings between average "french" KC and equally average spanish MDK.
    It doesn't work as LEC viewers aren't only Spanish or French MDK/KC fans and these teams are terrible with no major succeses being popular only beacuse of the owners/shareholders big names like Ibai/Kameto but not gathering fans for their own lackluster performances

    • @ethandowler4669
      @ethandowler4669 10 дней назад +1

      I think EU is more about dynasties culturally than NA. I'm thinking of the Premier league which has a long and storied history b/t its teams.

  • @ruley1983
    @ruley1983 12 дней назад +1

    cant smack talk when you got 14 day mute. More chance of them going over to their team mates, turning the monitors off or kicking away their chair as you wont get punished for that

  • @kryptixsbtw5118
    @kryptixsbtw5118 12 дней назад +1

    When the clips you pull are bwipo in fnc, old mad, and ancient lcs does she really flame that much? And is it really an established identity?

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +2

      sjokz flaming is pretty well known thing and like I said its not a bad thing.

    • @ethandowler4669
      @ethandowler4669 10 дней назад

      sjokz also does work with CS:GO, and she brings the same energy on their broadcasts (which are some of the most hype e-sport events I've ever seen)

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  10 дней назад

      seen her on CSGO, would you say she's got a indenity of the odd flame comment to spice it up or am I delulu?

    • @ethandowler4669
      @ethandowler4669 9 дней назад

      @@Rewleague yeah, that's what I mean - the same kind of trash talk haha

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  9 дней назад

      @@ethandowler4669 gotcha idk why the other guy was so against it. It’s literally a good thing

  • @thecanadiankiwibirb4512
    @thecanadiankiwibirb4512 11 дней назад +1

    Teams get remade every season its sad.
    So watching for the players/casters is the only thread to follow.
    There are a few LCS players who are sorta fun, and the LCS casters bring it out of the players a bit better too imo. I especially like the focus on the rookies. Massu/Bussio and Sniper are great to see
    There is no "your" team anywhere. Next split teams will all be different. At least you can follow player growth
    G2 international is hype but in LEC it just steals all the fun. Its just G2 training
    LCS teams shit the bed all the time, and flop internationally. Byt at least its fun to see who will shit the bed this time.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  11 дней назад +1

      Agreed 100T arent a great team but theyve got potential, personality and are so fun to watch. Compare that to any Lec team not named G2 and im watching 100T all day

  • @AdzFFS
    @AdzFFS 12 дней назад

    keep up the grind been here since 150 subs i wanna see u win!

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад

      Legend! mate its growing rapidly its crazy

  • @yoshi596
    @yoshi596 12 дней назад +2

    Not just boring, EUW is a poor server. While it ranks rather high in terms of players on the server, it still doesn't really compare. EUW players are also bad. You can look at challenger and you'll see most of them are OTPs, not pro players. The only good players on EUW ironically don't even want to go pro and represent EU. It's a bit of a joke and no one takes anything serious here. I expect the pro scene of league to die here soon.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +1

      Unless they change something soon LEC will turn into LCS, they need to change something quickly

  • @alwaysjarron6260
    @alwaysjarron6260 12 дней назад +3

    Tbh flaming sjox (i dont know how to write her name) is difficult. She says your jinx is bad. What can you say as a joke. Players can shittalk other players but what do you shittalk a host for? Maybe it is possible but i would also be like you got me there and laugh it off

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад

      Yeah thats what I mean they need to find a running gag, like idk if sjokz is silver in soloq just some friendly banter back. Even if its scripted to start with like Kate abdos american accent. But atm sjokz and the players arent doing anything wrong it just doesnt quite work

    @ELGUAPOIV 6 дней назад +1

    Your videos are good man :)

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  6 дней назад

      Appreciate that thanks man!

  • @brodiestyles1903
    @brodiestyles1903 12 дней назад

    I can't handle Sjokz running another quiz where the contestants don't understand the format 😂

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад

      ahaha I dont watch any of that tbh

  • @skeley6776
    @skeley6776 12 дней назад

    As someone that unironically likes very nerdy stuff like reading patches notes and/or even better hearing 2 or 3 different people read them and then react with their opinions. The Pro League was never interesting to me because funnily enough its to professional and noone seems to be allowed to have a personality. League Pro should be more "toxic" in a banter and trash talk sense and I should be rooting for specific players and teams. Obviously its a very biased take from me but Im playing League since S2 and I never cared for it.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад

      samewith the patch notes! agreed doesnt even have to be toxic or even trash talk or though it would help. Just something ANYTHING to add some personaility to the pro scene

  • @gagecoutch3284
    @gagecoutch3284 7 дней назад

    I honestly don't understand why they would ever use the names of the abilities while casting I have no idea what busty blow up means if it's a base ability or an ultimate. They should just say uses his ultimate or dash or clear ability or stim. Etc etc. Just unnecessarily confusing. Not at all what the video is about but yeah I'd say riot just doesn't care in the ways they should. Lol fans have complained about players talking trash I don't get it. You also have riot banning valorant players for talking trash but they make online games none of it makes sense to me.

  • @borisnikolov1697
    @borisnikolov1697 13 дней назад +25

    league is falling lets goooooo

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  13 дней назад +4

      LCS is HYPE

    • @johnrobertviray3046
      @johnrobertviray3046 7 дней назад +1

      Bro lck is the only thing making league alive bro even lcs is hype they're hype because of their trashtalk hahahaha

    • @johnrobertviray3046
      @johnrobertviray3046 7 дней назад +1

      And other minor region is giving lcs a run from their region

  • @yungslack7311
    @yungslack7311 13 дней назад +3

    No one talks good smack in league
    Thats why we need toxic guys

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  13 дней назад +3

      not even toxic like Team liquid arent toxic just entertaining

  • @babiniu
    @babiniu 12 дней назад +3

    I think its not only about narrative, its that I even dont know anything about these players. For example, when perkz got replaced by Zwyroo, it felt like team lost his soul kinda? I still like to see Jankos vs Flakked friendly banter between them, but damn I started to feel so much indifference if they win or lose. Also, I checked polish interview with Zwyroo and he feels like such a cool guy with nice story. IF THERE IS NEW PLAYER LIKE HIM WHY THEY CANT BRING HIS HISTORY, SHOW HIS ROAD OR WHO HE IS... Im only watching lec for new picks nowdays, but still I can find more in NA than in EU
    Btw. ready for another g2 vs fnatic final next month? xD

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +3

      I cant wait for the old kings vs the new kings of europe ahahah and totally like who is Zwyroo why should i care he’s playing? Thats not on him thats on the Lec to promote him. Pretty sure ive only heard he’s talented like… i dont care he’s talented everyone in the lec is

    • @babiniu
      @babiniu 12 дней назад +1

      @@Rewleague They could put rivalary(?) zwyroo vs sheo when zwyroo didnt fistbump him after first win vs bds, but they went quiet?
      Reason to root for heretics was "OH ITS OLD G2" now it feel like rooting for corpses of old glory and its better to move on or just watch old g2 vs rng bo5 again

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +1

      @@babiniu something simple like that is 100x better than ‘ a promising rookie’ yeah old g2 aint it anymore apart from Jankos is literally goated

  • @RomnysGonzalez
    @RomnysGonzalez 8 дней назад

    LEC is having all the issues LCS just to have before 2023. THEY ARE SO BOOOOOOOOOOOORING. The gameplay is boring, the on screen talent is boring, the interviews are boring, the casters are boring.
    Is like everyone is dead inside and producers killed all their joy for the game. This league is by far the worst region to watch. This region is such a sleeper region. Teams like Rogue,KC,MAD,Heratic. LEC got no a single team worth watching beside G2. FNC and BDS and the other team that is at the top. They got more wins, but still that doesn't make them fun to watch.
    This league got so stale. This league is like watching a PR press conference where nothing of value if ever being said, there's no interaction between players, there's no interaction between teams. They just co-exist on a league and nothing matter. The whole 3 split things make it even worst reducing the value of actually winning a title.
    Teams ain't even trying to win anymore. All they do is use nepotism to put teams together. They don't care about building teams using the best player available. You got a player that you like and then you ask him to ask to favor his friends to make a roster. So you end up with teams having terrible players on main rosters lowering the quality of the league. It feels like players are the one building roster nowadays and we got too many owners who knows NOTHING about league and don't care or bother to league about league to understand how the things work.
    I know everyone hate Carlos, but sadly he did at lot of things good for the league.
    We look at the other side of the world. LCS.... DUDE THIS REGION IS MAD FUN TO WATCH. TL with APA and Yeon and CoreJJ talking their shit, C9 with Jojo,Blaber,Thanatos trying to climb to the king of toplaner and Berserker and trying to reclaim the title, FLY antic with Bwipo and Inspired blaming everyone even teammates, DIG with Zven content king, Jensen revenge story arc, Spica revival, 100T with the start climbing solo kill toplaner Sniper and River insane out of nowhere off meta picks, NRG being blasted by their cockiness after winning just one and their redemption arc to regain form.
    LCS got so many storylines going on, they got so many personal arcs for players that goes for revenge stories,superstar rookies, the battle as the best ADC,Mid,Jungle and Top All roles as competitive with not a single clear #1 for whatever role. , redemption arcs for teams,veterans trying to prove they still go it, the comeback stories for players like Zven. LCS got it all and then you add that LCS has been playing better than LEC as a region on international stage then is over. LCS is just the better region in the entertaining aspect and apparently also being better recently that LEC on the gameplay aspect too.
    TL vs FLY
    TL vs DIG
    C9 vs IMT because somehow, someway IMT has been beating C9 for years
    DIG vs C9
    DIG vs FLY
    TL vs C9
    100T vs NRG
    100T vs FLY
    NRG vs C9
    NRG vs FLT
    DIG vs NRG now after DIG blasted them on interviewers recently.
    IMT vs Shopify battle at the bottom of the trash can
    We got organic and naturally born rivalries that were created by the players themselves and not a damn producers making shit up out of nowhere and forcing players to say things

  • @SNE4KZ
    @SNE4KZ 4 дня назад

    If you started a f u chant in league they would ban you irl and ingame

  • @lxsrae
    @lxsrae 4 дня назад

    i cant even lie the last time i watched lec sjokz flamed someone and they were sad unironically it was cringe i like trash talk too i think it was at broken blade, if sjokz flamed me id be sad too though

  • @namelesssturdy4676
    @namelesssturdy4676 12 дней назад +7

    Guys mobile legend is now getting better than lol in production.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +3

      oh god, idk if I can make myself check it out, it will be too sad if this is true

    • @yoshi596
      @yoshi596 12 дней назад +3

      The joke is, most pro players on mobile legends have higher net worth than faker himself. Riot is cheap

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  11 дней назад +2

      thats wild

  • @miguelribeiro1601
    @miguelribeiro1601 12 дней назад +1

    I think you're making a mistake here on the hype of the events, here is my take:
    I associate CoD to more generic people, I could say that the game is more accessible and requires less intelligence or knowledge because everybody can understand "see guy, shoot guy". The kind of people that watch and play those kinds of games are the kind of people that are more extrovert, social and not so commited to "losing time" thinking or understand a complex game, on the other hand league of legends community is more nerdy, and you see that by the looks of the players. CoD and CS players look more adult, more mature and extrovert and I think that plays a big part. So yeah I think you have that, combining with the cast and production that promotes that and you have that environment.
    On the argument of the banter, I think you're right, we're living in an era that even the slighest of jokes are seen as offensive and disrespectful and it will lead to silence and fear of saying something and getting canceled, thats ruining our interaction as human beings.
    As for the competitive side, the LEC teams need to step up their game. They really need to look up to their teams and see if they want to have kids working on the org or adult men with actual jobs and respect for their job, and not being a paycheck stealers. They need to make sure the players really want to be the best, and have better practicing schedule, more obligations, more solo queue and that kind of stuff.
    Maybe with more competition coming up next year and with prize moneys with the esports world cup coming up, teams will eventually seek to improve.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +2

      Great comment man, seriously. I agree cod is way more extroverted, hey we all play league, league is a nerdy game compared to Cod. Also think I should of said, I dont expect Caps to change his personality thats fine we like Caps I think the LEC needs to find trashtalkers, like Bwipo, Inspired, Yappa and feature them in more content. There has to be atleast 5/6 extroverts in the LEC

    • @miguelribeiro1601
      @miguelribeiro1601 12 дней назад +1

      @@Rewleague yeah we're lacking in that field 🤣 dont think its gonna change anytime soon sadly

  • @6coulds6fury6
    @6coulds6fury6 11 дней назад

    Idk, until Vanguard is eliminated, I will not be playing this game any longer. I may watch the patch notes and some other videos about league tho. I agree with pirate software. Sad because i use to like getting mad at this league and learning more to climb.

  • @Victor-ys5mw
    @Victor-ys5mw 12 дней назад

    mate, u can say the LEC isn't in a good state bcause it's true, but using LCS which is doing much worse as a better example is sad...

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +2

      I didnt say lcs has more viewers I said its more entertaining

  • @maestrofrags3436
    @maestrofrags3436 6 дней назад

    i sbbed keep on doing what you do

  • @oliverh.2450
    @oliverh.2450 12 дней назад

    Good Video, but the real problem in LOL is nobody wants to be the villain anymore! Every Player wants to be the nice guy or the Hero like Faker. Why did that happen? Because we had some bad guys talking trash, but the community didnt like that at all and the sponsors didnt want their brand associated with that either. Why is that because RIOT is hard against flaming or any toxic behavior. COD doesnt have that problem. Valorant will run into the same problem! You say something RIOT doesnt like, you get a Ban and be done.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +1

      This^^ when the most famous trashtalk line is doublelift ‘everyone is trash’ that sucks no one cares about tsm or tl or g2 we want player rivalries we want to see doublelift trash talk and lose but then equally root for him at worlds because he has a personality

  • @onam3000
    @onam3000 8 дней назад +1

    You make some good points, but your digs at the LEC are overexagerated. You're cherrypicking examples and completely disregarding the fact that LEC has no players whose first language is English and that for the seconds year in a row LEC had intentionally compromised it's English language broadcast to make the league more entertaining for Spanish and French fans. Saying fans want "reality tv style drama" and then showing a team whos fan base is full of teenagers is just completely dishonest. I'm sure the CoD scene is doing extremely well, that's why teams are selling out to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and going to Riyad next month for the EWC.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  8 дней назад

      Most europeans speak english most LEC players speak fluently. From my channels metrics 80% of league watchers are more like 24-34 years old. Im sure league is doing very well thats why its going to Saudi. But geniuine question what do you mean by intentionally comprismised not quite sure what they did. I dont think english language stops the LEC from going to a stadium for finals or players showing a bit of fucking passion and excitement when they win the entire thing.

    • @m4jor_88
      @m4jor_88 3 дня назад

      I do think CoD for americans to be a fair comparison you'd have to be looking at the most popular teams. so probably SKT, KT, RNG (or some chinese teams). G2, FNC, TL, and the euro/NA teams get Submariner or heretic or Boston Breach vibes because they aren't expected to win at least in my opinion. I only casually watch league tho so eh

  • @themagician6310
    @themagician6310 12 дней назад +2

    i'm 1 month sober from League and life is way better. Still enjoy watching Rew's content. Keep it up :D

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад

      I rate that, just watching others suffer ahaha

    • @themagician6310
      @themagician6310 12 дней назад

      @@Rewleague what is the breaking for point for you to quit league lol

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад

      @@themagician6310 I already am playing way way less the past 6 months. Just blindly hoping it goes back to the good old days. And keeping up with regional finals and Worlds/MSI is always keeping me around

  • @hanjo-kun9378
    @hanjo-kun9378 11 дней назад


  • @Christian_S.1209
    @Christian_S.1209 12 дней назад

    I stopped playing league for this season. Hate being that guy, but my life is genuinely better. Only way to show this company that their direction is rubbish is to stop playing

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад

      Completely fair comment, im playing less and for fun more but idk there just isnt much positive atm everything seems to be going to shit. Like is love to make videos about the good things in league but the balance, dmg, ahri skin, Lec just not much positive atm

  • @johnrobertviray3046
    @johnrobertviray3046 7 дней назад +1

    Brooo the face paint is weird brooo get that out of lec

    • @maestrofrags3436
      @maestrofrags3436 6 дней назад

      its the woke culture that runs the riot games...legit all of them are woke rioters who cant balance or make anything good of the game

  • @mississippitornado6842
    @mississippitornado6842 6 дней назад

    lec was perfect before the NEOM scandal , then they went full political and lost all money and entertainment value, and the teams started sucking too cuz they threw away carlos guy

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  6 дней назад

      Kick carlos, go to saudi makes 0 sense

  • @biostar3697
    @biostar3697 7 дней назад

    For me is LEC boring, because of the game by itself. The meta has been extremely stale for long time. Season, after season, after season ... same play style of the game, same bans and champion picks, like same 30-40 champions being played. The game hase fkn 167 champions btw. Low elo solo qeue games are way more fun to watch, than LEC. The meta just needs huuuuge changes.

  • @eijitoh6252
    @eijitoh6252 12 дней назад

    Entertainment wise, they're better. But they're mediocre in the international stage. I'm okay with LCS but with the drama of it absorbing Brazil teams when Brazillians were fine on their own is scummy. LCS fell off, let's be honest here.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +1

      Yeah 100% they’ve accepted they wont compete internationally so are just having a great time a good vibes. LEC is boring because they think they are going to compete internationally when they literally never do ‘except g2’ and even then aint great

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +1

      Also LCS has fallen off which has lead to massive changes so hoping the positive changes and more entertaining broadcast starts to see viewers grow

  • @marcnawezi1877
    @marcnawezi1877 12 дней назад

    I am sorry but no NA team can beat any asian teams it was proven at MSI 2024. Meanwhile g2 3 zeroed TES seed 2 from china.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +1

      Yeah like i said eu are a 1 team region

  • @Bellicosy
    @Bellicosy 12 дней назад

    The WWE theatrical performance in esports and sports in general is artificial and dull, and not captivating whatsoever. I am turning off any broadcast that centres around it. In fact, the style of many esports commentators have shifted to match this narrative, by generating loud noises as a means to try and facilitate excitement or engagement. If I watch esports, most of the time I'm muting the broadcast. If the gameplay itself isn't interesting and can't captivate me, the casters can't delude me into believing otherwise. Players and commentators can demonstrate their investment and passion in much more natural and engaging ways than screaming buzzwords. When the players stand up, scream, and demand audience attention from a victory... all I see is a narcissist, not someone who actually cares. When I see someone who, when intently focused, motivates himself and celebrates privately, or when a player dejectedly shuffles away after a humiliating defeat, then perhaps I can see that they care.
    League hasn't been interesting to watch as a competitve sport for years, LEC or not. Worlds is perhaps the only exception; where the worlds best and most well-practised teams face one another in a rare event. Listening to casters trying to inject energy with shouting and banter into all these tepid regional games where average teams with flawed execution make banal plays isn't for me. Why am I supposed to pretend to be excited for this pretence? 1

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад

      Sounds like you’d enjoy watching robots play each other

    • @stefankatsarov5806
      @stefankatsarov5806 11 дней назад

      I agree whit you.
      I used to watch the vroadcast but honestly i coudnt care less what they have to say, i just watch Iwd or Yamato co-stream and they will give better analysis anyway.
      The gameplay has been getting worse and worse so why woud i care watching domestically.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  11 дней назад

      @@stefankatsarov5806 this is always weird to me like how can iwd or caedral when he’s serious just give so much more detail on whats going on. They notice so many things both me and the casters do pick up

    • @stefankatsarov5806
      @stefankatsarov5806 11 дней назад

      ​@@Rewleague You sound like a guy that believes WWE is real then.
      I dont watch Conor McGregor because he talks shit i watch him because he is the best fighter ( talking about when he was at his peak ). Like resently Joshua and Usyk dont talk much if any shit and yet their fight sold like hot bread.
      Or currently how Alex Pereira is super hyped and he not only doesn't speak english vut doesn't even shit talk.
      You dont need fake drama to sell a fight, an event or a tournament.
      I don't see any press conference before the UCL whit the players talking garbage at each other and yet the even is super watched. In fact most people like the players for the way they play first and then their personalities, so you dont need to be like the NBA.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  11 дней назад

      @@stefankatsarov5806 i dont watch wwe but you cant argue mcgregor isnt the most popular fighter in ufc history. Champions league and nba are the pinnacles of the sport and still have personalities and rivalries. Plus the real madrid team has kroos and modric there for years and so many exciting youngsters that will be there for years it makes sense to be hype for Madrid. Lec is not the pinnacle of league (lck finals is and viewership is wild) and unlike madrid this fnatic roster could change in 3 months completely. I just look at the atmosphere at a cod event and for me that’s incredible fun to be involved in although can understand its not for everyone

  • @Hudbicka-xd5te
    @Hudbicka-xd5te 13 дней назад +5

    LCS is goated

  • @guntherrogiers3637
    @guntherrogiers3637 13 дней назад +3

    Lec is boring because the gameplay is like watching diamond while asia is playing challenger

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +3

      Mention this in the video, LEC cant claim to be a competitive region anymore it just isnt

  • @namesurname8725
    @namesurname8725 10 дней назад

    it's boring cringe and slow

  • @NinjaScorpio
    @NinjaScorpio 11 дней назад

    This video is just a bait

  • @dfsg21
    @dfsg21 12 дней назад

    You are comparing two completly different worlds, EU vs NA, NA orgs and sponsors spend insane amounts of money on esports compared to EU, as an example have you seen what gaming houses look like in NA, multi-millionaire like villas built even for worst teams in league, meanwhile top EU teams have just a comfy decently sized apartment rented for their players. Money is a big factor in getting an arena vs a studio. Then you compare CoD to LoL, idk how much input call of duty developers have into how esports functions but riot is extremly strict and restrictive to the point in recent post game interveiw one of the players pretty much bit his tongue after saying "fuck", they can get fined hard by riot for even smallest of things (some players had fines and game suspensions for things as minor as wearing crocs or a cap on stage), not to mention how hard riot is on any kind of toxicity/flame that any kind of trash talk between players would most likely end up with noticable punishment from riots side. G2 dominating LEC, yes, there is so much stuff going on behind scenes to prevent players from going to other strong teams that building another "superteam" can realistically only happen by recruiting good young players unassociated with any LEC team (for example from EU masters) and hoping they dont get poached by the time next season starts. Thats the unfortunate reality of LEC being boring.

    • @devilkingaming4619
      @devilkingaming4619 12 дней назад

      Bro NA teams haven't spent money like that in ages lol wtf? It's basically a budget region over the last 2 years, we don't even get road shows anymore and some of the games are played in a fucking closet 😂

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад

      no man NA bad EU good cant credit lcs for turning it around

  • @user-qo7fn9zp7b
    @user-qo7fn9zp7b 6 дней назад

    Listen, we getting muted and banned for communicating with our own team in game and you expect drama to come in pro play? XD this company is doomed and the only thing that keeps players to watch this shit is korea si addiction to lol

  • @maestrofrags3436
    @maestrofrags3436 6 дней назад

    the game is finally dying 😂 ❤❤❤❤❤❤
    i ticketed them i will be dancing when this day starts to happen....2024 is finally the crack of that that begnning of leagues end...RIP bozo
    no wonder they started to sell 500$ skins to grab as much money as possible before they shut down

  • @maestrofrags3436
    @maestrofrags3436 6 дней назад

    eastern european accent is so cringe

  • @JoshuaAlto
    @JoshuaAlto 12 дней назад +1

    LEC is falling, while LCS is rising.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +2

      LCS is on slighty too late but I love watching it, huge 100T fan

    • @JoshuaAlto
      @JoshuaAlto 12 дней назад +1

      @@Rewleague I love watching LCS more than LEC.

  • @Ayeee155
    @Ayeee155 12 дней назад

    The LCS is better imo. I prefer the casters somewhat, the league feels like it has more parity, and it’s overall just more enjoyable to me. Edit to add you get a lot of fun content with the LCS, I especially recommend pros.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад +2

      Flowers, azael kobe is the most goated tri cast in league and we get in weekly in the lcs

    • @Ayeee155
      @Ayeee155 12 дней назад +1

      @@Rewleague for sure! I think Emily is growing well as a caster in her own right too. You can tell everyone, the panels, the casters, etc absolutely adore League of Legends in the LCS. APA is the best trash talker in all of League (and he’s pretty good too). Plus the teams, even if not the best, are fun. SR is not very good, but they aren’t afraid to experiment and push the envelope. 100T needs to get better at macro (not that they’re a bad team) but they play the game with such mechanical skill you can’t help but just love it.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  12 дней назад

      @@Ayeee155 100t are pure cinema love them. Emily is great aswell her interview with David about cod is a great listen. Just an all round feel good entertaining league. Feels like they’ve accepted look we arent gonna win worlds lets just have a great fucking time and good vibes and it works

  • @jamessrednas
    @jamessrednas 12 дней назад +1

    LEC is a farmers league

  • @vansitcodarring8855
    @vansitcodarring8855 2 дня назад

    Funny thing is, everyone jumped on Phreak for his flame against players, and lately Vedius burned a bit an relic of an adc and that guy cried.
    You think you want trash talk and stuff, but then..? Most players don't have the skill to back up the trash talk or the mental fortitude to take it.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  2 дня назад

      The upset thing was just French fans being pathetic and now we get boring casts again it’s sad