Maddow: Oh Canada...

  • Опубликовано: 4 дек 2008
  • Rachel Maddow explains why PM Stephen Harper of Canada wants to suspend parliament.

Комментарии • 70

  • @BrownMan8
    @BrownMan8 15 лет назад

    Thanks a lot bring shame to Canada.

  • @darksideofthenation
    @darksideofthenation 15 лет назад

    Thank you, This is great, it took an American to call Harper out on his dictatorship ways.

  • @ponyboy316
    @ponyboy316 15 лет назад

    Every PM facing a confidence vote will be able to do it now.

  • @verstwo2
    @verstwo2 15 лет назад

    Governor General it's a symbolic position with no 'real' powers, just as the Queen is in England.

  • @fourtyblinks
    @fourtyblinks 15 лет назад

    Only if there's a constitutionally sound reason, which is very rare, if it can even happen. Canada is a CONSTITUTIONAL monarchy, not an dictatorship ruled by the Queen of England..

    @BENY0HAMA 15 лет назад

    She's actually pretty close to right on here, actually.

  • @fourtyblinks
    @fourtyblinks 15 лет назад

    The Prime Minister is the de facto appointer of both the Governor General and Senators.

  • @fourtyblinks
    @fourtyblinks 15 лет назад

    Actually, they're appointed by the Prime Minister.

  • @7boon
    @7boon 15 лет назад

    At least he isn't sending Conservative Party stormtroopers.

  • @regszikora
    @regszikora 14 лет назад

    Harper stated he would Help Haiti build a new Parliament Building. Why, he should just give Haiti ours. It is a beautiful matched set of buildings and it is not used by him or his friends.

    @BENY0HAMA 15 лет назад

    "The last Queen of England died in 1707"
    Elizabeth II is Queen of the whole commonwealth, including England
    "Canada has been a sovereign kingdom since at least 1982"
    It's not a kingdom
    "proroguing parliament is not a "banishment" of opposition MPs"
    Not in a literal sense, nor was it meant that way

  • @YmirGF
    @YmirGF 13 лет назад

    This is certainly an interesting twist on the facts, as presented by Ms. Maddow. One would almost think that what Harpo did was illegal. It wasn't. Curiously, many months have passed since this little brew-haha and guess what, Stephen Harper is STILL the PM. Guess the cooling off period was just what was needed.

  • @nlperpave
    @nlperpave 15 лет назад

    I don't know who is in charge of Frivolous Facts, but the PM - like the former U.S. president - is "The Decider".
    The rest, like votes in the current Congress - give or take a couple of reasonable Republicans - are just formalities.

  • @Tarathiel123
    @Tarathiel123 15 лет назад

    Arg, we have been a democracy for as long as the states don't call us young.
    Its sad that our leader has left Canada open to such attacks. What a child he is.

  • @zentropy78
    @zentropy78 15 лет назад

    I bet Rachel got a kick out of poking fun at half her family.

  • @thereginamom
    @thereginamom 15 лет назад

    A friend tells me Maddow's mom is from Newfoundland, so she really should know better. Maybe she was just going for the laugh. But, really, it is no laughing matter what Harper has done, what he is doing to stir up anti-Quebec sentiment, national dis-unity, us'n'them divisiveness. It's reprehensible. I believe Canadians are wise enough to see through that divide and conquer strategy.

    @BENY0HAMA 15 лет назад

    There are 50 Commonwealth countries, 53 if you count the 4 countries of the United Kingdom as separate countries. Not 16. The UK is in the commonwealth. Saying England isn't in the Commonwealth is like saying Ontario isn't in the Commonwealth.
    Constitutional monarchies aren't kingdoms because the monarchy has no real power.
    That wasn't satire, I don't think, so much as it was sarcastically mocking the situation.

  • @zammmerjammer
    @zammmerjammer 11 лет назад

    Feel free to respond when you get an education about what "bias" is and how to conjugate it correctly in a sentence.

  • @zizimycat
    @zizimycat 13 лет назад

    No, no, no. It can't happen here. Harper is going down this time. People are finally paying attention and many will vote...which is exactly what he doesn't want.

  • @00BillyTorontoBill
    @00BillyTorontoBill 13 лет назад

    When the left implodes like it did (Chretien/Martin) and (Dion?Kennedy/Ignatieff)
    whats left.......The Governor General had a really easy decision. Made him wait for a while to make it seem a thorough decision was made.
    Nice Spin Ms Maddow. You have to admit Stevie's power gets you hot like no other male can...

  • @xthe_moonx
    @xthe_moonx 13 лет назад

    @ColdCalc i thought she nailed it. she was pointing out how undemocratic harper was being, whats wrong about that?

  • @zammmerjammer
    @zammmerjammer 11 лет назад

    Yeah, and then Harper destroyed all the public funding for the political parties. 'Cause what we need is limitless amounts of corporate money funding/consuming the political process.
    Harper is the WORST PM EVER.

  • @xthe_moonx
    @xthe_moonx 13 лет назад

    @zizimycat i pray to God that you're right!!!!!!

  • @ponyboy316
    @ponyboy316 15 лет назад

    She understands what is going on, but the details of how we vote and who we vote for may be a bit lost on her. Hell there are still Canadians who actually think we vote for our Prime Minister. If you are voting based on who you want to be Prime Minister, you are a dreadfully irresponsible voter in Canada.

  • @bubbasheeko
    @bubbasheeko 15 лет назад

    Hi domtar, actually it is being broadcasted the same way here in Canada, on CBC and CTV. Canada has been embarrassed by the representation and the begging of Harper. Please I don't want to lose my job, please choose us over the separatists...the same separatists that the Cons almost joined with to topple the Liberal government. The it's okay for me, but not for you philosophy.

  • @darksideofthenation
    @darksideofthenation 15 лет назад

    True, but i still agree with some of what she said, and all of what she said on this video.

  • @Canadabeautiful1
    @Canadabeautiful1 15 лет назад

    I hate her attitude. She has absolutely NO idea about Canada. She is given a script and gets paid for how good she carries it out. The US has no concept about Canadian customs much less her governmental attributes. So when you live here and know the way we work come back and try that announcement again.

  • @darksideofthenation
    @darksideofthenation 15 лет назад

    She has constantly attacked the democrats for being hypocritical.

  • @Propagandhi900
    @Propagandhi900 15 лет назад

    Get in the back door? More people voted for the NDP and Liberals combined than the conservatives.
    A coalition government is 100% legal, democratic and is a part of parliamentary politics.
    Ireland, Israel, and Germany to name a few, all have coalition governments.

  • @Lorilegba
    @Lorilegba 12 лет назад

    Attention US neighbours: If Rachel Maddow applies for Canadian citizenship, she could easily win elections here and topple the most anti-democratic, citizen-baiting PM in history. The majority of Canadians deplore Harper and his band of white, entitled, right-wing, privatize your mother, sychophants. You have in rachel Maddow, an intelligent, informed and compassionate leader and gifted orator. If she needs a new gig--we'll embrace her.

  • @FreedomAintFree1
    @FreedomAintFree1 15 лет назад

    I Wish we could vote Barack out within 2 months...

  • @rayzorsedge77
    @rayzorsedge77 15 лет назад

    I dont like Harper and his bullies but Rachel should shut up! Even the left in the U.S. is far right if anyone remembers! And our right is more to the centre. It doesnt matter, Iggy the guy who wanted us in Iraq is gonna Buddy up with him anyways. We all lose!!!

  • @GuyInAChair3
    @GuyInAChair3 11 лет назад

    I'm sorry you feel that way.
    Perhaps in the future you'll be less bias in your assessment of politics and see that nothing is ever a black and white issue. It's all just shades of grey, colored with self interest.
    Should you ever do that, then feel free to respond, until then I refuse to engage those who use their own ignorance as a weapon in a debate.

  • @thereginamom
    @thereginamom 15 лет назад

    I like Rachel Maddow but she shows how little she really knows about our Canadian Parliamentary system of governance. Then again, some commenters here show they know even less, given the Con Talking Points they spew regarding illegitimacy of coalition governments, etc.

  • @ElectricPineapple79
    @ElectricPineapple79 15 лет назад

    And you call yourself a human being.

  • @GuyInAChair3
    @GuyInAChair3 11 лет назад

    Like I said, if you don't get my condescending tone, then make better posts. If your only rebuttal is to attack my spelling, and then come back with "Harper's bad" then I'm going to treat those posts with the all the respect they deserve, which is nothing.
    And if you need a reference to demonstrate that this issue isn't a simple back or white issue, you're not going to get it. You should be capable of figuring that out for your self, especially if you want to discuss the issue.

  • @zammmerjammer
    @zammmerjammer 11 лет назад

    1. This is a RUclips comment thread. You want trenchant political analysis, provide citations.
    2. You admit to offering nothing yourself to back up your POV.
    3. You attempt to cover this up with a smug condescending tone.
    4. When given a taste of your own medicine you recoil with horror but then knuckle down on your utter lack of substance.
    5. Through daily practice, your hypocrisy has been sharpened to such a degree that it could slice through a neutron.

  • @Salydra
    @Salydra 15 лет назад

    Try doing some research.

  • @zentropy78
    @zentropy78 15 лет назад

    You fool. she's half Canadian. She knows about Canada inside and out! Chill. She makes fun of everybody, America, Russia, Bhutan, and yes, even Canada. Put your insecurities aside and enjoy her humour. She is fully aware that Canada is a more advanced society than the States. She's a far far lefty. and have I mentioned. SHE'S HALF CANADIAN!!!

  • @GuyInAChair3
    @GuyInAChair3 11 лет назад

    "YOU are upset that MY comment had no substance"
    You have reduced a complex political situation to a black or white issue, and then further reaffirmed that in a subsequent post. I've offered no real rebuttle, other then to let you know that is clearly not the case and I refuse to debate with people so ill-informed.
    Your rebuttal to that, was to attack my spelling.
    I'm not upset about your lack of substance, I find it rather humorous.
    If you don't like my condescending tone, make better comments!

  • @GuyInAChair3
    @GuyInAChair3 11 лет назад

    Will do.
    I see your not only a zealot for one particular ideology, you're also the grammar police.
    Clearly I have met my intellectual match here, since pointing out I made a typo, and your assertion that your opinion is right, with no possibility of compromise, is the high water mark of intellectual discourse.
    I purposely left a typo in this comment, so that you can point it out, and rejoice in smug satisfaction.

  • @GuyInAChair3
    @GuyInAChair3 11 лет назад

    Have you purposely misread absolutely everything I have said just to troll me? Or did something that simple completely go right over your head?
    This gibberish is exactly why I have been replying with nothing but condescending remarks.
    So long as you are going to respond in the way you have been, there can be no hope of an intellectual debate at all. For example you just asked me for citations, to back up that this isn't a simple issue.
    If you can't get that on your own well....

  • @publicpost4ever
    @publicpost4ever 15 лет назад

    Fool, you misspelled neighbours

  • @fourtyblinks
    @fourtyblinks 15 лет назад
