For everyone wondering how to access this tech tree without buying a premium, you need to have at least one Rank IV tank purchased in any of the USA, USSR, British, OR French tech trees.
That's a great idea on how to do this! I thought they needed to add all those tanks, but obviously doing them per country is pretty pointless, as each only has a few. But together...!
I think these minor axis Nations would be better as a sub-tech tree under italy, to help boost the thin ranks you see there. Italy need some love, it's the least played Tech tree!
We could also do the same consept with minor allied nations like Belgium, czechoslovakia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Greece, yogoslavia, ect. Theres all kinds of ships, armoured cars, planes, spgs and tanks these nations have and it would be a shame to not see them appear because the nations weren't as prominent as the main ones
I know things about the Israeli centurion. Mainly about a commander of one of them who got around 20 to 60 confirmed tank kills alone while defending one base
My dad served in one of these! According to him they were relatively pretty annoying to maintain, but I suppose israel pretty much managed to push their centurions to their best limit
@@greatlegacyoftanks5511 yeah, there have been many debates about the exact amount of tanks that were taken down. Initially some report spread that it was 60 tanks, but some years later certain people it was actually just 10-20 tanks, and some even claiming the whole story is fake. Personally I believe it’s a real story, but they probably didn’t take down an absurd amount of tanks like 60…
@@CloroxBleach0 Israel trained its tankers on extreme range gunnery to offset numerical disadvantage. At Golan Heights in the 6 day war, they were hitting enemy tanks at 1.8 km
Thanks for making this video because I am not grinding the Israeli tech tree I don't know much about those tanks but now I have a rough idea about those tanks .
@@Ken-no5ip Cold War history. The Non-Aligned “third world” countries were those that didn’t join NATO, “first world” or the USSR, “second world”. Israel was part of the Non-Aligned movement, a formal group of nations that purposely chose not to directly side with the U.S. against the USSR or vice versa. They did receive aid from the U.S. to fight against the Soviet backed Arabs, such as American M60 MBT’s during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, but didn’t outright join in a formal anti-Soviet alliance such as NATO.
@@SepticFuddy lol. I’m an amateur history buff at best. I just pick up bits and pieces every now and again. It’s not often I have a nice conversation in a YT comments section. ✌🏻Usually it devolves into some sort of infighting.
@@Finngolian why tf did they go to mosques during ramadan to hit the people and whh does a video of them with guns panicking when a palestinian throws a rock at them U got nato as ur pfp tho so i expect that from u
@@nedimdzudzevic6880 No, that's because palis send their children to fight. It's a win win situation for them. If the kid is hurt than they will cry and blame evil Israel. If he won't than there you have it, "heartbraking" pictures.
3:46 zachlam is an acronym for for a half track half tank vehicle 4:55 the name of the tank basically means light whip c 5:18 the name of this tank translates perfectly to a bat (Like a baseball bat)
They could also put the Netherlands and Austria so you could get stuff like the Austro-Daimler armoured car the M39 armoured car and the MOWAG armoured car and the Grenadier armoured car
shame the Merkava MK 3d is not in the Israeli tech tree, also the hawk missile battery is not in the tech tree and that is a shame, as an ex-officer in the Israeli armored corps I am quite rilled that the Merkava MK 3d is not in the Israeli tech tree, and the Israeli tank decals are needed I sent information to the developers about the matter but got no answer, shame.
Bruh gajin, you should give the merkava’s armor back that it had in the test server. Especially the Mk4B and the MK4M. Y’all need to listen to the players
I think its too early for you guys at Gaijin to make a "climbing the ranks" video for Israel - it still didnt get all the vehicles it should - like the Tiran 5,6 and the Merkava 3 ofcourse.
I love the tiny little AML-90 I have it in the French tech tree it's the best little flanker ever and to now see it in the Israeli tech tree and the British that is one of the only reasons I play war thunder
@CobraBoi the zachlam tager is the one M3 halftrack mod i never knew existed untill it was anounced. theres a TON of M3 halftrack mods: M3 with 6pndr, 90mm F1 cannon, TCM-20 AA turret, ZU-23 AA turret, one with scotti IF 20mm auticannon, and more...
@@Spanishorvanish28 what’s different about it apart from the vehicles being Jewish? They added vehicles, it’s not like they brought back the messiah. Although they are being good little Jews aren’t they boy?
Just like with the Swedish tank tree: u have to go though a lot of junk, and suffering before it gets good. + same large gaps in BR ranges too! At least u waste less time with this tree! Witch reminds me: Add some premiums to replace the "discontinued" ones ASAP! And maybe a rank 3 prem. for Sweden, France and China!
I don’t know, I’m so far having a lot of fun playing Sweden. Their wonky tanks made me want to actually grind from low tier instead of buying my way up to top tier.
@@jopaste I had no problems with rank 1, but rank 2 and 3 ... just awful. The only 2 tanks i could enjoy was the 2 rank 2 premiums (the only prems i have in the tree, I brought the SAV out of anger, the other from the WB shop) and maybe the Strv EH, and like i said: the huge holes in BR ranges made it worse.
The magach line up to the 6b is just garbage but other than that they have vehicles that are quite powerful when spaded and if you combine your lineups that is 8.7+ with aircraft you will have fun and not suffer too much. The early merkavas aren't as good but they are decent. The only gripes I have with the tree right now is that you can buy a premium merkavas mk2 that is just better but at the same br than the tech tree one and the fact that there is no merkavas mk3s yet.
@@weebsgluck2857 Not like u can skip those. U need to unlock them to get to the next rank. Also I only have the exUS premium the 3 with the ERA and that is not bad on 7.7!
@@TomPrickVixen I never said you had to play them. Also magach 3 withe the era is not the best even at 7.7 due to the lack of a stabilizer. The era does do wonders at that low be due to the abundance of conventional rounds or heat. But imo something with a stabilizer will be better.
Google Translate for Dead קודם כל רציתי להגיד תודה שהוספת את ישראל למשחק, חיקיתי לזה הרבה זמן. ובכל זאת אני מציין שיש איפה להשתפר: גם בעיצובים של המודלים שכבר הוציאו שלא משקפים בדיוק את היכולות של הטנקים, וגם חבל שלא פתחתם את אפשרויות לשחק ברמות הנמוכות עם העץ הישראלי על-ידי מודלים של מדינה אחרת שהיו בשימוש בישראל בתקופה הזאת וגם כמה כלים מקומיים. ואני מציעה בעתיד להוסיף מודלים חדשים כמו טנק-סברה וטנק-pere ויש דברים לא רעים גם בתחומי חיל הים וחיל האוויר ברמות הראשונות. First of all I wanted to say thank you for adding Israel to the game, I imitated it for a long time. Still, I note that there is room for improvement: both in the designs of the models they have already released that do not exactly reflect the capabilities of the tanks, and it is a pity that you did not open the low-level options with Israeli wood by models from another country that were used in Israel during this period. . And I suggest in the future to add new models like Tank-Sabra and Tank-pere and there are not bad things also in the areas of Navy and Air Force in the first levels ולג בעומר שמח 🔥🇮🇱
@@Callsign_Merkava זה גם נכון אבל לדוגמה לכך שכל פגיעה מקדים בטנק המרכבה משביטה את המנוע של הטנק? אתה מסכים איתי שאם זה היה כך אז גם במציאות לא היו סמים אותו שם. וגם בהשוואה לטנקים אחרים באותו הרמה מהתקופה שלו הוא מוגדר כנחות מהם ואם זאת המרכבה הוא ידוע כאחד הטנקים הטובים בעולם
@@gal.m.8669 דווקא פעם הסיבה היחידה שהמנוע היה שם היא שהוא היווה הגנה נוספת לצוות, אבל אני די בטוח שהוא דווקא כן בקלות יכול להתקלקל מפגיעה של פגז. כיום המצב יותר גרוע, רמת החדירה של פגזים מודרניים וטילי נ״ט הופכת את המיגון של המנוע ללא רלוונטי, ביחד עם החיסרון של הפגיעות של המנוע…
@@CloroxBleach0קודם כל אם זה לא רלוונטי היום אז לא הייתה צריך לראות את המנוע של המרכבה סימן 4 והפילו 3 מקדימה התחמושת לא ישתנת כל כך בזמן הזה בטח שלא בגישת הפעולה שלהם (צורת החדירה). דבר שני הטענה המטופשת הזו (שהרבה חושבים) שכל המטרה של מנוע מקדימה היא בעדיפות לאובדן של המנוע במקום אובדן צוות לא ממש הגיוני ברגע שאבדה לך יכולת התנועה אתה מגדיל את הסיכוי שימשיכו לפגועה בך יותר וכך גם איבדת את הטנק וגם את הצוות שגרה לחוד בקו האש וגם פתח מאחור לא יתן מענה לסכום אפשר לומר להחלתה של המנוע מקדים יש סיבות שבגללם היה שווה להניח אותו שם ואפשר להניח שהוא גם יעמוד בהתקפה חזיתית אחרת היה שם יותר שיריון
@@gal.m.8669 זה המון עבודה לעצב מחדש את המבנה של הטנק כדי לשים את המנוע מאחורה, ופשוט לא שווה להשקיע כמות כזאת של משאבים. תתפלא אבל בתקופה של סימן 1 ו2 לטנקים סובייטים עדיין היום סוגי תחמושת חלולים שהמנוע יכל להגן מפניהם. כיום גם למטענים חלולים וגם למטענים קינטיים אין בעיה לעבור דרך המנוע ולכן אין באמת ייתרון לשים אותו מקדימה. אני מניח שבסוף ישימו אותו מאחורה בגרסאות הבאות של המרכבה, אבל כשיעשו שינוי כזה משמעותי בטח יישנו עוד הרבה דברים אחרים בטנק. למרות שאם כל כך קל לאבד את המנוע אתה מגדיל את הסיכוי שיוכלו לפגוע בך יותר פעמים המחשבה העיקרית מאחורי המנוע הייתה לפצות על זה שלטנקים מודרניים אחרים הייתה רמה מסוימת של הגנה מקדימה, כשלישראל לא הייתה את היכולת או את התקציב לייצר הגנה כזאת. לא כל כך הבנתי מה אמרת על הדלת מאחורה אבל בזכותה הצוות יכול להתפנות גם אם המנוע נפגע.
i just got the m51 and my first match we got spawn camped lol gaijin needs to make the safe zone larger so that you can't just sit on spawn keeping people from spawning.
I know it's sad but I really like the T 54 and something as simple as a different gun is enough to get me excited about the Tiran 4s. Now all Israel needs is the Tiran 4 with the 100 and 7.7 will be perfect
@@therealyewest4417 the 100's apds has like 5 less mm of Armour pen then the 105 but the 100 also comes with a nasty aphe, pretty much a one hit wonder
A book I read mentioned the Israelis also used the Renault R35 and the Churchill III?/VII? I know it's more of other nations' tanks, but a small case could be made for lower ranked tanks too.
Israel BADLY needs an SPAA earlier in the tech tree, trying to play 7.7 with *no* AA vehicle at all is really awful. They also need light tanks and IFV's. Otherwise the ground tree is a lot more solid than I was expecting them to be.
can you add finnish airforce tech tree to game, and if someone doenst want the swastikas on the planes, there would be setting on options where you can put the swastilas on and off
WAR THUNDER: Hold it reverse it back to the part where you say rank 5 and Zachlam Tager ...... This tank has been moved to rank 4 for a lil while now just a heads up since ya said rank 5.
Oh, już nie mogę się doczekać, aby do nich strzelać, niszczyć i rozwalać. Całe życie o tym marzyłem, ale gra musi wystarczyć. Każdy, kto zdecyduje się na grę tą swołoczą musi być ludzkim potworem, bez wiedzy, wyobraźni, świadomości politycznej i historycznej a ponadto totalnym ignorantem. Z przyjemnością zepsuję dzień takim ludziom :))
the only problem with this tree and the merkava with its heavily armored turret... 40mm of armor and modular plate at 0mm currently in play... far from being heavily armored
For everyone wondering how to access this tech tree without buying a premium, you need to have at least one Rank IV tank purchased in any of the USA, USSR, British, OR French tech trees.
I am past that rank and still can’t get it.
@@mapleman81 The Tank tree is still in closed beta, you had to get the testers stars to be able to play israel
its fully open in the next major update
@@eurofalke6804 and when the next major update going to be?
@@yeyonge We got the first devblog today, so somewhere in 1.5-2 months i would say
@Le_Sam_does_Stuff It does for tanks, not planes.
Have not gotten to play the Israeli tree yet, but I got to serve on the Merkava 4m. Real nice tank
any tips?😀
Is it true that the tank has A/C?
@@8492nd yes
There is a tube that connect to your groin area to cool the inside of the suit
And freeze your balls
@@8492nd yes
@@8492nd yes
Please add a tech tree composed of small axis countries! (Romania, Hungary etc) They have soo many unique vehicles.
That's a great idea on how to do this! I thought they needed to add all those tanks, but obviously doing them per country is pretty pointless, as each only has a few. But together...!
just a minor correction,Serbia wasn't a part of the axis,Romania and Hungary however, were.
I think these minor axis Nations would be better as a sub-tech tree under italy, to help boost the thin ranks you see there. Italy need some love, it's the least played Tech tree!
@@aleksa1098 Thanks for the response. I fixed the comment
We could also do the same consept with minor allied nations like Belgium, czechoslovakia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Greece, yogoslavia, ect. Theres all kinds of ships, armoured cars, planes, spgs and tanks these nations have and it would be a shame to not see them appear because the nations weren't as prominent as the main ones
I know things about the Israeli centurion. Mainly about a commander of one of them who got around 20 to 60 confirmed tank kills alone while defending one base
That’s a wide gap..
My dad served in one of these! According to him they were relatively pretty annoying to maintain, but I suppose israel pretty much managed to push their centurions to their best limit
@@greatlegacyoftanks5511 yeah, there have been many debates about the exact amount of tanks that were taken down. Initially some report spread that it was 60 tanks, but some years later certain people it was actually just 10-20 tanks, and some even claiming the whole story is fake. Personally I believe it’s a real story, but they probably didn’t take down an absurd amount of tanks like 60…
@@CloroxBleach0 Israel trained its tankers on extreme range gunnery to offset numerical disadvantage. At Golan Heights in the 6 day war, they were hitting enemy tanks at 1.8 km
@@greatlegacyoftanks5511prob. About 40-50
Wich is alot
Thanks for making this video because I am not grinding the Israeli tech tree I don't know much about those tanks but now I have a rough idea about those tanks .
@@Eire_Aontaithe 😂😂
Israel basically is US and UK stuff, a bit of French, Merkava series, and you say you dont know anything about it?
Can I buy the Israel Sherman now with Sl? I wanted to get it
Nice, 69 likes
Can you add other Non-Aligned countries vehicles in the future too? Israel is a fantastic start.
i agree alot
How is israel non-aligned??
@@Ken-no5ip Cold War history. The Non-Aligned “third world” countries were those that didn’t join NATO, “first world” or the USSR, “second world”.
Israel was part of the Non-Aligned movement, a formal group of nations that purposely chose not to directly side with the U.S. against the USSR or vice versa.
They did receive aid from the U.S. to fight against the Soviet backed Arabs, such as American M60 MBT’s during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, but didn’t outright join in a formal anti-Soviet alliance such as NATO.
@@CrimsonScar-1 Not often I come across someone who actually knows what "first world" and "third world" mean. A man of culture!
@@SepticFuddy lol. I’m an amateur history buff at best. I just pick up bits and pieces every now and again.
It’s not often I have a nice conversation in a YT comments section. ✌🏻Usually it devolves into some sort of infighting.
Fun fact:
The Magach 6B is the tank featured in the infamous photo of a kid throwing a rock at a tank
interesting, i will casually run over kids in my Magach :)
Yeah, the israeli fight rocks with tanks, but that is because a large amout of evil fears the smallest amount of good
@@nedimdzudzevic6880 lol not even close to the truth
@@Finngolian why tf did they go to mosques during ramadan to hit the people and whh does a video of them with guns panicking when a palestinian throws a rock at them
U got nato as ur pfp tho so i expect that from u
No, that's because palis send their children to fight.
It's a win win situation for them. If the kid is hurt than they will cry and blame evil Israel. If he won't than there you have it, "heartbraking" pictures.
3:46 zachlam is an acronym for for a half track half tank vehicle
4:55 the name of the tank basically means light whip c
5:18 the name of this tank translates perfectly to a bat (Like a baseball bat)
You speak Hebrew .
@@jericho6657 yes
@@jericho6657 You speak English .
Nice thanks
YoRHa Merkava Mk. 2B
I think this tank's rear armor is going to be amazing.
Nier automata right?
@@danielduanis1239 yep
XD!! but i'm pretty sure you don't want to engage the self-destruct function in WT xD
@@matiasdelafuente3106 Be sure about that.
The gal batash is an amazing looking tank, the grind for it is painful however ill be there soon enough
I've long a waited for M-51 super sherman. Thats my favorite. Next i think M-50 sherman and M-60 Sherman that would be nice.
Yes you are 100% correct and maybe they could add the Israeli M60T Sabra MBT as well
@@thatonemarine4707 that could too yes
@@thatonemarine4707bro predicted the future😭🙏
I would love to see the Swiss tech tree any time soon!
They could also put the Netherlands and Austria so you could get stuff like the Austro-Daimler armoured car the M39 armoured car and the MOWAG armoured car and the Grenadier armoured car
even though i dont play war thunder, i'd have to say that the Merkava MK4M is my personal favorite
You have to try War Thunder. It's the best game in the world, by my opinion. It's so realistic. And i love it.
@@Bathi_wt i have tried war thunder, it was just too big for my computer 😐
@@lordcrimsonmoon9644Don't be sad. It's ok. You do watch shooting range and thunder show and the weekly video. Still you can get a lot of information.
@@Bathi_wt that's what I do...
I'm going to subscribe your channel 😀😀😁😁
shame the Merkava MK 3d is not in the Israeli tech tree, also the hawk missile battery is not in the tech tree and that is a shame, as an ex-officer in the Israeli armored corps I am quite rilled that the Merkava MK 3d is not in the Israeli tech tree, and the Israeli tank decals are needed I sent information to the developers about the matter but got no answer, shame.
The Mk.3 will come in the future. The tech tree is not final yet, they labeld the Mk. 3 B and C as 'coming soon' in the graphic in their devblog.
לא נורא, עצם העובדה שישראל נמצאת במשחק כבר מספיקה
Step one : don't
Step two : play other tech trees
Step three : suffer less
>suffer less.
Not by much... This is warthunder after all... Go back.. back to your grind, no peace.
Step four: free Palestine
@@incognito_mode5741 tanks did nothing wrong, people in control of them did
@@incognito_mode5741 step 3.5: ignore step 4
@@mog5397 Oh, I know. I'm just trying to get someone to be angry at me.
Waiting for the Tiran 6 Israeli T-62
Bruh gajin, you should give the merkava’s armor back that it had in the test server. Especially the Mk4B and the MK4M. Y’all need to listen to the players
“And can be more effective” *shows the tank being destroyed*
I think its too early for you guys at Gaijin to make a "climbing the ranks" video for Israel - it still didnt get all the vehicles it should - like the Tiran 5,6 and the Merkava 3 ofcourse.
Maybe they will update it later?
I love the tiny little AML-90 I have it in the French tech tree it's the best little flanker ever and to now see it in the Israeli tech tree and the British that is one of the only reasons I play war thunder
thats syrian not israeli
My fave Israeli tank... all versions of the Chariot, of course, with all Sho't variants a close second!
Me, too. Been looking forward to it! Two to go!
Featured in The Beast (1988), a good Soviet-Afghan War movie.
The end is satisfying
Im think thats was a t62
For any one wondering Merkava is translated to Chriot
chariot, yes.
We need the Israeli m60 atm system called the parha
That’s still somewhat classified ;)
Israel is op for anti air and their tanks hit like a bus one of their premium tanks can take one HELL of a beating yet still out live their attacker
I'm a fan of Israeli tanks, I've gotten every tanks up to rank 6 and from experience I can say Israeli needs a light tank or IFV to support higher BR.
Namer IFV would be cool
@@DerpyTurtle0762 doesnt that only have a 50 cal
@@papakilo-2750 30mm autocannon and a pair of Spike ATGM launchers
@@DerpyTurtle0762 ah must be a different variant that i saw in project reality
@@DerpyTurtle0762 and Eitan perhaps! Could even use some older ones like Achzarit and nagmashot
Gib Israel rank III
Two M50's, a modified Achilles, M10 (SA50), and some derp guns: M50 155 and Ro'em L/33
How about give the M51 it's 50 cal first
and dont forgot all of the M3 halftrack mods too! so much unique vehicles...
@@gtaftw444 which brings me to additional machine guns or the ability to swap machine guns as a modification
@CobraBoi the zachlam tager is the one M3 halftrack mod i never knew existed untill it was anounced. theres a TON of M3 halftrack mods: M3 with 6pndr, 90mm F1 cannon, TCM-20 AA turret, ZU-23 AA turret, one with scotti IF 20mm auticannon, and more...
@@DerpyTurtle0762 well that's another issue I guess . What I'm historically the M51 never mounted a 30 cal.
gal batash is my favorite because it's same as turkish m60a3t sabra mk1,mk2,mk3
it is not same as that you wrote here. it is just looking similar with M60T. M60T belongs to USA M60 line.
@@kocayrklibirinsan3056 yeah I know, I was talking about galbatash and turkish sabra. that wasn't about war thunder.
as an israeli, i love this update.
I would want to serve in the merkava 4m it have apds and its cool
Where's the metal chain balls behind the turrets? One of the most iconic aspect of the Merkava.
I think the Magach 6B is a real beauty. Especially in Real Life!
Nah m1a2 is better
Good to see you finally embrace your heritage Gaijin.
cry more
I am Jewish to it is nice to see that Gaijin is doing different things.
@@Spanishorvanish28 what’s different about it apart from the vehicles being Jewish? They added vehicles, it’s not like they brought back the messiah. Although they are being good little Jews aren’t they boy?
@@mindfreak078589 shut up i just was saying stuff you don't have to be mean and i don't believe in the messiah
If there's a game like this of tanks with campaigns of historical events it will be 🔥🔥🔥
Israel defense campaign would be legendary
Gunner Heat PC
Just like with the Swedish tank tree: u have to go though a lot of junk, and suffering before it gets good. + same large gaps in BR ranges too! At least u waste less time with this tree!
Witch reminds me: Add some premiums to replace the "discontinued" ones ASAP! And maybe a rank 3 prem. for Sweden, France and China!
I don’t know, I’m so far having a lot of fun playing Sweden. Their wonky tanks made me want to actually grind from low tier instead of buying my way up to top tier.
@@jopaste I had no problems with rank 1, but rank 2 and 3 ... just awful. The only 2 tanks i could enjoy was the 2 rank 2 premiums (the only prems i have in the tree, I brought the SAV out of anger, the other from the WB shop) and maybe the Strv EH, and like i said: the huge holes in BR ranges made it worse.
The magach line up to the 6b is just garbage but other than that they have vehicles that are quite powerful when spaded and if you combine your lineups that is 8.7+ with aircraft you will have fun and not suffer too much. The early merkavas aren't as good but they are decent. The only gripes I have with the tree right now is that you can buy a premium merkavas mk2 that is just better but at the same br than the tech tree one and the fact that there is no merkavas mk3s yet.
@@weebsgluck2857 Not like u can skip those. U need to unlock them to get to the next rank. Also I only have the exUS premium the 3 with the ERA and that is not bad on 7.7!
@@TomPrickVixen I never said you had to play them. Also magach 3 withe the era is not the best even at 7.7 due to the lack of a stabilizer. The era does do wonders at that low be due to the abundance of conventional rounds or heat. But imo something with a stabilizer will be better.
I remember neutralizing rusty bullets on that halftruck model so it won't explode
Having that pfp on twitter is a death wish
Should add south asia tech tree as well in the near future
They added some tanks India used like T90 Bhisma
And an Indian Chieftain
the magach 6 b is bugged
the model models always full ammo
the modeled 50 cal is a 30 cal ingame
fitting for a gobbled together tech tree to please zionists.
I agree it could be better
@@thatonemarine4707 its fixed now btw
Google Translate for Dead
קודם כל רציתי להגיד תודה שהוספת את ישראל למשחק, חיקיתי לזה הרבה זמן. ובכל זאת אני מציין שיש איפה להשתפר: גם בעיצובים של המודלים שכבר הוציאו שלא משקפים בדיוק את היכולות של הטנקים, וגם חבל שלא פתחתם את אפשרויות לשחק ברמות הנמוכות עם העץ הישראלי על-ידי מודלים של מדינה אחרת שהיו בשימוש בישראל בתקופה הזאת וגם כמה כלים מקומיים. ואני מציעה בעתיד להוסיף מודלים חדשים כמו טנק-סברה וטנק-pere ויש דברים לא רעים גם בתחומי חיל הים וחיל האוויר ברמות הראשונות.
First of all I wanted to say thank you for adding Israel to the game, I imitated it for a long time. Still, I note that there is room for improvement: both in the designs of the models they have already released that do not exactly reflect the capabilities of the tanks, and it is a pity that you did not open the low-level options with Israeli wood by models from another country that were used in Israel during this period. . And I suggest in the future to add new models like Tank-Sabra and Tank-pere and there are not bad things also in the areas of Navy and Air Force in the first levels
ולג בעומר שמח 🔥🇮🇱
ישראל משאירה בסודיות המון דברים אז למפתחים של המשחק לא היה הרבה חומר לעבוד איתו
@@Callsign_Merkava זה גם נכון אבל לדוגמה לכך שכל פגיעה מקדים בטנק המרכבה משביטה את המנוע של הטנק? אתה מסכים איתי שאם זה היה כך אז גם במציאות לא היו סמים אותו שם. וגם בהשוואה לטנקים אחרים באותו הרמה מהתקופה שלו הוא מוגדר כנחות מהם ואם זאת המרכבה הוא ידוע כאחד הטנקים הטובים בעולם
@@gal.m.8669 דווקא פעם הסיבה היחידה שהמנוע היה שם היא שהוא היווה הגנה נוספת לצוות, אבל אני די בטוח שהוא דווקא כן בקלות יכול להתקלקל מפגיעה של פגז.
כיום המצב יותר גרוע, רמת החדירה של פגזים מודרניים וטילי נ״ט הופכת את המיגון של המנוע ללא רלוונטי, ביחד עם החיסרון של הפגיעות של המנוע…
@@CloroxBleach0קודם כל אם זה לא רלוונטי היום אז לא הייתה צריך לראות את המנוע של המרכבה סימן 4 והפילו 3 מקדימה התחמושת לא ישתנת כל כך בזמן הזה בטח שלא בגישת הפעולה שלהם (צורת החדירה). דבר שני הטענה המטופשת הזו (שהרבה חושבים) שכל המטרה של מנוע מקדימה היא בעדיפות לאובדן של המנוע במקום אובדן צוות לא ממש הגיוני ברגע שאבדה לך יכולת התנועה אתה מגדיל את הסיכוי שימשיכו לפגועה בך יותר וכך גם איבדת את הטנק וגם את הצוות שגרה לחוד בקו האש וגם פתח מאחור לא יתן מענה לסכום אפשר לומר להחלתה של המנוע מקדים יש סיבות שבגללם היה שווה להניח אותו שם ואפשר להניח שהוא גם יעמוד בהתקפה חזיתית אחרת היה שם יותר שיריון
@@gal.m.8669 זה המון עבודה לעצב מחדש את המבנה של הטנק כדי לשים את המנוע מאחורה, ופשוט לא שווה להשקיע כמות כזאת של משאבים. תתפלא אבל בתקופה של סימן 1 ו2 לטנקים סובייטים עדיין היום סוגי תחמושת חלולים שהמנוע יכל להגן מפניהם. כיום גם למטענים חלולים וגם למטענים קינטיים אין בעיה לעבור דרך המנוע ולכן אין באמת ייתרון לשים אותו מקדימה. אני מניח שבסוף ישימו אותו מאחורה בגרסאות הבאות של המרכבה, אבל כשיעשו שינוי כזה משמעותי בטח יישנו עוד הרבה דברים אחרים בטנק. למרות שאם כל כך קל לאבד את המנוע אתה מגדיל את הסיכוי שיוכלו לפגוע בך יותר פעמים המחשבה העיקרית מאחורי המנוע הייתה לפצות על זה שלטנקים מודרניים אחרים הייתה רמה מסוימת של הגנה מקדימה, כשלישראל לא הייתה את היכולת או את התקציב לייצר הגנה כזאת. לא כל כך הבנתי מה אמרת על הדלת מאחורה אבל בזכותה הצוות יכול להתפנות גם אם המנוע נפגע.
Why is the Merkava 3 not in the tree?
israelians engineers are extremly great (in my own opinion)
next we need air force
This is my favorite country
I’m really loving playing through this tech tree - great overview video.
If only the m51 had sabot
This thing is amazing td i just sit relax and show german heavy armour some love.
i just got the m51 and my first match we got spawn camped lol gaijin needs to make the safe zone larger so that you can't just sit on spawn keeping people from spawning.
theres no safe zone just spawn protection for some time
safe zone isn’t fair either bc spaa can just camp their base and not die
Why can't we have a pereh added to the tree and a namer ifv
They added the namer but the perry might be a bit op
My favourite Israeli tanks are the Magach, Merkava and Shot 😂
Israel have a amazing 9.0 lineup. 5 tanks and a4 for cas
Merkava ofc!! :)
I know it's sad but I really like the T 54 and something as simple as a different gun is enough to get me excited about the Tiran 4s. Now all Israel needs is the Tiran 4 with the 100 and 7.7 will be perfect
The 105 has better pen???
@@therealyewest4417 but it's less versatile
@@doomedt-62 yeah , but I prefer to have 80% apds and some hesh
@@doomedt-62 far less versatile
@@therealyewest4417 the 100's apds has like 5 less mm of Armour pen then the 105 but the 100 also comes with a nasty aphe, pretty much a one hit wonder
When does the tree become available to all players free of charge?
Next major update dude.
Already is
@John 12 stars=60 wins/12 days
@John ya but rank 5 American isn't that hard
@John No? You just get a rank 4 or 5 tank in the US tech tree.
give the lanchaster chaff
I Love this Tank ❤❤❤
Why wasn't this man doing the commentary for the climbing the ranks with Israeli aircraft :(
2:39 the US's M60 has a 105 too....
That’s right, but Israel’s M60 tanks originally had a smaller gun, and they were eventually upgraded to the L7 105mm gun to deal with Soviet armor
Israeli's have more variants I think with upgrades of their own
Will the gal batach line get new tanks up to br 11?
Perah Missile Carrier when?
Hello to isreal tech tree we have all the tech trees combined + merkava
The power of diplomacy and... donations from Enemies? lol
No Cromwell or h-39 for the 1948 or 56 war.
Idf achrait should included as well based on captured t 55.
Waiting for the Korean Tech Tree
Yea me too
My fav. Is the hovet or M163. I love the brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt
gajin why uptier the shot kal dalet from 8.3 to 8.7? it gets now full uptiers
Centurions and Merchevas, keeping Israel safe and protected form all its surrounding, invasive enemies. Love it.
Centurions are not in use in israel anymore, just merkavas
@@hampy9294 This is known.
A book I read mentioned the Israelis also used the Renault R35 and the Churchill III?/VII? I know it's more of other nations' tanks, but a small case could be made for lower ranked tanks too.
yes they were used from 1948 till 1950
Yep cromwells aswell.
Love the m51 super sherman
When are you going to give its armour back it had on the test server so its actually worth the grind
I havent been playing isreal though, the m-51 can be a real pain to go against some times.
Better munition for M51.
Israel BADLY needs an SPAA earlier in the tech tree, trying to play 7.7 with *no* AA vehicle at all is really awful.
They also need light tanks and IFV's. Otherwise the ground tree is a lot more solid than I was expecting them to be.
the hawk missile battery was used in the Israeli army and it was ignored by gaijin
@@josephportnojgaj7096 there’s also the machbet, aka m113 with an anti aircraft gun
Add the Pereh anti tank missile carrier?
Finally it’s here
Will we ever get a up to date m1a2 abrams? It seems to be a 97-99 model but fights tanks from this decade at top BR
I guess that meant the T-14 Armata must be added too.
Possible, I'm not sure if the T14 has seen any combat or how old the design is. SEP v2 is what I'm more aiming at but who knows!
merkava mk2 is reaaly good against frontal hits. the whole russian enemy team haha my dart go nyoom
Why did you guys nerf the German SPAA's penetration?
where is the mk3? or the MAGACH 7C?
why M163 can't float on water
The Israeli military is freakin amazing
some one told me he’s exist (?!)
can you add finnish airforce tech tree to game, and if someone doenst want the swastikas on the planes, there would be setting on options where you can put the swastilas on and off
There is 4 available premium planes in Swedish tech tree + VL Myrsky II which was an event premium.
WAR THUNDER: Hold it reverse it back to the part where you say rank 5 and Zachlam Tager ...... This tank has been moved to rank 4 for a lil while now just a heads up since ya said rank 5.
Oh, już nie mogę się doczekać, aby do nich strzelać, niszczyć i rozwalać. Całe życie o tym marzyłem, ale gra musi wystarczyć. Każdy, kto zdecyduje się na grę tą swołoczą musi być ludzkim potworem, bez wiedzy, wyobraźni, świadomości politycznej i historycznej a ponadto totalnym ignorantem. Z przyjemnością zepsuję dzień takim ludziom :))
Love this tech tree
why did you guys make isreali tanks not able to be purchased with german rank 4?
Cuz its not related maybe
i mean...ya know...ww2
Will we get the M-50 and the M-51 variant with a diesel engine?
All of 'em !
the only problem with this tree and the merkava with its heavily armored turret... 40mm of armor and modular plate at 0mm currently in play... far from being heavily armored
Please revive submarine mode again? 🤭😁😘
I live in Israel
ma nishma :D
So it’s all M48’s, M60’s, and Centurions?
Not at all
Are you going to add Canada
aren't the Magachs are just a bunch or modified M48 and M60
Great job sir as well as war thunder .
Merkava Mk.3 when?
US medium tank update when?
Why are M-51 so slow and why aren't there Merkavas-3?
Soooo ahhh what about the merkava 3s?
Just started playing Israel...let's see how far I get. Hating going backwards in this game.😤
It's so painful that I love it