Como polaco y católico, diré esto: España os pertenece a vosotros, a vuestra sangre, a vuestro trabajo, a vuestra fe ya vuestras familias. ¡Arriba España!
Love the fact that Spanish culture in this time always says "democracy" in the pejorative way - people nowadays use this word as if it didn't mean the tyrany of a faceless mob ¡Viva Cristo Rey! ¡Viva Maria Santíssima!🇯🇪🇻🇦🇪🇸
@Sanctus Paulus 1962 this is a retard modern false dualism, there are other ways for organizing society. I would prefer monarchy, heck, even anarchy is better than Demon-cracy
Thanks, just... thank you. My soul screams in agony with what they have been doing to my country and culture for the past decade, the profanation of the Valley and Jose Antonio's tomb is just another knife in my heart. Only faith keeps me going. Thanks for doing this, from the heart.
Hermano, esta tierra es pasajera. Nuestro reino es el de alla arriba. Esos años de Gloria fueron una pequeña prueba de que será el cielo. Arrib Españo Arriba el Generalisimo ¡Viva Cristo Rey!
First Franco, now José Antonio... For me as a Polish Catholic 🇵🇱✝️ , it is so sad to see what is happening in Spain. However, I believe that one day Spain will be Catholic again. ¡Viva Cristo Rey! ✝️ ¡Arriba España!🇪🇸 ¡Que Dios bendiga a España! ✝️🇪🇸
All good Spaniards have pain in our hearts these days. Let's prey for a miracle to happen in our land like in the old days of the Reconquista. They can try to disturb your rest José Antonio, but they will never be able to take away from you your eternal reward in heaven. Oh saints of Spain, pray to our Lord for our beloved fatherland
Come the day of the Resurrection their attempts to disturb him will be shown to have come to nothing. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Amen.
They're obsessed with a martyr's spoils because they can only see the material things of this world. We know by looking at the sky that José Antonio is present and he will always be with us in eternity. What he left us is much more than some old bones. Those things cannot be removed or taken away.
@@ExCathedraFBIV Can u give more info about the song/album? I know there were Cancioneros Falangistas in 1945 and later... i wonder if this song was written during 30s 40s or 50s or if its just a song written during the Years of Plumber in the 70s with the rise of ETA.
@@ExCathedraFBIV I’m no Falangist nor Liberal. I am not Spaniard indeed. But isn’t he being dug up because his family wanted to give him a more proper burial? Hardly call that a violation.
@Dux Spania There are also a lot of Croats who are Orthodox. There is even a movement which wishes to recreate the Croatian Orthodox Church and seperate it from the Serbian one.
They can desecrate tomb of Jose Antonio or even burn his body, but they can't do anything to harm his heroic soul. May he rest in peace, and may occupied Spain become free again. Presente desde Russia!
@SanctusPaulus-ic5gl the people are not the rulers and russia with Africa re the only ones fighting the antichrist agenda of turning men into women and women into men. Don't make the mistake of putting the sins of they're ruler on the people GLORY YO CHRISTIAN RUSSIANS WHO HAVE SACRIFICED THEIR FREE WILL TO GLORIFY THE FATHER AND THE SON FOR CENTURIES, MANY RUSSIANS ARE IN HEAVEN IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LAMB AND THE MOST HIGH
As a Croat catholic, us Catholics are getting spit in the face by the world, we need to unite and bring back our great dynasty. Ave Christus Rex!🇭🇷✝️🇻🇦
@@mininoble2253 Yes, the phalanx despised the Bourbon monarchy (I'm not Spanish and I don't know if this expanded to the Habsburg monarchy), but it certainly has a lot of anti-monarchist music, the phalangists made attacks on churches to weaken the carlists/ non-phalangist nationalists But even in the face of all this, the corporatist organicist society seems to be one of the best post-modern paths.
Ah, Georgia, sharing saint patron with Aragon. May God and Saint George bless your soul, and may your nation's future be sovereign, and free from the Russian totalitarianism, so reminiscent of the Soviet debacle
E rezar também pela França, nação que muito ajudou nossos antepassados ibéricos contra os inimigos da Fé, como também toda a cristandade nas cruzadas 🇧🇷✝️
@Sanctus Paulus 1962 because rule of the mob or a dictator that pretends to get his power from the mob are the only two possible ways of government, right? Oh wait… The Enlightenment’s indoctrination has literally rotted your brain.
Al igual que otros, también reflejo a mi propio país en esta canción, México. Tantos soldados muertos en la lucha contra el narcotráfico, que incluso después de la muerte aterrorizan a sus propias familias esos terroristas, todo gracias a una democracia que nació muerta hace mas de 100 años con políticos y altos mandos corruptos en todos lados.
Te olvidas de los Cristeros ,pues así fue las 2 repúblicas en España los comunistas republicanos eran ateos mataban a cualquier persona con un rosario o una cruz ,decir viva Cristo Rey de aquí nació
Aren't you that Pagan dude I saw on an edit about pre-Christified (basedified) Europe that said something about the future of your people is not worshipping a Jew?
Que pena que hayamos perdido la orden y la tradición. Pero no hay que perder la esperanza, Europa está cambiando y la juventud que están creciendo en esta pesadilla van a ayudarnos a recuperar lo nuestro.
Thank you for covering this topic. It rings as true for America as it does for Spain, and for the rest of Europe. Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, pray for us!
Merci Ex Cathedra, j’ai lu votre description, l’Espagne n’est pas seul, en France aussi ont détruit notre patrimoine et notre religion malheureusement.
Nos quieren matar los que dicen democracia los zurdos comunistas an destruido nuestros países 😢. Simplemente necesitamos un Franco en España los zurdos comunistas nos están asfixiando 😢poco a poco ,nuestra sociedad está muriendo . Simplemente tenemos que pararles los pies . Francia a caído ,la siguiente será España o Italia no podemos más .
Democracy is the best system ever created, and it works a thousand times better than feudalism and monarchy. In feudalism you would be a slave forced to work in the fields, you would not be writing on social media
@@brunolai118 Feudal peasants couldn’t be evicted and had about 100 days off a year, and of those days where he had to work, he worked for himself on most, not for his liege
Aqui no Brasil sentimos na pele as consequências deste lixo de sistema chamado democracia. Graças a ele, somos um país que apesar de rico em história e território, é fraco em defesa e soberania, não passando de um capaxo dos Estados Unidos e Europa.
We live in biblical times brothers, we need a religious revolution as our enemies mock us and say that god is dead in the west, but he still lives in our souls each and every christian are one with god
@Sanctus Paulus 1962 the Bible says that when it arrives, first there is to be worldwide illness and death, followed by natural disaster. We have had both in the last few years
@@threatbear of course it was in dictatorships, so we can now compare that with today democracy. Problem is that in dictatorship you know that you are in one, but in democracy it is play of mind, by theyr sweettalks About some topic they brainwashing people and hide theyr corruptions and dont give a shit About future of country or majority in it
España está huerfana sin el catolicismo, tenemos intolerancia a la democracia y el liberalismo, espero que terminemos vomitandolo y volvamos a nuestras raíces
Nos quieren matar los que dicen democracia los zurdos comunistas an destruido nuestros países 😢. Simplemente necesitamos un Franco en España los zurdos comunistas nos están asfixiando 😢poco a poco ,nuestra sociedad está muriendo . Simplemente tenemos que pararles los pies . Francia a caído ,la siguiente será España o Italia no podemos más .
Aquí en los comentarios. Muchos asocian al glorioso y mismísimo Jose Antonio con Franco. Y son figuras totalmente paralelas. Viva las FEJONS Y ARRIBA ESPAÑA CAFE
Looks like the so called "democracy" is the same in any country in the world. Brazil is now having it's fair share of it. Unfortunately there are no more men like those in 1936' Spain to oppose it.
@@infeliximpius O problema do Brasil é a Direita liberal, entreguista. A Esquerda sempre vai fazer m3rd4. O problema é quando a única resposta que nós, a oposição, conseguimos formular, seja: "taxaram a minhas compras da chinaaa", "menos impostos pro empresário", "menos Estado". Enquanto não eliminarmos essa "Direita" (que em qualquer regime Nacionalista seria Esquerda), nós não tomaremos rumo.
Tanto é que o único ato de "Nacionalismo" que tivemos nas últimas décadas foi do LULA. Que vergonha. E só estou chamando de medida nacionalista para vocês terem uma ideia de como está feia a coisa. Porque em cenário algum se aliar ao capital Chinês poderia ser considerado nacionalista. Mas como as medidas de outros governos era literalmente ABRIR AS PERNAS para o Yankee imperialista (mil vezes mais vil que o comuna Chinês), não tem muito o que reclamar.
He had to swallow his anger and had to weep inside. I understand this. My world is evil. Day by day I understand that Christ is no longer in our laws. I hope my generation will seek to change this. ✝️🇻🇦 🇪🇸
@@lightattheend5023 Todo Occidente 😢 paises Europeos como países Americanos vivimos el infierno de la izquierda social comunista anti religion cristiana , anti cultura ,anti paises
@@brunolai118 Eso que dices de que España hoy es más próspera que nunca es objetivamente falso. La renta per capita española en 2023 está más lejos de la renta per capita media de la OCDE que en 1975 y está estancada desde 2007. España en 1975 estaba en el puesto 21 o 22 en la clasificación mundial de países por renta per capita y hoy estamos en el puesto 27 o 28, según cual sea el organismo internacional que elabora la estadística (microestados y países petroleros excluidos). Los países de Extremo Oriente, Malta, Chipre, Israel y hasta Eslovenia, Chequia, Estonia y Lituania nos han superado. Eso sin hablar de las tasas de crecimiento económico en los 60 y 70 y las de la "democracia", sobre todo en los últimos 15 años. En la OCDE sólo Italia y Grecia lo han hecho peor. Y fuera de la OCDE son pocos, muy pocos, los países con registros más mediocres. Si no te lo crees, consulta las estadísticas del Banco Mundial, el FMI y la OCDE. Son públicas y están ahí para quien esté más interesado en los datos que en los relatos. España, comparativamente, es hoy más pobre que en 1975 y sus únicas virtudes son los vestigios que aún sobreviven de la actuación de Franco.
This is unfair, condolences to you Spaniards, the leftist plague knows no bounds. The time will come, all memory will be restored and the scoundrels who replace history will feed the worms without offspring. I am from Ukraine, and our nationalists are in solidarity with the nationalists of Spain. Take care of your history, the commune knows no mercy.
@Zemril B. Ideology can be a decease, but education is the medicine against it, but now a days people are ignorant. Even the dumbest of the dumbest vote and have their opinion even though their opinion is suicidal, but hey! We have to respect their opinion because democracy.
@Zemril B. The Bubonic Plague was not a disease. In the Medieval Age, if a plague was spreading, it meant that the villagers liked it. If only a handful of villagers survive a plague, this does not mean that the plague was bad. {signal for self-reflection}
Do I totally agree with falangism? No. Do I sympathize with them? Yes. Extreme idealogies emerge to solve extreme problems. Primo de rivera did what he had to.
Viva nuestra España única en el mundo, tan grande como cualquier otro imperio y tan preciada como las banderas en mi corazon. Esperemos poder recuperarla de la mano de los socialistas/comunistas/progresistas imbeciles y poder volver a llevarla a su esplendor merecido por derecho de dios. Que viva España! Desde su hijo/hermano Hispano/Latino Argentina
Viva siempre, aunque no queda mucha fe, más que nada por qué ya media España misma se ve que detesta su Patria, y siendo medio país el que de verdad está orgullosos de nuestra historia, tradición y cultura... Pinta muy mal todo pero bueno, probablemente acabe mis días en una guerra contra Marruecos, pero espero que al menos los países de Latinoamérica, herederos al menos de parte de nuestra historia y cultura os levanteis más fuerte que nadie
Nos quieren matar los que dicen democracia . Simplemente necesitamos un Franco en España los zurdos comunistas nos están asfixiando 😢poco a poco ,nuestra sociedad está muriendo . Simplemente tenemos que pararles los pies .
At one time, Rivera's thought seriously influenced the formation of my political scales. As Russian national-syndicalist, I keep to consider him a great man until now. Слава России! ¡Arriba España!
In answer to the man who was insistent that he establish a democracy in the state, Lycurgus said that if he believed so strongly in the idea, he should test the concept, and first establish a democracy in his own home
Thank you for you glorious work! As a Russian monarchist, I greatly appreciate what you are doing. I recall there was a Russian anti-revolutionary song in French that was called something like "Russia liberated" sang to the music of a military march, but I cannot find it in the channel. Can someone remind me of how it was called?
@Sanctus Paulus 1962 I cannot think of Putin anything except what he is -- a weak, cowardly, lying exKGB operative. His incompetent actions took Russia to the precipice of a disaster it is facing now. Even with the war at hand, he cannot change his foolish ways though. Ukrainian separatism of course needed to be quelled. Not sure if starting a war in that moment was a good idea, but then again not sure if Putin actually had a choice since we know a lot of facts that the Ukraine and NATO was preparing for the war for years. Of course, I support my country during the war and wish it victory no matter what I think about Putin.
Democracy always was a failure. You simply cannot trust people who love the world over God. They see democracy as a tool to have an excuse to commit degenerate acts such as homosexuality, abortion, sex before marriage, etc. The failure of a system has protected these kinds of people for decades now, and a revolution of the normal people is long overdue.
That photo is fake, the anarchists made it to support their anticlerical propaganda and justify the executions of religious people. There are more photos like this one, all made by propagandists.
From what i can see, they're members of the Falange along with members of the clergy holding weapons, prob during the civil war to fend off attacks by the series of church burnings generated by leftists
Los de atrás son monjas y sacerdotes que se tuvieron que armar porque los comunistas republicanos estaban quemando iglesias y matando a Cristianos en Iglesias y casas ,si te veían con un crucifico de Jesús,un rosario te mataban 😢 Los Comunistas republicanos eran ateos
Since I really like this channel, which treates really sensitive subjects in the best way they can be treated, with music honest and sincere, I am going to put into words the mixed feelings this post has given me. I am from Spain, neither leftist nor right wing, a new Christian, of which I am really proud. I never experienced Franco's regime, my parents did, I didn't experience the war, my grandparents did. Old people don't want to talk about the war because it was horrible beyond belief and they want to forget it. Leftist don't want to forget it because they lost and can't stand the grief and the historical humiliation (so they want to humiliate the symbols of the regime -including, sometimes, the country itself !!!, which is madness). In both sides there were brothers and sister who killed themselves for what they believed. In both sides there were martyrs, in both sides there were horrible people and noble people. Spain simply killed herself, in a huge funeral pyre devoid of any meaning, of any reason, of any hope. So, no wonder the old people don't want to talk about, not even think, about it. Something big and dark ocurred in Spain, just a few years before Europe had its great civil war. My country died. I has no longer its pride. It cannot. My parents are completely incapable of seeing our history with hapiness and hope. My grandparents really don't even want to look at it. No, they are not cowards. No, they aren't brainwashed. They just can't understand, and who could blame them. (There is brainwashing and stupidity but it is more prevalent in young people). The work that some of us younger people do to try to reconnect us with our history will probably restore our national pride, but it is not as easy as to blame one side or the other, that's the easy path, that's what would lead us to another situation like that. The only way is for both sides to take down their symbols (not the other side doing it, like it's happening now). No Spaniard who thought their ideas were worth the destruction of the country and the killing of brother against brother should be honoured as it happens today with characters of both sides. You know, I am a Christian, I despise those leftist who burned churches with christians inside, who expelled nuns from the monasteries, who disrespected the symbols of the faith with the sole intention to harm and humiliate us christians. Spain is, and always will be Christian Catholic. What those people were doing was madness. They could not win and they should have known that. Now, in all this madness the Falange had a very important part. It wasn't a good part, it contributed to the violence and confusion. It contributed to many young right wingers having a smile (a smile!) in their faces while going to kill their brothers. I can't accept that. No one should accept that. You can't have rhetoric in your head while you are going to kill brother, I don't mind if it is good or bad rhetoric. I don't mind if José Antonio was a noble individual with noble ideals that tried to confront the revolutionary barbarism within the weakness of western democracy. At the end it went bad. And when the war started two people who before the war had a cordial relationship and common friends, José Antonio and F. García Lorca were both killed in the most brutal, swift and impotent manner by some men who would probably say they have done it in their name. What the fuck is that, I say. Or to put it in other words: The first thing to die when the war started was sanity. The last thing was the country. That is what the Valley of the Fallen is, it is a great grave, the great grave of those who fell defending the country they were destroying. Although that maybe means there is hope, because even after death there is life. And before the end everyone will be judged, so maybe we don't have to care to much about our final judgements, because they are not so. I myself am proud of my countrymen who so noble and so foolish, so childlike and so giantlike in their history. I'm just saying I don't have José Antonio in my prayers more than I have Lorca, or Miguel Hernández, or even Durruti. And although I still regard him as one of the great men of our history I don't think its body belongs in what should be the place to inocently weep for our country, who destroyed itself in such ways that one can only do that (no more talking, no more grave digging, no more symbols, just death). I just don't like the way it's happening. "Gloria a la patria que supo seguir/ sobre el azul del mar/ el caminar del sol". Dona eis requiem.
I disagree, but I see your point. All I'm going to say is that our religion is not a pacifist religion. War is sometimes needed, and God Himself often recognized it. War is a tragedy for all sides, but when you are stuck between a sword and a wall there's not much you can do but a last stand.
You say both sides should lay down their standards and symbols, I can agree that the end of such factionalism is probably for the better, but even if we want to make peace with our opposition, we still need a mechanism to make sure they hold their standards down in good faith as well and that is simply not happening today. I am not Spanish, but from what I understand you guys have had your monarchs tarnished and dragged through the mud, the same monarchs who restored democracy and allowed the people who are mocking and spitting on them to have the ability to do that. At the same time, socialist governments are tearing down all the hard work of Franco toward honoring the sacrifices made in the civil war for a strong, stable, and prosperous country. I would love to lay down the standard so such prosperous and stable countries can exist again, but our opponents do not want that. They want to tear down the monarchies, they want to destroy the churches, they want to desecrate the graves of good men and tarnish the histories of countries. The only way for there to be peace here is for them to be forced to stop or for us to stand idly and suffer their humiliation for as long as they wish to torment us. The second option is obviously ridiculous in my view.
As a fellow Catholic…. I honestly don’t understand what you find so appealing about this man and his ideology. However, I do respect your right to hold onto your beliefs. Also, wanted to say I love the Catholic music you post!
Entiendo que los falangistas tuvieran fuerza en una España tan revuelta. Todo lo que pasó antes y después se podía haber evitado, entramos con muy mal piel en el S. XX porque con mal pie salimos del XIX. ¿Qué ha sido al final de Falange, del PCE, de los Carlistas, de la CNT? Cosas de la democracia, se han quedado todos a cero. Señores, al final de la peli ganan los Yankees. Todo éste ciclo de caídas y decadencia que comenzamos con los Borbones con los Borbones cerrará.
@@GranSinderesis La monarquía HISPANA llegará cuando los Borbones hispanos renuncien ,porque si los Borbones que están en España nacen de Juana de Castilla y más Trastamaras que se unieron con Borbones .
Reducidos a cero no. Pero a mínimos, sí. Los grupos tradicionalistas, por ejemplo, tenían 100.000 militantes en los años 80. En los años 90,tenían 25.000.
what is the situation you talk about in the description? With jose's tomb? Everything i read about it seems to be from around october 2022 and i can't seem to find anything recent about it?
Democracia foi inventada apenas para satisfazer o interesse economico de poucos grandes capitalistas internacionais Democracy was invented just to satisfy the economic interests of a few great international capitalists
Mabuhay ang Espanya!🇪🇸
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! 🇵🇭
Mabuhay si Panginoong Hesus!✝️
Dios te bendiga en el Nombre de Jesucristo.
Saludos desde Hispanoamérica.
Santísima Trinidad, que eres un solo Dios, ten piedad de nosotros.
Como polaco y católico, diré esto: España os pertenece a vosotros, a vuestra sangre, a vuestro trabajo, a vuestra fe ya vuestras familias. ¡Arriba España!
Gracias hermano Polaco, honor para tu patria desde España 💪💪🇪🇦🇪🇦
Aguantad firmes ante la tiranía globalista. España debe ser salvada, vosotros aún estais a tiempo de evitar el desastre.
Where did you learn to speak Spanish?
Gracias hermano, Dios nos ayude en esta dura batalla 💪🏻✝️🇪🇦❤️🇵🇱
Love the fact that Spanish culture in this time always says "democracy" in the pejorative way - people nowadays use this word as if it didn't mean the tyrany of a faceless mob
¡Viva Cristo Rey!
¡Viva Maria Santíssima!🇯🇪🇻🇦🇪🇸
@Sanctus Paulus 1962 this is a retard modern false dualism, there are other ways for organizing society. I would prefer monarchy, heck, even anarchy is better than Demon-cracy
@Sanctus Paulus 1962 Democracy is authoritarian by definition, and it is the worst kind
@Sanctus Paulus 1962 the faceless elite are already in power, they just were the skin of democracy
@Sanctus Paulus 1962 yeah
@@conovan5081ok. Stop voting. Stop expressing opinions
Thanks, just... thank you.
My soul screams in agony with what they have been doing to my country and culture for the past decade, the profanation of the Valley and Jose Antonio's tomb is just another knife in my heart.
Only faith keeps me going.
Thanks for doing this, from the heart.
Hermano, esta tierra es pasajera.
Nuestro reino es el de alla arriba.
Esos años de Gloria fueron una pequeña prueba de que será el cielo.
Arrib Españo
Arriba el Generalisimo
¡Viva Cristo Rey!
No pierdas la Fe hermano, ve a misa, ve al gimnasio y sigue mejorando como ser humano. Pronto volverá la primavera a nuestra sagrada patria
First Franco, now José Antonio... For me as a Polish Catholic 🇵🇱✝️ , it is so sad to see what is happening in Spain. However, I believe that one day Spain will be Catholic again.
¡Viva Cristo Rey! ✝️
¡Arriba España!🇪🇸
¡Que Dios bendiga a España! ✝️🇪🇸
¡Viva Polonia! Saludos desde España, somos hermanos 🇪🇦🇵🇱
@@locusamoenus831 ✝️🇵🇱💖🇪🇸✝️
Falangists weren't catholic, they were national synsicalists.
Los de aquella falange si lo eran. Dios te bendiga mi querida Polonia, hermana en la Fé
@@rafhit9760 Falangists were Catholic too
All good Spaniards have pain in our hearts these days. Let's prey for a miracle to happen in our land like in the old days of the Reconquista.
They can try to disturb your rest José Antonio, but they will never be able to take away from you your eternal reward in heaven. Oh saints of Spain, pray to our Lord for our beloved fatherland
Come the day of the Resurrection their attempts to disturb him will be shown to have come to nothing.
To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Amen.
They're obsessed with a martyr's spoils because they can only see the material things of this world.
We know by looking at the sky that José Antonio is present and he will always be with us in eternity.
What he left us is much more than some old bones. Those things cannot be removed or taken away.
Primo de Rivera was not a martyr, he was a fascist, liberticidal and also incompetent dictator, and he was RIGHTLY sentenced to death
¡Viva Jose!
¡Viva España!
¡Viva Dios!
¡Viva Cristo Rey!
Um mártir a frente do seu tempo, minhas condolências ao povo espanhol pela barbárie da República espanhola anticristã.
Fiquei interessado irmão,Pode me falar quem foi ele?
@@Hermano158 Es José Antonio Primo de Rivera, fundador de la Falange, un partido de corte fascista.
O passado da Espanha é o nosso futuro...
@@riograndedosulball248 olá Rio Grande do Sul, Vatican ball aqui
I saw a few photos of José Antonio waving the Republican flag
My man has described the current situation of Chile in a 90 year old song. History may not repeat, but it always rhymes.
Funnily enough this song is from the 70s
@@ExCathedraFBIV Half a century old is quite old too I guess
@@ExCathedraFBIV Can u give more info about the song/album? I know there were Cancioneros Falangistas in 1945 and later... i wonder if this song was written during 30s 40s or 50s or if its just a song written during the Years of Plumber in the 70s with the rise of ETA.
Chile prevalecera !!!!!!!!! VIVA CRISTO REY!! VIVA CHILE!
@@ExCathedraFBIV I’m no Falangist nor Liberal. I am not Spaniard indeed. But isn’t he being dug up because his family wanted to give him a more proper burial? Hardly call that a violation.
Viva España! Viva Cristo Rey!
@Dux Spania Croatia is catholic hahahaha🇭🇷🇻🇦 ✝️
@Dux Spania There are also a lot of Croats who are Orthodox. There is even a movement which wishes to recreate the Croatian Orthodox Church and seperate it from the Serbian one.
@Dux Spania incorrect, during world war 2 we expelled them and converted them back to the real Catholic Church. Croatia is ONLY catholic. 🇻🇦🇭🇷✝️
@@boosta3094 Based
They can desecrate tomb of Jose Antonio or even burn his body, but they can't do anything to harm his heroic soul. May he rest in peace, and may occupied Spain become free again. Presente desde Russia!
Slava Rossii!
@@dravenocklost4253 No, they will remove his body from Valle de los Caídos and rebury him in other place.
@@historiacaballero1022 Slava rossiya y espanha
Slava christian roasiya!
@SanctusPaulus-ic5gl the people are not the rulers and russia with Africa re the only ones fighting the antichrist agenda of turning men into women and women into men. Don't make the mistake of putting the sins of they're ruler on the people GLORY YO CHRISTIAN RUSSIANS WHO HAVE SACRIFICED THEIR FREE WILL TO GLORIFY THE FATHER AND THE SON FOR CENTURIES, MANY RUSSIANS ARE IN HEAVEN IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LAMB AND THE MOST HIGH
Como Católico Paraguayo, les mando un gran saludo. Viva Cristo Rey y Viva España!!!
@Elma Garfield Tagatos Tercero Avei arma, VIVA EL PARAGUAY!!
No pierden la esperanza.
Saludos de Suiza, a mis hermanos Españoles. 🇨🇭🇪🇸
As a Croat catholic, us Catholics are getting spit in the face by the world, we need to unite and bring back our great dynasty. Ave Christus Rex!🇭🇷✝️🇻🇦
Europe is being highjacked by degenerates, homosexuals and Godless filth. It is time for Catholics to stand up to this vile heresy
¡Viva Cristo Rey!
I have a sneaking suspicion Jose had other interests closer to his heart than the church.
@@mininoble2253 Yes, the phalanx despised the Bourbon monarchy (I'm not Spanish and I don't know if this expanded to the Habsburg monarchy), but it certainly has a lot of anti-monarchist music, the phalangists made attacks on churches to weaken the carlists/ non-phalangist nationalists
But even in the face of all this, the corporatist organicist society seems to be one of the best post-modern paths.
there were the time when they nearly extinct the Catholicism. Between 100 and 300 ad.
Long live Spain!
Greetings from fraternal Eastern Iberia (Georgia)
Ah, Georgia, sharing saint patron with Aragon. May God and Saint George bless your soul, and may your nation's future be sovereign, and free from the Russian totalitarianism, so reminiscent of the Soviet debacle
Greetings from Huesca, Aragon, Spain - Western Iberia!
¡Viva Cristo Rey!
Il faut prier pour l'Espagne, nation Catholique ayant évangelisé la moitié du monde Catholique !🇪🇸✝️
Así es y que nunca se olvide. ¡Viva Cristo Rey y la Santísima Virgen!
Pour une fraternité Catholique et Latine ! Prions pour que la foi et la sanité reviennent dans nos pays !
E rezar também pela França, nação que muito ajudou nossos antepassados ibéricos contra os inimigos da Fé, como também toda a cristandade nas cruzadas 🇧🇷✝️
@@Nimai_Aquino merci !🙏🏻✝️
Vive l'Espagne et José Antonio Primo de Rivera !
En Memoria de los dos Guardias Civiles que perecieron en Barbete, España. Que descansen en paz.🇪🇸✝️
Wherever democracy enters, there is the Devil.
Viva Cristo Rey.
Ok. Stop voting. Stop expressing your opinions.
@@konyvnyelv. who says I vote?
What a bourgeois comment.
@Sanctus Paulus 1962 because rule of the mob or a dictator that pretends to get his power from the mob are the only two possible ways of government, right? Oh wait…
The Enlightenment’s indoctrination has literally rotted your brain.
@@augcaes you still express your opinions.
@@konyvnyelv. are you implying an equivalence between “opinions” and “democracy”?
Al igual que otros, también reflejo a mi propio país en esta canción, México. Tantos soldados muertos en la lucha contra el narcotráfico, que incluso después de la muerte aterrorizan a sus propias familias esos terroristas, todo gracias a una democracia que nació muerta hace mas de 100 años con políticos y altos mandos corruptos en todos lados.
la democracia mexicana nació muerta hace 200 años...
Te olvidas de los Cristeros ,pues así fue las 2 repúblicas en España los comunistas republicanos eran ateos mataban a cualquier persona con un rosario o una cruz ,decir viva Cristo Rey de aquí nació
Todo fue culpa de hidalgo, morelos e iturbide
José Antonio fue un héroe de España 🇪🇸
Presente! ✋
Aren't you that Pagan dude I saw on an edit about pre-Christified (basedified) Europe that said something about the future of your people is not worshipping a Jew?
Que pena que hayamos perdido la orden y la tradición. Pero no hay que perder la esperanza, Europa está cambiando y la juventud que están creciendo en esta pesadilla van a ayudarnos a recuperar lo nuestro.
Exacto. Jesucristo nos salvará del liberalismo degenerado una vez más
Im from Brazil, and we are in the same situation. We are living in dark times, but God is stronger! Arriba España.
"mais medo nas cortes e terá mais criminais soltos" resume o Brasil
Thank you for covering this topic. It rings as true for America as it does for Spain, and for the rest of Europe.
Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, pray for us!
Merci Ex Cathedra, j’ai lu votre description, l’Espagne n’est pas seul, en France aussi ont détruit notre patrimoine et notre religion malheureusement.
Nos quieren matar los que dicen democracia los zurdos comunistas an destruido nuestros países 😢.
Simplemente necesitamos un Franco en España los zurdos comunistas nos están asfixiando 😢poco a poco ,nuestra sociedad está muriendo .
Simplemente tenemos que pararles los pies .
Francia a caído ,la siguiente será España o Italia no podemos más .
I've said it before, and I will say it again:
Democracy simply doesn't work.
Facts. Never did, never will
@@NSMexicano2008 It's like trying to have two wolves and a sheep trying to come to a civil conclusion about what to have for dinner.
Democracy is the best system ever created, and it works a thousand times better than feudalism and monarchy. In feudalism you would be a slave forced to work in the fields, you would not be writing on social media
Feudal peasants couldn’t be evicted and had about 100 days off a year, and of those days where he had to work,
he worked for himself on most, not for his liege
Viva la fe verdadera Dios los bendiga hermanos y les de fuerza para seguir en la lucha!! 🇨🇱🇪🇸✝️
Aqui no Brasil sentimos na pele as consequências deste lixo de sistema chamado democracia. Graças a ele, somos um país que apesar de rico em história e território, é fraco em defesa e soberania, não passando de um capaxo dos Estados Unidos e Europa.
Pura verdade companheiro.
Melhor o império escravista e a ditadura, certo?
We live in biblical times brothers, we need a religious revolution as our enemies mock us and say that god is dead in the west, but he still lives in our souls each and every christian are one with god
deus vult
We are in the end times, the Bible says so. The man above is not happy with our Godless society
@Sanctus Paulus 1962 the Bible says that when it arrives, first there is to be worldwide illness and death, followed by natural disaster. We have had both in the last few years
@Sanctus Paulus 1962 have we ever lived in a more ungodly era? Where degeneracy and heresy is celebrated? I don’t think so
@Sanctus Paulus 1962 Even under Nero evil was not so widespread.
I can understand your pain, great men deserve respect.
He was not a great man, he was a liberticidal and incompetent dictator
Jose Primo de Rivera, Presente en el Cielo. Viva Franco, Viva España, Viva México
Franco is a monster who killed ppl for speaking Catalan and Basque
Primo de Rivera era un tirano sediento de sangre. Es mucho más probable que ese monstruo esté en el infierno. Lo mismo ocurre con Franco
¡VIVA! 🎉
RIP los guardias civiles de Barbate
Como pega esta canción a los acontecimientos que estamos viviendo
Que buena critica a la democracia que solo es lucifer.
@@1Albert1just democracy things
@@emperor6878Yeah because in the USSR, Hussein's Iraq, Vidal's Argentina and H's Germany things like this didn't happened
@@threatbear of course it was in dictatorships, so we can now compare that with today democracy. Problem is that in dictatorship you know that you are in one, but in democracy it is play of mind, by theyr sweettalks About some topic they brainwashing people and hide theyr corruptions and dont give a shit About future of country or majority in it
This is very beautiful and very, very sad...
After the tradedy of Barbate, this song is becoming true again. Democracy is killing this country
Cosas de la democracia indeed, may God have mercy on us
As a Czech Catholic we are constantly attacked by the atheist institutions and media. God forgive them ✝️🇨🇿
Chequia volverá a la fe católica recibida por los santos Cirilo y Metodio.
@@luismanuelpotencianonorato9672 YESS / SI
St Vitus pray for Czechia
Democracy destroys the only basis on which it can work which is Christian values. Viva la España catholica! 🇪🇦 ✝️
Increíblemente basado
Love your videos ❤❤❤ love from 🇬🇪
¡Arriba España!
España está huerfana sin el catolicismo, tenemos intolerancia a la democracia y el liberalismo, espero que terminemos vomitandolo y volvamos a nuestras raíces
Nos quieren matar los que dicen democracia los zurdos comunistas an destruido nuestros países 😢.
Simplemente necesitamos un Franco en España los zurdos comunistas nos están asfixiando 😢poco a poco ,nuestra sociedad está muriendo .
Simplemente tenemos que pararles los pies .
Francia a caído ,la siguiente será España o Italia no podemos más .
Que empiece pronto la revolución falangista. España lo necesita para revivir su fe católica en todo su esplendor
Aquí en los comentarios. Muchos asocian al glorioso y mismísimo Jose Antonio con Franco. Y son figuras totalmente paralelas.
Spain will find itself again soon. We just need faith
La nesecitamos urgentemente y más que nunca fe .
Deus lo Vult ✝️ escuchamos
@@Merry19ssDios está siempre con nosotros. Que Él rejuvenezca y difunda de nuevo la fe en las almas perdidas por el liberalismo desenfrenado.
Presente! 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇪🇸🇪🇸
Looks like the so called "democracy" is the same in any country in the world. Brazil is now having it's fair share of it. Unfortunately there are no more men like those in 1936' Spain to oppose it.
É foda, irmão. Que nós não tenhamos uma guerra civil como eles tiveram.
@@infeliximpius que nós não fiquemos sob o comunismo diria eu
@@theleader4620 O problema é mais embaixo quando até a direita é populista
@@infeliximpius O problema do Brasil é a Direita liberal, entreguista. A Esquerda sempre vai fazer m3rd4. O problema é quando a única resposta que nós, a oposição, conseguimos formular, seja: "taxaram a minhas compras da chinaaa", "menos impostos pro empresário", "menos Estado".
Enquanto não eliminarmos essa "Direita" (que em qualquer regime Nacionalista seria Esquerda), nós não tomaremos rumo.
Tanto é que o único ato de "Nacionalismo" que tivemos nas últimas décadas foi do LULA. Que vergonha. E só estou chamando de medida nacionalista para vocês terem uma ideia de como está feia a coisa. Porque em cenário algum se aliar ao capital Chinês poderia ser considerado nacionalista. Mas como as medidas de outros governos era literalmente ABRIR AS PERNAS para o Yankee imperialista (mil vezes mais vil que o comuna Chinês), não tem muito o que reclamar.
Gracias por esta canción, compatriota.
He had to swallow his anger and had to weep inside. I understand this. My world is evil. Day by day I understand that Christ is no longer in our laws. I hope my generation will seek to change this. ✝️🇻🇦 🇪🇸
As an Italian, it's incredible how this man described 90 years before what's happening in Italy right now😕
How is it in Italy with the current government? Is it good or not
The whole white world not just Italy
@@lightattheend5023It's not just a White problem, even non-White Catholics are being targeted
@@lightattheend5023 Todo Occidente 😢 paises Europeos como países Americanos vivimos el infierno de la izquierda social comunista anti religion cristiana , anti cultura ,anti paises
España se está muriendo, qué verdadero y qué triste!
Tal cuál!
Es una pena.
Yo, en cambio, veo a España más próspera que nunca, y sus únicos defectos se deben únicamente a residuos de la actuación de Franco.
@@brunolai118 Eso que dices de que España hoy es más próspera que nunca es objetivamente falso. La renta per capita española en 2023 está más lejos de la renta per capita media de la OCDE que en 1975 y está estancada desde 2007. España en 1975 estaba en el puesto 21 o 22 en la clasificación mundial de países por renta per capita y hoy estamos en el puesto 27 o 28, según cual sea el organismo internacional que elabora la estadística (microestados y países petroleros excluidos). Los países de Extremo Oriente, Malta, Chipre, Israel y hasta Eslovenia, Chequia, Estonia y Lituania nos han superado. Eso sin hablar de las tasas de crecimiento económico en los 60 y 70 y las de la "democracia", sobre todo en los últimos 15 años. En la OCDE sólo Italia y Grecia lo han hecho peor. Y fuera de la OCDE son pocos, muy pocos, los países con registros más mediocres. Si no te lo crees, consulta las estadísticas del Banco Mundial, el FMI y la OCDE. Son públicas y están ahí para quien esté más interesado en los datos que en los relatos. España, comparativamente, es hoy más pobre que en 1975 y sus únicas virtudes son los vestigios que aún sobreviven de la actuación de Franco.
This is unfair, condolences to you Spaniards, the leftist plague knows no bounds. The time will come, all memory will be restored and the scoundrels who replace history will feed the worms without offspring. I am from Ukraine, and our nationalists are in solidarity with the nationalists of Spain. Take care of your history, the commune knows no mercy.
@Zemril B. That doesn't make any sense
@Zemril B. Ideology can be a decease, but education is the medicine against it, but now a days people are ignorant. Even the dumbest of the dumbest vote and have their opinion even though their opinion is suicidal, but hey! We have to respect their opinion because democracy.
@Sanctus Paulus 1962 I'm not against democracy, I'm against uneducated people voting
@Zemril B. The Bubonic Plague was not a disease. In the Medieval Age, if a plague was spreading, it meant that the villagers liked it. If only a handful of villagers survive a plague, this does not mean that the plague was bad. {signal for self-reflection}
@@gamermcdudarino3183Literally that guys logic
¿José António Primo de Rivera? ¡PRESENTE!
¡José Antonio Primo de Rivera, PRESENTE!
Much love to the Spanish and the faithful Catholics!
The Falagnists are faithful Catholics? You mean thr same movement co opting Catholic symbolw and that supported seperation of Church and state?
Do I totally agree with falangism? No. Do I sympathize with them? Yes. Extreme idealogies emerge to solve extreme problems. Primo de rivera did what he had to.
Liberalism forces us to become this to combat them. But this only makes us stronger
Viva nuestra España única en el mundo, tan grande como cualquier otro imperio y tan preciada como las banderas en mi corazon. Esperemos poder recuperarla de la mano de los socialistas/comunistas/progresistas imbeciles y poder volver a llevarla a su esplendor merecido por derecho de dios. Que viva España! Desde su hijo/hermano Hispano/Latino Argentina
Viva siempre, aunque no queda mucha fe, más que nada por qué ya media España misma se ve que detesta su Patria, y siendo medio país el que de verdad está orgullosos de nuestra historia, tradición y cultura... Pinta muy mal todo pero bueno, probablemente acabe mis días en una guerra contra Marruecos, pero espero que al menos los países de Latinoamérica, herederos al menos de parte de nuestra historia y cultura os levanteis más fuerte que nadie
Somos paises hispano americanos.
Solo los argentinos son latinos.
Que los fieles aplasten a los infieles
Эта песня очень грустная. Она правильно отображает ужасную ситуацию нашего современного мира.
Nos quieren matar los que dicen democracia .
Simplemente necesitamos un Franco en España los zurdos comunistas nos están asfixiando 😢poco a poco ,nuestra sociedad está muriendo .
Simplemente tenemos que pararles los pies .
At one time, Rivera's thought seriously influenced the formation of my political scales. As Russian national-syndicalist, I keep to consider him a great man until now. Слава России! ¡Arriba España!
His story is a tragic one
So you're a socialist? Just the right wing kind? What's so good about that? Left or right you preach revolution.
In answer to the man who was insistent that he establish a democracy in the state, Lycurgus said that if he believed so strongly in the idea, he should test the concept, and first establish a democracy in his own home
Where did you get this recording?
Thank you for you glorious work! As a Russian monarchist, I greatly appreciate what you are doing. I recall there was a Russian anti-revolutionary song in French that was called something like "Russia liberated" sang to the music of a military march, but I cannot find it in the channel. Can someone remind me of how it was called?
@@lyonard9226 Thank you, good sir!
@Sanctus Paulus 1962 I cannot think of Putin anything except what he is -- a weak, cowardly, lying exKGB operative. His incompetent actions took Russia to the precipice of a disaster it is facing now. Even with the war at hand, he cannot change his foolish ways though.
Ukrainian separatism of course needed to be quelled. Not sure if starting a war in that moment was a good idea, but then again not sure if Putin actually had a choice since we know a lot of facts that the Ukraine and NATO was preparing for the war for years.
Of course, I support my country during the war and wish it victory no matter what I think about Putin.
What was the name of the song? I can't see the reply
@@Ramzi1944 it's "Russie libre" by Chœur Montjoie Saint-Denis
@@marcusaureliusantoninus2597 Thank you
¡Arriba Espana!
José Antonio no se toca 🤚🏻
Viva José Antonio ❤🖤❤ arriba españa🇪🇦
¡José Antonio Primo de Rivera! ¡Presente!
The founder of the right wing revolution of Spain? Yuck
This has been too hard to bear lately.
I really hope that the so called far-right gets enough power in the next elections.
Stay strong. Christ is with us always.
viva cristo rei. democracy has failed us all. christ is king. amen.
Democracy always was a failure. You simply cannot trust people who love the world over God. They see democracy as a tool to have an excuse to commit degenerate acts such as homosexuality, abortion, sex before marriage, etc. The failure of a system has protected these kinds of people for decades now, and a revolution of the normal people is long overdue.
Also amen. God save us all.
That background pic is absolutely badass, what's the context ?
Im searching for that pic too
That photo is fake, the anarchists made it to support their anticlerical propaganda and justify the executions of religious people. There are more photos like this one, all made by propagandists.
From what i can see, they're members of the Falange along with members of the clergy holding weapons, prob during the civil war to fend off attacks by the series of church burnings generated by leftists
Los de atrás son monjas y sacerdotes que se tuvieron que armar porque los comunistas republicanos estaban quemando iglesias y matando a Cristianos en Iglesias y casas ,si te veían con un crucifico de Jesús,un rosario te mataban 😢
Los Comunistas republicanos eran ateos
Wow... Saber cómo encontrar la foto
Since I really like this channel, which treates really sensitive subjects in the best way they can be treated, with music honest and sincere, I am going to put into words the mixed feelings this post has given me.
I am from Spain, neither leftist nor right wing, a new Christian, of which I am really proud. I never experienced Franco's regime, my parents did, I didn't experience the war, my grandparents did. Old people don't want to talk about the war because it was horrible beyond belief and they want to forget it. Leftist don't want to forget it because they lost and can't stand the grief and the historical humiliation (so they want to humiliate the symbols of the regime -including, sometimes, the country itself !!!, which is madness). In both sides there were brothers and sister who killed themselves for what they believed. In both sides there were martyrs, in both sides there were horrible people and noble people. Spain simply killed herself, in a huge funeral pyre devoid of any meaning, of any reason, of any hope. So, no wonder the old people don't want to talk about, not even think, about it. Something big and dark ocurred in Spain, just a few years before Europe had its great civil war. My country died. I has no longer its pride. It cannot. My parents are completely incapable of seeing our history with hapiness and hope. My grandparents really don't even want to look at it. No, they are not cowards. No, they aren't brainwashed. They just can't understand, and who could blame them. (There is brainwashing and stupidity but it is more prevalent in young people). The work that some of us younger people do to try to reconnect us with our history will probably restore our national pride, but it is not as easy as to blame one side or the other, that's the easy path, that's what would lead us to another situation like that. The only way is for both sides to take down their symbols (not the other side doing it, like it's happening now). No Spaniard who thought their ideas were worth the destruction of the country and the killing of brother against brother should be honoured as it happens today with characters of both sides. You know, I am a Christian, I despise those leftist who burned churches with christians inside, who expelled nuns from the monasteries, who disrespected the symbols of the faith with the sole intention to harm and humiliate us christians. Spain is, and always will be Christian Catholic. What those people were doing was madness. They could not win and they should have known that. Now, in all this madness the Falange had a very important part. It wasn't a good part, it contributed to the violence and confusion. It contributed to many young right wingers having a smile (a smile!) in their faces while going to kill their brothers. I can't accept that. No one should accept that. You can't have rhetoric in your head while you are going to kill brother, I don't mind if it is good or bad rhetoric. I don't mind if José Antonio was a noble individual with noble ideals that tried to confront the revolutionary barbarism within the weakness of western democracy. At the end it went bad. And when the war started two people who before the war had a cordial relationship and common friends, José Antonio and F. García Lorca were both killed in the most brutal, swift and impotent manner by some men who would probably say they have done it in their name. What the fuck is that, I say. Or to put it in other words: The first thing to die when the war started was sanity. The last thing was the country. That is what the Valley of the Fallen is, it is a great grave, the great grave of those who fell defending the country they were destroying. Although that maybe means there is hope, because even after death there is life. And before the end everyone will be judged, so maybe we don't have to care to much about our final judgements, because they are not so. I myself am proud of my countrymen who so noble and so foolish, so childlike and so giantlike in their history. I'm just saying I don't have José Antonio in my prayers more than I have Lorca, or Miguel Hernández, or even Durruti. And although I still regard him as one of the great men of our history I don't think its body belongs in what should be the place to inocently weep for our country, who destroyed itself in such ways that one can only do that (no more talking, no more grave digging, no more symbols, just death).
I just don't like the way it's happening.
"Gloria a la patria que supo seguir/ sobre el azul del mar/ el caminar del sol".
Dona eis requiem.
Pitiful, you do not understand a single thing.
@@ummelofilo9642 Foda-se
I disagree, but I see your point.
All I'm going to say is that our religion is not a pacifist religion. War is sometimes needed, and God Himself often recognized it.
War is a tragedy for all sides, but when you are stuck between a sword and a wall there's not much you can do but a last stand.
@@crusaderACR Estoy de acuerdo
You say both sides should lay down their standards and symbols, I can agree that the end of such factionalism is probably for the better, but even if we want to make peace with our opposition, we still need a mechanism to make sure they hold their standards down in good faith as well and that is simply not happening today.
I am not Spanish, but from what I understand you guys have had your monarchs tarnished and dragged through the mud, the same monarchs who restored democracy and allowed the people who are mocking and spitting on them to have the ability to do that. At the same time, socialist governments are tearing down all the hard work of Franco toward honoring the sacrifices made in the civil war for a strong, stable, and prosperous country.
I would love to lay down the standard so such prosperous and stable countries can exist again, but our opponents do not want that. They want to tear down the monarchies, they want to destroy the churches, they want to desecrate the graves of good men and tarnish the histories of countries. The only way for there to be peace here is for them to be forced to stop or for us to stand idly and suffer their humiliation for as long as they wish to torment us. The second option is obviously ridiculous in my view.
Thank you for posting it!!
He's back...
literally democrat's in Chicago and any other democrat city, but this man's describing Chicago
I pray for Illinois as a whole. Rampant progressivism must be tough to deal with. What a degenerate idealogy.
CAFE! Viva Cristo Rey compañero!
Mucho nos queda rezar aquí en España
In the end, when these men who defile the dead face god for their judgment, I hope Jose is there to watch them fall.
Viva España
Viva el Rey
@@crusaderACR Viva el Rey legitimo!
Ex Cathedra. How much do I need to donate for you to tell me where I can find that background photo? 0$? 10? 100? I really want to know
What a beautiful song!
Wow. Thank you so much for this
Ok this is the Most Epic moment of the channel
Viva Christo Rey!
Can anybody link the background photo?
Hallelujah ✝️☝️
where can i find the background photograph , please ?
Can someone please tell me how to find the photo of the men behind primavera?
As a fellow Catholic…. I honestly don’t understand what you find so appealing about this man and his ideology. However, I do respect your right to hold onto your beliefs. Also, wanted to say I love the Catholic music you post!
better than the republican jews who raped nuns and burned churches
He was right to try and overthow the governemnt, since it would become liberal eventually again like it is today
Entiendo que los falangistas tuvieran fuerza en una España tan revuelta. Todo lo que pasó antes y después se podía haber evitado, entramos con muy mal piel en el S. XX porque con mal pie salimos del XIX.
¿Qué ha sido al final de Falange, del PCE, de los Carlistas, de la CNT? Cosas de la democracia, se han quedado todos a cero. Señores, al final de la peli ganan los Yankees.
Todo éste ciclo de caídas y decadencia que comenzamos con los Borbones con los Borbones cerrará.
¿Se reunificara la Monarquía Hispanica?
@@GranSinderesis No, el hispanismo es un movimiento minoritario, y si lo hace, espero que sea imperialista.
@@GranSinderesis La monarquía HISPANA llegará cuando los Borbones hispanos renuncien ,porque si los Borbones que están en España nacen de Juana de Castilla y más Trastamaras que se unieron con Borbones .
Reducidos a cero no. Pero a mínimos, sí. Los grupos tradicionalistas, por ejemplo, tenían 100.000 militantes en los años 80. En los años 90,tenían 25.000.
We need a falangist type movement in Britain.
@SanctusPaulus-ic5glEngland fell off big time.
Same in America. Falangism will save us from degenerate liberalism that has plagued the West ever since we won WW2
@@OrthoKarterYou got that right
what type of music is this? i need more of it
Hail Christ, thank God for Spain and Franco!!
what is the situation you talk about in the description? With jose's tomb? Everything i read about it seems to be from around october 2022 and i can't seem to find anything recent about it?
Democracia foi inventada apenas para satisfazer o interesse economico de poucos grandes capitalistas internacionais
Democracy was invented just to satisfy the economic interests of a few great international capitalists
I need to have that original picture that was being used as the background
Thank you for your Service.