Repare que as vírgulas dão um sentido um pouco melhor à letra, tornado a frase do meio um aposto. Acho que combinas mais com o jeito que ele entoa, sei lá
I was talking to my friend in college, we should find a musician able to adapt this sound in Portuguese and spread it to activists on WhatsApp to make it popular in response to Bella Ciao. The Italian language is easy, I understood 80% of the sound, exactly this chorus must be changed from the original text because it is relating the counter-revolutionaries to the Lumpenproletariats.
@@rhodesianwojak2095 is a mix of Zé Carioca and Bolsonaro. The leftists pejoratively called Donald Trump Donald Duck, so we made a parody of another Disney character who is friend of Donald Duck.
Che la Santissima Trinità e Maria Santissima benedicano i gloriosi martiri della Vandea e tutti i martiri cattolici di ogni epoca, accogliendoli nel Regno dei Cieli. Viva Cristo Re! Viva Maria Regina del Cielo e della terra! Viva la Santa Chiesa Cattolica, Apostolica e Romana! Patrizio, Roma.
@@rebeccaanderson5626 We can thank Descartes for opening the can of worms of subjectivity that allows him to to do this. He separated the Truth from our truths. What is the Truth? Catholicism and monarchy
@Dov Ahkin Ele mudou o perfil todo. Antes era uma parada completamente satânica, fazendo referências a Lúcifer etc. Agora que ele mudou, o meu comentário ficou fora de contexto.
@@ryanlefebvre2747 The person you last commented to, Dov Ahkin, is a deceiver. His name means son of the dragon. It's from skyrim. The dragon is the devil.
@@inhocsignovinces7713 It's going surprisingly good. Mass is not closed and tongue communion has not been forbidden. The traditional latin mass is growing fast here and many young people are behind the movement.
Conosco bene la storia contro-rivoluzionaria della Vandea, anche se documentarmi non è stato facilissimo tempo addietro. Ora con internet è molto più facile, anche se spesso è complicato discernere informazioni a volte contrastanti. E' una storia di eroismo indiscusso, e difficile è immaginare un movente che fosse diverso dal difendere i loro ideali e tradizioni. Henry de la Rochejaquelein, sedici anni e generale vandeano è decisamente il mio personaggio preferito. Purtroppo pagarono caro il loro rifiuto al progresso imposto, subirono atrocità indicibili, non vennero risparmiate crudeltà orrende a donne e bambini, di cui i comandanti rivoluzionari si vantavano nei loro scritti. Tanta violenza non venne perdonata nemmeno dai francesi non contro-rivoluzionari, che quando poterono aiutarono i vandeani reduci od orfani. Lo stesso Comitato di salute pubblica giustiziò e arrestò molti dei comandanti e soldati che si macchiarono di infamanti crimini. Io non sono monarchico e sono agnostico, ma porto grande rispetto per gli insorti della Vandea. Quanto alla canzone, assolutamente meravigliosa, con un testo bellissimo.
Merci mille fois pour eux. Je suis athée mais je refuse 1793 et Robespierre le boucher. Ainsi que Carrier et ses plus de trois mille noyés. À bas la révolution sanguinaire.
Basta essere agnostico. Lo ero anche io... il cristianesimo sta essendo censurato più di qualsiasi altra religione... le tradizioni europee stanno essendo distrutte da coloro che vogliono renderci numeri, consumisti... qualsiasi opinione cent'anni fa totalmente accettabile ora è silenziata tramite le parole "bigotto, omofobo, razzista". Leggi le Cinque Vie di San Tommaso. Sei intelligente, espandi la tua conoscenza sulle crociate e l'inquisizione Spagnola. La rivoluzione francese e l'illuminismo ci hanno ro vi na ti.
Here are nearly the last word Louis XVI said before going to be beheaded : " I die innocent of all the crimes that are imputed to me, I forgive to my executionners. And I pray God that the blood you will spread won't fall on the France"
Our great Martyr King maintains a gilded seat in Heaven which no mortal may rob him of - a seat nearest another King who, for our sins, gave his life - yet His Kingdom remains eternal and his life, in those who believe in him. Louis lives on in the heart of those who know his true virtue. Rest easy, Your Catholic Majesty. Today (01/29/2020) is also the eve of another Martyr King- May God prosper Charles and Louis eternally
@@edeliteedelite1961 The monarchies are the most valid and fair political system today. Just check the quality of life, achievements and prestige of countries that have monarchy system. Even absolute monarchies in the middle east have better situation than republics in that area.
@@edeliteedelite1961 The surviving monarchies of today are no true catholic monarchies. You have only protestant power-politics like in England, or some desert oil baron in the middle-east, who has yet to have his power taken from him (because he has only acquired it so recently) by what supplanted our true rulership, the dollar of the Merchant Peoples. Ironic, the nations that survived with their monarchies intact were the same nations that were willing to sacrifice themselves to politics and money just to get ahead in the race, at the cost of objective good, in their lands and all Christendom.
Not much of a monarchist myself, but Louis XVI was a noble, honest man. Unfortunately, he is painted as incompetent and corrupt in history books. God has a place in Heaven for these defenders of the Faith. ¡Viva Cristo Rey!
Well, he was incompetent but not the worst. He, though, tried his best being as King when he wasn't expected to be and was a very good and moral man like what you said.
Catholics need France to recover from the hideous freemason republic. Pray for France so as she gets a good King, and can fulfill again her mission of Church's eldest daughter. Christians countries have particular missions. The mission the Church gave to France, is to protect the Church, the catholic faith and the freedom of believers.
Maurice Joseph Louis Gigost d'Elbée, « Général la Providence » (Gauche/left) Louis XVI, Roi de France et de Navarre (Centre) Jacques Cathelineau, « Saint de l'Anjou » (Droite/right)
I remember 3-4 years ago I learned only bad about Louis XVI from the American education system. Today, I learned the truth. Rest in peace king Louis XVI. I'm sorry I hated you before.
Be careful with Action Française they weren't what they deceived and continue to deceive many people to this day. For example, search about Charles Maurras and its relation with catholicism and greek culture, the plot against Dreyfus and antisemitism and a lot of other strange facts with this movement
Man, you may be right. (Or you may not, please RUclips I didn't confirm it, I'm a proud liberal or whatever will keep me from getting my hopes smashed)
PLEASE DO THE SONG "No Mas Amor Que El Tuyo" It is a song about the Sacred Heart and Christ the King in the Philippines. A great Catholic Nation. Godbless!
(Verse I) Ride la piazza e urla al sangue che colora il collo dei soldati fedeli alla corona, che sopra i ceppi hanno baciato il giglio dell'onore; che col sorriso hanno gettato di sfida il guanto ancora. (Verse II) Siamo del re ladri e cavaliere e nella notte noi andiamo. E il vento freddo del terrore no non ci potrà fermare. L'oro che noi rubiamo con onore dentro i nostri cuori splende come il bel simbolo d'amore che al trono ci legò. (Verse III) Spade della Vandea, falci della boscaglia, baroni e contadini, siamo pronti alla battaglia per giustiziare chi tagliò il giglio là sulla ghigliottina per riabbracciare il sole di Francia sulle nostre colline. (Verse IV) Siamo del re ladri e cavalieri e nella notte noi andiamo. E il vento freddo del terrore no non ci potrà fermare. Se un rosso fiore nasce in petto a noi è sangue di chi crede ancora di chi combatte la Rivoluzione (gli avversari) di uomini d'onore. (Verse V) Nei cieli devastati da giudici plebei dall'odio degl'uomini, dal pianto degli eroi, nasce un bel fiore che i cavalieri portano sui mantelli. È il bianco giglio che ha profumato il campo dei ribelli. (Verse VI) Sanguina il Sacro Cuore, sulla nostra bandiera, e nella notte inizia l'ultima mia preghiera. Vergine Santa salva la Francia dalla maledizione rinasca il fiore della vittoria: Controrivoluzione. (Verse VII) Siamo del re ladri e cavalieri e nella notte noi andiamo. E il vento freddo del terrore no non ci potrà fermare. L'oro che noi rubiamo con onore dentro i nostri cuori splende come il bel simbolo d'amore che al trono ci legò.
Can somebody tell me the names of the gentlemen on the right and left? Edit: I got them! On the left is Generalissimo Maurice d'Elbée, General Providence. On the right is Generalissimo Jacques Cathelineau, Saint of Anjou.
@@Poffean the atheist religion that ocupied France during the french revolution. They even had their own calendar (which is someting that i see no reason to do so other than exaggerating). In the end, it doesn't mater because, thanks to our old good power-hungry friend, Napoleon I Bonaparte, the catholic church returned to their rightful place in the French society. Yaaaaay
How about the traditional Filipino Hymn "No Mas Amor Que El Tuyo"? It's a hymn dedicated to the Sacred Heart well loved by us Filipinos. I know it's relevant, but I want to spread this trad hymn. If it's not a bother. Bless you!
This deserves to be the Anthem of a world wide Counter Revolution Movement. If there shall be any. May the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart Triumph soon
@@ExCathedraFBIV Louis XVI was a good Catholic King. He did nothing evil, and suffered the wrath of peasants who unjustly directed their anger and pain towards him. He certainly was not a freemason. The freemasons took him out along with the monarchy and France fell.
@Darth Vader Here in Bulgaria,it hapend the opiosete.Most communist were from the villages,while most of the anti-comunists were from the towns and cities.Not saying that the all the peseants were communists or a that all towns folk were anti-communist but there were more of them(communists) from villages that there were from towns.Interestengly the pesants are one of the most who suffered,after the communists take over us ,though is the western leaders like Churchil are ones who gived us to the bolsheviks,in 1944 they took all of their land.
"Combattu souvent, battu parfois, abattu jamais" (Fought often, beaten sometimes, beaten down never) François Athanase Charette de la Contrie (Vendean warchief) "si j'avance suivez-moi si je meurs vengez-moi si je recule tuez-moi" (If I advance, follow me, if I die, avenge me, if I reverse, kill me) Henri de la Rochejaquelin (Vendean warchief)
In this war, the Republicans tied thousands of people from the clergy and the populus to ships and sunk them... God bless the royalists. God bless the king.
I would say france didn't lost its balls lol 🤣 no still a powerful Nation But more like catholicism disappeared from France especially in the public and political sphere . And the Holy crown of charlemagne chosen by God was destroyed
@@leonrothier6638 Yes it is and the rest of Europe only invaded France because France declared war on Austria and if France won (which would've most likely happened) it would destroy the balance of power and so their was a coalition however most of the fighting was the French royalists vs the French revolution. Joan of Arc would've hated Napoleon for supporting the revolution that purged her religion and destroyed France all Napoleon did was bring the chaos of the French revolution to the rest of Europe.
@@leonrothier6638 What do you think the king could have done? He was doing the most he could possibly have done he was going to use his wife's reputation in Austria to gain support to win back his throne and he was definitely not a bad ruler. And the only reason Napoloen stopped destroying the church was because he had literally made his career fighting viciously against the royalist and catholic counter revolutionaries. Still he basically made the church his puppet and during the conquest he made the pope himself his puppet and true catholics didn't buy it look at the peninsular war.
@@leonrothier6638 And France wasn't the greatest power by the end of Napoleons wars Russia had overtaken France in population and Britain had overtaken France in influence all because of the revolutions stupid genocides and stupid wars.
Viva Cristo, viva la monarquía, viva mi Patria España y por supuesto viva también la Patria hermana Francia. Por la reconciliación entre las naciones y por aquél que, como Lugarteniente de Jesucristo, ha de gobernar como monarca tras la Gran Tribulación.
cela fait plaisir de voir un frère espagnol , nous témoigner de l'affection . vive l'Espagne , et vive la France . Da gusto ver a un hermano español mostrándonos cariño. Viva España y viva Francia.
I'm a philosophical supporter of ancient Germanic and Celtic paganisms, but I'm strongly monarchist and I respect the Christian faith of many European monarchies, provided that they don't kill me for my beliefs. If I was born in 18th century France I would have died for the only legitimate king of France: honest Louis XVI. I prefer to die for the king rather than being associated with progressivism! I hate progressivism, long live the kings, traditions and cultural identities!
Italians and French people: we often bicker, but we feel for one another. From a sort of monarchist Italian to all my French brethrens in Christ, let's fight our silent humble battles in His name and in spite of our failures. Long live the king, and above all glory to the Eternal King.
@@thekingshussar1808 I am northern Italian, but, thanks be to the Lord indeed, I am deeply Catholic; I would side with my Southern friends in a heartbeat if we had to go to war to defend our Church, the name of Truth and Goodness whose only Spring and Being is God.
@@thekingshussar1808 as a northern Italian from Lombardy, I disagree Northern and Central Italy had plenty of profoundly Catholic and counter-revolutionary movements , especially 'Viva Maria' in Tuscany and 'Pasque Veronesi' in Veneto We were as Catholic as the south before that God Forsaken 'Revolution' came to destroy our cities. it has only brought disasters and faults on us, if now we're seen as the most atheistic zone of Italy it's because we were the first victims of Jacobinism in the country, this said, I hope The North and the South will finally get along again, since the enemy has ruined us both
There’s no government more romantic than a monarchy where the nobility truly cares about their subjects, and vice versa. The Vendée rebellions are so cool.
I mean, I don't know if he has the rights for the song. I also wanted to add it to my list. The thing is that some Counter-revolutionary songs are on CD to buy, so... Still I don't think La Vandeana is on it.
The Vendee' is the glory of France. A 1,000 yrs from now the only thing that most people remember from those days will be the glorious martyrdom of the Vendee for their God, their king, for France & all of Christendom.
Teared up. Catholic Monarchist. St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and may thou, oh prince of the heavenly host, by the power of almighty God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
traduction des paroles : La place rit et crie du sang qu'elle colore le cou des soldats fidèles à la couronne, qui au-dessus des ceps ont baisé le lis d'honneur ; qui, avec un sourire, jeta à nouveau le gant d'un air de défi. Nous sommes les voleurs et les chevaliers du roi et nous partons la nuit. Et le vent froid de la terreur ne pourra pas nous arrêter. L'or que nous volons avec honneur brille dans nos coeurs comme le beau symbole de l'amour qui nous a attachés au trône. Épées de Vendée, faucilles de brousse, barons et paysans, nous sommes prêts au combat pour exécuter celui qui a coupé le lys là-bas à la guillotine pour profiter à nouveau du soleil français sur nos collines. Nous sommes les voleurs et les chevaliers du roi et nous partons la nuit. Et le vent froid de la terreur ne pourra pas nous arrêter. Si une fleur rouge naît dans notre poitrine c'est le sang de ceux qui croient encore de ceux qui combattent la Révolution (les adversaires) d'hommes d'honneur. Dans les cieux dévastés par les juges plébéiens de la haine des hommes, des larmes des héros, naît une belle fleur que les chevaliers portent sur leurs manteaux. C'est le lys blanc qui parfumait le camp rebelle. Le Sacré-Cœur saigne, sur notre drapeau, et dans la nuit commence ma dernière prière. La Sainte Vierge sauve la France de la malédiction la fleur de la victoire renaît : la contre-révolution. Nous sommes les voleurs et les chevaliers du roi et nous partons la nuit. Et le vent froid de la terreur ne pourra pas nous arrêter. L'or que nous volons avec honneur brille dans nos coeurs comme le beau symbole de l'amour qui nous a attachés au trône.
The dislikes are the revolutionists
Would anyone be surprised if the Jacobins turned out to be secret femboys
Some of them may be because of the audio quality.
@PatrickHunter-hz2og Secret? 😅🤣😅
This is as powerful as a line can get
Tu aqui tchê?
Repare que as vírgulas dão um sentido um pouco melhor à letra, tornado a frase do meio um aposto. Acho que combinas mais com o jeito que ele entoa, sei lá
I was talking to my friend in college, we should find a musician able to adapt this sound in Portuguese and spread it to activists on WhatsApp to make it popular in response to Bella Ciao. The Italian language is easy, I understood 80% of the sound, exactly this chorus must be changed from the original text because it is relating the counter-revolutionaries to the Lumpenproletariats.
@@dicitencellovoyais7914 i know another brazilian who uses that bird as a pfp, is he your national personifaction?
@@rhodesianwojak2095 is a mix of Zé Carioca and Bolsonaro. The leftists pejoratively called Donald Trump Donald Duck, so we made a parody of another Disney character who is friend of Donald Duck.
Italians are the best to make from the most simple a real masterpiece. Love to Italy, to France and to Austria, from Spain!
Che la Santissima Trinità e Maria Santissima benedicano i gloriosi martiri della Vandea e tutti i martiri cattolici di ogni epoca, accogliendoli nel Regno dei Cieli.
Viva Cristo Re!
Viva Maria Regina del Cielo e della terra!
Viva la Santa Chiesa Cattolica, Apostolica e Romana!
Patrizio, Roma.
Sempre viva!
The music of Catholic monarchies is always so great!!!!!
If you are a communist, convert to Monarchism. You will be better that way
@@vexilloman not a communist not a monarchist, just a proud left centrist
@@ShadowMinnie the fuck is that
@@chris.3069 His creation
@@rebeccaanderson5626 We can thank Descartes for opening the can of worms of subjectivity that allows him to to do this. He separated the Truth from our truths. What is the Truth? Catholicism and monarchy
Ave Glória!
Ave Império!
Viva o Império Católico do Brasil!
Viva a França Católica!
Ad Maiora Dei Gloriam.
Fala tudo isso e usa esse icon, nome e bio no perfil?
@@ryanlefebvre2747 ele usa por estetíca
@Dov Ahkin Ele mudou o perfil todo. Antes era uma parada completamente satânica, fazendo referências a Lúcifer etc. Agora que ele mudou, o meu comentário ficou fora de contexto.
@@ryanlefebvre2747 The person you last commented to, Dov Ahkin, is a deceiver. His name means son of the dragon. It's from skyrim. The dragon is the devil.
Thanks for your work. Watching from Brazil. Christ be with you
Ave glória Ave Império
God bless from a Swedish Catholic!
Norwegian catholic here. How's the church doing over there?
God bless
@@inhocsignovinces7713 It's going surprisingly good. Mass is not closed and tongue communion has not been forbidden. The traditional latin mass is growing fast here and many young people are behind the movement.
Jensen.jmj is your instagram ?
@@inhocsignovinces7713 God bless you Northern Catholic brothers! Greetings from Regnum Marianum!
@igor lopes yes!
Love and prayers from a Catholic Korean monarchist ✝️ ⚜️
@@tothem1997 What dose that mean
South korea or North Korea?
@@pietro1924 Christinity is illigeal in North Korea.
@@rebeccaanderson5626 i know
Scrissi la mia tesi di laurea in storia moderna sulla controrivoluzione vandeana avendo questo brano continuamente nelle cuffiette. Dieu le Roi!
Hai trovato lavoro?
Great work
Hail Robespierre!
@@Varkhal218 Headed Robespierre, this cursed evil with human skin!
Beatiful song
Viva la France!
From Poland
Absolute masterpiece ⚜️
Greetings from Poland Brothers!
Vive Dieu, la France et le Roi ! Ce chant me rend fier de mes origines. Que Dieu bénisse les sœurs latines et catholiques !
les soeurs ? tu parles de quoi la
@@vitox_pvp6368 France et Italie, filles de Rome
Justiça seja feita 😭
Conosco bene la storia contro-rivoluzionaria della Vandea, anche se documentarmi non è stato facilissimo tempo addietro. Ora con internet è molto più facile, anche se spesso è complicato discernere informazioni a volte contrastanti. E' una storia di eroismo indiscusso, e difficile è immaginare un movente che fosse diverso dal difendere i loro ideali e tradizioni. Henry de la Rochejaquelein, sedici anni e generale vandeano è decisamente il mio personaggio preferito. Purtroppo pagarono caro il loro rifiuto al progresso imposto, subirono atrocità indicibili, non vennero risparmiate crudeltà orrende a donne e bambini, di cui i comandanti rivoluzionari si vantavano nei loro scritti. Tanta violenza non venne perdonata nemmeno dai francesi non contro-rivoluzionari, che quando poterono aiutarono i vandeani reduci od orfani. Lo stesso Comitato di salute pubblica giustiziò e arrestò molti dei comandanti e soldati che si macchiarono di infamanti crimini. Io non sono monarchico e sono agnostico, ma porto grande rispetto per gli insorti della Vandea. Quanto alla canzone, assolutamente meravigliosa, con un testo bellissimo.
Merci mille fois pour eux.
Je suis athée mais je refuse 1793 et Robespierre le boucher.
Ainsi que Carrier et ses plus de trois mille noyés.
À bas la révolution sanguinaire.
Basta essere agnostico. Lo ero anche io... il cristianesimo sta essendo censurato più di qualsiasi altra religione... le tradizioni europee stanno essendo distrutte da coloro che vogliono renderci numeri, consumisti... qualsiasi opinione cent'anni fa totalmente accettabile ora è silenziata tramite le parole "bigotto, omofobo, razzista".
Leggi le Cinque Vie di San Tommaso. Sei intelligente, espandi la tua conoscenza sulle crociate e l'inquisizione Spagnola. La rivoluzione francese e l'illuminismo ci hanno ro vi na ti.
Que asco la revolución francesa
"Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam"!
Here are nearly the last word Louis XVI said before going to be beheaded : " I die innocent of all the crimes that are imputed to me, I forgive to my executionners. And I pray God that the blood you will spread won't fall on the France"
so much for this part "And I pray God that the blood you will spread won't fall on the France"😪😪😪
May our holy Catholic Church be prosperous in China.
Regina Sinarum, Ora pro nobis!
i broke out in tears at "Vergine Sancta". MANLY TEARS
Our great Martyr King maintains a gilded seat in Heaven which no mortal may rob him of - a seat nearest another King who, for our sins, gave his life - yet His Kingdom remains eternal and his life, in those who believe in him.
Louis lives on in the heart of those who know his true virtue.
Rest easy, Your Catholic Majesty.
Today (01/29/2020) is also the eve of another Martyr King-
May God prosper Charles and Louis eternally
May France place a pious king on the throne once again!
The vendean heart is so beautiful
Monarchy is the solution. May earth never see that royal head go down, and may the Kings rejoice forever thus.
A Monarchist from Iran ❤👑
The monarchies of today are corrupt to the core
@@edeliteedelite1961 The monarchies are the most valid and fair political system today. Just check the quality of life, achievements and prestige of countries that have monarchy system. Even absolute monarchies in the middle east have better situation than republics in that area.
@@edeliteedelite1961 The surviving monarchies of today are no true catholic monarchies. You have only protestant power-politics like in England, or some desert oil baron in the middle-east, who has yet to have his power taken from him (because he has only acquired it so recently) by what supplanted our true rulership, the dollar of the Merchant Peoples. Ironic, the nations that survived with their monarchies intact were the same nations that were willing to sacrifice themselves to politics and money just to get ahead in the race, at the cost of objective good, in their lands and all Christendom.
Not much of a monarchist myself, but Louis XVI was a noble, honest man. Unfortunately, he is painted as incompetent and corrupt in history books. God has a place in Heaven for these defenders of the Faith. ¡Viva Cristo Rey!
@King Victor Emanuele not that popular, trust me.
Well, he was incompetent but not the worst. He, though, tried his best being as King when he wasn't expected to be and was a very good and moral man like what you said.
the fact he hadn't a single mistress while his ancestors had *official* mistresses says a lot
Catholics need France to recover from the hideous freemason republic.
Pray for France so as she gets a good King, and can fulfill again her mission of Church's eldest daughter.
Christians countries have particular missions. The mission the Church gave to France, is to protect the Church, the catholic faith and the freedom of believers.
king Louis XX arrive
What is your age and Nationality just curious
The Franks were barbarian heathens and far from the "Church's eldest daughter". That would be Armenia and Georgia.
@@exterminans I agree . Both
Armenia and Georgia are still Christian unlike France which is a heathen place known for fashion and immoral pleasures .
@@rebeccaanderson5626 we are Orthodox not Papist heretics
Dieu, le Roi!
Virgem Santa, salve o Brasil da maldição. Rogue por nossas almas.
You will be okay. Don't have fear.
@@muverrih-imaderzad3478 only be a good person and do the correct. That's what you need to do.
May the empire of Brazil return one day… Love and blessings from Italy 🇮🇹❤
Maurice Joseph Louis Gigost d'Elbée, « Général la Providence » (Gauche/left)
Louis XVI, Roi de France et de Navarre (Centre)
Jacques Cathelineau, « Saint de l'Anjou » (Droite/right)
Good song!
This brings me nistolgia. It brings me back to memories which I never had.
Vive le Roi ! From France ! Stand true to your flag brothers ! We shall be with you, atleast I'm.
I remember 3-4 years ago I learned only bad about Louis XVI from the American education system.
Today, I learned the truth.
Rest in peace king Louis XVI. I'm sorry I hated you before.
Its thanks to him that your country exist
Christian Europe. Greetings from Poland
Robespierre, Danton, Saint-Just, Marat, Hebert and Carrier disliked this
lol marat disliked that nice chick that visited him but didn't got to complain
Catholic Absolutist Monarchy songs are too based for anyone aside Catholic Absolutist Monarchists.
Let "sans-culottes" reeeee!
(Revolutionary masses, the same as now).
Action! Française! Action! Française! Vive le Roi!
Be careful with Action Française they weren't what they deceived and continue to deceive many people to this day. For example, search about Charles Maurras and its relation with catholicism and greek culture, the plot against Dreyfus and antisemitism and a lot of other strange facts with this movement
Ex Cathedra notification gang gang
@@someone-jy2qx Achei
There's something haunting and beautiful about songs like these. Like the music of ghosts.
Ex Cathedra making Monarchists one song at a time
Those who follow me will think I'm a monarchist.
Those who really follow me will know how to read between the lines!
@@ExCathedraFBIV Well, you've outright said you're not a monarchist.
Unfortunately I can only say what I truly am outside this platform
I always thought you were affiliated with Fascism somehow...
Man, you may be right.
(Or you may not, please RUclips I didn't confirm it, I'm a proud liberal or whatever will keep me from getting my hopes smashed)
PLEASE DO THE SONG "No Mas Amor Que El Tuyo" It is a song about the Sacred Heart and Christ the King in the Philippines. A great Catholic Nation. Godbless!
(Verse I)
Ride la piazza e urla al sangue che colora
il collo dei soldati fedeli alla corona,
che sopra i ceppi hanno baciato il giglio dell'onore;
che col sorriso hanno gettato di sfida il guanto ancora.
(Verse II)
Siamo del re ladri e cavaliere e nella notte noi andiamo.
E il vento freddo del terrore no non ci potrà fermare.
L'oro che noi rubiamo con onore
dentro i nostri cuori splende
come il bel simbolo d'amore
che al trono ci legò.
(Verse III)
Spade della Vandea, falci della boscaglia,
baroni e contadini, siamo pronti alla battaglia
per giustiziare chi tagliò il giglio là sulla ghigliottina
per riabbracciare il sole di Francia sulle nostre colline.
(Verse IV)
Siamo del re ladri e cavalieri e nella notte noi andiamo.
E il vento freddo del terrore no non ci potrà fermare.
Se un rosso fiore nasce in petto a noi
è sangue di chi crede ancora
di chi combatte la Rivoluzione (gli avversari)
di uomini d'onore.
(Verse V)
Nei cieli devastati da giudici plebei
dall'odio degl'uomini, dal pianto degli eroi,
nasce un bel fiore che i cavalieri portano sui mantelli.
È il bianco giglio che ha profumato il campo dei ribelli.
(Verse VI)
Sanguina il Sacro Cuore, sulla nostra bandiera,
e nella notte inizia l'ultima mia preghiera.
Vergine Santa salva la Francia dalla maledizione
rinasca il fiore della vittoria: Controrivoluzione.
(Verse VII)
Siamo del re ladri e cavalieri e nella notte noi andiamo.
E il vento freddo del terrore no non ci potrà fermare.
L'oro che noi rubiamo con onore
dentro i nostri cuori splende
come il bel simbolo d'amore
che al trono ci legò.
Grazie mille, Jean!!
God save the kingdom of France and may the Catholic monarchy be restored and the Freemason republic toppled. God save the king from America 🇺🇸❤️🇫🇷
This is probably one of my new favorite songs, honestly this sounds just so good.
Here to clean my eyes of the abomination that was the olympic games
God bless France and Poland!
May your soul rest in peace your grace, for the blood of your killers was spilled by the same fate they dared to give you!
Vandea è ovunque esiste un cuore che non si arrende
Can somebody tell me the names of the gentlemen on the right and left?
Edit: I got them!
On the left is Generalissimo Maurice d'Elbée, General Providence.
On the right is Generalissimo Jacques Cathelineau, Saint of Anjou.
This song was written by Pino Tosca in 1982.
God Save The King. Long Live The King.
Glory to God, may the martyrs of the revolution rest in Heaven
Vive le Roi!
From Brazil.
All those dislikes come from the Cult of Reason
CULT of "reason"
@@Poffean the atheist religion that ocupied France during the french revolution. They even had their own calendar (which is someting that i see no reason to do so other than exaggerating). In the end, it doesn't mater because, thanks to our old good power-hungry friend, Napoleon I Bonaparte, the catholic church returned to their rightful place in the French society. Yaaaaay
they're actually freemasons
@@johanne8260 fair enough
@@cgt3704 aethism isnt a religion
These are some of the most powerful lyrics I’ve heard. Doubly when you know the context.
Lançou a braba, essa é das melhores músicas contra-revolucionárias que existem
How about the traditional Filipino Hymn "No Mas Amor Que El Tuyo"? It's a hymn dedicated to the Sacred Heart well loved by us Filipinos. I know it's relevant, but I want to spread this trad hymn. If it's not a bother. Bless you!
This deserves to be the Anthem of a world wide Counter Revolution Movement. If there shall be any. May the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart Triumph soon
I'll choose it, even though I'm not a catholic and don't know the first thing about Bible
Such a beautiful song, one of my last names is said to come from Bretagne from chouans. I wish i could find more info on it.
Beloved Kingdom of France.
bellissimo testo, fortunato di essere nato italiano!
Counterrevolution then
Counterrevolution now
Counterrevolution forever
Viva Cristo Rei ☧
Viva la Monarchia!
Viva la Monarchia leggittima!
When Louis XVI is invading ex cathedra Channel
When Ex Cathedra ends up in 1792 and joins a bunch of former noblemen and farmers to kick some masonic bottoms*
@@ExCathedraFBIV Louis XVI was a good Catholic King. He did nothing evil, and suffered the wrath of peasants who unjustly directed their anger and pain towards him. He certainly was not a freemason. The freemasons took him out along with the monarchy and France fell.
Master Dye The peasants were the ones who stood up for the King, and later they would stand for Napoleon III. Farmers know what’s up
@@graysonguinn1943 That tendency remains true today. It`s still the rural areas that maintain their faith and stay politically sane.
@Darth Vader Here in Bulgaria,it hapend the opiosete.Most communist were from the villages,while most of the anti-comunists were from the towns and cities.Not saying that the all the peseants were communists or a that all towns folk were anti-communist but there were more of them(communists) from villages that there were from towns.Interestengly the pesants are one of the most who suffered,after the communists take over us ,though is the western leaders like Churchil are ones who gived us to the bolsheviks,in 1944 they took all of their land.
God bless from Poland, God Patria Dei !
"Combattu souvent, battu parfois, abattu jamais" (Fought often, beaten sometimes, beaten down never) François Athanase Charette de la Contrie (Vendean warchief) "si j'avance suivez-moi si je meurs vengez-moi si je recule tuez-moi" (If I advance, follow me, if I die, avenge me, if I reverse, kill me) Henri de la Rochejaquelin (Vendean warchief)
In this war, the Republicans tied thousands of people from the clergy and the populus to ships and sunk them... God bless the royalists. God bless the king.
They committed many more crimes as well it's estimated a third of the Vendee's population was killed by the Republicans.
When France lost its Kings it lost its balls. And Joan of Arc would of hated Napoleon
I would say france didn't lost its balls lol 🤣 no
still a powerful Nation
But more like catholicism disappeared from France especially in the public and political sphere . And the Holy crown of charlemagne chosen by God was destroyed
@@leonrothier6638 Yes it is and the rest of Europe only invaded France because France declared war on Austria and if France won (which would've most likely happened) it would destroy the balance of power and so their was a coalition however most of the fighting was the French royalists vs the French revolution. Joan of Arc would've hated Napoleon for supporting the revolution that purged her religion and destroyed France all Napoleon did was bring the chaos of the French revolution to the rest of Europe.
@@leonrothier6638 What do you think the king could have done? He was doing the most he could possibly have done he was going to use his wife's reputation in Austria to gain support to win back his throne and he was definitely not a bad ruler. And the only reason Napoloen stopped destroying the church was because he had literally made his career fighting viciously against the royalist and catholic counter revolutionaries. Still he basically made the church his puppet and during the conquest he made the pope himself his puppet and true catholics didn't buy it look at the peninsular war.
@@leonrothier6638 And France wasn't the greatest power by the end of Napoleons wars Russia had overtaken France in population and Britain had overtaken France in influence all because of the revolutions stupid genocides and stupid wars.
Vergine Santa salva la Francia dalla maledizione
May we please have an upload of El abanderado de la Tradición, the Carlist song you had on your old channel?
Monsieur d'Elbée, Louis XVI et Cathelineau ⚜️✝️🇫🇷
Dieu le roi ⚜️
Sono di Roma e il mio leggitimo Re è il Papa. 🇻🇦
Viva Cristo, viva la monarquía, viva mi Patria España y por supuesto viva también la Patria hermana Francia.
Por la reconciliación entre las naciones y por aquél que, como Lugarteniente de Jesucristo, ha de gobernar como monarca tras la Gran Tribulación.
cela fait plaisir de voir un frère espagnol , nous témoigner de l'affection .
vive l'Espagne , et vive la France .
Da gusto ver a un hermano español mostrándonos cariño.
Viva España y viva Francia.
I'm a philosophical supporter of ancient Germanic and Celtic paganisms, but I'm strongly monarchist and I respect the Christian faith of many European monarchies, provided that they don't kill me for my beliefs. If I was born in 18th century France I would have died for the only legitimate king of France: honest Louis XVI. I prefer to die for the king rather than being associated with progressivism! I hate progressivism, long live the kings, traditions and cultural identities!
There really is no philosophical justification for paganism unless you're a Nietzschean of some sorts but even that wouldn't make sense.
Whats is this a vendean song I have not heard? Time to add another song to my playlist
The Spanish were always enemies to the crown of France.
@@Spindacre Always is the wrong word the majority of the time Spain has been allied to the Kingdom of France
Juan Carlos De Goya With Bourbon Spain, maybe.
@@Spindacre The Majority of modern time Spain has been ruled by Bourbons
@@Spindacre , Old time, we are not here to make war again but to make a great place for people and God.
The dislikes are the Freemasons
This version is the best but audio quality is sadly bad there's no way to find this exact version on high quality sadly.
Puisse le sort rendre justice au peuple de France ⚜🙏 face à la corruption de la république
Muchas gracias!!!
Italians and French people: we often bicker, but we feel for one another. From a sort of monarchist Italian to all my French brethrens in Christ, let's fight our silent humble battles in His name and in spite of our failures. Long live the king, and above all glory to the Eternal King.
That's comradeship, and also, Southern Italians by the way. The North were as bad as Revolutionary France and mostly still is now.
@@thekingshussar1808 I am northern Italian, but, thanks be to the Lord indeed, I am deeply Catholic; I would side with my Southern friends in a heartbeat if we had to go to war to defend our Church, the name of Truth and Goodness whose only Spring and Being is God.
@@thekingshussar1808 as a northern Italian from Lombardy, I disagree
Northern and Central Italy had plenty of profoundly Catholic and counter-revolutionary movements , especially 'Viva Maria' in Tuscany and 'Pasque Veronesi' in Veneto
We were as Catholic as the south before that God Forsaken 'Revolution' came to destroy our cities.
it has only brought disasters and faults on us, if now we're seen as the most atheistic zone of Italy it's because we were the first victims of Jacobinism in the country, this said, I hope The North and the South will finally get along again, since the enemy has ruined us both
Sto cazzo. Prima ci devono dare Nizza, Corsica e Savoia
@@ivanf.482 sono Ligure, come sono problemi secondari; ora ci tocca salvare le nostre identita'!
There’s no government more romantic than a monarchy where the nobility truly cares about their subjects, and vice versa. The Vendée rebellions are so cool.
Gloire au Roi.
Rex gloriam.
Deus vult.
Que Dieu vous protège.
Please add stuff to spotify
I mean, I don't know if he has the rights for the song.
I also wanted to add it to my list.
The thing is that some Counter-revolutionary songs are on CD to buy, so... Still I don't think La
Vandeana is on it.
Vive Dieu! Vive Dieu! Vive le Roi!
I'm sure Louis XVI is a great saint in heaven. Vive le Roi!
@Michele La Mura bug off
Gloire aux héros qui ont lutté pour Dieu, le Roi et l'Europe et qui ont donné ses vies pour ca
*Et pour que vive la France ! ⚜*
Vive le Roi !
Vive le Roi !
The Vendee' is the glory of France.
A 1,000 yrs from now the only thing that most people remember from those days will be the glorious martyrdom of the Vendee for their God, their king, for France & all of Christendom.
Great song
Teared up. Catholic Monarchist. St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and may thou, oh prince of the heavenly host, by the power of almighty God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Holy Virgin save the World!
Martyr of Vandea !
Nos chères frères Italien.
traduction des paroles :
La place rit et crie du sang qu'elle colore
le cou des soldats fidèles à la couronne,
qui au-dessus des ceps ont baisé le lis d'honneur ;
qui, avec un sourire, jeta à nouveau le gant d'un air de défi.
Nous sommes les voleurs et les chevaliers du roi et nous partons la nuit.
Et le vent froid de la terreur ne pourra pas nous arrêter.
L'or que nous volons avec honneur
brille dans nos coeurs
comme le beau symbole de l'amour
qui nous a attachés au trône.
Épées de Vendée, faucilles de brousse,
barons et paysans, nous sommes prêts au combat
pour exécuter celui qui a coupé le lys là-bas à la guillotine
pour profiter à nouveau du soleil français sur nos collines.
Nous sommes les voleurs et les chevaliers du roi et nous partons la nuit.
Et le vent froid de la terreur ne pourra pas nous arrêter.
Si une fleur rouge naît dans notre poitrine
c'est le sang de ceux qui croient encore
de ceux qui combattent la Révolution (les adversaires)
d'hommes d'honneur.
Dans les cieux dévastés par les juges plébéiens
de la haine des hommes, des larmes des héros,
naît une belle fleur que les chevaliers portent sur leurs manteaux.
C'est le lys blanc qui parfumait le camp rebelle.
Le Sacré-Cœur saigne, sur notre drapeau,
et dans la nuit commence ma dernière prière.
La Sainte Vierge sauve la France de la malédiction
la fleur de la victoire renaît : la contre-révolution.
Nous sommes les voleurs et les chevaliers du roi et nous partons la nuit.
Et le vent froid de la terreur ne pourra pas nous arrêter.
L'or que nous volons avec honneur
brille dans nos coeurs
comme le beau symbole de l'amour
qui nous a attachés au trône.
Question, why is this music in Italian if the song talks about the French counterrevolutionaries?
It's a song written by the Italian Vendée commemorating the ill-fated but noble, 1790s French Vendée
Oh yeah. That’s going in the French playlist
nice that you're here as well
En France, les rois ne meurent pas.
Le combat continu.
Comme le dit-ons "Le Roi est mort, Vive le Roi !"
Could someone please remind me the names of those two heroes on the right and left of the King?
left: Maurice D'Elbée
right: Jacques Cathelineau
Heroes of the true France
Tạ ơn Chúa.❤❤Alleluia❤❤