Piers Morgan vs. David Kopel

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Piers Morgan and David Kopel debate the appropriate time to address gun control

Комментарии • 372

  • @DevilHackers1000
    @DevilHackers1000 11 лет назад +1

    But the American Government imposing legitimate gun restrictions is not "tyrannical." It's simply for the future safety of American citizens. What some Americans, not all, have to realize is that right now, the entire world is frowning upon it in shame, because the time for change has come too late. More guns is not the answer. The 2nd Amendment stated that every citizen has the right to protect themselves, not carry ridiculous military rifles and allow troubled people to blow kids away...

  • @popp007us
    @popp007us 12 лет назад +1

    I never advocated banning gun ownership. I am arguing, like Piers Morgan did, that having no control on peoples' ability to acquire excessive weapons and ammunition (like buying over 6000 rounds ONLINE), especially weapons with the potential to cause mass murder such as the high capacity assault style rifle used is just unacceptable. No one can guarantee stopping massacres but you can make it harder to get the weapons and ammo to do so. Atm its as easy as going grocery shopping in some places.

  • @criswadsworth
    @criswadsworth 12 лет назад +1

    You Americans and your guns. Piers Morgan (who we Brits are more than happy to let you keep by the way) is exactly right here. The only guns I've ever seen have been carried by Police or Army. And that's the way it should be. A member of the public should not have access to an arsenal of firearms, it's ludicrous.

  • @TheAmazingMegster
    @TheAmazingMegster 11 лет назад +2

    God I love Piers, I don't care what anyone says! He's got it RIGHT!

  • @rara1800
    @rara1800 11 лет назад +1

    Not everyone in America agrees with the NRA or gun advocates like the ones Piers Morgan gets into debates with. Thse men do not represent me or most Americans. I 100% agree with Piers Morgan and I congratulate him for talking about this because we need to talk about this its important otherwise its going happen next year and the year after that. I don't own guns even though the U.S. can be a pretty scary place to live.

  • @popp007us
    @popp007us 12 лет назад +1

    1. Yes it is significant as it was excessive and he could have easily have used all elevating the death toll. Checks or flagging systems would have picked this excessive purchase and could have helped prevent the purchase, instigate an investigation or at the very least slow him down. 2. The assault rifle was high capacity and thus destructive. 3 & 4 are just insignificant. 5. Purchasing 4 weapons in 3 months is suspect and you are delusional if you don't think it is.

  • @josstoner2441
    @josstoner2441 11 лет назад +1

    Again, Morgan is interrupting his guests. I think the guy has a serious problem - and no social upbringing!

  • @popp007us
    @popp007us 12 лет назад +1

    Nobody can guarantee that massacres wont happen even with the presence of tight gun controls, that is unrealistic. However it sure does minimize its occurrences. How many solo gunman mass murders have taken place in Norway and other European countries with tight gun controls... now compare that number to the US - That should dispel that argument.

  • @Brantoc
    @Brantoc 12 лет назад +1

    Unless an armed officer can follow me 24/7, then I need to protect myself. The police are there to make a nice chalk outline, take photo's, and investigate after my funeral.
    I am there to prevent my funeral.

  • @cathkyth
    @cathkyth 11 лет назад +1

    You don't have to be American to be able to think. The world is watching America and for such a powerful nation its just sad seeing how easily your people are manipulated. You can do better America.

  • @batestiaful
    @batestiaful 11 лет назад +1

    Name a law that has prevented a crime or criminal act??? Just one will do, you have millions to select from.....tic toc

  • @dmoneyas24
    @dmoneyas24 12 лет назад

    1. People stockpile ammo all the time over several purchases. He didn't purchase it at one time or use 6000 rounds, so it is insignificant. 2. Capacity didn't matter b/c he stood there, reloaded & stop shooting on his own will. 5. Purchasing 4 weapons in 3 months is not suspect. You must not know anything about guns...doesn't surprise me. No matter what checks you have he had a clean background and nothing would have stopped him or the next one.

  • @TheMJtheGOD
    @TheMJtheGOD 12 лет назад

    I thought America was about free speech. Piers should be allowed to express his opinion.

  • @rhinoazona
    @rhinoazona 11 лет назад

    Why is this man allowed to lie? I thought he was a news reporter???
    In the UK, there are 2,034 offences per 100,000 people, way ahead of second-placed Austria with a rate of 1,677. The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 92 and South Africa 1,609. Britain has four times more violent crimes per 100,000 people than the U.S.

  • @jed30007
    @jed30007 11 лет назад +1

    try to unarm good citizens and you will see evil people doing their business freely. and where are the police who should rescue you? they come late just like in the movies.

  • @starlicense
    @starlicense 12 лет назад

    It's how to control the killers not about reducing the no. of weapons

  • @angel102ify
    @angel102ify 12 лет назад

    i grew up in the army, so you could say im a collectivist, i believe in a modern free society where people arent left in the gutter or the victorian workhouses. I also dont think that owning a gun is "freedom" in any way. If you want to hunt, fine, if you want to sport shoot, fine, but do it at a gun range, or up a mountain. you dont need assault rifles with 100round magazines in your house.

  • @TheKray11
    @TheKray11 12 лет назад

    A regulated militia, in other words, every legal and armed US citizen.

  • @PhancyPants99
    @PhancyPants99 12 лет назад

    If what you are driving at is that it is his 1st amendment right to free speech....he's not American! The 1st amendment doesnt apply to him! If he doesnt like our gun laws then he can get the hell out of this country.

  • @TheBloodyBlackJackal
    @TheBloodyBlackJackal 11 лет назад

    Socialism does not equal communism, and it's arguable if China and Russia were ever true communists, let alone socialists.
    Staling most definately was neither communist or socialist, as even postponed the policies he promised; in favor of securing and insuring his power.

  • @staszekgobi
    @staszekgobi 12 лет назад

    tonight's piers morgan interview on gun control was absolutely disgusting, this level of main stream media control over what is right or wrong must not be allowed. people make those decisions not p. morgan or his side kick from tel aviv.

  • @safetyfirstintexas
    @safetyfirstintexas 12 лет назад

    We need AIRPLANE CONTROL because we had an incident in New York, remember 9/11 ! Turn in your commercial airplanes and close down all the flight schools. We don't need to fly in commercial airplanes as we have alternate means of travel..... and for god sakes ban those attach aircraft that can carry and fire multiple bombs and rockets in a single plane and can fly at mach 1.2. No one needs anything larger and with more capacity than a single seater ultralight aircraft.BAN COMMERCIAL AIRPLANES!

    @DANNYHEADSHOT 12 лет назад

    Most gun control activists want guns to be banned, though assault weapons are just the first step in this. If all you want is background checks and training, you're in the minority. I used the LA riots as an example because there were many shop owners using handguns and "assault weapons" to defend themselves and their shops from looters, it was not hypothetical. To clarify my other point: in terms of us being protected by the police, things haven't changed as much as they should have since 1870.

  • @Suiram82
    @Suiram82 12 лет назад

    No. The perpetrator shot himself after killing a campus police officer.

  • @JohnDoe-jl3uv
    @JohnDoe-jl3uv 11 лет назад

    I just signed the petition to have Piers arrested and deported. It has about 50,000 signatures as of today. Google it, it's on the White house website. Merry Christmas Piers.

  • @angel102ify
    @angel102ify 12 лет назад

    in 2010 you had almost 9000 murders caused by guns, that doesnt even include florida or accidental shootings either, and you think that is ok?

  • @misterfunnybones
    @misterfunnybones 11 лет назад

    You're confronted by an armed criminal, go ahead, make his day. You won't have time to shoot effectively; you'll be dead before you ready your weapon.

  • @snakeies66
    @snakeies66 11 лет назад

    Really? because last time I heard Morgan and You are from the UK. Not to mention the fact that Piers came over here coincidentally just as he was charged for phone hacking and using private information. The American citizens get to decide what is best for there country. Not you across the ocean. I think one of my British friends put it the best by saying "Please don't send Piers back it took us 40 years to get rid of him".

  • @dmoneyas24
    @dmoneyas24 12 лет назад

    1. He didn't use 6000 rounds, so that is insignificant. 2. The 4 weapons were all semi-auto (none of which were of "immense destructive capacity.") 3. He used Buckshot which spreads over a wide area. 4. He was able to reload multiple times because there was no threat to take him out. 5. He bought the guns over several months and had a CLEAN background!

    @DANTICVS 11 лет назад

    Piers Morgan needs to stop being so rude.

  • @toresandas560
    @toresandas560 11 лет назад

    You're wrong. According to OAS and WHO's statistics, we have 1.78 per year here in Norway (average of the total number), where 1.72 is related to suicide. It's rather difficult to get your hands on weapons in comparison to the USA.
    Anyone arguing against stricter laws fail to see the whole picture. Instead, they cling to their old laws and "the right to carry weapons"... It's really sad. The idea of weapons being used for protection is fine in theory, but in reality it's so easy to abuse.

  • @snakeies66
    @snakeies66 11 лет назад

    Piers Morgan isn't even American, so he doesn't even have the right to discuss internal politics.

  • @dbcooper2708
    @dbcooper2708 12 лет назад

    That's probably because you're a collectivist. I left England 30 years ago, and every time I return for visits, I see how much it has deteriorated.

  • @RykComerford
    @RykComerford 12 лет назад

    Gun control might keep guns out of the hands of law abiding people, but someone who wants to commit a massacre, will find a way.

  • @goatkiller68
    @goatkiller68 12 лет назад

    im sorry Piers but even if you outlaw all guns does that mean you can't get them. we can't get an "assault weapon" An assault weapon is a fully auto rifle. he didn't have that. to buy a fully auto firearm you need a class 3 license which you have to go through the atf to get, you need a $200 tax stamp and the gun cost alot. A fully auto m16 for instance cost $15,000. the whole thing with 6000 rounds of ammo. you can't carry around that much. do the math. 6000/30 is 200 magazines

  • @gthree0239
    @gthree0239 11 лет назад

    Peirs, a .223 is a varmint rifle not an assualt rifle.

  • @dmoneyas24
    @dmoneyas24 12 лет назад

    You dont care about his clean background b/c it destroys your whole argument. Let's say there were checks that raised alarms. He would have bought an amount of ammo that would not have "raised alarms." Take away the 100rd capacity; Yes, he would have to reload more which is not a big deal b/c he did that anyway...there was no one there to stop him. He stopped on his own free will.....100rd mag is pretty insignificant.

  • @SailTCB
    @SailTCB 12 лет назад

    Hey Piers, what gun law do you think would have prevented this. His 6k rounds of ammo may be shocking to you, but he could not even carry that and fired nothing even close to it before he stopped on his own. So is it your problem that he had 4 guns? How many guns should someone be able to buy Piers? You could have debated this for a month straight prior to the tragedy and that would not have stopped it. If you really care, why not think about what might have actually helped in this situation

  • @Sandbag1300
    @Sandbag1300 12 лет назад

    This guy Morgan should go back home. Who is paying his salary? Who is responsible for giving him airtime?

  • @misterfunnybones
    @misterfunnybones 11 лет назад

    True, they reluctantly acquiesce to criminal demands and live another day; most valuables can be replaced, and aren't worth a bullet.

  • @TheKray11
    @TheKray11 12 лет назад

    I'm for citizen regulation; meaning that I believe the citizen militia shouldn't have illegal immigrants and that people should be background checked before owning a firearm.

  • @jefffrenchbbq
    @jefffrenchbbq 12 лет назад

    He’s just pissed off. He hasn’t had his tea and crumpets. Besides, all old British men, turn into old British women. Look at Robert Plant.

  • @Suiram82
    @Suiram82 12 лет назад

    Why are you screaming? I still haven't heard about any shooting spree stopped by civilians with a concealed weapon, though.

  • @angel102ify
    @angel102ify 12 лет назад

    both actually, i dont see why anyone needs 6000 rounds of ammo or an ar-15, you dont use it to hunt, or as self defence as you suggested with concealed weapons permits, kinda hard to fit an assault rifle on your ankle or a shoulder holster, wouldnt you agree?

  • @robertkj8849
    @robertkj8849 11 лет назад

    Nobody is stopping you from leaving. There are flights to the UK daily. Be on one, and go enjoy your new laws over there.

  • @bl4ckj0ker
    @bl4ckj0ker 11 лет назад

    Americans want to keep their nice guns,....as long theyre life is uneffected and they have their guns, they couldn't care less about the odd depressed person who just lost his job and decides to buy a gun and shoot his boss, or 28 children getting shot due to guns purchased legally. Saying guns don't add to crime and death is madness.

  • @dmoneyas24
    @dmoneyas24 12 лет назад

    So u say it should be illegal to purchase X-amount of ammo online & high capacity mags. It would not make a difference b/c he would purchase enough ammo not to get "flagged." Could you also define what an "assault rifle?"

  • @mrtcutch19
    @mrtcutch19 12 лет назад


  • @jimvacuum
    @jimvacuum 11 лет назад

    a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed. This writing approved by Thomas Jefferson Sec. of State. This is pretty simple it is the right of the People of the United States To overthrow our government when It becomes tyrannical

  • @dmoneyas24
    @dmoneyas24 12 лет назад

    I take that back. He could have been stopped by some means of force not just death.

  • @DikMambo
    @DikMambo 11 лет назад

    And how many get killed by guns every year in the States?

  • @TheAmazingMegster
    @TheAmazingMegster 11 лет назад

    Actually, We The People would prefer YOU to be the one to leave, mkay?

  • @popp007us
    @popp007us 12 лет назад

    Right to bear arms" I am no expert but i am pretty sure your founding fathers did not envisage your average civilian being able to leisurely stroll into a store and purchase a freaking assault rifle (weapon of mass destruction if you ask me) and other semi-automatic pistols, then proceed to order over 6000 rounds of ammunition online "just to protect himself". Just being able to purchase 6000 rounds online like you are ordering a pair of trainers online is just bamboozling to me.

  • @andpinger
    @andpinger 11 лет назад

    get over here and get your citizenship and buy all the guns your heart desires lol... we need more people like you

  • @walking00dead
    @walking00dead 11 лет назад

    yeah but to counter that ,
    that happened once in that country im sure gun crime in norway is less then 10%,
    how meany people get shot and killed in the usa every day or every year ???

  • @dbcooper2708
    @dbcooper2708 12 лет назад

    So true, my wife recently saved her life and the life of another using a Glock 40 S&W. Had she not had that in her car, it would have been a disaster. That statistic (the two lives saved from a handgun) will not make the MSM.

  • @TheMilkman000
    @TheMilkman000 11 лет назад

    Piers lives in the US. His show airs on CNN. maybe you should take the 30 seconds to look that up and educate yourself before you post...
    People like you are the ones that make it difficult to argue for less gun control.

  • @popp007us
    @popp007us 12 лет назад

    How many massacres have taken place in Norway or any country with tight and effective gun control? Now compare that to the US... That dispels that argument - One can minimize the occurrences of these events by tight and effective use of control, just common sense my friend.

  • @dbcooper2708
    @dbcooper2708 12 лет назад

    Someone from UK has no business criticizing the USA for imperialism - the yanks learned from us !

  • @angel102ify
    @angel102ify 12 лет назад

    and you yourself said the militia are the people, so why are you against them being "regulated" like it says in the 2nd amendment?

  • @TheMJtheGOD
    @TheMJtheGOD 12 лет назад

    That is not true. There are some successful therapies, now. You can find out if your insurance covers any of them.

  • @looknfortruth
    @looknfortruth 11 лет назад

    Hungerford and dunblane?2008,4,509 people have been arrested, and 963 weapons have been removed from London's streets including 47 guns*. The large majority of these weapons were recovered through stop and search.
    In 2009, a total of 438 firearms capable of lethal discharge came into the hands of the Metropolitan Police

  • @batestiaful
    @batestiaful 11 лет назад

    I guess you are unaware or uninformed that one can make most ammunition utilizing the casings they already have??? Name a law that has prevented a crime?

  • @lengthyounarther
    @lengthyounarther 12 лет назад

    Piers....if you dont like it, you can leave.

  • @angel102ify
    @angel102ify 12 лет назад

    He has every right, after all americans have been telling everyone else how to live for decades, amirite?

  • @xmpline22
    @xmpline22 11 лет назад

    Forget whether anyone likes piers or not. He makes an inescapable point, which reflects americas' number 1 ranking in gun crime. attack the arguement not the 'arguer'. no matter how annoying he may be...

  • @Sovereign_Citizen_LEO
    @Sovereign_Citizen_LEO 11 лет назад

    We should have talked about had gun control before the Aurora, CO shooting. We should have talked about removing gun control, gun concealed carry restrictions, in this country after the Luby's shooting, and the Columbine shooting, and the Virginia Tech shooting, and the Oikos University shooting, and the Portland mall shooting and so on.
    Even one man who was in the movie theater, has said he wishes someone in the theater had a concealed carry gun so he could have stopped the shooter.

  • @angel102ify
    @angel102ify 12 лет назад

    why am i scared that you want anyone and everyone to be able to walk around with AR-15s and Shotguns? can you prove to me that you are not clinically insane or depressed? or drunk? or on drugs? If you need a licence to drive a car, why shouldnt you have one to carry a gun.

  • @launderheither2787
    @launderheither2787 11 лет назад

    If you had an axe a policeman could arrest you before you even got close to anyone.
    You can't fire 50 axes per second from your hands can you?
    Your argument is bad and you should feel bad.

  • @Barskor1
    @Barskor1 11 лет назад

    So says the fool who believes himself incompetent and only those who wear costumes supplied by the government can shoot a gun effectively.

  • @ArsenalShogun
    @ArsenalShogun 12 лет назад

    well here in America the founding fathers made this a right so we wouldn't need the government to protect us, so we would never have tyrants try to overthrow us, what happens if those same police came after you like the SS in Germany,then what? - "A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government."- George Washington

  • @sixfeetontop
    @sixfeetontop 11 лет назад

    I could go into a mall with a axe. Should we ban them too.

  • @jzplayinggame
    @jzplayinggame 12 лет назад

    Piers is rude. It's prob because he knows he outta line

  • @snakeies66
    @snakeies66 11 лет назад

    don't worry man, megster came after me as well and I basically told her how ignorant she was about every topic she argued on. By the way this is the only video of piers Morgan where there are more supporters of him than against. I've seen her on other video lists doing the same thing and she got ripped apart.

  • @angel102ify
    @angel102ify 12 лет назад

    The only people it doesnt apply to is military prisoners.

  • @angel102ify
    @angel102ify 12 лет назад

    so in a dark theatre full of smoke and tear gas with hundreds of people running around you will pull your gun and shoot this guy? what happens if someone else sees you and thinks you are part of a team and tries to shoot you? then more people do the same, Think before you type.

  • @MermaidLogger
    @MermaidLogger 12 лет назад

    How would you regulate what the guy did? Would you ban the weapons he used or limit the amount of ammunition? What would you regulate to prevent something like this from happening again?

  • @snakeies66
    @snakeies66 11 лет назад

    Well I'm sure you don't speak for all Canadians either. you also misunderstood my last comment the people don't care about getting involved with other countries conflicts whether it be internal or with another country. Except our own. 83% of the country want to stop borrowing money and think the government is overspending. 74% want to leave Afghanistan and stay out of foreign conflicts completely. Every time there is a civil war or crisis who does the world turn too?

  • @angel102ify
    @angel102ify 12 лет назад

    i do have a right when your choice of "self defense" puts my life in danger, whether its deliberate or accidental. if i walked down the street with a running chainsaw or a samurai sword im considered a danger, why is a gun any different?

  • @havehopeinhumanity
    @havehopeinhumanity 12 лет назад

    We do not live in a perfect world and even though we do have responsible citizens who carry guns, the problem is that we are having too many incidents where people who are not right in their mind purchasing guns and ammunition legally. This should be an awakening to America. I do believe that everyone has the right to have and own a gun, but there needs to be some laws and regulations to weed out the people who are not mentally stable. The SAD TRUTH is WE DO NEED TIGHTER GUN CONTROL!

  • @angel102ify
    @angel102ify 12 лет назад

    My logic for what? saying their should be a lot more regulation for guns? because it works? look at canada, switzerland both countries with similar levels of gun ownership. now look at the crime rates involving those weapons. I have no problem with guns, im an army brat with a dad who served 22 years in the British army most of that served overseas, but the american view on guns is insane to most people, and what amazes me is you wonder why we feel this way.

  • @dmoneyas24
    @dmoneyas24 12 лет назад

    That's how the "debate" ends with child-like name calling because you have no points. The fact is he had a clean background and you couldn't stop him. It is as simple as that.

  • @dmoneyas24
    @dmoneyas24 12 лет назад

    Usually how things end. U realize u have no argument. Ammo & mag capacity limits/flags would not have stopped him. You have to think before you spew your opinion.

  • @feliDAdj
    @feliDAdj 11 лет назад

    Why would you have someone on your show who disagrees with you? It's so much better when you talk with people that share your values and views.

  • @stoper4077
    @stoper4077 12 лет назад

    You Guy's that are against guns need to check how a gun saved11 year old boy and he's sister from robbers or how a 15 year old boy saved he's family with a ar15 in Texas. It's all on RUclips. I know guns can be used to do bad things but they also can save lives too.

  • @lengthyounarther
    @lengthyounarther 12 лет назад

    move over buddy all my rifles are .308. I know but I doubt Piers does.

  • @angel102ify
    @angel102ify 12 лет назад

    How is a loaded gun different from a sharpened sword? hmm....let me think

  • @ruofan1982
    @ruofan1982 11 лет назад

    why don't piers move to North korea, where have the most strict gun law, and enjoy the 'peace' there !

  • @popp007us
    @popp007us 12 лет назад

    stopped him from purchasing over 6000 rounds online or at the very least put up an alarm or flag to instigate further checks. Same goes with buying 4 different weapons (one of immense destructive capacity) in a short space of time. Make it way more difficult for someone to acquire weapons and ammunition to potentially commit mass murder instead it was as easy as going grocery shopping- i mean its just common sense!

  • @TheBloodyBlackJackal
    @TheBloodyBlackJackal 11 лет назад

    Apparantly you missed the "would-be" and "disagree" part...

  • @angel102ify
    @angel102ify 12 лет назад

    who decides who is a "good" guy with a gun then?
    Because until he pulled the trigger James Holmes was a "good" guy, unless you count a traffic ticket.

  • @popp007us
    @popp007us 12 лет назад

    I am not against your right to arms to defend yourself. I respect that. I just think the ability to acquire excessive amounts of weapons, weapons with the capacity to cause mass murder in short space of time should be highly regulated/limited. E.g. the assault style high capacity (over 100 rounds) rifle used and owning more than 2 weapons in 2 months for example. Also being able to purchase over 6000 rounds of ammo ONLINE without any alarms, flagging systems going off is just ludicrous.

  • @K3koa808
    @K3koa808 12 лет назад

    "I want an assault rifle... Why? I don't know... Cuz it's legal." Ridiculous!

  • @angel102ify
    @angel102ify 12 лет назад

    i have never said you should ban petrol, and yes the primary use of petrol is a fuel.
    The SOLE use of bullets is to kill things, animal or people. notice the difference?

  • @AndyDevineUK
    @AndyDevineUK 11 лет назад

    You're only allowed to have an opinion about what goes on in your own country? Since when?

  • @TheAmazingMegster
    @TheAmazingMegster 11 лет назад

    You're talking about Kopel? Probably both.

  • @batestiaful
    @batestiaful 11 лет назад

    We already have 20,000 known gun laws on the books....yet not one stopped crime nor the criminal. Name a law that has prevented a crime...one only please. Now to educate you some, the NRA has in fact assisted with legislation pertaining to gun control, and the passing of such legislation. No paper with writing on it ensures safety.

  • @Iguy782
    @Iguy782 11 лет назад

    Sorry to intrude, I might have missed something but isn't Piers MORGAN "living in the U.S"?

  • @angel102ify
    @angel102ify 12 лет назад

    Ah so your all for the 2nd amendment, but you want to get rid of the 1st amendment? that makes sense.

  • @TheAmazingMegster
    @TheAmazingMegster 11 лет назад

    So what is it about killing and destroying that you enjoy so much? Do you have frequent thoughts of harming yourself or others?