i seriously can not thank you enough for your videos, i’m puertorican and mexican and i want to learn so much more my history and culture. Your videos mean so much to me!
My great aunt Maria Diaz, married a man with a last name of Beauchamp. His son was massacred after the ponce massacre. Elias Beauchamp. His great grandfather was a leader in El grito de Lares. Que Viva Puerto Rico.
I've been looking a lot into that event these past couple months, and every time I see Elias saluting during my various research sessions he always manages to send a neural shock through my system -- sometimes resulting in me saluting back even though I really know nothing too much about the man specifically -- that leaves me motivated and focused. Hope you and your family are well.
Elias Beauchamp & Hiram Rosado executed Police Chief Colonel Francis Riggs in 1936. Riggs was responsible for the RIO PIEDRAS MASSSACRE. They were killed while in police custody. Later, the entire leadership of the Nationalist Party (including Albizu Campos) were arrested & sent to prison). TY for your contribution , Jennefer A. Eddie in NYC 2/22.
I have a real good Puerto Rican friend with an extensive history in Mayaguez, and one of his family members was a fraudulent mayor for more than 10 years until 2022. Me I'm just a Texan University professor whose last name is Steel and happens to have a relation with the Carnegie family.
Well done. I relocated to PR Sep. , 2016. Read a couple books, periodicals to better understand PR. Your presentation by far most comprehensive, informative. Thank you. Best wishes.
i seriously can not thank you enough for this video. i’m puertorican and mexican and live in the U.S. i know so litttle of my culture, of my people and it’s intergal to me that i learn.
This was a great history lesson of the island. Wonderfully and pictorially narrated. I agreed with the person who posted: Worthy of mention: Pedro Albizu Campos was a Valedictorian of the Harvard Law School, as many who view this video have no idea as to who this Hero of the Puerto Rican movement was. Overall I have learned a lot from this video. Truly appreciate your effort in putting this timeline history of Puerto Rico together. 👍👍
... Worthy of mention: Pedro Albizu Campos was a Valedictorian of the Harvard Law School ... He returned to Puerto Rico ... He successfully "agitated" for increased wages for island sugar cane workers ... There upon he was immediately labeled a "terrorist".
Albizu Campos completed Chemical Engineering before continue eith his studies in law at Harvard. There he befriended and work people in Biston working for the independence of Ireland. Before his university studies he served voluntarily inthe US Army where he was assigned to a segregated unit. Then he change his view of the US.
let's see if your see the game. # 1. 1976 the 936 law was passed in Puerto Rico. # 2. 1984 Puerto Rico was denied to attend the bankruptcy court . # 3. In 1996 the 936 law was terminated. can you be able to see the game ? It was all calculated.
My lineage is 74% Iberian and 15% Indigenous Puerto Rican. I embrace both, and I am proud to claim my 15% PR. I love my family and everything about my heritage.
We are Spanish because we are Puerto Ricans. Canarians have also a mix of races: Iberians, Indigenous Guanche and Subsaharian. Puerto Rico and Canary Islands, two spanish archipelagos, one of them separated by force by the US military in 1898
It is time that Puerto Rico either becomes a statehood or gains it’s independence. I am from Puerto Rico and life compared to many countries in Latin America is far better. But at the same time the island is in a state of staleness. Education facilities are subpar, the electricity system has huge flaws, politicians are corrupt.
Because if Puerto Rico became powerful on its own it would give leverage to indigenous peoples to come together to go against the black and white supremacists of USA who rule.
During the Maria tragedy, racist trump was the Whitehouse resident. Even though Congress had approved the funds to help Puerto Rico, the Whitehouse turd didn't allow the funds to be released
The Encomienda System was created by the Spanish Crown, not Juan Ponce de Leon himself as you stated in this video.
Год назад
this is what the video says: "But the good relationship didn’t last long. Ponce de León quickly set up encomiendas-an oppressive labor system akin to slavery. The Taínos endured it for a while, but after three years, they had had enough." that does not mean he invented it. It means he was in charge of setting it up in the country.
The problem with this analysis is Columbus being a real person is in question, Sven Loven the archaeologist applying the name Taino's to the people of the Caribbean in 1935 I believe and there being no such a people as Caribs, Taino's nor Arawaks prior to colonization. The fact that westernized society applies generalizations and stereotypes to everything they come across puts into question everything they said say and or recorded about the people in what they call the America's.
Месяц назад
Of course we know Columbus was a real person. Not only do we have evidence in the royal archives of his titles and instructions, but we also have his letters. And as far as the Tainos, we have plenty of material evidence that they lived in Puerto Rico prior to colonization. In PR, for example, there's plenty of artifacts like the ones housed here. www.discoverpuertorico.com/profile/museo-el-cemi/9295
Our island has been tossed from people to people and we have yet to establish our own identity.. borinquen has not been able to exist on her own because so many people want hands on it
Puerto Rico was a province of Spain, it was not a colony. Puerto Rico had 3 senators and 15 congressmen (diputados) representing all regions of the Island. The first congressman of Puerto Rico, Ramon Power y Giralt, in 1812 signed the Constitution of Spain in the name of the Province of Puerto Rico and later became Vice President of the Spanish Parliament. By 1897 Puerto Rico became Spain's 1st Autonomy (today Spain has 17), the island as an Autonomous Province of Spain had more self government than what it has today under US occupation. The Lares Revolt was a huge failure because Puerto Ricans did not want separation from the Motherland (Madre Patria), This small revolt was lead by foreigners, not by Puerto Ricans (the Rojas brothers, two Venezuelans, Manuel de Leon from Dominican Republic and Mathias Brugman a dutch-american )
Oye! Pero que ceguera han tenido nuestros gobernantes! Si lo que tenemos que hacer es liderar con es ese “Corderito por delante…con el libro de la vida y los siete sellos de la Gloria de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo! Despierten! 🙌🙏🙌 How could our leaders get it wrong? All we have to do is focus on the Lamb sitting on the throne with his Glorious book of life & the sealed scrolls! Wake up!🙌🙏🙌
Thank you, excellent commentary on the evolution of the Porto Rican state of mind! Semi Colonial status is no longer tenable. So I support U.S statehood or Independence along with the 13 other small island nations of the Caribbean.. But Let’s hope statehood happens soon to stop the hemorrhaging of the PR economy and people. They are deserving of such.
Puerto Rico is the name. Porto Rico is a misnomer created after the 1898 conquest. Your statehood preference is shallow without analysis. There is no room here for mere conjecture. Furthermore, PR is a colony, there is nothing semi about it. Many of us included the study of Puerto Rican history as part of our college education. I base all my statements on prior study and research.
@leeoh4459, Sir, it took my neighbors from Cuba more than a year in trying to get to the U.S.A., traveling from one to another South American country. And he and his wife told me they left Cuba because of the extreme misery, poverty and hunger they witnessed day in and day out. The Cuban government supposedly takes care of it's citizens, then again it's below mediocrity what they offer. Example would be, a chicken for more than five and it has to last for a long time. People have to take what they are given without having a choice in quality when it comes to food, housing etc... He told me that he can't believe how people here in the U.S. disposes of furniture and all kinds of goods as if nothing, while people in Cuba are hungry and sleep on dirt floors. I honestly don't think that Puerto Rico would want this sort of life or treatments. All that Puerto Rico gets would be null if not because the U.S.A. contributes with so many benefits. And my neighbors are not the only Cubans that tell these stories. My co-workers from Cuba have told me many unbelievable stories. So, I ask you, if things in Cuba would be so favorable, why do so many Cubans try leaving this island to the point of risk loosing their lives traveling on a raft to the U.S.?
💯 correcto, los estadounidenses invadieron y ocuparon a PR militarmente. Primero bombardearon a San Juan desde la Bahía de San Juan y luego entraron a la Bahía de Guánica y bombardearon e ocuparon el pueblo de Guánica. Y ni vamos a entrar en el tema de las atrocidades de los envenenamientos de pacientes de cancer de parte de Cornelius Rhoades o de la esterilización engañosa de las mujeres puertorriqueñas y tampoco de como Don Pedro y los Nacionalistas los carpetearon, persiguieron, arrestaron, asesinaron y tildaron de terroristas como han hecho con muchos grupos que ellos mismos han armado para matar por su causa pero cuando ya no les son útiles le ponen el mismo sello y a cazar se ha dicho….
Fun fact:Puerto Rico (my families country) was colonized by Spain for 400 years and was used for a slave territory to transport slaves and also Puerto Rico had Tobacco, Yucca, etc. Edit:I know some kid is going to criticize me or correct me for saying Puerto Rico is a country look man I have my opinions you have your opinions but yes Puerto Rico is a territory but I call it a country
Excellent Documentary, Hurricane Maria was so sad when Trump threw toilet paper at the people, rather than truly helping people. In 2020 with 52% voting for statehood it represents the need for equality in pay and social services still needed on the island. The Monopoly Luma has on the island is awful and prices would come down by allowing competition. More solar and wind infrastructure with less reliance on the grid. The mass exiting of people leaving the island is approx 6 million on the mainland, many would consider moving back if it was a state, that had lower corruption and fair wages for every citizen.
Good Job. I just watched the history of Puerto Rico. It was great. Except you keep miss pronouncing Puerto Rican.... You say "Poor Rican" No bueno bro. Aprende mi Jente !!!
3 месяца назад
Hablo español perfectamente. Y puedo decir Puertorriqueño. Pero pronuncio el nombre como lo dicen aquí porque mi audiencia está en EEUU. Tampoco es “poor” rican. Es un diptongo con una u larga y una o más pequeña.
When the people of Spain arrived to Puerto Rico the first time the Tainos Indians thought they were gods it was only when they drowned that Spanish dude salcedo is when they learned they weren't immortal and they went to war.. But it was too late... ☀️🐺🌙🐺🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 WE ROCK!!!!!
Thank you 1217 for the missing link on this video. We must begin the island called Boriken like many surrounding islands Tainos dwelled in for centuries
That’s not true. Tainos were Animistas meaning they believed in spirits with no corporeal nor tangible form. The narrative that they thought the Spanish were Gods is false
The USA is wealthy and stable. Puerto Ricans do not really want economic independence. Puerto Rico has a very different language and culture so they do not want full political integration into the union either. Statehood is not necessarily popular. Half in and half out is a sensible choice.
Puerto Rico needs to become a state!! The votes will never count otherwise. There are too many political gymnastics that NEVER benefit those living on the island. Health care being a major issue and also highly talented and educated people leaving entirely because of poor wages. This place is literally paradise but it benefits the wrong people financially. Power to my Puerto Ricans! The people are amazing and deserve so much more. 💖🇵🇷
Es El mismo abuso que cometieron Los americanos cuando llegaron mataron a los indios naturales de central America y luego quisieron exterminar a mi Gente de viequez y Poco a Poco destruir los Pocos que quedan en mi Isla del encanto
Ponce De leon fue un criminar y dicen que fue colon la historia no es lo que comenta de colon, Deven de mover todos los monumentos de PR de Leon, mando a es, clavisar a los tainos, yo soy decendiete, de taino 65,%,a 70% taino, DNA,
Ningun puertorriqueño tiene 70% ni 60% de taino, ninguno, si no nos pareceriamos a los Guatemaltecos y aqui nadie se parece a ellos , lo mas que existe es un 15% los estudios cientificos lo comprueban una y otra vez,
Dominican Republic was the first island to be colonialized and Haiti became the first to gain independence. Their history is far richer than PR. And DR is the most economically advance nation in the Caribbean while Haiti remains the poorest, yet both must rely on tourism if they are to continue to survive, regardless. Hope that doesn’t happen to Puerto Rico!
@@lesthebest3171 your history is not richer then Puerto Rican history..our island had bigger forts and was the main port for transfer of gold to Spain therefore the more aristocratic officers and their families were stationed here to manage their gold transfers while your island Dominican Republic and Cuba were used to transfer slaves to the America's. The Spanish culture still exists in Puerto Rico whether you like it or not.
Si no hubiera gente que trabaja, no hubiera maestros, doctores, actores, pintores, dentistas, vendedores, empleados de tiendas, restaurantes, cines, empleados de bancos, gerentes, guías de museos... Explíqueme eso y por cierto... Vago se escribe con "V"
Excellent historical analysis without propaganda. Great job.
i seriously can not thank you enough for your videos, i’m puertorican and mexican and i want to learn so much more my history and culture. Your videos mean so much to me!
Same but I’m not Mexican but at least he is saying Puerto Rico as it supposed to be said
My great aunt Maria Diaz, married a man with a last name of Beauchamp. His son was massacred after the ponce massacre. Elias Beauchamp. His great grandfather was a leader in El grito de Lares. Que Viva Puerto Rico.
I've been looking a lot into that event these past couple months, and every time I see Elias saluting during my various research sessions he always manages to send a neural shock through my system -- sometimes resulting in me saluting back even though I really know nothing too much about the man specifically -- that leaves me motivated and focused. Hope you and your family are well.
Elias Beauchamp & Hiram Rosado executed Police Chief Colonel Francis Riggs in 1936. Riggs was responsible for the RIO PIEDRAS MASSSACRE. They were killed while in police custody. Later, the entire leadership of the Nationalist Party (including Albizu Campos) were arrested & sent to prison). TY for your contribution , Jennefer A. Eddie in NYC 2/22.
It’s sad that nobody wants to save PR
I have a real good Puerto Rican friend with an extensive history in Mayaguez, and one of his family members was a fraudulent mayor for more than 10 years until 2022. Me I'm just a Texan University professor whose last name is Steel and happens to have a relation with the Carnegie family.
@@joelyjowell3Mexicans want PR dead and the Puerto Rican elderly don't care and keep electing the same scammers.
This is the most valuable, true, history of Puerto Rico‼️Thank you⭐
I appreciate the comment.
Well done. I relocated to PR Sep. , 2016. Read a couple books, periodicals to better understand PR. Your presentation by far most comprehensive, informative. Thank you. Best wishes.
I very much appreciate the comment.
i seriously can not thank you enough for this video. i’m puertorican and mexican and live in the U.S. i know so litttle of my culture, of my people and it’s intergal to me that i learn.
Glad you found it useful!
I’m mixed with Puerto Rican and black I’m so happy to be half Hispanic I love it so much 🥹
I bet you fine fine lmao
After 46 years since moving to the mainland I will finally go back to our beloved island. I'm going home.
This was a great history lesson of the island. Wonderfully and pictorially narrated. I agreed with the person who posted: Worthy of mention: Pedro Albizu Campos was a Valedictorian of the Harvard Law School, as many who view this video have no idea as to who this Hero of the Puerto Rican movement was. Overall I have learned a lot from this video. Truly appreciate your effort in putting this timeline history of Puerto Rico together. 👍👍
this is so amazing . thank you
Absolutely awesome. I've never heard it explained this way. Thanks!
Glad it was helpful!
... Worthy of mention: Pedro Albizu Campos was a Valedictorian of the Harvard Law School ... He returned to Puerto Rico ... He successfully "agitated" for increased wages for island sugar cane workers ... There upon he was immediately labeled a "terrorist".
And nuked in prison to die.
Albizu Campos completed Chemical Engineering before continue eith his studies in law at Harvard. There he befriended and work people in Biston working for the independence of Ireland. Before his university studies he served voluntarily inthe US Army where he was assigned to a segregated unit. Then he change his view of the US.
Love the video though. Thank you for creating it
let's see if your see the game. # 1. 1976 the 936 law was passed in Puerto Rico. # 2. 1984 Puerto Rico was denied to attend the bankruptcy court . # 3. In 1996 the 936 law was terminated. can you be able to see the game ? It was all calculated.
They're trying to eliminate all the indigenous people from this continent so only blacks and whites rule.
My lineage is 74% Iberian and 15% Indigenous Puerto Rican. I embrace both, and I am proud to claim my 15% PR. I love my family and everything about my heritage.
as well you should.
What’s the other 11%? Is it African?
15% Puerto Rican or Puerto Rican native?
@@Prof.steelSRM Puerto Rican IS NOT A RACE!
We are Spanish because we are Puerto Ricans. Canarians have also a mix of races: Iberians, Indigenous Guanche and Subsaharian. Puerto Rico and Canary Islands, two spanish archipelagos, one of them separated by force by the US military in 1898
It is time that Puerto Rico either becomes a statehood or gains it’s independence. I am from Puerto Rico and life compared to many countries in Latin America is far better. But at the same time the island is in a state of staleness. Education facilities are subpar, the electricity system has huge flaws, politicians are corrupt.
I’m the great niece Griselio Torresola. ❤
I’m half white, half Puerto Rican and this was very educational! I always wondered where my heritage was from. Thank you!!
Glad it was useful!
White?????? Most puertoricans are White. 😂😂😂
Puertorrican is not a race. You are probably 100% white Mr.
Agree 200%@@milly6441
puerto rican is a nationality
Thanks, well done.
Well done!
Puerto Rico had so much potential to be a recognizable power in the Caribbean but again the US had to cut it off by its root.
You mean cut it off from Spain, the Imperial Power everyone so vehemently reprimands 😂
Sure blame the US for Puerto Rico crappy and corrupt politicians
@@geraldorivera127 which are from the PNP or PPD...
Because if Puerto Rico became powerful on its own it would give leverage to indigenous peoples to come together to go against the black and white supremacists of USA who rule.
We have the highest living standards and highest GDP per capita out of all Latin American countries, including all of the Caribbean.
Thank you
During the Maria tragedy, racist trump was the Whitehouse resident. Even though Congress had approved the funds to help Puerto Rico, the Whitehouse turd didn't allow the funds to be released
The Encomienda System was created by the Spanish Crown, not Juan Ponce de Leon himself as you stated in this video.
this is what the video says: "But the good relationship didn’t last long. Ponce de León quickly set up encomiendas-an oppressive labor system akin to slavery. The Taínos endured it for a while, but after three years, they had had enough."
that does not mean he invented it. It means he was in charge of setting it up in the country.
Agüebaná... Acento en la última "A"
*Agüeybaná! 😊
Somos una colonia, el unico pais de America sin una identidad como nacion libre
I think that I can hear Soñando Con Puerto Rico in the background lol
Qué bonito 😍🎶 Mandé Que Vayan A Picar caña WTF Rosello
"KIDNAPPED Africans ", can you tell us what does it mean ?
it means individuals who were forcefully removed from Africa.
Thanks 🙏 family together strong 💪 🇵🇷🏝️🫶✌️
I’m seriously want it to have a strong president for Puerto Rico and independence
Free Borikén! 🇵🇷🐸
The problem with this analysis is Columbus being a real person is in question, Sven Loven
the archaeologist applying the name Taino's to the people of the Caribbean in 1935 I believe
and there being no such a people as Caribs, Taino's nor Arawaks prior to colonization. The
fact that westernized society applies generalizations and stereotypes to everything they come
across puts into question everything they said say and or recorded about the people in what they
call the America's.
Of course we know Columbus was a real person. Not only do we have evidence in the royal archives of his titles and instructions, but we also have his letters. And as far as the Tainos, we have plenty of material evidence that they lived in Puerto Rico prior to colonization. In PR, for example, there's plenty of artifacts like the ones housed here.
Carmen did the same thing as Ricardo did
Economic development and exploitation are joined by a very small bridge.
Our island has been tossed from people to people and we have yet to establish our own identity.. borinquen has not been able to exist on her own because so many people want hands on it
Because of power. They hate indigenous people. Because we're the true owners of the Americas. Not these foreign terrorists.
Our identity is Hispanic, a true historic part of Spain.
Puerto Rico was a province of Spain, it was not a colony. Puerto Rico had 3 senators and 15 congressmen (diputados) representing all regions of the Island. The first congressman of Puerto Rico, Ramon Power y Giralt, in 1812 signed the Constitution of Spain in the name of the Province of Puerto Rico and later became Vice President of the Spanish Parliament. By 1897 Puerto Rico became Spain's 1st Autonomy (today Spain has 17), the island as an Autonomous Province of Spain had more self government than what it has today under US occupation.
The Lares Revolt was a huge failure because Puerto Ricans did not want separation from the Motherland (Madre Patria), This small revolt was lead by foreigners, not by Puerto Ricans (the Rojas brothers, two Venezuelans, Manuel de Leon from Dominican Republic and Mathias Brugman a dutch-american )
Oye! Pero que ceguera han tenido nuestros gobernantes! Si lo que tenemos que hacer es liderar con es ese “Corderito por delante…con el libro de la vida y los siete sellos de la Gloria de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo! Despierten!
How could our leaders get it wrong? All we have to do is focus on the Lamb sitting on the throne with his Glorious book of life & the sealed scrolls! Wake up!🙌🙏🙌
Thank you, excellent commentary on the evolution of the Porto Rican state of mind! Semi Colonial status is no longer tenable. So I support U.S statehood or Independence along with the 13 other small island nations of the Caribbean.. But Let’s hope statehood happens soon to stop the hemorrhaging of the PR economy and people. They are deserving of such.
lmao porto
Puerto Rico is the name. Porto Rico is a misnomer created after the 1898 conquest. Your statehood preference is shallow without analysis. There is no room here for mere conjecture. Furthermore, PR is a colony, there is nothing semi about it. Many of us included the study of Puerto Rican history as part of our college education. I base all my statements on prior study and research.
statehood wont fix anything.
Taino Blood still Lives…. Also Yulin is corrupted by Establishment.
We make both Cuba and Puerto Rico states at the same time, one red one blue state
@leeoh4459, Sir, it took my neighbors from Cuba more than a year in trying to get to the U.S.A., traveling from one to another South American country. And he and his wife told me they left Cuba because of the extreme misery, poverty and hunger they witnessed day in and day out. The Cuban government supposedly takes care of it's citizens, then again it's below mediocrity what they offer. Example would be, a chicken for more than five and it has to last for a long time. People have to take what they are given without having a choice in quality when it comes to food, housing etc... He told me that he can't believe how people here in the U.S. disposes of furniture and all kinds of goods as if nothing, while people in Cuba are hungry and sleep on dirt floors. I honestly don't think that Puerto Rico would want this sort of life or treatments. All that Puerto Rico gets would be null if not because the U.S.A. contributes with so many benefits. And my neighbors are not the only Cubans that tell these stories. My co-workers from Cuba have told me many unbelievable stories. So, I ask you, if things in Cuba would be so favorable, why do so many Cubans try leaving this island to the point of risk loosing their lives traveling on a raft to the U.S.?
Independence now for puerto rico.
Siempre que hablan como estados unidos entro a pr lo hacen ver como tan suave y minimizando lo que realmente hicieron.
💯 correcto, los estadounidenses invadieron y ocuparon a PR militarmente. Primero bombardearon a San Juan desde la Bahía de San Juan y luego entraron a la Bahía de Guánica y bombardearon e ocuparon el pueblo de Guánica. Y ni vamos a entrar en el tema de las atrocidades de los envenenamientos de pacientes de cancer de parte de Cornelius Rhoades o de la esterilización engañosa de las mujeres puertorriqueñas y tampoco de como Don Pedro y los Nacionalistas los carpetearon, persiguieron, arrestaron, asesinaron y tildaron de terroristas como han hecho con muchos grupos que ellos mismos han armado para matar por su causa pero cuando ya no les son útiles le ponen el mismo sello y a cazar se ha dicho….
Buenas! Yo Soy Boricua.
Pues felicidades y que viva Puerto Rico!
Yo tambien soy boricua
Beauchamp is a French last name.
The Puerto Rican flag looks as if it was poorly made American flag.like a great value brand. Or a backwards Cuban flag!(I’m just trolling)
Vete a cuba o venezuela muy buenas opciones para ti ALEJANDRA 🤣🤣🤣
Gracias Alejandra
@@ATart6 it was inspired by the cuban one… its called solidarity
That's what's up
Fun fact:Puerto Rico (my families country) was colonized by Spain for 400 years and was used for a slave territory to transport slaves and also Puerto Rico had Tobacco, Yucca, etc.
Edit:I know some kid is going to criticize me or correct me for saying Puerto Rico is a country look man I have my opinions you have your opinions but yes Puerto Rico is a territory but I call it a country
that fact was sooooo FUN!!! thanks for such a Fun fact lol
It is a country , it is considered a country , only Americans say that
Puerto Rico was a province of Spain, the one that was a slave territory was Haiti and the other french islands
Spain did the same thing in cuba
Cuba, was totally colonized and controlled by Spain, Cubans suffered tremendous oppression, Castro, send them packing along with the Mob.
Excellent Documentary, Hurricane Maria was so sad when Trump threw toilet paper at the people, rather than truly helping people. In 2020 with 52% voting for statehood it represents the need for equality in pay and social services still needed on the island. The Monopoly Luma has on the island is awful and prices would come down by allowing competition. More solar and wind infrastructure with less reliance on the grid. The mass exiting of people leaving the island is approx 6 million on the mainland, many would consider moving back if it was a state, that had lower corruption and fair wages for every citizen.
that 52% is a lie. it was only 28% when stretched out to the entire voting population.(the referendum only had 54% turnout)
Puerto Rican was a native colony of the Taino native people don't forget the Spanish stole it
Puerto Rico without Spain is not Puerto Rico. Don't forget we are Hispanics!
Bro when u put lares up on the screen i almost cried how did u get the exact place my family took me to feed the pigeons🥹
Good Job. I just watched the history of Puerto Rico. It was great. Except you keep miss pronouncing Puerto Rican.... You say "Poor Rican" No bueno bro. Aprende mi Jente !!!
Hablo español perfectamente. Y puedo decir Puertorriqueño. Pero pronuncio el nombre como lo dicen aquí porque mi audiencia está en EEUU. Tampoco es “poor” rican. Es un diptongo con una u larga y una o más pequeña.
When the people of Spain arrived to Puerto Rico the first time the Tainos Indians thought they were gods it was only when they drowned that Spanish dude salcedo is when they learned they weren't immortal and they went to war..
But it was too late...
WE ROCK!!!!!
That Diego Salcedo story is a legend. Probably never happened.
Thank you 1217
for the missing link on this video.
We must begin the island called Boriken like many surrounding islands Tainos dwelled in for centuries
That’s not true. Tainos were Animistas meaning they believed in spirits with no corporeal nor tangible form. The narrative that they thought the Spanish were Gods is false
Diego Salcedo is a myth.
Creía que en Puerto Rico se hablaba español...
The USA is wealthy and stable. Puerto Ricans do not really want economic independence. Puerto Rico has a very different language and culture so they do not want full political integration into the union either. Statehood is not necessarily popular. Half in and half out is a sensible choice.
except they do. the pip is the fastest growing party in pr
Puerto Rico needs to become a state!! The votes will never count otherwise. There are too many political gymnastics that NEVER benefit those living on the island. Health care being a major issue and also highly talented and educated people leaving entirely because of poor wages. This place is literally paradise but it benefits the wrong people financially. Power to my Puerto Ricans! The people are amazing and deserve so much more. 💖🇵🇷
statehood is dead
We FOUGHT for that Spanish citizenship AND provincial status. WE DID!!! And guess what….Spain recognized US as SPANIARDS!!!! MMMMMMM 😡😡😡
We were spanish citizens always, a Puerto Rican signed the first constitution of the spanish nation in representation of the island province.
No sabrías lo que es blanco si no fuera por el original que es negro.
El original era taíno. Ni negro ni blanco. Valore y respete otras culturas.
Historical whitewash of what actually happens except the end that was presented was more accurate.
What historical whitewash are you talking about exactly?
Que coraje me das saber El abuso que los Españoles cometieron contra los Indios Tainos que vivian ahi originalmente en La Isla del Encanto.
Es El mismo abuso que cometieron Los americanos cuando llegaron mataron a los indios naturales de central America y luego quisieron exterminar a mi Gente de viequez y Poco a Poco destruir los Pocos que quedan en mi Isla del encanto
Another example of US imperialism. The US should grant them independence. And get out of their business.
Isn't it obvious, slavery status or independence.
what many dont realize is puerto ricos economy will never reach its full potential as long as its locked up by the us
Ponce De leon fue un criminar y dicen que fue colon la historia no es lo que comenta de colon, Deven de mover todos los monumentos de PR de Leon, mando a es, clavisar a los tainos, yo soy decendiete, de taino 65,%,a 70% taino, DNA,
Ningun puertorriqueño tiene 70% ni 60% de taino, ninguno, si no nos pareceriamos a los Guatemaltecos y aqui nadie se parece a ellos , lo mas que existe es un 15% los estudios cientificos lo comprueban una y otra vez,
puerto rico was essentialy americas first proverbial parking lot
This is not our real history
What are you trying to say?
correct, Puerto Rico was a spanish province, this story has a lot of Anglo propaganda and anti spanish black legend
What Latin American country has more history than P.R? I dont thi k anyone does.
PR isn't a country and alot of countries have a major history Puerto Rico is no different.
then again it goes all the way back to 1493
Dominican Republic was the first island to be colonialized and Haiti became the first to gain independence. Their history is far richer than PR. And DR is the most economically advance nation in the Caribbean while Haiti remains the poorest, yet both must rely on tourism if they are to continue to survive, regardless. Hope that doesn’t happen to Puerto Rico!
Mexico easily going back to the olmecs and then mayans and aztecs
@@lesthebest3171 your history is not richer then Puerto Rican history..our island had bigger forts and was the main port for transfer of gold to Spain therefore the more aristocratic officers and their families were stationed here to manage their gold transfers while your island Dominican Republic and Cuba were used to transfer slaves to the America's. The Spanish culture still exists in Puerto Rico whether you like it or not.
So we were enslaved in the 1400s
who is we? Puerto Ricans are the sons and daughters of Spaniards
You sounded like a democrat with everything you said after hurricane Maria 😂
This history has not been taught in schools. Its an ugly chapter in American imperialism. 😮
Its so much worse. There are many things he didn’t mention. One of which being the sterilization of our women in the mid 20th century…
The way you say your Rs is the reason its mot a state holy f i get it your spanish😂
What? I'm not sure what you're trying to say. I am not Spanish nor Puerto Rican.
Vete a trabajar Bagos and released the Papi Gringo's manteditos
Si no hubiera gente que trabaja, no hubiera maestros, doctores, actores, pintores, dentistas, vendedores, empleados de tiendas, restaurantes, cines, empleados de bancos, gerentes, guías de museos... Explíqueme eso y por cierto... Vago se escribe con "V"
@@normagonzalez7470 pues dejalo Papi gringo
Es VAGOS no BAGOS 😂🤦🏻♀️ Aprenda a escribir primero.
Tu oiste Yielene Dizz
wow, que comentario mas ignorante.
Wow, not a mention of the Ponce masacre in ponce was peaceful. Aparentemente eres un vende patria
How could a massacre be peaceful?
it was a peaceful protest that the police used violent means to end
17:59 boom now they're in debt karma its a biiiiig b.