Using a welder rather than a battery to run your system. Clever idea. I think that for those that want to tinker with other ideas, might a tank circuit work as well, or nearly so? Maybe like with a 2n3055? If it works you might have to heat sink the NPN, And you will have to use a battery most likely; if it isn't one thing then its another.
Is great! Greetings friend, a hug.
Rubén of
Only Useful Things
Thanks for commenting, greetings
Using a welder rather than a battery to run your system. Clever idea. I think that for those that want to tinker with other ideas, might a tank circuit work as well, or nearly so? Maybe like with a 2n3055? If it works you might have to heat sink the NPN, And you will have to use a battery most likely; if it isn't one thing then its another.