Gov't Caught Stealing Camera to Spy on Homeowner

  • Опубликовано: 21 июн 2023
  • Josh Highlander’s son is afraid of the boogeyman. While playing with his mother in the yard, their basketball rolled toward the woods. She was shocked to see a figure standing in their woods wearing a camouflage “leafy jacket.” She quickly brought her son back in the house and alerted Josh.
    By the time Josh came out, the stranger was nowhere to be seen. But Josh soon discovered that a camera he used to monitor game on his property was missing. He called police to report the theft. They responded that the camera was in the possession of the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR). In the weeks following, Josh did not receive a warrant nor was he given any hunting citations. Josh’s son was afraid to go outside alone for weeks afterward and continues to talk about the scary man in the woods.
    Josh is an avid hunter and has grown a food plot on his property to attract game. Growing food plots isn’t just legal, it’s encouraged on the DWR’s own website. The camera was posted on a pole in the middle of the plot, which is about 100 yards through the woods from the house.
    The 30 acres Josh owns outside Richmond is private land. When he built his home a few years ago, he purchased and posted more than 100 “private property” signs so that he could make that clear.
    Virginia is one of many states where government officials conduct warrantless searches of “open fields” under a century-old U.S. Supreme Court precedent. That precedent leaves most private property in the U.S. unprotected by the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures.
    But the DWR did more than just trespass on his property and observe his family. It took Josh’s camera in order to spy on him. Now, Josh and the Institute for Justice are suing in state court to get his camera back, to protect his home, and to restore the right of all Virginians to be secure on their land. Whatever the U.S. Supreme Court may have said about the Fourth Amendment, the Virginia Constitution does not tolerate these kinds of warrantless intrusions.
    Read more about Josh Highlander's lawsuit against the Virginia DWR for invading his privacy and taking his property:
    Watch IJ Attorney Josh Windham's argument at the Tennessee Court of Appeals here:

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @YouveBeenMiddled
    @YouveBeenMiddled 11 месяцев назад +697

    THIS is the government our founders warned us about.

    • @debluetailfly
      @debluetailfly 11 месяцев назад +40

      And they gave us instructions in the Declaration of Independence.

    • @samsmom1491
      @samsmom1491 11 месяцев назад +12

      These are the acts of corrupt individuals or groups of individual officials. Go after the corruption. Calling for a regime change or violent uprising is neither the answer nor the solution. Get involved in your local area and be part of the solution. This man's rights were violated and those officers need to be held accountable.

    • @netzoned
      @netzoned 11 месяцев назад +2

      LMFAO! Our so-called founders were this government! EDIT Immature hollering does not change facts.

    • @fyrbyrd71
      @fyrbyrd71 11 месяцев назад +14

      @@samsmom1491 I used to live under a rock. Seems you still do...

    • @jdavis1770
      @jdavis1770 11 месяцев назад

      Pretty obvious to me the fish and game officers are above the law… Pretty obvious to me they did what they wanted to do and They’ll get away with it too "….. How much more do they have to prove it to you … They’re lucky they didn’t shoot everybody and ask questions later…. They don’t have anything to worry about don’t you remember they have qualified immunity…. Official spokesman".. We investigated ourselves and found No wrong doing….

  • @tedphillips2501
    @tedphillips2501 11 месяцев назад +460

    They stole it. Arrest them. Arrest the police for aiding and abetting.

    • @Strideo1
      @Strideo1 11 месяцев назад

      There are no authorities willing to enforce the law against these particular authorities because they're all in the same club together and drunk off of the power they're enjoying over the average citizen.

    • @slappychap969
      @slappychap969 11 месяцев назад +10

      Full immunity.... Untouchables...

    • @ViperPain141
      @ViperPain141 11 месяцев назад +17

      @@slappychap969 Ideological subversion is a process by which an enemy seeks to weaken and eventually overthrow a target nation or society by infiltrating its institutions and gradually changing its values, beliefs, and culture. According to Bezmenov, the process of ideological subversion has four stages: demoralization, destabilization, crisis, and normalization.
      The first stage of demoralization involves the gradual erosion of a society's moral and ethical values, often through the manipulation of education, media, and culture. The second stage of destabilization involves the creation of social and economic chaos, often by exploiting existing divisions and conflicts within a society. The third stage of crisis involves the escalation of conflict and the breakdown of social order, leading to a situation of extreme vulnerability. The final stage of normalization involves the imposition of a new social and political order that is more favorable to the interests of the enemy.
      Bezmenov argued that the Soviet Union was actively engaged in a program of ideological subversion against the United States and other Western democracies during the Cold War. He believed that the Soviet Union sought to undermine Western values and institutions by infiltrating and manipulating key institutions such as the media, academia, and government. Bezmenov's ideas continue to be controversial and debated today, but his work has had a significant impact on the study of propaganda, disinformation, and psychological warfare.

    • @billtate6962
      @billtate6962 11 месяцев назад +21

      Yeah, funny how the Sheriff knew exactly who had the camera...huh?

    • @Michael-uj2fb
      @Michael-uj2fb 11 месяцев назад +8

      Only civilians get arrested immediately, cops could take years. Totally equal treatment

  • @steveladner4346
    @steveladner4346 11 месяцев назад +353

    We're living in a banana republic/police state. The only people that can't see it have been blinded by their own ignorance.

    • @anibaljrbalt
      @anibaljrbalt 11 месяцев назад +14

      Couldn't agree more.

    • @keithweiss7899
      @keithweiss7899 11 месяцев назад +24

      My wife just cannot believe what cops get away with today. She keeps on saying it’s impossible. As time has gone along though, I have gotten her to quit being a boot-licker, and think a little bit. The point is that it takes time, or something bad happening to them, to change their minds. The news media rarely helps the situation.

    • @steveladner4346
      @steveladner4346 11 месяцев назад


    • @IHateThisHandleSystem
      @IHateThisHandleSystem 11 месяцев назад +22

      @@keithweiss7899 Yup. Back the Blue until it happens to you.

    • @fsoiberg
      @fsoiberg 11 месяцев назад

      Please show me the "*" making a dog a substitute for a 4th Amendment Warrant.
      The reason Warrant comes before Search is so the items seized are not the source of Probable Cause for the Warrant.
      Please show me the "*" for INSPECTION or INVENTORY claimed as substituted for Search and why a Seizure can occur before a Warrant at DUI & Agriculture Check Points.
      Policing is not about Law, Safety, or Justice... Policing is about SLAVERY, keeping the slaves in their place. It's a holdover from the Civil War & Runaway Slave Catchers.

  • @Absaalookemensch
    @Absaalookemensch 11 месяцев назад +255

    This is wrong on so many levels. They still refuse to give the stolen property back.
    Ironically, the camera does have evidence of a crime. That of the camera being stolen.

    • @steventatlock5443
      @steventatlock5443 11 месяцев назад +14

      The government makes, interprets, and enforces the law. I'm still at a loss how anyone is accepting of this system.
      "Yeah, you and I are going to play a lifelong game that you can't quit. I make the rules and I'm the referee. Also, you pay my salary. Ok, play ball!"

    • @ClobinWilliams
      @ClobinWilliams 11 месяцев назад +1

      I believe they said they would give it back only once they wipe it

    • @Absaalookemensch
      @Absaalookemensch 11 месяцев назад +5

      @@steventatlock5443 AS bad as it can get in America, it's far worse under Communism and Socialism, where government gives no pretense of serving the people.

    • @Absaalookemensch
      @Absaalookemensch 11 месяцев назад

      @@ClobinWilliams That's destroying criminal evidence. Like when Hillary Clinton had her electronic records wiped.

    • @mr.behaving
      @mr.behaving 11 месяцев назад +8

      @@ClobinWilliams that could end up as a first amendment problem, if they wipe pictures.. we all have the right of free press, and there is no reason this camera wasn't setup to document the area wildlife as a way of showing it off to the world. they're damned if they do, damned if they don't

  • @louskunt9798
    @louskunt9798 11 месяцев назад +143

    End qualified immunity!

    • @kidwave1
      @kidwave1 11 месяцев назад

      The "Thin Blue Line" and the Blue Line Flag are the DIRECT CORRELATIONS to the Blue Lodge of Freemasonry!!! All cops are highly pressured to join the "Local"/Blue Lodge of Freemasons! After taking an oath IN PUBLIC, to defend the Constitution, ...they take an oath IN SECRET, to the Freemasons, to LITERALLY "KEEP SECRETS FROM THE PUBLIC", in their initiation ritual! All of the "Orders" are CONNECTED! The ORDER of Freemasonry, is the "Brother ORDER" to the Federal ORDER of Police!!! The Federal ORDER of Police CONTROLS ALL OF THE POLICE ACADEMIES, EACH POLICE DEPT, THE DA's, and the COURTS AND JUDGES, and the unions lawyers that defend them! They are ALL TRAITORS to the USA, ....and at the lower levels they dont have a clue what they are involved in, and how theyre being controlled and manipulated to BETRAY their very own FAMILIES AND COUNTRY, ...AND THEMSELVES!!! They are COMMANDED TO FOLLOW EVERY ORDER GIVEN TO THEM BY THEIR TRUE MASTERS/LEADERS AT THE LODGE! They are beholden to their lodge, ....NOT THE PUBLIC, OR OUR COUNTRY! That is PRECISELY WHY EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING WITH "law enforcement" in the U.S.A. today!
      They are too ignorant to realize, or question, that their absolute lack of ANY worthwhile, adequate, meaningful, or SUFFICIENT training, ...coupled with their IMMUNITY from prosecution AND accountability ... is destroying the country of their very own families, friends, neighbors ...AND THEMSELVES! To violate OUR RIGHTS, and to destroy OUR FREEDOM, is to DESTROY THEIR OWN TOO!
      Honor your Oath, Follow the Law, and Adhere to your Policies, and you'll never have a problem! If you can't do that, GTFO!
      The millions of soldiers who paid the ULTIMATE PRICE, over the last 250+ years, defending our Country, Flag, Constitutional Rights and Freedom, DID NOT make that ULTIMATE SACRIFICE, ...only for American police to set themselves up as a PREFERENTIAL, PROTECTED, SEPARATE CLASS OF CITIZENS, who are OVERTLY MILITARIZED, UNACCOUNTABLE TO THE LAW, and IMMUNE FROM PROSECUTION! ...and WHO BETRAY THEIR OATHS WITHOUT SHAME, REMORSE or, MOST IMPORTANTLY CONSEQUENCE OR ACCOUNTABILITY!
      The fact that the cops have become a Thin Blue Line GANG, that operates secretly, to protect and cover for each others crimes, abuse of power, and disgraceful AND CRIMINAL behavior, THE OPPOSITE of what they've PUBLICLY SWORN TO DO, and is diametrically opposed to their mandate as PUBLIC SERVANTS!

    • @UncleKennysPlace
      @UncleKennysPlace 11 месяцев назад +2

      Actually, simply follow the "qualified" part of it.

    • @doobybrother21
      @doobybrother21 2 месяца назад

      Do that and you won't have any police left.

    • @pmsteamrailroading
      @pmsteamrailroading 2 месяца назад

      @@doobybrother21not really. The police will need malpractice insurance.
      But if one cop screws up, the other cops in that department will have their rates go up.
      Then cops have a real incentive to deal with the bad cops.

    • @bobdan9856
      @bobdan9856 Месяц назад

      ​@@doobybrother21bullshit we had police before qualified immunity we will have them after.

  • @daveblackman816
    @daveblackman816 11 месяцев назад +183

    Wow so not only do they steal his property, but are too lazy to even buy their own cameras? Unreal but not surprising.

    • @klatubaradanikto
      @klatubaradanikto 11 месяцев назад

      They probably took the camera to hide evidence that they were there, not to see what was on it.

    • @UngluckInc
      @UngluckInc 11 месяцев назад

      They never but their own cameras, they buy cameras for the citizens with citizens tax dollars to use against citizens. The gift does NOT have their own money, it is all ours.

    • @springerworks002
      @springerworks002 2 месяца назад

      He is property of the government. His property is the governments property also.

  • @jnorris8649
    @jnorris8649 11 месяцев назад +219

    I wonder how sideways this would’ve turned had the mother been armed when she saw a “strange man wearing camouflage in their woods” while their 6 year old son was outside…

    • @bpdp379
      @bpdp379 11 месяцев назад +20

      Sure sounds familiar…

    • @realSethMeyers
      @realSethMeyers 11 месяцев назад +20

      What is up with these piggies and their affinity for trespassing and stalking?

    • @squirrelattackspidy
      @squirrelattackspidy 11 месяцев назад +20

      She would have called the cops. They would have shown up and nothing would have happened to their brother in arms. And if she shot the guy she would have been charged and jailed.

    • @needXC90
      @needXC90 11 месяцев назад +21

      It would involve dead dogs, children, and mothers

    • @user-tl3vy2dk3e
      @user-tl3vy2dk3e 11 месяцев назад

      Another Child molester/stalker???

  • @thesuperdingos
    @thesuperdingos 11 месяцев назад +250

    These game wardens have nothing better to do whatsoever than literally stalk people

    • @mr.behaving
      @mr.behaving 11 месяцев назад

      they should consider themselves lucky they weren't on a property where the owners are active target shooters. dressed in full camo is exceedingly dangerous, although i guess it serves them right if they find themselves with lead poisoning. shrug

    • @deathlis
      @deathlis 11 месяцев назад

      Not true. They also spend time giving people disinformation on convoluted hunting rules instead of what's actually stated in the book.

    • @sdagoth3037
      @sdagoth3037 11 месяцев назад +20

      If they have nothing better to do, they should be fired. Taxpayer dollars shouldn't be used to fund thieves and stalkers.

    • @ryshellso526
      @ryshellso526 11 месяцев назад +6

      Makes you wonder if they are trying to scare the property owners away...

    • @coop5329
      @coop5329 11 месяцев назад +10

      @thesuperdingos Yeah they do in southwest PA. They trumped up an "anonymous tip" that the local (fully inspected and licensed) slaughterhouse that USED to process deer for hunters around here was supposedly selling deer meat. So they "confiscated" every pound of meat in his display cases and coolers for "testing". Including the bacon. Needless to say there was no deer meat found and no charges were filed. Now he doesn't process deer for anybody anymore. Way to go, PA game wardens, how many people did you invite to the barbecue?

  • @thegadphly3275
    @thegadphly3275 11 месяцев назад +332

    The REASON for shows like COPS etc., were to con the public into thinking their unconstitutional acts ... were OK, and normal. Most folks don't realize the police have limitations.

    • @rarefruit2320
      @rarefruit2320 11 месяцев назад +10


    • @grayhost
      @grayhost 11 месяцев назад +11

      Yep, normalization 😏

    • @readingfrenzy3818
      @readingfrenzy3818 11 месяцев назад

      COPS, REALpolice and all if those copaganda shows are used to groom the public into surrendering their rights easily.

    • @erniemenard7727
      @erniemenard7727 11 месяцев назад +5

      @@chuck-ep2yr I agree, the very first and only time I watched the show within the first few minutes of my watching the cops violated somebody's rights.

    • @roorkollector5340
      @roorkollector5340 11 месяцев назад +2

      Then what about a “SNEAK and PEAK”…… these GASTAPO tyrants are doing this to me!

  • @MexicoAdventurer
    @MexicoAdventurer 11 месяцев назад +282

    My dad, a World War 2 veteran, ran an overzealous game warden off our big farm 50 years ago, at gunpoint, for disturbing our wildlife and scaring us little kids while we walked in our woods. My dad promised him he wouldn't be speaking during their next encounter. Good thing he took dad seriously. My how things have changed where you need lawyers for everything.

    • @Untouched124
      @Untouched124 11 месяцев назад +37

      Back then your father could've shot him right then and there and they would be non the wiser as to where his body was relocated at.

    • @slappychap969
      @slappychap969 11 месяцев назад

      Today the SWAT team would have taken him out. Remember the Bundy in Oregon??? Murdered and proven yet nobody was arrested for protector their rights and lands.

    • @MexicoAdventurer
      @MexicoAdventurer 11 месяцев назад +19

      @@Untouched124 That was actually talked about, how big the farm was and the animals that eat carrion.

    • @ViperPain141
      @ViperPain141 11 месяцев назад +23

      Ideological subversion is a process by which an enemy seeks to weaken and eventually overthrow a target nation or society by infiltrating its institutions and gradually changing its values, beliefs, and culture. According to Bezmenov, the process of ideological subversion has four stages: demoralization, destabilization, crisis, and normalization.
      The first stage of demoralization involves the gradual erosion of a society's moral and ethical values, often through the manipulation of education, media, and culture. The second stage of destabilization involves the creation of social and economic chaos, often by exploiting existing divisions and conflicts within a society. The third stage of crisis involves the escalation of conflict and the breakdown of social order, leading to a situation of extreme vulnerability. The final stage of normalization involves the imposition of a new social and political order that is more favorable to the interests of the enemy.
      Bezmenov argued that the Soviet Union was actively engaged in a program of ideological subversion against the United States and other Western democracies during the Cold War. He believed that the Soviet Union sought to undermine Western values and institutions by infiltrating and manipulating key institutions such as the media, academia, and government. Bezmenov's ideas continue to be controversial and debated today, but his work has had a significant impact on the study of propaganda, disinformation, and psychological warfare.

    • @coop5329
      @coop5329 11 месяцев назад +11

      @@MexicoAdventurer No, no. Animals leave bones etc. Compost. I can disappear a 300 lb. carcass in 65 days in the summer--it's called "mortality composting" and is blessed by the US EPA to safely, quickly, and effectively get rid of things like dead cows. 1500 lbs. takes just a little longer. Not a tooth, not a bone, nothing but compost spread on the roses. Just don't forget to remove belt buckles etc.

  • @MaxairEngineering
    @MaxairEngineering 11 месяцев назад +91

    I was recently harassed by a Wyoming Warden neighbor for having security cameras and doorbell on my residence. Seems that she felt that they might capture her walking to her truck in the background. She also felt that walking her cat in my yard, armed and in full uniform was her right and that she should not be on my “spy cameras”. 😳

    • @garryquiggins8183
      @garryquiggins8183 11 месяцев назад +31

      Laws don't apply to cops!
      The back yard issue can be stopped with motion activated lawn sprinklers.

    • @larryh657
      @larryh657 11 месяцев назад +15

      An armed person on MY private property, my life is in DANGER OF BEING KILLED OR OTHERS 🗽☠️

    • @user-kh1zo4sc9l
      @user-kh1zo4sc9l 11 месяцев назад +20

      BooHooHoo! If you are in public you have no expectation of privacy. Especially if you are trespassing on other people's private property.

    • @MaxairEngineering
      @MaxairEngineering 11 месяцев назад +10

      It was made abundantly clear that should I run into her in the field, their will be retaliation. I have stopped putting in for tags because of this, even though I am a legal, by the book, ethical hunter. I even take trash bags and pick up trash on while hunting.

    • @robinl9206
      @robinl9206 10 месяцев назад +3


  • @xcgates
    @xcgates 11 месяцев назад +109

    Sounds like theft while armed. The government is great at turning people against them. Trespassing is a very dangerous game to play. Hope those agents were okay with not going home that night. That was a very realistic possibility. And given those facts I'd side with using lethal force against armed intruders sneaking around.

    • @TDC7594
      @TDC7594 10 месяцев назад +8

      I will never, under any circumstances, defend law enforcement on the streets, in the woods, or in the courts. They've chosen their side, and it isn't the people's.

  • @IHateThisHandleSystem
    @IHateThisHandleSystem 11 месяцев назад +61

    This could have gotten much worse and very quickly. What if, when his frightened wife told him of intruders, he had gone outside with a gun and shot one of those game wardens? His life would have been caught up in endless complications at the very least.

  • @tayzonday
    @tayzonday 11 месяцев назад +106

    The victim definitely needs WIFi cameras that store data in his home or in the cloud.

    • @rayh592
      @rayh592 11 месяцев назад

      In some states they are illegal for hunting purposes, Not aware of VA laws as I don't hunt there.

    • @jimmy_kirk
      @jimmy_kirk 11 месяцев назад +7

      @@rayh592 Why would it be illegal?

    • @mr.behaving
      @mr.behaving 11 месяцев назад +4

      @@jimmy_kirk where i live its part of the 'fair hunt' laws. with those wifi or cell based cameras you could monitor the wildlife remotely for extended periods of time without having to be present. the "idea" of the law is that you should be part of the hunt, not just spying on it gaining the upper hand via technology.

    • @jimmy_kirk
      @jimmy_kirk 11 месяцев назад +10

      @@mr.behaving Interesting. That sounds like it would only apply to public lands though, and not private land.

    • @ryshellso526
      @ryshellso526 11 месяцев назад +6

      ​@@jimmy_kirkexactly, how they gonna prove it on your private property?😂😂😂

  • @TRC296
    @TRC296 11 месяцев назад +64

    Very very disturbing that they think they can do what they want. Why are they going
    After this family for?

    • @BearBig70
      @BearBig70 11 месяцев назад +26

      "Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime"
      'Laventiry Beria, Joseph Stalins Deputy Premiere

    • @alankillian4962
      @alankillian4962 11 месяцев назад +5

      It was mentioned very briefly. Game and Fish suspect the property owners of violation of hunting game laws. Illegal, out of season or over the legal annual limit of take. They own the land but all the game (deer ect.) belong to all the citizens of that state.

    • @jill-of-all-trades
      @jill-of-all-trades 11 месяцев назад +8

      @@alankillian4962 But they can buy their OWN surveillance equipment, yes?

    • @alankillian4962
      @alankillian4962 11 месяцев назад +9

      Yes. Or obtain a search warrant for the sim card but that would require probable cause for the warrant to be granted.

    • @wheressteve
      @wheressteve 11 месяцев назад +21

      They don't "think" they can do what they want, they know they will never face any personal consequences for their actions. Go onto a Wardens personal property and take take something of theirs and watch how fast justice comes for you and hands out some punishment. There are 2 types of citizens now, Government employees who are protected from all legal and professional consequences and the rest of us who are prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

  • @chuckfrazier2007
    @chuckfrazier2007 11 месяцев назад +43

    They should be charged and arrested by the local police or Sheriff.

    • @WitnessingTyranny
      @WitnessingTyranny 11 месяцев назад +10

      If they're not complicit in the tyranny.

    • @mr.behaving
      @mr.behaving 11 месяцев назад +19

      the fact the police knew who had it, indicates clearly they are complicit in it

    • @CHDean
      @CHDean 4 месяца назад +1


  • @iyeetsecurity922
    @iyeetsecurity922 11 месяцев назад +41

    People like this aren't 2nd amendmenting enough.

  • @jamesdrake2378
    @jamesdrake2378 11 месяцев назад +68

    Game wardens seem to believe they have a mandate from some higher power, some park rangers are not very far behind. Thanks IJ.

    • @2pugman
      @2pugman 11 месяцев назад +2

      The land owner should create a firing range and test his pistols on a regular basis. If the wardens are still using his camera, why can't he retrieve it ?

  • @mostly_harmless42
    @mostly_harmless42 11 месяцев назад +54

    I would be legitimately afraid for my life if I encountered a man in a gillie suit on my property, and I would have to stand my ground to defend my life.

  • @gearhead682010
    @gearhead682010 11 месяцев назад +40

    Domestic terrorist criminal thugs in clown costumes wandered into this man’s property and STOLE his personal property and they aren’t sitting in jail cells for breaking their own created laws?

  • @anibaljrbalt
    @anibaljrbalt 11 месяцев назад +58

    Thanks to IJ for taking on this 4A Project.

  • @thatasmaniandevil4390
    @thatasmaniandevil4390 11 месяцев назад +27

    Wait till you start finding tree spike scars on your trees, when no one was supposed to be climbing trees in your yard.

  • @alanmott-smith9358
    @alanmott-smith9358 11 месяцев назад +27

    Everyday, more officers fired and another settlement at taxpayers' expense.

    • @mr.behaving
      @mr.behaving 11 месяцев назад

      paid leave, full pensions, allowed to quit before firing, no record on their file. apply down the road at the next department, clean slate. its a joke to these people, i know enough LEOs and they all laugh at how easy it is to skate past an IA investigation and they don't pay a single red cent

    • @matthewronson5218
      @matthewronson5218 11 месяцев назад

      Every day.

    • @kidwave1
      @kidwave1 11 месяцев назад

      The "Thin Blue Line" and the Blue Line Flag are the DIRECT CORRELATIONS to the Blue Lodge of Freemasonry!!! All cops are highly pressured to join the "Local"/Blue Lodge of Freemasons! After taking an oath IN PUBLIC, to defend the Constitution, ...they take an oath IN SECRET, to the Freemasons, to LITERALLY "KEEP SECRETS FROM THE PUBLIC", in their initiation ritual! All of the "Orders" are CONNECTED! The ORDER of Freemasonry, is the "Brother ORDER" to the Federal ORDER of Police!!! The Federal ORDER of Police CONTROLS ALL OF THE POLICE ACADEMIES, EACH POLICE DEPT, THE DA's, and the COURTS AND JUDGES, and the unions lawyers that defend them! They are ALL TRAITORS to the USA, ....and at the lower levels they dont have a clue what they are involved in, and how theyre being controlled and manipulated to BETRAY their very own FAMILIES AND COUNTRY, ...AND THEMSELVES!!! They are COMMANDED TO FOLLOW EVERY ORDER GIVEN TO THEM BY THEIR TRUE MASTERS/LEADERS AT THE LODGE! They are beholden to their lodge, ....NOT THE PUBLIC, OR OUR COUNTRY! That is PRECISELY WHY EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING WITH "law enforcement" in the U.S.A. today!
      They are too ignorant to realize, or question, that their absolute lack of ANY worthwhile, adequate, meaningful, or SUFFICIENT training, ...coupled with their IMMUNITY from prosecution AND accountability ... is destroying the country of their very own families, friends, neighbors ...AND THEMSELVES! To violate OUR RIGHTS, and to destroy OUR FREEDOM, is to DESTROY THEIR OWN TOO!
      Honor your Oath, Follow the Law, and Adhere to your Policies, and you'll never have a problem! If you can't do that, GTFO!
      The millions of soldiers who paid the ULTIMATE PRICE, over the last 250+ years, defending our Country, Flag, Constitutional Rights and Freedom, DID NOT make that ULTIMATE SACRIFICE, ...only for American police to set themselves up as a PREFERENTIAL, PROTECTED, SEPARATE CLASS OF CITIZENS, who are OVERTLY MILITARIZED, UNACCOUNTABLE TO THE LAW, and IMMUNE FROM PROSECUTION! ...and WHO BETRAY THEIR OATHS WITHOUT SHAME, REMORSE or, MOST IMPORTANTLY CONSEQUENCE OR ACCOUNTABILITY!
      The fact that the cops have become a Thin Blue Line GANG, that operates secretly, to protect and cover for each others crimes, abuse of power, and disgraceful AND CRIMINAL behavior, THE OPPOSITE of what they've PUBLICLY SWORN TO DO, and is diametrically opposed to their mandate as PUBLIC SERVANTS!

  • @crystalclearwindowcleaning3458
    @crystalclearwindowcleaning3458 11 месяцев назад +28

    Government agents seem to feel they have full rights to do whatever they want. Thank you for standing up to them.

  • @chrisgunsandguitars1403
    @chrisgunsandguitars1403 11 месяцев назад +22

    This is a blatant violation of 4th Amendment rights. Their qualified immunity definitely should be revoked, and they should be prosecuted and later sued.

    • @thomasspringer5187
      @thomasspringer5187 7 месяцев назад

      It's a blatant attack on the sanctity of mankind. Those men and those like those men are a scourge and a disgrace to humanity.

  • @anthonydavinci7985
    @anthonydavinci7985 11 месяцев назад +78

    Thank You Institute for Justice .. Every American Veteran from every Era ,can find solace knowing their Sacrifice is appreciated..GOD Bless America ..

    • @3rdreichball525
      @3rdreichball525 11 месяцев назад

      You know all my gdamn stress and trouble in life has been government induced. Every single thing. I have lived most of my adult life in the darkest parts of humanity. War, prison, drug culture. All of it was government created. If i had the power to rain hell and havoc on the state i would. Just like they have me. I honestly sympathize with the enemy now more than i do the government because the government has caused more problems to me than anyone they fight. Narcos, terrorists, etc. The biggest cartel, mafia, amd terrorist group is definitely the usa government

    • @roorkollector5340
      @roorkollector5340 11 месяцев назад

      Then what about a “SNEAK and PEAK”…… these GASTAPO tyrants are doing this to me!

    • @3rdreichball525
      @3rdreichball525 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@roorkollector5340 all i can tell you is if they are spying with cameras get yourself a decent laser class 3b pointer, and aim it at their cameras. The laser will disable the imaging sensors.
      If they are doing it with their own eyes idk what to tell you other than see if the sheriffs can get them away. If its the sheriff doing it to you then that sucks too. See if you can legally booby trap your land. Start with non lethal traps, and if that doesnt make them stop well i guess more lethal methods to protect your property are gonna be needed.

    • @roorkollector5340
      @roorkollector5340 11 месяцев назад

      @@3rdreichball525 nice! Will Do! You have an awesome day. Thank you

    • @UncleKennysPlace
      @UncleKennysPlace 11 месяцев назад

      @@3rdreichball525 You cannot, in any way, in any state, have a booby trap that can _potentially_ cause injury.

  • @stevemendenhall2680
    @stevemendenhall2680 11 месяцев назад +95

    This further proves there are way too many law enforcement people. They have nothing better to do so they just create havoc everywhere they go.

    • @whatoh3407
      @whatoh3407 11 месяцев назад

      I live in the inner city and people have been saying this for decades. Police in my city hold a monopoly on violence. They get to decide how much violence there is and where. Oh cops need more money? Fabricate violence. Cops are state sponsored criminals.

    • @concernedbiker9414
      @concernedbiker9414 11 месяцев назад +4

      So, defund the police?

    • @randyhilton6629
      @randyhilton6629 10 месяцев назад +9

      @@concernedbiker9414 End qualified immunity, if they can't except responsibility for their unconstitutional behavior they shouldn't be cops.

    • @grantgoldberg1663
      @grantgoldberg1663 6 месяцев назад

      That is absolutely correct!

  • @brettlappin7731
    @brettlappin7731 11 месяцев назад +113

    You guys are awesome! Thank you for all you do.

  • @jill-of-all-trades
    @jill-of-all-trades 11 месяцев назад +26

    IJ is THE best!!

  • @mitter237
    @mitter237 11 месяцев назад +25

    Why do WE THE PEOPLE continually have to protect ourselves from the very people who swear to protect us?!

    • @kidwave1
      @kidwave1 11 месяцев назад

      Your answer sir! The "Thin Blue Line" and the Blue Line Flag are the DIRECT CORRELATIONS to the Blue Lodge of Freemasonry!!! All cops are highly pressured to join the "Local"/Blue Lodge of Freemasons! After taking an oath IN PUBLIC, to defend the Constitution, ...they take an oath IN SECRET, to the Freemasons, to LITERALLY "KEEP SECRETS FROM THE PUBLIC", in their initiation ritual! All of the "Orders" are CONNECTED! The ORDER of Freemasonry, is the "Brother ORDER" to the Federal ORDER of Police!!! The Federal ORDER of Police CONTROLS ALL OF THE POLICE ACADEMIES, EACH POLICE DEPT, THE DA's, and the COURTS AND JUDGES, and the unions lawyers that defend them! They are ALL TRAITORS to the USA, ....and at the lower levels they dont have a clue what they are involved in, and how theyre being controlled and manipulated to BETRAY their very own FAMILIES AND COUNTRY, ...AND THEMSELVES!!! They are COMMANDED TO FOLLOW EVERY ORDER GIVEN TO THEM BY THEIR TRUE MASTERS/LEADERS AT THE LODGE! They are beholden to their lodge, ....NOT THE PUBLIC, OR OUR COUNTRY! That is PRECISELY WHY EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING WITH "law enforcement" in the U.S.A. today!
      They are too ignorant to realize, or question, that their absolute lack of ANY worthwhile, adequate, meaningful, or SUFFICIENT training, ...coupled with their IMMUNITY from prosecution AND accountability ... is destroying the country of their very own families, friends, neighbors ...AND THEMSELVES! To violate OUR RIGHTS, and to destroy OUR FREEDOM, is to DESTROY THEIR OWN TOO!
      Honor your Oath, Follow the Law, and Adhere to your Policies, and you'll never have a problem! If you can't do that, GTFO!
      The millions of soldiers who paid the ULTIMATE PRICE, over the last 250+ years, defending our Country, Flag, Constitutional Rights and Freedom, DID NOT make that ULTIMATE SACRIFICE, ...only for American police to set themselves up as a PREFERENTIAL, PROTECTED, SEPARATE CLASS OF CITIZENS, who are OVERTLY MILITARIZED, UNACCOUNTABLE TO THE LAW, and IMMUNE FROM PROSECUTION! ...and WHO BETRAY THEIR OATHS WITHOUT SHAME, REMORSE or, MOST IMPORTANTLY CONSEQUENCE OR ACCOUNTABILITY!
      The fact that the cops have become a Thin Blue Line GANG, that operates secretly, to protect and cover for each others crimes, abuse of power, and disgraceful AND CRIMINAL behavior, THE OPPOSITE of what they've PUBLICLY SWORN TO DO, and is diametrically opposed to their mandate as PUBLIC SERVANTS!

    • @JT-cf5ol
      @JT-cf5ol 11 месяцев назад +1

      there are not enough examples of what happens when they cross boundaries

    • @concernedbiker9414
      @concernedbiker9414 11 месяцев назад +1

      That's exactly what BLM has been asking.

    • @JT-cf5ol
      @JT-cf5ol 11 месяцев назад

      @@concernedbiker9414 the question is valid but BLM is a marxist organization. there are several youtube vids explaining this. cops tell you not to trust cops, people who know history also tell you not to trust marxists, cops or any other form of government except Constitutional Republic.

  • @stevenmanley2817
    @stevenmanley2817 11 месяцев назад +29

    What would happen if you caught them on your property and ended up shooting them not knowing they’re law enforcement?

    • @UncleKennysPlace
      @UncleKennysPlace 11 месяцев назад +13

      It would depend on whether or not you own a backhoe.

    • @merlinambrosius2554
      @merlinambrosius2554 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@UncleKennysPlace Haha... beat me to it!

  • @thogevoll
    @thogevoll 11 месяцев назад +28

    In the fourth amendment "effects" refers to personal property. His property was stolen by the game wardens. That taking (theft) was unconstitutional.

    • @havenbastion
      @havenbastion 11 месяцев назад

      If it was done under colour of authority it's treason.

    • @thomasspringer5187
      @thomasspringer5187 7 месяцев назад

      That has nothing to do with any constitution. No man on earth believes they have a right to take someone else's property, even those men who stole the property know it's wrong.

  • @spudhead169
    @spudhead169 11 месяцев назад +27

    Thank you for all the IJ does.

  • @nunayabznus9158
    @nunayabznus9158 11 месяцев назад +15

    It is unreasonable for a government bureaucrat to believe "No Trespassing" signs do not apply to government bureaucrats. If the open fields doctrine allows for government bureaucrats to be functionally immune from trespassing laws, this definitely needs to be changed.

  • @rockymntnliberty
    @rockymntnliberty 11 месяцев назад +20

    The fact that these criminal agents we're not arrested or charged with a crime, demonstrates that we have a multiple tier justice system. If you are a law enforcement officer of any type in this country you have to do something extremely egregious to get charged with a crime. If this had been joblo citizen that have gone on to this property, and stolen the cameras, they certainly would have been charged with a crime.

    • @kidwave1
      @kidwave1 11 месяцев назад

      The "Thin Blue Line" and the Blue Line Flag are the DIRECT CORRELATIONS to the Blue Lodge of Freemasonry!!! All cops are highly pressured to join the "Local"/Blue Lodge of Freemasons! After taking an oath IN PUBLIC, to defend the Constitution, ...they take an oath IN SECRET, to the Freemasons, to LITERALLY "KEEP SECRETS FROM THE PUBLIC", in their initiation ritual! All of the "Orders" are CONNECTED! The ORDER of Freemasonry, is the "Brother ORDER" to the Federal ORDER of Police!!! The Federal ORDER of Police CONTROLS ALL OF THE POLICE ACADEMIES, EACH POLICE DEPT, THE DA's, and the COURTS AND JUDGES, and the unions lawyers that defend them! They are ALL TRAITORS to the USA, ....and at the lower levels they dont have a clue what they are involved in, and how theyre being controlled and manipulated to BETRAY their very own FAMILIES AND COUNTRY, ...AND THEMSELVES!!! They are COMMANDED TO FOLLOW EVERY ORDER GIVEN TO THEM BY THEIR TRUE MASTERS/LEADERS AT THE LODGE! They are beholden to their lodge, ....NOT THE PUBLIC, OR OUR COUNTRY! That is PRECISELY WHY EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING WITH "law enforcement" in the U.S.A. today!
      They are too ignorant to realize, or question, that their absolute lack of ANY worthwhile, adequate, meaningful, or SUFFICIENT training, ...coupled with their IMMUNITY from prosecution AND accountability ... is destroying the country of their very own families, friends, neighbors ...AND THEMSELVES! To violate OUR RIGHTS, and to destroy OUR FREEDOM, is to DESTROY THEIR OWN TOO!
      Honor your Oath, Follow the Law, and Adhere to your Policies, and you'll never have a problem! If you can't do that, GTFO!
      The millions of soldiers who paid the ULTIMATE PRICE, over the last 250+ years, defending our Country, Flag, Constitutional Rights and Freedom, DID NOT make that ULTIMATE SACRIFICE, ...only for American police to set themselves up as a PREFERENTIAL, PROTECTED, SEPARATE CLASS OF CITIZENS, who are OVERTLY MILITARIZED, UNACCOUNTABLE TO THE LAW, and IMMUNE FROM PROSECUTION! ...and WHO BETRAY THEIR OATHS WITHOUT SHAME, REMORSE or, MOST IMPORTANTLY CONSEQUENCE OR ACCOUNTABILITY!
      The fact that the cops have become a Thin Blue Line GANG, that operates secretly, to protect and cover for each others crimes, abuse of power, and disgraceful AND CRIMINAL behavior, THE OPPOSITE of what they've PUBLICLY SWORN TO DO, and is diametrically opposed to their mandate as PUBLIC SERVANTS!

  • @hosermandeusl2468
    @hosermandeusl2468 11 месяцев назад +21

    If you shoot them on your property, " the act of defending your property...", you are within your rights.

    • @deadcell8081
      @deadcell8081 11 месяцев назад +5

      But can you convince a jury of that?

    • @charliepiland3285
      @charliepiland3285 11 месяцев назад +2

      Not exactly…! You have to be able to articulate that you had a reasonable fear of grave bodily harm or imminent death and had not alternative but to shoot the,. Now, I can see the argument - several clearly armed dudes, dressed in full camo, displaying momLEO markings, Cree towards your wife & son caused you feel you had to defend them. BUT, most juries would demand that they be convinced those men reasonably posed a deadly threat to you in that instant. If the guns were all holstered, and you didn’t alert them to leave or you will be forced to defend yourself with force BEFORE shooting them…you are likely going to prison for life. You do what you want…but I’m not going to shoot at unknown persons who have yet to threaten me directly.

  • @ClobinWilliams
    @ClobinWilliams 11 месяцев назад +9

    Walking onto lands you suspect people are hunting on in full camo doesn’t sound like the brightest idea, all other aspects aside.

    • @paulpaul9914
      @paulpaul9914 11 месяцев назад +2

      Yes it's definately a bad idea to be doing that.

    • @Internal_Investigation
      @Internal_Investigation 11 месяцев назад +1

      Law enforcement typically doesn't hire the smartest people. If am applicant has an above average iq, they might think for themselves instead of just blindly following orders.

  • @martj1313
    @martj1313 11 месяцев назад +12

    And there was me expecting you to say the sheriff went and arrested the game warden for trespass and theft.

    • @debluetailfly
      @debluetailfly 11 месяцев назад +7

      That is what should have happened! Sounds like the sheriff is working in league with the game wardens. How else would the sheriff know the game warden took the camera?

  • @x-mess
    @x-mess 11 месяцев назад +21

    They got his sd cards... they're using his own surveillance to learn about him.... or someone they're protecting came through the property overnight.
    Storing the live feed on a personal cloud would be better. Any infringement... trespassing or stealing should be posted online to publically shame officials.

  • @libertine5606
    @libertine5606 11 месяцев назад +18

    This is why I financially support IJ monthly. That's it, I am doubling my donation to $50 a month! This is too important.

  • @yvettewilson7008
    @yvettewilson7008 11 месяцев назад +7

    My question is why the hell are they stalking these people in the first place? Because if they had any probable cause it would not be stalking it would be surveillance.

  • @williamlewis7846
    @williamlewis7846 11 месяцев назад +14

    Find out who wants this property, then find their connection to the case. Usually it's some local influential individual behind the enforcement action to cause the land owner to sell or lose the property. Often it's Developers looking to profit from larger tracts of land. I am not a lawyer, but have some experience with greedy developers and local government officials. Having been one I have seen these situations.

    • @rheeryder2524
      @rheeryder2524 11 месяцев назад +2

      GOOD point.

    • @debluetailfly
      @debluetailfly 11 месяцев назад +1

      That happens a lot!!! Often under the guise of 'improvement districts'.

  • @uninhibiteddefiance3307
    @uninhibiteddefiance3307 11 месяцев назад +14

    So even the DWR lack integrity while they are on a perpetual fishing expedition. You are doing GREAT work IfJ and I feel motivated to make a donation to your cause.

  • @nigelsouthon3590
    @nigelsouthon3590 11 месяцев назад +13

    Great work guys. From the uk 🇬🇧

  • @rarefruit2320
    @rarefruit2320 11 месяцев назад +15

    In most states you can permanently disable criminal trespassers especially cops

    • @rockymntnliberty
      @rockymntnliberty 11 месяцев назад +5

      This is true if they've entered your home, and in some states where perhaps they entered the curtilage of the home, but almost no States would allow that outside the curtilage unless your life was being threatened.

  • @charliepiland3285
    @charliepiland3285 11 месяцев назад +7

    Please get Qualified Immunity revoked for these tyrant fish police - they knowingly committed criminal trespass (trespass after warning…the signs providing said warnings), they knowingly stole private property, they were armed while,committing their crimes, they conducted illegal (retroactive) search of the cam pics. They need to be sent to prison and have their pensions forfeited for such egregious crimes! When LEOs are truly held accountable when they make, not innocent ‘mistakes’ but egregious unconstitutional &/or criminal acts, they may start to perform their duties in lawful ways.

  • @trailhiker8063
    @trailhiker8063 4 месяца назад +2

    The game wardens should be charged for theft. The property owner should look into an injunction or restraining order.

    @RANDOMNATION907 11 месяцев назад +22

    You have to put up an unbroken fence and a gate completely around your entire property. That extends 'curtilage' all the way to the property boundary. It's no longer called curtilage, instead it's refereed to as a 'moat'. Even if it's not a water moat. And if you leave your gate open, it becomes a 'public access point'. Basically an invitation.

    • @x-mess
      @x-mess 11 месяцев назад +2

      You're right but that can get expensive... and stops/curbs wildlife from passing through... that's y ppl move to these places sometimes..

    • @matthewronson5218
      @matthewronson5218 11 месяцев назад +6

      In general, but state laws have to be checked too. In Oregon, if a gate is painted Orange, it is considered legally closed even if it's left wide open by default. It's considered the same as a "No trespassing" sign.
      The idea is probably because signs can be torn down. It also lets an owner not bother to open and close the gate as he comes and goes, unless he has reason to.

      @RANDOMNATION907 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@matthewronson5218 That's interesting. I'll have to double check my states laws on the matter.

    • @jonathantaylor6926
      @jonathantaylor6926 8 месяцев назад

      The psychopath tyrants will just cut the fence and then lie and say it was like that way when they showed up.. so you need a fence and then cameras to prove they cut the fence.

    • @CHDean
      @CHDean 4 месяца назад +1

      And that is an unnecessary expense at the expense of the US Constitution.

  • @screwyou2
    @screwyou2 11 месяцев назад +11

    The character of a man who would follow these orders to usurp your 4th Ammendmant Rights is not a man at all. Maybe it's time to put the shoe on the other foot. They're own families and property should have their privacy and boundaries breached. Let them understand what they're doing to innocent people.

    • @kidwave1
      @kidwave1 11 месяцев назад

      The "Thin Blue Line" and the Blue Line Flag are the DIRECT CORRELATIONS to the Blue Lodge of Freemasonry!!! All cops are highly pressured to join the "Local"/Blue Lodge of Freemasons! After taking an oath IN PUBLIC, to defend the Constitution, ...they take an oath IN SECRET, to the Freemasons, to LITERALLY "KEEP SECRETS FROM THE PUBLIC", in their initiation ritual! All of the "Orders" are CONNECTED! The ORDER of Freemasonry, is the "Brother ORDER" to the Federal ORDER of Police!!! The Federal ORDER of Police CONTROLS ALL OF THE POLICE ACADEMIES, EACH POLICE DEPT, THE DA's, and the COURTS AND JUDGES, and the unions lawyers that defend them! They are ALL TRAITORS to the USA, ....and at the lower levels they dont have a clue what they are involved in, and how theyre being controlled and manipulated to BETRAY their very own FAMILIES AND COUNTRY, ...AND THEMSELVES!!! They are COMMANDED TO FOLLOW EVERY ORDER GIVEN TO THEM BY THEIR TRUE MASTERS/LEADERS AT THE LODGE! They are beholden to their lodge, ....NOT THE PUBLIC, OR OUR COUNTRY! That is PRECISELY WHY EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING WITH "law enforcement" in the U.S.A. today!
      They are too ignorant to realize, or question, that their absolute lack of ANY worthwhile, adequate, meaningful, or SUFFICIENT training, ...coupled with their IMMUNITY from prosecution AND accountability ... is destroying the country of their very own families, friends, neighbors ...AND THEMSELVES! To violate OUR RIGHTS, and to destroy OUR FREEDOM, is to DESTROY THEIR OWN TOO!
      Honor your Oath, Follow the Law, and Adhere to your Policies, and you'll never have a problem! If you can't do that, GTFO!
      The millions of soldiers who paid the ULTIMATE PRICE, over the last 250+ years, defending our Country, Flag, Constitutional Rights and Freedom, DID NOT make that ULTIMATE SACRIFICE, ...only for American police to set themselves up as a PREFERENTIAL, PROTECTED, SEPARATE CLASS OF CITIZENS, who are OVERTLY MILITARIZED, UNACCOUNTABLE TO THE LAW, and IMMUNE FROM PROSECUTION! ...and WHO BETRAY THEIR OATHS WITHOUT SHAME, REMORSE or, MOST IMPORTANTLY CONSEQUENCE OR ACCOUNTABILITY!
      The fact that the cops have become a Thin Blue Line GANG, that operates secretly, to protect and cover for each others crimes, abuse of power, and disgraceful AND CRIMINAL behavior, THE OPPOSITE of what they've PUBLICLY SWORN TO DO, and is diametrically opposed to their mandate as PUBLIC SERVANTS!

  • @pc6746
    @pc6746 11 месяцев назад +14

    So proud of what you all do there for us!!!

  • @Sgt-Gravy
    @Sgt-Gravy 11 месяцев назад +9

    IJ for congress!❤

    @LIVITYVIZION 11 месяцев назад +16

    Love what you’re doing. Keep up the good works.

  • @gazoo5248
    @gazoo5248 11 месяцев назад +8

    I didn't realize you all had a channel. So great. This is perfect because awareness needs to be raised on all these rights violations.

  • @MissLibertarian
    @MissLibertarian 11 месяцев назад +9

    How does one make a citizens arrest for trespassing?

    • @noanyobiseniss7462
      @noanyobiseniss7462 11 месяцев назад +5

      Bang, bang , bang...FREEZE!
      Same as the cops.

    • @TDC7594
      @TDC7594 10 месяцев назад

      How do system pigs arrest citizens? Gather in numbers, do surveillance, form a plan, get armed and armored, surprise them when they're least expecting it, force them into custody, tolerate no resistance.
      The only difference is that, if one of them cooperates, execution of justice must be summary, since there'll be swift retaliation and attempt to break the officer out of custody by the government.

  • @David_Ladd
    @David_Ladd 11 месяцев назад +10

    This is just wow.
    I am thinking some things need to change to protect the people better.

  • @Against_All_Enemies
    @Against_All_Enemies 11 месяцев назад +8

    You should definitely download and then upload that Livestream from TN court of appeals . I live in middle Tennessee and have also had problems with law enforcement parking on my property and leaving trash etc .

  • @banditeastlick2471
    @banditeastlick2471 11 месяцев назад +6

    Supreme Court supports anyone who places a sign restricting any law enforcement or government agency shall be protected from any warrantless entries

  • @tomemig7465
    @tomemig7465 11 месяцев назад +8

    This has been a problem for years in Missouri. Game wardens claim they don't need a warrent to tresspass and search your house or property. They'll walk onto your land, disturb your hunt and ask you to come down from your tree stand and show your permit. If they hear a shot they might just decide to go check it out. Even if they are tresspassing. My local game warden told me a couple years back he doesn't need a warrant.

    • @JT-cf5ol
      @JT-cf5ol 11 месяцев назад +2

      hope they enjoy the bear traps :-)

    • @UncleKennysPlace
      @UncleKennysPlace 11 месяцев назад +1

      Then you need to "out" him. Write a letter to the local wildlife division station, requesting confirmation of what the guy told you.

  • @gypsypath1
    @gypsypath1 11 месяцев назад +12

    What if it’s fenced and they have to cross a fence to get in? But I bet the trespassers would be more than a little cranky if the homeowner protected their property. 😒

    • @steventatlock5443
      @steventatlock5443 11 месяцев назад +6

      Bet homeowners are going to be more than a little cranky when they have to fence in 30 acres in the hopes that the minor inconvenience of a fence if enough to prevent government officials from violating their rights.

    • @gypsypath1
      @gypsypath1 11 месяцев назад

      @@steventatlock5443 Point taken, but also keep in mind that they do this to people with different property sizes. I’m curious as to what lengths they go as well as what kind of legal protections each step of deterrence adds for the property owner.

  • @chrissinclair4442
    @chrissinclair4442 11 месяцев назад +7

    As a child I was told you can go to any county I Kentucky and grow pot as long as you pay off the Sheriff. I live in Jefferson County and was told there were several people you can pay off, not just the Sheriff. All this crap the used to show on TV about finding pot fields with helicopters is crap. Law enforcement knows wether wondering around your property or flying over it.

  • @TRspeaksTRUTH
    @TRspeaksTRUTH 11 месяцев назад +21

    Very curious to hear what the result was of the TN appeal that was supposed to happen 20JUN23. Thank yall for what you're doing! This has got me very concerned abt how to keep boogaboos off my property. 😅

  • @cashdingo6386
    @cashdingo6386 11 месяцев назад +6

    “Effects” are possessions, I like how all adults understand context until they’re hired by the government.

    • @scotts148
      @scotts148 Месяц назад +2

      When it comes to government employees, we’re not sending our best.

  • @michaelbagley9116
    @michaelbagley9116 11 месяцев назад +8

    Fish and game officers are using a case based on a time when communication was difficult. It is not the problem now. The curtilage exception based on this needs to be looked at. Property rights under the Federal Law needs to be reviewed or the congress should act. Unfortunately, the greater protections of state law are the only ones restraining these officials.

  • @yppykya
    @yppykya 11 месяцев назад +7

    In a recent ruling a court has said that police cannot fly a drone and film a person's property without a warrant.
    If that is true, then authorities definitely can't steal your game camera and try to access the video footage without a warrant.

    • @CHDean
      @CHDean 4 месяца назад

      That would be a substantial case law.

  • @bornfree3124
    @bornfree3124 11 месяцев назад +4

    Too many police and game wardens to support without violating the people to extort $$ for their pay.

  • @rimagerhard5047
    @rimagerhard5047 11 месяцев назад +4

    Completely mind-boggling, the stuff of nightmares. If they were not government officials, we'd call that criminal behavior!

  • @XiahouJoe
    @XiahouJoe 11 месяцев назад +6

    Had my eyes opened about open fields doctrine and other warrantless powers that game wardens have 20+ years ago when dabbling in taxidermy. Reading in forums about horror stories like this.

  • @Don-mi6zl
    @Don-mi6zl 11 месяцев назад +6

    Anyone who is paying attention has concluded any forced used against a government agent is presumptively justified.

    • @havenbastion
      @havenbastion 11 месяцев назад

      No government in existence was ever founded legitimacy or ever undertook to establish legitimacy.

  • @prex345
    @prex345 11 месяцев назад +12

    They're Fed's, of course they feel like they can do as they please. There will be zero consequences.

    • @charlesdoyle3630
      @charlesdoyle3630 24 дня назад

      @prex345 Not feds. They are state fish and wildlife

  • @axion3979
    @axion3979 11 месяцев назад +5

    game wardens are graced with some of the broadest levels of authority

  • @skysoldier1127
    @skysoldier1127 11 месяцев назад +4

    Here is part of the problem our governments, townies, state and federal agencies feel like they no longer have to hold their employees accountable to the citizenry. This could have been easily handled with the wildlife and game, one firing those individuals and to having the local sheriff charged them with crimes

  • @dorzak975
    @dorzak975 11 месяцев назад +4

    @7:30 maybe put a sticker on the back of the Camera reminding game wardens of that. "This personal property is protected by the 4th Amendment. Return to where it was seized if seized without a warrant"

  • @AA-ke5cu
    @AA-ke5cu 11 месяцев назад +10

    Find these so called game wardens and find out why they are snooping on the guys land to begin with. Sounds like a neighbor trying to create intriguing falsehoods to me. Most people look at no trespassing signs as that person is trying to hide something. Newsy neighbor syndrome. Or some pissed off hunter that is barred from exploiting your land. The key is to find who instigated the snoop order in the first place and why.

    • @mahbriggs
      @mahbriggs 11 месяцев назад +4

      I read about this case recently. It appears his brother, who lives in a different county, was accused of some game violation. His brother is fighting the charge.
      It appears that they are hoping to find some evidence against one or the other.
      A gross violation of the law on their part! You can't just search somebody in hopes of finding a crime, you have to have evidence of a crime first!
      And just because one's brother is accused of a crime, is not evidence that you have committed a crime!

    • @coop5329
      @coop5329 11 месяцев назад

      @@mahbriggs Ah, but they can and do. The cops do it every day, stopping drivers for fishing expeditions, asking if they can search the vehicle and when told no, holding the driver while they bring a so-called drug dog which will fake an "alert" at the handler's signal. Then jump all over the vehicle causing thousands of dollars of damages. "Not legally allowed" means nothing to our govt. officials because the corrupt Supreme Court has given them a total pass with Qualified Immunity.

    • @AA-ke5cu
      @AA-ke5cu 11 месяцев назад

      @@mahbriggs key details are missing what was the brother charged with? If it's bad enough I'm guessing it's like mother like daughter syndrome motive for their snooping;and they are trying to build a case;who knows; even so; the feds do whatever they want; especially the parks service; look at all the 411 facts about people going missing in national parks and freak satanists doing animal ritual sacrifices. Game charge? The whole thing is fishy to say the least.

  • @toddbatstra645
    @toddbatstra645 11 месяцев назад +8

    Thank you for your great work!

  • @DarkHorseSki
    @DarkHorseSki 11 месяцев назад +5

    Yep. This sort of work is why I am adding you folks to my list of groups worthy of getting my donation money each year.

  • @noanyobiseniss7462
    @noanyobiseniss7462 11 месяцев назад +7

    So legally when a trespasser in camo catches a bullet what will the fallout be?

    • @UncleKennysPlace
      @UncleKennysPlace 11 месяцев назад

      If they were not a direct threat to you, you know what will happen. Geez, the gun-happy nutters in this thread are scary.

  • @dozi3r
    @dozi3r 11 месяцев назад +5

    Oh man, IJ is amazing

  • @stillraven9415
    @stillraven9415 11 месяцев назад +5

    Sometimes, they break the law? Isn't it once in a while one of them doesn't break the law.

  • @PB-rq1og
    @PB-rq1og 11 месяцев назад +3

    Lol.. no one should never ever trust any government employee.

  • @wdtaut5650
    @wdtaut5650 11 месяцев назад +6

    Does the "open fields" doctrine apply to rich people who can afford to erect elaborate fences to completely surround their property and install gates on their driveways? Are police allowed to penetrate the fence, including damaging the fence, to gain access to an "open field"?

    • @Internal_Investigation
      @Internal_Investigation 11 месяцев назад +2

      If you're rich enough, no laws apply.

    • @InstituteForJustice
      @InstituteForJustice  11 месяцев назад +2

      Good question! The open fields doctrine is categorical. So it allows warrantless searches of unmarked land. And posted land. And fenced land. And cultivated land. Heck, could put up a brick wall, dig a moat, and fill it with crocodiles. The open fields doctrine would still allow police to search your land without a warrant. Read Oliver v. United States, 466 U.S. 170 (1984), for a good summary of how broad it is. As for penetrating fences, our position is that doing so would constitute a seizure, which doesn't fall within the open fields doctrine. However, some courts have actually held that officers can break down gates to enter private land under the doctrine. See Moher v. United States, 875 F. Supp. 2d 739 (W.D. Mich. 2012).

    • @Graymenn
      @Graymenn 11 месяцев назад +2

      If you catch them and demand they leave do they have to or can they just set up camp and stay as long as they want?

  • @rustyequipment2181
    @rustyequipment2181 11 месяцев назад +7

    The take away I get from this... while on your own property, carry a weapon and when you see someone trespassing, end the threat. seems pretty cut and dry... yeah, you might get got too, but the criminals will think twice next time someone suggest this practice.
    but no, let's takes years of legal battles and words on paper to enforce something that should already be inherit to our liberties.

    • @UncleKennysPlace
      @UncleKennysPlace 11 месяцев назад

      You could spend the rest of your life in prison; I'd rather fight it legally.

    • @rustyequipment2181
      @rustyequipment2181 11 месяцев назад

      @@UncleKennysPlace lol prison... imagine allowing someone to capture you and cage you. ultimate cuck

    • @TDC7594
      @TDC7594 10 месяцев назад

      @@UncleKennysPlace I probably wouldn't, although being killed is likely. "Love Free or Die" isn't just a slogan on license plates. Without liberty, life is meaningless.

  • @rilo7891
    @rilo7891 9 месяцев назад +3

    wardens not only committed theft. They are stalking, Harassing. Possibly are child predators.

  • @rhettroberts9248
    @rhettroberts9248 5 месяцев назад +3

    Criminals with guns and badges. Go to prison, in your uniform.

  • @intellectualiconoclasm3264
    @intellectualiconoclasm3264 11 месяцев назад +5

    FOPT (Fruit of the Poisonous Tree) has been laid by the wayside, and it must change!

    • @brettlappin7731
      @brettlappin7731 11 месяцев назад +2

      What is FOPT please?

    • @intellectualiconoclasm3264
      @intellectualiconoclasm3264 11 месяцев назад +4

      @brettlappin7731 Fruit of the Poisonous Tree. If evidence is acquired outside the correct methods, such as a seizure without warrant or warrant exceptions, anything discovered subsequent to that info is inadmissible. Further, you're not supposed to even investigate what there. This extends from searching a vehicle on the road with no valid reason to entering property and stealing. Which is what this is, no warrant or valid exceptions here.

    • @brettlappin7731
      @brettlappin7731 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@intellectualiconoclasm3264 Ahh, thank you for responding!

    • @intellectualiconoclasm3264
      @intellectualiconoclasm3264 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@brettlappin7731 Gladly!

  • @mr.waynes7555
    @mr.waynes7555 11 месяцев назад +5

    I LOVE MY COUNTRY NOT MY government. God bless Institute for Justice!

    • @thomaswayneward
      @thomaswayneward 11 месяцев назад

      You have no country. The United States of America is not a country. You have been brainwashed by the media. Since Lincolns war and devastation of the South, the left has tried to brainwash you into thinking the DC government has more power than the states. Today, the States can dissolve the DC government and write a new US constitution.

    @DISABILITY-ADVOCATE-ASK4HELP 11 месяцев назад +5

    Effects = land

  • @commietube4273
    @commietube4273 11 месяцев назад +4

    Here in Ky they kick in doors looking for antlers.

  • @lawaincooley6788
    @lawaincooley6788 11 месяцев назад +10

    Meanwhile at the border... complete lawlessness.

  • @user-oh5ic4fy2h
    @user-oh5ic4fy2h 11 месяцев назад +4

    In Connecticut there is a case right now of fish and wildlife putting a video camera on a nuisance bear who has constantly been reported going onto someone’s property. This is an interesting case indeed with too much to type here . Would be interesting to see what IJ thinks about this.

  • @greggweber9967
    @greggweber9967 11 месяцев назад +4

    What happened to the Sheriff after he ratted out the Game people?

  • @BooksbyAFoster
    @BooksbyAFoster 11 месяцев назад +3

    Prayers for this family. Prayers for their protection... Armor of the Lord... all around you.

  • @paulpaul9914
    @paulpaul9914 11 месяцев назад +5

    I sometimes feel like, somebody's watching me, & I have no privacy 🎶🎵🎶🎵

  • @ravenrock541
    @ravenrock541 11 месяцев назад +1

    "Sometimes" police officers don't follow the law? That's an understatement

  • @jamesbecker4326
    @jamesbecker4326 11 месяцев назад +1

    thank you IJ.... keep up the good work

  • @DudeSoWin
    @DudeSoWin 11 месяцев назад +4

    Please release the camera model.

  • @kevinsargent
    @kevinsargent 11 месяцев назад +3

    "Sometimes" don't follow the constitution. Think you mean often.

    • @kidwave1
      @kidwave1 11 месяцев назад

      The "Thin Blue Line" and the Blue Line Flag are the DIRECT CORRELATIONS to the Blue Lodge of Freemasonry!!! All cops are highly pressured to join the "Local"/Blue Lodge of Freemasons! After taking an oath IN PUBLIC, to defend the Constitution, ...they take an oath IN SECRET, to the Freemasons, to LITERALLY "KEEP SECRETS FROM THE PUBLIC", in their initiation ritual! All of the "Orders" are CONNECTED! The ORDER of Freemasonry, is the "Brother ORDER" to the Federal ORDER of Police!!! The Federal ORDER of Police CONTROLS ALL OF THE POLICE ACADEMIES, EACH POLICE DEPT, THE DA's, and the COURTS AND JUDGES, and the unions lawyers that defend them! They are ALL TRAITORS to the USA, ....and at the lower levels they dont have a clue what they are involved in, and how theyre being controlled and manipulated to BETRAY their very own FAMILIES AND COUNTRY, ...AND THEMSELVES!!! They are COMMANDED TO FOLLOW EVERY ORDER GIVEN TO THEM BY THEIR TRUE MASTERS/LEADERS AT THE LODGE! They are beholden to their lodge, ....NOT THE PUBLIC, OR OUR COUNTRY! That is PRECISELY WHY EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING WITH "law enforcement" in the U.S.A. today!
      They are too ignorant to realize, or question, that their absolute lack of ANY worthwhile, adequate, meaningful, or SUFFICIENT training, ...coupled with their IMMUNITY from prosecution AND accountability ... is destroying the country of their very own families, friends, neighbors ...AND THEMSELVES! To violate OUR RIGHTS, and to destroy OUR FREEDOM, is to DESTROY THEIR OWN TOO!
      Honor your Oath, Follow the Law, and Adhere to your Policies, and you'll never have a problem! If you can't do that, GTFO!
      The millions of soldiers who paid the ULTIMATE PRICE, over the last 250+ years, defending our Country, Flag, Constitutional Rights and Freedom, DID NOT make that ULTIMATE SACRIFICE, ...only for American police to set themselves up as a PREFERENTIAL, PROTECTED, SEPARATE CLASS OF CITIZENS, who are OVERTLY MILITARIZED, UNACCOUNTABLE TO THE LAW, and IMMUNE FROM PROSECUTION! ...and WHO BETRAY THEIR OATHS WITHOUT SHAME, REMORSE or, MOST IMPORTANTLY CONSEQUENCE OR ACCOUNTABILITY!
      The fact that the cops have become a Thin Blue Line GANG, that operates secretly, to protect and cover for each others crimes, abuse of power, and disgraceful AND CRIMINAL behavior, THE OPPOSITE of what they've PUBLICLY SWORN TO DO, and is diametrically opposed to their mandate as PUBLIC SERVANTS!

  • @Outlawlife1010
    @Outlawlife1010 11 месяцев назад +1

    Trespassers get shot. Survivors get shot again. Those game wardens are lucky that this guy seems pretty chill.

  • @angelofamillionyears4599
    @angelofamillionyears4599 11 месяцев назад +1

    Why did they target this guy?

    • @avsystem3142
      @avsystem3142 11 месяцев назад +1

      Might be of point of curiosity but it isn't relevant to the law.

    • @wilfredmacdonald8245
      @wilfredmacdonald8245 11 месяцев назад +2

      They targeted him because they could. Evil people do thing's because they can do them not because it needs to be done.

    • @angelofamillionyears4599
      @angelofamillionyears4599 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@wilfredmacdonald8245 True ! And Biden is proof of that with mandatory poison injections. The good news is that Karma is coming !!

    • @angelofamillionyears4599
      @angelofamillionyears4599 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@avsystem3142 Trespassing is illegal always and very risky.

    • @x-mess
      @x-mess 11 месяцев назад

      They want something he has and they were there so they needed to take the evidence of their trespassing.

  • @AathielVaDaath
    @AathielVaDaath 11 месяцев назад +3

    It feels like there is more context to this..
    I'm totally against what has happened. But it seems like there has to be some reason this guy was targeted.. some suspicion of having done something, even if there's no formal accusation.
    Like, he is suspected for having done something and the hunting offense is just the cover story/justification.

      @DISABILITY-ADVOCATE-ASK4HELP 11 месяцев назад +1

      They want his land maybe! He spoke up against the govment maybe! SomeONE doesn’t like him maybe! Why don’t YOU research and investigate and report on it.

    • @DudeSoWin
      @DudeSoWin 11 месяцев назад +1

      No warrant though and its a common occurrence. What is unique about this story is that the guy caught them in the act and immediately called the cops, plus he is choosing to litigate. Its not so much that the Government does things counter to the law, but when the Government attacks itself in confusion and disorder. Had he the correct legacy infrastructure that could report on their espionage there could have been an appropriate armed response. But they have done a disservice by sabotaging all our tools and empowering criminals. There was another case where 2 robbers entered a building using a jammer to ddos a camera, the video clips to a couple hours later with them carrying away a tv screen.

    • @thefreedomwarrior
      @thefreedomwarrior 11 месяцев назад +3

      It doesn’t matter. It’s still a 4th amendment violation by the government. If we accept that premise (he must have pissed someone off, that’s why he is being targeted) we would be part of the problem.

    • @hoogabooga9736
      @hoogabooga9736 11 месяцев назад +2

      he asked somebody to define a woman

    • @AathielVaDaath
      @AathielVaDaath 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@thefreedomwarrior I wouldn't say it makes us part of the problem necessarily. The lack of contextualization by the channel is conspicuous.
      I'm universally against victim blaming. I don't care who you are, what you do or where you do it.
      Even if you are deliberately trying to instigate, you don't deserve having crimes committed against you, so if we treat all crimes this way, awesome.
      But this channel doesn't.. it's not as bad as many that I've seen, which is why I sub, but this omission isn't consistent with other incidents so I want to know why.
      You are correct on the rest.
      We absolutely need to hold everyone equal under the law, including the government. That we have so many levels of privilege in the American judicial system is disgusting.

  • @GRasimos
    @GRasimos 3 месяца назад

    You guys are super heroes for the American citizen. Giving thanks for your work.