Took me like half the video to realize the people talking were actually the players and not characters in the game. Who the fuck talks like that when they're playing a video game???
I hope there is some character customisation and the possibility of being an antagonist. You know helping bandits, stealing medicine starting riots that sorta shit
Sith Lorde I hate bugs with any company but I hate the fact that Bethesda gets away with having hundreds of bugs just because they have made a few good games.
So many missed opportunities in gameplay elements in this, what we did get if you set aside all the trailers is a really solid 3rd person rpg shooter. The gameplay trailers set out to make it seem like it’s a rpg survival game where friends can drop in and out but still have to meet each other. With dense story and a massive world to explore that you can walk around with no loading screens for the most part and be able to walk from Brooklyn to Manhattan. Using the supplies you find to the best of your ability while getting to your destination,coming across people to help that give you tips and rewards for Helping, or you could be a rogue agent and be hunted down for being evil and taking from whoever you can and can be tracked throughout the entire city. Then a blizzard comes in to help cover your tracks gives you an advantage and a chance to check all your weapons ammo and other gear. Then if you lose them you can take shelter in a building for a bit, the map will be big enough to where you could still get things done but you still know you are being tracked til your rogue status cools off or you go to a rogue safe house. And everytime you leave a safe house you are always at risk from losing your items from other players or npc’s.
Sure this game was downgraded in multiple areas, yet I still enjoyed the hell out of it, the first/second year I played so much of it. I love the atmosphere, the vibe, the darkness, the music, it’s all so good. I wish they would’ve worked upon it instead of making the division 2
Here is how real people talk in a video game: (The guy on stage is Griggs) 1:23 [Megan] "I found a new base, it's on your map, get your ass there now!" 1:37 [Megan] "It's right next to us, so if you get lost, I'm leaving you behind." 1:47 [Megan] "Here's Johnny! Awww, no-one's here, I wanted to shoot dudes in the face." 1:56 [Megan] "There's blinking shit on the ground, I think it's a bomb." 2:04 [Megan] "Holy shitballs! I love holograms! 2:17 [Megan] "Where's Bronson? if that flaky fuck keeps on not showing up, I'm gonna take his share of the loot." 2:36 [Megan] "Yes! I always wanted to jump over these stupid barriers in the subway." 2:41 [Megan] "Hey Bronson, where the fuck were you?" 2:43 [Bronson] "I was talking to Chris. No need to be hostile, damn." 2:45 [Chris] "Hi guys" 2:46 [Megan] "Ohhh, I see how it is, a little bromance going on in here?" 2:48 [Chris] "Hell no! I've got a girlfriend." 2:50 [Megan] "Sure you do." 2:55 [Bronson] "Looks like we're fighting the AI again, get ready to kick some computer ass!" 3:26 [Megan] "What have we here?" 3:39 [Bronson] "What the fuck are you aiming with Jake, a potato?!?!" 3:40 [Griggs] "..." 3:57 [Griggs] "Lol, some dude with an axe is trying to kill me." 3:58 [Megan] "Whoah, dude you can talk?" 3:59 [Bronson] "Yeah, I though your mic was broken." 4:01 [Griggs] "I was talking to my mo- I mean girlfriend." 4:02 [Megan] "Mmmkay..." 4:17 [Griggs] "Oh god my ears!" 4:30 [Megan] "Bronson you idiot, you're not fucking Rambo! Whatever, I'll rev you" 4:41 [Megan] There, you're back in the action!" 4:57 [Bronson] "This guy can't aim for shit" 4:58 [Megan] "I know, it's like they're blind or something." 5:07 [Griggs] "Yes!" 5:08 [Megan] "And the asshole is dead!" 5:09 [Bronson] Smooth sailing from here on out, all thanks to yours truly!" 5:10 [Megan] Yeah right, I had to revive you." 5:11 [Bronson] Pfft, semantics." 5:17 [Megan] "Now we can haz base? Yesssssss."
funny how they try to make it look hard and challenging by just sucking at the game. Doesnt really seems like you need planning r anythig, you can easily run and shoot everyone without any fancy trick
There were *3* enemies There were *3* of you And they fail to kill them because "I'll take middle. Meg take right. Bronson take left" is waaay to hard Lol then just minutes later the *3* of them get completely pinned by *1* guy.
Skogze For reals. They could've each picked a target and shot at the same time with a simple 3 second countdown lol. I remember doing stuff like that in Rainbow Six.
smfh i wished they would've kept the game the same way like this
8 лет назад+4
Ah, those stats hinted at in the end. "Supply Line" as any actual supply line. Sweet base building, or at least something close. *MORALE* on the right!
E3 presentation was a directors true vision they downgraded the game beacuse ps4 and xbox one couldnt handle it the e3 presentaion was running on a powerful pc realtime on their snow drop frame work iam not that its impossible for consoles I think they did that just beacuse they dont want to invest more money for optimistaion but still they should have kept those things for pc but it would be ugly for consoles
Why do I feel like I'm being lulled in by pc gameplay that'll be downgraded as fuck for the console version. As a side note can they just be quiet the voice actors at trying much too hard to sound like gamers.
Jack Axton Wildlands is actually the first decent Ubisoft title in years. A LOT better than The Trollvision and For Honor (Disconnect p2p rubbish) both those games had potential yet as always the devs screw up and never properly fixed either
+Boris Bartkowski are you serious?? the animations and the movements are incredible in the trailers, i bought the game since the release day and seriously now i'm watching different game lol
Imagine what this game COULD'VE BECOME, the most amazing next gen experience ever. Yes this could have been accomplished and yes it does have the performance power if funded by UBISOFT PROPERLY
8 лет назад
I don't give much of a fuck about all that dickery. I mourn the gameplay shown and even more hinted at. Bases (and apparently, more than one, not "safehouses" (which don't make an ounce of sense)) had Morale. Or were supposed to. And that's just one detail.
Even if the downgrade the graphics it will still probably be one of the best games out, watch dogs didn't even look that bad so I don't understand why people are moaning
I like Watch_Dogs don't get me wrong. But there is a line, No one realistically expects most E3 games to look as good as they do during conferences BUT we do expect them to look similar and Watch_Dogs when`t way way way too far with this
Yeah obviously they aren't gonna look like this but what's annoying is everyone moans about games getting downgraded when I don't even think the graphics we get are that bad, everyone was crying about watch dogs but I thought it looked pretty nice
Sam + Aidan Huitema Wow. People who respond reasonably to the whole Watch_Dogs graphics situation. Which shouldn't even be a situation in the first place. Should mark this on my calendar.
Quite a lot was changed from the 2012 reveal.......... IT wouldn't of been so bad if Ubi didn't go on twitter saying the PC version would look better than the reveal. Lieing to your customers is pretty low.
Having a good pc means you can play games to their full potential unlike consoles that either have decreased graphics, a locked fps or nasty flaws as the consoles don't have good enough specs to render current gen games unlike a good pc
***** PC 101. Enjoy. 1. Capable of better graphics 2. Able to last 10 years plus before having to even START replacing parts (speaking from a responsible electronics owner point of a view, not a 10 year old kid) 3. $500 can get you a budget computer that's just as good as an xbox 1 or a PS4 graphics/capabilities AND is BUG FREE as far as the actual computer goes, unlike consoles where my roommate has an xbox one and has to almost constantly restart his xbox when he wants to change games. 4. Upgradable over time, can have new parts put in depending on what you're looking for most, better graphics, smoother gameplay, etc. 5. Can DOWNLOAD any game, no disc required, so instead of having to install every game on top of changing out the disc each time you wanna play a new game, you just exit and start a new one. 6. More hard drive space, you can get a 2 TB hard drive for like $100 these days for a PC where an xbox or a PC will charge you $100 for a 500 GB hard drive. Am I missing anything else? I mean aside from not having to wait for someone to take the time to make an app so you can watch youtube, or the fact that you can use shadowplay or twitch right NOW instead of having to wait for an app for that as well, not to mention anyone who streams on a console knows its better to stream through a capture card on your computer than to do it through a console. Oh and there is duo monitoring, so you can play your game and look up guides, listen to/change music mid-game by simply alt tabbing, better voice communication services as well as having options when it comes to that sort of thing. Also before people start talking about disliking the mouse/keyboard gaming style, any game that is on the xbox 360/one has the controller support for that console so you don't HAVE to use a mouse and keyboard for it. However I'm not gonna go as far as to say that consoles are gonna die off completely, some people want consoles because they don't know jack about computers and they're like you, they think that they have to spend a grand or more just to be able to play games like this, when the only thing they really need is a graphics card that supports directx 11 and a decent processor and they'll basically be able to play as good as if not better than a console, but if I can drop $500 on a computer tonight, maybe spend another $500 throughout the year and have it last me at least 10 years before I start having to have parts be refurbished or replaced (which I could just go and buy those parts brand new against for roughly 10-25% of the original cost) rather than having to send it in 10 times because it red ringed or buy the new "version" of the console because they fixed the issues, then why would I buy a console? Hell I've gotta eject the disc 12 times or completely restart my friends xbox one just to go from COD: Ghosts to Titanfall, and that's even IF Titanfall decides to actually load up and play the first time (which isn't often, and another friend informs me its happening with his PS4 as well), when I can just double click and my game will start up right away, and before you get onto viruses and hacks and crap, anti-virus, pop-up blocker, and just a bit of common sense can keep you from getting a virus, and any game that is worth putting the time into won't have hackers in it. If you are just using a computer to play games and use facebook, going to anything that isn't official will keep you from getting a virus, and just like any website if you see the designers icon, but not the name of the company next to it (example: You see the adobe icon, but it doesn't say adobe next to the icon on the website, well that means its not adobe's website), you shouldn't be on that site. I'm sure I'm missing some things so I'll stop here and maybe give some other people a chance to add in their 2 cents.
I really hope we see a Division re-mastered edition. Division One already looks great, but a re-mastered edition to just keep the game alive. It's such a great game. IMO Division 2 should've been released as DLC. D.C as another map agents could travel to, while keeping the story in the winter timeline relative to the Black Friday breakout in winter.
I love how that guy is just standing there with a controller in his hand. not doing a damn thing. cause this was not anything close to what we got. even on pc.
I am hyped for this game, but I have a small fear the Ubisoft will screw it up in the end and other problem is that I think the game will just boil down to assaulting an area and then defending it.
watching this in 2017.... now i noticed they got rid of some of the sliding animations. the running animations in this E3 demo as well as the shooting seems a bit messed up. Also noticed they asked some guy to "light them up" and nothing happened. Megan seems like she's holding back a lot to keep the heat up.
For the few people saying they down graded the graphics for optimization, thats bs. GTA6's trailer (Which is actual gameplay graphics) is done on a Dev Kit Console, meaning Ubisoft could have very well published this version of the game.
This part of the game is actually a backstory. This is the first wave of division agents. As you can see, the Base of Operations is not yet a thing and they capture it in this film. But current in-game, the base has been a thing for a while.
The same voice actors (from the 2013 E3 trailer reveal) are commentating in real-time as the CPU AI runs off, they're heard saying "the last guy he's getting away" @3:40, but they aren't clearly present on stage whilst in co-op on this demo. This is either pre-recorded or it's completely filled with set pieces. The point of trying to make is this fool/Game Director is pretending he's playing the actual game. Obviously they've released a pre-production copy/video for the conference so there is no errors i.e game crashes in this feature ect. Completely deception on Ubisoft's part YET AGAIN as with Watch Dogs and early 2013 E3 The Division Trailer.
Soooooo... is the radio overlay for the voices just for show in presentations, or is it actually going to sound like this in game? and it's pretty stupid how the guy playing isn't talking to his teammates.
The bullets putting dents in the metal at 3:54 , that rotor ability, that slide with the leg brushing, the paint splattering, the snow melting from the fire... So much that didn't make it into the final build which sucks. Every one of those could run on Console and it shouldn't hurt the frames at all.
Why are people in the comments such haters? Apart from the graphics what did Ubisoft actually 'lie' about? Everything in the actual game is better/improved upon than this video
+Waytootall 4ya It is 100% Freeroam, and the map is f*cking huge as it is. If it was any larger distances would be too big to travel. And there are still skills?
real people. assume he's playing with friends instead of random asshats online. even though obviously scripted, nothing too extreme- they're just basically staying in character.
I wish people would talk like that online, would give more feel and would help gameplay. Now it is "Only use the mic to bitch, moan, and talk about fucking"
Luna Eclipse I use my mic to talk to people and have fun, I don't even talk about the game, I hate when I play games like cod with my friends go all MLG saying all the stupid call outs and telling people what to do, it's boring
Please, for the love that is "next gen" dont sacrifice this game like you did Watch_Dogs for the sake of last gen console users. I've been playing it for PC and it is godawful graphically. And I don't mean that my pc can't run it, or that the game doesn't run well. It runs fine, except I'm constantly making graphical changes just so the god damn shadows don't stutter in and out of place, or that textures don't phase in and out. Believe me, I have a decent rig but watch_dogs is just a buggy game due to lowering it's standards to last gen gaming.
John Doe I'm just saying you sound like a party crasher whos upset because nobody made him giftbag. This was made for consoles so don't whine about the us ruining it for you if anything we should be upset you.them porting this to pc probably took some part in the delay. So thank you mustard race for making me have to wait longer for this promising game
It was downgraded, alot. But don't worry, some people just modded it to make it look like the E3 footage, if you can run it. Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
I don't really care, it is just a bit strange is all because I don't think they ever mentioned base building. I don't really understand how that would work anyway.
That isn't base building. Base building is when you can set up and design your own base anywhere you want and it is unique, that is why she said "MY BASE".
Generic: :of or relating to a whole group or class The group or class in this case being the hundreds of other games that we've all played before that are just like this one.
this game would be in shooter genre where your main gameplay mechanic revolves around shooting people. The only thing I see generic is shooting (I mean are they supposed to throw rocks at each for the sake of innovation) I can see youve noticed that but did try in the slightest to figure out how they want to try and stand out. Like the mmo setting,ai, combat pace,weapon handling, damage thresholds, leveling,open world, questing, class system, drop in co op. Do you call ever military fps COD?
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it's at least in 3rd person instead of first. But I don't see any real draw for this game that other third person shooters don't already have.
That "flasbang" drone just dissapeared instantly after light was over, no explosion or getting back to character. Am I blind or it does actually something after light is over? :(
Damn, xbox buying contracts again and for the most hyped game of the year. its sad that I'm still not getting this game on xbox one. It's not really helping xbox either. You can tell because people would be on xbox more because of cod dlc first. They just need to stop.
Hawkins butrej lol bullshit. On the old trailers Before at e3 the snow was on the cars and reflected, allso the car damage was better. Now it doesent look like that. The wheater effect is allso diffrent from Before.
AlkalineSkink5 e3 lies, ubsisoft are arguably the worst culprits so even though we have no evidence that the game will not look like this, if you go by past games... it will be a lesser version and prob wont work on pc. Please do not pre-order this and wait for some HONEST reviews that are not from IGN. Every pre-order damages consumers so please don't do it.
I’m trying to remember the name of this video where someone made a parody of how E3 thinks people in online video games talk, it encapsulates this video perfectly.
See, it's really not their choice... They have to downgrade the graphics for consoles because consoles simply lack the graphical horsepower necessary to play games at such high details.
Why Ubisoft games from demo videos look so different compared to final product? I like the body movement so much in this video. Final product is so arcade-ish.
If the game turned out to be like this it wouldve easily been one of the best COOP open world games ever made. I miss the pre-The division so much
Nobody speaks like this online...
Especially for a game as simple as this.
They are marines or something like that in real life playing I think xD
All I would be yelling is "wtf is going on!"
I do, and my friends find it cool and funny at the same time funny haha
Yes we do... if we are tactical players.
Took me like half the video to realize the people talking were actually the players and not characters in the game. Who the fuck talks like that when they're playing a video game???
I Would Love It If People Would Talk Like That
Professional RPers?
I hope there is some character customisation and the possibility of being an antagonist. You know helping bandits, stealing medicine starting riots that sorta shit
My online party's for co-op sound NOTHING like that.
Competitive counter strike and Arma servers sound like that.
You cant trust trailers...... Or ubisoft
+jackmen4 *bugisoft
+Sith Lorde lol if you want to talk about a company with bugs look at Bethesda.
The Crouching Chair yes another one! haha
Sith Lorde I hate bugs with any company but I hate the fact that Bethesda gets away with having hundreds of bugs just because they have made a few good games.
+jackmen4 You can't trust Ubisoft's trailers... Or Ubisoft.
Also it's a clearly pre made video so it's weird the guy is holding a 360 remote and not doing anything with it.
U underestimate power of companies to selling us lies...
Lmao at their acting! This guy acts like he's really getting shot when he died. Reminds me of randy on the world of Warcraft episode of South Park.
lmaoooo, tbh if that was a friend u were playing with you'd just be laughing at em
FirstAce Had my dyin for like 5 minutes straight.
Really love this comment. Yeah he did act like he was dying IRL haha.
Still waiting for this Division
So many missed opportunities in gameplay elements in this, what we did get if you set aside all the trailers is a really solid 3rd person rpg shooter. The gameplay trailers set out to make it seem like it’s a rpg survival game where friends can drop in and out but still have to meet each other. With dense story and a massive world to explore that you can walk around with no loading screens for the most part and be able to walk from Brooklyn to Manhattan. Using the supplies you find to the best of your ability while getting to your destination,coming across people to help that give you tips and rewards for Helping, or you could be a rogue agent and be hunted down for being evil and taking from whoever you can and can be tracked throughout the entire city. Then a blizzard comes in to help cover your tracks gives you an advantage and a chance to check all your weapons ammo and other gear. Then if you lose them you can take shelter in a building for a bit, the map will be big enough to where you could still get things done but you still know you are being tracked til your rogue status cools off or you go to a rogue safe house. And everytime you leave a safe house you are always at risk from losing your items from other players or npc’s.
Sure this game was downgraded in multiple areas, yet I still enjoyed the hell out of it, the first/second year I played so much of it. I love the atmosphere, the vibe, the darkness, the music, it’s all so good. I wish they would’ve worked upon it instead of making the division 2
Here is how real people talk in a video game:
(The guy on stage is Griggs)
1:23 [Megan] "I found a new base, it's on your map, get your ass there now!"
1:37 [Megan] "It's right next to us, so if you get lost, I'm leaving you behind."
1:47 [Megan] "Here's Johnny! Awww, no-one's here, I wanted to shoot dudes in the face."
1:56 [Megan] "There's blinking shit on the ground, I think it's a bomb."
2:04 [Megan] "Holy shitballs! I love holograms!
2:17 [Megan] "Where's Bronson? if that flaky fuck keeps on not showing up, I'm gonna take his share of the loot."
2:36 [Megan] "Yes! I always wanted to jump over these stupid barriers in the subway."
2:41 [Megan] "Hey Bronson, where the fuck were you?"
2:43 [Bronson] "I was talking to Chris. No need to be hostile, damn."
2:45 [Chris] "Hi guys"
2:46 [Megan] "Ohhh, I see how it is, a little bromance going on in here?"
2:48 [Chris] "Hell no! I've got a girlfriend."
2:50 [Megan] "Sure you do."
2:55 [Bronson] "Looks like we're fighting the AI again, get ready to kick some computer ass!"
3:26 [Megan] "What have we here?"
3:39 [Bronson] "What the fuck are you aiming with Jake, a potato?!?!"
3:40 [Griggs] "..."
3:57 [Griggs] "Lol, some dude with an axe is trying to kill me."
3:58 [Megan] "Whoah, dude you can talk?"
3:59 [Bronson] "Yeah, I though your mic was broken."
4:01 [Griggs] "I was talking to my mo- I mean girlfriend."
4:02 [Megan] "Mmmkay..."
4:17 [Griggs] "Oh god my ears!"
4:30 [Megan] "Bronson you idiot, you're not fucking Rambo! Whatever, I'll rev you"
4:41 [Megan] There, you're back in the action!"
4:57 [Bronson] "This guy can't aim for shit"
4:58 [Megan] "I know, it's like they're blind or something."
5:07 [Griggs] "Yes!"
5:08 [Megan] "And the asshole is dead!"
5:09 [Bronson] Smooth sailing from here on out, all thanks to yours truly!"
5:10 [Megan] Yeah right, I had to revive you."
5:11 [Bronson] Pfft, semantics."
5:17 [Megan] "Now we can haz base? Yesssssss."
Solokeh Krontos That was amazing why isn't this more popular
HE SHOT A PAINT CAN AND IT EXPLODED!. still not as good as the car door shutting
It happened again, bronson slid into a slightly opened door and it shut
and I thought THIS was a downgrade...I'll gladly take this in hindsight compared to what it looks like in now in 2016
funny how they try to make it look hard and challenging by just sucking at the game. Doesnt really seems like you need planning r anythig, you can easily run and shoot everyone without any fancy trick
But...Looks hella awesome doing it!
BlazingTiger cant say it doesnt xD
There were *3* enemies
There were *3* of you
And they fail to kill them because "I'll take middle. Meg take right. Bronson take left" is waaay to hard
Lol then just minutes later the *3* of them get completely pinned by *1* guy.
Skogze For reals. They could've each picked a target and shot at the same time with a simple 3 second countdown lol. I remember doing stuff like that in Rainbow Six.
Tom Clancy games arent easy man, play Ghost Recon FS on the highest difficulty (like your suppose to) and trust me it aint easy
smfh i wished they would've kept the game the same way like this
Ah, those stats hinted at in the end. "Supply Line" as any actual supply line. Sweet base building, or at least something close. *MORALE* on the right!
E3 presentation was a directors true vision they downgraded the game beacuse ps4 and xbox one couldnt handle it the e3 presentaion was running on a powerful pc realtime on their snow drop frame work iam not that its impossible for consoles I think they did that just beacuse they dont want to invest more money for optimistaion but still they should have kept those things for pc but it would be ugly for consoles
Why do I feel like I'm being lulled in by pc gameplay that'll be downgraded as fuck for the console version. As a side note can they just be quiet the voice actors at trying much too hard to sound like gamers.
Fake gamers indeed
I think it's funny that Microsoft released the drivers for the xbox one controller for the PC right before e3
John M It's most likely running on a development PC, thats how it's always been done.
Ah well sorry people my mistake, I didn't see the symbol. Mma dude feel free to hop off my dick, thank you.:D
Because you are just like last year.
after watch dogs, im really worried about the quality of the final release...
so tell me the level of dissapointment you had after playing WD lol
Sanju Rahman bahahahah
all of this was a lie
did you play it with a group of 3-4 communicating teammates like in the trailer?
Not really they had a beta test on how this game would look like and it is exactly the game that was given to us.
Jack Axton Wildlands is actually the first decent Ubisoft title in years. A LOT better than The Trollvision and For Honor (Disconnect p2p rubbish) both those games had potential yet as always the devs screw up and never properly fixed either
+JA96 Even Watch_Dogs 2, they didn't downgrade it and the story, the gameplay, the NPCs are awesome.
Wasn’t a lie at all ..
The final game looks nothing like this :/
+AR GamingRiver it looks better. sell your shitty xbox man.
+Boris Bartkowski are you serious?? the animations and the movements are incredible in the trailers, i bought the game since the release day and seriously now i'm watching different game lol
Imagine what this game COULD'VE BECOME, the most amazing next gen experience ever. Yes this could have been accomplished and yes it does have the performance power if funded by UBISOFT PROPERLY
I don't give much of a fuck about all that dickery. I mourn the gameplay shown and even more hinted at. Bases (and apparently, more than one, not "safehouses" (which don't make an ounce of sense)) had Morale. Or were supposed to. And that's just one detail.
even division 2 is not even close lol
Hope division 3 will be more tight like this~
I know right
Why didn’t they include all the skills in the final game :(
never pre order game before release guys....
Graphical downgrade is confirmed so I recommend not to preorder this game, nor FarCry 4
so what if there is a graphic downgrade
TheHappyHamburger it means they are advertising something different and release completely different looking product. it is deceiving the customer!
Where did you get that info from?
Graphical downgrade or not, this game steel looks fun.
Tom Karver I cant argue with that dude, I cant wait for it, hope Ubisoft doesnt mess with its mechanics.
They took out the drone thingy that flashed the enemy
Even if the downgrade the graphics it will still probably be one of the best games out, watch dogs didn't even look that bad so I don't understand why people are moaning
I like Watch_Dogs don't get me wrong. But there is a line, No one realistically expects most E3 games to look as good as they do during conferences BUT we do expect them to look similar and Watch_Dogs when`t way way way too far with this
Yeah obviously they aren't gonna look like this but what's annoying is everyone moans about games getting downgraded when I don't even think the graphics we get are that bad, everyone was crying about watch dogs but I thought it looked pretty nice
Sam + Aidan Huitema
People who respond reasonably to the whole Watch_Dogs graphics situation. Which shouldn't even be a situation in the first place.
Should mark this on my calendar.
Quite a lot was changed from the 2012 reveal..........
IT wouldn't of been so bad if Ubi didn't go on twitter saying the PC version would look better than the reveal. Lieing to your customers is pretty low.
Flaming MonkeyAss Depends what PC you have really, the more money you spend the better the game looks
Lol this is light years ahead of what we got. This look like the Division 4
Real online:
"Dude! What the fuck? I though you got my back"
"Git gud son"
im fucking waiting for star wars battlefront and far cry 4!!!!!
but im really hype for the division :3
Message from future~ You shouldn’t.
@@yellowflash7696 far cry 4 was fire
I just came here to renew my thought about why not to get excited of any upcoming ubisoft titles
Comes back 4 years later to say most of this wasnt in the game but it's still a fire game
10 years. And here we are again. I really want to go back there. 😭😭😭
Soon consoles will be like dinosaurs......extinct.
and you will be but a bar of soap
Having a good pc means you can play games to their full potential unlike consoles that either have decreased graphics, a locked fps or nasty flaws as the consoles don't have good enough specs to render current gen games unlike a good pc
You was this meant for consoles before pc players made a petition aka hurt anus report. You should just hope you guys dont get some half assed port
PC 101. Enjoy.
1. Capable of better graphics
2. Able to last 10 years plus before having to even START replacing parts (speaking from a responsible electronics owner point of a view, not a 10 year old kid)
3. $500 can get you a budget computer that's just as good as an xbox 1 or a PS4 graphics/capabilities AND is BUG FREE as far as the actual computer goes, unlike consoles where my roommate has an xbox one and has to almost constantly restart his xbox when he wants to change games.
4. Upgradable over time, can have new parts put in depending on what you're looking for most, better graphics, smoother gameplay, etc.
5. Can DOWNLOAD any game, no disc required, so instead of having to install every game on top of changing out the disc each time you wanna play a new game, you just exit and start a new one.
6. More hard drive space, you can get a 2 TB hard drive for like $100 these days for a PC where an xbox or a PC will charge you $100 for a 500 GB hard drive.
Am I missing anything else? I mean aside from not having to wait for someone to take the time to make an app so you can watch youtube, or the fact that you can use shadowplay or twitch right NOW instead of having to wait for an app for that as well, not to mention anyone who streams on a console knows its better to stream through a capture card on your computer than to do it through a console.
Oh and there is duo monitoring, so you can play your game and look up guides, listen to/change music mid-game by simply alt tabbing, better voice communication services as well as having options when it comes to that sort of thing.
Also before people start talking about disliking the mouse/keyboard gaming style, any game that is on the xbox 360/one has the controller support for that console so you don't HAVE to use a mouse and keyboard for it.
However I'm not gonna go as far as to say that consoles are gonna die off completely, some people want consoles because they don't know jack about computers and they're like you, they think that they have to spend a grand or more just to be able to play games like this, when the only thing they really need is a graphics card that supports directx 11 and a decent processor and they'll basically be able to play as good as if not better than a console, but if I can drop $500 on a computer tonight, maybe spend another $500 throughout the year and have it last me at least 10 years before I start having to have parts be refurbished or replaced (which I could just go and buy those parts brand new against for roughly 10-25% of the original cost) rather than having to send it in 10 times because it red ringed or buy the new "version" of the console because they fixed the issues, then why would I buy a console? Hell I've gotta eject the disc 12 times or completely restart my friends xbox one just to go from COD: Ghosts to Titanfall, and that's even IF Titanfall decides to actually load up and play the first time (which isn't often, and another friend informs me its happening with his PS4 as well), when I can just double click and my game will start up right away, and before you get onto viruses and hacks and crap, anti-virus, pop-up blocker, and just a bit of common sense can keep you from getting a virus, and any game that is worth putting the time into won't have hackers in it. If you are just using a computer to play games and use facebook, going to anything that isn't official will keep you from getting a virus, and just like any website if you see the designers icon, but not the name of the company next to it (example: You see the adobe icon, but it doesn't say adobe next to the icon on the website, well that means its not adobe's website), you shouldn't be on that site.
I'm sure I'm missing some things so I'll stop here and maybe give some other people a chance to add in their 2 cents.
Ryan Wilson
Very well explained. A+
PC Master Race Academy
Did she say watch your step? Like if he didn't his character would trip or something
This game is literally best of all time. The detail gameplay and so much more is beyond other simple games.
I really hope we see a Division re-mastered edition. Division One already looks great, but a re-mastered edition to just keep the game alive. It's such a great game. IMO Division 2 should've been released as DLC. D.C as another map agents could travel to, while keeping the story in the winter timeline relative to the Black Friday breakout in winter.
I love how that guy is just standing there with a controller in his hand. not doing a damn thing. cause this was not anything close to what we got. even on pc.
I am hyped for this game, but I have a small fear the Ubisoft will screw it up in the end and other problem is that I think the game will just boil down to assaulting an area and then defending it.
It wasn’t even THAT good😭
They improved so much in Division 2
@@Lynnhaven6a6y yes it was …..
What happened to the Drone aspect in this game
For some reason the beginning song reminded me of fallout.
me too
they HAVE to make a fallout 4 :-/
You're right they do and I'm pretty sure they are, but that game would be a must have.
I was going to say that. It really was similar, wasn't it?
Inklan Utterfield I think because its an old song and playing on an old radio maybe
watching this in 2017.... now i noticed they got rid of some of the sliding animations. the running animations in this E3 demo as well as the shooting seems a bit messed up. Also noticed they asked some guy to "light them up" and nothing happened. Megan seems like she's holding back a lot to keep the heat up.
No matter how good this game looks at E3,it will be graphically downgraded!
NEVER trust E3's graphical level,NEVER!
7 months into the ps5 and it’s clear they were thinking 2 whole generations ahead. ubisoft has no fuckin shame
looking forward to see them downgrade the graphics...
U need reshade for these games or alternatives to reshade.
For the few people saying they down graded the graphics for optimization, thats bs. GTA6's trailer (Which is actual gameplay graphics) is done on a Dev Kit Console, meaning Ubisoft could have very well published this version of the game.
Did anyone else keep replaying the e3 2014 intro or was it just me?
Me to!!!!!!!!
You know the name of the song?
so when's this part of the game coming out?
This part of the game is actually a backstory. This is the first wave of division agents.
As you can see, the Base of Operations is not yet a thing and they capture it in this film.
But current in-game, the base has been a thing for a while.
+TheApollo1232 never realized that! Nice!
itsupdawg During the last trailer for The Dark Zone, your player goes rogue.
I'm going with that he is one of the bosses we defeat in missions.
idk man, in the cinematic he's the commander of the division agents. It wouldn't make sense for him to just go rogue like that.
domo is back Exactly. It doesn't make sense. That's why the agents were unsuspecting of him to turn on them.
Me: that was awesome
Video ad: *The division 2 warlords of New York*
Me: bruh
I hope there is in depth character customization
its mmo so almost definately, unlike frikin gtavo
The same voice actors (from the 2013 E3 trailer reveal) are commentating in real-time as the CPU AI runs off, they're heard saying "the last guy he's getting away" @3:40, but they aren't clearly present on stage whilst in co-op on this demo. This is either pre-recorded or it's completely filled with set pieces. The point of trying to make is this fool/Game Director is pretending he's playing the actual game. Obviously they've released a pre-production copy/video for the conference so there is no errors i.e game crashes in this feature ect. Completely deception on Ubisoft's part YET AGAIN as with Watch Dogs and early 2013 E3 The Division Trailer.
The guy standing there isn't even playing it, he's just holding a controller
Was that campaign play that had been voiced over or online play? I'm really confused.
Lol, I think it's hilarious that people thought a ubisoft game would look like this in 2014
fax had us all fooled
Soooooo... is the radio overlay for the voices just for show in presentations, or is it actually going to sound like this in game?
and it's pretty stupid how the guy playing isn't talking to his teammates.
If the graphics really looked like this, I would never leave my house lol
When are they gonna release this game
Graphic? Its The Division 2?
The bullets putting dents in the metal at 3:54 , that rotor ability, that slide with the leg brushing, the paint splattering, the snow melting from the fire... So much that didn't make it into the final build which sucks. Every one of those could run on Console and it shouldn't hurt the frames at all.
No one plays like this. Who the hell acts out every step of the game like this?
+Pedro Velasco Lol yeah like 2:31"watch your step"
+Pedro Velasco Actually in ArmA 3 most people do
+Pedro Velasco A serious team with friends?
Raul Cantero Yeah, even with strangers, depends on which servers you play on
"Roleplayers" I know, I know, those "nerds". They enjoy those games a lot more, but what the fuck do *they* know, right?
So will all engagements turn into big firefights? Or will there be a stealth option like ghost recon future soldier, which this game reminds me of?
Why are people in the comments such haters? Apart from the graphics what did Ubisoft actually 'lie' about? Everything in the actual game is better/improved upon than this video
+Ray Bars They actually too out a chunk of the map and skills as well as brooklyn is not freeroam like in the 2013 trailer
+Waytootall 4ya It is 100% Freeroam, and the map is f*cking huge as it is. If it was any larger distances would be too big to travel. And there are still skills?
yea but they still cut out chunks of the map AND SKills
I never said there were not any skills in the game, they just cut out a bunch
You sound like an Ubisoft troll go back to playing watch dogs
So this ever gonna get released?
The cool banter between the players, Megan's voice, the music. It all looked and felt so atmospheric back then.
I dont like how the bullets have no effect until they die. they dont flinch or move when hit.
dont feel like fishing through comments. so are the voices supposed to be people or NPCs?
Aha they are players but they are acting as if they game they are playing is totally random
real people. assume he's playing with friends instead of random asshats online.
even though obviously scripted, nothing too extreme- they're just basically staying in character.
real people but definitely following a script, I mean who actually speaks like that over voice chat? :D
I wish people would talk like that online, would give more feel and would help gameplay. Now it is "Only use the mic to bitch, moan, and talk about fucking"
Luna Eclipse I use my mic to talk to people and have fun, I don't even talk about the game, I hate when I play games like cod with my friends go all MLG saying all the stupid call outs and telling people what to do, it's boring
As soon as they lost him as creative director it went downhill, Julian doesn’t make good decisions, biggest mistake was starting from scratch on div 2
Please, for the love that is "next gen" dont sacrifice this game like you did Watch_Dogs for the sake of last gen console users. I've been playing it for PC and it is godawful graphically. And I don't mean that my pc can't run it, or that the game doesn't run well. It runs fine, except I'm constantly making graphical changes just so the god damn shadows don't stutter in and out of place, or that textures don't phase in and out. Believe me, I have a decent rig but watch_dogs is just a buggy game due to lowering it's standards to last gen gaming.
This game was meant originally only for consoles so it will be based off console specs. Deal with it
John Doe I'm just saying you sound like a party crasher whos upset because nobody made him giftbag. This was made for consoles so don't whine about the us ruining it for you if anything we should be upset you.them porting this to pc probably took some part in the delay. So thank you mustard race for making me have to wait longer for this promising game
Anthony Rinaldi You're a console peasant. I can smell it.
Williams2809 no, im a realest, something many of us are not anymore
It was downgraded, alot. But don't worry, some people just modded it to make it look like the E3 footage, if you can run it.
Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
Is this for both consoles or just xbox one ???
joyadeceren Nah I dont think last gen get this game it just looks too big and detailed for them consoles
this game still looks AMAZING, unlike watch dogs that got downgraded lol
***** this is not g w t downgraded plus it a mmo so couldn't work.
We didn't get that in 2015!
Gayyy Xbox is fuckin up all the multiplatforms with this timed exclusive DLC crap.
That looks pretty good... Shame it will probably be nothing like the real thing.
the hype for this game better not turn out like destiny
buddyitsDerek 63 how about assassin's creed unity , man that's so dissapointing
destiny's hype was much bigger then unity and the disappointment in unity cannot even compare to destiny's big ass let down
Can we get that controllable drone? that thing looks sick and I so wish they would have kept that in the game lol.
still a dream game
Why did she say at 2:46 that they are going to open up "her" base. You can't have your own base.
this was 2 years ago, some things have changed
I don't really care, it is just a bit strange is all because I don't think they ever mentioned base building. I don't really understand how that would work anyway.
I have played the beta lol but why does that matter.
What are you talking about there is no base building in the beta or the full game.
That isn't base building. Base building is when you can set up and design your own base anywhere you want and it is unique, that is why she said "MY BASE".
Why does this look better than the actual game?
BayMan 64 always like that
Sucks so much
It’s look like the division 2 or that’s what should it look like
So is the Division coming in 1080p considering it has been developed for XBox? :)
Who.....the fuck......plays like this?!
No-one. If it were my group, there would be more shouting and cursig
+Alexander Tomkins the other day i was in a group and we were all tactical and military like and it was pretty fun and funny
+The Fallout Guy exactly it's fun!!!
everyone but u
AdvancedNuke no they don't lol, you blatantly don't talk or play with people on the division.
still waiting for this game to be released
Graphic is amazing !
Downgrade this shit
can I play this game just online or offline or both I mean single player or multiplayer ?
This is the most generic looking game ever. Ladies and gentleman, I give you "Video Game: The Video Game".
Can you Define generic. Then tell how you pieced this together about this game
Generic: :of or relating to a whole group or class
The group or class in this case being the hundreds of other games that we've all played before that are just like this one.
this game would be in shooter genre where your main gameplay mechanic revolves around shooting people. The only thing I see generic is shooting (I mean are they supposed to throw rocks at each for the sake of innovation) I can see youve noticed that but did try in the slightest to figure out how they want to try and stand out. Like the mmo setting,ai, combat pace,weapon handling, damage thresholds, leveling,open world, questing, class system, drop in co op. Do you call ever military fps COD?
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it's at least in 3rd person instead of first. But I don't see any real draw for this game that other third person shooters don't already have.
Ryan Rathwell What do you think of Destiny? It's the most generic game I've ever played.
Anybody know what hoodie the character is using?
merc 241 is division 1 its a ubisoft rewards item bro
merc 241 in*
all the games that i can't run with my pc ~sigh~
I feel ya bro.
its been cited for pc man cheer up
That "flasbang" drone just dissapeared instantly after light was over, no explosion or getting back to character. Am I blind or it does actually something after light is over? :(
Damn, xbox buying contracts again and for the most hyped game of the year. its sad that I'm still not getting this game on xbox one. It's not really helping xbox either. You can tell because people would be on xbox more because of cod dlc first. They just need to stop.
don't worry its on PS4 as well. Do not know about PC however
Aidan Huitema It's on pc. Although the division was supposed to be a console only game, pc gamers signed a petition to have the game ported to pc
Haters gunna hate, The game is amazing either so way so have fun not playing it.
Second Assault on BF4 aswell...
'Most hyped game of the year'
Looks much better than the final product... not surprised.
Dont cry now people. This is BS
Look at the new The division nvidia trailer, it looks better then e3.
Hawkins butrej lol bullshit. On the old trailers Before at e3 the snow was on the cars and reflected, allso the car damage was better. Now it doesent look like that. The wheater effect is allso diffrent from Before.
+Kaijun You mean the pre-rendered films? yeah, they're not in-game graphics.
+Artyom butrej So how was the game? Did it look good as the nvidia trailer?
FiRexde23 yeah, looks good despite the downgrade, search some video and you'll see it
Pity it didn’t look like this. Some great stuff here not adopted.
This game looks worse. Really, is Ubisoft pulling this shit again? No one buy this waste of time.
What do you mean?
AlkalineSkink5 e3 lies, ubsisoft are arguably the worst culprits so even though we have no evidence that the game will not look like this, if you go by past games... it will be a lesser version and prob wont work on pc. Please do not pre-order this and wait for some HONEST reviews that are not from IGN. Every pre-order damages consumers so please don't do it.
AfallingcowTV how many past games were bad ?
AfallingcowTV Pre-ordered, just cause you said not to. ;) Bite me.
its 2015 and this game not coming out till 2016 :'( (like if you cry everytime)
I love how they pick the shitest players when presenting games...
I’m trying to remember the name of this video where someone made a parody of how E3 thinks people in online video games talk, it encapsulates this video perfectly.
lie lie lie
I do hope they don't downgrade the PC graphics. Game looks so good.
They will, it is confirmed. Thats why I hate consoles
WARLORD don't blame the PS4
I don't know where you got that but they won't
They even say that the graphics will be better
See, it's really not their choice... They have to downgrade the graphics for consoles because consoles simply lack the graphical horsepower necessary to play games at such high details.
Well the "live" Xbox One footage at Gamescom had presented graphics like E3 2014
So its safe to assume that they are doing their best
game looks amazing but the voice acting is terrible!
One minute in and there's aliasing already
Why not demo it on a PC?
they downgraded this to shit
Is this game footage online? or just a campaign?
Why Ubisoft games from demo videos look so different compared to final product? I like the body movement so much in this video. Final product is so arcade-ish.
Notice the snow on the ground when that grenade hits the elite. IT FUCKIN MELTS!
Why does it sound like 20 shots but only 5 shots fired
I truly regret standing outside of gamestop waiting for this 😂😂😂😂
Still a great game.
Despite little downgrades.