Get a dam JOB U SORRY ASS. because of people like u us people that worked all our life that are on Medicare cant get any help on our meds we also pay to see our Dr's u get free rides to ur DR's to.u all pay nothing. Everything is free for y'all i say get a JOB !!!!!!!!!
Theresa F very true im a single mother and to get assistance they want you to keep hving kids smh i have a 3yr old daughter im a college stude nt 29 and cant get help this upsets me
You should read what a so called career woman has been saying to me here in the comments. She has far more empathy for these people and others like them, and insists those of us who are ill and whose bodies won't work anymore after a lifetime of working that we bring it on ourselves and even those in their 80's and 90's should be working and have empathy for these people and god love them if they don't want to work that's ok. This chick has been attacking me all day. insisting I brought on my own breast cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis,and how those who are elderly or no longer able to work are drains on society and these welfare bums are not. I say she doesn't have any career like she said,and she is just another welfare whore collecting and demanding we accept and pay for the other welfare bums. Tontyanna is the name being used. I too feel sorry for the children here because they are being taught it's ok to live this way. Like I said, this Tontyanna has seemed to single me out to attack. You should some back and help me nail her/it's ass. To say it's ok to pay for bums, and those who worked all their life and are too old or too ill brought it on themselves. She's an idiot. Does she really think if we had control over aging that anyone would willingly get old? Or someone would willingly bring on serious illness like breast cancer, or autoimmune diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis, or say, hey, take the disc's out of my spine, and the cartelidge from my knees and have it bone on bone like myself? She wouldn't answer my questions and insists anyone who gets old, or sick brings it on themselves I could use some help to put this cow in her place. I ignore her, you'll be the next she'll attack. If I ignore her, you're next on the list for attack. She needs to be taught the difference between a bum who refuses to work and someone too old or whose body will no longer allow them to work. I wonder if she thinks that way about her mother when her mother gets sick.Does she think her mother will stay 20, or that she will? Please, help me nail another welfare cow lying claiming she works. I don't know of anyone who condones being a bum,and attacks the elderly and disabled and blame us for our health problems. Some are avoidable but disc's in the spine degenerating and gone, and autoimmune diseases like RA to name one are things we bring on ourselves and make us a drain. I'm going to let everyone here know this and see who helps me. Take care and just know, I feel as you do too.
I don't mind helping people who need it. But when the people living off of the taxpayers have a higher standard of living than the people who work to support them, there is definitely something wrong.
I'm as liberal as they come, but this is sick and depressing. I'd be fine letting these folks suffer a bit, but what of all the brood? Those poor damned kids.
Chadwicked B What are you rambling about, fuckwit? Did you just read one word, understand nothing and shit out an insult? Congrats, you're almost sentient.
I've personally never worked at a McDonald's, but I noticed it's used as an insult from lazy people who think they're too good to work there... and yet, they contribute nothing to society.
"but I noticed it's used as an insult from lazy people" no, it is a classist insult used by people who've been privileged enough to not have to work these service jobs. I see people look down on me every day. As an immigrant, because my medical degree is useless here and I am forced to work these terrible jobs while I figure out whether I should go back to school as a 30-year-old or leave the country I immigrated to altogether.
Working at McDonald's for 3 years as my first job helped me through college, learn customer service skills, and how to be a hard worker in general. I am blessed for my time at mcdonalds. As a college student with no help a bit higher pay would have helped a lot though.
Natalie xo Lol true. I get an average income here in South Africa. To stretch my salary I quit smoking, don't drink and stopped eating out. I plan meals and only buy that is neccesary instead of " "want" items. Pay bills on time and pay off credit card. By watching this I realize that although I live in a 3rd world country I have good teeth and way better off than those entitled lazy low lifers.
S Exactly but let people like them tell it, it's Africans and blacks in the dole. We catch the blame all the time and yet here's the proof in front of our eyes.
So we live in Australia.. this year 2023 our 23 year old son announced he wanted to move to the uk and start his oe.. he arrived on his own on the youth mobility visa. He had paid for an air bnb room until he found work and a home. He did go with savings. We werent dumb enough to send him without money and we know if it got bad he could come home. He had a job within 4 days and 7 months later still there doing plumbing maintenance. Something he has never done. And he now has shared accommodation in Wimbledon. I ask him what its like in comparison to here.. he thinks food is really cheap but everything else is expensive. And he sees poverty everywhere. But he also said his boss was desperate for workers and could hardly get anyone especially locals. And before any one says hes gone over and stolen jobs.. hes contributing to a tax system that he has no rights to himself.. and that goes towards these benefits for those locals that didnt want to work...
Witch all the low lives in this video don't have. If it was up to me I would cut everybody's benefits and let the lazy bastards fend for themselves. Even getting free money they still have time to complain about somthing or another
My mother was a teen single mom and I had to grow up with her milking the system~she slept around, was caught shoplifting makeup, she took me and my sister to doctors and tell them that we were mentally ill so that she could get documentation for SSI benefits which of course she partied with when I was 17 i got hired by a 7-11 store as a cashier and was so excited when I told my mom she hit the roof because it meant that she would lose the benefits that she received for me. She was arrested the next year for writing bad checks and I found out that she had stolen me and my sisters identities and ruined our credit~she went to jail i was sent to a live in community center, got a job, worked full time, bought a car and have never been on benefits now my mother is close to 60 she's no longer attractive she's diabetic because she's fat and is living in a broken down trailer~because of her abuse of the welfare system when she was younger she can receive zero benefits now she is looking for me to support her and guess what? It won't be happening
Heidi Golden good for you! You stand your ground. Your selfish mother ruining your credit before you even got a! She made her bed, now she can sleep in it.
I dont want to offend you, but your mom sucks. She also wasn't really a mother. BUT isnt the fact that you have grown up to be independent, successful, honest, and stable just a big " F you" to her? In spite, or maybe despite, your rough start in life, you have broken the cycle. You should be proud!!!
007nadineL I agree that costs are just insane in the UK but wasn’t that said by the mother who had kids also claiming benefits in the house? They could watch the younger ones.
I felt bad for the daughter she was so proud getting a job and her mom shot her right down. The point is to get experience not get rich and move up to a better job!
that was a horrible mother. i would have shown that girl so much pride and encouragement trying to build herself up. the mom has a welfare mentality bad for the whole family. that's the kind of person that should be restricted from benefits
Right? Who puts down their daughter for wanting to support her self, better herself! Yeah sometimes you have to work and be broke to have a place to live. What is the mom saying...
Reminds me of my mom. Some mom's just can't be happy for their kids, especially their daughters. Sometimes moms have an unconscious sense of rivalry with their daughters because they remind them of their "best" selves which they no longer are. So, whenever a woman's daughter improves herself in any way all the mom wants to do is put them down. At least when it comes to my mom. Lost five pounds? "Oh why is your gut sticking out so much?". Get a new job "Well you're not getting healthcare". Never has anything nice to say.
That pissed me off so much. It might not be the best job in the world, but she's such a sad and defeatist woman to bring down her 19 year old daughter who is trying to make something of herself. Serious crabs-in-a-bucket mentality.
Truly at least she has a strong head and will be bbn out of that house and on her own and have pride in herself. I applaud her for her strength and respect for herself .
The big lady's attitude really bugged me. Watching her take that cash out made me hot behind my ears. I was taxed over 25k last year and to think it goes to people like her, is hard to swallow.
Most likely because he's in the top (or near top) tax bracket. It can be infuriating when you personally get up and go to work every day to support your own family...and have the rest taken in taxes that goes to these lazy people.
'What do you want me to do, do you want me to just work at McDonald's?' well lass, from the look of you, it seems like you go there every day anyway, so yes, you might as well get a job there.
@@haylein9404 bold of you to assume that that place I live is just so easy to get benefits. Not every country is like the one in the video. Not every government "helps" their people this way.
Good for you Courtney! Ignore those lazy, weak and pathetic excuses. Your doing what’s right and showing your kid(s) what a strong women is. From one single mom to another....your amazing :)
"I want £500 every week after I've paid my bills" I don't even get that and I'm a project manager in telecoms. She wants £2000 a month AFTER EXPENSES. She's deluded.
It's how she justifies it to herself. On some level she feels guilty and ashamed so she makes up excuses as to why it's not worth her coming off benefits.
Could you imagine paying 500,000 for a home and have them live next door. I would go crazy because they would totally bring the value down it would've been a waste of an investment
It would be infuriating. I know some people on welfare who are very house proud and you wouldn't know they were on benefits from the way they behave and take care of things. HOWEVER, they are a drastic minority. Not to mention, they often bring crime with them. If I drop half a mil I don't want to worry that drug dealers (or as they showed in this video) professional thieves skulking about near my house. Especially since you can't own a gun in the UK to keep them out of your OWN home.
We had some move in down a street near us and they spray painted graffiti all over the front big fence. The council made them reduce some if it but there's still a big number of their house and other ugly pictures
Yeah, they sure complain a lot for not contributing a single minute of their time to the community. I think volunteering should be a requirement of people who stay on benefits for over a year.
@@mrfudge5869 ohhh and did you notice they never once bought their kids anything!? Dress after dress after dress but nothing for the daughter standing next to her! Just selfish.
@@Megorium Most people with developmental problems tend to be self involved. TBH, I don't think they should have children because they often tend to put themselves before thier children.
Such lazy people... Goverment must do something about them.... People work and pay taxes for this assw.holes.. such a mindset.. Disgrace for England...
and that's the false economy of such food, because it's unhealthy in the long run and you can't eat it 4 times a day without expecting health problems in your near future. parents buying their kids "fast food" every day are lazy because they don't want cook and prep healthier meals. They don't have money for buying better restaurant food, so they buy crap.
Many, many years ago I knew a girl who was left on her own after her mum passed. She had to be put into foster care at age 12 or so. She was in school full time like every other child her age, but as soon as she was legally old enough to work (16?), she found a job at a restaurant. She left the foster system by age 17 and worked 3 part time jobs just to pay rent on a small 1/1 apartment, pay utilities, and put low-quality food on the table. Three part time jobs were not enough, so once she was able to save enough for a deposit for a landline (that was all there was in those days---no mobile phones), she accepted a fourth job doing telemarketing on her hours off at home on her own phone. She lived alone, hand to mouth and never had even one child. By age 20 she met the man she would marry and married at 21. She went back to school and eventually earned two degrees. They paid for all of the tuition and books, etc. They knew how expensive it was to raise just one child and send him/her off to university, so they never had any children. She and her husband were never wealthy, but they owned their own home and travelled a little. They earned everything they ever had and never took advantage of anyone, and never broke the law or did anything that was dishonourable, disreputable, or disgraceful in their society. They were clean, quiet, good neighbours, too. The moral of the story is you can choose a self-respecting, worthwhile life no matter how disadvantaged you may be, or you can choose to exist like these people. I know plenty of animals that have more dignity, intelligence, and class than these people. I feel sorry for the four legged animals that have to live amongst these two legged ones. These are soulless, vacuous, trashy wastrels.
Amen! I can honestly say that even though Iam now on disability because I had cancer, I busted my butt waiting tables, cleaning toilets and working in machine shops to earn everything I got! And there ain't nothing more fulfilling than that
I admire people like that. My mom had a similar life, but a bit rougher. She had jobs, never finished school, was in the foster care system and expected to be self-sufficient in her teens. She married and had me. But her life has been up and down to this day: working, marriages, divorces, job hunting, moving, saving, scrimping, paying off debt and, yes, needing a bit of help from social assistance for a couple of years until she could find a full time job. Not everyone finds success so easily and quickly. These are the people you're not seeing in these shows, the ones who are honest, hard working and just needing some help for a bit. They would never agree and I doubt the show would find them interesting enough and don't piss off everyone. That's what this show is about.
I live in California and can't afford to rent a one bedroom appartment to myself on a receptionist's salary, having a flat of my own without roommates is a pipe dream.
These poor kids are most likely getting pick on in school for having a MUM who is a Dole-Welfare Queen. The paper shouldn't have showed these kids pictures.They couldn't help their situation.Life owes you NOTHING. You owe it to yourself to do good in life & it starts with a education . That is what I tell my kids. This Mother already has kids on welfare. Truly Sad !!!! This is not a way of life . You get NO where.
This is the one sure fire way to breed families of terrible, selfish, entitled, and LAZY people. It's honestly sad and causes alot of ignorance in people. Think about how much you've learned all the years you've been working. Even if its only minimum wage jobs they molded you into a more knowledgeable person in some way. These people literally dont know the struggle. But they think they do.
Nefelibata The government takes money from honest people working and paying taxes. If these people stuck a gun in the faces of taxpayers and demanded to be “ paid what they are owed”, we would all recognize them for the thieves and brigands that they are. They are so lazy, incompetent, and morally bankrupt that instead they charge the government with collecting the money at gunpoint for them.
The parents should have all their children taken away. The children should be put in orphanages and then trained for the military. They will fight for their country to repay their debts to society. This is the good and Christian way. Jesus said to follow the laws of your country.
I worked at McDonalds and I am a single mom. Need to be able to take care of yourself and the kids I created. A job is a job as long as you are doing the best you can.
Been a single mom! It's hard work but it can be done. I learned to budget my money, save for what I wanted. Do what you have to do mama! Your babies will learn what a hard working mama they have. Just in case no one told you today, I AM PROUD OF YOU..
He's right though. Why would anyone hate on someone with benefits. Not really beneficial. It's actually sad. I've been in the same predicament but got out of it. It's not supposed to be a lifestyle, it's supposed to be temporary really...
@@SpectateDrake respect to your situation and you used it right. I think what he's getting at is when you use it as a lifestyle - and that's been going on for generations now.
What do you think about the dole queen who bought household items and children's clothes from local shoplifters, then? 26:46 *That's setting a really good example for her 11 kids, innit?* I understand and totally sympathise with her being against abortion - but in her case I think her parents should have had her sterilized before she got pregnant the first time at 14. She doesn't need to have any kids.
She's getting a 6 bedroom house for free I can barely afford the 2 bedroom apartment where I live right now here in the pissed up drug infested rats all over the place new york city housing authority projects, (today's date January 22, 2020) I just got home from work and found a notice taped to my door saying n.y.c.h.a is raising my fucking rent
I grew up in a very economically deprived housing estate in Scotland back in the '80s and '90s. I ended up making it to university, getting a career in finance, and eventually owning my own company. Watching this is depressing for me because I grew up among this. Even if you work a little bit you can do better than this, these are literally just lazy useless people.
I'm outrage, I'm a single mom of two boys, one dog and two cats, I'm working my ass off to pay rent and bills without any benefits because I always say there somebody who needs it more than me,,, then I see this 🤦🏻♀️
My husband and I are the same way. We needed food stamps for 3 months and we felt like failures, we have 3 kids to feed so we had to ask. We had some unexpected medical bills. I felt like people were judging me and always looking over my shoulder. I got a job that made double what I was making and we got off real quick. My husband went to college and just graduated. No way we are ever going back to that low time.
@@sarahleroy465 HUGE RESPECT to BOTH of YOU!! It's a sad reality and A SHAME that there aren't MORE AMAZING people like you...hope y'all are doing well with this COVID mess!! Blessings to you both...👏❤👏❤👏
If you live in the United States or any other country that has stable jobs and the government is not abusing your rights, then you definetly do not need to be on welfare unless you are handicapped and if you become a single mom, there should be a limit like 1 or 2 children limit if you have 3 or more no more welfare...but help on finding a should not be this complicated. There are children sufferring aso called Illegal Immigrants working their butts off for littlt no more to have these ratched individuals abuse the system by keep having children and not wanting to stop or even care to do so.
McDonald's stock closed at $42.42/share. A yearly dividend payout of $.54/share. Coca Cola stock closed at $49.25/share with a yearly dividend pay of $1.56/share. If you own stock in these companies, thank these people for going to McDonalds. This is one little way to ma kn e money off these people.
That mom is worthless! Her and her boyfriend running the streets to buy drugs is what they do and she's too good to work from home too because the boyfriend and the kids will come into whatever room she's in....Um..I'd put a lock on my door and tell them when its shit and locked I'm fn working. If they didn't respect that the next lock they'd see would be from the view of the front stoop until I was done work for the day. She is worthless and fill of excuses. Also the Frosts....All them motorcycles out back and atleast 3 vehicles out front but the husband is camera shy.....Um here in Maryland you'd have to sell those....Unreal. I'm living in the wrong country.
@@dannybryant1114 ‘losers get mad when you do better than them’. I was 24 when I realised this is always the case. Don’t be naive enough to think the losers you know are any different.
That gross excuse for a Mother trying to talk her daughter out of her job! Eeewww! Stop! Let her be a productive member of society. Good for you girl! Hope you do well at your job!
In a modern society with division of labour, though, nobody is really independent and not relying on others. What she is referring to is financial independence, which is otherwise only enjoyed by the rich in a capitalist society without universally available welfare benefits. Isn't it beautiful, though, how some of that financial independence is redistributed throughout all of society by universally available welfare benefits? You see, financial independence is really trickled down, by welfare, and is enjoyed by everyone who also works for a living by giving them the real power of telling their boss to fuck off, without forfeiting their whole life in the process.
I have a cousin like this and it kills me, I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. She yells about how other people shouldn't have kids if they can't support them like she does hers (they have 4 now). The thing is, she has never worked a day in her life, neither has her partner, who is the mother of the children. Everything she uses to support herself and her kids is social welfare benefits in one form or another. It makes me want to pull my own hair out when she starts complaining about other people who can't support their kids, when she has never supported herself or her kids, either. lol
we werent rich either and probably would have been considered poor but my mom kept home lookin and smellin fresh and clean and she made sure we had great hygiene habits. no reason to be filthy.
My parents struggled when I was little before my Dad became successful in contractor business and no matter how dirt poor we were my mother always kept an immaculate home and my brother and I were always bathed and had clean clothes even if my mom had to do laundry in the sink she always made a way to make things work
Fuck yeah right!? We were really poor too, but my parents worked like dogs for us to have a good childhood. We were clean and well fed and soooo loved. Some of these people, it really makes you wonder...
I agree that these people are ridiculous. However it is important to note that a lot of people who are on benefits and are truly disadvantaged will be overweight because the food they get is cheap, which means it’ll likely be filled with artificial ingredients and crap.
When I was young watching movies with British people in them I always thought they must all be sophisticated, proper and intelligent. RUclips has really been trying to change my perception of that. Lol..
Well when I was younger, I use to watch British comedies on PBS and learned alot about the British class system. Are You Being Served, Fawlty Towers, and Keeping Up Appearances helped me understand the British quite a bit.
yahkneenah yea interesting statement. I see it here in the US people gettin on section 8 housing and I guess they expect to stay on it or idk how it really works but most government housing complexes I've seen go abandoned eventually.
Nah, if anything with all the drinking and most likely abuse, authorities will get called. kids will get taken at some point, if not run away for good, they lose more and more benefits and then they hopefully die and never be missed. Hopefully.
I’d be so angry if my husband and I worked our asses off to be able to get our credit up and put a down payment on a huge house like that to be put next to a family that got it for FREE
It’s true what they say.. when the minimum wage is not more attractive than benefits then why would you? You can let all the people go without money and food, but then you’d have mass homelessness… they should increase the minimum wage, reduce the jobseekers pavements and make a system like Germany where you pay into a jobless insurance .. once you’ve paid into it for two years, you can claim for 1 year 60% of your last income.. it’s a fair deal.
AppleBlade Rite!!! & DUH dumb-azz don't undastand, dat her suggestion, would fuck-up da whole scam, her masterz have got going on, here. DA MASTERZ, NEED MO SLAVEZ!!!!
AppleBlade Whutchoo talkin bout, Willis?!? I'm drug-free!!! FACT iz, Western CUNTriez, wit SINtralized ( river ) bankz, need mo & mo human resourcez, 2 keep da ( current ) currenciez, flowing! WOmen, dliver da product, @ da dockz, FOOL!!!
Don't want sterilization? OK. How about extend benefits for 3 children maximum. Any children born after that will have to be covered by Mom (& Dad-if he's in the picture) or taken away for adoption.
@@hughle9913 no they wouldnt because their culture is so different then cant be pro woman right and pro gay right and pro freedom and at same time pro dosent go that way
I work for $14/hr. I buy my clothes at thrift stores. I buy groceries according to what's on sale, and we grow some fruits and vegetables. I have the cheapest phone plan and cable internet/tv package the provider offers. I seldom go to restaurants, movies etc. Our house is old and needs repairs. We have learned how to do basic carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work. "What do you want me to do - just go work at McDonald's?" YES! And train/study for something better at the same time. I went to university full time while working at Walmart and raising a child as a single mother.
+Lep P I worked in the 80's and 90's for not more than $5 an hour...and raised two children. Never owned a car...walked to all my jobs.Had one at 10 hrs at nite and 8 during the day as well as a part time one and was in my 40's and 50's !!! Now living on my Soc Sec on $700 a month !I wore all thrift store clothes....still do....I did without so that I couldput a roof over my children's heads and food on the table. Truly I believe in the US n UK ...after2 children they should be cut off ... case closed !!
I'm a penny pitcher as well making every dollar stretch . Shopping sales price matching every week never eating out . My kids wear second hand clothes my clothes are old years old but we are happy and have what we need. The only government aid we receive is for my disabled daughter . She is constantly seeing doctors for treatments and surgeries and I'm so great full she can get the care she needs.
Obviously you refuse to accept, not everyone is a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist, therefore as education levels and the intelligence of many people is of such varying degrees, with some having very little education or intelligence at all, it does become very difficult for many to find employment, unless of course, you think it's OK to use those human beings as your slaves, where you feel they should accept payments lower than welfare, and working conditions for which they are grossly underpaid, which would see them with even less, as they were forced to add the cost of public transport, extra clothing, more food to nourish and give them the energy required to do a days work, leaving them worse off than when they were on welfare, so I ask you, would you, if you had their disadvantages, be willing to accept a disgraceful deal like that? I do not argue that their are people who can live their lives in a better manner, but that criticism goes all the way from the bottom to the top.
swagonwheels cry me a river. Not all jobs require an education. These people are not even trying to find work. Big difference between refusing to work and unable to find work.
For goodness sake, you are assuming everyone is like you, that just because you know how to take care of yourself, everyone else must be able to, but the fact is, these people have been handicapped by those who raised them, and in turn, by the fact they can survive happily on welfare, when the alternative is a job which would be so low paid, they would be worse off, because they would have all the added expenses of fares to get to and from work, extra, more expensive clothing, to present well at work, the higher costs of food as they were forced to eat on the run due to the fact travelling to and from their job, and the hours involved in the job itself, would make them time poor, causing the need to eat on the run, resulting those extra costs as well. Seriously, you need to thank your lucky stars you're not in their terribly misguided shoes, their future will see them homeless eventually, because they have no idea how to survive like people who have been given better examples of how to live their lives, like I say, these people are effectively handicapped, surely you can see that by the fact their behaviour offends you as it does, they're not normal in comparison to us, they simply do not understand why you have a problem with them, because to them, you're lucky, your rich, you have choices they can only dream of.
I'm in the U.S. and have worked my whole life, now that I'm stage 4 end stage kidney disease I can't get disability because of leaches that don't deserve it.
In the USA you can have unlimited children. They tried to put a law in that would allow people on benefit to be on birth control but it was shot down with heavy negative feedback.
@@ajneskalde7155 I think you're missing the point. These people are career baby makers. Why is this being allowed? Is there any thought to the ability to provide, independently from the government. The ability to pay for third level education etc.
I despise paying taxes because of this. I have 40 percent of my earnings taken from me on threat of jail to pay for this BS. It would be in my best interests for us not to waste money on these critters
That poor daughter so proud she got a job selling cells and sim cards and her mum put her down so bad..instead of being proud she was encouraging her to stay on assistance... Poor girl.
Angeline Perales yup .. poor that girl .. but I'm so proud of her ... u know what .... i also in her position too ...... so shame of it especially to having parent like that ... but i much better than them ... yes ... i am
I know; that is so bad. You have to start SOMEWHERE; work a crappy job for 2 years, and show that you can be counted on to show up for work on time & do the work. Get a work reference. Then you may be able to start looking for a better job with half a chance of at least being considered for it. I think the Mum is afraid of her daughter showing her up. It makes more sense in the US than in the UK not to get off welfare, because then you & your kids lose Medicaid.....and low-wage jobs almost NEVER have family medical insurance in the employment benefits package. That's at least in part because employers actually can't afford to offer it, especially very small businesses. If we would get off our collective asses in the United States and institute a basic-level "Medicare for all" program like every other country in the civilized world, people would not be so frightened to get off welfare, even to start their own small businesses.
They all know the systems with the ins and outs to get "their" money. Unreal. I wish I didn't have to work as hard as I do to get my wages....but thankfully, I have pride and want more for myself. Shame on them. They should have to serve in your military.
People stay on benefits cuz they literally get more for not working. They save on transport, work lunches, laundering work clothes,... plus they get food benefits, health care, sometimes housing is paid, discounts on phone/internet/transit just for receiving benefits, child care can be paid for, heating allowance, free A/C, furniture allowance...and I'm sure I'm missing some, but.....these ppl crunched the numbers and said why become a wage slave when they can have so much more w/o slaving away. Corporations use high priced lawyers to game the system, and get away with millions, these ppl are small potatoes.
33melonpaws77 that they are stupid inbreeds doesnt mean they cant calculate....having a kid is far more profitable than a one time cash grap for them, or the amount would be so big the Nation would go bankrupt
@33melonpaws77 no. A vasectomy is when the vas deferens(tube that carries sperm from the testicles to the penis) is cut. Basically blocking the flow of semen to the head of the penis i.e. causing the man to shoot blanks
What a supportive mum when her daughter gets a job and gets off benefits telling her it's not enough money and she should face reality and stay on benefits. Awesome. Way to go mom.
That's why the whole benefits system is so dysfunctional & why there isn't money for the people that actually needs it & DON'T have a choice.. and on top of this you have immigrants who comes to the EU only to live on & scam for benefits - that's why UK, Sweden & Germany were & are soo popular for them. Immigrants who haven't paid a cent in taxes thinks as it's THEIR free money. And it's their right to get it.. So there have & is a big influx of even more the same shitty mentality.. that also scams the system for even more by faking different issues, diseases & dysfunctions.
In the U.S. welfare benefits don't pay anything. I was a single mom, left by a shiftless boyfriend and I was on welfare for a few years cause my dad & his girlfriend refused to babysit while I worked. "We're not helping you. Raise your kids on welfare," they said cause they KNEW if I worked & felt good about myself that I could get out of that crappy little town & actually be somebody my kids could be proud of. That's actually what I eventually did. I was able to move to the Cincinnati area where I waited tables and I made killer money (averaging about $22 an hour & that was 30+ years ago). When my daughter complained cause mommy had to work, I'd just tell her, "well honey, mama doesn't HAVE to work. We can get welfare again but we'll have to send Brutus (our dog) back to the pound cause we can't afford to feed him. I can wash our clothes out in the tub again and you can forget getting new toys & coloring books on my payday." They must dole out ALOT of money in the UK Cause life on benefits in the U.S. is freaking hard!
Firstly 👏👏Well done MarcyRaye.. I hope you're as proud of yourself as you should be.. I'm from Ireland and being really honest, I made a very conscious choice to leave employment when my son turned 6..I was a single parent, and didn't realise how much my child was missing me/missing out on when I worked. Financially we were marginally better off, but, he didn't get to go to sports and extra curricular activities.. The guilt ate at my soul. Eventually I made the choice to leave work (I was doing 70 hrs a week at the time on minimum wage work).. I don't regret it.. I was needed at home. The benefit package allowed for us to live on a smaller income but still afforded us to live securely. I do feel for American single parents.. It seems like a very difficult life with very little support. I absolutely would never have considered leaving work if I couldn't have managed on benefits.. But yep, benefits in Ireland (and the UK) are VERY much liveable on if you're contented to live on a small income. I admire your determination over the years however.. No one can take that from you ❤
People like these ruin it for honest people who really need benefits. Shameful.
Theresa F Imagine how much better truly needy people could live and better themselves if not for the leaches
Get a dam JOB U SORRY ASS. because of people like u us people that worked all our life that are on Medicare cant get any help on our meds we also pay to see our Dr's u get free rides to ur DR's to.u all pay nothing. Everything is free for y'all i say get a JOB !!!!!!!!!
Theresa F very true im a single mother and to get assistance they want you to keep hving kids smh i have a 3yr old daughter im a college stude nt 29 and cant get help this upsets me
You should read what a so called career woman has been saying to me here in the comments. She has far more empathy for these people and others like them, and insists those of us who are ill and whose bodies won't work anymore after a lifetime of working that we bring it on ourselves and even those in their 80's and 90's should be working and have empathy for these people and god love them if they don't want to work that's ok. This chick has been attacking me all day. insisting I brought on my own breast cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis,and how those who are elderly or no longer able to work are drains on society and these welfare bums are not. I say she doesn't have any career like she said,and she is just another welfare whore collecting and demanding we accept and pay for the other welfare bums. Tontyanna is the name being used. I too feel sorry for the children here because they are being taught it's ok to live this way. Like I said, this Tontyanna has seemed to single me out to attack. You should some back and help me nail her/it's ass. To say it's ok to pay for bums, and those who worked all their life and are too old or too ill brought it on themselves. She's an idiot. Does she really think if we had control over aging that anyone would willingly get old? Or someone would willingly bring on serious illness like breast cancer, or autoimmune diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis, or say, hey, take the disc's out of my spine, and the cartelidge from my knees and have it bone on bone like myself? She wouldn't answer my questions and insists anyone who gets old, or sick brings it on themselves I could use some help to put this cow in her place. I ignore her, you'll be the next she'll attack. If I ignore her, you're next on the list for attack. She needs to be taught the difference between a bum who refuses to work and someone too old or whose body will no longer allow them to work. I wonder if she thinks that way about her mother when her mother gets sick.Does she think her mother will stay 20, or that she will? Please, help me nail another welfare cow lying claiming she works. I don't know of anyone who condones being a bum,and attacks the elderly and disabled and blame us for our health problems. Some are avoidable but disc's in the spine degenerating and gone, and autoimmune diseases like RA to name one are things we bring on ourselves and make us a drain. I'm going to let everyone here know this and see who helps me. Take care and just know, I feel as you do too.
"I don't believe in abortions" - Aye, you clearly don't believe in condoms either.
YoureAPillock Does she know what causes babies?? 😂
My dad is the oldest of 20.видео.html
I don't mind helping people who need it. But when the people living off of the taxpayers have a higher standard of living than the people who work to support them, there is definitely something wrong.
They should try bringing back work houses.
I'm as liberal as they come, but this is sick and depressing. I'd be fine letting these folks suffer a bit, but what of all the brood? Those poor damned kids.
Chadwicked B What are you rambling about, fuckwit? Did you just read one word, understand nothing and shit out an insult? Congrats, you're almost sentient.
Yes! It seems like the government makes it to easy for them to choose not to work. Why work if you can't afford to live making a wage .
Julie uses everything for an excuse to NOT get a job.
90% of Britain
I've personally never worked at a McDonald's, but I noticed it's used as an insult from lazy people who think they're too good to work there... and yet, they contribute nothing to society.
aannndd it is what their fn diet consists of
"but I noticed it's used as an insult from lazy people" no, it is a classist insult used by people who've been privileged enough to not have to work these service jobs. I see people look down on me every day. As an immigrant, because my medical degree is useless here and I am forced to work these terrible jobs while I figure out whether I should go back to school as a 30-year-old or leave the country I immigrated to altogether.
McDonalds isn’t even a terrible company. They take care of their employees, and there room for promotion.
Working at McDonald's for 3 years as my first job helped me through college, learn customer service skills, and how to be a hard worker in general. I am blessed for my time at mcdonalds. As a college student with no help a bit higher pay would have helped a lot though.
What they mean is they can live better off the government then they would working at McDonald's
Amazing how they still got money for tattoos, cigarettes, alcohol, dogs and 1637385 children
and drugs
+Natalie xo Of course they do! They don't pay for any of it themselves!
Natalie xo Lol true. I get an average income here in South Africa. To stretch my salary I quit smoking, don't drink and stopped eating out. I plan meals and only buy that is neccesary instead of " "want" items. Pay bills on time and pay off credit card. By watching this I realize that although I live in a 3rd world country I have good teeth and way better off than those entitled lazy low lifers.
S Exactly but let people like them tell it, it's Africans and blacks in the dole. We catch the blame all the time and yet here's the proof in front of our eyes.
yeah , I dont have cable or a Tv and a old used car and can barely make it
When you have more tattoos than teeth ...
spikefivefivefive savage!😂
Best comment, lol!
lol..more tattoos than teeth
So we live in Australia.. this year 2023 our 23 year old son announced he wanted to move to the uk and start his oe.. he arrived on his own on the youth mobility visa. He had paid for an air bnb room until he found work and a home. He did go with savings. We werent dumb enough to send him without money and we know if it got bad he could come home.
He had a job within 4 days and 7 months later still there doing plumbing maintenance. Something he has never done. And he now has shared accommodation in Wimbledon. I ask him what its like in comparison to here.. he thinks food is really cheap but everything else is expensive. And he sees poverty everywhere. But he also said his boss was desperate for workers and could hardly get anyone especially locals.
And before any one says hes gone over and stolen jobs.. hes contributing to a tax system that he has no rights to himself.. and that goes towards these benefits for those locals that didnt want to work...
Best wishes to your son! Good job on raising him ❤
Having a job is about more than money.
Structure. Purpose. Direction. Achievement. Confidence. Pride. Respect. Admiration. Authority. Responsibility.
Depends on the job really. You're not finding most of that at mcdonalds
The hell you can’t find that and more at Macdonalds! The most successful and respectable people alive started at mcds and whooped ass on it!
Witch all the low lives in this video don't have. If it was up to me I would cut everybody's benefits and let the lazy bastards fend for themselves. Even getting free money they still have time to complain about somthing or another
@@squallleonhart6397 But most started there or somewhere similar at some point. Don't ever think your too good to work at the bottom.
Cellex The Blackout hell, it shouldn’t ever be beneath ones dignity to take a humble job as a side, there’s a recession coming and it will be bad...
My mother was a teen single mom and I had to grow up with her milking the system~she slept around, was caught shoplifting makeup, she took me and my sister to doctors and tell them that we were mentally ill so that she could get documentation for SSI benefits which of course she partied with when I was 17 i got hired by a
7-11 store as a cashier and was so excited when I told my mom she hit the roof because it meant that she would lose the benefits that she received for me. She was arrested the next year for writing bad checks and I found out that she had stolen me and my sisters identities and ruined our credit~she went to jail i was sent to a live in community center, got a job, worked full time, bought a car and have never been on benefits now my mother is close to 60 she's no longer attractive she's diabetic because she's fat and is living in a broken down trailer~because of her abuse of the welfare system when she was younger she can receive zero benefits now she is looking for me to support her and guess what? It won't be happening
Heidi Golden good for you! You stand your ground. Your selfish mother ruining your credit before you even got a! She made her bed, now she can sleep in it.
You Heidi are AWESOME!!
I dont want to offend you, but your mom sucks. She also wasn't really a mother. BUT isnt the fact that you have grown up to be independent, successful, honest, and stable just a big " F you" to her? In spite, or maybe despite, your rough start in life, you have broken the cycle. You should be proud!!!
Heidi Golden all i can say is i fucking feel you
Heidi Golden good for you, I commend you!
“What do you want me to do-do you want me to go work at McDonald’s?” Um yes.. work like everyone else???
McDs salary wouldn't cover her daycare ffs
@@007nadineL so who says you only have one job? Work like the rest of us
You Absolutely right.
007nadineL I agree that costs are just insane in the UK but wasn’t that said by the mother who had kids also claiming benefits in the house? They could watch the younger ones.
Find me a job?find yourself a job
When she cut those potatoes, right there on the bench top, l heard my mother scream at me from 100 miles away, lol
@@janetbrowning9089😂😂😂i guess african or white all moms are the same😂
I was yelling at the screen myself! So wasteful. Just get a thin peeler, they're dirt cheap.
Same. All I could think of was how much potato was getting wasted
I felt bad for the daughter she was so proud getting a job and her mom shot her right down. The point is to get experience not get rich and move up to a better job!
Ugh. That was so awful. I felt so bad for her
I just could not believe she critiqued her daughter that way. She should have praised her!
that was a horrible mother. i would have shown that girl so much pride and encouragement trying to build herself up. the mom has a welfare mentality bad for the whole family. that's the kind of person that should be restricted from benefits
Right? Who puts down their daughter for wanting to support her self, better herself! Yeah sometimes you have to work and be broke to have a place to live. What is the mom saying...
Reminds me of my mom. Some mom's just can't be happy for their kids, especially their daughters. Sometimes moms have an unconscious sense of rivalry with their daughters because they remind them of their "best" selves which they no longer are. So, whenever a woman's daughter improves herself in any way all the mom wants to do is put them down. At least when it comes to my mom. Lost five pounds? "Oh why is your gut sticking out so much?". Get a new job "Well you're not getting healthcare". Never has anything nice to say.
I’d rather work than raise 11 kids😬
They raise themselves. She does nothing...
@@markj2838 Excatly, in fact, older children raise younger ones... thats how it works
Mark J shes on her back all day legs wayyy up 🤮🤢🤮🤢
@@lalimartinez1272 yukkk lol
There were no Dentist's harmed during the filming of this documentary
Charlie Buckets , 👏😂
Charlie Buckets 😂😂😆😂😆😆😆😂😂😂
Charlie Buckets hahahahaha
“What do you want me to do, you want me to just go work at McDonald’s?”
Um… yes? Why tf not?
The entitlement is showing
That mom who was hating on her daughter for finding and honest job and trying to break her spirit was just soo digusting!!
Felt so bad for her kid...
That pissed me off so much. It might not be the best job in the world, but she's such a sad and defeatist woman to bring down her 19 year old daughter who is trying to make something of herself. Serious crabs-in-a-bucket mentality.
Truly at least she has a strong head and will be bbn out of that house and on her own and have pride in herself. I applaud her for her strength and respect for herself .
the mother is just jelly. Very bad mother figur.
Yes I agree poor lassie, my grandson is a I T tech in Canada so sad to hear that benefits Mum discouraging the lassie
“That’s a nice posh phone you got there..” “Uh that’s cause I work luv” ICONIC CLAPBACKS. 😂
I read this as it was happening. LMAO. I work luv.
Honestly you could tell her friend was frustrated that she was taking advantage..she even said she couldnt afford a house like that while working.
🤣 quite an odd couple. I think they are only neighbors not really friends as the video says.
I know! I loved that line by the neighbor.
900 quid a week and can't afford a condom, lol.
Anthony Kernich or go jogging! Its free! Plus they all got the time!
don't even have to go that far, just go for a walk
Anthony Kernich it's because she needs all the money for crappy tattoos.
omgitstracey and crappy nails smh
she abuses the system by having kids. more kids = more money.
"Do you want me to work in McDonalds?" I'd easily prefer working in McDonalds to being broke and unemployed.
The big lady's attitude really bugged me. Watching her take that cash out made me hot behind my ears.
I was taxed over 25k last year and to think it goes to people like her, is hard to swallow.
Shaun Leclerc why so much ?
Must be a high earner.
Margarita B. They actually work for their money and they get a lot. And they get taxed more
Most likely because he's in the top (or near top) tax bracket. It can be infuriating when you personally get up and go to work every day to support your own family...and have the rest taken in taxes that goes to these lazy people.
If I was a high earner and I was taxed that much I would rather see it go to people who are in dire need rather than these lazy people.
Please explain to me what immigrant is taking your job when you can’t even be bothered applying for one?
Yeah they aren’t stealing jobs they are hoping on welfare. 63% of households with non native Americans are on a welfare program.
Thank you! Let them work. Forget Donald Trump
You think these slobs are complaining about immigrants?
Says so right here you do not need a job to have SNAP benefits.
@@pandabearclaire1 You NEED to VOLUNTEER WORK every month to receive them, dumb ass
'What do you want me to do, do you want me to just work at McDonald's?' well lass, from the look of you, it seems like you go there every day anyway, so yes, you might as well get a job there.
Violka1987 😂😂
Best thing I've read all day!
Violka1987 lmaooo
Violka1987 savage.
I so agree with you there Violka. It is a disgrace where there are some beneficiaries who just spend it like there's no tomorrow.
Imagine one of your biggest decisions in life is which television package to buy with your government money.
I hate the entitlement with which these people talk.
12:45 "We're bäääääääärely survivin'!" -----> Goes to the pub and buys beers.
Them two big fat girls let loose on an all you can eat Buffet
As a single mom, working and trying so hard, this literally infuriates me.
@@haylein9404 bold of you to assume that that place I live is just so easy to get benefits.
Not every country is like the one in the video. Not every government "helps" their people this way.
@@courtneylucas9762 if you're a woman you can get benefits a lot easier than men
Good for you Courtney!
Ignore those lazy, weak and pathetic excuses. Your doing what’s right and showing your kid(s) what a strong women is.
From one single mom to another....your amazing :)
I’m almost on your side there but maybe you should’ve planned your life better before having children
thatkenyannigga you understand that things happen and men leave right? Not so black and white.
If you have enough money to get tattoos and your nails done then you have too much money. Get a job
They aren't very good tattoos lol
@@clairem7700 yeah, definitely cheap kitchen tattoos.
It's not fair on people who actually phisicly can't shame
whats the point of getting a job then if u have money
They do have a job ... milking the system lol
"I want £500 every week after I've paid my bills"
I don't even get that and I'm a project manager in telecoms.
She wants £2000 a month AFTER EXPENSES.
She's deluded.
It's how she justifies it to herself. On some level she feels guilty and ashamed so she makes up excuses as to why it's not worth her coming off benefits.
I make $25 per hour and I don't have that much to spend on food let alone after bills lmao. How delusional 🙄
Why work when I can get more than you have by working the system 😂😂😂
@@virginiabeechhere the same, but in euros, working full time, and even I don't have 2000 after all expenses here in Netherland.
I'm actually in so shock by that. 90% of the fucking population would beg to have 2k a month left over after all their bills and expenses are paid.
“You want me to just go work at McDonald’s?”
They wouldn't have her.
1+2=.....hhmmmmmmm...maybe 4 is my guess
@@robertcmcnamara 😂
Ya gotta start somewhere.
12:05 woman has house, food, cable, and everything else paid for by the government. “Tight fisted bastards” she complains
IKR! I literally shook my head watching that, jeez!!!
Cigarettes? Alcohol? Food delivery? Acrylic nails? Cable TV? Pets? AND still complaining. WOW.
Well they clearly save a lot of money on the dentist.
@@ricktimmons458 Plus Ignorance.
@@ricktimmons458 And Ignorance.
these are the sort of people who blame foreigners for the country's woes lol
For real!
They do in some of these episodes.
Could you imagine paying 500,000 for a home and have them live next door. I would go crazy because they would totally bring the value down it would've been a waste of an investment
It would be infuriating. I know some people on welfare who are very house proud and you wouldn't know they were on benefits from the way they behave and take care of things. HOWEVER, they are a drastic minority. Not to mention, they often bring crime with them. If I drop half a mil I don't want to worry that drug dealers (or as they showed in this video) professional thieves skulking about near my house. Especially since you can't own a gun in the UK to keep them out of your OWN home.
and then she has the audacity to act ungrateful of it
We had some move in down a street near us and they spray painted graffiti all over the front big fence. The council made them reduce some if it but there's still a big number of their house and other ugly pictures
love me i would assume they would be put into a government assisted living apartments like the ones here in the US.
They would be noisy and trashy, too.
The sense of entitlement is what gets me. They act as if the government owes them for having kids.
Yeah.. pisses too
sterilization is the key. the current system is designed for people who've never worked......
Yeah, they sure complain a lot for not contributing a single minute of their time to the community. I think volunteering should be a requirement of people who stay on benefits for over a year.
The worst is that the children are probably doomed as well.
Even the damn dog 🐕 is pregnant, They will probably try get benefits for the damn puppies 🐶!
😂😂😂😂😂 stop it
Kkķkkkk u make my day
They take such pride in living on benefits. Ridiculous
*What do you want me to do? Work at McDonald's*
Me: Yes
You Take The Moon 🌝
Bums making shitty excuses. They just want to spend thier days shopping and getting thier nails done.
Take thier benefits away. Make them all work.
@@mrfudge5869 ohhh and did you notice they never once bought their kids anything!? Dress after dress after dress but nothing for the daughter standing next to her! Just selfish.
@@Megorium Most people with developmental problems tend to be self involved. TBH, I don't think they should have children because they often tend to put themselves before thier children.
They need to work underneath the streets inside the sewers. Actually, that's too good of a job for them.
There was a time when people were ashamed to have to rely on government assistance. Now they wear it like a badge of honor. Disgusting.
Such lazy people... Goverment must do something about them.... People work and pay taxes for this assw.holes.. such a mindset.. Disgrace for England...
And we all that they are still living in filth . When you come from a third wild country , you understand how privileged they are
me i try and stay out if rather work than just sit on my ass doin fk all
& you sound mad with jealousy about it Not everyone living on Government assistance are the same
@@jackrabbit0 people who are capable of work should be made to. These are all examples of people who can work but choose not to
Lady:"Nice phone you got there"
Lady friend:"It's cause I work love" lol the shade🤣
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒆🙌🏾🤣😂🤣
Heather needs to go to jail for receiving stolen goods 😱😱
I'd rather work at Mcdonalds then be like these people.
These women feel ashamed to work at KFC....... Subway etc !! But feel proud to live on benifits!!
McDonald's is a terrible job.
Scumos unaffordable Australia yes yes it really is😩☺️ i hate working there
Socialism at its finest
I love the line “you only get what you’re ‘entitled’ to”
They're too poor to pay for groceries & rent, but they have money for cigarettes, junk food, tattoos & piercings?
suprcrip2002 and alcohol and sky
And dogs
and not one, not two, but THREE cable/sat TV's !
and that's the false economy of such food, because it's unhealthy in the long run and you can't eat it 4 times a day without expecting health problems in your near future.
parents buying their kids "fast food" every day are lazy because they don't want cook and prep healthier meals. They don't have money for buying better restaurant food, so they buy crap.
don't forget nails!😒
What ya want ? Me to work at McDonald's?.....YES DUMMY YES
Mike Kennedy lmao exactly!!
What's wrong with McDonald's? Lazy fat ass
@@nikkiasaro2965 she thinks she's too good to work at McDonald's but clearly didn't think she was too good to eat there lmao
Mike Kennedy LoL!!!
@@nikkiasaro2965 I will never work fast food. Fuck working fast food. I will not deal with rude disrespectful customers.
900 pounds a week? WTF??? For popping out babies? Holy jesus. In 1990 dollars, at that. Jesus Ef.
Everything looks dirty......i wanna take a shower
Amber The Kawaii Gamer Neko
even the pool water was dirty af
Aw I'm sorry it displeases you so
Do us all a favor
And go take a shower
Jalane Perry what the hell is YOUR problem? You’re really defending these nasty ass people? Ok. You must be one of them 😂
Amber The Kawaii Gamer Neko 😩😩😩😩😩
I thought it was bad in the US, but it definitely looks worse in the UK. Giving people homes worth over half a million? Insanity!
there are many $500,000 section 8 homes all over Culver city and Santa Monica . I know I stayed in 2 sublet section 8 airbnb's there this summer.
500k homes in the uk are like homes in the states for 50k lol
@@moneym3 in some parts of the US yeah
you should see Australia...
aziz huseyin ikr
Just because you are poor don't mean you have to be dirty.
There is a big difference between poor and trashy. They are not mutually exclusive.
Nothing wrong with being poor.
Most of these people are trashy.
I am puerto rican and im reading this comment with a british accent idk why
@@Chriscancel I'm Puerto Rican too lol
@@KeithsReviews puke 🤮
@@nicholassullivan1239 I agree. I was poor, never trashy tho.
Many, many years ago I knew a girl who was left on her own after her mum passed. She had to be put into foster care at age 12 or so. She was in school full time like every other child her age, but as soon as she was legally old enough to work (16?), she found a job at a restaurant. She left the foster system by age 17 and worked 3 part time jobs just to pay rent on a small 1/1 apartment, pay utilities, and put low-quality food on the table. Three part time jobs were not enough, so once she was able to save enough for a deposit for a landline (that was all there was in those days---no mobile phones), she accepted a fourth job doing telemarketing on her hours off at home on her own phone. She lived alone, hand to mouth and never had even one child. By age 20 she met the man she would marry and married at 21. She went back to school and eventually earned two degrees. They paid for all of the tuition and books, etc. They knew how expensive it was to raise just one child and send him/her off to university, so they never had any children. She and her husband were never wealthy, but they owned their own home and travelled a little. They earned everything they ever had and never took advantage of anyone, and never broke the law or did anything that was dishonourable, disreputable, or disgraceful in their society. They were clean, quiet, good neighbours, too.
The moral of the story is you can choose a self-respecting, worthwhile life no matter how disadvantaged you may be, or you can choose to exist like these people. I know plenty of animals that have more dignity, intelligence, and class than these people. I feel sorry for the four legged animals that have to live amongst these two legged ones. These are soulless, vacuous, trashy wastrels.
Amen! I can honestly say that even though Iam now on disability because I had cancer, I busted my butt waiting tables, cleaning toilets and working in machine shops to earn everything I got! And there ain't nothing more fulfilling than that
I admire people like that. My mom had a similar life, but a bit rougher. She had jobs, never finished school, was in the foster care system and expected to be self-sufficient in her teens. She married and had me. But her life has been up and down to this day: working, marriages, divorces, job hunting, moving, saving, scrimping, paying off debt and, yes, needing a bit of help from social assistance for a couple of years until she could find a full time job. Not everyone finds success so easily and quickly. These are the people you're not seeing in these shows, the ones who are honest, hard working and just needing some help for a bit. They would never agree and I doubt the show would find them interesting enough and don't piss off everyone. That's what this show is about.
Meanwhile there’s people that work full time and can’t even pay their rent on time. How is that fair?
I live in California and can't afford to rent a one bedroom appartment to myself on a receptionist's salary, having a flat of my own without roommates is a pipe dream.
@@JulianneHannes come here to Dublin Ireland! Bloody ridiculous! Ughhh
@@Ardoyne-jx4tv you said it same in Naas
Julianne Hannes move from California or get a high paying career.
I really feel bad for the kids, they grow up thinking this is how one should live.
These poor kids are most likely getting pick on in school for having a MUM who is a Dole-Welfare Queen. The paper shouldn't have showed these kids pictures.They couldn't help their situation.Life owes you NOTHING. You owe it to yourself to do good in life & it starts with a education . That is what I tell my kids. This Mother already has kids on welfare. Truly Sad !!!! This is not a way of life . You get NO where.
This is the one sure fire way to breed families of terrible, selfish, entitled, and LAZY people. It's honestly sad and causes alot of ignorance in people. Think about how much you've learned all the years you've been working. Even if its only minimum wage jobs they molded you into a more knowledgeable person in some way. These people literally dont know the struggle. But they think they do.
They take money from the government, how is that bad?
Nefelibata The government takes money from honest people working and paying taxes. If these people stuck a gun in the faces of taxpayers and demanded to be “ paid what they are owed”, we would all recognize them for the thieves and brigands that they are. They are so lazy, incompetent, and morally bankrupt that instead they charge the government with collecting the money at gunpoint for them.
The parents should have all their children taken away. The children should be put in orphanages and then trained for the military. They will fight for their country to repay their debts to society. This is the good and Christian way. Jesus said to follow the laws of your country.
I worked at McDonalds and I am a single mom. Need to be able to take care of yourself and the kids I created. A job is a job as long as you are doing the best you can.
@Michael Dust You're a dick.
Charmaine Blackie well said :)
I wanna marry you... !!
Charmaine Blackie amen
Been a single mom! It's hard work but it can be done.
I learned to budget my money, save for what I wanted.
Do what you have to do mama! Your babies will learn what a hard working mama they have. Just in case no one told you today,
All that money spent at McDonalds, but no money for toothpaste and toothbrush.
The daughter who got the phone job for herself, she is gaining more than her mother could imagine. She is earning self respect for herself.
cant believe the mum is telling her off for it wants her to stay on benefits
@@chrisj6321 and the mom likely wants to control the daughter's benefits once the girl receives them. Not uncommon.
See you get a basic job, work on your skills, work hard and then get a better job etc. Her daughter gets it.
This makes me sick.
These people create the stereotype for others who really need the help.
You're just jealous lol
He's right though. Why would anyone hate on someone with benefits. Not really beneficial. It's actually sad. I've been in the same predicament but got out of it. It's not supposed to be a lifestyle, it's supposed to be temporary really...
@@SpectateDrake respect to your situation and you used it right. I think what he's getting at is when you use it as a lifestyle - and that's been going on for generations now.
Maybe it's your the one with the problem
fuck you
She said if she works she misses her kids growing up. Um, if you go party all night, you miss your kids growing up.
Exactly they just don’t wanna work
Exactly excuses your not at work everyday 24 7
What do you think about the dole queen who bought household items and children's clothes from local shoplifters, then? 26:46 *That's setting a really good example for her 11 kids, innit?* I understand and totally sympathise with her being against abortion - but in her case I think her parents should have had her sterilized before she got pregnant the first time at 14. She doesn't need to have any kids.
She's getting a 6 bedroom house for free and she's complaining about the trains cheeky caaant
Robbie C Only 6 bedrooms... not the 11 that she wanted! Cheeky woman.
But there are crazy people buying that house for 500.000 pounds to live next to a railroad.
She's getting a 6 bedroom house for free I can barely afford the 2 bedroom apartment where I live right now here in the pissed up drug infested rats all over the place new york city housing authority projects, (today's date January 22, 2020) I just got home from work and found a notice taped to my door saying n.y.c.h.a is raising my fucking rent
Have a railroad 100ft from my house with nightly trains and i pay 600 in rent!
I've lived next to the railroad tracks for 6 years now. I hardly notice anymore. Being poor isn't so bad
good lord, even the dog is pregnant
Annie Detroit lol
Annie Detroit bah! 😂
Annie Detroit 😂😂😂😂 and probably on welfare too
I think her guy have done that🤣🤣🤣
They need to take a holiday? A holiday from what?? Lol
Hell they have no jobs EVERYDAY is a holiday!!! Lol
Those two really grinded my gears.
A holiday because apparently immigrants are taking their jobs lol
I grew up in a very economically deprived housing estate in Scotland back in the '80s and '90s. I ended up making it to university, getting a career in finance, and eventually owning my own company. Watching this is depressing for me because I grew up among this. Even if you work a little bit you can do better than this, these are literally just lazy useless people.
Well said - they are pathetic parasites - what a joke these idiots saying - we have to budget - what a joke
What about that fat newly wed - professional bludger
the sadest part is.. they actually teach their children how to live of benefits,,,, not how to do an honest day work
how could they teach their kids to do an honest days work? they don't know how themselves
Lol I love it you guys over there act like Americans are bad but looks like you all over there are no different 😂🤣😂🤣
TRUE. It just becomes a generational problem after that.
@@ayayron7776 Americans are better because they have to . They're nog going to be pampered by their government by doing nothing and breed children.
Apparently dental care isn’t covered by benefits.
DR Lunn oh lord there is evidence there 🤣😂😂👍🏽👍🏽
All UK people have bad teeth,not just welfare people.Watch the telly
@@bubba842 I think Brits just are not as self absorbed
They don’t care as much about the way their teeth look there.
I'm outrage, I'm a single mom of two boys, one dog and two cats, I'm working my ass off to pay rent and bills without any benefits because I always say there somebody who needs it more than me,,, then I see this 🤦🏻♀️
My husband and I are the same way. We needed food stamps for 3 months and we felt like failures, we have 3 kids to feed so we had to ask. We had some unexpected medical bills. I felt like people were judging me and always looking over my shoulder. I got a job that made double what I was making and we got off real quick. My husband went to college and just graduated. No way we are ever going back to that low time.
@@sarahleroy465 HUGE RESPECT to BOTH of YOU!! It's a sad reality and A SHAME that there aren't MORE AMAZING people like you...hope y'all are doing well with this COVID mess!! Blessings to you both...👏❤👏❤👏
If you live in the United States or any other country that has stable jobs and the government is not abusing your rights, then you definetly do not need to be on welfare unless you are handicapped and if you become a single mom, there should be a limit like 1 or 2 children limit if you have 3 or more no more welfare...but help on finding a should not be this complicated. There are children sufferring aso called Illegal Immigrants working their butts off for littlt no more to have these ratched individuals abuse the system by keep having children and not wanting to stop or even care to do so.
You’re doing amazing, sweetie, and I’m rooting for you. ❤️
Everything about this is despicable.
I'd rather natives get the benefits rather than all the illegals and diversity people.
I mean it looks like they spend a lot of time at McDonalds, might as well work there.
I bought some McDonald's french fries once that were still edible eleven months later...
lovely song maybe they could get a discount too.
I doubt that she could get a job at McDonald's. Would you employ somebody like her?
McDonald's stock closed at $42.42/share. A yearly dividend payout of $.54/share. Coca Cola stock closed at $49.25/share with a yearly dividend pay of $1.56/share. If you own stock in these companies, thank these people for going to McDonalds. This is one little way to ma kn e money off these people.
how do they think theyr to good to work at mcdonalds lmfao
The mother putting her daughter down for getting a job blew my mind!
Losers get mad when you try to do better than them. And if the daughter works the mom will lose benefits
Yeah, that was insane.
That mom is worthless! Her and her boyfriend running the streets to buy drugs is what they do and she's too good to work from home too because the boyfriend and the kids will come into whatever room she's in....Um..I'd put a lock on my door and tell them when its shit and locked I'm fn working. If they didn't respect that the next lock they'd see would be from the view of the front stoop until I was done work for the day. She is worthless and fill of excuses. Also the Frosts....All them motorcycles out back and atleast 3 vehicles out front but the husband is camera shy.....Um here in Maryland you'd have to sell those....Unreal. I'm living in the wrong country.
@@dannybryant1114 ‘losers get mad when you do better than them’. I was 24 when I realised this is always the case. Don’t be naive enough to think the losers you know are any different.
I work 2 jobs my husband works and we struggle for everything and we don't have much... but at least we can be proud of what we have. We earn it.
Same boat girl but were gonna get there one day and were gonna make it on our own unlike those pigs
Amanda stone Amen!
Amanda stone exactly I pay taxes but can’t afford health care what a joke
These people live the NEET life
Amanda stone Why don't you appy to be a bus driver so you have one job with good pay.
Julie was on another benefits episode. She was 46 at the time & moved in with her sister and then found out at age 46 to be pregnant again
What is the name of the episode?
@@mariksen It was on a show called “Benefits Britain” but I think it got deleted because I can’t find it even though I watched it.
That gross excuse for a Mother trying to talk her daughter out of her job! Eeewww! Stop! Let her be a productive member of society. Good for you girl! Hope you do well at your job!
heather mcnulty this was the worst thing I saw in this program . I think she’s jealous too of her daughter and feels guilty as well .
@@homeless_greg_games goes with the territory.
She says she's an independent lady! Independence means NOT relying on others. Hello.
In a modern society with division of labour, though, nobody is really independent and not relying on others. What she is referring to is financial independence, which is otherwise only enjoyed by the rich in a capitalist society without universally available welfare benefits. Isn't it beautiful, though, how some of that financial independence is redistributed throughout all of society by universally available welfare benefits? You see, financial independence is really trickled down, by welfare, and is enjoyed by everyone who also works for a living by giving them the real power of telling their boss to fuck off, without forfeiting their whole life in the process.
Doo ya know wuta mene
For real. The youngest ones were talking so much shit about being on benefits, but obviously they can afford to get their nails done...
that's exactly what I thought independent my ass
I have a cousin like this and it kills me, I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. She yells about how other people shouldn't have kids if they can't support them like she does hers (they have 4 now). The thing is, she has never worked a day in her life, neither has her partner, who is the mother of the children. Everything she uses to support herself and her kids is social welfare benefits in one form or another. It makes me want to pull my own hair out when she starts complaining about other people who can't support their kids, when she has never supported herself or her kids, either. lol
She has more kids than teeth
Dee Jayy ....and more teeth than a brain.
Dee Jayy Dayum!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣!!!.. I’m ☠️ af!!!! Best comment I’ve 👀 so far!!
Starting at 41:27 mark…Julie provides us with a realllyyyy good excuse why she CAN’T work from home …..and I’m speechless 😐 🤨
She could just go to a quiet room and work but she doesn’t WANT to because it’s easier to be on the dole!
Disgusting behavior and attitude.
She “don’t” want to be working at all lol!!!!
I have worked from home for 7 years.
My jaw dropped when she said that. She just doesn’t want to work.
OMG , I grew up poor but, at least we were clean.
yeah i feel bad for the kids that had to grow up in a dirty home
we werent rich either and probably would have been considered poor but my mom kept home lookin and smellin fresh and clean and she made sure we had great hygiene habits. no reason to be filthy.
My parents struggled when I was little before my Dad became successful in contractor business and no matter how dirt poor we were my mother always kept an immaculate home and my brother and I were always bathed and had clean clothes even if my mom had to do laundry in the sink she always made a way to make things work
Fuck yeah right!? We were really poor too, but my parents worked like dogs for us to have a good childhood. We were clean and well fed and soooo loved. Some of these people, it really makes you wonder...
Every notice how these women who can't afford to feed their kids are always so well-fed, themselves?🤔
and smoke
It s not the amount of food, but, the quality..... junk food. Cigarettes, booze n drugs, too.
I agree that these people are ridiculous. However it is important to note that a lot of people who are on benefits and are truly disadvantaged will be overweight because the food they get is cheap, which means it’ll likely be filled with artificial ingredients and crap.
That’s a nice way to put it she’s well fat
When I was young watching movies with British people in them I always thought they must all be sophisticated, proper and intelligent. RUclips has really been trying to change my perception of that. Lol..
Well when I was younger, I use to watch British comedies on PBS and learned alot about the British class system. Are You Being Served, Fawlty Towers, and Keeping Up Appearances helped me understand the British quite a bit.
They are thick stupid and the laughing stock of Europe.
Used to be but the system like in America has dumbed down the population.
@@husbandryenvy433 Not everybody is like these vulgar people! There are people like that everywhere!
How can someone that overweight claim that she is struggling? I don’t understand.
Living off of government benefits isn't supposed to make you proud, it's supposed to make you humble.
Thor en Nadya La Grand Esquivion Antiks Learn to spell you dumb fuck.
Very well said.
I agree, very well said
Its supposed to help you for a while until you get back on your feet. Not "fix" it for you.
yahkneenah yea interesting statement. I see it here in the US people gettin on section 8 housing and I guess they expect to stay on it or idk how it really works but most government housing complexes I've seen go abandoned eventually.
The family of 11 children are about to destroy that neighborhood peace. I would hate to be their neighbor
Nah, if anything with all the drinking and most likely abuse, authorities will get called. kids will get taken at some point, if not run away for good, they lose more and more benefits and then they hopefully die and never be missed. Hopefully.
Elle lejay
Could you image buying 500k house living next to that madness
I’d be so angry if my husband and I worked our asses off to be able to get our credit up and put a down payment on a huge house like that to be put next to a family that got it for FREE
9:59 "I dont believe in abortions." lol we can see that luv
I died when she said "you have to learn from your mistakes".... Ummm, what? THEN START LEARNING ALREADY!!!!
lmao i know right!! like you didn't learn after the first fucken five? jesus
@@animefreaks5282 lmaooooo
It’s true what they say.. when the minimum wage is not more attractive than benefits then why would you? You can let all the people go without money and food, but then you’d have mass homelessness… they should increase the minimum wage, reduce the jobseekers pavements and make a system like Germany where you pay into a jobless insurance .. once you’ve paid into it for two years, you can claim for 1 year 60% of your last income.. it’s a fair deal.
Instead of giving them bigger houses. They need sterilization programs implemented
Rite!!! & DUH dumb-azz don't undastand, dat her suggestion, would fuck-up da whole scam, her masterz have got going on, here. DA MASTERZ, NEED MO SLAVEZ!!!!
Whutchoo talkin bout, Willis?!? I'm drug-free!!!
FACT iz, Western CUNTriez, wit SINtralized ( river ) bankz, need mo & mo human resourcez, 2 keep da ( current ) currenciez, flowing! WOmen, dliver da product, @ da dockz, FOOL!!!
I hate that I agree with you, but I have no choice. It's not right to keep having kids & expect everyone who works to pay for them.
Don't want sterilization? OK. How about extend benefits for 3 children maximum. Any children born after that will have to be covered by Mom (& Dad-if he's in the picture) or taken away for adoption.
"I'm an independent person."
Who lives off the taxpayer
@@hughle9913 no they wouldnt because their culture is so different then cant be pro woman right and pro gay right and pro freedom and at same time pro dosent go that way
I work for $14/hr. I buy my clothes at thrift stores. I buy groceries according to what's on sale, and we grow some fruits and vegetables. I have the cheapest phone plan and cable internet/tv package the provider offers. I seldom go to restaurants, movies etc. Our house is old and needs repairs. We have learned how to do basic carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work.
"What do you want me to do - just go work at McDonald's?" YES! And train/study for something better at the same time. I went to university full time while working at Walmart and raising a child as a single mother.
+Lep P I worked in the 80's and 90's for not more than $5 an hour...and raised two children. Never owned a car...walked to all my jobs.Had one at 10 hrs at nite and 8 during the day as well as a part time one and was in my 40's and 50's !!! Now living on my Soc Sec on $700 a month !I wore all thrift store clothes....still do....I did without so that I couldput a roof over my children's heads and food on the table. Truly I believe in the US n UK ...after2 children they should be cut off ... case closed !!
I'm a penny pitcher as well making every dollar stretch . Shopping sales price matching every week never eating out . My kids wear second hand clothes my clothes are old years old but we are happy and have what we need. The only government aid we receive is for my disabled daughter . She is constantly seeing doctors for treatments and surgeries and I'm so great full she can get the care she needs.
Glad there 'is' help out there when needed...
especially in your case.... It certainly isn't easy ... Hope your family is Blessed...
+Josephine Tyree we r very blessed . I hope u are as well
Yes but you have something that money cant buy dignity
Geez! Nails, cigarettes, booze and all of them obese!
The husband and wife who havent worked in 6 years need there benefit cut off
If you cut off their benefits, they'll be left with no other alternative than to rob you and your friends, is that what you want?
swagonwheels lol so they can't find work ?
Obviously you refuse to accept, not everyone is a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist, therefore as education levels and the intelligence of many people is of such varying degrees, with some having very little education or intelligence at all, it does become very difficult for many to find employment, unless of course, you think it's OK to use those human beings as your slaves, where you feel they should accept payments lower than welfare, and working conditions for which they are grossly underpaid, which would see them with even less, as they were forced to add the cost of public transport, extra clothing, more food to nourish and give them the energy required to do a days work, leaving them worse off than when they were on welfare, so I ask you, would you, if you had their disadvantages, be willing to accept a disgraceful deal like that?
I do not argue that their are people who can live their lives in a better manner, but that criticism goes all the way from the bottom to the top.
swagonwheels cry me a river. Not all jobs require an education. These people are not even trying to find work. Big difference between refusing to work and unable to find work.
For goodness sake, you are assuming everyone is like you, that just because you know how to take care of yourself, everyone else must be able to, but the fact is, these people have been handicapped by those who raised them, and in turn, by the fact they can survive happily on welfare, when the alternative is a job which would be so low paid, they would be worse off, because they would have all the added expenses of fares to get to and from work, extra, more expensive clothing, to present well at work, the higher costs of food as they were forced to eat on the run due to the fact travelling to and from their job, and the hours involved in the job itself, would make them time poor, causing the need to eat on the run, resulting those extra costs as well.
Seriously, you need to thank your lucky stars you're not in their terribly misguided shoes, their future will see them homeless eventually, because they have no idea how to survive like people who have been given better examples of how to live their lives, like I say, these people are effectively handicapped, surely you can see that by the fact their behaviour offends you as it does, they're not normal in comparison to us, they simply do not understand why you have a problem with them, because to them, you're lucky, your rich, you have choices they can only dream of.
I'm in the U.S. and have worked my whole life, now that I'm stage 4 end stage kidney disease I can't get disability because of leaches that don't deserve it.
Missy D. Yeah. Agree agree agree
Cheryl Sabol How are the leeches stopping you from getting disability?
Ohhh, you are calling people that don’t deserve it leeches! My bad😆
It's not the people. It's the system.
You have to apply more than once. Best bet is to get a disability attorney.
Why is there not a cap on how many kids you can receive benefits for? There's no way that women should be paid for having 11.
In the USA you can have unlimited children. They tried to put a law in that would allow people on benefit to be on birth control but it was shot down with heavy negative feedback.
@@NHSSHINOBI l thought the cap went through.
Because benefits are not a reward for your astounding ability to sire offspring - but meant to support the cost of a child's life.
@@ajneskalde7155 I think you're missing the point. These people are career baby makers. Why is this being allowed? Is there any thought to the ability to provide, independently from the government. The ability to pay for third level education etc.
@@JenCarew The kids didn’t choose to be born. Just because their parents suck doesn’t mean they don’t deserve housing, food, education, etc.
I despise paying taxes because of this. I have 40 percent of my earnings taken from me on threat of jail to pay for this BS. It would be in my best interests for us not to waste money on these critters
Benefits are to HELP people. Not to take care of people. Ridiculous.
I can smell them through the screen
😹😹😹. 🤷🏻♀️ true
That's not nice.
Julie has the audacity to tell her daughter Charlotte that she's wasting her time to work at the job she got. Wow mother of the year.
Shes a piece of shit.
As Salik xxx I thought the exact same thing!!! Ugh!
She probably looses money because her daughter got a job.
And telling her to gain weight! She’s not “skinny” she’s a healthy size! Omg repulsive 🤢
Absolutely abhorrent behavior for a parent. She should celebrate her daughters accomplishments.
“It’s cause I work love” the friend threw major shade
That poor daughter so proud she got a job selling cells and sim cards and her mum put her down so bad..instead of being proud she was encouraging her to stay on assistance... Poor girl.
Angeline Perales Yes, what a jealous bitch. Mother is awful and uncaring. I hope the daughter does well for herself.
Angeline Perales yup .. poor that girl .. but I'm so proud of her ... u know what .... i also in her position too ...... so shame of it especially to having parent like that ... but i much better than them ... yes ... i am
I was thinking the same thing. Her mother is jealous because she can't get a job.
I know; that is so bad. You have to start SOMEWHERE; work a crappy job for 2 years, and show that you can be counted on to show up for work on time & do the work. Get a work reference. Then you may be able to start looking for a better job with half a chance of at least being considered for it. I think the Mum is afraid of her daughter showing her up.
It makes more sense in the US than in the UK not to get off welfare, because then you & your kids lose Medicaid.....and low-wage jobs almost NEVER have family medical insurance in the employment benefits package. That's at least in part because employers actually can't afford to offer it, especially very small businesses. If we would get off our collective asses in the United States and institute a basic-level "Medicare for all" program like every other country in the civilized world, people would not be so frightened to get off welfare, even to start their own small businesses.
Angeline Perales very sad parents still raise their kids like that
Don't know about y'all but I am SUPER GLAD she didn't get the half a million house
caro99637 damn man spoiler alert !!🚨
“We’re barely surviving”
*feeds birds with perfectly good bread*
Kaitlin Walley and the whole fucking box of cereal 😂🙄
@@jackstokes922 yes the cereal!!! what a waste!!
@@carnival30 found the abuser 😆
She considers "decorating a home" an actual expense of taxpayers.
Exactly, not to mention tossing an entire box of cereal onto the road.
They all know the systems with the ins and outs to get "their" money. Unreal. I wish I didn't have to work as hard as I do to get my wages....but thankfully, I have pride and want more for myself. Shame on them. They should have to serve in your military.
I concur!
People stay on benefits cuz they literally get more for not working.
They save on transport, work lunches, laundering work clothes,...
plus they get food benefits, health care, sometimes housing is paid, discounts on phone/internet/transit just for receiving benefits, child care can be paid for, heating allowance, free A/C, furniture allowance...and I'm sure I'm missing some, but.....these ppl crunched the numbers and said why become a wage slave when they can have so much more w/o slaving away.
Corporations use high priced lawyers to game the system, and get away with millions, these ppl are small potatoes.
The one slag with 11 kids is pouring half of hers into the garbage! Disgusting!
you become a fatass quick if all you do is sit on it all day
william holliday or brushed there teeth
Depend on ur shoplifters? Good luck in hell lady.
william holliday 😂
This is likely a very silly idea, but...what if britain offered money for people to get their tubes tied? You see what I'm getting at?
33melonpaws77 that they are stupid inbreeds doesnt mean they cant calculate....having a kid is far more profitable than a one time cash grap for them, or the amount would be so big the Nation would go bankrupt
Or a vasectomy. Don't just put it on the women
@@mrsthomas42709 Isn't a vasectomy where a man gets his tubes tied? I definitely wasn't aiming my far out idea at only women.
Violation of human rights unfortunately
@33melonpaws77 no. A vasectomy is when the vas deferens(tube that carries sperm from the testicles to the penis) is cut. Basically blocking the flow of semen to the head of the penis i.e. causing the man to shoot blanks
What a supportive mum when her daughter gets a job and gets off benefits telling her it's not enough money and she should face reality and stay on benefits. Awesome. Way to go mom.
That's why the whole benefits system is so dysfunctional & why there isn't money for the people that actually needs it & DON'T have a choice.. and on top of this you have immigrants who comes to the EU only to live on & scam for benefits - that's why UK, Sweden & Germany were & are soo popular for them. Immigrants who haven't paid a cent in taxes thinks as it's THEIR free money. And it's their right to get it..
So there have & is a big influx of even more the same shitty mentality.. that also scams the system for even more by faking different issues, diseases & dysfunctions.
@@ingridakerblom7577 ok boomer.
That lady is abusing her husband. She beats him and he laughs but I really don’t think he thinks it’s funny. I think he laughs to hid his tears. 💔😖
@@blue_moon6490 You observed this 100% correctly. And this monster claims to be disabled. Wow.
In the U.S. welfare benefits don't pay anything.
I was a single mom, left by a shiftless boyfriend and I was on welfare for a few years cause my dad & his girlfriend refused to babysit while I worked. "We're not helping you. Raise your kids on welfare," they said cause they KNEW if I worked & felt good about myself that I could get out of that crappy little town & actually be somebody my kids could be proud of.
That's actually what I eventually did. I was able to move to the Cincinnati area where I waited tables and I made killer money (averaging about $22 an hour & that was 30+ years ago). When my daughter complained cause mommy had to work, I'd just tell her, "well honey, mama doesn't HAVE to work. We can get welfare again but we'll have to send Brutus (our dog) back to the pound cause we can't afford to feed him. I can wash our clothes out in the tub again and you can forget getting new toys & coloring books on my payday." They must dole out ALOT of money in the UK Cause life on benefits in the U.S. is freaking hard!
Firstly 👏👏Well done MarcyRaye.. I hope you're as proud of yourself as you should be.. I'm from Ireland and being really honest, I made a very conscious choice to leave employment when my son turned 6..I was a single parent, and didn't realise how much my child was missing me/missing out on when I worked. Financially we were marginally better off, but, he didn't get to go to sports and extra curricular activities.. The guilt ate at my soul. Eventually I made the choice to leave work (I was doing 70 hrs a week at the time on minimum wage work).. I don't regret it.. I was needed at home. The benefit package allowed for us to live on a smaller income but still afforded us to live securely. I do feel for American single parents.. It seems like a very difficult life with very little support. I absolutely would never have considered leaving work if I couldn't have managed on benefits.. But yep, benefits in Ireland (and the UK) are VERY much liveable on if you're contented to live on a small income. I admire your determination over the years however.. No one can take that from you ❤
I am so sorry that your family made you feel so bad