Zondervan's New Study Bible Upside-Down Kingdom illustrates the Anarchy of Evangelicalism
- Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
- A recent headline on notthebee.com reads:
Evangelicalism's latest fake "magisterium" is not the real problem - it's that in evangelical Christianity there is no authentic magisterium. Having rejected the living Magisterium of the Catholic Church, evangelicalism suffers and perpetuates the susceptibility of the Canon to revisionism and the Bible to as many interpretations as there are interpreters, all claiming to be the true voice of the message of Scripture. In other words, anarchy.
In this video, we discuss Zondervan’s controversial new "Upside-Down Kingdom" Study Bible, examining how it mirrors the theological and doctrinal anarchy present in modern Evangelicalism. With a focus on "diversity"-both theological and gender-this study Bible raises critical questions about the authority and authenticity of the interpretation of Scripture in evangelical circles. Critics like Woke Preacher Clips have rightfully pointed out the Bible’s reliance on a "multiethnic magisterium," but the real issue goes much deeper. Evangelicalism’s rejection of the Catholic Church’s living Magisterium has led to a fragmented approach to biblical interpretation, where everyone claims to be the sole voice of truth. In this analysis, we explore how this lack of an authoritative magisterium leads to theological chaos, allowing for revisionism and conflicting interpretations of Scripture.
Catholic vs Protestant apologetics is at the heart of this discussion, as we compare the Catholic Church’s consistent, Magisterial approach to Scripture with the anarchy of individualistic interpretations seen in Evangelicalism. Whether you're a Catholic defending the faith, a Protestant studying Catholicism, or someone interested in understanding the Bible and gender diversity from a Christian perspective, this video offers thought-provoking insights into how Evangelicalism’s lack of unity on Scripture can lead to confusion and division.
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#Zondervan #christianity #protestant #genderdiversity #magisterium
Raised Catholic, I left the Church at age 22 and became a Baptist/evangelical for 34 years, which included 10 years as a pastor. In 2023, I returned to the Catholic Church after an intense period of study and prayer.
See my reversion story here:
• EVANGELICAL Pastor Bec...
or here:
The Cordial Catholic with Keith Little - • He Learned from the Be...
“Once the Magisterium is rejected, the Canon of Scripture is subject to revisionism” - SO True! The outcome is that if we “cut ties” with the Magisterium, we can no longer have a unity of doctrine or fellowship. And that is exactly what we see today in our world.
Once the authority of the Magisterium is rejected, Protestantism results in confusion, division & scandal of 000’s of sects which is not of Jesus who willed unity Jn 17:11-23
Imagine personally interpreting the Constitution without the authority of SCOTUS! That’s how illogical Protestantism is!
Poor Gavin Ortlund has cleaved to the "Fallible collection of infallible books" heresy. Thus, he is blown about by the winds of change.
another nail in the coffin for evangelicalism. this may be the one that does it for me and my own protestantism
As a convert from an Evangelical/Protestant background, which of the talking points helped you in this video?
Come home brother! We don't bite.
Amen! “IF” you have not already, please consider going to Adoration of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, also known as “Holy Hour.” Time spent in our Lord’s Presence is priceless. Call your local Catholic parish and find out when they offer it. Some parishes offer 24/7 Adoration. Simply go, sit in Christ’s Presence. TAKE YOUR BIBLE! Read scripture, contemplate, pray. Tell Christ of your love of Him, and of your worries and doubts, even your fears. Then, be as patient with Christ as He has been with you. Grace will flow and when you receive the grace to know that HE IS THERE, you will be forever changed. Miracles occur in Christ’s Presence - of that I can personally attest.
Worst case: You read scripture and pray for one hour.
Best case: You are convicted of Christ's presence and are lead to an intensely intimate and eternal relationship with him.
As a former protestant i can say you're definently on the right track, may God bless you and guide you home.
Make sure not to forget about the Orthodox in your studies 🙏
@@randomguy1453 The Orthodox. But which? Honestly, far better to examine the Orthodox which returned to communion with Rome (Eastern Catholic). Unity and zero doubts. They have beautiful, ancient liturgy.
Very good content! All intellectually honest Protestants MUST take it seriously and admit they’re wrong.
Protestantism can only survive if the canon of scripture is totally rejected. The devil knows it. He might puff up people's pride and use them to make it possible. But thank God that the Catholic Church would continue to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Re-posted for those who are inquiring: PETER as Shepherd and first Pope: Scriptural evidence and the structure of the primitive Church make it absolutely undeniable that Christ chose Peter and that Peter was first among the twelve. Depending on the translation, Peter is mentioned 195 times. The closest is John (the beloved disciple) at just 29 times. The rest even less. Consider:
Jesus entered Peter’s house. (Matthew 8:14)
Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter. (John 1:42)
Jesus gave Peter the keys to the gates of Heaven. (Matthew 16:19)
Jesus declared Peter to the the rock. (Matthew 16:18)
Jesus made Peter shepherd. (John 21:15-17)
Jesus told Peter to strengthen his brothers (Luke 22:32)
Jesus paid the Temple tax only for Himself and Peter. (Matthew 17:24-27)
Jesus preached from Peter's boat. (Luke 5:3)
Jesus told Peter to "Follow me" (John 21:19)
Jesus called only Peter to walk on the water. (Matthew 14:29)
Jesus predicted Peter's three-fold denial. (Matthew 26:34)
Jesus predicted Peter's repentance and three-fold affirmation. (Luke 22:32)
Jesus prophesied only Peter's manner of death. (John 21:18-19)
Jesus taught Peter forgiveness 70 times 7 times. (Matthew 18:21-22)
Jesus spoke only to Peter at Gethsemane. (Mark 14:37)
Peter is always listed first of the Apostles. (Matthew 10:2, Luke 6:14, Acts 1:13)
Peter was first to confess Jesus as Messiah. (Matthew 16:18)
Peter alone spoke at the Transfiguration. (Matthew 17:4, Mark 9:5, Luke 9:33)
Peter pointed out the withered fig tree. (Mark 11:21)
Peter entered the tomb first - John deferring to him. (Luke 24:12, John 20:3-4))
Jesus, after resurrecting, appeared FIRST to Peter, then to the twelve. (1 Corinthians 15:5)
Peter was the only apostle to confess that he was a sinner. (Luke 5:8)
Peter decided the manner of replacing Judas. (Acts 1:15-26)
Peter spoke for the eleven at the Pentecost. (Acts 2:14-36)
Peter was released from prison by the Angel. (Acts 12:6-11)
Peter spoke for the eleven before the Council. (Acts 4:8-12)
Peter held sin bound to Ananias and Sapphira. (Acts 5:1-10)
Peter's shadow healed. (Acts 5:15)
Peter declared the sin of Simony. (Acts 8:18-23)
Peter revealed the salvation of Gentiles to the Church at Jerusalem. (Acts 11:1-18)
The Angel told Cornelius to call for Peter. (Acts 10:3-8)
The Holy Spirit fell upon the Gentiles as Peter preached to them. (Acts 10:44-45)
At the empty tomb, the Angel said, "Go tell His disciples, and Peter." (Mark 16:7)
Mary Magdalene ran to tell Peter and the beloved disciple. (John 20:2)
The vision of all foods being clean was given only to Peter. (Acts 10:9-16)
Peter's words silence the first council in Jerusalem. (Acts 15:7-12)
Paul went to Peter to affirm that his Gospel was not in vain. (Galatians 1:18)
Peter was given the revelation of the end of the world. (2 Peter 3:10-11)
Peter taught that Paul’s words were easily twisted. (2 Peter 3:16)
Peter taught that baptism now saves you (1 Peter 3:21)
And many other references. One may deny that Peter was primary, but it takes an amazing ignorance or denial of scripture to do so.
40,000+ Protestant denominations and only one Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. The number comparison alone tell me which was built by Christ on the rock Petros.
Catholics are divided as Roman Catholic, Anglo catholic and Eastern Orthodox
Check out The Zealots Den
better stat is around 300, 40k number counted each nation separately, so over 200 catholic churches counted by the methodology.
I heard that the 40,000 is 501c3 entities in the US. Of which there are about 1400 Catholic diocese and other Catholic groups (likely communities). But due to the highly fractured nature of Protestant denominations, their number is huge. Likely 1000s. But if you could count all the personal pastor teachings, we might be back at 40,000 since even within denominations, they do not believe consistently...
Judges 17:6 "In those days there was no king in Israel, but every one did that which seemed right to himself."
Protestantism is founded on the human ego. It exploits the vagaries of the written word, and pays lip service to Christ, but is otherwise pure EGO.
The Catholic bible is the same now as it was when it was originally compiled.
Have a Catholic Action Bible and am expecting the Ignatius Study Bible (paperback) soon, will be enough to last me until our Lord, Saviour and King of Kings returns or until I get judged and hopefully purged of all my sins (imperfections).
Tenete Traditiones
God bless
“WHO is going to arbitrate the 128,000 views”? 🎯
Thanks for the video. I'd like to see you do a video on presuppositional apologetics which gets a lot of emphasis in the reformed church where I spent 35 years before returning to Catholicism.
Christ demanded unity in his church; Luther brought chaos; chaos which continues to this day as each protestant is his or her own sect.
And always seemingly offended and contentious, if not outright angry. Do they not see the dichotomy?
Protestants can't say this bible translation is wrong. Zondervan goes by sola scriptura just like any other protestant. There is no protestant ecumenical council to say which denominations or interpretations are wrong. No protestant has authority over another protestant.
Judges 17:6! Lived out in our hearing.
@po18guy-s4s Good thing we have a King.
This are the fruits of “sola scriptura”.
First in the New Testament to employ Sola Scriptura: Matthew 4:6
Thanks again Gerard for this brilliant analysis 🙏
Monsignor Ronald Knox. Convert from the Anglican Church. In the line of Saint John Henry Newman, G.K. Chesterton, Dr. Gavin Ashenden and numerous others.
2 Peter 1: 20-21 states 'that scripture does not result from one's own interpretation but by holy men inspired by the holy Spirit'.
Everyone's a winner! Everyone has the Holy Spirit and they are running in all different directions. Hey, wait a minute...
Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked.
31 “How can I,” he said, “unless someone explains it to me?” So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.
that ignacious press study bible is incredibly funny to me. not to disparage it but it is hefty. like watching a lineman run for a touchdown. nobody’s taking it down for a long time. 😂
Rock on....❤ 👍
Senor. Yo intiendo. Is very good. Yo intiendo. Pero no write anglais. Viva iglesia catholicca. Viva Cristo Rey
You say Muy bueno points. Verdad points
¡Tus palabras son pura verdad!
🙏 🙏 🙏
I mean...what?
The Flintstones were right: "We'll have a gay old time..."
Ok here is a brief actual history of the canon of scripture. Right from the start there was widespread disagreements about books. Marcion put together the first canon list sometime around 145 AD. It consisted of ten Pauline epistles and a redacted version of Luke's Gospel. For the next 200 years lists of books came and went, including many, many of the books considered non-canonical today. They were regularly used in worship depending on the geographic location.
For instance Jerome used the now lost non-canonical Gospel of the Hebrews in his Vulgate translation. The Epistle of Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermas are found in the Codex Sinaiticus. The Catholic Church doctrine of the perpetual virginity of Mary comes directly from the Gospel of James. The concept of the martyrdom and crucifixion of Peter comes directly from the Acts of Peter.
The earliest complete manuscript of ANY canonical gospel is in the Codex Sinaiticus, from the 4th Century, though of course there are fragments before that. The oldest complete copy of the Gospel of Thomas, extremely important to the Egyptian Church, was found at Nag Hammadi, and is the same age as the Codex Sinaiticus. A copy of the Gospel of Judas was just found 20 years ago.
So there was never at any point in the last 2,000 years just one type of Christianity and there was never just one set of canon books until the 5th Century.
You wasted FORTY YEARS studying skewed history. I think that the Church whose members WROTE the NT and later canonized it know the history. You, sir, are NOT credible.
So the Holy Spirit had no involvement in the final canon? What we have now is thanks to the Holy Spirit guiding man in all the confusion that was widespread during those early years of the young Church. Just because there were other texts circulating around back then doesn’t mean they were inspired by God. Satan was hard at work back then as he was during the Protestant rebellion and still to this day. What we now have as the Catholic bible is what God wanted us to have for this long. Otherwise, where is God then and Jesus’s promise that the gates of hell wouldn’t prevail against his Church?
@@CoreyJason "So the Holy Spirit had no involvement in the final canon?"
No, but of course everyone who write or edits a holy book claims to have been inspired by God.
"Just because there were other texts circulating around back then doesn’t mean they were inspired by God."
The winners decide who was inspired and not, just like writing the history books.
"Satan was hard at work back then as he was during the Protestant rebellion and still to this day"
I'm fine with you believing that. I just deal with history.
"What we now have as the Catholic bible is what God wanted us to have for this long. "
Well it's a book written solely about Jews and mostly BY Jews, so that's a hard sell.
"Otherwise, where is God then and Jesus’s promise that the gates of hell wouldn’t prevail against his Church?"
The word "ekklesia" cannot be translated as church, since neither the building-type, nor the organization-type, nor even the English language itself existed in the time of Jesus. To a Greek, the word would have meant a civic assembly. To a Judean it would have meant a synagogue.
Thank you for the reply.
@@CoreyJason I do not even read his replies. He is apparently bitter. May ER receive the Holy Spirit and humble himself. Mat he prayerfully read James 3.
@@ji8044 do you even believe in the God of the bible and the Holy Spirit then?
Catholicism is another Works based religion like Islam, Buddhism or Mormonism. The only difference is that catholics worship Mary and the saints.
So you have a somewhat truth and then a complete lie.
God has sent proof of the righteousness of the Catholic Church. I will point to 3:
1) during WW2, a group of German Catholic priests survived the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. The lived 8 blocks from the drop zone. They SURVIVED an atomic bomb. They did not even get radiation poisoning and died of old age.
Explain this.
2) Incorruptible bodies (organic) of several saints over centuries. Including recent Pope St. John Paul II, the first African-American nun St. Wilhemina Lancaster and St. Padre Pio. Their bodies do not decompose - natuarally. They prayed to Mary all throughout their lives - they did not worship Mary or the saints. There is physical proof here on earth of their sainthood. Explain this.
3) The tilma of the Virgin Mary, from OL of Guafalupe, that material disintegrates within a couple of decades, here it still stands nearly 500 years later. Their are other miraculous details... like the picture having the temperature of the human body. 9-10 million Aztecs were converted to Catholicism. The Trinity made Mary Queen of Heaven. But we do not worship her or the saints. You are bearing false witness on Catholics and judging us. Matt 7 :1-5; Luke 6 :37 and James 4: 11-12
Explain this.
All Protestant leaders from the "Reformation" were not prophets. NONE of them had any miracles or signs they were prophets from God. These were all ex-Catholics that were ex-communicated. Martin Luther had made vows to God which he broke, he married a nun that also broke her vows. Following Protestantism is mostly following disobedience. Now there could be innocent people that did their very best to follow Christ and God will know their hearts... but there will be very,very few.
However, pretty soon God will give an opportunity to repent - it is called The Warning or the Illumination of Conscience. Many, many, many Protestants will realize that the Catholic Church was the true Church all along and will rejoin us. There will be some that will not convert, but hopefully most will. This is soon to happen.
See Garabandal or the Illumination of Conscience.
This will be the greatest miracle seen on earth ever. Time will stand still. All humans above the age of 7 will go through this event.
TROLL. Reported for harassment.
And then we have a major problem with the Novus Ordo. Which is more a less a rejection of Roman Catholicism and is a new sect of Christianity (We’ll 60 years old now) calling itself Roman Catholic but its dogma and liturgy are not Roman Catholic. In the new rite everything was changed abruptly to the new rite and the old (Ronald Knox Church) was thrown out for this new not Catholic rite.
Go and sit down
Nonsense. When did you become Protestant?
The Septuagint existed. Or at least some of the books of the Old Testament in Greek. So there was scripture but no New Testament. Most of the books of the NT were not written for decades after Jesus death and resurrection. The Jewish Rabbinical tradition, The Masoretic tradition excludes those seven books based on no (at the time) Hebrew translations of those books. Luther decided if the Masoretes excluded them they were correct as the Masoretic text were the source now for the OT. The vulgate was excluded as a valid scriptural translation even though Jerome had access to documents no longer extant. Now the New Catholic Bibles are just newer editions of the KJV and the Douay and its newer translations (CCD) have been abandoned to the RSV (KJV)2CE
Sorry, but there’s nothing even slightly Evangelical about this Study Bible. I don’t care how often Preston Sprinkle declares himself one. He just isn’t.
If you all are going to critique Evsngelicalism, it would behoove you first to figure out what it is. This ain’t it!
By what authority do you judge this "new evangelicalism" as false? "Universal" now means 50 shades of gender. How can you defeat it, as "bible alone" PRODUCED IT?
I think Gerard was an Evangelical pastor....
So Gerard the presenter would not know what is Evangelical?!?!
What is your definition then?
@richardcastro1276. The director of my Master’s thesis in Religion (at a state university) was an Evangelical himself. Whenever it came to appointing new faculty, he would never vote for someone who was a former Evangelical, for (in his experience) they had no objectivity. They always had an extraordinarily huge chip on their shoulder.
Evangelicalism has a definition. It has parameters. You cannot simply self-label as such. You have to believe in the inerrancy of Scripture. You have to believe in personal regeneration. You have to believe in literal miracles, including the Resurrection. You have to embrace substitutionary Atonement. You have to hold to traditional sexual ethics.
You don’t get to say you’re a vegan and then chow down on a thick and juicy steak for supper every evening!
The problem is that the CC does not have a definitive interpretation of Genesis, actually its anything goes, even Darwinism per Pius XII and JPII
Why is that a problem?
NOT TRUE! Is God so weak that He cannot allow or even command alterations over time in His creations? Especially since He knew that meteors would strike the earth so as to bring about that change? Do not seek reasons for disbelief! Bart Ehrman did that and it lead him to disbelief, and to attack faith in Christ. In the same manner, we must fully understand before we condemn. The Pharisees condemned Jesus through lack of understanding. Were they correct?
If you have a mind to, beseech the Holy Spirit for understanding! Darwinism is flatly rejected, as it is atheist. As to scripture, we cannot BIND God's word to a single meaning. As it is with parables, not all of it represents absolute historical or scientific fact, but rather Divine teaching on faith and morals.
"I do not seek understanding before I believe. I Believe so that I may understand." - Saint Anselm of Canterbury
@fantasia55 denial of literal creation leads to denial of literal resurrection!
@Pete_B_773 People were not literally created? You and I were not literally created? That makes no sense, literally!
@@Pete_B_773 That makes no sense, literally.
The Holy Bible is not a Catholic Book Alone.The Catholic Bible is a collection of Jewish Books. Not one Book in the Bible was written by Romans. The Holy Bible is a Collection of Books written by Jewish authors and Written in Hebrew and later Greek. The Real Truth is the OG Original True Church and Christians were Jewish not Roman Catholic. All Rome did years later was convene a council to put these Jewish Books together! So who is anyone to say what God’s Will was when the Reformation took place? Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely! God’s Word is not hard to understand if you are His child and take time to read it to understand it! The problem most people don’t want to get into God’s Word to Understand it, they just do what they are told year after year! Never thinking for themselves!❤
Jesus preached to the Old Testament and converted them to Catholic, loser.
You are a perfect example of theological error. Focusing on reasons for disbelief, you are on your way to atheism.
uhh what?
I see you follow a lot of Calvinists. What horrible theology made up of pride. Imagine thinking that you are one of the elect, that God created you for heaven and others for hell.
@@John_Six See? WE are confused. EB is clear...
Historic Jesus never claimed to be divine. He was a human prophet.
Stop trolling. Harassment reported.
Lol 😂
Jesus said, "I and the Father are One!"
Gospel of John is a development, he never claims to be divine in Synoptics.
What is wrong with your "religion" that you must FORCE your beliefs on us? THAT is a cult.