There were 2 people at work EXACTLY like this. They both got upset over not getting their way on something ridiculous.... and threatened to resign.... which we gladly accepted. I guess they didn’t see that coming.
I remember a guy at work, had a really experienced guy come into his office, all up on his high horse about something. He resigned. His boss accepted it. "Hey, wait!" he said. "Aren't you going to try to talk me out of it?" "You just resigned," the boss said. "Turn in your car keys and your computer." Done. And perfect.
Actually it takes at least 5h of complicated stuff and procedures to do a complete restart... 😉 But I really like you capitan so just give me 30min and you'll be good to go. 😁
They sort of did that in a S2 episode of TNG. Alien program infected the Enterprise, caused huge malfunctions. Geordi shut everything down and restored from a backup. Took him mere seconds.
Hell yeah.its so hard to search it even on other websites.Or they won't even play at all.Like why can't youtube just have every sketch but the full sketch!? Right!?
WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : livegirls19. com !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1618821438
Right? Gaslighting is trying to deceive someone into believing they're crazy or in the wrong to deflect from an ill-intent. Now people accuse you of it when you tell them their breath is bad 🤣
@@turdferguson8928 yeah, generally done by narcissists and sociopaths to manipulate or control people. Relevant but as someone who has dealt with that shit it makes me cringe when its misused or overused.
They were originally used for a Belushi skit. The props department accidentally ordered 4 dozen of them. They've been gathering dust in a closet since then. Loren Michaels has two of his private bathroom.
@@hostilemgtow603 hey I’m heads up IQ doesn’t really mean anything besides that you have a good memory! Also if you disagree with a comment you can just scroll away no need to be negative!
If that’s toxic then they are in for a world of hurt. Toxic is when someone cuts you off on Quito by route 9 even though there is only one lane on both sides and the speed limit is 25. This happened to me the other day which is ridiculous because of how dangerous Quito is to speed on let alone cut someone off. This is probably pretty niche for someone who doesn’t travel around Saratoga and Los Gatos but it’s basically an example of entitled, reckless, and dangerous driving due to the very narrow roads and turns which require fairly slow driving before considering the deer crossing that’s also there.
As a computer tech, the thing I found really offensive is that they ignored the suggestion to power cycle. Everyone computer tech knows the first three steps to diagnosing any technological issue are 1. turning it off and on again, 2. unplugging every cable and plugging them back in, 3. pretending you have to go to the bathroom so you can Google the problem.
@@markthebldr6834 I took a class on operating systems and the professor explained it as basically it gets the system/memory etc back into a 'known state'. Sometimes bugs happen simply because of some subtle issue that isn't totally obvious or due to some combination of things but if you start fresh can fix the problem.
I want to imagine these people are the reason why they raised the difficulty for even admitting to Starfleet Academy. In the times of Wesley Crusher they had an idiot proof method.
I found out on social media that I am an “awful” professor because I expect students to follow a format for their papers and I dare to correct their grammar. Your middle school students become my college freshmen. I feel your pain.
@@toddfennimore6625 why would anyone want to become a professor? Doesn't sound worth it and a phd I've realized doesnt mean you are smarter than anyone else. And to play devil's advocate, as a burned out former stident, writings papers is boring and too long and stressful and boring, so I see why most people wouldn't want to do it. School should be fun. I would hope professors would agree.
@@leif1075 I think we would all agree! But the big problem is that there are certain skills that people need to learn to be members of society, and those things aren’t fun at all times. For instance, I think we can all agree it is important to be able to write and read at a high level, or speak well in public settings, or understand taxes enough to pay them. We can try to make these things fun, but there are always students that have decided it is not going to be fun no matter what. And if you decide something isn’t fun before you try, then it will absolutely not be fun.
@@SwiftNimblefoot He's a regular, but does steady supporting work and doesn't get a lot of "star" roles. Most notable ones I can think of are Eric Trump, Guy Who Just Bought A Boat, and Mark Zuckerberg.
@@peterpiper7441 In short, gaslighting is the act of convincing someone that the have lost touch with reality/are going crazy. Example. you are in the break room at lunch waiting your turn to use the microwave. While you aren't looking I move your lunch and hide it. Then you look around and say "where's my lunch". Everyone in the room says, "you didn't have a lunch when you came in". Since so many people said you didn't have it you start to leave wondering if you're going crazy because you could have sworn you had it. The group stops you and laughs, "sorry, we were just gaslighting you as a joke." we all laugh together.
I didn't realize it until reading this, but this was a rare sketch where Kate plays "straight woman" in a comedy sense, with the other actors doing the outrageous characters. She hardly ever does that, they usually have Cecily or Aidy or someone do it.
@@hahathatsgood It sounds like you may not be in the best group, but I'm genuinely curious about what you expected. I have mentored scores of undergrads, sent them to international conferences, helped them win prestigious scholarships (like NSFGRF), given them opportunities to be coauthors, set the same high expectations for them as my postdocs. My most recent undergrad refused to apply to any non-R1 research schools for a phd and refused to keep a lab book because they thought photos on their phone were good enough...they are now taking a forced gap year having not been accepted anywhere. Another student thought that their cinema club was more important than working towards a first-author paper. A few students have ignored the advise of their mentors (be they senior undergrads, postdocs, or myself), thinking that they know better, then irreparably damaged months of their work or equipment; one had their mother call me when they then could not get data for a required senior thesis, even though we had already talked about an alternative topic requiring no data. I've met some of my best friends working in labs as an undergrad or phd student, but the focus is still on work while we're in the lab. I do laugh inside watching students make "air hashtags" unironically or whatever the latest things are. But as someone actively working towards DEI on multiple fronts, I am constantly thinking of my biases and to make sure that they do not influence my actions and impact students. There are a lot of workshops for students at universities and whatever professional society your field is. They will help teach you about the culture of your field. When we treat students as mature scientists, we expect them to learn from those they are working with and act to like it. We overlook generational idiosyncrasies if the student is otherwise proactive, engaged, interested, and open to learning and feedback.
@@mmacify Here's a documentary on the small star fleet academy they went toвидео.html turns out it's a real place called Evergreen in Washington state. It could be an actual case for student debt forgiveness, as the product they received had no value.
i've only known 1 McKenna IRL and this is EXACTLY how she acted. it gets better- that wasn't her real name. she actually legally changed it to McKenna from something else, which is about the most meta-McKenna thing possible except maybe changing it from McKenna to MaKenna.
"stop gaslighting me" and "I need to speak my truth" were words that were actually spoken in the same sentence by the same straight out of college person to the entire management board at my job. The crime? We let her know that she couldn't lock herself in the communal bathroom for hours on end brooding over a breakup, and making everyone's bladder explode in the meantime.
I feel bad if this catches on. I mean "McKenna" is an idiotic first name, especially for a woman, so wouldn't feel AS bad for McKennas out there as I do for Karens, but still. And Karen happened like overnight, like W T F. And who could have thought that a noble, impressive name like Homer would become this smirk-inducing humiliating doofus name. Pop culture can make an unremarkable name into a lifelong miserable hassle basically instantly.
@@VirginPrince yeah but since this is a prequel maybe this was before they reverted to a completely cashless society. There are some references to paychecks and such in TOS. I bet it’s like you don’t pay for what you need, just what you want ig
He's simultaneously delightful and nauseating. Mackenna is extremely good too, but there is no denying she is topped by Mikey. It's just gorgeous to watch again and again because you know it isn't real and you don't have to discipline him but it looks even realer than real; and at the same time it's agonising to watch because you also know that if it was real and you were there it would make you sick.
I wish skit was longer. I wish we could of heard McKenna’s childhood home getting blown up and do a spin off of a spin off McKenna & Zachary’s tragic spiral at the space Starbucks 🥸
@@geekyfangirl9283 I think McKenna and those other names above are ridiculous especially for girls, but I know they're normal at this point, and I still feel bad for anyone whose name goes from normal or unremarkable to being a joke or a burden. "Karen" happened like overnight. And then think of the great Greek poet, impressive as a genius for thousands of years, whose name suddenly became a doofus: "Homer"
@@IrishCarney I completely agree its totally ridiculous, but I know who I am and I don't have the time or energy (who does really) to be affected by something like this. I actually don't hear my name often in the media so the fact that SNL even chose to use it I was honored! I appreciate your input, honestly this is the first time I have ever commented and I've been watching RUclips for years... go figure!
The conclusion - they drift close to death, when they are picked up by an alien ship passing by, which happen to have picked up a strange cookbook, and the alien beings need to try out a recipe ("To serve man")
My first day as CFO of my new job, I had two 20-something girls on my staff who requested an URGENT meeting with me because they wanted to re-write their own job descriptions to what they enjoyed doing more. When I told them they couldn't do that, one of them ran to her office and started crying. The next week they both came back to me and asked why they weren't allowed to sit in on Senior Executive Meetings with me and the CEO.
@@christycampbell2410 I didn't know what to say during the first meeting, honestly. I was a deer in the headlights. But for the 2nd meeting, I said "A Senior Exec Meeting is for Senior Execs. That's why they call it that. End of discussion." One of the girls quit after my 3rd week. It was during a staff meeting where I had asked to her to handle a media project (which was literally her job) and she glared at me and said "I don't like doing that." I offered her the option of doing it or leaving. She chose to leave. And the one who stayed behind shaped up really quickly.
I rewatch this sketch about 7 times a month. I think about it constantly. Can we get a petition signed for this to be written into a full length movie?
That is one thing I really liked about the Star Trek TNG. The drama was focused on problems "out there" and everyone worked together professionally and competently. Seems a good model for society.
Here's the thing with that: Gene Roddenberry didn't want the main characters to have any interpersonal conflict due to his optimistic vision of humanity enlightened future, but the writers didn't like it as conflict is the essence of drama and Gene's vision put constraints on them because they had to do new ways to tell stories and if the characters are perfect and have no problems of conflicts, then there is no story. In fact, the first season had 30 writers leaving the show due to Gene and his lawyer, Leonard Maizlish enforcing the vision.
@@marshallhuffer4713Interesting story. Glad they stuck with his vision, at least for TNG. Maybe it was better to drop the writers as that one seemed to be the most timeless and have compelling storylines.
@@hadracks I'd agree. And despite common misconceptions, TNG characters did actually have conflict at times. The difference was that they didn't let it interfere with their professionalism and the overall mission. I'd say Trek in its modern incarnations has moved way too far from this ideal.
@@marshallhuffer4713 indeed. took a special kind of writer to keep up and adapt to the idea that the future would be *different*. Thats why Trek is different ...and a legend. There was still room for plenty of interpersonal conflicts ..and banter that would be called toxic abuse by those charcters in the SNL sketch. Roddenberry just wouldn't allow it to become a soap opera.
My husband and I just sold our family home and downsized to a smaller, more manageable place. You cannot believe the reaction from our grown children and THEIR childhood friends. They had a going away party at the house. Literally one of them kissed the walls. I'm so glad they have such great memories but OMG!
@@shawnmorris4479 The game show format is overused in SNL. It's not even like game shows are common occurrence anymore. Only the old mainstays are still around
Can't forget the costumes. They mixed just about every style from the CBS All-Access (excuse me, Paramount+, they thought of the plus before Disney, but after Google) shows. Definitely some Trek fans on staff.
It's not the best SNL Trek skit. My vote goes to the John Belushi one. This feels much more generic and toned down for a wider audience... like Discovery!
I am very sorry that y’all have to interact with my selfish, weak, and spineless age group 😂😂 However I promise that not all of us 21 year olds act this way haha
It is the intentional dilution of language so that there is no difference between fact and opinion. This makes an accurate description of reality impossible. It's not overly dramatic to say that if it ever caught on with everybody society would devolve into permanent chaos.
I don't think Adama would do that, but feels like something Archer, Sisko and Janeway would have threatened to do in their darker moments. Hell, Archer does have an airlock torture scene in Enterprise.
This is a relief, my sister is terrified of her 22 year old daughter, whom she sent to the best and most expensive small private schools. I'm glad to see SNL poke a bit of fun at it, we've got a whole generation of kids like this...
@@PhysicallyAwake No. Whatever issues any other generation has had (and every generation has had plenty), they were never THIS. THIS is just unbearably pathetic.
That HAS to be Akira Yoshimura, long serving SNL production designer, under that alien mask. He’s been in every Star Trek parody on the show, always in the yellow command shirt. Great attention to detail.
I'd pay to see a sketch where we see how Picard and his crew deals with Mariner and Boimler from Lower Decks... or hell, pretty much every idiot from that show.
....No, actually, they would have been 100% against wonton murder in all situations. The people would not have been on the deck in the first place. And, unlike these terrible people, neither Picard nor Word nor any main character at any time would be racist.
I started to laugh but then realized that this was way too real. I'm sure everyone has had to deal with at least 1 of those two brats in the workplace! 😅🤣
Twenty years ago, I worked for a bank, opening new accounts for college freshmen. Their helicopter parents accompanied them whenever they came to my desk to start a new account. (I guess that was their way of teaching their freshly minted "adults" how to take charge of themselves and take care of their own business as real grown-ups.) Fast forward to today. Now we know what happened to those young people at my bank desk; they never grew up and became our present-day co-workers!
It was a valid suggestion, turning the ship off and on again has literally worked on Star Trek before. In the TNG episode “Contagion”-- {at this point I get stuffed into a locker}
“Welcome to Spencer’s, can I help you find something today?” “Yes we’re from SNL and we’re doing a Sci-Fi sketch, we’ll take all of your electric orbs.” “Trust me, no you won’t”.
They're called plasma balls. I just want to imagine the SNL prop department calling Spencer's & asking to purchase ALL of their "plasma balls" for this sketch, because if that's not Star Trek sci-co-babble, I dunno wtf *is*.
@@Hextraordinary13 thats right, I was calling them lightening balls. but they were plasma balls. We had one ..SOOOO exciting LOL You can pretend to be Nicola Tesla!
Amazingly reminds me of every single intern I dealt with at Nokia. The only thing that would make it more accurate would be for one of their parents to phone the commander to discuss their child's performance and compensation.
“She threatens to jump out into space everyday, it’s fine”
I was looking for this in the comments. My favorite line of the whole sketch!
"...ship's computer. All propulsion and guidance..."
That was funny
lol I was expecting to see her floating out side the window
She got her wish.
As a high school teacher, I see this as a documentary.
Lmao I’m a teacher as well and can confirm
Haha!! Yes! Relatable!!!
There were 2 people at work EXACTLY like this. They both got upset over not getting their way on something ridiculous.... and threatened to resign.... which we gladly accepted. I guess they didn’t see that coming.
I remember a guy at work, had a really experienced guy come into his office, all up on his high horse about something. He resigned. His boss accepted it. "Hey, wait!" he said. "Aren't you going to try to talk me out of it?"
"You just resigned," the boss said. "Turn in your car keys and your computer." Done. And perfect.
@@dancicero Annoying as these people are, I don't think a boss should be able to just confiscate their car and computer over it.
@@danthemankhan I'm pretty sure they were company issued. If you were making a joke, however, I wooshed.
Actually "unplugging it and plugging it back in" is a tried and true procedure on Star Trek.. It's called "reconfiguring the primary power coupling".
Reroute power through the deflector array
Actually it takes at least 5h of complicated stuff and procedures to do a complete restart... 😉 But I really like you capitan so just give me 30min and you'll be good to go. 😁
Classic Star Trek solution. Engineering for the save.
I was getting ready to take my lap top in when I read a youtube how-to and pulled the battery out then put it back ---FIXED. $$$$aved
They sort of did that in a S2 episode of TNG. Alien program infected the Enterprise, caused huge malfunctions. Geordi shut everything down and restored from a backup. Took him mere seconds.
Props to the Spencer's Gifts employee who designed this set.
"Props", lol😁
Check out Captain Kirk's room & the Doctor's office in the OST.
In comparison this SNL set is high tech.
they must have been having a clearance sale on all the lightning balls! LOL
@@Rando-Rainstorm 'lol', lol😁
@@caelidhg6261 It's the balls. That was a mistake.
"Put these guys in the airlock...NOW!" lol saving the best for last.
Thank god! 😂
Snl makes things that i need to see the full version of.
They definitely should make this a reoccurring skit.
@@marcoervin7324 100 percent true
Hell yeah.its so hard to search it even on other websites.Or they won't even play at all.Like why can't youtube just have every sketch but the full sketch!? Right!?
When she came back and said “i would like to speak my truth to you”.... omgggg lmaoo my eyes rolled all the way back hahahaha snl is the best show!
To which Worf barks, "SHUT UP!"
Of course you did! You are perfect and pure. I am so happy for you David.
"I would like to speak my truth to you..." LOL!!!
Oprah would be so proud. Not the truth, but my truth.
The way Mikey Day says "you have NOOoOoO idea" is just 👌😂
WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : livegirls19. com
!💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1618821438
He was almost about to break
Mikey day is funny
@@sle2470 taking out political viewpoints on emojis
"Stop gaslighting me!" lol This was pretty great! I hate that people use that word for everything and in the wrong context lol
...or who use it at all.
Last time someone told me I was gaslighting them, I told them to tell me where the Barlow Rubies were and I'll stop. Blank stare.
Right? Gaslighting is trying to deceive someone into believing they're crazy or in the wrong to deflect from an ill-intent. Now people accuse you of it when you tell them their breath is bad 🤣
Yeah, any time you disagree with some wild accusation, or even just someone's opinion
@@turdferguson8928 yeah, generally done by narcissists and sociopaths to manipulate or control people. Relevant but as someone who has dealt with that shit it makes me cringe when its misused or overused.
The set designer for this skit:
I was thinking the same thing!!
And yet, there was.
More cow bell!
They were originally used for a Belushi skit.
The props department accidentally ordered 4 dozen of them.
They've been gathering dust in a closet since then.
Loren Michaels has two of his private bathroom.
It's no sciency enough. We need more plasma globes!!!! 😂😂😂
Kate McKinnon fits so well here, looks like she's straight out of Voyager
She should be in an actual spinoff.
She'd be a better Captain than Genocide Janeway, that's for sure
Brett was good as well! I want to watch the series, minus the whiners.
@jon pork Whats wrong with me? Have you even fucking seen Voyager?
Kate is an ego maniac. She gave up her A game years ago.
Why do I lowkey want this to be a full blown series?
Because ur right. Speak your truth Connor 🙌
I read your comment in the way the two people in the sketch speak.
No, you're right this should be a recurring series.
Me too
@@hostilemgtow603 hey I’m heads up IQ doesn’t really mean anything besides that you have a good memory! Also if you disagree with a comment you can just scroll away no need to be negative!
I dunno why, but when he yells at the alien MOVE CLAAAAAAAAMMM. I busted up laughing. Omg.
I think he says “kleb” which is funnier
I like how Bowen's face is still so white from the makeup from the iceberg sketch earlier
literaly toxic of you to say that
Nah, he just is trying to blend in so he doesn’t get punched on his way home
I don't see it
Omg you’re right 🤣 I noticed something off about him, but couldn’t quite figure out what it was
"I mean they're toxic ... this whole place is literally TOXIC."
@L. A. .... I don't know what you just said
Then leave! She had that option.
I mean, that part's at least true given all the weird shit involved in simply powering the ship, LOL.
If that’s toxic then they are in for a world of hurt. Toxic is when someone cuts you off on Quito by route 9 even though there is only one lane on both sides and the speed limit is 25. This happened to me the other day which is ridiculous because of how dangerous Quito is to speed on let alone cut someone off. This is probably pretty niche for someone who doesn’t travel around Saratoga and Los Gatos but it’s basically an example of entitled, reckless, and dangerous driving due to the very narrow roads and turns which require fairly slow driving before considering the deer crossing that’s also there.
Mikey Day is definitely one of my favourite actors, the amount that he puts into his acting is incredible
I think the best part is when he yelled at that alien who was just standing there minding his own business.
Thank you, random sexbots. Appreciate it.
@@oreore949 lmao! Google needs to get on the damn ball!
And he was being, like, racist :-)
@@firstnamelastname9918 Just report them for spamming
@@PKBitchGirl Yeah, I do, but then I come back a few days later to see them still up. :*/
I liked seeing Kate be so serious and official. It showed the variance of her acting ability.
:) Totally.
I thought she was the captain until I saw Bennett in the chair with a Kirk wig
Yes, playing the "straight man" for a change, comedy wise.
Is the 'Kate', Kate Minucci?
Goodness no, it's Kate McKinnon, one of the best SNL cast members ever.
When the other girl started "recording" I cried 😂
As a computer tech, the thing I found really offensive is that they ignored the suggestion to power cycle. Everyone computer tech knows the first three steps to diagnosing any technological issue are 1. turning it off and on again, 2. unplugging every cable and plugging them back in, 3. pretending you have to go to the bathroom so you can Google the problem.
Googling the problem, watching a RUclips video on it, or asking on Reddit: how IT actually seems to "know everything."
Very true.
Why does turning it off and on again fix it?
@@markthebldr6834 I took a class on operating systems and the professor explained it as basically it gets the system/memory etc back into a 'known state'. Sometimes bugs happen simply because of some subtle issue that isn't totally obvious or due to some combination of things but if you start fresh can fix the problem.
This whole comment section is
"LiteRallY T0Xic".
My comment has value, and I won't let you take that from me
@@WastedPotential17 how dare you be so intrusive....the flux capacitor cant handle much more.
Shush, it's all fake news, i've been licking my screen since this morning and am still alive and kicking.
I hear you & you're like SO right. It's like a whole comment section of toxicity and that's against our human rights, literally all of them.
Must get rid of toxic in Starfleet.
the pure emotion in Zachary’s voice when he yells “MOVE CLAAAM” is absolutely hysterical
... I thought he was yelling "Pleb"
I think Mikey Day is quietly becoming one of those SNL greats you will never forget. I can't even explain it, but he cracks me up in everything!
I concur
He's so under-rrated. He kills in every skit.
I love everything Bobby Moynihan is in
@@gjozefi Lool!! Nice! Thanks for the recommendation...the Ace of Clubs 😂😂
very true!!
For a sci fi inspired sketch, this was a little too real...
are people really like this irl? I just cannot imagine...
@@srooij The younger generations. Not all of them of course.
I want to imagine these people are the reason why they raised the difficulty for even admitting to Starfleet Academy. In the times of Wesley Crusher they had an idiot proof method.
Is this a parody, or an average episode of Star Trek Discovery? It’s honestly hard to tell.
@@vaporwave4880 well, it's a Star Trek "Prequel". So very obvious where the inspiration coming from.
No one does righteous indignation like Mikey Day.
THESE ARE MY MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS. God I wish I could show this in class without getting fired.
I found out on social media that I am an “awful” professor because I expect students to follow a format for their papers and I dare to correct their grammar. Your middle school students become my college freshmen. I feel your pain.
Are students really that bad?
@@toddfennimore6625 why would anyone want to become a professor? Doesn't sound worth it and a phd I've realized doesnt mean you are smarter than anyone else. And to play devil's advocate, as a burned out former stident, writings papers is boring and too long and stressful and boring, so I see why most people wouldn't want to do it. School should be fun. I would hope professors would agree.
@@leif1075 I think we would all agree! But the big problem is that there are certain skills that people need to learn to be members of society, and those things aren’t fun at all times. For instance, I think we can all agree it is important to be able to write and read at a high level, or speak well in public settings, or understand taxes enough to pay them. We can try to make these things fun, but there are always students that have decided it is not going to be fun no matter what. And if you decide something isn’t fun before you try, then it will absolutely not be fun.
@@leif1075 and to your previous question, I’ll quote the sketch: “you have like NO IDEA”
"Alright, put them in the airlock!" -
They should've done that a long time ago
If they wanted to make it a _Trek_ skit and not a generic sci-fi skit they should have used the transporter.
Bonus spoiler - the force of expelling them from the airlock threw the Enterprise clear of the black hole.
@@WWZenaDo Like in 'Cause and Effect'?
As a middle manager of an office I wanted to laugh but it hit to close to home.
Right there with you! Had a similar experience with an intern a couple of years ago. I was beside myself.
It is not easy to manage these people
I dont believe any of you, there's just no way
@@danburnes722 (Inhale, hand to chest) why are you gas lighting them! (Runs out of message board)
I would love to work with those 3. I wouldn't be able to stop laughing all day long.
If Alex Moffat is doing a Data-type character he's nailing it.
That's Moffat? I never seen him before. He is a better actor than series writer, for sure.
@@SwiftNimblefoot He's a regular, but does steady supporting work and doesn't get a lot of "star" roles. Most notable ones I can think of are Eric Trump, Guy Who Just Bought A Boat, and Mark Zuckerberg.
Thought he was doing more of a Science Officer Spock myself...
@@WordyGirl90 So, you're saying Mark Zuckerberg and Data have been played by the same person, hmm? ;)
I'm not a Trekkie. This whole time I thought that character's name was Dana. Data makes perfect sense now.
Mikey Day is a comedic powerhouse. Supports this cast consistently.
“Stop gaslighting me!” 😂
If I hear one more person like this character use that word incorrectly. 🤣 This sketch is magical.
"Er mer gerd, stop gasplaining to me!"
Can you explain how to use it in the correct context?
@@peterpiper7441 I would like to know this as well.
@@peterpiper7441 Watch the movie "Gaslight", to see where the term originated. Watch it. It's not hard.
@@peterpiper7441 In short, gaslighting is the act of convincing someone that the have lost touch with reality/are going crazy. Example. you are in the break room at lunch waiting your turn to use the microwave. While you aren't looking I move your lunch and hide it. Then you look around and say "where's my lunch". Everyone in the room says, "you didn't have a lunch when you came in". Since so many people said you didn't have it you start to leave wondering if you're going crazy because you could have sworn you had it. The group stops you and laughs, "sorry, we were just gaslighting you as a joke." we all laugh together.
Mikey Day's line delivery... 😂 😂 😆 😆
This is Discovery since season 3
Even though it's a waste of her comedic skills I'd genuinely watch Kate's sensible, stern character here in a real series.
Sensible yet stern indeed. That's a great way to put it. Basically her "Elizabeth Warren" characters lol
Isn't she basically just doing Janeway from Voyager? but yes anyways
She’s be the commentating officer that subordinates would respect and like.
I didn't realize it until reading this, but this was a rare sketch where Kate plays "straight woman" in a comedy sense, with the other actors doing the outrageous characters. She hardly ever does that, they usually have Cecily or Aidy or someone do it.
Starbuck in battlestar galactica
As a researcher on a university campus, this looks more like a documentary than a comedy sketch.
Ditto. I just wish they could use the word "actually" correctly.
I like this show
@@hahathatsgood It sounds like you may not be in the best group, but I'm genuinely curious about what you expected.
I have mentored scores of undergrads, sent them to international conferences, helped them win prestigious scholarships (like NSFGRF), given them opportunities to be coauthors, set the same high expectations for them as my postdocs. My most recent undergrad refused to apply to any non-R1 research schools for a phd and refused to keep a lab book because they thought photos on their phone were good enough...they are now taking a forced gap year having not been accepted anywhere. Another student thought that their cinema club was more important than working towards a first-author paper. A few students have ignored the advise of their mentors (be they senior undergrads, postdocs, or myself), thinking that they know better, then irreparably damaged months of their work or equipment; one had their mother call me when they then could not get data for a required senior thesis, even though we had already talked about an alternative topic requiring no data.
I've met some of my best friends working in labs as an undergrad or phd student, but the focus is still on work while we're in the lab.
I do laugh inside watching students make "air hashtags" unironically or whatever the latest things are. But as someone actively working towards DEI on multiple fronts, I am constantly thinking of my biases and to make sure that they do not influence my actions and impact students.
There are a lot of workshops for students at universities and whatever professional society your field is. They will help teach you about the culture of your field.
When we treat students as mature scientists, we expect them to learn from those they are working with and act to like it. We overlook generational idiosyncrasies if the student is otherwise proactive, engaged, interested, and open to learning and feedback.
Trump was right
@@irenel1119 If you have mentored scores of students, why are you generalizing based on a few?
Funniest thing they have done in years, the sad thing is this is incredibly realistic.
“My best friends voice, has value!”
"I don't know who they are, but I always see them in the hallway"
@@gatoryak7332 hahaha so correct
@Sara Mill Right?! "They stole the election from us!" "Social media is censoring us!" "The media is biased against us!" "They're silencing us!"
@@mmacify - heh
@@mmacify Here's a documentary on the small star fleet academy they went toвидео.html turns out it's a real place called Evergreen in Washington state. It could be an actual case for student debt forgiveness, as the product they received had no value.
i've only known 1 McKenna IRL and this is EXACTLY how she acted. it gets better- that wasn't her real name. she actually legally changed it to McKenna from something else, which is about the most meta-McKenna thing possible except maybe changing it from McKenna to MaKenna.
"stop gaslighting me" and "I need to speak my truth" were words that were actually spoken in the same sentence by the same straight out of college person to the entire management board at my job. The crime? We let her know that she couldn't lock herself in the communal bathroom for hours on end brooding over a breakup, and making everyone's bladder explode in the meantime.
@@JB-pu8ik 🤣😂🤣😂
I feel bad if this catches on. I mean "McKenna" is an idiotic first name, especially for a woman, so wouldn't feel AS bad for McKennas out there as I do for Karens, but still. And Karen happened like overnight, like W T F. And who could have thought that a noble, impressive name like Homer would become this smirk-inducing humiliating doofus name. Pop culture can make an unremarkable name into a lifelong miserable hassle basically instantly.
A friend named her baby McKenna. Now I feel bad for them.
HAHAHAHA!! The name is basically the Madison of the 21st Century
High School Teacher: "This isn't a skit. It's a documentary."
Your comment is not a joke. You read someone's mind. A high school teacher posted that comment.
How dare you? You have no idea what I am going through. I will now speak my Truth in 2 more years. @@trevorclive
alex moffatt's hugh grantian accent never fails to astound
He sounded like an android Scotty. Awesome.
So good. 🥰
"A small, expensive Starfleet Academy" LMAO
Like a small liberal arts college in a liberal college town in America?
No money in Starfleet.
@@VirginPrince yeah but since this is a prequel maybe this was before they reverted to a completely cashless society. There are some references to paychecks and such in TOS. I bet it’s like you don’t pay for what you need, just what you want ig
@@saladfingersasmrparty9768 what am I going to do with my stockpile of Latium bars??
Mikey’s stance when he says “MAKENNA STOP” sends me to the moon
He's simultaneously delightful and nauseating. Mackenna is extremely good too, but there is no denying she is topped by Mikey. It's just gorgeous to watch again and again because you know it isn't real and you don't have to discipline him but it looks even realer than real; and at the same time it's agonising to watch because you also know that if it was real and you were there it would make you sick.
*"We thought of the '+' thing before Disney!"* 😂
"A solar flare scrambled the ships computers."
Apple+: Excuse you?
I wish skit was longer. I wish we could of heard McKenna’s childhood home getting blown up and do a spin off of a spin off McKenna & Zachary’s tragic spiral at the space Starbucks 🥸
this kind of thing is what star wars did, and now after 3 beautiful movies, they sell billion dollar turd movies
Longer! Yes.
I think out in space amongst the stars, it would have the name Earthbucks.
@@davidanalyst671 which movies were beautiful? I count not a one lol.
"Space Starbucks" ROFL 🤣🤣🤣
I like the way the writers made sure there won't be a part 2 to this sketch!
Stop gaslighting us! They could have the same kind of sketch, just use different actors or change the names slightly!
@@KingoftheJuice18 lol
That didn't stop MacGruber!
@@VIDS2013 Exactly
@@VIDS2013or toonces the driving cat
'I would ... I would like to speak my truth to you' 😂 She's great 😂
'They're gaslighting me!' so good.
The best line: "Stop gaslighting me!”
"McKenna" 😄 So accurate. The McKennas, Mckenzies, Madisons, Addisons etc. will be the Karens of tomorrow.
how dare you
the K is for Karen lolol
As a Mckenna (small "k" though) I feel attacked, but I can't even be mad this is hilarious ! 🤣
@@geekyfangirl9283 I think McKenna and those other names above are ridiculous especially for girls, but I know they're normal at this point, and I still feel bad for anyone whose name goes from normal or unremarkable to being a joke or a burden. "Karen" happened like overnight. And then think of the great Greek poet, impressive as a genius for thousands of years, whose name suddenly became a doofus: "Homer"
@@IrishCarney I completely agree its totally ridiculous, but I know who I am and I don't have the time or energy (who does really) to be affected by something like this. I actually don't hear my name often in the media so the fact that SNL even chose to use it I was honored! I appreciate your input, honestly this is the first time I have ever commented and I've been watching RUclips for years... go figure!
Those kids annoyed the heck out of me I'm very glad this sketch ended the way it did XD
Teenaged Becky and Darlene Conner would have airlocked those 3 dbags at the first disruption and laughed as they drifted slowly away into space.
The conclusion - they drift close to death, when they are picked up by an alien ship passing by, which happen to have picked up a strange cookbook, and the alien beings need to try out a recipe ("To serve man")
@@apurugganan The tragic ending:The Aliens die from eating spoiled meat!
@@apurugganan damn, is that a Twilight Zone reference?
I wonder how many people watched this without realizing they were the butt of the joke.
Haha you said butt
Nick, many, many of them.
You mean the cast, right?
"She broke my arm, I need the rest of the day off." 😂😂 This skit has been saved under my "comedy" folder for days when I need a good laugh.
My first day as CFO of my new job, I had two 20-something girls on my staff who requested an URGENT meeting with me because they wanted to re-write their own job descriptions to what they enjoyed doing more. When I told them they couldn't do that, one of them ran to her office and started crying. The next week they both came back to me and asked why they weren't allowed to sit in on Senior Executive Meetings with me and the CEO.
If this is fiction, cudos, you need to start writing for SNL asap!
If this actually happened....I can't even....
I really want to know more about this. What did you say?
@@christycampbell2410 I didn't know what to say during the first meeting, honestly. I was a deer in the headlights. But for the 2nd meeting, I said "A Senior Exec Meeting is for Senior Execs. That's why they call it that. End of discussion." One of the girls quit after my 3rd week. It was during a staff meeting where I had asked to her to handle a media project (which was literally her job) and she glared at me and said "I don't like doing that." I offered her the option of doing it or leaving. She chose to leave. And the one who stayed behind shaped up really quickly.
Can't make this shit up... I'd love to laugh, but ya know.... I can't.
I have a team of five, ALL under 24. 😜
When she screamed, "You're killing him!", I almost choked on my own laughter. That was so funny.
The way he screamed at that alien 👽 LOL I dead
Yeah, screaming was fine, but he was elaborately horrified at the XO dismissing the girl's suggestion
When he yelled at the alien, I about lost it! Brilliant writing that in
I rewatch this sketch about 7 times a month. I think about it constantly. Can we get a petition signed for this to be written into a full length movie?
Alex Moffat was made for that role, so good.
:) Yes, he was awesome, he comedically made so much of that while still being a team player.
Once again Alex proves himself to be infinitely versatile. Bravo Alex!
That is one thing I really liked about the Star Trek TNG. The drama was focused on problems "out there" and everyone worked together professionally and competently. Seems a good model for society.
Here's the thing with that: Gene Roddenberry didn't want the main characters to have any interpersonal conflict due to his optimistic vision of humanity enlightened future, but the writers didn't like it as conflict is the essence of drama and Gene's vision put constraints on them because they had to do new ways to tell stories and if the characters are perfect and have no problems of conflicts, then there is no story. In fact, the first season had 30 writers leaving the show due to Gene and his lawyer, Leonard Maizlish enforcing the vision.
@@marshallhuffer4713Interesting story. Glad they stuck with his vision, at least for TNG. Maybe it was better to drop the writers as that one seemed to be the most timeless and have compelling storylines.
@@hadracks I'd agree. And despite common misconceptions, TNG characters did actually have conflict at times. The difference was that they didn't let it interfere with their professionalism and the overall mission. I'd say Trek in its modern incarnations has moved way too far from this ideal.
@@Don-ol8ze welll, except for Broccolli ;)
@@marshallhuffer4713 indeed. took a special kind of writer to keep up and adapt to the idea that the future would be *different*.
Thats why Trek is different ...and a legend.
There was still room for plenty of interpersonal conflicts ..and banter that would be called toxic abuse by those charcters in the SNL sketch. Roddenberry just wouldn't allow it to become a soap opera.
My husband and I just sold our family home and downsized to a smaller, more manageable place. You cannot believe the reaction from our grown children and THEIR childhood friends. They had a going away party at the house. Literally one of them kissed the walls. I'm so glad they have such great memories but OMG!
They know you now have less to pass on when you ascend.
@@RealPackCat it kills me they really didn't want anything! Millennials pack lite.
just remember that it was you who raised them.
@@SoloRenegade The ol talk about how spoiled your kids are when you're the one that raised them trick
@@sgshumblecrumb6046 I didn't raise any kids, and I'm not of the older generations in charge right now.
“Mooooove KLEB!” 😂😂😂
I thought it was “clam” 🤷🏻♂️
Finally a sketch that isn’t in someone’s living room 😅
Or a game show!
the variety of living rooms and kitchens they come up with. I guess some home decorator flunkie got good work on SNL
@@shawnmorris4479 The game show format is overused in SNL. It's not even like game shows are common occurrence anymore. Only the old mainstays are still around
At least they’re not parodying reality shows all the time.
This is actually how I see Startrek Discovery.. 😂😂😂
I thought I was watching Discovery
Oh, it's that bad huh?
@@timdevries7912even worse… they DO take themselves serious.. 😂
Looks like they spent the whole week on the set construction. A+
Can't forget the costumes. They mixed just about every style from the CBS All-Access (excuse me, Paramount+, they thought of the plus before Disney, but after Google) shows.
Definitely some Trek fans on staff.
Even those backround lights feel like a nod to the ridiculous lights added to the bridge set on Star Trek: Enterprise to make the Columbia's bridge.
“Is it worse than drifting into a black hole”
“Yes!!! her parents might be selling her childhood home” 😂 Kinda fair I guess
Might be? 🤷🏽
You'r one of them !
@@C_mao if you mean a whiny kid, no, I can assure you I’m not! Lol
Sorry if I mistook your comment
Where is the ship's counselor, lol. That would have added another layer to this sketch.
I love this as a Star Trek fan lol
It's not the best SNL Trek skit. My vote goes to the John Belushi one. This feels much more generic and toned down for a wider audience... like Discovery!
@@lukematthews1442 oof. That’s a worse burn than spock’s radiation burns.
It's an accurate spoof of today's Trek.
"You're killing him!"
"Who are they and what was that?"
Being an almost 37 year old who works with 21 year olds...this is what it's like for me 😂
I am so sorry. 😅
I’m 27, and work with several early 20-somethings, and it’s a different world.
I am very sorry that y’all have to interact with my selfish, weak, and spineless age group 😂😂 However I promise that not all of us 21 year olds act this way haha
Social media is partly to blame. Kids are growing up believing their opinions must always be made public.
I'm also an age that works with people of other ages. It's wild, yo.
“Who are they”
“My gut tells me they’re just rich white kids who are experiencing the real life for the first time”
She wouldn't datt me.
Did you mean "rich" instead of "right"?
@@timmiller1954 yeah lolz didn’t even notice that
I hate the phrase my truth. Usually means my highly subjective version of events when I am so triggered I can’t soothe myself so you are bad.
Screenshot-able 👍
It drives me crazy. So many people who say it are good, well intentioned people. But, there is no "your truth" or "my truth." There's only the truth.
It is the intentional dilution of language so that there is no difference between fact and opinion. This makes an accurate description of reality impossible. It's not overly dramatic to say that if it ever caught on with everybody society would devolve into permanent chaos.
@@christycampbell2410 Try to convince delusional people of that lol! Everything is 'their truth' which almost never has anything to do with the truth!
@@christycampbell2410 I wouldn’t say it’s as simple as that. Subjectivity vs objectivity has been a century old debate among philosophers.
I needed this after Discovery.
Mikey: Sir, she broke my arm. Can I have the rest of the day off?
Yeah, the ship’s getting sucked into a black hole😑
I like this Captain. Straight Adama'd those losers.
So say we all!
I don't remember Adama throwing anyone into the airlock even when he should have, this captain is a breath of fresh air hahahahahahaha
I don't think Adama would do that, but feels like something Archer, Sisko and Janeway would have threatened to do in their darker moments. Hell, Archer does have an airlock torture scene in Enterprise.
@@mnels5214 but it’s definitely something President Roslin did to leoban so maybe she would do it lol
Those losers were straight Adama'd like Fulham on Friday in the last knockings against the Wanderers!
I did a Disney college program and these people were my roommates 🙄
I quite enjoyed torturing them with major reality checks 😄
I was going to do that same college program but I found it too Micky Mouse.
If there is a Heaven, you’re going there and watching them in suffer in Hell.
I was in the program, too. There were people around my age (I’m 23) who quit a week or two later.
Funnest Part was that hilarious looking alien in the yellow shirt just standing there watching them run back and forth
And how he was hysterically screamed at out for being in the way, by that kid who was so offended at the FAR lesser rudeness from Kate McKinnon
Probably a nod to Linus in Discovery.
OMG. This is literally my office.
This is a relief, my sister is terrified of her 22 year old daughter, whom she sent to the best and most expensive small private schools. I'm glad to see SNL poke a bit of fun at it, we've got a whole generation of kids like this...
Any generation can be like this, you and your generation were probably like this but you just didn’t realize it because you were all our age.
@@PhysicallyAwake Yeah, but no.
@@PhysicallyAwake Previous generations were rebellious when young but at least they didn't have a chip on each shoulder.
@@PhysicallyAwake No. Whatever issues any other generation has had (and every generation has had plenty), they were never THIS. THIS is just unbearably pathetic.
Mikey day is hilarious!
This pretty much illustrates how frustrating it is to be a high school teacher today.
Scariest line is when he said that they were actually already in the black hole. Think the audience missed that one.
they nailed the dialogue on discovery
Well done! More sad, than funny, though. "I need to speak MY TRUTH!" LOL
Plot twist: they later turned the ship off and on again and it worked. 😁
"Hello. IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again?"
I was expecting them to do so lol
Yes! They should’ve ended with that!!
Sure, it worked against the Iconian virus in TNG S2E11 _'Contagion'_
That's literally where I thought this was going.
Star Trek Discovery has fully embraced this concept for Season 5.
This is how GenX deals with GenZ.
Pretty much👌🏾
True. I just wish I had an air lock to chuck them out of lol.
@@vrencan9735 I keep looking for *that* button (next to the *self-destruct* )
Yes, but we wouldn't let the shenanigans go on that long......
Didn't GenX raise GenZ?
That HAS to be Akira Yoshimura, long serving SNL production designer, under that alien mask. He’s been in every Star Trek parody on the show, always in the yellow command shirt. Great attention to detail.
This skit could be called “Star Trek: Generation Z”
Great title lol
Well played, sir!
That's not fair, it's not like Start Trek: Next Generation was about crashing the intergalactic economy 3 times and blaming their kids for it.
It’s hard to tell what makes this a Star Trek parody. It has very little to do with Trek (other than the obvious signposts). How far SNL has fallen.
@@jnnx And how far in life you have made it, I am sure, lol!!
Picard woulda lost it five seconds in and Worf would have personally dragged them to the airlocks 😂
I'd pay to see a sketch where we see how Picard and his crew deals with Mariner and Boimler from Lower Decks... or hell, pretty much every idiot from that show.
@@SwiftNimblefoot That might happen, since Commander Riker will be dealing with Boimler in Season 2. (Frakes confirmed it.)
Shut up, Wesley!!!
This is why Picard didn't want children on the bridge
....No, actually, they would have been 100% against wonton murder in all situations. The people would not have been on the deck in the first place. And, unlike these terrible people, neither Picard nor Word nor any main character at any time would be racist.
I swear SNL’s current cast has awesome chemistry.
@@leif12345 yikes. I’ve never seen a more incorrect statement. He’s fuckin hilarious.
If that's true, then you should comment this on a sketch where it's actually happening, instead of this horrendous trainwreck.
@@Rayvn7blabla whining moaning, let people enjoy this sketch without your miserable debbie downer garbage comments
As the mother of a 17 yr old girl I can say this is hella accurate
Who's doing is that?
@@Andulamb exactly! acting proud of being a shitty parent
I started to laugh but then realized that this was way too real. I'm sure everyone has had to deal with at least 1 of those two brats in the workplace! 😅🤣
It's how people act on social media every day now.
Twenty years ago, I worked for a bank, opening new accounts for college freshmen. Their helicopter parents accompanied them whenever they came to my desk to start a new account. (I guess that was their way of teaching their freshly minted "adults" how to take charge of themselves and take care of their own business as real grown-ups.) Fast forward to today. Now we know what happened to those young people at my bank desk; they never grew up and became our present-day co-workers!
It was a valid suggestion, turning the ship off and on again has literally worked on Star Trek before. In the TNG episode “Contagion”-- {at this point I get stuffed into a locker}
:) I value you. It's cool that you know that.
Also the Enterprise episode where Trip gets to be the first one to restart the warp reactor super fast.
Literally seen this at staff meetings in that "small elite starship academy" mentioned.....
“Welcome to Spencer’s, can I help you find something today?”
“Yes we’re from SNL and we’re doing a Sci-Fi sketch, we’ll take all of your electric orbs.”
“Trust me, no you won’t”.
Came to the comments for this.
Is there any other use for those orbs? Are they a lava lamp alternative maybe?
They're called plasma balls. I just want to imagine the SNL prop department calling Spencer's & asking to purchase ALL of their "plasma balls" for this sketch, because if that's not Star Trek sci-co-babble, I dunno wtf *is*.
@@Hextraordinary13 thats right, I was calling them lightening balls. but they were plasma balls. We had one ..SOOOO exciting LOL You can pretend to be Nicola Tesla!
LOL! I noticed those orbs right away -- "Nice touch! - heightens authenticity!" ^_^
@@caelidhg6261 i still have mine that I asked for one year from my grandma for Xmas when I was a kid some 30+ yrs ago.
Amazingly reminds me of every single intern I dealt with at Nokia. The only thing that would make it more accurate would be for one of their parents to phone the commander to discuss their child's performance and compensation.
That would've been hilarious.
An absolute documentary. These types are so exhausting.
This really needs to be a permanent ongoing skit.
NO. once was brilliant. maybe once a year, just as we're forgetting the last one. more often would be too much like real life.
I want these people put out the airlock on a weekly basis.
Mikey Day’s facial expressions in this skit are so perfect! Lol