@@johnshilling2221 Destruction of other species, damage to surroundings... Etc, etc, etc, etc... Just because they existed once doesn't mean they'll be good for everyone at this day and age so we need to be careful which species we revive and wich we don't. Biggest problem is that they don't share immunity to viruses today so they might work as nests and leeway for something much worse so extreme caution is required.
Without some modifications, a dinosaur probably wouldn' be able to survive in the modern world. The oxygen content is significantly lower now than it was 60 plus million years ago.
Well, scientists are already modifying chickens to look like t rexes and they better hurry up and do it better before 3021 because I don’t think I’m making it till then
Technology does not stand still; it is always evolving, getting better and easier to use. Dinosaurs had their chance; nature made them extinct, not man. But man is the keeper of our world, do we continue to destroy or do we begin to restore? I opt to restore. WHO KNOWS what new technology can bring back, new cures or treatments for maladies?
Scientist successfully captive-bred them and the first flock to be realease in the wild in 2021 is now in Brazil to be trained how to live in the wild. We have hope! :))
"Dinosaurs are way to old" A month ago they found Dinosaur tissue that was still completely intact. Seems to me someone over estimated what they thought they knew, once again.
Are you referring to the fossilized trex blood cells? If so I defer to the comment above however it's still possible to make dinosaurs unfortunately we would have to go the long way around and make our own from the down up
8:56 The key to the whole thing. You can’t bring back an extinct animal because it’s cute - you only bring it back if it’ll help. If you bring back an animal that’s still a pest it’ll either be exterminated or it’ll become too destructive to justify the effort & mire it in controversy.
well if you say it this way then we must have to exterminate Humans cause every point you said fits humans perfectly fine humans are a pest .destroying ecosystems producing a lot of waste and shit humans are invasive they go into areas and take them over shoo away every other creature who normaly live there and theyr produce tons of polution think of it this way a Passenger pigeon would still be food for other Animals like Hawks,Eagles,Bobcats,Coyotes,Snakes and many more on the other hand Humans aren´t food for anything (cause the few ppl who get eaten by an Animal isn´t really an impact)
Kuros-Regenwald ! - This is one of the worst outlooks on humanity a homo sapien can have against themselves and everyone else, because it’s exactly the logic behind mass genocide. There are a lot of idiots in the world, but there are some sharp cookies out there, and to the latter all you’re doing is taking a narcissistic rube’s posture of superiority to say something that murderously arrogant. Have you considered cleaning the dirt from under your own fingernails before taking upon yourself the opinion that you’re going to make the world a better place by exterminating all men, women, and children on Earth? Look at them right now. I’ll bet a sawbuck they’re impacted with black duck butter and obscenely chewed. Grow up and make yourself useful.
@@Bikewithlove well i guess im more usefulöl then you then cause i actualy breed and release (in my Area) endangered frogs,lizards and stuff but the areas you can release them gets rare and rare by every year cause more and more places turn into houses,parkinglots and stuff and why ? simply humans reproduce like bunnys while having literaly no predatore who will kill them
@Jude Luckett well nothing stand a chance agaisnt us not even the biggest dinosaur a bomb or granade would kill /hurt anything but not think about this the problem would be there is no space if we would make dinosaurs they would start to compete with our Animals leading into chaos and extinction also Dinosaurs and any other creature would probably get ill and then die cause they never encountered our illnesses etc + when Bones fossilize the actual Bone turnes into stone so there is not a single bit of DNA left if there would be any DNA we would actualy know how they look (colore wise etc)
Well, they'd also have to find a way to get the bird to have the same kind of personality as the passenger pigeon, otherwise they're just cosmetically/functionally different.
Humans can put a whole very abundant species to extinction but yet can't kill off all the cockroaches and bed bugs humans had a problem with for centuries, it makes me laugh.
I love birds and I used to paint and draw birds for Wildlife competition, I would love to see the passenger pigeon and other species brought back to life. But what I believe we need more than ever at this time, is the "Northern White Rhinoceros", because according to this documentary they are almost extinct.
What About The Javan, and Bali Tigers, Cape Lion, Hokkaido, and Japanese Wolves, Kangaroo Island Emu, Himalayan, And New Zealnad Quail, Quagga, Javan Lapwing, Aurochs, Pink Headed Duck, Vietnamese, and Indian Javan Rhino, Newfoundland Wolf, Moa, Adzebill, Elephant Bird, Dwarf Hippo, Health Hen, Great Auk, arabian Ostrich, Calfornian Brown Bear, Mexiam Grizzly Bear, Steller's Sea Cow, The Sea Mink, Western Black Rhino, Northen White Rhino, Eastern Cougar, The Island Where Dodo's are Found Tortoise, Bat, European Lion, Tarpan Horse, Blue Buck, Huai' ai, a Few Sandpipers Species, Caribbean Monk Seal, and Eastern Elk, Why did You Didn't Mention These Other Beautiful Creatures?
That lady at the end really thought it made more sense to bring back a giant hairy elephant species that went extinct thousands of years ago rather than bringing back pretty bird species that went extinct a hundred years ago. This bird that was responsible for the growth of practically all the trees in the eastern US
Illusive[Brick] I do too, I LOVE animals especially birds, but if they bring them back, and MORE extinct birds, the people that actually care abt animals and try to keep them alive would have more work to do, and it might be quite hard:/
Here's a thought. The green sea turtles are no longer endangered in Florida. Saving such animals is hardly different from bringing back a species which has already fallen over the edge.
I love how they're saying dino DNA is 100% an impossibility but today we've been about to find multiple viable soft tissue samples and a whole mummified dino. So much for scientific impossibility.
I hope we succeed in bringing back species that were wiped out by our ancestors. I believe there should be a sense of obligation to do so since we're the reason they became extinct.
I remember reading an article in (IIRC) Life Magazine in ~1960 called "The Passing of the Passenger Pigeon." They went extinct just after my dad was born (1912) but he told me stories about his dad and grandpa hunting and trapping them, especially the squibs (babies.) I remember crying about it; they were so beautiful and now completely gone. The last 100,000 of them still in the wild couldn't maintain their populations; they needed those huge numbers to survive so even when they were finally protected, it was too late.
I love Passenger Pigeons Tasmanian Tigers and Japanese Wolves! You should bring them back just do not tell people who hunt and hate them they are monsters!
The Spanish Ibix (ie. Bucardo) was cloned from cells from the ear of a dead Ibix. The baby had developmental problems. The lungs weren't fully formed when it was born and it died soon after.
We do need some more "de-extinctecology" experts to study more vigorously the effects of extinct species into the ecological niches they will actually fill and the effects on the habitat around them. I believe we need to focus on environmental improvements for now not having any extinct species just for their beauty or the novelty (just yet)
I swear I saw a passenger pigeon yesterday. Looked exactly like that. I thought it was a robin cause of the reddish/orange chest but when I Looked closer while driving by I realized it’s physical features looked like a pigeon and I thought it was odd because I’d never seen a pigeon like that
we HAVE TO get them back, they are only gone because BECAUSE of human kind. horrible non stop kill need, wiping whole types of life forms. also, pigeons are AWESOME AAAAAAMAZING animals and sweet as pets.
Certain species need to remain extinct. While it may be cool to reanimated a smilodon, for example, there wouldn't be any benefit to it. It would be a good idea to extend the funds to save dying species now, like snow leopards, current macaw breeds, and even frogs.
@@jordanespana78 but how else are they going to make babies. They get blood so the can lay eggs. Since they need protein to lay eggs. The protein comes from our blood. So they need blood to reproduce as well.
I love birds and I used to paint and draw birds for Wildlife competition, I would love to see the passenger pigeon and other species brought back to life. But what I believe we need more than ever at this time, is the "Northern White Rhinoceros", because according to this documentary they are almost extinct.
We should maintain our natural neighbours much better, and if it means playing god to do so, then do it. I don't see any divine miracles stopping these animals going extinct, so I say we make our own.
@@Kyss111 perhaps that person could have a better life than I have, To transfer the last bit of innocence and light I have as I have grown to bitter and nihilistic.
Bringing back animals that are already extinct, I have my reservations about that. I tend to feel that it would better serve the world, at this time, to place our efforts in areas that will help strengthen those species which are presently endangered. To take actions that will help to overcome issues of weakening biodiversity through captive breeding/wild release programs that can help overcome the issues arising from man's interference in animal's ability to migrate from one population to another. I can't help to notice that the animals being targeted in this program do not appear to include any predators. And yet it is the predatory animals that man often targets the hardest inspite of the fact that they are of the utmost importance for maintaining the overall health of the various ecosystems that they function within. I have no problem with the idea of creating a stockpile of genetic material or analysing the materials contained within. But as much as I'd love to see some of the iconic creatures from the past. Most people would be enamoured by the idea. I also know that over the past century of so, mankind has been responsible for the disappearance of many species & we have more than enough knowledge to say that their return would be unlikely to cause any serious unforseen issues. But while we may be able to genetically engineer their return, how are we going to genetically engineer the diversity necessary to expand & maintain a healthy population of these creatures? Until we can give reasonably sound answers to such questions, I believe that we should be applying the limited resources at hand to identifying those species which can be most benefited by them. And not just herbivores. We can help nature to get past the issues we have created for them. And we can do so in a way that promotes healthy ecosystems, which is far more important that fulfilling dreams inspired by Sci-fi.
They’ll likely achieve diversity using different preserved specimens, careful breeding, and cloning, until the gene pool grows large enough to sustain itself. We’ve shown we can start with relatively small gene pools to create healthy, diverse populations, every time we create a new dog breed.
For the amount of money some richer people just casually have laying around, I feel like anywhere between 5-50 million dollars wouldn't be a big deal for the revival of the passenger pigeon. If I won a major lottery I'd definitely help pitch in
Passenger Pidgeon is unrealistic, they need flocks of greater than 50,000 to be viable and no one would put up with 2 million bird flocks taking 6 hours to pass overhead leaving 3 inches of waste below them. Best that could be hoped for is a dozen birds living in a zoo, even then they have shown they don't breed well in captivity as they mostly lay 1 egg
Let's make it sound like our encroaching on their domain, as the reasons some of these birds went extinct. Wrong. The Passenger Pigeon was killed off for foods in the big citys like NY. Where the rich ate Squab, and the poor ate Pigeon. It was the same bird. The NC Parakeet and the Ivory billed Woodpecker? Were hunted out of existence for their feathers for lady's hats. Start telling the real reasons and people may take you more serious. Not some attempt as a scare tactic.
The Passenger Pigeon was a major food group for the American Revolutionary Army. You could walk into a forest, to a tree where they were roosting, and shoot buckshot up into the tree. The shot would not wake the pigeons, but if any survived and hit the ground running the rustling of the leaves would wake the rest. Also, I lived in Indiana in the 1980's and I remember when I went to work one morning there was a huge line of birds flying North to South as far as I could see in both directions. I have never found out what those birds were (black or dark brown colored but they were to high up to tell) but it gives me an very good idea what a vary large flock of Passenger Pigeons would look like.
"if we have the resources to preserve what we already have i think that's where we should put the ressources" As if we can't work on both protecting extant animals AND de extinction, as if these two weren't two completely different domains of biology, but sure dude, you do you.
@Caп¡z Aпuв¡z It's a shame that most people fall into your third category, I try to help and conserve the wildlife, I wish more people would, even if people would make a small backyard habitat, that would be better than nothing.
This is my 2nd favorite thing to hope to see scientifically in my lifetime. My ultimate would be time travel, its still considered "impossible" but remember, flying was considered impossible only a few hundred years ago. To see the ability to bring back animals who no longer live anymore would be so amazing. Tazmanian Tiger, Passenger pidgeon, and Mammoth are the three id love to see alive.
Im mostly hoping for the Carolina parakeet to come back. I would love a parrot species native to America. I wanna look out my window and see a bright colorful bird out my window on a feeder.
one abundant bird that reminds me alot of the passenger pigeon is the mourning dove....i would love to see it brought back but in reality its probably the worst one to try it with because number 1 it was shown to need huge flocks to survive and number 2 it would again come in conflict with humans such as farming..i think the best one would be the ivory billed woodpecker i think the protection and growth of some of its old habitat and isolated habitat would give it the best shot
The great auk might be good as well. Their habitat is still there, remote and untouched. I'm not sure how we would get on with a razorbill as a surrogate egg layer.
Why do some humans have to be so cruel animals are like ppl they have to drink, eat, sleep, and breathe animals defend themselves when there scared or feel threatened wouldn’t u do the same if theirs to many kill some not all animals destroying gardens or farms find a diffrent way to stop that other then killing them I’m a animal lover watching this video made me cry cause of the talk of animals being killed and excited the passenger pigeon is just a pigeon that travels in large flocks the Tasmania Tiger or what’s ever it’s called is beautiful but don’t just kill em for their fur LIKE IF U LOVE ANIMALS!!
Chulung Xiong no. how about you see how many species have gone extinct and see when in the universal timeline we were able to have weapons and kill animals
Bring back the dodo and the rodrigues solitaire. These two are closely related extinct birds and were located each one on neighbouring islands Mauritius and Rodrigues.
25:33 so they gonna preserve the cells of extinct species so that in future it would help the students to work on it but wouldn’t be careful enough to not make them GO EXTINCT. Humans being Humans👌🏻
Of course I would love extinct species to be back, but I am concerned with their ecological role. Being absent from ecosystem for such a long time is a fact to remember, especially because their ecological niche was already filled. Putting them into ecosystem could potentially harm biocenosis living there... I would recommend taking care for our living species and using genetics and technology for helping our endangered species. If ressurecting new species, we should ressurect only a recent one, that still has its place in an ecocystem.
for calcification, when scientists say dinosaurs are “way too old,” what they mean is what the narrator explains next. the information retained by strands of DNA decays after ~100,000 years. so even though genetic material can be recovered, the DNA is not able to be cloned because of its age.
My dad said that he'd seen passenger pidgeons ion their farm in Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania in the 1940 and or 50's. Maybe they should get a team and put up some cameras and investigate.
If it won't have a negative impact of the environment, then it's fine with me.
They dont care if you get pissed there gonna do it despite public opinion.
And who judges what is negative? You?
@@johnshilling2221 Destruction of other species, damage to surroundings... Etc, etc, etc, etc...
Just because they existed once doesn't mean they'll be good for everyone at this day and age so we need to be careful which species we revive and wich we don't. Biggest problem is that they don't share immunity to viruses today so they might work as nests and leeway for something much worse so extreme caution is required.
It's negative when it affects the current ecosystem and this will harm other species in the ecosystem.
Some ppl just talk out of their asses without thinking possible outcomes/results that will affect other.
It's been 5 years we need an update
Revive & Restore have a website with a blog, you can read it.
Cat Grom is in the know.
They realised how fucking stupid this is
@@Skookumshroom get out of here then... they already brought back the Quagga. Its hella interesting.
Destination Addiction Samsara 6 years
Why wasn’t this in my recommendation like 6 years earlier
Partywithmilky Ikr 😂
What could we do now : |
Quarantine brought us here 😂
Your post is 6 days ago
“I am in love with an extinct species” ~ My Strange Obsession
Soo, if the scientists bring back the extinct animals you wont like them anymore- logic
I have the same obsession. I love even one extinct species more than all people combined.
I think we should bring them back if we have the science to do so, especially if their extinction was at the hands of humans.
That's a pretty cool bird
Without some modifications, a dinosaur probably wouldn' be able to survive in the modern world. The oxygen content is significantly lower now than it was 60 plus million years ago.
*2014: "we cant clone dinosaurs"
You really think in 3021? More like 2080
But like we would live or that date
Well, scientists are already modifying chickens to look like t rexes and they better hurry up and do it better before 3021 because I don’t think I’m making it till then
10038 (if we stop killing earth) "we had successfully made a tornado dragon 0.8
We only need the dodo back because its a fuking dodo
EXACTLY and lets being back t series loosing too.
@Stefano Dawg
@Stefano Dawg Bruh...
Dodo must be here again I want a pet dodo
"Jurassic Park is a fantasy and will always be"
People with new technology in the 3000s:
*Are you sure about that*
Not when there are time machine's
It is fantasy. Most dinosaurs have feathers
@@sbari98 exactly, which makes them possible cousins of birds, which are everywhere on Earth
Technology does not stand still; it is always evolving, getting better and easier to use. Dinosaurs had their chance; nature made them extinct, not man. But man is the keeper of our world, do we continue to destroy or do we begin to restore? I opt to restore. WHO KNOWS what new technology can bring back, new cures or treatments for maladies?
When they find frozen dinos from when pangea went appart
Why don’t protect the animals that alive right now then bring back the extinct animals?
Because many animals that have gone extinct fill a special role in the environment that no other animals do
Because people can work on multiple projects at once.
Why not both?
Yes. Because it’s only up to these people to make a choice between those two alternatives. Lol
U can do both u know bringing back while protecting the alive ones
I feel like bringing back the passenger pigeon will just be like real life twitter. Everyone’s gonna keep their window open for birds to send letters
We humans have probably killed more things then all animals have and i love dodos we need them back
We are the most dangerous animals on the planet. The 2nd being the mosquito
@@rogerpuliszky2479 I-
@@ipotatosenpai7002 lol
But if we bring dodos back then they will die all over again because of stupidity. Especially because humans have changed the earth so much.
@@rogerpuliszky2479 bruh...
Let's bring back humane humans, I hear they died out a long, long time ago.
Roch R I heard that there are still a few left, but are really hard to find... like this one!
*points at you *
Sunrise R
Only few remain it is unknown how many are left
Sunrise R there is a lot left, I am one
Sunrise R
No, we're here alright.
But there aren't too many of us anymore.
We need to bring back the Spix Macaw!
They’re extinct in the wild and there’s only a few left in captivity worldwide
I miss Blue😭😭
Wait they're already extinct??????? What????
Theyre not extinct my fren has one called seed idk y
lenna gene nah, in The WILD they are but there are a good few left in captivity thankfully :)
Scientist successfully captive-bred them and the first flock to be realease in the wild in 2021 is now in Brazil to be trained how to live in the wild.
We have hope! :))
@@kiwi5359 r u sure its a spix not a hyacinth or quaker or something. There is only 160 left in captivity.
I think we should only bring back extinct animals that died only recently (1500s)
"Jurassic Park is a fantasy and always will be"
The next video about to play: dinosaurs return to life
"Dinosaurs are way to old"
A month ago they found Dinosaur tissue that was still completely intact.
Seems to me someone over estimated what they thought they knew, once again.
Are you referring to the fossilized trex blood cells? If so I defer to the comment above however it's still possible to make dinosaurs unfortunately we would have to go the long way around and make our own from the down up
Bruh this is from 2014. Do you know how much science learns every year????
this video was reffering from 2014
Hunter Mckee yeah....soft tissue and cartilage in a t Rex bone. Who would have thought eh?
It would be a happy mistake, that would mean we could bring back a few.
8:56 The key to the whole thing. You can’t bring back an extinct animal because it’s cute - you only bring it back if it’ll help. If you bring back an animal that’s still a pest it’ll either be exterminated or it’ll become too destructive to justify the effort & mire it in controversy.
well if you say it this way then we must have to exterminate Humans cause every point you said fits humans perfectly fine
humans are a pest .destroying ecosystems producing a lot of waste and shit
humans are invasive they go into areas and take them over shoo away every other creature who normaly live there and theyr produce tons of polution
think of it this way a Passenger pigeon would still be food for other Animals like Hawks,Eagles,Bobcats,Coyotes,Snakes and many more
on the other hand Humans aren´t food for anything (cause the few ppl who get eaten by an Animal isn´t really an impact)
Jude Luckett - Never say never.
Kuros-Regenwald ! - This is one of the worst outlooks on humanity a homo sapien can have against themselves and everyone else, because it’s exactly the logic behind mass genocide. There are a lot of idiots in the world, but there are some sharp cookies out there, and to the latter all you’re doing is taking a narcissistic rube’s posture of superiority to say something that murderously arrogant.
Have you considered cleaning the dirt from under your own fingernails before taking upon yourself the opinion that you’re going to make the world a better place by exterminating all men, women, and children on Earth? Look at them right now. I’ll bet a sawbuck they’re impacted with black duck butter and obscenely chewed.
Grow up and make yourself useful.
@@Bikewithlove well i guess im more usefulöl then you then cause i actualy breed and release (in my Area) endangered frogs,lizards and stuff
but the areas you can release them gets rare and rare by every year cause more and more places turn into houses,parkinglots and stuff
and why ?
simply humans reproduce like bunnys while having literaly no predatore who will kill them
@Jude Luckett
well nothing stand a chance agaisnt us not even the biggest dinosaur
a bomb or granade would kill /hurt anything
but not think about this
the problem would be there is no space
if we would make dinosaurs they would start to compete with our Animals leading into chaos and extinction
also Dinosaurs and any other creature would probably get ill and then die cause they never encountered our illnesses etc
+ when Bones fossilize the actual Bone turnes into stone so there is not a single bit of DNA left
if there would be any DNA we would actualy know how they look (colore wise etc)
Well, they'd also have to find a way to get the bird to have the same kind of personality as the passenger pigeon, otherwise they're just cosmetically/functionally different.
Humans Then: Hunted the animals to extinction
Humans now: Tries to reviving the extinct animals
Only hoomans :
Shawn G it’s humans
@@addie1323 r/whooooosh
Small Wolf ahue hue
Humans can put a whole very abundant species to extinction but yet can't kill off all the cockroaches and bed bugs humans had a problem with for centuries, it makes me laugh.
Everybody gangsta till the T. rex starts moving before it’s reawakened
Tasmania tiger
I love the Tasmanian tiger.
@@izzysmomtattoos8274 me too
I love birds and I used to paint and draw birds for Wildlife competition, I would love to see the passenger pigeon and other species brought back to life. But what I believe we need more than ever at this time, is the "Northern White Rhinoceros", because according to this documentary they are almost extinct.
They are still living, in tas and on the mainland.. I'm from tas
Narrator: ..and bring back the most abundant bird
Me: Wait that looks like a robin
*Ah yes, the robigeon.*
@@augustineradicalvice4984 😂😂😂😂👌🏼
@@augustineradicalvice4984 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😋😋🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Augustine Radicalvice
*The Robingeon Has Been Extinct AT 0912*
Adopt Me!?
bring back the Caspian Tiger,the Barbary Lion and The LEGENDARY DODO
Dodo dodo dodo DODO!!!! 😛
Also bring back my mammoth
What About The Javan, and Bali Tigers, Cape Lion, Hokkaido, and Japanese Wolves, Kangaroo Island Emu, Himalayan, And New Zealnad Quail, Quagga, Javan Lapwing, Aurochs, Pink Headed Duck, Vietnamese, and Indian Javan Rhino, Newfoundland Wolf, Moa, Adzebill, Elephant Bird, Dwarf Hippo, Health Hen, Great Auk, arabian Ostrich, Calfornian Brown Bear, Mexiam Grizzly Bear, Steller's Sea Cow, The Sea Mink, Western Black Rhino, Northen White Rhino, Eastern Cougar, The Island Where Dodo's are Found Tortoise, Bat, European Lion, Tarpan Horse, Blue Buck, Huai' ai, a Few Sandpipers Species, Caribbean Monk Seal, and Eastern Elk, Why did You Didn't Mention These Other Beautiful Creatures?
@DarkFaize you're already here.
**youtube puts this on reccamended 6 years later**
That lady at the end really thought it made more sense to bring back a giant hairy elephant species that went extinct thousands of years ago rather than bringing back pretty bird species that went extinct a hundred years ago. This bird that was responsible for the growth of practically all the trees in the eastern US
I hope one day That Tasmanian tigers dodo bird's woolly mammoth's and passenger pigeons will be roaming free in the wild
*wooly mammoths in the wi-*
*have you gone mad*
i heard i think if they revive the wolly mamooths they would be in the Tundra- idk ;w;
I hope everything we’ve done to every creature can be undone.
Well, woolly mammoths might not be brought back to life, because its DNA is “Too old”.
It's sad that Martha the Passenger Pigeon is the only specie's lived alone.
@@lopwr1212 Yup that's right.
The last Tasmanian tiger also died alone in a zoo...
I would love to see the passenger pigeon alive. They were beautiful relatives of fan tails and rock doves.
And what if there is no environment in which to place them? We also need to restore environments as well…including threatened or endangered flora.
I remember watching this on TV in 2014 wondering if it was possible and it's still been on the back of my mind ever since.
Dinosaurs: I'm about to *make* this man's whole career
Also Dinosaurs: IMMA DIE AND WAIT FOR THIS MET- (dies)
I’m absolutely fine with it as long as the ecosystem is fine with it lol. In fact I would LOVE to see a passenger pigeon alive today!
Illusive[Brick] I do too, I LOVE animals especially birds, but if they bring them back, and MORE extinct birds, the people that actually care abt animals and try to keep them alive would have more work to do, and it might be quite hard:/
Never say never with science it proves us wrong over and over it only takes TIME.
No one:
This guy: opens a door full of dead birds
You just bored in quarantine
Dark Space same here lmao and it was in my recommendation
Fun fact: you didn’t search for this.
I did actually lol.
Yes I did search for this, and I don’t know why you would make that general assumption.
The fact that people make comments like this, as if it applies to everybody, is an extremely naive and untrue statement to make.
Here's a thought. The green sea turtles are no longer endangered in Florida. Saving such animals is hardly different from bringing back a species which has already fallen over the edge.
I love how they're saying dino DNA is 100% an impossibility but today we've been about to find multiple viable soft tissue samples and a whole mummified dino. So much for scientific impossibility.
@Nobody Knows actually it wasn't 65 million years it was less they found intact DNA in some of the bones
@Hike Jumalon no thats not accurate
@Hike Jumalon besides what u see in the movies,they're not gonna be showing the same traits like they had in jurassic park
even if they did find soft dino tissue that was mummified dna only stays for 100,000 years so all the dna in that tissue would be dead
As I always said nothing is impossible
I hope we succeed in bringing back species that were wiped out by our ancestors. I believe there should be a sense of obligation to do so since we're the reason they became extinct.
I don't think they will ever really be the same but it would be nice to try
I remember reading an article in (IIRC) Life Magazine in ~1960 called "The Passing of the Passenger Pigeon." They went extinct just after my dad was born (1912) but he told me stories about his dad and grandpa hunting and trapping them, especially the squibs (babies.) I remember crying about it; they were so beautiful and now completely gone. The last 100,000 of them still in the wild couldn't maintain their populations; they needed those huge numbers to survive so even when they were finally protected, it was too late.
Witnessing these animals disappear just brings tears to my eyes. I want to preserve all of the diverse life forms on earth.
Revive the Carolina parakeet.
Brad Mondel revive my mom
Brad Mondel revive my dad
Revive the thylacine
yes i would love see the caronlina parakeet
revive my dog
I love Passenger Pigeons Tasmanian Tigers and Japanese Wolves! You should bring them back just do not tell people who hunt and hate them they are monsters!
What are you trying to say here?
Purple triangle confirmed!!!!!!!
They still do it.
@Rumpelstiltskin Even though they were, it doesn't mean we should interfere with wildlife!
The japanese wolf is very creepy.
We already brought something back to life
But it only lasted a few minutes?
Now I believe it's actually possible
The Spanish Ibix (ie. Bucardo) was cloned from cells from the ear of a dead Ibix. The baby had developmental problems. The lungs weren't fully formed when it was born and it died soon after.
We do need some more "de-extinctecology" experts to study more vigorously the effects of extinct species into the ecological niches they will actually fill and the effects on the habitat around them. I believe we need to focus on environmental improvements for now not having any extinct species just for their beauty or the novelty (just yet)
I swear I saw a passenger pigeon yesterday. Looked exactly like that. I thought it was a robin cause of the reddish/orange chest but when I Looked closer while driving by I realized it’s physical features looked like a pigeon and I thought it was odd because I’d never seen a pigeon like that
I would honestly LOVE to see the Carolina parakeet come back.
And the bluer subspecies of it--the Louisiana parrakeet.
we HAVE TO get them back, they are only gone because BECAUSE of human kind. horrible non stop kill need, wiping whole types of life forms.
also, pigeons are AWESOME AAAAAAMAZING animals and sweet as pets.
To me i think pigeons are cute and crazy 😊
Vali Prem
Lmao pigeons do stupid stuff but thats why I love ‘em :^)
Vali Prem not all of them, some of them died for other reasons
The Circle of Life. Also bringing back an extinct species can interrupt the ecosystem.
Vali Prem why would you want a WILD animal as a PET? to take it as a pet you’re ruining it’s chance to actually survive in the wild
Certain species need to remain extinct. While it may be cool to reanimated a smilodon, for example, there wouldn't be any benefit to it.
It would be a good idea to extend the funds to save dying species now, like snow leopards, current macaw breeds, and even frogs.
Why didn’t they just grab the passenger pigeons reboot card?
GG- Jacob I’m dead😂😂
It ran out before they could get it😂
Passenger pigeon - extinct
Mosquitoes - useless, annoying and still alive today
I mean, they are not entirely useless. The males pollinates most plants. Only the females are the ones that suck the blood to make babies.
HOW DID I not know that
Graciela Zelaya scientists can change their dna code to give the traits so they don’t suck blood and instead get nectar like the males
@@jordanespana78 but how else are they going to make babies. They get blood so the can lay eggs. Since they need protein to lay eggs. The protein comes from our blood. So they need blood to reproduce as well.
Graciela Zelaya they can make them use a different protein🤷🏽♂️
If the extinct animals are bought back what will that do to the ecosystem? And will that effect other animals?
The passenger pigeon is a beneficiary to the environment. They feed on the acorns of red oaks. Allowing White oaks to flourish.
Good question my friend mother nature has already begun to adjust
I love birds and I used to paint and draw birds for Wildlife competition, I would love to see the passenger pigeon and other species brought back to life. But what I believe we need more than ever at this time, is the "Northern White Rhinoceros", because according to this documentary they are almost extinct.
I wouldn't worry about a few whatever. It's not like that would hurt the ecosystem.
All talked for years so far we haven't seen any results yet
Y’know how hard cloning is right?
Cloning and bringing something back to life is a tricky subject.
Then that means we still have a long way to go for reviving the extinct species.
AspenGalaxy, but they’re extinct
@@sup8668 Maybe it was mistaken o',
We should maintain our natural neighbours much better, and if it means playing god to do so, then do it. I don't see any divine miracles stopping these animals going extinct, so I say we make our own.
I think we should start with the most recent then the oldest
( like the ones that help the economy and environment)
When I die they better bring me back.
They can't, but they can make someone looks like you tho
I tried to make a funny comment but you ruined it, smh...
Robot spyder oh hell nah this comment 5 days ago the mf pandemic is to much for me and this bee killing ppl now nah let me die already
@@Xenixgrave20 its a wasp
@@Kyss111 perhaps that person could have a better life than I have, To transfer the last bit of innocence and light I have as I have grown to bitter and nihilistic.
If they go through with this stuff, I'd be the most excited for the elephant brid and the dodo bird.
Bringing back animals that are already extinct, I have my reservations about that. I tend to feel that it would better serve the world, at this time, to place our efforts in areas that will help strengthen those species which are presently endangered. To take actions that will help to overcome issues of weakening biodiversity through captive breeding/wild release programs that can help overcome the issues arising from man's interference in animal's ability to migrate from one population to another.
I can't help to notice that the animals being targeted in this program do not appear to include any predators. And yet it is the predatory animals that man often targets the hardest inspite of the fact that they are of the utmost importance for maintaining the overall health of the various ecosystems that they function within.
I have no problem with the idea of creating a stockpile of genetic material or analysing the materials contained within. But as much as I'd love to see some of the iconic creatures from the past. Most people would be enamoured by the idea. I also know that over the past century of so, mankind has been responsible for the disappearance of many species & we have more than enough knowledge to say that their return would be unlikely to cause any serious unforseen issues. But while we may be able to genetically engineer their return, how are we going to genetically engineer the diversity necessary to expand & maintain a healthy population of these creatures?
Until we can give reasonably sound answers to such questions, I believe that we should be applying the limited resources at hand to identifying those species which can be most benefited by them. And not just herbivores. We can help nature to get past the issues we have created for them. And we can do so in a way that promotes healthy ecosystems, which is far more important that fulfilling dreams inspired by Sci-fi.
The thylacine is a planned animal in this program, and that was a predator.
They’ll likely achieve diversity using different preserved specimens, careful breeding, and cloning, until the gene pool grows large enough to sustain itself. We’ve shown we can start with relatively small gene pools to create healthy, diverse populations, every time we create a new dog breed.
We need answers. It’s been 6 years.
This Chanel hasn’t been online in 3 years 😳.
what if they failed-
@@G4DG3T_lol lol, but actually you could be correct.
if i was i would immediately take my words back
lucid vinny but it’s true
For the amount of money some richer people just casually have laying around, I feel like anywhere between 5-50 million dollars wouldn't be a big deal for the revival of the passenger pigeon. If I won a major lottery I'd definitely help pitch in
Passenger Pidgeon is unrealistic, they need flocks of greater than 50,000 to be viable and no one would put up with 2 million bird flocks taking 6 hours to pass overhead leaving 3 inches of waste below them. Best that could be hoped for is a dozen birds living in a zoo, even then they have shown they don't breed well in captivity as they mostly lay 1 egg
Let's make it sound like our encroaching on their domain, as the reasons some of these birds went extinct. Wrong. The Passenger Pigeon was killed off for foods in the big citys like NY. Where the rich ate Squab, and the poor ate Pigeon. It was the same bird. The NC Parakeet and the Ivory billed Woodpecker? Were hunted out of existence for their feathers for lady's hats. Start telling the real reasons and people may take you more serious. Not some attempt as a scare tactic.
Wow! I'm amazed!
They said that in this. I'm confused by your post
But that's exactly what the video said?!
Bird: wow u guys make tree delicous
Human: did i hear something
Bird: "sweating like a fish out of the water"
Also, this is super neat, I hope we're able to bring back some of the animals we've screwed over
It's been six years now, have they made any progress?
The Passenger Pigeon was a major food group for the American Revolutionary Army. You could walk into a forest, to a tree where they were roosting, and shoot buckshot up into the tree. The shot would not wake the pigeons, but if any survived and hit the ground running the rustling of the leaves would wake the rest. Also, I lived in Indiana in the 1980's and I remember when I went to work one morning there was a huge line of birds flying North to South as far as I could see in both directions. I have never found out what those birds were (black or dark brown colored but they were to high up to tell) but it gives me an very good idea what a vary large flock of Passenger Pigeons would look like.
"if we have the resources to preserve what we already have i think that's where we should put the ressources" As if we can't work on both protecting extant animals AND de extinction, as if these two weren't two completely different domains of biology, but sure dude, you do you.
There are two rypes of humans:
Those that destroy and those that conserve.
@Caп¡z Aпuв¡z It's a shame that most people fall into your third category, I try to help and conserve the wildlife, I wish more people would, even if people would make a small backyard habitat, that would be better than nothing.
One that builds the sandcastle and one that comes up to knock it down.
This is so interesting. Now I’m thinking if you can wake up an animal can you wake up a caveman?
This is my 2nd favorite thing to hope to see scientifically in my lifetime. My ultimate would be time travel, its still considered "impossible" but remember, flying was considered impossible only a few hundred years ago. To see the ability to bring back animals who no longer live anymore would be so amazing. Tazmanian Tiger, Passenger pidgeon, and Mammoth are the three id love to see alive.
Those boot that guy was wearing at 1:35 are dancing boots 😂 but hey, good on him for wearing them proud!
Im mostly hoping for the Carolina parakeet to come back. I would love a parrot species native to America. I wanna look out my window and see a bright colorful bird out my window on a feeder.
And the sad thing is they were killed off because of the fashion industry
@@TSL73 fuck fashion man
16:34 I’ve never heard anyone pronounce fungi like that 😂
When the Carolina parakeet comes back, Bastion will too....
I don’t think Titanaboa is an extinct animal we’d want to bring back.
Who the hell would want to bring that thing back?
It's been 6 years where y'all at?
Why dont they protect the endangered animals etc. Tigers, lions, astatic leopards and other endangered species?
-_- theyre being protected while theyre also workin on bringing back
one abundant bird that reminds me alot of the passenger pigeon is the mourning dove....i would love to see it brought back but in reality its probably the worst one to try it with because number 1 it was shown to need huge flocks to survive and number 2 it would again come in conflict with humans such as farming..i think the best one would be the ivory billed woodpecker i think the protection and growth of some of its old habitat and isolated habitat would give it the best shot
The great auk might be good as well. Their habitat is still there, remote and untouched. I'm not sure how we would get on with a razorbill as a surrogate egg layer.
Why all of a sudden this is popping up in my recommendations
Why do some humans have to be so cruel animals are like ppl they have to drink, eat, sleep, and breathe animals defend themselves when there scared or feel threatened wouldn’t u do the same if theirs to many kill some not all animals destroying gardens or farms find a diffrent way to stop that other then killing them I’m a animal lover watching this video made me cry cause of the talk of animals being killed and excited the passenger pigeon is just a pigeon that travels in large flocks the Tasmania Tiger or what’s ever it’s called is beautiful but don’t just kill em for their fur LIKE IF U LOVE ANIMALS!!
How about we take care of the other species we have now that are going through the same thing as the extinct species went through
Yes we should cause most of it was humans fault
Chulung Xiong
you're saying it's all our fault?
Chulung Xiong no. how about you see how many species have gone extinct and see when in the universal timeline we were able to have weapons and kill animals
We are still at it. I guess we won't be happy until we are all alone except for a few miserable species hanging on in zoos.
Bring back the dodo and the rodrigues solitaire. These two are closely related extinct birds and were located each one on neighbouring islands Mauritius and Rodrigues.
When a species goes extinct, that's the end....
That one lady:
**vsauce song plays**
This is underrated. People should view this video more.
when we de-extict something, how will the newer diseases effect them?
We need to save what we have right now first before we try to save what was there in the past.
What about the white Rhinoceros it's been going extinct in Africa and there's only one left which is a female
When she said "Or is it?" I swear I heard vsauce
I remember watching this documentary when I was 5-7, quite a fascinating area of study.
Might be a good idea to try and figure out why and how passenger pigeons overpopulated back in the day.
25:33 so they gonna preserve the cells of extinct species so that in future it would help the students to work on it but wouldn’t be careful enough to not make them GO EXTINCT. Humans being Humans👌🏻
Of course I would love extinct species to be back, but I am concerned with their ecological role. Being absent from ecosystem for such a long time is a fact to remember, especially because their ecological niche was already filled. Putting them into ecosystem could potentially harm biocenosis living there... I would recommend taking care for our living species and using genetics and technology for helping our endangered species. If ressurecting new species, we should ressurect only a recent one, that still has its place in an ecocystem.
They didn't go extinct that long ago, they'd be fine in the ecosystem currently.
"Over human population is the cause of animal extinction"
Me:...well shit
Morbidly, this pandemic is the best worst thing to have happened to the human species in a long time.
How amazing to see a flock 5 k long and 2 wide going symmetrical in every direction at over 90k it would be breathtaking
for calcification, when scientists say dinosaurs are “way too old,” what they mean is what the narrator explains next. the information retained by strands of DNA decays after ~100,000 years. so even though genetic material can be recovered, the DNA is not able to be cloned because of its age.
25:46 bleeding hearts!!
It’s just the colouration their species are called Amazon Luzon bleeding hearts
Sees Pasengers pigeons
Sees the last pigeon was named Martha.
My dad said that he'd seen passenger pidgeons ion their farm in Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania in the 1940 and or 50's.
Maybe they should get a team and put up some cameras and investigate.
Instructions not clear, started a zombie