Timestamps for this stream: *_[Bosses]_* 32:49-1:04:28 - vs. Black Wind King 1:14:06-1:37:27 - vs. Black Bear Guai 1:54:29-1:56:26 - vs. Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw 2:09:57-2:11:53 - vs. King of Flowing Sands / Second Prince of Flowing Sands 2:18:16-2:24:24 - vs. Earth Wolf 2:35:45-2:40:53 - vs. First Prince of the Flowing Sands 2:48:17 - Tiger Vanguard *_[Highlights]_* 3:19 - Games for days of the week? 5:47 - Ceci's donut: Powdered sugar 11:59 - Todays Highlight: Chicken nuggets! 15:35 - There are two Ceci's fighting inside... 24:53 - Otomobros PC and Dead Space 30:04 - Imagine living long and some guy in a mask kills you in 20... 42:59 - We got this! It's over... 46:19 - "Wow guys, let's start the game!" - Ceci, making the Otomos amnesiacs 49:32 - "Oh, hi guys, it's me! Just starting!" 58:19 - Lemongrass, lime, mint! To wake up! Sugar! 1:11:00 - Ceci's favorite one-liners. 1:25:15 - Ringringring! Send 1000 teabags! 1:48:04 - Ceci headbanging to the music 1:57:55 - Ceci's Zen narration 2:00:28 - That is NOT a mushroom! 2:16:59 - Ran away from detonation. 2:17:23 - "Is my what? Tell me?" 2:33:13 - Fur isn't everywhere on Wukong?! 2:46:28 - Taiga? Toradora? 2:46:39 - Raora's a big cat! A panther! 3:02:33 - Ceci loves snakelike Eastern dragons, like in Neverending Story 3:25:23 - RRRRRRock solid 3:32:12 - From 1-green how impressed? *_[Pre-Game Talk]_* 1:26 - Ceci Intro 2:19 - Ceci says hi! 2:49 - Mecili 3:19 - Games for days of the week? 3:46 ⤷ 'Th' games? 4:42 - It's Monday! Ceci crashed after. Sleep schedule fixed. 5:21 - Wukong, second time! 5:47 - Ceci's donut: Powdered sugar 6:36 - Ceci wants to play a lot of games... but dropping some... 7:08 - On games you like, and then just never finish. 8:35 - On Tinykin, similar to Pikmin 9:23 - Rambling before game today 9:40 - ENreco was fun. Also phew! 10:20 - Some games lend themselves to RP 10:45 - Otomobook tomorrow? 11:12 ⤷ Ceci's deciding... 11:59 - Todays Highlight: Chicken nuggets! 12:27 - Co-op games, Remnant 2; It's a shooter... 12:55 - Ceci was on Raoras! Made an emote! 14:03 - Why are some people night owls? 14:55 - Otomo self-destruct? Motivational words instead! 15:35 ⤷ There are two Ceci's fighting inside... 15:58 ⤷ Ceci tries to think the worst case. 17:03 ⤷ Nothing's permanent! There's always a next time. 17:41 - Ceci on exposure therapy and karaokes 18:23 - Schedules ready! Timezones... 19:06 ⤷ Tomorrow is Rabbit&Steel part2! 10PM CEST! 19:38 ⤷ Wednesday's free... Can't remember the rest. 20:10 - Brain chemistry? Get chemistry done! 20:45 ⤷ Might take a few days to recover from ENReco 21:16 - Ceci forgot what there was to talk about... 21:33 - Wukong was fun last time. 21:57 - Amnesia-SOMA confusion 23:07 - *_[Black Myth: Wukong]_* 23:09 - Scariest game Ceci's played: RE8 baby 24:09 - Return to monke! 24:22 ⤷ Losing things in Dark Souls is scary too 24:53 - Otomobros PC and Dead Space 25:20 ⤷ Dead Space was SCARY! 2 mins only... 26:10 - Remembering last time: Killed the second baby. 27:42 - GPU was upgraded, leave it alone! 28:32 - The staff affects water too! 29:00 - Poor NPC. Can't fight back. 29:13 - Satisfying sand physics 30:04 - Imagine living long and some guy in a mask kills you in 20... 31:09 - Jump attack! WEE! 32:24 - His necklace must be uncomfy... 32:49 - *_[vs. Black Wind King]_* 33:24 ⤷ HOW TO HEAL!? / So that's why he's the wind king! 34:16 ⤷ You may have wind, but Wukong has stick! 34:48 ⤷ No immortality, no! Misunderstanding! 35:32 ⤷ You arre but an imitation! 35:54 ⤷ Death 1... so close! 36:13 ⤷ What does T do? 37:38 ⤷ Attempt 2 39:17 ⤷ Nyoooo 39:30 ⤷ Ruined everything? Lies! 40:06 ⤷ Forgot about slowmo! Time for flames! 40:27 ⤷ Death 2, dangit! 40:47 ⤷ NOW Ceci's back. 41:10 ⤷ Attempt 3 41:43 ⤷ "You lil baby..." 42:01 ⤷ AM rock solid. 42:59 ⤷ Death 3 + Ceci cry; We got this! It's over... 43:39 ⤷ Attempt 4 44:05 ⤷ Fire fire! Light the fire! 45:24 ⤷ Got this, got this... 46:10 ⤷ Death 4 46:19 ⤷ "Wow guys, let's start the game!" - Ceci, making the Otomos amnesiacs 46:36 ⤷ Attempt 5 48:50 ⤷ We're fine, we're fine... 49:22 ⤷ Death 5... 49:32 ⤷ "Oh, hi guys, it's me! Just starting!" 49:56 ⤷ Attempt 6 52:17 ⤷ Death 6... Hmmm. Monkey see, Monkey do. 53:04 ⤷ Attempt 7 53:57 ⤷ Death 7, begging for death. 54:28 ⤷ Attempt 8 + Ceci laugh 55:24 ⤷ Ceci IS better! 56:33 ⤷ He healed?! Only Ceci should be able to. 57:41 ⤷ Death 8... getting water! 58:05 - Hic 58:19 - Lemongrass, lime, mint! To wake up! Sugar! 59:07 ⤷ This boss shouldn't be hard! 59:13 ⤷ Attempt 9 1:01:30 ⤷ Death 9 1:01:40 ⤷ There's no more cope one-liners... 1:01:56 ⤷ Attempt 10 + Interrupting lines 1:03:07 ⤷ Everything so far was part of the plan. 1:04:28 - Boss beaten! EASY! 1:04:42 - Ran away? What a loss. 1:05:16 - Cloud Step unlocked! 1:05:28 ⤷ This game is stylish. Want a better GPU... 1:06:54 - Manual PLOP! 1:07:21 - Knock knock! 1:08:23 - What button was the spinny? / It was V! 1:09:49 - How long does invisibility last? / Ahead? A head? 1:11:00 - Ceci's favorite one-liners. You remember? 1:12:59 - Arrow people are Ceci's least favorite... 1:13:45 - He's back... 1:14:06 - _*[vs. Black Bear Guai]* 1:14:25 ⤷ Imagine if he becomes a cloud for the rest of the fight... 1:15:50 ⤷ Invisible! Should've charged attack... 1:16:26 ⤷ Death 10; He was like a circus bear! 1:16:37 ⤷ Un-bear-able. 1:17:58 ⤷ Attempt 2 1:18:45 ⤷ BURN! 1:19:17 ⤷ Did he heal? 1:19:45 ⤷ Death 11 1:19:55 ⤷ Attempt 3* + Just need to dodge better. 1:21:16 ⤷ He takes and deals a lotta damage! 1:22:52 ⤷ Death 12 + Ceci rage; Imagine a giant bear plush! 1:24:48 ⤷ Hic 1:25:15 ⤷ Ringringring! Send 1000 teabags! 1:26:42 ⤷ Checking skills 1:27:34 ⤷ Note to Ceci's future self: Look over skill descriptions! 1:28:04 ⤷ Haven't done much pillar attacks? 1:29:06 ⤷ Ceci Yawn 1:29:27 ⤷ Go higher! 1:29:48 ⤷ Pole grows! Just slow. 1:30:26 - Rewinding! Then coming back to first try it! 1:33:19 - You'll be waiting FOREVER 1:34:03 - Back! And rested! 1:34:23 ⤷ Attempt 4 1:34:48 ⤷ What a fluffy boss.. 1:35:20 ⤷ You can't fly bear, you're not a bird! 1:36:21 ⤷ Just finish your attack! 1:36:44 ⤷ He can still freeze! 1:37:10 ⤷ No choking here! I AM FIRE! 1:37:27 - Boss beaten! WOO! 30% makes a difference! 1:37:44 ⤷ He's running away, AGAIN! 1:39:10 ⤷ He's got no honor. 1:39:42 - It's a bird! Falcon? 1:40:10 - Ceci's a fan of this kind of animation. 1:40:38 ⤷ The Golden Compass has bears. 1:41:02 ⤷ Look out bear! 1:42:05 ⤷ Would've been nice to have song subs. 1:43:45 - Chapter 1, done! 1:44:20 ⤷ Clumsy? Those were first tries! 1:46:04 - Wake up, it's 9PM! 1:46:56 - What clothes?
1:47:29 - Chapter 2: Yellow Sand Desolate Dusk 1:48:04 ⤷ Ceci headbanging to the music 1:50:14 ⤷ Sing more! 1:51:42 ⤷ He's gonna come back later. He'd better! 1:52:58 - No help, it's meditation time 1:54:29 - _*[vs. Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw]* 1:55:51 ⤷ Get fire! 1:56:26 - Boss beaten! Super zappy. 1:56:59 - The weird fox medicine 1:57:25 - Common? 1:57:55 - Ceci's Zen narration 1:59:00 - Who goes there? Me! 1:59:20 - Not a traitor! Just a monke! 2:00:28 - That is NOT a mushroom! 2:01:33 - Skill checking again! 2:03:01 - Didn't rest. Oopsie! 2:03:31 - Arrows won't help you here! 2:04:17 - "Goodbye, see ya!" 2:05:31 - Cute turtle! Got opened... 2:05:47 - Two heads? Fire fire light the fire! 2:06:25 - Death 13... should've seen it coming! BOOM 2:06:51 - It's another turtle! 2:07:42 - Today's a tired day. 2:08:20 - "No, no, keep talking... What'd you say?" - Ceci, taunting 2:08:48 - That's a BIG son. 2:09:57 - *_[vs. King of Flowing Sands/ Second Prince of Flowing Sands]_* 2:10:45 ⤷ Look out, son! BURN! 2:11:44 ⤷ Outta stamina.. 2:11:53 ⤷ What happens to dad now? Boss Beaten! 2:12:28 - Wandering bard is back! 2:13:25 - This is WAY too many 2:13:55 - Death 14... Not a fair duel! 2:15:11 - Come closer! / Staff attacks are nice. 2:15:41 - Ceci calling noises, luring behind wall 2:16:59 - Ran away from detonation. 2:17:23 - "Is my what? Tell me?" 2:18:00 - Ceci asking how to crouch 2:18:16 - *_[vs. Earth Wolf]_* 2:19:19 - Death 15... thought being on back was safe... 2:19:48 ⤷ I rember. 2:20:12 - Need better chair... Stretch! 2:21:17 ⤷ Attempt 2, first try! 2:21:35 ⤷ Not interested in that electricity! 2:23:52 ⤷ Stop attacking! 2:24:24 - Boss beaten! Got new ability! 2:25:35 - Those are too big to be berries! 2:27:32 - RATS! 2:28:44 - It's hard to know where to jump or not... Lost! 2:29:42 - Headbanging to more music 2:30:27 - Water time! + Ceci humming 2:33:13 - Fur isn't everywhere on Wukong?! 2:33:41 ⤷ Looking at the neck... 2:34:26 - Hi, dad! 2:34:54 ⤷ Is he gonna revive son? 2:35:03 ⤷ That's not him... 2:35:26 ⤷ Omnomnomnom. 2:35:45 - *_[vs. First Prince of the Flowing Sands]_* 2:37:09 ⤷ Why's it lagging here? Sand? 2:37:59 ⤷ Death 16. It's easy... 2:38:59 ⤷ Attempt 2; Wish there was a jump attack. 2:40:39 ⤷ The ultimate dodger! 2:40:53 - Boss beaten! Easy!! 2:42:06 ⤷ Me when lore. 2:42:28 - Ceci yawn 2:43:17 - Ceci humming 2:44:04 - No one stands a chance against the baby. 2:44:28 ⤷ Sorry bat, if you die by the baby... 2:44:49 ⤷ Frozen! In time! Like vampires. 2:46:09 - So sleepy today... 2:46:28 - Taiga? Toradora? 2:46:39 ⤷ Raora's a big cat! A panther! 2:46:57 ⤷ The revelation! + Yawn 2:48:17 - *_[Tiger Vanguard]_* 2:48:21 ⤷ It's just food coloring... 2:48:49 ⤷ Death 17; It's tomato soup? 2:49:29 ⤷ Attempt 2 2:50:39 ⤷ Death 18; thought attack got interrupted. 2:51:48 ⤷ Attempt 3; MY BABY! (Not Ceci's own) 2:53:06 ⤷ Death 19; Ceci Laughs + Kung Fu Panda Tiger athletic? 2:53:53 ⤷ Ceci yawn + Tri 2:54:13 ⤷ Attempt 4; End it already... 2:54:28 ⤷ Death 20. What's the point? 2:55:24 ⤷ Attempt 5 2:56:24 ⤷ Death 21 2:57:50 ⤷ Attempt 6; returned! 2:59:42 ⤷ Death 22; didn't get to heal... 3:00:10 ⤷ DONT talk about the pool. 3:00:23 ⤷ Attempt 7 3:02:12 ⤷ Death 23; Big cat, big trouble! 3:02:33 ⤷ Ceci loves snakelike Eastern dragons, like in Neverending Story 3:02:54 ⤷ Attempt 8 3:04:10 ⤷ Death 24 + Ceci Teapot 3:04:48 ⤷ Attempt 9 3:06:13 ⤷ Fool me once...! 3:06:29 ⤷ Death 25 + SPIN activate 3:06:42 ⤷ Whats the plan? Just wait! 3:07:13 ⤷ Attempt 10 3:07:40 ⤷ The plan...! 3:08:16 ⤷ Get stunned" 3:09:09 ⤷ Death 26... Wanted to heal... 3:10:00 ⤷ Attempt 11 3:10:33 ⤷ Death 27 3:11:08 ⤷ Attempt 12 3:13:04 ⤷ I AM FIRE! I AM FLAME! 3:14:10 ⤷ Death 28... One hit away... 3:14:53 ⤷ Attempt 13 3:16:13 ⤷ Not a fan of all the blood... 3:17:40 ⤷ Death 29 3:18:15 ⤷ Ceci stretch + Self reminders 3:18:25 ⤷ Attempt 14 3:19:02 ⤷ Death 30; Fast one. 3:19:39 ⤷ Attempt 15 3:21:10 ⤷ Death 31 + Ceci laugh 3:21:44 ⤷ Attempt 16 3:23:33 ⤷ Burn, tiger, burn! 3:24:41 - Boss beaten! Please no phase 2... 3:24:58 ⤷ Headbanging to music 3:25:23 - RRRRRRock solid! 3:26:51 - "Sorry for the ignore, enemy!" 3:27:14 - Ending here today! TIRED! 3:27:55 - What to blame no-oneshot on? 3:28:37 - Bear was the coolest! 3:28:48 - Heading back! Tomorrow's stream is an hour later! 3:29:18 ⤷ "Wotcher!" 3:29:35 - *_[Superchat Readings]_* 3:30:29 - The frustration of losing (Ceci's never felt it) 3:31:27 - Ceci's an empath. 3:32:12 - From 1-green how impressed? 3:32:42 - Crashing now! See you tomorrow! 3:33:04 - It's just that kinda day! Ceci'll be fine after rest! 3:33:24 - Byebyebye! 3:33:33 ⤷ Goodnight!
Just wanted to say this real quick I love how this cute automaton just randomly jumps around all over the place while being goofy. We all need a cute green automaton in our life but great job in continuing to play this game Cecilia!
1:14:30 For context, the Xianxia sub genre of Wuxia does include animals undergoing cultivation, and depending on the characters’ level of cultivation they basically can shapeshift, with the BWK originally being a bear guai. 1:43:54 As for that cutscene it was mostly an interpretation of the backstory between BWK and Elder Jinchi and how they became friends, how Jinchi was exposed to greed, and leading up to the fateful day of the fire. With the fire being from the early part of the Journey when it was just Wukong, Sanzang and Bái Lóng Mǎ(White Dragon Horse), they had stayed the night at the aforementioned temple to rest and depending on the reading, Sanzang was essentially made to show off the kasaya in his possession, hence Jinchi’s moment’s greed. As after that, Jinchi would plot to steal the kasaya and burn Sanzang and crew in their lodgings, to which Wukong intervened and cause the fire to backfire causing the temple to be burnt down. As for BWK’s part in this, he was visiting to help his friend, however once he saw the kasaya, he too wanted it for and took it from Jinchi. After which, depending on the reading, Jinchi would either take his own life over the guilt of what he caused or die in the fire trying to protect his kasaya collection. As for Guanyin’s answer, kasayas or cossacks, are worn by monks to be a sign that they have renounced their worldly desires. Though Jinchi’s greed manifested as an obsession over luxurious kasayas, which are given to the most esteemed of monks, thus he had an ego of not having an ego, as it still technically was in line with Buddhism. 1:48:09 Behold, Northern Shaanxi Storytelling! 1:51:52 For those not in the know, that was a Sanxian, a three-stringed traditional Chinese lute
thank you for the CC stream I had a lot of fun. The art at the end of act1 looked really good k My personal favorite is act2 a bard Have a good rest CC.
The longer the game goes on and the more mechanics get unlocked, the cooler the fights seem! It also seems like exactly the right difficulty for you so that you don't steamroll it but things also don't seem too frustrating. All in all a very fun playthrough!
EZ game! Easy boss! The Tiger Vanguard is consider as the most challenging so far in the story but you did well! The music and the animation are really good, too bad they don't have subtitle for some of them. Looking forward to more monkey game!
Watching the vod right now. If you ever play as Dante in DMC, it's exactly how wukong stance works. You can use multiple stances with arrow buttons on joystick (idk about keyboard) . I hope you can explore more about stances. There's multiple benefits if you able to master stances switches
Late comment but related to the horror game collab idea with Raora, I just remembered that for some reason the Frictional games like SOMA and Amnesia have remote play together enabled. It lets you both control the game at the same time. I think there is potential to do something silly with that so just throwing the idea out there
Thank you for the stream, CC! She really did first-try every enemy. The tiger is one of the harder bosses in the game, you did really well! Have a nice rest.
Thanks for the stream! Today was very fun, a bunch of hard bosses were slain and together we learned about the power of friendship! (and upgrading equipment) Successful monkey business! 🐒🔥 Well then, i wish ya a nice rest, and see you tomorrow
I can't believe you managed to first try so many bosses with bad ping while simultaneously the sun somehow was in your eyes at midnight sabotaging you, you were sleepy, the game was lagging and the otomos rigged the game against you.
The Frosties tiger mascot is not happy about cereal sales ! And apparently he pours the blood before the cereals. Everything first tried as usual, though I wish RUclips would sort out that glitch where a sequence of the video gets mysteriously repeated multiple times in the VOD during the boss fights for some reason :p About the discussion early in the stream, I totally understand that you don't want to give up games and to be asked later by some people why you stopped, but the list of games falling into that "unsure" category seems to be very long compared to the games you are sure about, so one day you will probably just have to take a leap of faith and dive into them while putting out a disclaimer that this is just a discovery stream and that you might or might not continue them ("découverte" is a good word in French to describe it). And maybe the number of unsuccessful attempts will be reduced if you just follow your instincts about a particular game, rather than just the number of times it has been suggested to you.
Cc, thank you for your stream. You did a great job!🐯 btw, It looks like there is a missing 'N' at the end of the link for 'Starting Voice' EN in the description part below the video?
Lions and tigers and bears oh my! ok so maybe there weren't lions but there were bears and tigers and we totally beat them all first try. I really love the singing Chinese Scottish Shamisen guy but how was he singing with no head? this stream's contribution brings the hospital bill down to $2,440.86
Despite all the fun we poke at CC for getting greed, impatient and all, I feel she's getting better and better with time. It's palpable the difference between her fighting mindset in the beginning and by the end of of the stream. I enjoyed watching her figure out Tony Kellogg's fight quite a lot actually. I really love daring bosses that challenge your view of combat and force you to learn new ways of thinking it. I'm enjoying a lot the Wukong streams; they even convincing me hold my eyes peeled and postpone my nap forna while
Thank you for the stream, Ceci ! We returned to monke today and got through a good amount of bosses today! I enjoy hearing you say all the Ceci-isms (I don't have a better word for this), like "heh LOSER " or "easy. easy [blank], easiest [blank] of my life " during this playthrough. It's quite funny. Hope you can get some good rest and be fully recovered after all the craziness that was ENReco. And I hope you have fun in Rabbit and Steel with the rest of the girls tomorrow! This otomo won't be able to watch live for a few weeks sadly, since I'll be in the ✨Far East ✨but I'll try to say hi if I can. Byebyee~
Timestamps for this stream:
32:49-1:04:28 - vs. Black Wind King
1:14:06-1:37:27 - vs. Black Bear Guai
1:54:29-1:56:26 - vs. Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw
2:09:57-2:11:53 - vs. King of Flowing Sands / Second Prince of Flowing Sands
2:18:16-2:24:24 - vs. Earth Wolf
2:35:45-2:40:53 - vs. First Prince of the Flowing Sands
2:48:17 - Tiger Vanguard
3:19 - Games for days of the week?
5:47 - Ceci's donut: Powdered sugar
11:59 - Todays Highlight: Chicken nuggets!
15:35 - There are two Ceci's fighting inside...
24:53 - Otomobros PC and Dead Space
30:04 - Imagine living long and some guy in a mask kills you in 20...
42:59 - We got this! It's over...
46:19 - "Wow guys, let's start the game!" - Ceci, making the Otomos amnesiacs
49:32 - "Oh, hi guys, it's me! Just starting!"
58:19 - Lemongrass, lime, mint! To wake up! Sugar!
1:11:00 - Ceci's favorite one-liners.
1:25:15 - Ringringring! Send 1000 teabags!
1:48:04 - Ceci headbanging to the music
1:57:55 - Ceci's Zen narration
2:00:28 - That is NOT a mushroom!
2:16:59 - Ran away from detonation.
2:17:23 - "Is my what? Tell me?"
2:33:13 - Fur isn't everywhere on Wukong?!
2:46:28 - Taiga? Toradora?
2:46:39 - Raora's a big cat! A panther!
3:02:33 - Ceci loves snakelike Eastern dragons, like in Neverending Story
3:25:23 - RRRRRRock solid
3:32:12 - From 1-green how impressed?
*_[Pre-Game Talk]_*
1:26 - Ceci Intro
2:19 - Ceci says hi!
2:49 - Mecili
3:19 - Games for days of the week?
3:46 ⤷ 'Th' games?
4:42 - It's Monday! Ceci crashed after. Sleep schedule fixed.
5:21 - Wukong, second time!
5:47 - Ceci's donut: Powdered sugar
6:36 - Ceci wants to play a lot of games... but dropping some...
7:08 - On games you like, and then just never finish.
8:35 - On Tinykin, similar to Pikmin
9:23 - Rambling before game today
9:40 - ENreco was fun. Also phew!
10:20 - Some games lend themselves to RP
10:45 - Otomobook tomorrow?
11:12 ⤷ Ceci's deciding...
11:59 - Todays Highlight: Chicken nuggets!
12:27 - Co-op games, Remnant 2; It's a shooter...
12:55 - Ceci was on Raoras! Made an emote!
14:03 - Why are some people night owls?
14:55 - Otomo self-destruct? Motivational words instead!
15:35 ⤷ There are two Ceci's fighting inside...
15:58 ⤷ Ceci tries to think the worst case.
17:03 ⤷ Nothing's permanent! There's always a next time.
17:41 - Ceci on exposure therapy and karaokes
18:23 - Schedules ready! Timezones...
19:06 ⤷ Tomorrow is Rabbit&Steel part2! 10PM CEST!
19:38 ⤷ Wednesday's free... Can't remember the rest.
20:10 - Brain chemistry? Get chemistry done!
20:45 ⤷ Might take a few days to recover from ENReco
21:16 - Ceci forgot what there was to talk about...
21:33 - Wukong was fun last time.
21:57 - Amnesia-SOMA confusion
23:07 - *_[Black Myth: Wukong]_*
23:09 - Scariest game Ceci's played: RE8 baby
24:09 - Return to monke!
24:22 ⤷ Losing things in Dark Souls is scary too
24:53 - Otomobros PC and Dead Space
25:20 ⤷ Dead Space was SCARY! 2 mins only...
26:10 - Remembering last time: Killed the second baby.
27:42 - GPU was upgraded, leave it alone!
28:32 - The staff affects water too!
29:00 - Poor NPC. Can't fight back.
29:13 - Satisfying sand physics
30:04 - Imagine living long and some guy in a mask kills you in 20...
31:09 - Jump attack! WEE!
32:24 - His necklace must be uncomfy...
32:49 - *_[vs. Black Wind King]_*
33:24 ⤷ HOW TO HEAL!? / So that's why he's the wind king!
34:16 ⤷ You may have wind, but Wukong has stick!
34:48 ⤷ No immortality, no! Misunderstanding!
35:32 ⤷ You arre but an imitation!
35:54 ⤷ Death 1... so close!
36:13 ⤷ What does T do?
37:38 ⤷ Attempt 2
39:17 ⤷ Nyoooo
39:30 ⤷ Ruined everything? Lies!
40:06 ⤷ Forgot about slowmo! Time for flames!
40:27 ⤷ Death 2, dangit!
40:47 ⤷ NOW Ceci's back.
41:10 ⤷ Attempt 3
41:43 ⤷ "You lil baby..."
42:01 ⤷ AM rock solid.
42:59 ⤷ Death 3 + Ceci cry; We got this! It's over...
43:39 ⤷ Attempt 4
44:05 ⤷ Fire fire! Light the fire!
45:24 ⤷ Got this, got this...
46:10 ⤷ Death 4
46:19 ⤷ "Wow guys, let's start the game!" - Ceci, making the Otomos amnesiacs
46:36 ⤷ Attempt 5
48:50 ⤷ We're fine, we're fine...
49:22 ⤷ Death 5...
49:32 ⤷ "Oh, hi guys, it's me! Just starting!"
49:56 ⤷ Attempt 6
52:17 ⤷ Death 6... Hmmm. Monkey see, Monkey do.
53:04 ⤷ Attempt 7
53:57 ⤷ Death 7, begging for death.
54:28 ⤷ Attempt 8 + Ceci laugh
55:24 ⤷ Ceci IS better!
56:33 ⤷ He healed?! Only Ceci should be able to.
57:41 ⤷ Death 8... getting water!
58:05 - Hic
58:19 - Lemongrass, lime, mint! To wake up! Sugar!
59:07 ⤷ This boss shouldn't be hard!
59:13 ⤷ Attempt 9
1:01:30 ⤷ Death 9
1:01:40 ⤷ There's no more cope one-liners...
1:01:56 ⤷ Attempt 10 + Interrupting lines
1:03:07 ⤷ Everything so far was part of the plan.
1:04:28 - Boss beaten! EASY!
1:04:42 - Ran away? What a loss.
1:05:16 - Cloud Step unlocked!
1:05:28 ⤷ This game is stylish. Want a better GPU...
1:06:54 - Manual PLOP!
1:07:21 - Knock knock!
1:08:23 - What button was the spinny? / It was V!
1:09:49 - How long does invisibility last? / Ahead? A head?
1:11:00 - Ceci's favorite one-liners. You remember?
1:12:59 - Arrow people are Ceci's least favorite...
1:13:45 - He's back...
1:14:06 - _*[vs. Black Bear Guai]*
1:14:25 ⤷ Imagine if he becomes a cloud for the rest of the fight...
1:15:50 ⤷ Invisible! Should've charged attack...
1:16:26 ⤷ Death 10; He was like a circus bear!
1:16:37 ⤷ Un-bear-able.
1:17:58 ⤷ Attempt 2
1:18:45 ⤷ BURN!
1:19:17 ⤷ Did he heal?
1:19:45 ⤷ Death 11
1:19:55 ⤷ Attempt 3* + Just need to dodge better.
1:21:16 ⤷ He takes and deals a lotta damage!
1:22:52 ⤷ Death 12 + Ceci rage; Imagine a giant bear plush!
1:24:48 ⤷ Hic
1:25:15 ⤷ Ringringring! Send 1000 teabags!
1:26:42 ⤷ Checking skills
1:27:34 ⤷ Note to Ceci's future self: Look over skill descriptions!
1:28:04 ⤷ Haven't done much pillar attacks?
1:29:06 ⤷ Ceci Yawn
1:29:27 ⤷ Go higher!
1:29:48 ⤷ Pole grows! Just slow.
1:30:26 - Rewinding! Then coming back to first try it!
1:33:19 - You'll be waiting FOREVER
1:34:03 - Back! And rested!
1:34:23 ⤷ Attempt 4
1:34:48 ⤷ What a fluffy boss..
1:35:20 ⤷ You can't fly bear, you're not a bird!
1:36:21 ⤷ Just finish your attack!
1:36:44 ⤷ He can still freeze!
1:37:10 ⤷ No choking here! I AM FIRE!
1:37:27 - Boss beaten! WOO! 30% makes a difference!
1:37:44 ⤷ He's running away, AGAIN!
1:39:10 ⤷ He's got no honor.
1:39:42 - It's a bird! Falcon?
1:40:10 - Ceci's a fan of this kind of animation.
1:40:38 ⤷ The Golden Compass has bears.
1:41:02 ⤷ Look out bear!
1:42:05 ⤷ Would've been nice to have song subs.
1:43:45 - Chapter 1, done!
1:44:20 ⤷ Clumsy? Those were first tries!
1:46:04 - Wake up, it's 9PM!
1:46:56 - What clothes?
1:47:29 - Chapter 2: Yellow Sand Desolate Dusk
1:48:04 ⤷ Ceci headbanging to the music
1:50:14 ⤷ Sing more!
1:51:42 ⤷ He's gonna come back later. He'd better!
1:52:58 - No help, it's meditation time
1:54:29 - _*[vs. Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw]*
1:55:51 ⤷ Get fire!
1:56:26 - Boss beaten! Super zappy.
1:56:59 - The weird fox medicine
1:57:25 - Common?
1:57:55 - Ceci's Zen narration
1:59:00 - Who goes there? Me!
1:59:20 - Not a traitor! Just a monke!
2:00:28 - That is NOT a mushroom!
2:01:33 - Skill checking again!
2:03:01 - Didn't rest. Oopsie!
2:03:31 - Arrows won't help you here!
2:04:17 - "Goodbye, see ya!"
2:05:31 - Cute turtle! Got opened...
2:05:47 - Two heads? Fire fire light the fire!
2:06:25 - Death 13... should've seen it coming! BOOM
2:06:51 - It's another turtle!
2:07:42 - Today's a tired day.
2:08:20 - "No, no, keep talking... What'd you say?" - Ceci, taunting
2:08:48 - That's a BIG son.
2:09:57 - *_[vs. King of Flowing Sands/ Second Prince of Flowing Sands]_*
2:10:45 ⤷ Look out, son! BURN!
2:11:44 ⤷ Outta stamina..
2:11:53 ⤷ What happens to dad now? Boss Beaten!
2:12:28 - Wandering bard is back!
2:13:25 - This is WAY too many
2:13:55 - Death 14... Not a fair duel!
2:15:11 - Come closer! / Staff attacks are nice.
2:15:41 - Ceci calling noises, luring behind wall
2:16:59 - Ran away from detonation.
2:17:23 - "Is my what? Tell me?"
2:18:00 - Ceci asking how to crouch
2:18:16 - *_[vs. Earth Wolf]_*
2:19:19 - Death 15... thought being on back was safe...
2:19:48 ⤷ I rember.
2:20:12 - Need better chair... Stretch!
2:21:17 ⤷ Attempt 2, first try!
2:21:35 ⤷ Not interested in that electricity!
2:23:52 ⤷ Stop attacking!
2:24:24 - Boss beaten! Got new ability!
2:25:35 - Those are too big to be berries!
2:27:32 - RATS!
2:28:44 - It's hard to know where to jump or not... Lost!
2:29:42 - Headbanging to more music
2:30:27 - Water time! + Ceci humming
2:33:13 - Fur isn't everywhere on Wukong?!
2:33:41 ⤷ Looking at the neck...
2:34:26 - Hi, dad!
2:34:54 ⤷ Is he gonna revive son?
2:35:03 ⤷ That's not him...
2:35:26 ⤷ Omnomnomnom.
2:35:45 - *_[vs. First Prince of the Flowing Sands]_*
2:37:09 ⤷ Why's it lagging here? Sand?
2:37:59 ⤷ Death 16. It's easy...
2:38:59 ⤷ Attempt 2; Wish there was a jump attack.
2:40:39 ⤷ The ultimate dodger!
2:40:53 - Boss beaten! Easy!!
2:42:06 ⤷ Me when lore.
2:42:28 - Ceci yawn
2:43:17 - Ceci humming
2:44:04 - No one stands a chance against the baby.
2:44:28 ⤷ Sorry bat, if you die by the baby...
2:44:49 ⤷ Frozen! In time! Like vampires.
2:46:09 - So sleepy today...
2:46:28 - Taiga? Toradora?
2:46:39 ⤷ Raora's a big cat! A panther!
2:46:57 ⤷ The revelation! + Yawn
2:48:17 - *_[Tiger Vanguard]_*
2:48:21 ⤷ It's just food coloring...
2:48:49 ⤷ Death 17; It's tomato soup?
2:49:29 ⤷ Attempt 2
2:50:39 ⤷ Death 18; thought attack got interrupted.
2:51:48 ⤷ Attempt 3; MY BABY! (Not Ceci's own)
2:53:06 ⤷ Death 19; Ceci Laughs + Kung Fu Panda Tiger athletic?
2:53:53 ⤷ Ceci yawn + Tri
2:54:13 ⤷ Attempt 4; End it already...
2:54:28 ⤷ Death 20. What's the point?
2:55:24 ⤷ Attempt 5
2:56:24 ⤷ Death 21
2:57:50 ⤷ Attempt 6; returned!
2:59:42 ⤷ Death 22; didn't get to heal...
3:00:10 ⤷ DONT talk about the pool.
3:00:23 ⤷ Attempt 7
3:02:12 ⤷ Death 23; Big cat, big trouble!
3:02:33 ⤷ Ceci loves snakelike Eastern dragons, like in Neverending Story
3:02:54 ⤷ Attempt 8
3:04:10 ⤷ Death 24 + Ceci Teapot
3:04:48 ⤷ Attempt 9
3:06:13 ⤷ Fool me once...!
3:06:29 ⤷ Death 25 + SPIN activate
3:06:42 ⤷ Whats the plan? Just wait!
3:07:13 ⤷ Attempt 10
3:07:40 ⤷ The plan...!
3:08:16 ⤷ Get stunned"
3:09:09 ⤷ Death 26... Wanted to heal...
3:10:00 ⤷ Attempt 11
3:10:33 ⤷ Death 27
3:11:08 ⤷ Attempt 12
3:13:04 ⤷ I AM FIRE! I AM FLAME!
3:14:10 ⤷ Death 28... One hit away...
3:14:53 ⤷ Attempt 13
3:16:13 ⤷ Not a fan of all the blood...
3:17:40 ⤷ Death 29
3:18:15 ⤷ Ceci stretch + Self reminders
3:18:25 ⤷ Attempt 14
3:19:02 ⤷ Death 30; Fast one.
3:19:39 ⤷ Attempt 15
3:21:10 ⤷ Death 31 + Ceci laugh
3:21:44 ⤷ Attempt 16
3:23:33 ⤷ Burn, tiger, burn!
3:24:41 - Boss beaten! Please no phase 2...
3:24:58 ⤷ Headbanging to music
3:25:23 - RRRRRRock solid!
3:26:51 - "Sorry for the ignore, enemy!"
3:27:14 - Ending here today! TIRED!
3:27:55 - What to blame no-oneshot on?
3:28:37 - Bear was the coolest!
3:28:48 - Heading back! Tomorrow's stream is an hour later!
3:29:18 ⤷ "Wotcher!"
3:29:35 - *_[Superchat Readings]_*
3:30:29 - The frustration of losing (Ceci's never felt it)
3:31:27 - Ceci's an empath.
3:32:12 - From 1-green how impressed?
3:32:42 - Crashing now! See you tomorrow!
3:33:04 - It's just that kinda day! Ceci'll be fine after rest!
3:33:24 - Byebyebye!
3:33:33 ⤷ Goodnight!
Thank you o7
Hi @@Finnthedentist :D
@@Finnthedentist doing alright so far. How about you?
@@Finnthedentist dang, that sucks. I hope it never happens again (unless the lies have a good reason)
Just wanted to say this real quick I love how this cute automaton just randomly jumps around all over the place while being goofy. We all need a cute green automaton in our life but great job in continuing to play this game Cecilia!
3:24:40 Congrats on defeating Raora!
thankyou for the comfy stream while I'm sick at home, and good job on the progress!
What a great stream. Never seen someone handle these bosses with so much ease before. She's a natural.
Thank you for the stream, gonna catch up the VOD while i can
Deathless run going strong, can't believe CC beat every boss first try! Great stream as always! 💚
thanks for the stream CC, time to finish the vod
1:14:30 For context, the Xianxia sub genre of Wuxia does include animals undergoing cultivation, and depending on the characters’ level of cultivation they basically can shapeshift, with the BWK originally being a bear guai.
1:43:54 As for that cutscene it was mostly an interpretation of the backstory between BWK and Elder Jinchi and how they became friends, how Jinchi was exposed to greed, and leading up to the fateful day of the fire. With the fire being from the early part of the Journey when it was just Wukong, Sanzang and Bái Lóng Mǎ(White Dragon Horse), they had stayed the night at the aforementioned temple to rest and depending on the reading, Sanzang was essentially made to show off the kasaya in his possession, hence Jinchi’s moment’s greed. As after that, Jinchi would plot to steal the kasaya and burn Sanzang and crew in their lodgings, to which Wukong intervened and cause the fire to backfire causing the temple to be burnt down. As for BWK’s part in this, he was visiting to help his friend, however once he saw the kasaya, he too wanted it for and took it from Jinchi. After which, depending on the reading, Jinchi would either take his own life over the guilt of what he caused or die in the fire trying to protect his kasaya collection.
As for Guanyin’s answer, kasayas or cossacks, are worn by monks to be a sign that they have renounced their worldly desires. Though Jinchi’s greed manifested as an obsession over luxurious kasayas, which are given to the most esteemed of monks, thus he had an ego of not having an ego, as it still technically was in line with Buddhism.
1:48:09 Behold, Northern Shaanxi Storytelling!
1:51:52 For those not in the know, that was a Sanxian, a three-stringed traditional Chinese lute
thank you for the CC stream I had a lot of fun. The art at the end of act1 looked really good k My personal favorite is act2 a
bard Have a good rest CC.
Thank you for the steram CC! You are a true automaton gamer.
Thank for the stream Ceci! I'm still so impressed by this one try only gameplay!
Thank you for the fun stream!💚 It's always amazing to see you beat every boss on the first try. A true gamer!
The longer the game goes on and the more mechanics get unlocked, the cooler the fights seem!
It also seems like exactly the right difficulty for you so that you don't steamroll it but things also don't seem too frustrating.
All in all a very fun playthrough!
I'm starting to get the feeling you're pretty good at video games.
Thank you for another fun stream.
Loved your content! Really made me laugh!
Thank you for the fun stream! First time bosses today, just as expected fo the gamer automaton !
EZ game! Easy boss!
The Tiger Vanguard is consider as the most challenging so far in the story but you did well!
The music and the animation are really good, too bad they don't have subtitle for some of them.
Looking forward to more monkey game!
Looking forward to catching the VOD - had meetings during this time at work today
Thank you for the stream!
BABY!!! Sorry for jinxing that one run with the Tiger boss . Thank you for the stream! Rest well! 💚
Watching the vod right now. If you ever play as Dante in DMC, it's exactly how wukong stance works. You can use multiple stances with arrow buttons on joystick (idk about keyboard) . I hope you can explore more about stances. There's multiple benefits if you able to master stances switches
Thanks for the monke stream CC
That's Cecilia "I don't remember the Heal Button" Immergreen, that's quality
I love all the varied dialogue the bosses have everytime time you die
A shame we never hear it because CC first-tries every single enemy!!!
Late comment but related to the horror game collab idea with Raora, I just remembered that for some reason the Frictional games like SOMA and Amnesia have remote play together enabled. It lets you both control the game at the same time. I think there is potential to do something silly with that so just throwing the idea out there
Thank you for the stream CC!! It was a lot of fun and got stronger monkeyRest well, see you next time~
Thank you for the stream Ceci! It's Monkey Monday!
Thank you for the stream, CC! She really did first-try every enemy. The tiger is one of the harder bosses in the game, you did really well! Have a nice rest.
35:42 kinda sad that she missed the fact the mofo just healed himself
it's quite impressive that the 1080 Ti is still able to run wukong very well
Thank you for the stream!!
I had a lot of fun~
I'm looking forward to next stream too. Have a good rest.💚
Thanks for the stream!
Today was very fun, a bunch of hard bosses were slain and together we learned about the power of friendship! (and upgrading equipment)
Successful monkey business! 🐒🔥
Well then, i wish ya a nice rest, and see you tomorrow
I can't believe you managed to first try so many bosses with bad ping while simultaneously the sun somehow was in your eyes at midnight sabotaging you, you were sleepy, the game was lagging and the otomos rigged the game against you.
The Frosties tiger mascot is not happy about cereal sales ! And apparently he pours the blood before the cereals.
Everything first tried as usual, though I wish RUclips would sort out that glitch where a sequence of the video gets mysteriously repeated multiple times in the VOD during the boss fights for some reason :p
About the discussion early in the stream, I totally understand that you don't want to give up games and to be asked later by some people why you stopped, but the list of games falling into that "unsure" category seems to be very long compared to the games you are sure about, so one day you will probably just have to take a leap of faith and dive into them while putting out a disclaimer that this is just a discovery stream and that you might or might not continue them ("découverte" is a good word in French to describe it). And maybe the number of unsuccessful attempts will be reduced if you just follow your instincts about a particular game, rather than just the number of times it has been suggested to you.
Green Vtuber, can't believe I got to witness you beat every boss on your first try
What a fun stream! So many first tries! Have a good rest! BYEBYE!
2:43:15 🎶
2:45:15 🎶
Charm times the third💚
good job
Cc, thank you for your stream. You did a great job!🐯
btw, It looks like there is a missing 'N' at the end of the link for 'Starting Voice' EN in the description part below the video?
GotY gameplay, nice
Lions and tigers and bears oh my! ok so maybe there weren't lions but there were bears and tigers and we totally beat them all first try.
I really love the singing Chinese Scottish Shamisen guy but how was he singing with no head?
this stream's contribution brings the hospital bill down to $2,440.86
Despite all the fun we poke at CC for getting greed, impatient and all, I feel she's getting better and better with time. It's palpable the difference between her fighting mindset in the beginning and by the end of of the stream. I enjoyed watching her figure out Tony Kellogg's fight quite a lot actually. I really love daring bosses that challenge your view of combat and force you to learn new ways of thinking it.
I'm enjoying a lot the Wukong streams; they even convincing me hold my eyes peeled and postpone my nap forna while
p.s.: autocorrect be a sassy b*tc* INNIT?
Man how I "love" autocorrect....and the usual bot for hiding my previous "less loving" remake about it
Thank you for the stream, Ceci ! We returned to monke today and got through a good amount of bosses today! I enjoy hearing you say all the Ceci-isms (I don't have a better word for this), like "heh LOSER " or "easy. easy [blank], easiest [blank] of my life " during this playthrough. It's quite funny.
Hope you can get some good rest and be fully recovered after all the craziness that was ENReco. And I hope you have fun in Rabbit and Steel with the rest of the girls tomorrow!
This otomo won't be able to watch live for a few weeks sadly, since I'll be in the ✨Far East ✨but I'll try to say hi if I can. Byebyee~