Yea the problem is the sweaty streamers are the ones driving the content.....and blizz doesn't really give a fuck about casual players or non neck beards...smh, I was having so much fun in SOD but I literally unsubbed....I'm too far behind and having a real life with real responsibilities I don't have time to keep up with this shit show of a game...
That's not true. World first kills: Don't affect my game play, and I don't have some overwhelming need to hear news of these kills.. but I am casually interested in hearing about it.
Waking up to find out that many people got thousands of gold which is already hotfixed was definitely a motivation killer all because I had to work. This game is best played when your unemployed and can take advantage of exploits
Here I am struggling to find enough gold for mounts, the stupid Ratchet rune components, etc. and a bug lets a select few lucky people make enough gold to last them the rest of the expansion and they get to keep it. I know no one cares, but it's enough for me to quit.
Instead of enhancing the Classic gameworld they funneled everyone into a repetitive overtuned braindead world event to skip all the other content. Opposite of "Classic+".
@@mufasafalldown8401 Sadly yeah. It made me go back to Era and Retail. I feel in Retail with the MoP remix they did more for that to add a reason to play Retail again. WOTLK because of Cata, I'm waiting for them to do the zones over again, making it a challenge to not do LFG. It's sad because Legion with its Legion invasion events, they did a better job of doing this kind of event, where it wasn't such a bad gold farm.
@@kyleparker8148I'd rather level my alts the normal way and have fun running dungeons with people who also have lots to level then have to suffer through another day of incursions. You're stupid
@@chelvy2880that's what I did. Once I saw the incursion set was better than gnomeregan gear I just farmed all month I uninstalled. Blizzard has absolutely no idea what they're f****** doing.
It was a disaster, not only because the game was impossible to log in the first few hours, but incursions was busted and boring AF to play. Mindlessly running in a circle to get level 50 in just a few hours. Hundreds of gold with no problems, free lvl 50 gear, broken raid, bugged af things going on, trash runes...
Exactly! How is everyone so impressed with SoD. They literally ignored 99% of the game, gave everyone a braindead repetitive event to hit 50 and released a buggy unbalanced raid... All SoD is just extra runes/abilities trivializing classic content. Plus XP boosting out the wazoo. If you wanna feel OP just go play retail.
@@lennypinskiy6598 Also They restricted some features for new players such as AH, trading skill & ingame mail . giving hardtime for ours new player . forced to do what the HC was . if i knew it earlier , I wouldnt have to pay the subs
single player games are available for you no problem. Its like real life do you have a boss at work? same thing as the 50's running around just people who do more then you in life and are more efficient GG
Time zones dude some people took the day off or got up early to play minus 3 hours it isn’t a indie game company how many launches have they done over the years blizzard need to take accountability for there games
@@williamwilliam5632 waaah. a game youve been playing for years and people had to wait a couple hours. people just like to complain about everything now
yeah, this is not about world firsting, this is about community. and if you play how its ment to be played, its amazing. yesterday i found new runes by exploring, it was amazing. there is so much different content
I think the comment on word first is meaningless, you’re right, nobody cares. But If someone plans to deliver something on time and people have made arrangements around that timing, it not being delivered is a huge embarrassment. There should be 0 delay. We pay for this service, it’s not free.
@@folieadeux5463 Where does it say how people are supposed to play? Each tribe just wants people to play like their tribe plays then get upset when ppl play how they want. Im personally loving sod bc i play with my guild mostly. I could care less how other people are playing...
SoD is not close to being half of WoWs pop lol. As much as people might dislike the idea, but Blizz themselves have said that Retail is by far and away the largest pop.
Yup.. quit phase 3 day 1 after dinging a bit.. why the hell do I want to grind another dungeon for hours and hours… to hit cap and have the worst pvp in any game ever? Then to dungeon grind st to death, no thanks. Yeaaaaaaa sod is trash & blizz just wants an ez paycheck. Which they are getting.
Worst launch , its like they trying to kill SOD. Make sure bis items for the raid can be obtained in dungeons to keep people busy. This gear behind rep is like f ing retail...
well they did, ive been subbed since november and unsubbed this morning. Game is completely unplayabe from a horde prespective at this point. Just level 50 alliance players preventing me from playing the game. Just a terrible overall experience
Not to take their side on this one but I do feel their plight. The amount of people that whine incessantly about phase length and threaten to rage quit faster than a PUG Raid wipe in Gnomer probably has them sweating pretty hard. Deliver a busted game, the people bitch. Delay the delivery, people bitch. The product delivered is for sure unacceptable but I can't imagine the stress of keeping the WoW community content LoL!
It should be slower. The twitch fomo crowd that needs more stream content pushes people in this direction and its not going to be season of dads anymore
The thing is, we're not talking about a small indie company that doesn't have the resources to test new mechanics and quests before they're released. We're talking about a billion dollar company that charges millions of players 13 euros a month and then doesn't even check the most basic things before releasing them, but constantly fucks up releases and thereby fucks people who couldn't play the first few hours (due to bad release timing for EU players and login issues). And this isn't a one-time thing. It happens over and over again, which is neither funny nor acceptable.
@@simonramos5553 I wish it was slower too. I turned the exp/gold buff off day 1. I don't understand when people say they ran outta content. What they actually mean is, they ran outta content they want to do. To everyone that says there's nothing left to do in whatever phase we are in, I ask; How many grey exclamation points does Questie show on the map? What's your Honor ranking? How much of that Map is actually filled out? But the people just scream that they're bored and push the company to supply more and faster and then act all flabbergasted when they receive an inferior product. Don't get me wrong, the other guy is right. At the end of the day they are a Multi-Billion dollar company that is nickel and diming us. The product given is unacceptable on all accounts. I just want people to own up to the fact that they are demanding quite a bit at an unreasonable pace. WoW fandom got that crackhead energy lately and I don't get it...
@@PainCheeZe Amen amen.. Rag wasn’t killed for 154 days in vanilla In that same time we’re in phase 3. I don’t mind the xp bonuses but I’m literally NEVER complaining the game is going too fast The thing is a big massively traded public company is just chasing numbers bc even the market at times is just a pump and dump. Small indie problems of having no money And big money problems of having to crank burnout levels of engagement for quarterly reports This kind of genre could benefit massively if there was a passionate mega millionaire who cared about the integrity of the game and could still serve many people in a manner that was respectable to their livelihoods
no matter what they do, the will never be able to keep the wow community content, judging by the way people react to things and the way people play these days.
The Incursions gold gain completely killed the entire economy on my server. Things that were 4 silver before, are now at least 1 gold. It's a nightmare. I'm so disappointed in Blizzard it happened.
If it were a season of dads, then how come that the "Andys" now have a 1000g advantage because they were able to get 150g/h from the new event and everyone else got fucked by the hotfix?
The gold nerf really got to me, it happened just as i was able to get on after work after hearing my guild talk for hours about all the gold they were making. Then i go on twitter to see Aggrend's response and he basically says "too bad"
People are already buying gold and the market is already hyper inflated from the huge influx of gold from the pre incursions hotfix. It's just a beta for a game bro it's really not that serious. If the game isn't fun then play a different game. I quit my guild for all of phase 2 and just came back recently to play casually. Life is good. 👍🏽
This is exactly what happened to me and it left such a bad taste in my mouth about sod so basically now i find myself today after work thinking why even log in now i am just sat chilling i have no feelings to preas play on the wow launcher today so i feel like i have just lost my spark for the game
Why because you didnt get to get max level on day 1? News flash, neither did 90% of the rest of the player base. Log in and get grindin instead of keyboard complainin
@@cstu6864 No, the spark is lost for people like us because we see some of the playerbase able to accumulate upwards of 1000g for 6 hours of gameplay that nullifies any of the gold farming we've done prior, and then the rest of us are cut off because we were working or doing something during launch. I don't want or expect to be fucking max level from 40-50 in one day. That's fucking retarded. Which is why these incursions should be nerfed for xp too.
yes you might like increased difficulty without playing better, because you might have a ton of addons that tell you the next move and when and where, but if you are just a ''casual'' player who does not have that or a guild, then have fun with the increased difficulty, if you want increased difficulty just go retail and raid mythic, why come to classic and turn it to retail, i dont understand, but SOD is so far away from classic i personally dont even see it as classic anymore.
The new phase has also fucked up loot drops on Era/Hardcore since they are using the same client. Today on Hardcore, half the Mara loot didn't drop LOL.
I'm surprised there's absolute nothing for warriors. Specifically Protection Warriors! As a Protection Warrior it's basically impossible keep AOE threat on trash mobs in raid, compared to for example a Shaman tank with still overtuned Lightning Shield. Thunder Clap/Furious Thunder (rune) threat level is extremely bugged and can by no means be used to keep aggro on multiple mobs at once. Besides that Block Value is still bugged, when it comes to adding damage to Shield Slam... #FixProtWar
Great launch, most things were not spoiled. If there are some day 1-2 bugs that are patched out or corrected quickly then it’s an acceptable trade off in my opinion. Who cares if a few people get an unfair gold advantage, it’s a game…
Blizz just needs to make resources and gold bountiful and remove gold sinks. If there are a bunch of mats, it will be cheap and easy to gather yourself. What's the point of farming for Gold anymore? If it's not bots then it's glitches in the game. Give a 400% xp buff you can turn on and off. If you get max level without it you can get some perks, like a cool mount or tabard. Stop trying to balance classes every other week. With an XP boost players could easily roll the flavor of the month if their class sucks. The last few weeks all every SoD content creator would talk about was leveling and prep strats. Some argue the point of WoW Classic was about the journey, but that's no longer true. Everything is data mined and min maxed by the time the game even releases. Also just open arena and rated BGs. Who cares if it's not balanced, it gives people new comps and strategies to discover.
Tbh I’m probs the minority here but I loved it hahaha, I usually hate the grind from 40-50 so it felt nice to finally level up and do open world content and gesring. Obviously I think in 2 weeks time I think I’ll be running out of things to do but was fun while it lasted😊
State from EU... Everyone who was logged in +2 hours before phase3 launched, could stay in. But the login failed as said, 2 hours before launch and was resolved about 1 hour 15 minutes after launch. Not a big deal to be honest. A shame they nerfed the gold earned from Nightmares during the night (for us) but for the ones who did it a few hours, got quite a lot of gold. :)
I think the leveling speed from Incursions is fine. People saying the event feels like retail are not realizing it's an exact copy of vanilla silithis missives. Sure, it levels you pretty quick but I didn't do any to get my mage from 40-50 and did it in 7 hours aoe grinding. Now, instead of having a headstart on the rep I'll have to do the exact thing people did to level anyway. 10 levels in a two month long season just isn't anything to worry about. Sure, in normal classic leveling is the content and it's all about the journey. Well, there's only so much journey you can have when you only get to increase your level by 10 every two months. It's such a small portion of the content regardless of incursion or xp buff. People would be 50 in a day or two playing casually anyway. My buddy who did incursions to level did it in about 5 hours and got to honored. So he got to hit 50 and immediately get 6 set. I think that's a great way to kill two birds with one stone since if I knew how crazy they were I would have done it too since you gotta do the rep grind anyway. So now he's off getting his runes and pvping and I still gotta do 5 hours of rep grind to catch up to him all while no longer getting the bonus of leveling at the same time. EDIT: Looks like blizzard things the xp speed is good too but didn't mean to completely overshadow other means of levelings so they are reducing the xp from the incursions a bit but increasing the overall xp buff from 50-75% or more. So depending on the nerf it could basically even out for incursions while buffing it for everything else in the game. This is just a phase of quick leveling.
What does blizzard care? They get your $15 a month for a 20 year old game no matter what. If you've paid for this garbage for so long, why would you stop now?
I used to raid top 10 US from Cata to Legion. I do not want these bosses to be this hard. SOD guilds are not set up for this, say for the minority of guilds in this version. Nerf it.
Incursions probably makes me quit SoD which is sad. Same old blizzard. Just wanted an authentic experience with a + in line with the classic ethos. Sod is just abusing the classic nostalgia while moving closer to a retail mindset.
I don't mind any of this, the servers were up an hour later which was fine. The gold the others made doesn't affect me since it's only a super small percentage of ppl. I only hope the raid is not as difficult once our guild hits it. I'd hate to wipe and tryhard cause that's why I quit retail
The Gold from the first couple of hours is the Problem. I am 100% sure they will introduce a hard Goldsink in the next Phase because they flooded the people with Gold but those who already dont have much and havent exploited will suffer thats the problem.
Honestly theres no discovery in this game anymore. It's pretty much gone. No ones doing dungeons anymore in the US. These stupid resumé prerequisites, incursions made the world feel so much more empty. This phase made me retreat back to WOTLK and Retail because there's no LFG messaging board, which is highly needed. Everything is bare. I think we need a new leveling zone, or something no incursions, we just need something fun, expanded Silithus or Azhara. Something that would make it better. 1 Raidified Dungeon and A couple of runes, feels lazy now.
Great video, but is it not crazy, that after 20+ years of disasterous launches, for multiple games, people still have ANY hope for a good launch? What will Cata Classic launch be like? 90% sure it will be a disaster, still I will be angry when it is. It's like knowing someone gonna kick you in the nuts, yet you don't move and get angry after :P it's a strange phenomenon
I log on for phase 3 today, only to find out people have figured out the convoluted Ashenvale Incursions before I even get a look at it. Holy shit I'm tired of this sweatlord fest..
Why not actually test a patch for a week or 2 before just dropping asap because streamers and content creators are bored already because all they do 20 hrs a day is play the game...I unsubbed..
I was trying to take the boat from Ratchet to BB as an Alliance player. I tried twice. Each time it would start loading it would port me to Razor Hill. No mount at 38. Had to run back twice.I logged after that....
This seems just like every other launch, except the gold and cap glitch. As for down tuning the last boss before anyone has any gear? Nah. Even if it’s not possible until you hear up a little it’s cool.
@@MetaGoblin I'm just a filthy casual, but I thought it was kind of neat that some people won't have to stress as much about gold for a little bit. I'll bet everyone who got their feelings hurt will be okay soon. I hope so anyways!
@@MetaGoblin a bit of an emotional response. Look, no one enjoys exploits. But to respond to your question I'm enjoying the experience as it comes. I'm not trying to rush world firsts, min/max'ing, etc. So for those small populations that experience can suck. But that's also a risk you take knowing there has been no PTR for testing.
Since world first race is largely done by the community, why don't we just make up our own set of rules. Start every region's world first "Timer" from the moment their server is actually active. If ITS SUCH A BIG DEAL then just make the playing field equal in advance. Ya'll could have done this years and years ago but people are to petty and not willing to give up their titles regardless if they earned it fair and square.
Idk it sounds like all the sweaty people are mad and it’s about time they weren’t catered to. My little guild of families took time to log on together at launch to play as we do with every launch and had a blast. We barely just cleared Gnomer a few weeks ago so it wasn’t the “no lives” people who won imo. Some of us didn’t even have a mount yet and there was no way we were going to be able to get dual spec any time soon. We were ecstatic and a few of us got to 50
good for you but your point of view is whats wrong with this community. its not you vs sweats. you enjoy the way u play they enjoy the way they play. The sweats haven't been catered to IMO if anything nothing has ever touched the way you play the game
No-one cares about EU server problems. NA seemed to be great. No MMO in history has had a smooth launch of anything. It's 2024 if you have a busy life don't waste your limited free time trying to play an MMO immediately on a launch day, that's on you. And I'm glad the raid is hard near impossible. People are WAAAY too try hard now and just clear shit immediately. Imagine being upset you can't clear the raid DAY ONE. 😂😂
Yep always some pos content creator bringing negative attention to something good in order for it to be nerfed/hotfixed, after themselves and their friends capitalized on it.
I've had 2kg since mid of phase 2. Just hit 50 and still have the same amount of gold. There's literally nothing to use it on since gdkp died. All bis is either raid gear new and old or professions. Cool someone may not have to farm for raid consumes for a while. Maybe professions but even they got nerfed into oblivion cost wise bc people couldn't make 100g somehow. In this version of wow its clearer than day that the devs are trying to make gold as useless as can be to Combat rmt
Yah i am on living flame is the US. No issues for me. I was logged in at prior to the start did a /reload and was good to go. I even logges off for about and hour for some irl stuff logged back ran a few uldamns logged out for dinner and logged back in no issues..
My experience has been fine. I feel like people who play this game to find value in real life are the ones that keep getting upset. Add wow token now I don’t care. Would love to buy some tokens for gold.
Gating a major class rune behind arbitrary content is a massive foul up. This is why class runes aren't gated behind pvp. PVP is a side gig in wow and regular players shouldnt be required to endure it to fully enjoy the greater game. Incursions are rehashed retail time waster content. Out class abilities like runes should never be gated behind arbitrary content.
They restricted some features for new players such as AH, trading skill & ingame mail . giving hardtime for ours new player . forced to do what the HC was . if i knew it earlier , I wouldnt have to subs
I played for like an hour then took a nap so idk about any bugs or anything, but as a very casual questing enjoyer the whole thing were apparently people can hit 50 within a few hours just farming the Nightmare stuff miffs me a lil bit. Much moreso than that there is STILL no actually good paladin gear because Blizzard doesn't know how to stat gear for us, we don't just need Stm/Int, or Str/Stm, to actually be good gear we unironically need Stm, Str, Int & Spell Power, but any SP plate cannot have Str on it apparently, also if you go into SP your Stm is reduced in like half from the Str/Stm gear. They are making Pally gear like it's retail, but this isn't retail & we need all 4 of those stats to be effective.
Strongly disagree. Many things were wrong with phase 3 but you didn’t mention them. You just ranted about something that effected you and how you wanted us to all suffer too. 👏 👏
No saying I disagree but right before you say that you are "just reporting the facts" you gave an opinion. You can't have opinions and expect no one to disagree with them.
Gonna be honest I could give a fk about sweaty world first try hards not getting an even playing field.
paid beta lawl
They can watch our streams for tips :) we have all tuned in to someone else while we cant seem to get in the game
No. One. cares. about world firsts. They care about the 700-900g they coulda farmed for free while simultaneously reach max lvl on launch day….
Blizzard made me unsubscribe.
Yea the problem is the sweaty streamers are the ones driving the content.....and blizz doesn't really give a fuck about casual players or non neck beards...smh, I was having so much fun in SOD but I literally unsubbed....I'm too far behind and having a real life with real responsibilities I don't have time to keep up with this shit show of a game...
That's not true. World first kills: Don't affect my game play, and I don't have some overwhelming need to hear news of these kills.. but I am casually interested in hearing about it.
Yup world first no one cares
Waking up to find out that many people got thousands of gold which is already hotfixed was definitely a motivation killer all because I had to work.
This game is best played when your unemployed and can take advantage of exploits
Yeah this right here makes me wanna finally quit.
Here I am struggling to find enough gold for mounts, the stupid Ratchet rune components, etc. and a bug lets a select few lucky people make enough gold to last them the rest of the expansion and they get to keep it. I know no one cares, but it's enough for me to quit.
Thousands is a stretch. Most people didn't do this and most who did got a few hundred gold.
@@schmidth 800+ easy.
I've done Asheville Incursion for about 6 hours off and on in 1 day after the first few nerfs, still made over 100g so far from lvls42-48
Incursions feels like playing on a private server. Should of just boosted everyone to 50. Its goofy gameplay and feels cheap.
I honestly felt the same way
literally tho. So pointless
Instead of enhancing the Classic gameworld they funneled everyone into a repetitive overtuned braindead world event to skip all the other content.
Opposite of "Classic+".
@@mufasafalldown8401 Sadly yeah. It made me go back to Era and Retail. I feel in Retail with the MoP remix they did more for that to add a reason to play Retail again. WOTLK because of Cata, I'm waiting for them to do the zones over again, making it a challenge to not do LFG.
It's sad because Legion with its Legion invasion events, they did a better job of doing this kind of event, where it wasn't such a bad gold farm.
I’d like to see nightmare incursion completely removed from the game…
u can uninstall the game
Not gonna happen
Why? The whining is already leading to xp and rep nerfs.... thanks now leveling alts is definitely a no go
@@kyleparker8148I'd rather level my alts the normal way and have fun running dungeons with people who also have lots to level then have to suffer through another day of incursions. You're stupid
@@chelvy2880that's what I did. Once I saw the incursion set was better than gnomeregan gear I just farmed all month I uninstalled. Blizzard has absolutely no idea what they're f****** doing.
It was a disaster, not only because the game was impossible to log in the first few hours, but incursions was busted and boring AF to play. Mindlessly running in a circle to get level 50 in just a few hours. Hundreds of gold with no problems, free lvl 50 gear, broken raid, bugged af things going on, trash runes...
Also They restricted some features for new players such as AH, trading skill & ingame mail for atleast 30days of the gametime
Exactly! How is everyone so impressed with SoD. They literally ignored 99% of the game, gave everyone a braindead repetitive event to hit 50 and released a buggy unbalanced raid...
All SoD is just extra runes/abilities trivializing classic content. Plus XP boosting out the wazoo. If you wanna feel OP just go play retail.
Dont worry phase 4 youll log instantly ding 60 and get all your raid gear too! Youll discover there wasnt anything to discover all along.
Ppl complained discoveries were taking too long to discover so now upon logging in everything is discovered for you.
The world first lvl 50 happend 20 years ago
Roll back the incursion gold
There is no "world first race to sunken temple" literally 12 people gaf about something like that. These people need a big reality check
the fuck was blizz thinking here
They were not thinking, At all.
"They will keep paying their overpriced subscription even if we use our live instance as our testing environment".
@@lennypinskiy6598 Also They restricted some features for new players such as AH, trading skill & ingame mail . giving hardtime for ours new player . forced to do what the HC was . if i knew it earlier , I wouldnt have to pay the subs
The high level of no-lifers running around at lvl 50 already really sours the game for me. Its not about enjoying the game, its a rat race.
single player games are available for you no problem. Its like real life do you have a boss at work? same thing as the 50's running around just people who do more then you in life and are more efficient GG
@@Gambleraddict79blizzard never shoulda boosted xp leveling is a big part of classic there making terrible choices
How do you know they are not enjoying the game? Stop crying.
No lifers? It takes 3-4 hours to get to level 50 right now.
@@Gambleraddict79lmaoo comparing wow to real life are we
"Unfair advantage".....How many compete for world first? 0,0001% come on, it was a bummer that we had a 3h delay but how big of a deal is it really?
Time zones dude some people took the day off or got up early to play minus 3 hours it isn’t a indie game company how many launches have they done over the years blizzard need to take accountability for there games
@@williamwilliam5632 waaah. a game youve been playing for years and people had to wait a couple hours. people just like to complain about everything now
yeah, this is not about world firsting, this is about community. and if you play how its ment to be played, its amazing. yesterday i found new runes by exploring, it was amazing. there is so much different content
I think the comment on word first is meaningless, you’re right, nobody cares. But If someone plans to deliver something on time and people have made arrangements around that timing, it not being delivered is a huge embarrassment. There should be 0 delay. We pay for this service, it’s not free.
@@folieadeux5463 Where does it say how people are supposed to play? Each tribe just wants people to play like their tribe plays then get upset when ppl play how they want. Im personally loving sod bc i play with my guild mostly. I could care less how other people are playing...
Huffing copium in bulk if you think they actually care about making it good. Play acention if you want a real classic +.
The fact that SoD being nearly half of WoW's pop yet getting 10% of the budget and staff is baffling to me.
And these devs don’t even know how to enhance classic there just turning it into retail
@@TrTriTrippinso what would be your ideal classic +?
They already stated that retails is still by far the biggest population, so no is not close to half
Half of WoW’s pop? 😂
It’s like 5% maybe.
SoD is not close to being half of WoWs pop lol. As much as people might dislike the idea, but Blizz themselves have said that Retail is by far and away the largest pop.
Phase two tried my patience. Phase 3 k¡lled the remainder of what little patience I had.
Yup.. quit phase 3 day 1 after dinging a bit.. why the hell do I want to grind another dungeon for hours and hours… to hit cap and have the worst pvp in any game ever? Then to dungeon grind st to death, no thanks. Yeaaaaaaa sod is trash & blizz just wants an ez paycheck. Which they are getting.
"Your health is low, do you have any potions, or food?"
Worst launch , its like they trying to kill SOD. Make sure bis items for the raid can be obtained in dungeons to keep people busy. This gear behind rep is like f ing retail...
well they did, ive been subbed since november and unsubbed this morning. Game is completely unplayabe from a horde prespective at this point. Just level 50 alliance players preventing me from playing the game. Just a terrible overall experience
Not to take their side on this one but I do feel their plight. The amount of people that whine incessantly about phase length and threaten to rage quit faster than a PUG Raid wipe in Gnomer probably has them sweating pretty hard. Deliver a busted game, the people bitch. Delay the delivery, people bitch. The product delivered is for sure unacceptable but I can't imagine the stress of keeping the WoW community content LoL!
It should be slower. The twitch fomo crowd that needs more stream content pushes people in this direction and its not going to be season of dads anymore
The thing is, we're not talking about a small indie company that doesn't have the resources to test new mechanics and quests before they're released. We're talking about a billion dollar company that charges millions of players 13 euros a month and then doesn't even check the most basic things before releasing them, but constantly fucks up releases and thereby fucks people who couldn't play the first few hours (due to bad release timing for EU players and login issues). And this isn't a one-time thing. It happens over and over again, which is neither funny nor acceptable.
@@simonramos5553 I wish it was slower too. I turned the exp/gold buff off day 1. I don't understand when people say they ran outta content. What they actually mean is, they ran outta content they want to do. To everyone that says there's nothing left to do in whatever phase we are in, I ask; How many grey exclamation points does Questie show on the map? What's your Honor ranking? How much of that Map is actually filled out? But the people just scream that they're bored and push the company to supply more and faster and then act all flabbergasted when they receive an inferior product. Don't get me wrong, the other guy is right. At the end of the day they are a Multi-Billion dollar company that is nickel and diming us. The product given is unacceptable on all accounts. I just want people to own up to the fact that they are demanding quite a bit at an unreasonable pace. WoW fandom got that crackhead energy lately and I don't get it...
@@PainCheeZe Amen amen..
Rag wasn’t killed for 154 days in vanilla
In that same time we’re in phase 3.
I don’t mind the xp bonuses but I’m literally NEVER complaining the game is going too fast
The thing is a big massively traded public company is just chasing numbers bc even the market at times is just a pump and dump.
Small indie problems of having no money
And big money problems of having to crank burnout levels of engagement for quarterly reports
This kind of genre could benefit massively if there was a passionate mega millionaire who cared about the integrity of the game and could still serve many people in a manner that was respectable to their livelihoods
no matter what they do, the will never be able to keep the wow community content, judging by the way people react to things and the way people play these days.
Love that I had better things to do, didnt even know this happened xD xD
Cant believe ppl take off work for this shit xD
The Incursions gold gain completely killed the entire economy on my server. Things that were 4 silver before, are now at least 1 gold. It's a nightmare. I'm so disappointed in Blizzard it happened.
seeing gold selling and private server ads on wow bids is touching
This is Season of Dads, not Season of Andys
If it were a season of dads, then how come that the "Andys" now have a 1000g advantage because they were able to get 150g/h from the new event and everyone else got fucked by the hotfix?
It hasn't been season of dad since phase 1...
Its season of spergs.
@@M._R.just buy gold. Problem solved.
No one ever said it's season of dad's, it's just a joke from reddit being taken seriously somehow 🤡
U must be new to wow, nothing has changed
comparing classic wow to mythic difficulty, dude you have no idea lmao
They could have prolonged phase 2 for ONE more month easy :(
The gold nerf really got to me, it happened just as i was able to get on after work after hearing my guild talk for hours about all the gold they were making. Then i go on twitter to see Aggrend's response and he basically says "too bad"
People are already buying gold and the market is already hyper inflated from the huge influx of gold from the pre incursions hotfix. It's just a beta for a game bro it's really not that serious. If the game isn't fun then play a different game.
I quit my guild for all of phase 2 and just came back recently to play casually. Life is good. 👍🏽
This is exactly what happened to me and it left such a bad taste in my mouth about sod so basically now i find myself today after work thinking why even log in now i am just sat chilling i have no feelings to preas play on the wow launcher today so i feel like i have just lost my spark for the game
Why because you didnt get to get max level on day 1? News flash, neither did 90% of the rest of the player base. Log in and get grindin instead of keyboard complainin
@@cstu6864 No, the spark is lost for people like us because we see some of the playerbase able to accumulate upwards of 1000g for 6 hours of gameplay that nullifies any of the gold farming we've done prior, and then the rest of us are cut off because we were working or doing something during launch. I don't want or expect to be fucking max level from 40-50 in one day. That's fucking retarded. Which is why these incursions should be nerfed for xp too.
@@cstu6864 This.
@@cstu6864 probably because of people who made an unfair amount of gold in those hours
yes you might like increased difficulty without playing better, because you might have a ton of addons that tell you the next move and when and where, but if you are just a ''casual'' player who does not have that or a guild, then have fun with the increased difficulty, if you want increased difficulty just go retail and raid mythic, why come to classic and turn it to retail, i dont understand, but SOD is so far away from classic i personally dont even see it as classic anymore.
Then play one of the many classic servers. But no, you just follow the hype instead of playing what you say you want.
The new phase has also fucked up loot drops on Era/Hardcore since they are using the same client. Today on Hardcore, half the Mara loot didn't drop LOL.
Free private servers > Lizzard Enterpayment
I'm surprised there's absolute nothing for warriors. Specifically Protection Warriors!
As a Protection Warrior it's basically impossible keep AOE threat on trash mobs in raid, compared to for example a Shaman tank with still overtuned Lightning Shield.
Thunder Clap/Furious Thunder (rune) threat level is extremely bugged and can by no means be used to keep aggro on multiple mobs at once. Besides that Block Value is still bugged, when it comes to adding damage to Shield Slam...
Blizzard has never cared about "Fairness" lol
Greatest advertisement for Cata. Thank you and i will see you there.
Great launch, most things were not spoiled. If there are some day 1-2 bugs that are patched out or corrected quickly then it’s an acceptable trade off in my opinion. Who cares if a few people get an unfair gold advantage, it’s a game…
Honestly they should have waited several months and tested this shit show of a launch. 😊
Blizz just needs to make resources and gold bountiful and remove gold sinks. If there are a bunch of mats, it will be cheap and easy to gather yourself. What's the point of farming for Gold anymore? If it's not bots then it's glitches in the game. Give a 400% xp buff you can turn on and off. If you get max level without it you can get some perks, like a cool mount or tabard. Stop trying to balance classes every other week. With an XP boost players could easily roll the flavor of the month if their class sucks. The last few weeks all every SoD content creator would talk about was leveling and prep strats. Some argue the point of WoW Classic was about the journey, but that's no longer true. Everything is data mined and min maxed by the time the game even releases. Also just open arena and rated BGs. Who cares if it's not balanced, it gives people new comps and strategies to discover.
Doesn't this happen on every blizzard/Activision launch?
Yes For years now.
Don’t know why ppl log in on patch day
Literally every single time & it’s always the sweats crying about it lol. When I logged in yesterday everything was fine.
I agree, blizzard is a billion dollar company. There's no excuse for the ineptitude.
They should have rollback the servers. It's gross knowing several people basically got a free boost to 50 with 1000 gold.
Cry beta. Cry.
Tbh I’m probs the minority here but I loved it hahaha, I usually hate the grind from 40-50 so it felt nice to finally level up and do open world content and gesring. Obviously I think in 2 weeks time I think I’ll be running out of things to do but was fun while it lasted😊
State from EU...
Everyone who was logged in +2 hours before phase3 launched, could stay in.
But the login failed as said, 2 hours before launch and was resolved about 1 hour 15 minutes after launch.
Not a big deal to be honest.
A shame they nerfed the gold earned from Nightmares during the night (for us) but for the ones who did it a few hours, got quite a lot of gold. :)
I think the leveling speed from Incursions is fine. People saying the event feels like retail are not realizing it's an exact copy of vanilla silithis missives. Sure, it levels you pretty quick but I didn't do any to get my mage from 40-50 and did it in 7 hours aoe grinding. Now, instead of having a headstart on the rep I'll have to do the exact thing people did to level anyway.
10 levels in a two month long season just isn't anything to worry about. Sure, in normal classic leveling is the content and it's all about the journey. Well, there's only so much journey you can have when you only get to increase your level by 10 every two months. It's such a small portion of the content regardless of incursion or xp buff. People would be 50 in a day or two playing casually anyway.
My buddy who did incursions to level did it in about 5 hours and got to honored. So he got to hit 50 and immediately get 6 set. I think that's a great way to kill two birds with one stone since if I knew how crazy they were I would have done it too since you gotta do the rep grind anyway. So now he's off getting his runes and pvping and I still gotta do 5 hours of rep grind to catch up to him all while no longer getting the bonus of leveling at the same time.
EDIT: Looks like blizzard things the xp speed is good too but didn't mean to completely overshadow other means of levelings so they are reducing the xp from the incursions a bit but increasing the overall xp buff from 50-75% or more. So depending on the nerf it could basically even out for incursions while buffing it for everything else in the game. This is just a phase of quick leveling.
I got so mad, bc of the SoD Launch i couldn't log onto my Firemaw paladin and play him instead😂
What does blizzard care? They get your $15 a month for a 20 year old game no matter what. If you've paid for this garbage for so long, why would you stop now?
This phase needs to last 3 months MINIMUM. They will fucking wreck sod if they don't come out with some seriously interesting and new content at 60.
My man with the Fable music at the end!! 🎉❤
I used to raid top 10 US from Cata to Legion. I do not want these bosses to be this hard. SOD guilds are not set up for this, say for the minority of guilds in this version. Nerf it.
Incursions probably makes me quit SoD which is sad. Same old blizzard. Just wanted an authentic experience with a + in line with the classic ethos. Sod is just abusing the classic nostalgia while moving closer to a retail mindset.
This is the first raid that almost made me come back to the game.
Blizzard probably still doesn't respect their QA staff.
I like it when the raids are difficult. I don’t understand this belief that classic players want everything to be trivially easy and have no patience.
This is gonna be a nothing issue 800 gold wil not hurt as much as the bots
I don't mind any of this, the servers were up an hour later which was fine. The gold the others made doesn't affect me since it's only a super small percentage of ppl. I only hope the raid is not as difficult once our guild hits it. I'd hate to wipe and tryhard cause that's why I quit retail
Funny that people haven't realized yet that they're playing a beta version of retail.
The Gold from the first couple of hours is the Problem.
I am 100% sure they will introduce a hard Goldsink in the next Phase because they flooded the people with Gold but those who already dont have much and havent exploited will suffer thats the problem.
Me while watching this video while having " no servers are currently available" message :(
Does anyone think that we need to find something new in the game to make ST more doable?
I thought this too, but the devs already said specifically that they overtuned their hp pools.
Honestly theres no discovery in this game anymore. It's pretty much gone. No ones doing dungeons anymore in the US. These stupid resumé prerequisites, incursions made the world feel so much more empty.
This phase made me retreat back to WOTLK and Retail because there's no LFG messaging board, which is highly needed. Everything is bare.
I think we need a new leveling zone, or something no incursions, we just need something fun, expanded Silithus or Azhara. Something that would make it better.
1 Raidified Dungeon and A couple of runes, feels lazy now.
when are these bozos gonna stop being blinded by the retail light mode SOD and just play dragonflight
Great video, but is it not crazy, that after 20+ years of disasterous launches, for multiple games, people still have ANY hope for a good launch? What will Cata Classic launch be like? 90% sure it will be a disaster, still I will be angry when it is. It's like knowing someone gonna kick you in the nuts, yet you don't move and get angry after :P it's a strange phenomenon
Hard disagree about them taking all of the servers down for the few that have issues. First 4 guilds that got world first were still EU.
Hope phase 4 comes out fast, we are bored atm.
Madseason made the same point about some people not wanting any criticism of blizz 👍
I quit after one week of P2 -
p1 was the best, everything else will be downhill until next season
Phase 1 was definitely the best/most exciting - now it's just getting overly complicated
I log on for phase 3 today, only to find out people have figured out the convoluted Ashenvale Incursions before I even get a look at it. Holy shit I'm tired of this sweatlord fest..
i like what i hear the complaints the bugs the shit welcome to true wow og 2004 style i hope it gets even more intresting sod is on good path
Why not actually test a patch for a week or 2 before just dropping asap because streamers and content creators are bored already because all they do 20 hrs a day is play the game...I unsubbed..
20 years into this shit and people still expecting to take a day off work and have seamless leveling. Just take off the poopsock and log in on day two
Id rather crap in a sock. Thank you VERY much. 🤭
Much like the announcement, the launch was definitely rushed. You are not alone in feeling that way
Honestly this phase has me debating quitting out of the sheer disrespect from blizzard, It's fucking insulting.
I double dare you to quit. We all know you cant quit, you can pause it or take a break but you can never leave. Ask arround if you dont believe me
@@FB-sj2ryur cringe lol
@@FB-sj2ry already unsubscribed, WoW is a pathetic waste of life.
About 3 people care about world firsts. On retail and classic. Plus sods train kinda fell off after phase 1 given they made us wait ages for nothing
I was able to play and make 250 gold in incursions. :)
same! 300g here, level 50 in 11 hours and honored with Emerald wardens :)
@@idkidgaf very classic experience. I remember in Classic 2019 going from 40-50 in 11 hours and making 250 gold doing braindead repeatable quests.
Zero issues here, all went well, no server crashs or anything, smooth launch in crusader strike.
No issues for me. Having fun and enjoying the game.
I was trying to take the boat from Ratchet to BB as an Alliance player. I tried twice. Each time it would start loading it would port me to Razor Hill. No mount at 38. Had to run back twice.I logged after that....
Blizzard is just doing what they do best.
This seems just like every other launch, except the gold and cap glitch.
As for down tuning the last boss before anyone has any gear? Nah. Even if it’s not possible until you hear up a little it’s cool.
Sod is an experiment. It’s not polished. It’s not perfect and I love it.
So you enjoy gold and experience exploits lmao?
@@MetaGoblin I'm just a filthy casual, but I thought it was kind of neat that some people won't have to stress as much about gold for a little bit. I'll bet everyone who got their feelings hurt will be okay soon. I hope so anyways!
When has blizzard in the last decade released anything polished?
@@cobaltmalti just finished caring for the turd I just produced. I nutured it and polished it. Does that count?
@@MetaGoblin a bit of an emotional response. Look, no one enjoys exploits. But to respond to your question I'm enjoying the experience as it comes. I'm not trying to rush world firsts, min/max'ing, etc. So for those small populations that experience can suck. But that's also a risk you take knowing there has been no PTR for testing.
Since world first race is largely done by the community, why don't we just make up our own set of rules. Start every region's world first "Timer" from the moment their server is actually active. If ITS SUCH A BIG DEAL then just make the playing field equal in advance. Ya'll could have done this years and years ago but people are to petty and not willing to give up their titles regardless if they earned it fair and square.
Idk it sounds like all the sweaty people are mad and it’s about time they weren’t catered to. My little guild of families took time to log on together at launch to play as we do with every launch and had a blast. We barely just cleared Gnomer a few weeks ago so it wasn’t the “no lives” people who won imo. Some of us didn’t even have a mount yet and there was no way we were going to be able to get dual spec any time soon. We were ecstatic and a few of us got to 50
good for you but your point of view is whats wrong with this community. its not you vs sweats. you enjoy the way u play they enjoy the way they play. The sweats haven't been catered to IMO if anything nothing has ever touched the way you play the game
No-one cares about EU server problems. NA seemed to be great. No MMO in history has had a smooth launch of anything. It's 2024 if you have a busy life don't waste your limited free time trying to play an MMO immediately on a launch day, that's on you. And I'm glad the raid is hard near impossible. People are WAAAY too try hard now and just clear shit immediately. Imagine being upset you can't clear the raid DAY ONE. 😂😂
phase 3 is fkn worse than phase 2 if blizzard's not changing something many players will stop playing sod again.
If they nerf the incursions exp I’m cancelling my subscription.
Byeeeeeeeee lol
They should, too easy
Same amount of XP last I checked about an hour ago
Yep always some pos content creator bringing negative attention to something good in order for it to be nerfed/hotfixed, after themselves and their friends capitalized on it.
@@JeremyB1039 you can just run dungeons, incursions are epic XP but the alternatives are good too because of the XP buff
“If […] happened I’m cancelling my sub”
Most said thing by drug addicts ever
But you’re still mainlining the rock and you’re not going anywhere
If its that crucial you play it immediately, u move servers immediately 😂
So the wrong Gold value at Incursions shouldnt have happend, but thats all u can still lvl up to 50 in no time
That's huge though
I've had 2kg since mid of phase 2. Just hit 50 and still have the same amount of gold. There's literally nothing to use it on since gdkp died. All bis is either raid gear new and old or professions. Cool someone may not have to farm for raid consumes for a while. Maybe professions but even they got nerfed into oblivion cost wise bc people couldn't make 100g somehow. In this version of wow its clearer than day that the devs are trying to make gold as useless as can be to Combat rmt
Yah i am on living flame is the US. No issues for me. I was logged in at prior to the start did a /reload and was good to go. I even logges off for about and hour for some irl stuff logged back ran a few uldamns logged out for dinner and logged back in no issues..
My experience has been fine. I feel like people who play this game to find value in real life are the ones that keep getting upset. Add wow token now I don’t care. Would love to buy some tokens for gold.
Gating a major class rune behind arbitrary content is a massive foul up. This is why class runes aren't gated behind pvp. PVP is a side gig in wow and regular players shouldnt be required to endure it to fully enjoy the greater game. Incursions are rehashed retail time waster content. Out class abilities like runes should never be gated behind arbitrary content.
Bunch of Crybabys
When dose phase 4 start?
They restricted some features for new players such as AH, trading skill & ingame mail . giving hardtime for ours new player . forced to do what the HC was . if i knew it earlier , I wouldnt have to subs
I had no issues.
that doesn't mean there were no issues
I played for like an hour then took a nap so idk about any bugs or anything, but as a very casual questing enjoyer the whole thing were apparently people can hit 50 within a few hours just farming the Nightmare stuff miffs me a lil bit.
Much moreso than that there is STILL no actually good paladin gear because Blizzard doesn't know how to stat gear for us, we don't just need Stm/Int, or Str/Stm, to actually be good gear we unironically need Stm, Str, Int & Spell Power, but any SP plate cannot have Str on it apparently, also if you go into SP your Stm is reduced in like half from the Str/Stm gear. They are making Pally gear like it's retail, but this isn't retail & we need all 4 of those stats to be effective.
Strongly disagree. Many things were wrong with phase 3 but you didn’t mention them. You just ranted about something that effected you and how you wanted us to all suffer too. 👏 👏
Going to be honest myself.. so far I’m very disappointed with phase3.
Why not focus on making new enjoy content. 5 mans 10 mans instead of this incursion crap.
lmao thats a matter of opinion,
I had a blast
No saying I disagree but right before you say that you are "just reporting the facts" you gave an opinion. You can't have opinions and expect no one to disagree with them.