This hits home pretty hard as a veteran. I fully expect the US Gov to continue screwing over veterans, but I think the will to stand up to the government in any kind of a lasting or meaningful way has left the American heart. I hope I'm wrong.
I think the problem is that who do people stand with if they're standing against the US Govt? People are heavily divided and in some ways each side is also heavily sponsored by establishment types or would simply be propping up their own - possibly worse - order if they had things their way. Not to mention especially with the war in Ukraine and tensions with China its increasingly harder to be a skeptic of government policy and not be accused or seem like a foreign shill. People don't trust the government anyways today but the problem IMO is that there's no unity.
@@averymicrowave1713 your gonna have people v people not people v the government. Sure you can stand up for your rights but it's not as cut and dry as you think. People are gonna kill other people for political views if things get outta control lmfao
I mean you signed up to fight for a government that has confirmed drone strikes against weddings, children, and foreign reporters, not sure what u expected to get back except bad Karma.
This mission just hits different. You aren't just going up against "pure evil" guys that deserve the worst of the punishments for their unspeakable actions. When I was first doing this mission, and saw a prosthetic leg on a guy I just killed, I had to stop for a while. It wasn't like "die fucking pedo scum" or "I just killed private security/cultist #8."I just couldn't pain them as bad any other bad guy. These people are veterans. They put their lives at risk to serve their country. They lived through countless unspeakable horrors and sacrificed so much for their country, and when they returned, they were just tossed away like a used rag. They truly deserve the name of "the left behind". They tried to be heard. On the car dealership map you can see the tents of homeless veterans with their heartbreaking signs. All they wanted was appreciation for their sacrifice, yet all they got in return was a spit in the face. They had nothing left to lose, so they chose to leave a message instead of perishing silently on a back alley. They went to fight for what they believed was right, just like how they enlisted many years ago. The difference was now the guns were pointed at the other people. And that's why it left such an impact on me unlike the other missions. It was hard for me to not to feel as if they had a side of righteousness within their actions.
Most of the missions never felt like you were a hero, an entity who can save everybody, instead you're a cop attempting to do what's right in a hopeless situation, even worse if you're former-military since a lot of cops used to serve, now they have to point their own guns at their brothers, even worse, their own squad mates.
@@DogeickBateman It's funny that people call it this because I've seen some hard-left cop-hating peoplenget absolutely surprised by the difficulty of this game especially with trying not to use unauthorized force. Plus you'd think those types would *love* this game with how bad Los Suenos is.
@@EliWritesStories the villains in Patriots were actually somewhat believable while kinda staying true to Tom Clancy villains and it definitely would have been cool for a Rainbow Six game to actually tackle domestic terrorists and especially ex-US military terrorists, damn shame they went for Siege instead.
I swear that the suspects in this map are harder, sometimes when I use the CS gas they fight right through it and whether its an oversight or not it makes sense since most servicemembers have to do gas chamber training. Me and my friends have been absolutely dumped on by the vet with the M249 SAW many times, being a vet myself I can't even be mad when I get rekt on this map, can't help but see myself in these guys to be honest.
Idc I’m active duty been through the chamber 3 times and it never gets easier just more mental calluses to say fuck it it’s not as bad as long as I don’t make a big deal out of it
I haven't watched the video yet, but here's what I have so far: 1. 213 Park Homes (2020-2021) 2. Gas Station (February, 2021) 3. Mindjot Raid (August, 2021) 4. Voll House (April, 2022) 5. Brixley's Talent Time (February, 2022) Unknown Dates/In main storyline: 1. Neon Tomb 2. Hospital
@@talthecrusader9650 I believe the order of some missions is a bit different. In 213 Park Homes I remember seeing a newspaper that said "Robbery on a gas station that resulted on the managers death" (something like that), so the Gas station robbery would have taken place before And second, I believe the order of the missions on the "CP case" is a bit different. I have investigated on my own and gathered everything I could, and my guess would be: - Brixley's Talent Time: In here you would get the trace on Amos Voll -Valley of the Dolls: We all agree this is after Brixley's, as the calendar and Amos line "Did Brixley talk?" (Or something like that) leaves no doubt -Mindjot Center: I believe this is the last one, as the mission description reads "Scrubbed IPs from content found in the residence of a now-convicted pedophile led to the distribution of explicit CP", meaning proofs found at Valley of the Dolls. Also the calendar that reads "August" doesn't necessarily mean August 2021, it could be 2022, or at least that's my take But, about the Neon tomb and hospital, I do agree in the order, as the main attack would be on a highly crowded club, and then, "The hand" (or so is called the group) would go on a second attack when the main hospital is heavily crowded. It is confirmed that it's the same group, as some of the voices and graffiti's made in both scenes, are the same. At least, that sounds pretty logical
@infiza9441 Iirc the brief for valley of the dolls mentions that we took down a "cheese pizza" ring and uncovered who was profiting from it, which i think means mindjot is before valley of dolls, meaning the "cp case" timeline is probably Brixleys, we uncover the location of the mindjot servers which are hosting the forums and media Mindjot datacenter, we raid, take down, and investigate the servers hosting that scum Valley of dolls, we raid and arrest amos voll(or we let him try to shoot first to avoid the roe break penalty for giving him what he fucking deserves) and find a large amount of evidence hastily destroyed, except for the basement...
The vietnam stuff is placeholder man. A lot of that stuff was in the police hq before it got a makeover. Even the planning desk had saigon and Vietnam ops on it instead of los suenos a year ago
It'd be cool to see RoN have domestic disturbance cases, situations not as long or in depth such as Ide to March, The Spider or Port Hoken but still giving life to the situation in Los Suenos. #1 scenario. Officers called in to check on an employee who never showed up at work, they're sent in to check on him, only to find a disturbing murder and desecration of body in the house of the victim. 2# scenario. A mentally ill man snaps and kills his entire family, sons and daughter included, saying his reason was to free them from being taken by the US government. 3# scenario. A victim manage to escape and contact the police where then officers launch a raid inside a house in the outskirts, where they find dead bodies, murder kit and the serial killer, bonus if the player has to be quick to catch the suspect otherwise he'd escape custody. 4# scenario. A tip from an anonymous person told officers of a child who went missing 16 years ago was found alive in this area, whereas they will then launch a raid inside the house and it's compound. 5# scenario. A weird bizzare cult is exposed when officers manage to find it's drugged up members worshipping a dead body with a deer head which was put in a prayer style position.
Procedurally-generated barricaded-suspect seiges with varying complexity. Somebody's brother goes apeshit and holds their spouse hostage. Very delicate situation that requires precise, violent entry and pacification of the offender. Or a drunk schizophrenic dude who thought he could make ANFO by filling barrels of his own feces and vodka, all wired to a toaster that you have to keep him from getting to, while trying to save the social worker he took hostage...
Here’s an idea for one: a false report/swatting incident. Rather than make it a specific map, have it as a toggle a feature where there’s like a 1% chance that any mission you play is actually just a false alarm and there’s no proper suspects, but it doesn’t tell you until you’ve cleared the whole map so you’re on edge the whole time but get left hanging. Like a scenario where the data centre or dealership is just a normal ordinary business that’s been targeted by a troll or disgruntled employee.
@@alexanderwalker3906 Fuck it, let's throw in a no-knock Red Flag raid. Single occupant that is either totally passive and unprepared or the polar opposite...
maybe have a "mission" called day-to-day where its randomly generated similarly to Six Days in Fallujah. at the start you can choose the type of scenario, then there can be a small chance that its a false alarm. number of suspects should be like 1-3 with minimal civilians
Maybe Francisco Laguna is an alias someone uses like agent 47 from hitman series always uses a name Tobias Rieper. Whats most likely tho is that the sailor guy is Francisco Laguna and he just worked at the injection clinic for some unknown reason and its all a coincidence.
This mission really nails home how fucked the world is, and how everything isn't as it seems. And we're just trying to keep it all from crumbling down.
Likely the Sgt. Laguna asset is just a placeholder as apparently those assets seemed to have appeared in other games. So they're likely store bought placeholders as of now. However that doesn't rule out the possibility that those placeholders could be there as a way to *represent* that said person is just supposed to be implied to have served in the army at some point.
When I did this mission with my friends. I realized I wasn't truly ever on the side of justice. I was on the side of the Government and whoever got under there hammer and it was my job as a Cop to do as what I am willed. Its merely a job in the end. No justice or heroism. Just a cop trying his best in a hopeless situation.
sergeant is not a navy rank so the sailor might not* be laguna (edit) also the photo of the sailor in his room shows him wearing what looks like an officer's uniform while he still looks fairly young (30's-40's) while sergeant is a rank of around e-5 which is on average attained ~4 years after joining so the sailor cant be laguna unless laguna joined another branch at 18 and got his degree as an enlistedman then commissioned in the navy long enough for him to make (what looks like) the rank of vice admiral (o-9) before he turns 50 (afaik avg age of [join date] + ~22) so then the timeline could be joins at 18 sergeant at 23 commissions then spends 20-ish years in the navy
Crazy! what a mind blowing video. So you see the reference is that in this mission le bad guy kills an official with a sniper and that's just like what happen to you know who
I refuse to believe it's a coincidence that this video drops the very same day I installed my new GPU, which got me back into RoN since I can play it at reasonable frame rates most of the time now. Hyped to see this and the Spider video, after binging your other lore videos a while back. Another thing that I don't think you pointed out, unless I missed it, is that the variant of the US flag that appears in the main shooters' room is the same as the one that appears in the MLO trailer. I don't know much about the US, so I'm not sure if this is just a common variant of the flag or it could be a link between the two groups.
They're possibly connected on the MLO group but those guys are rogue law enforcements and the LB are military veterans. We already know LB's motives but the MLO is still in question.
@@sweetballs4742 its possible they've probably worked with them before. I doubt they're bed buddies but they probably exchange intel and goods as their goals probably align with each other.
Out of all the maps , vanilla or modded, for me this was the saddest map to complete. Theres just that guilt in killing these guys compared to the other suspects.
Always great to see you discuss the game! I guess it's a bit late for this video, but the @VOIDInteractive account includes several trailers that may or may not be canon: No Room for Civility is about the Left Behind, the ADAM Update Trailer is about Gerard Scott and Neon Tomb is about the Nightclub.
when you said trap placement and then showed the scene for you spawning in i started yelling and then you went straight for the front door and i started weeping
Seeing these vids after 1.0, even with the story and lore changes (such as Senator Fremont getting sniped) help me paint a clearer picture of this games story, thank you
I’m so happy I found your channel. Ron has been my favorite game for the past like year and a half. I love the world presented to us. I can’t wait for the full release!
So I'm down with the idea that, as briefly theorized in the Brixley video, the US won the Vietnam War as early as late 1968. But what if this is just a small piece of the lore? Winning in Vietnam emboldens the Pentagon and the MIC to the point that, instead of being prominent cogs in the government like they are today, instead are the government. The US Government essentially being a military junta with congressmen and women as puppets propping up a massive war machine while the domestic side of life slips into a worse depression than the 30s. Saigon Command possibly refers to MACV or one of MACV's many sub-components such as NSA Saigon or even a part of the brown water fleet. MACV was a multi-branch command that operated under the DOD and assigned to United States Pacific Command. The date on the award looks like it coincides closely with the Tet Offensive of '68; so it could've split from our timeline at that point, where the Paris Peace Accords reacted more to the favor of the United States. Francisco Laguna may have been a Marine, as the USMC is still officially a part of the Navy to the point that they might receive combined awards such as the Navy Distinguished Service Medal.
take it from a game dev (lead animator, modeler, and co-lead map designers) the fact that they take the extra time, or the extra effort is fantastic. the thing is that not only is ready-or-not realistic to an extreme but it also has that ability to put you into the horrors of the crime world that some games avoid or neglect.
so i basically say if you are reading this and you hate ready-or-not because it has child predators or rapists or serial killers .Ect as examples. leave...
It's sad that irl this actually is somewhat happening congress is throwing around the idea of cutting pay for VA, veteran pensions, and much more, for "reduced spending"
Francisco Laguna is likely a part of the Mariposa Lily Organization. Note how he seems to have links to every important group. Hell, one of the voice messages mentions a "Francisco" when you interact with the phones in the station. I think Laguna is "The One Who Sits Alone." (i.e. Hinted to be the leader of the MLO, because his chair in the Sepulchre played EVIDENCE_MLO's audio.)
This is the mission that gets to me emotionally, not out of rage, or disgust, but sympathy. They are reasonable men and women that gave everything, willing to do unreasonable acts because their sacrifices, and their comrade’s sacrifices, were forgotten and thrown away.
Btw there is an interesting easter egg in the Park homes map. There's an Finnish Newspaper in the room with the camera monitor screens on 2nd floor of the main house. I think it's in the barricaded subjects.
@@ziepex7009 yep 😂 Hopefully the lore won't be like FNAF but as simple as SWAT 4 (crime is skyrocketing and you gotta stop the bad guys, with some dark elements cuz our dev team consists of System Shock 2 devs)
Certificate of appreciation was issued in august of 1968 and if he was in Saigon at the time and the time before he probably had something to do in the battle of Saigon during the Tet offensive which was in march of 68. He could have taken part in the defence of Saigon which included multiple battalions of marines and well as air force security staff.
I’m active duty and this mission makes me sad. Obviously in game these guys took it way too far, but I definitely see where they’re coming from. Veterans have always been screwed by the government, and lots of vets miss the brotherhood they had and the friends they lost. I feel like in game a lot of angry disgruntled vets that felt betrayed by their country joined the left behind to get a sense of brotherhood that they lost when they left the military. I could definitely see something like this happening in real life if the government takes things too far.
as a music producer, i was absolutely dumbfounded to walk into that studio room and see an actual copy of ableton live, my daw of choice, on the computer. it was a very strange and uncanny feeling that i don’t imagine much of the community could replicate.
I try to S every mission. This one just hits different when you achieve that. Masterful touch to add this mission by the devs. The entire SWAT 4 campaign and most of RoN missions you're shooting bad guys that deserve the lead poisoning they get. So you kinda grow desensitized to the fact that SWAT are supposed to be a life-saving organization, not a bodybag stuffer. Especially since the vanilla AI is so agressive and hard to subdue withouth force in comparison to SWAT 4. The entire point of both games is that you're there to stop a situation involving guns, a high-risk warrant service. You're not supposed to judge the motives of the perps let alone who lives and who dies, even though both games fully empower you to do so. This mission is about guys with nothing left to lose driven to a breaking point being activelly screwed by those they intend to harm. Best way to deal with them is gas grenades btw. Make sure to bring a gasmask.
It reminds me of the true patriots from the cancelled rainbows six game. Real shame it never got a novel at least. The only one with the Tom Clancy name that I know tackled Domestic Terrorism was Black Order.
You know what should make sense have the characters that we play as, interact with the maps around them like having them have the reactions on what they find and tell command about them like stuff from police procedural and crime procedural shows like law and order and fox SWAT
Francis Laguna is is apart of something big, he’s a big clue to reveal another bigger clue I have no idea but I think he could be a leader of the left behind, or just just plays a big mysterious roll
If you want my theory which links to the spiders mission the USA never left Vietnam(or just a longer war) winning it or not doesn’t matter which led to more vets Increasing the cost of the veteran fund making the budget cuts more palatable to the elite thus the push for it
ive always been a cod or fps shooter kinda kid and played football throughout all of highschool and im a gun nut and naturally i was going to join the army but every veteran in my family and friend circle told me not to for a plethora of reasons and to see outrage from that group of people put in a form like this is kind of eye opening
1:56 - I have never seen a trap there nor did I think they would ever put one there, but I trap-check EVERY door. That seems like a horrible place to fail the game, not because you lose a lot of progress, but because now you have to wait through the whole mission start scene again.
A note I’d like to make is that although it’d make some sense for the Certificate of Appreciation to be in the sailor’s room, the rank of Sgt. does not exist in the Navy.
I tried to do this mission 3 times with a beanbaggy, and after getting shot or blown up I had to resort to .300 AP. Traumatised my entire crew in the process. Broke my heart that I couldn't get these guys to go peacefully, but then again - what can you expect from warriors?
I feel like Meghan might be some massive icon or hero to the people for what he done in the war, it might explain why pieces of his personal belongings are found in different maps, like people have them as collectors items, like the certificate and his name piece in the other map, could be hee the figure behind some big movement?
I'm a veteran, and I use the VA regularly. I will say, despite all the flaws, if it weren't for them-I would be dead. They gave me care that was simply not available elsewhere. However, I do know many that I have served with, and those that I have met, either are bitter or show outright hatred towards the VA, and the Government in general. For that I do understand how they would feel ignored, or 'left behind.' We lost a lot of people because they either couldn't get access to the proper care they desperately needed, or they were turned away.
Laguna conducted psyops in Vietnam, this leads to those CIA psyops referenced in Gerard's home. Laguna uses his experience to assist the sexual predator ring. He keeps the memorabilia from his service because he is proud, but tells everyone that "Sgt Francisco Laguna" was a friend who passed. At 6:09 the poster reads "From anonymous jazz musician to legendary producer", this suggests that Bower had an unprecedented rise in his career. It could be that he's an amazing guy, but perhaps he's gotten this rise from his connections in the industry/community through Brixley and Voll. Bower and Laguna are the same guy.
Me playing this map in a super serious way to get S rank and out the corner of my ear I hear Prescott say “hey look at that you get to wear handcuffs, so cool” Took me a few minutes to process what he just said
About Francisco Laguna, I found something weird online, it appears that there are referrences of him in another game called SCUM He is also a Sergeant and a veteran of the Vietnam War, I don't know if it's a coincidence or linked though
So I haven’t caught up with the latest in the series so I may be jumping the gun here, but maybe Laguna was a USIA officer who was rewarded for helping or even developing some of the more secretive military projects in Vietnam, like Agent Orange. Maybe he also helped with the MK-Ultra type experiments conducted by that shadowy organization that I can’t remember the name of. Check that list of people in that organization that hold high offices in Los Siena’s society and see if he is one of them.
I think if you go down the stairs you can see a different platoon talking to civilians and waiting for us to clear out the hostiles, They wear balaclavas and use standard issue M4A1s, [or mk18 but yeah] It seems like some kind of HRT [Hostage rescue team] But definitely not FBI HRT.
"WE ARE FUCKING HUMAN" broke me, these poor veterans got screwed over by the very people and nation they fought for... *Good thing it's just a game, right? Right...?*
This hits home pretty hard as a veteran. I fully expect the US Gov to continue screwing over veterans, but I think the will to stand up to the government in any kind of a lasting or meaningful way has left the American heart. I hope I'm wrong.
I think the problem is that who do people stand with if they're standing against the US Govt? People are heavily divided and in some ways each side is also heavily sponsored by establishment types or would simply be propping up their own - possibly worse - order if they had things their way.
Not to mention especially with the war in Ukraine and tensions with China its increasingly harder to be a skeptic of government policy and not be accused or seem like a foreign shill.
People don't trust the government anyways today but the problem IMO is that there's no unity.
It's not gone yet. Don't give up hope, that's what they want.
@@averymicrowave1713 your gonna have people v people not people v the government. Sure you can stand up for your rights but it's not as cut and dry as you think. People are gonna kill other people for political views if things get outta control lmfao
I mean you signed up to fight for a government that has confirmed drone strikes against weddings, children, and foreign reporters, not sure what u expected to get back except bad Karma.
Should watch S2 and risky chrisky
"and they have the most bullshit trap placement" was the perfect cue into an ad. random or not, it was perfect
“Toaster on leg” as opposed to? Toaster on tank tracks?
This mission just hits different. You aren't just going up against "pure evil" guys that deserve the worst of the punishments for their unspeakable actions. When I was first doing this mission, and saw a prosthetic leg on a guy I just killed, I had to stop for a while. It wasn't like "die fucking pedo scum" or "I just killed private security/cultist #8."I just couldn't pain them as bad any other bad guy.
These people are veterans. They put their lives at risk to serve their country. They lived through countless unspeakable horrors and sacrificed so much for their country, and when they returned, they were just tossed away like a used rag. They truly deserve the name of "the left behind". They tried to be heard. On the car dealership map you can see the tents of homeless veterans with their heartbreaking signs. All they wanted was appreciation for their sacrifice, yet all they got in return was a spit in the face. They had nothing left to lose, so they chose to leave a message instead of perishing silently on a back alley. They went to fight for what they believed was right, just like how they enlisted many years ago. The difference was now the guns were pointed at the other people.
And that's why it left such an impact on me unlike the other missions. It was hard for me to not to feel as if they had a side of righteousness within their actions.
And some have the gall to call this "copaganda"
R6 Patriots probably didn't get released because they had antagonists just like this.
Most of the missions never felt like you were a hero, an entity who can save everybody, instead you're a cop attempting to do what's right in a hopeless situation, even worse if you're former-military since a lot of cops used to serve, now they have to point their own guns at their brothers, even worse, their own squad mates.
@@DogeickBateman It's funny that people call it this because I've seen some hard-left cop-hating peoplenget absolutely surprised by the difficulty of this game especially with trying not to use unauthorized force.
Plus you'd think those types would *love* this game with how bad Los Suenos is.
@@EliWritesStories the villains in Patriots were actually somewhat believable while kinda staying true to Tom Clancy villains and it definitely would have been cool for a Rainbow Six game to actually tackle domestic terrorists and especially ex-US military terrorists, damn shame they went for Siege instead.
Love the addition of the Spec Ops: The Line ost. Wonderfully fitting.
Ahh a fellow veteran of Dubai
@@vetrixImpossible. Nobody leaves Dubai.
@@theguylivinginyourwalls Jokes on you I already did
@@DogeickBateman you left, just in a body bag.
@@oblozs10 In your mind
Sgt. Francisco Laguna's name also appears in the game SCUM, in a control room with a map of Saigon on the wall
Wait... You're sayin' here is that both of that universe (SCUM and Ready Or Not) are possibly connected together?!
Unless Ready or Not is made by the same company, that probably means that the Francisco Laguna stuff is from a 3D model website.
@@sweetballs4742 no, the Laguna stuff is just public assets, placeholders. It will all eventually be replaced in future updates
Henry Kissingers legacy will create the worst demons of the modern era. A jew that claims pride form bavaria lol
I swear that the suspects in this map are harder, sometimes when I use the CS gas they fight right through it and whether its an oversight or not it makes sense since most servicemembers have to do gas chamber training. Me and my friends have been absolutely dumped on by the vet with the M249 SAW many times, being a vet myself I can't even be mad when I get rekt on this map, can't help but see myself in these guys to be honest.
They probably pepper-spray themselves for fun.
Sounds like marines to me.
Idc I’m active duty been through the chamber 3 times and it never gets easier just more mental calluses to say fuck it it’s not as bad as long as I don’t make a big deal out of it
Went through navy basic with a guy who was pretty much immune to CS gas.
My sister had to get psych checked when going through rookies in the ADF for laughing during the tear gas drills.
Such a plot twist, it's almost unbelievable.
Thanks for not saying what the spoiler was immediately.
I don't really get what the plot twist is. Is it the fact that in this universe, the US won the Vietnam war?
The use of Spec Ops The Line soundtrack make this even more depressing and it fit perfectly well
You should make a spread sheet with all operations in chronological order
Oh yeah
I haven't watched the video yet, but here's what I have so far:
1. 213 Park Homes (2020-2021)
2. Gas Station (February, 2021)
3. Mindjot Raid (August, 2021)
4. Voll House (April, 2022)
5. Brixley's Talent Time (February, 2022)
Unknown Dates/In main storyline:
1. Neon Tomb
2. Hospital
@@talthecrusader9650 I believe the order of some missions is a bit different. In 213 Park Homes I remember seeing a newspaper that said "Robbery on a gas station that resulted on the managers death" (something like that), so the Gas station robbery would have taken place before
And second, I believe the order of the missions on the "CP case" is a bit different. I have investigated on my own and gathered everything I could, and my guess would be:
- Brixley's Talent Time: In here you would get the trace on Amos Voll
-Valley of the Dolls: We all agree this is after Brixley's, as the calendar and Amos line "Did Brixley talk?" (Or something like that) leaves no doubt
-Mindjot Center: I believe this is the last one, as the mission description reads "Scrubbed IPs from content found in the residence of a now-convicted pedophile led to the distribution of explicit CP", meaning proofs found at Valley of the Dolls. Also the calendar that reads "August" doesn't necessarily mean August 2021, it could be 2022, or at least that's my take
But, about the Neon tomb and hospital, I do agree in the order, as the main attack would be on a highly crowded club, and then, "The hand" (or so is called the group) would go on a second attack when the main hospital is heavily crowded. It is confirmed that it's the same group, as some of the voices and graffiti's made in both scenes, are the same. At least, that sounds pretty logical
@infiza9441 Iirc the brief for valley of the dolls mentions that we took down a "cheese pizza" ring and uncovered who was profiting from it, which i think means mindjot is before valley of dolls, meaning the "cp case" timeline is probably
Brixleys, we uncover the location of the mindjot servers which are hosting the forums and media
Mindjot datacenter, we raid, take down, and investigate the servers hosting that scum
Valley of dolls, we raid and arrest amos voll(or we let him try to shoot first to avoid the roe break penalty for giving him what he fucking deserves) and find a large amount of evidence hastily destroyed, except for the basement...
The vietnam stuff is placeholder man. A lot of that stuff was in the police hq before it got a makeover. Even the planning desk had saigon and Vietnam ops on it instead of los suenos a year ago
Oh that makes me sad
Still would of make a interesting secret story and leaded to a epic finals tbh
It'd be cool to see RoN have domestic disturbance cases, situations not as long or in depth such as Ide to March, The Spider or Port Hoken but still giving life to the situation in Los Suenos.
#1 scenario.
Officers called in to check on an employee who never showed up at work, they're sent in to check on him, only to find a disturbing murder and desecration of body in the house of the victim.
2# scenario.
A mentally ill man snaps and kills his entire family, sons and daughter included, saying his reason was to free them from being taken by the US government.
3# scenario.
A victim manage to escape and contact the police where then officers launch a raid inside a house in the outskirts, where they find dead bodies, murder kit and the serial killer, bonus if the player has to be quick to catch the suspect otherwise he'd escape custody.
4# scenario.
A tip from an anonymous person told officers of a child who went missing 16 years ago was found alive in this area, whereas they will then launch a raid inside the house and it's compound.
5# scenario.
A weird bizzare cult is exposed when officers manage to find it's drugged up members worshipping a dead body with a deer head which was put in a prayer style position.
Procedurally-generated barricaded-suspect seiges with varying complexity.
Somebody's brother goes apeshit and holds their spouse hostage. Very delicate situation that requires precise, violent entry and pacification of the offender.
Or a drunk schizophrenic dude who thought he could make ANFO by filling barrels of his own feces and vodka, all wired to a toaster that you have to keep him from getting to, while trying to save the social worker he took hostage...
Here’s an idea for one: a false report/swatting incident.
Rather than make it a specific map, have it as a toggle a feature where there’s like a 1% chance that any mission you play is actually just a false alarm and there’s no proper suspects, but it doesn’t tell you until you’ve cleared the whole map so you’re on edge the whole time but get left hanging. Like a scenario where the data centre or dealership is just a normal ordinary business that’s been targeted by a troll or disgruntled employee.
Fuck it, let's throw in a no-knock Red Flag raid. Single occupant that is either totally passive and unprepared or the polar opposite...
I see what you did there with 5th scenario.
maybe have a "mission" called day-to-day where its randomly generated similarly to Six Days in Fallujah. at the start you can choose the type of scenario, then there can be a small chance that its a false alarm. number of suspects should be like 1-3 with minimal civilians
Maybe Francisco Laguna is an alias someone uses like agent 47 from hitman series always uses a name Tobias Rieper. Whats most likely tho is that the sailor guy is Francisco Laguna and he just worked at the injection clinic for some unknown reason and its all a coincidence.
This mission really nails home how fucked the world is, and how everything isn't as it seems. And we're just trying to keep it all from crumbling down.
Holy crap, that pointy green building is actually a real building. It's over in Downtown Long Beach, which is pretty much LA but by the coast.
This is just more and more evidence that the world of RON is basically cyberpunk lite
or probably Cyberpunk years before all the crazy cybernetics
So, our world then
Or a dystopia, the other part of cyberpunk...
@@OperatorMax1993 dude, the cyrbernatics in Cyberpunk universe are rampant already which RON universe don't have any yet.
RON is a worst case scenario of real life, which already is cyberpunk lite.
Likely the Sgt. Laguna asset is just a placeholder as apparently those assets seemed to have appeared in other games. So they're likely store bought placeholders as of now.
However that doesn't rule out the possibility that those placeholders could be there as a way to *represent* that said person is just supposed to be implied to have served in the army at some point.
Well, we know now that one of the objectives on this map is to "rescue the naval officer" Who I believe is in that same apartment
Please keep this series till they're all done bro, these are great
When I did this mission with my friends. I realized I wasn't truly ever on the side of justice. I was on the side of the Government and whoever got under there hammer and it was my job as a Cop to do as what I am willed.
Its merely a job in the end. No justice or heroism. Just a cop trying his best in a hopeless situation.
Im pretty sure theres an almost mirrored suggestion irl for VA budget cuts to all vets including retroactively brought up this year
I hope they go through with it, so I can watch them panic trying to tackle 1,000 Timothy McVeigh's runming amok...
@@scowler7200 Viva la revolución
@@scowler7200the horrifying part is that most lone wolf domestic terrorists are current or former military
Except for OP
sergeant is not a navy rank so the sailor might not* be laguna
(edit) also the photo of the sailor in his room shows him wearing what looks like an officer's uniform while he still looks fairly young (30's-40's) while sergeant is a rank of around e-5 which is on average attained ~4 years after joining
so the sailor cant be laguna unless laguna joined another branch at 18 and got his degree as an enlistedman then commissioned in the navy long enough for him to make (what looks like) the rank of vice admiral (o-9) before he turns 50 (afaik avg age of [join date] + ~22) so then the timeline could be joins at 18 sergeant at 23 commissions then spends 20-ish years in the navy
Another RoN lore video this makes me happy :)
Crazy! what a mind blowing video.
So you see the reference is that in this mission le bad guy kills an official with a sniper and that's just like what happen to you know who
That happend in september 11 2001, Right?
they should connect this map to Sullivan’s slope. With the schizo guy ranting about the USIA (CIA knockoff)
@@sussyman9034 no jfk
ready or not's environmental story telling is arguably the best aspect of this game
This was the one mission I played where I genuinely felt like I was playing as the bad guy.
"Sergeant...are we the baddies?..."
I refuse to believe it's a coincidence that this video drops the very same day I installed my new GPU, which got me back into RoN since I can play it at reasonable frame rates most of the time now. Hyped to see this and the Spider video, after binging your other lore videos a while back.
Another thing that I don't think you pointed out, unless I missed it, is that the variant of the US flag that appears in the main shooters' room is the same as the one that appears in the MLO trailer. I don't know much about the US, so I'm not sure if this is just a common variant of the flag or it could be a link between the two groups.
They're possibly connected on the MLO group but those guys are rogue law enforcements and the LB are military veterans.
We already know LB's motives but the MLO is still in question.
@@sweetballs4742 its possible they've probably worked with them before. I doubt they're bed buddies but they probably exchange intel and goods as their goals probably align with each other.
Out of all the maps , vanilla or modded, for me this was the saddest map to complete. Theres just that guilt in killing these guys compared to the other suspects.
What map is this? I don't remember all these maps.
@@MotoMercides of march
I always go with the beanbag shotty on this map. It’s non lethal and surprisingly effective.
Now that Ends of the Earth is a thing, do you still hold this opinion
13:24 it looks like the two guards are missing there left leg so they must have lost their legs on deployment
Always great to see you discuss the game! I guess it's a bit late for this video, but the @VOIDInteractive account includes several trailers that may or may not be canon: No Room for Civility is about the Left Behind, the ADAM Update Trailer is about Gerard Scott and Neon Tomb is about the Nightclub.
Keep it flowing man, can't wait on your next RoN lore series
when you said trap placement and then showed the scene for you spawning in i started yelling and then you went straight for the front door and i started weeping
Love the series. Keep it up man!!!! Also, the Spec Ops:The Line music works great with the themes of Ready or Not.
Seeing these vids after 1.0, even with the story and lore changes (such as Senator Fremont getting sniped) help me paint a clearer picture of this games story, thank you
It should be noted that the DoD certificate for Francisco Laguna has the US War Department logo on it, which hasn’t existed since 1947.
The only one where you feel for the gunman
That building at 3:29 with the green roof reminds me a lot of the Villa Riviera building in downtown Long Beach (LA county)
I’m so happy I found your channel. Ron has been my favorite game for the past like year and a half. I love the world presented to us. I can’t wait for the full release!
So I'm down with the idea that, as briefly theorized in the Brixley video, the US won the Vietnam War as early as late 1968. But what if this is just a small piece of the lore?
Winning in Vietnam emboldens the Pentagon and the MIC to the point that, instead of being prominent cogs in the government like they are today, instead are the government. The US Government essentially being a military junta with congressmen and women as puppets propping up a massive war machine while the domestic side of life slips into a worse depression than the 30s.
Saigon Command possibly refers to MACV or one of MACV's many sub-components such as NSA Saigon or even a part of the brown water fleet. MACV was a multi-branch command that operated under the DOD and assigned to United States Pacific Command. The date on the award looks like it coincides closely with the Tet Offensive of '68; so it could've split from our timeline at that point, where the Paris Peace Accords reacted more to the favor of the United States. Francisco Laguna may have been a Marine, as the USMC is still officially a part of the Navy to the point that they might receive combined awards such as the Navy Distinguished Service Medal.
1:56 , you weren't ready
you got an intro so good I don't skip it
“This time I’m gonna make a good run”
First door in the level: “ *clink* - “BOOM!””
you keep up the good work. you got me playing RoN Again
take it from a game dev (lead animator, modeler, and co-lead map designers) the fact that they take the extra time, or the extra effort is fantastic. the thing is that not only is ready-or-not realistic to an extreme but it also has that ability to put you into the horrors of the crime world that some games avoid or neglect.
so i basically say if you are reading this and you hate ready-or-not because it has child predators or rapists or serial killers .Ect as examples. leave...
It's sad that irl this actually is somewhat happening
congress is throwing around the idea of cutting pay for VA, veteran pensions, and much more, for "reduced spending"
Francisco Laguna is likely a part of the Mariposa Lily Organization. Note how he seems to have links to every important group. Hell, one of the voice messages mentions a "Francisco" when you interact with the phones in the station.
I think Laguna is "The One Who Sits Alone." (i.e. Hinted to be the leader of the MLO, because his chair in the Sepulchre played EVIDENCE_MLO's audio.)
Ready or not is a really crazy game man but i bet it will go some where good
I love the lore of this game, it has everything.
francisco laguna’s name and plaque appears multiple times in the RON ready room too, you need to do a video on that
Love the use of spec ops the line music
i better be seeing more videos on this man, or im stepping in
Loving this series man, you are going to blow up sooner or later bc you are underrated af
This is the mission that gets to me emotionally, not out of rage, or disgust, but sympathy. They are reasonable men and women that gave everything, willing to do unreasonable acts because their sacrifices, and their comrade’s sacrifices, were forgotten and thrown away.
This was pretty much a homage to Tom Clancy's cut game; Patriots (I think?) that later became R6: Siege.
Every LSPD officer can stand down and let the left behind do their thing.
Btw there is an interesting easter egg in the Park homes map. There's an Finnish Newspaper in the room with the camera monitor screens on 2nd floor of the main house.
I think it's in the barricaded subjects.
I’m so glad he makes this Stuff it’s the best. KEEP IT UP!
I think this will evolve into a lore saga just like FNAF.
i wonder if MatPat will jump in (he did make a video on Rainbow Six before)
kinda hope not, since fnaf is a giant mess now
@@ziepex7009 I hope not neither, it's such a convoluted confusing mess, which is more hard to understand than Warhammer 40K lore
@@OperatorMax1993 you just summed it up perfectly 😅
@@ziepex7009 yep 😂
Hopefully the lore won't be like FNAF but as simple as SWAT 4 (crime is skyrocketing and you gotta stop the bad guys, with some dark elements cuz our dev team consists of System Shock 2 devs)
Certificate of appreciation was issued in august of 1968 and if he was in Saigon at the time and the time before he probably had something to do in the battle of Saigon during the Tet offensive which was in march of 68. He could have taken part in the defence of Saigon which included multiple battalions of marines and well as air force security staff.
You have yourself a new subscriber dude! Great content!
I’m active duty and this mission makes me sad. Obviously in game these guys took it way too far, but I definitely see where they’re coming from. Veterans have always been screwed by the government, and lots of vets miss the brotherhood they had and the friends they lost. I feel like in game a lot of angry disgruntled vets that felt betrayed by their country joined the left behind to get a sense of brotherhood that they lost when they left the military. I could definitely see something like this happening in real life if the government takes things too far.
Like "The Rock" movie
Getting big Rainbow Six: Patriots vibes
Bro I love this series.Please keep it up
I think Francisco Laguna was one of the original collaborators who laid the foundation for MLO during the days of MK Ultra
as a music producer, i was absolutely dumbfounded to walk into that studio room and see an actual copy of ableton live, my daw of choice, on the computer. it was a very strange and uncanny feeling that i don’t imagine much of the community could replicate.
This is a ready or not video blud
Plot twist: Francisco Laguna is the Judge
Rainbow Six Patriots vibes.
Fantastic videos dude, so good
Hearing a slowed down Glasgow mega snake is giving me the Spec ops: the line flash backs really hard... fitting I suppose.
Welcome to Dubai.
I try to S every mission. This one just hits different when you achieve that.
Masterful touch to add this mission by the devs. The entire SWAT 4 campaign and most of RoN missions you're shooting bad guys that deserve the lead poisoning they get. So you kinda grow desensitized to the fact that SWAT are supposed to be a life-saving organization, not a bodybag stuffer. Especially since the vanilla AI is so agressive and hard to subdue withouth force in comparison to SWAT 4.
The entire point of both games is that you're there to stop a situation involving guns, a high-risk warrant service. You're not supposed to judge the motives of the perps let alone who lives and who dies, even though both games fully empower you to do so. This mission is about guys with nothing left to lose driven to a breaking point being activelly screwed by those they intend to harm.
Best way to deal with them is gas grenades btw. Make sure to bring a gasmask.
It reminds me of the true patriots from the cancelled rainbows six game. Real shame it never got a novel at least. The only one with the Tom Clancy name that I know tackled Domestic Terrorism was Black Order.
You know what should make sense have the characters that we play as, interact with the maps around them like having them have the reactions on what they find and tell command about them like stuff from police procedural and crime procedural shows like law and order and fox SWAT
11:56 I assume the black lines on the floor are sitcom "this is my half of the room" lines.
The U.S. had people defending the Embassy at Saigon. Also, it could be referring to pushing off attackers during the 1968 Tet offensive
Apparently they’re placeholders that we’re in the HQ before being replaced beforehand
Francis Laguna is is apart of something big, he’s a big clue to reveal another bigger clue I have no idea but I think he could be a leader of the left behind, or just just plays a big mysterious roll
Spec ops the line backing track is perfect for the intro
4:04 it's the same model from the port "workers"
2:05 how does anything about this group/mission give off a "this might be a racial vibe"?
If you want my theory which links to the spiders mission the USA never left Vietnam(or just a longer war) winning it or not doesn’t matter which led to more vets Increasing the cost of the veteran fund making the budget cuts more palatable to the elite thus the push for it
ive always been a cod or fps shooter kinda kid and played football throughout all of highschool and im a gun nut and naturally i was going to join the army but every veteran in my family and friend circle told me not to for a plethora of reasons and to see outrage from that group of people put in a form like this is kind of eye opening
one problem with the sailor maybe possibly being laguna is that the navy doesn't have sergeant as a rank, so that further removes that connection
maybe bower just borrowed the certificate from the sailor so he can play with it?
1:56 - I have never seen a trap there nor did I think they would ever put one there, but I trap-check EVERY door. That seems like a horrible place to fail the game, not because you lose a lot of progress, but because now you have to wait through the whole mission start scene again.
A note I’d like to make is that although it’d make some sense for the Certificate of Appreciation to be in the sailor’s room, the rank of Sgt. does not exist in the Navy.
I tried to do this mission 3 times with a beanbaggy, and after getting shot or blown up I had to resort to .300 AP. Traumatised my entire crew in the process. Broke my heart that I couldn't get these guys to go peacefully, but then again - what can you expect from warriors?
Even though I’ve never served in military, I still feel sorry for these veterans. So I cleared Brisa Cove with less-lethal weapons only, nobody died.
Lagusna's name also appears on the desk in the PD hub's briefing room
Maybe it's Judge's desk idk
Man forgot to check for Kapkan traps.
i played too much GTA as a kid, as i genuinely thought Los Angeles was called Los Santos. seeing Los Seunos is pretty funny.
I feel like Meghan might be some massive icon or hero to the people for what he done in the war, it might explain why pieces of his personal belongings are found in different maps, like people have them as collectors items, like the certificate and his name piece in the other map, could be hee the figure behind some big movement?
One star airbnb be like: 2:19
I thought it was a hotel, not an apartment complex?
I'm a veteran, and I use the VA regularly. I will say, despite all the flaws, if it weren't for them-I would be dead. They gave me care that was simply not available elsewhere.
However, I do know many that I have served with, and those that I have met, either are bitter or show outright hatred towards the VA, and the Government in general. For that I do understand how they would feel ignored, or 'left behind.' We lost a lot of people because they either couldn't get access to the proper care they desperately needed, or they were turned away.
Laguna conducted psyops in Vietnam, this leads to those CIA psyops referenced in Gerard's home. Laguna uses his experience to assist the sexual predator ring. He keeps the memorabilia from his service because he is proud, but tells everyone that "Sgt Francisco Laguna" was a friend who passed. At 6:09 the poster reads "From anonymous jazz musician to legendary producer", this suggests that Bower had an unprecedented rise in his career. It could be that he's an amazing guy, but perhaps he's gotten this rise from his connections in the industry/community through Brixley and Voll. Bower and Laguna are the same guy.
Me playing this map in a super serious way to get S rank and out the corner of my ear I hear Prescott say “hey look at that you get to wear handcuffs, so cool”
Took me a few minutes to process what he just said
About Francisco Laguna, I found something weird online, it appears that there are referrences of him in another game called SCUM
He is also a Sergeant and a veteran of the Vietnam War, I don't know if it's a coincidence or linked though
I bet Shayne is going to have a "WHO IS PEPPE SILVIA!?" moment.
So I haven’t caught up with the latest in the series so I may be jumping the gun here, but maybe Laguna was a USIA officer who was rewarded for helping or even developing some of the more secretive military projects in Vietnam, like Agent Orange. Maybe he also helped with the MK-Ultra type experiments conducted by that shadowy organization that I can’t remember the name of. Check that list of people in that organization that hold high offices in Los Siena’s society and see if he is one of them.
I think if you go down the stairs you can see a different platoon talking to civilians and waiting for us to clear out the hostiles, They wear balaclavas and use standard issue M4A1s, [or mk18 but yeah] It seems like some kind of HRT [Hostage rescue team] But definitely not FBI HRT.
"WE ARE FUCKING HUMAN" broke me, these poor veterans got screwed over by the very people and nation they fought for...
*Good thing it's just a game, right? Right...?*