Exercise CINBAX is a joint exercise coducted between the Indian Army and the Cmbodian Army, with a focus on planning and conducting joint Counter Terrorism operations.
This process releases vast amounts of energy, which can result in different phenomena such as solar flares, radiation storms, and coronal mass ejections.
The exercise is carried out in line with Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, which pertains to actions that may be taken to address threats to international peace and security, including counter-terrorism measures.
Exercise CINBAX is a joint exercise coducted between the Indian Army and the Cmbodian Army, with a focus on planning and conducting joint Counter Terrorism operations.
This rotation causes the Sun's equator to spin faster than its poles, creating stress on the magnetic field.
nice session ma'am, thank you so much.
This process releases vast amounts of energy, which can result in different phenomena such as solar flares, radiation storms, and coronal mass ejections.
Solar storms are primarily caused by the Sun's tangles and twisted magnetic fields, which become increasingly contorted as the Sun rotates.
It is part of the Upper Vindhyan Hills, which is charachterized by plateaus and valley sections.
When these fields become stretched too much, they snap and reconnect in a process called magnetic reconnection.
09- B correct ans
The park contains two significant lakes Sakhya Sagar and and Madhav Sagar- located in the Southern part of the park.
Mahadev National Park is located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, positioned on the northern edge of the Central Highlands in India.
These explosive events send high energy particles and solar material into space, sometimes affecting Earth's magnetosphere.
The exercise is carried out in line with Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, which pertains to actions that may be taken to address threats to international peace and security, including counter-terrorism measures.
great class ma'am, thank you so muchh.