Welcome to BookTube 🤗 We are reading the Vanishing Half with my BookClub over on fable in January! I cannot wait to read that one. It’s been on my shelf for a while. The show is so much better than the book on Queenie. Which is typically not always the case. But this time, it is! 😂 Travel reading vlogs reading the books set in those places are gonna be so fun and I can’t wait to see you do those.
Welcome to BookTube 🤗 We are reading the Vanishing Half with my BookClub over on fable in January! I cannot wait to read that one. It’s been on my shelf for a while.
The show is so much better than the book on Queenie. Which is typically not always the case. But this time, it is! 😂
Travel reading vlogs reading the books set in those places are gonna be so fun and I can’t wait to see you do those.
Thanks! Im definitely going to have to prioritize watching queenie. its good to know its better than the book!