Memorable moments: -Tornado of Darkness -Assault in the Lighthouse -The insane Cabin (When everything goes South in an instant) -Rock stage defense -Chopper defense -The Kidnapping of Alice A lot more as well.
no memorable moments? the fight on the stage at the Anderson farm was one of the most amazing, creatively designed and thrilling moments I had in a game. this game is awesome!
One of the best games ever made and easily the best Xbox 360 (timed) exclusive. Too bad, it wasn't good enough for dude bro shooter fans and the game didn't sell well. PC version helped them a lot and the franchise was saved but still we won't see a sequel anytime soon. The game looks phenomenal on PC. Writing and atmosphere is brilliant. I'd kill for a sequel.
Just finished the game. I must say, one of the best game stories I have played. It is almost like watching a TV series, after each chapter there is a "previously on Alan Wake" cinematic that makes it really unique and cool.
a memorable moment in the game was turning on a radio in the game and the song War by Poets of the Fall started playing and as soon as that happened a couple bad guys showed up. it was pretty epic fighting the bad guys to that song
The Man at 1:17 is refrenced in the Alan Wake files in the Limited edition. Though the book is fictional, I don't know if this writer is a real person with his name in the game. If you read the Files it says (as a work of fiction) that he and Alan share the same dream.
@MikeLaBike With that first quote, he's talking about the frightening moments in the game. He means there's rarely an emeny jumping out of nowhere when you don't expect, and that these "surprises" are often very predictable. With that second quote, he's talking about the story in general. He means that the overall plot has many twists. Not surprising per se, but unpredictable.
I'm here because I'm currently playing "Control" for the first time. Found a piece of paper that mentioned alan wake. I've never played alan wake but I knew it existed. I really wanna play this now.
He's completely wrong about the L4D thing too. The stage was in L4D2 which came out around the same time but was made in under a year after the first game. Alan Wake was in development for almost a decade before. Remedy is known for taking their sweet ass time honing their story and atmosphere, like we waited Max Payne 1 from 1994 to 1999.
@TheSeventiethSeven It's not on any competing console... When you talk about games that are exclusive to a console, you are generally talking about games that can be played on one console and not any other.
@AlexxxxxSaysHi you can run low on ammo and flashlight energy yes, but you constantly get to lose all your weapons aswell. This can be really annoying at times
@InstinctsOfaKiller You're right, but afterwards during this review, he said that the game can be terrifying. He should make his mind up, is the game scary or not?? But from the looks of this, it does look quite freaky.
@cutiepe2ce good to hear. Alan Wake is one of the few TRUE exclusives the 360 has. mass effect is NOT an exclusive title. with so many games going on the PC, it makes me think the PS3 is the better choice for exclusives.
I don't claim to have enough sophistication in my gaming palette to accurately review the technical aspects of this game. I can, however, say that I gamefly'd this game and sent it back, but since then I've watched a playlist of the cutscenes half a dozen times. The Twin Peaks-esque, strange melodrama is rarely matched by film or television. More even than a Stephen King novel, this game reminds me of a sweeping Hitchcockian tale.
I'm playing this game right now and I'm feeling it..It's like Silent hill and Heavy rain put in a mixer.The production value is REALLY good , especially during day time I see myself just staring at the screen like it was a painting or something..I might be the only one but I really like that the game is cut into various episodes,it make the game much more pick up and play. I dont understand the haters , the game is truly original!
To be fair, he said it LACKED memorable moments, not that there was none at all. I agree that scene was awesome but how many more moments were like that in the game?
This game was great i love the hole tv show format it was really different in a cool way remedy really needs to make a sequel and i cant wait for there new game quantum break i know its going to be great
@ConsoleWarSucks i'm sorry I just found out ME2 is not exclusive to XBOX 360 but was released much earlier for that console. ME1 was exclusive though, and that game is still brilliant however not nearly as good. I couldn't imagine playing ME2 without first playing ME1 though. There is a distinct difference between making individual decisions yourself in an interactive gaming experience and merely selecting them prior to starting the game. Conversely, what exclusives does PS3 have?
im a huge survival horror game fan and i will definantly play alan wake but...honestly this doesnt look like a game that has been worked on for 6 years...bioshock is a game that looks like its been worked on for years but...meh i dont think it deserved the hype it got. but it still looks really good and i bet i'll love it. it does look a bit too similar to alone in the dark though
I didn't really want this game but I bought it because I pretty much own everything else. I didn't know what I was missing! This game is one of the very best I've played this generation!!
This game is an interesting survival Horror. I'm glad it is unique and it dose'nt use Zombies. Alot of Survival Horrors use them use the enemys all the time and don't come up with something scarier than zombies,except silent hill and dead space. I would like to see more games like this.
True, you've got a point. I was about to criticize the review for saying that there are no memorable moments, but I think you've got the right of it. Yet still, I would call it a surprise when a huge ship almost lands on me :D
does anyone see the similarities between Alone in the Dark and Alan Wake? like the combat sequence where you had to use light objects to kill demons?...
Just beat it yesterday it was a little short, beat it in about 8hours with like 95%of the manuscripts found. Great game!! I highly recomend it! And I felt there were deffinatly some great well done moments in the game!! Fighting off hordes of taken on a metal stage with lights and sparks flyin everywhere with heavy metal blaring in the background! Probably one of my favorite video game moments ever! Buy! 9/10
@slimchance87 Exclusives: Gears of War 1, 2 and 3. Alan Wake. Halo series. Viva Pinata Series. Fable series. Metro 2033 (Underrated by a mile). Crackdown 1 and 2. Forza games. Loads others too.
I ran into the same problem. I realized the re-playability factor of Alan Wake compared to Red Dead Redemption. Alan Wake is You could knock Alan Wake in a couple of days or weeks. In red dead redemption huge open world that could get lost in for months, through just goofing around, side mission, mini games, multiplayer and etc. Without even playing the story. By that time Alan Wake will be way under $60.
@kenzzzhou paying for online isn't a scam at all though. What you are paying for is excellent online services. If you compared it to Sony's online, Xbox live definitely wins. Less lag, better download times, better connectivity. PS3 online, while it is free, comes at the cost of lower quality online.
Nice review lol. I watched someone playing it live a few days ago.. didn't get quite to the end.. (I NEED TO KNOW HOW IT ENDS) but what I saw, made me think this game is well worth the money.. or at the very least, a definite rent.
+great graphics +great gameplay +fantastic story +fantastic atmosphere +Radio and TV -it was originaly suposed to be in a very low resolution (which weaks the textures) -hard to actually do a counter move -the scenery is kind of repetitive Overall: 9.0/10
I have an XBOX and PS3, I dont discriminate, I just like playing good games. As far as Heavy Rain goes I was so pissed off at the ending. For those of you who have finished it, you should know what I mean. Watching a character in a movie and being mislead is one thing, but to be playing as one at the time something suposedly happend, but you didnt do it, really makes you feel screwed. I could care less about that game/movie. Alan Wake is more of a game, but also does a great job at storytelling
Five star***** game in my book. I got the Collectors Edition that comes with a Alan Wake novel (book), separete sound track cd, and a developement stuff disc, and game disc. Graphics and sounds (Dolby Digital stereo) are crisp and clear & very moody. The story does quick job at pulling U in, the characters are likeable. Game comes with a code for DLC release's this summer. Fantastic game set the bar to new hights for this genre, I hope they make another 1, for now I'm still enjoying this #1 : )
wow.... my dream rolled into a modern game... a twin peaks that i can play thats actually scary... of course kids will have no idea about this or anyone under 20 for that matter, as the David lynch days this was taken from was the late eighty's early nineties. grats to any youngster who can appreciate a work of art like this. i will never own a 360 but im buying this game anyways for my friends who have one.
yeah im honestly surprised too but the only reason i watch the IGN reviews are because its not everything gamespot revies unfortunately either that or they dont put it on youtube but something that surprises me even more is why people who hates IGN watches their videos whenever they review something
Im not sayin this is a bad game, because the scores it got was good, but i did expect much better i must say. How long did they take to make this game again?
Its probably a matter of preference, but I got bored of the Dead Space games fairly quickly. Found them a bit repetitive. If you like story lines that are bit of a mind warp then Alan Wake. The atmosphere is pretty awesome, even more so than Dead Space which did have good atmosphere.
@kenzzzhou umm yah it is how things work...considering how i have both systems and have experienced both systems online. When i download things of similar size on both systems xbox live almost always finishes first. Even if my internet is bad, both systems still run off the same internet, and i've noticed that i get a lot more frustrated at lag on psn than on xbox live.
this game is really fun and creepy, i've played it on hard and normal and i'm currently trying it on nightmare. It's really fun and I can't wait for the second one is released.
@brunobb1 hmm...I don't know? Why don't you go look up SIlent Hill: Shattered Memories on the WIi. If you want to play an original game in the horror genre today, go pick up Dead Space. BTW your other statement doesn't have much standing considering the COD team came from the MOH team.
@tupacole What was so bad about him? The fact that he was factual an explained things in depth, while giving an opinion, letting you know his exact experience. That's what a review is, he did it by the book. Oh I see, he sucks because he didn't give you a score and didn't phrase himself so that your opinion fits his good or bad.
you know what, horrors don't need to have half dead beasts with guts spilling out of them to be considered Horrorfying and you don't have to be a jerk about it.
@KoH4711 Resident evil had 1)zombies 2)spiders 3)those bug things 4)hunters Not much selection either (boss fights don't count as standard enemies). But RE was a superb game. Since the premise of the game is psychological horror and not straight up horror you seem to have missed the point of the game. Story= great graphics = excellent gameplay = awesome enemy variety= need improvement.
@tbthehibee but i don't have much money and i want halo reach and i heard mafia 2 is more linear than gta 4 and that's an negative aspect and i think i gonna buy L.A. noire ... so give me some reasons for mafia 2 or alan wake but thanks for the fast answer
"alan wake has a serious problem every time he goes out at night monsters attack him" XD these gamespot reviews are 10 times better and funnier than IGN reviews
@slimchance87 fable 3 , forza 3 , gears 2 , halo reach , and some of my favorites fallout 3 , batman arkham asylum , assassins creed 2 , mw2, bioshock 1 , red dead , saints row 2
@Misfitgraves23 like Silent Hill takes concepts of RE and Call of Duty takes concepts out of Medal of Honor. But Alan wake does not have concepts of silent hil nor resident evil..there is not a single thing that looks like SH or RE...I'm really not sure what you are talking about xD
@jxsilicon9 Personally, i'd recommend this game to you. If you want compelling storyline that keeps you on edge, then yes. Theres no multiplayer, its not COD. About the length of the game, If you play it staightforward, then its about 7-9 hours. I spent week on it because of the episodic content of the game. It has 6 episodes and each episode took me 2 hours. The reason it took me week is that, i played it as if i was watching a tv show. i played one episode a day. hope it helps.
@SouthernSniper74 this game isn't an RPG or sand-box like GTA it's a thriller/horror so having an open world on it won't make sense and the game wasn't in development for the full 6 years,only until 2 years ago Remedy weren't sure how they would make the game so development in the first 3-4 years was almost little to nothing
whole alan wake series is only 4$ on steam atm so I thought id try it because it seemed ok and I got it cheap but damn this game is fantastic I highly recommend it to horror fans or third person shooter fans.
whaaaat!!?? when i played this the first time, I was unhinged THE WHOLE TIME!! and it had plenty of scary ass moment. the darkness taking over the rereat and you had to escape = amazing moment. hedge maze = amazing moment. i love all the cliffhangers.
This is the first review I've watched/read for this game and for the first time in forever, I'm actually excited for this game. XBOX360 1. The rest fall back.
@Celtic929 i hate to be the nerd in this situation, but listen carefully, and you'll hear that he says "there AREN'T quite enough surprises to really scare you" /the geek
Physically it looks like Silent Hill, but spiritually it seems a lot more like Deadspace or Resident Evil 4-5. Probably worth checking out, doubt it's worth buying a system over.
Very much so. Haven't picked up all the manuscripts? Haven't seen all the TVs? Haven't listened to all the radios? Wanna play on harder difficulty? Haven't picked up all the coffee thermos? Simple, replay the game! :)
Considering getting a 360, already have ps3. Can someone list like 5 or 6 games that would justify my purchase? Obviously no sequels like halo2,3,4 ect. Just the series.
Calls it predictable the gives it credit for being hard to predict
lmao i thought i was the only one who caught that
yeah, I noticed that too
Matthew Grace gameplay was predictable but the story was not is wat he meant
Memorable moments:
-Tornado of Darkness
-Assault in the Lighthouse
-The insane Cabin (When everything goes South in an instant)
-Rock stage defense
-Chopper defense
-The Kidnapping of Alice
A lot more as well.
This game is so underrated it's a crime, we need a sequel after Remedy have shipped Quantum Break
What’s up?
Well I'm doing good cos Remedy made a sequel that ended up bring better than the first game lol
@@N00BPUN1SH3R love that you replied. Bought Alan Wake the day it was released.
no memorable moments? the fight on the stage at the Anderson farm was one of the most amazing, creatively designed and thrilling moments I had in a game.
this game is awesome!
one of my favorite games of last gen!
One of Microsofts best exclusives last gen.
It wasn't exclusive... It is on PC aswell...
ponorac92 it was ported to pc later on
1996recovery then its not an exclusive
goblin123 you're point?
1996recovery well it was just stated bud...READ.
5:30 - "It's rabbit season!"
I was actually a little bit scared at that point when I first did it, playing the dark.
One of the best games ever made and easily the best Xbox 360 (timed) exclusive. Too bad, it wasn't good enough for dude bro shooter fans and the game didn't sell well. PC version helped them a lot and the franchise was saved but still we won't see a sequel anytime soon. The game looks phenomenal on PC. Writing and atmosphere is brilliant. I'd kill for a sequel.
This game is just a MASTERPIECE :o
This one completely passed me by at the time.
Still worth playing? It'd cost me 2 EURO to buy.
Just finished the game. I must say, one of the best game stories I have played. It is almost like watching a TV series, after each chapter there is a "previously on Alan Wake" cinematic that makes it really unique and cool.
Does anyone know if this is a freeroam??
a memorable moment in the game was turning on a radio in the game and the song War by Poets of the Fall started playing and as soon as that happened a couple bad guys showed up. it was pretty epic fighting the bad guys to that song
The Man at 1:17 is refrenced in the Alan Wake files in the Limited edition. Though the book is fictional, I don't know if this writer is a real person with his name in the game. If you read the Files it says (as a work of fiction) that he and Alan share the same dream.
One of my favorite games of all time. Wish there was a squeal and on PS4.
3:01 His name is on the sign at the right =O
@MikeLaBike With that first quote, he's talking about the frightening moments in the game. He means there's rarely an emeny jumping out of nowhere when you don't expect, and that these "surprises" are often very predictable.
With that second quote, he's talking about the story in general. He means that the overall plot has many twists. Not surprising per se, but unpredictable.
I'm here because I'm currently playing "Control" for the first time. Found a piece of paper that mentioned alan wake. I've never played alan wake but I knew it existed. I really wanna play this now.
He's completely wrong about the L4D thing too. The stage was in L4D2 which came out around the same time but was made in under a year after the first game. Alan Wake was in development for almost a decade before.
Remedy is known for taking their sweet ass time honing their story and atmosphere, like we waited Max Payne 1 from 1994 to 1999.
@TheSeventiethSeven It's not on any competing console... When you talk about games that are exclusive to a console, you are generally talking about games that can be played on one console and not any other.
@AlexxxxxSaysHi you can run low on ammo and flashlight energy yes, but you constantly get to lose all your weapons aswell. This can be really annoying at times
You're right, but afterwards during this review, he said that the game can be terrifying. He should make his mind up, is the game scary or not?? But from the looks of this, it does look quite freaky.
@cutiepe2ce good to hear. Alan Wake is one of the few TRUE exclusives the 360 has. mass effect is NOT an exclusive title. with so many games going on the PC, it makes me think the PS3 is the better choice for exclusives.
JUNE SALE ON XBOX LIVE. Alan Wake for 4.99 and American Nightmare for 320 MS Points.
I don't claim to have enough sophistication in my gaming palette to accurately review the technical aspects of this game. I can, however, say that I gamefly'd this game and sent it back, but since then I've watched a playlist of the cutscenes half a dozen times. The Twin Peaks-esque, strange melodrama is rarely matched by film or television. More even than a Stephen King novel, this game reminds me of a sweeping Hitchcockian tale.
I'm playing this game right now and I'm feeling it..It's like Silent hill and Heavy rain put in a mixer.The production value is REALLY good , especially during day time I see myself just staring at the screen like it was a painting or something..I might be the only one but I really like that the game is cut into various episodes,it make the game much more pick up and play. I dont understand the haters , the game is truly original!
@kenzzzhou you should get a 360. far more top games to choose from
To be fair, he said it LACKED memorable moments, not that there was none at all. I agree that scene was awesome but how many more moments were like that in the game?
@Celtic929 at 1:00 they said "there AREN'T quite enough surprises to really scare you
@brunobb1 not really considering it takes most of its concept and design from other games in the genre such as Silent Hill and Resident Evil.
This game was great i love the hole tv show format it was really different in a cool way remedy really needs to make a sequel and i cant wait for there new game quantum break i know its going to be great
@ConsoleWarSucks i'm sorry I just found out ME2 is not exclusive to XBOX 360 but was released much earlier for that console. ME1 was exclusive though, and that game is still brilliant however not nearly as good. I couldn't imagine playing ME2 without first playing ME1 though. There is a distinct difference between making individual decisions yourself in an interactive gaming experience and merely selecting them prior to starting the game. Conversely, what exclusives does PS3 have?
He said the scares were predictable but the story is difficult to predict.
Does all the footage in this video come only from the first episode?
im a huge survival horror game fan and i will definantly play alan wake but...honestly this doesnt look like a game that has been worked on for 6 years...bioshock is a game that looks like its been worked on for years but...meh i dont think it deserved the hype it got. but it still looks really good and i bet i'll love it. it does look a bit too similar to alone in the dark though
I didn't really want this game but I bought it because I pretty much own everything else. I didn't know what I was missing! This game is one of the very best I've played this generation!!
This game is an interesting survival Horror. I'm glad it is unique and it dose'nt use Zombies. Alot of Survival Horrors use them use the enemys all the time and don't come up with something scarier than zombies,except silent hill and dead space. I would like to see more games like this.
great review. i have heard many different opinions about this game but i just know that when i play it that i will love it.
@Celtic929 *Aren't. He says "*but* the combat, setting and story make this game a real page turner", so he wasn't contradicting himself. :]
So, I've heard this game is short is that true? Maybe, I'll pick this up once I'm finished with Red Dead...
Should I get this game? I heard it was pretty short? Any replayability,online play,etc?
Is there any survival horror in this? Like low ammo or batteries coz thats what i love aboit dead space and metro 2033
@m00kyst It does sound an awful lot like "being a typewriter" but I'm pretty sure he says "behind a typewriter".
True, you've got a point. I was about to criticize the review for saying that there are no memorable moments, but I think you've got the right of it. Yet still, I would call it a surprise when a huge ship almost lands on me :D
does anyone see the similarities between Alone in the Dark and Alan Wake? like the combat sequence where you had to use light objects to kill demons?...
@muntii what do you hava , an xbox 360 or a ps3 , for xbox i recomend alan wake and 4 ps3 - uncharted 2
Just beat it yesterday it was a little short, beat it in about 8hours with like 95%of the manuscripts found. Great game!! I highly recomend it! And I felt there were deffinatly some great well done moments in the game!! Fighting off hordes of taken on a metal stage with lights and sparks flyin everywhere with heavy metal blaring in the background! Probably one of my favorite video game moments ever! Buy! 9/10
@slimchance87 Exclusives: Gears of War 1, 2 and 3. Alan Wake. Halo series. Viva Pinata Series. Fable series. Metro 2033 (Underrated by a mile). Crackdown 1 and 2. Forza games. Loads others too.
I ran into the same problem. I realized the re-playability factor of Alan Wake compared to Red Dead Redemption. Alan Wake is You could knock Alan Wake in a couple of days or weeks. In red dead redemption huge open world that could get lost in for months, through just goofing around, side mission, mini games, multiplayer and etc. Without even playing the story. By that time Alan Wake will be way under $60.
Is American Nightmare also on sale?
@kenzzzhou paying for online isn't a scam at all though. What you are paying for is excellent online services. If you compared it to Sony's online, Xbox live definitely wins. Less lag, better download times, better connectivity. PS3 online, while it is free, comes at the cost of lower quality online.
Nice review lol. I watched someone playing it live a few days ago.. didn't get quite to the end.. (I NEED TO KNOW HOW IT ENDS) but what I saw, made me think this game is well worth the money.. or at the very least, a definite rent.
+great graphics
+great gameplay
+fantastic story
+fantastic atmosphere
+Radio and TV
-it was originaly suposed to be in a very low resolution (which weaks the textures)
-hard to actually do a counter move
-the scenery is kind of repetitive
Overall: 9.0/10
@MrRichy96 well obviously he has both. Why else would he be asking about exclusives?
No pc version :'(, I hope that someday it will be released also on pc.
How combatoriented is this game? I like the style, but I don't wanna fight my way through it.
I have an XBOX and PS3, I dont discriminate, I just like playing good games. As far as Heavy Rain goes I was so pissed off at the ending. For those of you who have finished it, you should know what I mean. Watching a character in a movie and being mislead is one thing, but to be playing as one at the time something suposedly happend, but you didnt do it, really makes you feel screwed. I could care less about that game/movie. Alan Wake is more of a game, but also does a great job at storytelling
getting it this week, can't wait :D
I find story driven atmospheric games so so so so much better then mindless shooters
Five star***** game in my book. I got the Collectors Edition that comes with a Alan Wake novel (book), separete sound track cd, and a developement stuff disc, and game disc. Graphics and sounds (Dolby Digital stereo) are crisp and clear & very moody. The story does quick job at pulling U in, the characters are likeable. Game comes with a code for DLC release's this summer. Fantastic game set the bar to new hights for this genre, I hope they make another 1, for now I'm still enjoying this #1 : )
@bizmonkey007 Remedy used The Dark Half by Stephen King(One of my favorite authors) and LOST (Surprisingly for the "Cliffhanger" method storyline)
wow.... my dream rolled into a modern game... a twin peaks that i can play thats actually scary... of course kids will have no idea about this or anyone under 20 for that matter, as the David lynch days this was taken from was the late eighty's early nineties. grats to any youngster who can appreciate a work of art like this. i will never own a 360 but im buying this game anyways for my friends who have one.
yeah im honestly surprised too but the only reason i watch the IGN reviews are because its not everything gamespot revies unfortunately either that or they dont put it on youtube but something that surprises me even more is why people who hates IGN watches their videos whenever they review something
Im not sayin this is a bad game, because the scores it got was good, but i did expect much better i must say. How long did they take to make this game again?
Its probably a matter of preference, but I got bored of the Dead Space games fairly quickly. Found them a bit repetitive. If you like story lines that are bit of a mind warp then Alan Wake. The atmosphere is pretty awesome, even more so than Dead Space which did have good atmosphere.
Totally worths getting, especially now with the Steam sale.
@kenzzzhou umm yah it is how things work...considering how i have both systems and have experienced both systems online. When i download things of similar size on both systems xbox live almost always finishes first. Even if my internet is bad, both systems still run off the same internet, and i've noticed that i get a lot more frustrated at lag on psn than on xbox live.
this game is really fun and creepy, i've played it on hard and normal and i'm currently trying it on nightmare. It's really fun and I can't wait for the second one is released.
ei i like game as resident evil and silent hill.. do you think i may enjoy this game?
Great game. Really enjoyed playing through the original game and the two DLC levels. Brought life back into my Xbox 360.
If this is any sign of how Max Payne 3 will look production wise. I truly cannot wait.
@brunobb1 hmm...I don't know? Why don't you go look up SIlent Hill: Shattered Memories on the WIi. If you want to play an original game in the horror genre today, go pick up Dead Space. BTW your other statement doesn't have much standing considering the COD team came from the MOH team.
@tupacole What was so bad about him? The fact that he was factual an explained things in depth, while giving an opinion, letting you know his exact experience. That's what a review is, he did it by the book.
Oh I see, he sucks because he didn't give you a score and didn't phrase himself so that your opinion fits his good or bad.
you know what, horrors don't need to have half dead beasts with guts spilling out of them to be considered Horrorfying and you don't have to be a jerk about it.
yeah i know, i'm just saying that xbox still has alot of room to improve graphic wise, and that alan wake might be the first game to do it
Game is now 2.80 euros on steam.
You can buy entire franchise for 3.60 euro.
I beat we will be seeing a lot more Alan Wake games in the future.
@lrwr14 I think you meant to say you don't have an Xbox360 :P
@simsfan3000 *Wii u, thats the Project Cafe
@BonSprite The narrator's choice of words was just fine.
@KoH4711 Resident evil had 1)zombies 2)spiders 3)those bug things 4)hunters
Not much selection either (boss fights don't count as standard enemies). But RE was a superb game. Since the premise of the game is psychological horror and not straight up horror you seem to have missed the point of the game. Story= great graphics = excellent gameplay = awesome enemy variety= need improvement.
the way he runs and holds the flash lights looks like Silent Hill Shattered Memories. so Ican see why you'd say that. lol.
How long will the sale last?
@tbthehibee but i don't have much money and i want halo reach and i heard mafia 2 is more linear than gta 4 and that's an negative aspect and i think i gonna buy L.A. noire ... so give me some reasons for mafia 2 or alan wake
but thanks for the fast answer
RDR ftw
it looks amazing.. going to do multiplayer before singleplayer due to the nature of the online world today.
this or splinter cell convictions or halo odst or wait for mafia 2 ?
please answer
"alan wake has a serious problem every time he goes out at night monsters attack him" XD these gamespot reviews are 10 times better and funnier than IGN reviews
@slimchance87 fable 3 , forza 3 , gears 2 , halo reach , and some of my favorites fallout 3 , batman arkham asylum , assassins creed 2 , mw2, bioshock 1 , red dead , saints row 2
@Misfitgraves23 like Silent Hill takes concepts of RE and Call of Duty takes concepts out of Medal of Honor. But Alan wake does not have concepts of silent hil nor resident evil..there is not a single thing that looks like SH or RE...I'm really not sure what you are talking about xD
@jxsilicon9 Personally, i'd recommend this game to you. If you want compelling storyline that keeps you on edge, then yes. Theres no multiplayer, its not COD. About the length of the game, If you play it staightforward, then its about 7-9 hours. I spent week on it because of the episodic content of the game. It has 6 episodes and each episode took me 2 hours. The reason it took me week is that, i played it as if i was watching a tv show. i played one episode a day. hope it helps.
@SouthernSniper74 this game isn't an RPG or sand-box like GTA it's a thriller/horror so having an open world on it won't make sense and the game wasn't in development for the full 6 years,only until 2 years ago Remedy weren't sure how they would make the game so development in the first 3-4 years was almost little to nothing
trust me it get better as you get into the later chapters
whole alan wake series is only 4$ on steam atm so I thought id try it because it seemed ok and I got it cheap but damn this game is fantastic I highly recommend it to horror fans or third person shooter fans.
whaaaat!!?? when i played this the first time, I was unhinged THE WHOLE TIME!! and it had plenty of scary ass moment. the darkness taking over the rereat and you had to escape = amazing moment. hedge maze = amazing moment. i love all the cliffhangers.
@PurpleZebraKILLS you might beat the wii, but can you beat the Wii U?
This is the first review I've watched/read for this game and for the first time in forever, I'm actually excited for this game. XBOX360 1. The rest fall back.
i hate to be the nerd in this situation, but listen carefully, and you'll hear that he says "there AREN'T quite enough surprises to really scare you"
/the geek
Physically it looks like Silent Hill, but spiritually it seems a lot more like Deadspace or Resident Evil 4-5. Probably worth checking out, doubt it's worth buying a system over.
Very much so. Haven't picked up all the manuscripts? Haven't seen all the TVs? Haven't listened to all the radios? Wanna play on harder difficulty? Haven't picked up all the coffee thermos? Simple, replay the game! :)
Is the whole game based in the night or can we play in the day, cause any game i play thats night, i end up running into walls n shit
@lrwr14 the game only comes out to the xbox
Considering getting a 360, already have ps3. Can someone list like 5 or 6 games that would justify my purchase? Obviously no sequels like halo2,3,4 ect. Just the series.